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The beginner’s guide
to growth hacking
A guide to growing your user base
and revenues with lean marketing

By Christopher Carfi & Frederik Hermann
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Building a sustainable business and product is hard work.
Growing your user base is even harder. Markets and opportunities are changing on a daily basis; you have to stay focused and
constantly improve your tactics in a rapidly-changing world in order
to succeed.
The tactics that worked even a few short years ago are now
obsolete. Iterative sprints leveraging mobile, social and locationbased approaches and powered by data and insights, are required
in order to thrive. Through rapid experimentation, you can find
yourself in a healthy loop of building, testing, measuring, learning, refining and improving.
On the following pages we want to share some insights with you
that will help you grow your user base, keep them engaged and
ultimately grow your revenues.
table of contents

05	 what is growth hacking

19	 paid channels  remarketing

07	 the lean marketing funnel

21	 public relations

09	 setting up your analytics

23	 building viral mechanisms into your product

11	 a/b and multivariate testing

25	 activating your audience

13	 creating landing pages

27	 retention – keeping your customers happy

15	 the many ways of inbound marketing

29	 organic search

17	 mastering email marketing

31	 conclusion

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what is growth hacking?


“Growth is not a one time gimmick.
There is no silver bullet.”

Growth hacking is about the creative use of scalable and repeatable

James Currier, Co-Founder at Ooga Labs

The term growth hacking describes a data driven test and measure
approach to reaching, converting and retaining customers on a scalable

methods with the goal to optimize every digital touchpoint in order
to get prospective customers to take action.
The term does not describe one specific method, but is rather a
philosphy, an approach at the intersection of marketing tactics and
product development, inspired by analytics and data – constantly
testing, measuring and refining.
Growth hackers are often a hybrid of marketer and coder as the
discipline of marketing is shifting from people-centric to API-centric
activities. A growth hacker is a person whose true north is growth.

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“The principal objective of growth hacking is to create a user
acquisition coefficient that is higher than one. For example,
a company should aim to have more people using their product
over time than it loses from attrition. By experimenting with
different growth hacking methods, companies can determine
the optimal means to increase that coefficient dramatically.”
– Andy Johns
the lean marketing funnel

 he marketing process is often metaphorically described as a funnel

Acquisition People come to your homepage or other landing

illustrating the theoretical customer journey towards the purcha-

pages from various channels (owned, earned, paid).

se of a product or service. This results in one of the most critical

Activation This means converting visitors who are having a
good first experience on your site through a call-to-action to sign

How do you move users from one state to the next?
Your efforts need to be focused on optimizing the conversion from

up for your service or give you their email address for more

visitor to customer. Here we want to break up this user flow into five

Retention Once people become active users of your product,

discrete stages (inspired by Dave McClure's startup metrics for pirates,

coming back to use it multiple times and staying engaged

short AARRR, and Mattan Griffel's corresponding blog post):

each time will be crucial for the long-term success of your service
and your revenue pipeline.
Referral Your goal is to achieve a viral coefficient greater than 1,

meaning your customers referring your service and inviting their
friends results in at least one of these referrals to sign up as well.
Revenue Growing your revenues as a company either through
advertising, subscriptions, or by simply charging for your products
and services.

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setting up your analytics

As growth hacking is a very data driven approach, it is essential that you

Google Analytics Signing up is free and all you need to do is drop a

have the analytics tools in place that allow you to measure the effec-

few lines of code into all the pages you intend to track. I recommend

tiveness of the experiments and tactics you are deploying. Google

event tracking on buttons and links and to create “goals” mapping

Analytics in combination with Google Webmaster Tools are a good

paths through your website and their goals (eg. sign-up or download).

way to start, but then there is a whole range of useful tools:

Facebook Insights Facebook has some good insights about your

Like Optimizely and Unbounce for A/B testing, Mixpanel and KISS-

Facebook profile, demographics and usage at https://www.face-

metrics for funnel metric tracking, Qualaroo and SurveyMonkey

book.com/insights and I also recommend claiming your domain via

for user feedback as well as Crazyegg and UserTesting.com just to

the green “Insights for your Website” providing you further insight

name a few.

on actions where people have posted a link to your site, how often

Before you get started with any experiments create a time stamp
with Moz's www.opensiteexplorer.org and save some of the basic
metrics (your page authority,

posts with a link to your site have been viewed and how many
people have clicked through to your site from Facebook.

domain authority, page mozrank,

Twitter, App.net, Pinterest and others also allow you to claim your

page moztrust) as well as your Google PageRank, Alexa rank, current

domain to receive more detailed analytics and insight on engagement

traffic sources, etc simply to have a reference point in the future.

and traffic generated through those platforms.

You are now aiming to measure user engagement throughout the

Google Webmaster Tools Make sure to add your website, blog

funnel and user acquisition cycle, like what are your users clicking

and corresponding XML sitemaps to the webmaster tools for fas-

on, where did they come from (traffic source), where are they drop-

ter and more accurate site crawling and detailed search analytics.

ping off, how much time are they spending on your site, how much

Search engine Bing provides a similar webmaster tool as well.

did it cost to acquire this user and much more.

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a/b and multivariate testing

A/B testing, also referred to as split testing, is a method of website

Highrise (37signals) is a popular example as they tested a lot

optimization in which the engagement and conversion rates of two

of different landing pages against one another, gradually and

different versions of a page, A and B, are compared to one another

successfully improving conversions. Make sure you run

by splitting live traffic onto both versions. A multivariate test uses

changes/tests against a control group (A/B test) to measure the

the same core mechanism but compares a higher number of varia-

difference. Small changes in copy or design can drive huge differen-

bles and how these variables interact with one another.

ces in conversions. Don't be afraid to throw a drastic change into

We often test more than just two versions and currently use
Google Experiments as a great free A/B and multivariate testing tool


the mix (a super simplistic landing page with few words and a big
button for instance), be creative and measure the results.

(it is part of Google Analytics and you can find it under the “Behavior”
tab on the left). Make sure you set up your “Goals” (e.g. sign up) in
advance and create the different pages you want to test against one
another (6 different landing pages, for example, with different website copy, button colors or imagery). Then you provide the original/
control page plus its variations to the tool and paste a few lines of
Javascript code into the control page (standard landing page), Google
Experiments will now route incoming traffic to all 7 pages (control
+ 6 variations) and allows you to measure which one converts better
than others. Your goal is to optimize the conversion rate.

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Layout 1

Layout 2

Layout 3






Layout 2

creating landing pages

A “landing page” is a purpose-built web page for lead capture or

Make sure the most important information is displayed without

customer conversion. Typically, a landing page has a singular goal:

having to scroll (above the fold), works in many different resolutions

to provide enough value to the visitor that they take the next step to

and systems as well as mobile screens!

becoming a customer or lead.
Focus – keep it simple and don’t distract your visitors.
Create a headline that effectively gets your message across (be
descriptive, you already got this visitors attention) and follow up

Keep in mind that you don’t need to know it all in advance, that’s
what A/B testing is for. You can test multiple different headlines and
simply measure which one resonates the best with your visitors and
yields the best conversion rate.

with short and compelling copy describing your most important
attributes (benefits, problem you’re solving, features).
Create a clearly visible call-to-action, don’t distract with lots of other
requests – the best pages accentuate only one CTA.
Shine with visually clean and simple design; more white space keeps
people trained on your call to action. Big fonts make it easy and
compelling for them to read and understand what your site is all
about. An additional video can summarize a lot of information into a
small space and can increase conversions dramatically.

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the many ways of inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is a highly effective way to generate awareness,
convert customers and give advocates something to talk about. In a
world where advertising is increasingly “tuned out,” the creation and
sharing of media and publishing content is paramount to achieving
business goals.

Blog posts 1-3 times / week, with content useful to your customers
Social media distribution Share content to Facebook, Twitter,
Google+, LinkedIn, Slideshare, Medium, Reddit, Quora, Tumblr,
StumbleUpon, etc., based on which channels are most relevant to
your prospects and customers

Inbound marketing focuses on online channels and their usage. By
providing value in the form of information and making that information
findable via search (SEO) as well as distributing it through social
channels, prospective customers learn about the brand driven by
their interests, rather than as a result of interruption marketing or
outbound cold calls.

Other blogs Participate in conversations relevant to your brand
and industry without being spammy
Email newsletters Twice a month, not too long, ONE call-to-action
Guest posts Write them first then offer to others

Visually appealing, on-topic, with designated landing

page for lead generation
Videos Short video (less than two minutes) almost always wins
Others Infographics, how-to guides, case studies, whitepapers

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Blog posts
Guest posts

Social media

Other blogs


mastering email marketing

Although email has been much-maligned over the years, it is still

Keep the drumbeat going Regular but not-too-frequent emails

one of the most effective channels for engaging with your customer

keep engagement up and keep your brand top of mind without

community and nurturing your prospects. A few things to keep in

beeing spammy or annoying. Twice-monthly is a good frequency


to start with for newsletters, which can be scaled more-or-less

Make it easy to get on your list Don’t bury your subscription
box in a sidebar. There are plenty of site and blog plugins that do

frequently based on the information you can deliver and its timeliness and value to your readers.

a great job of asking folks to join your list and then getting out

Plan and execute

of the way. The best plugins will allow you to configure how often

just like you do for your social channels. Know what items are going

they are shown to visitors, which enables you to ask newcomers

to be in which edition and get the writing done early, if you can.

to join, while not overly inconveniencing your regular site and blog

Test relentlessly

Keep an editorial calendar for your emails,

If you have the luxury of a large list, don’t

be afraid to A/B test different subject lines to small subsets of

Start the flywheel right away

When someone joins your list,

your list to see which ones get the best open rates. Once you have

send them a welcome email. Include a short note of thanks, but

your message dialed in, then you can send the newsletter to the

also include a link to a bonus piece of content for subscribers

broader group. If your list isn’t large enough to allow segmenta-

of your list. They just went through the effort to sign up as a result of

tion of the list to do this type of testing, make it a habit to write

interest in your brand, reward them with another bit of insight that

15–25 possible subject lines before choosing one. (Little known fact:

can help them achieve their goals.

The Onion writes all of its headlines first, and then writes the articles
for the best ones. You can do the same.)

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paid channels  remarketing

The available media channels are often divided into three main

This is also a great way to test different messaging (how you

categories: earned, owned and paid. We have already covered many

describe yourself as a company and your services), creative (images

of the “owned” inbound marketing channels and will talk about the

and photos), regions (countries and languages) as you can measure

“earned” channels in the next chapter but an important catalyst can

what resonates best with your potential customers.

be efficiently deployed with “paid” media campaigns.

Popular channels are: Google AdWords, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,

Paid channels are often referred to as “traditional advertising” like

Bing/Yahoo!, YouTube, StumbleUpon, BuySellAds, Flurry and Tapjoy

the various forms of online advertising (display ads, text ads, video

(for mobile apps). Using a new platform earlier and more effectively

ads, sponsored search, affiliate marketing, email advertising) but

than others can give you great competitive advantage (usually at

also sponsorships, print ads, television, radio, direct mail and retail.

lower cost too), so make sure you keep some of the newcomers in

With the resources and budget of a startup I recommend focusing
on the online rather than any offline channels as they are usually
much more cost effective and targeted.
Start off by testing different channels with a small budget (e.g. $100–
$1000), measure the conversion rate and double down on the ones
that perform well for you.

mind like Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit and others.
You can use AdStage to manage campaigns for multiple platforms
within one dashboard.
If you are selling a product (software or hardware) you should think
about retargeting. Retargeting means to re-market your services
and products to users who have previously visited your website.
Retargeting helps you bring back the visitors who haven’t converted
yet. A popular player in this category is AdRoll.

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public relations

Public relations has changed a lot over the years, but can still play

2) Build your own list of influencers in a Google spreadsheet with

an important factor in getting your story in front of the right people.

their name, outlet, contact details and social profiles. Rapportive is

Nevertheless, at the early stages of your company I recommend

a great tool to find the right email address.

focusing your efforts on your product and execution, measuring,
learning and adapting instead of investing too much time and money
into public relations or even hiring an agency. You will be better off

3) Read, listen and engage on social media first. Start building a relationship over time.

being able to showcase market validation and traction than early

4) When you have something to say (like traction, funding, a large

promises you might fall short on.

trend emerging, launch of something new, the disruption of a market

If you have found product/market fit, identified your target audiences
and want to invest into public relations you can start building a list
of journalists, bloggers and influencers in the industries that align

or industry) make sure to start the conversation in advance (weeks
ahead). Most journalists need some time to schedule an interview
and some time to research and write their story.

with your target audience. This can vary greatly depending on your

5) Maintain the relationship and be a great contact. Maybe you have

product or service, eg. marketing and advertising outlets versus a

some news to share that are simply industry-related but are not

lifestyle and entertainment audience.

necessarily about you.

1) To identify key reporters and influencers in a certain vertical

6) You can also comment on stories or trends by signing up for

you can use a Google search but also services like Little Bird, Klout,

HARO (Help a Reporter Out) as journalists are often keen to get

Kred, Traackr, Quora, WeFollow, Alltop, PeerIndex and others.

industry insight (a quote attributed to you) for a specific story or topic.

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building viral mechanisms
into your product
You might create the next great viral marketing video. You might not.

There are actually two key types of viral components that can be

However, the odds are stacked against you that your brand will create

considered as part of product design, according to Harvard resear-

the next Gangnam Style. Instead, it’s better to build viral mechanisms

chers Sinan Aral and Dylan Walker. Both active and passive sharing

into your product and strategy itself instead of hoping that marketing

can be built into a product.

lightning will strike.

Active sharing Users of your service actively share the product

The fact that people actively share is itself an area worthy of con-

or content with their networks (e.g. Facebook Likes, Twitter shares,

versation. With all of the other demands on our time, why do

etc.). Active sharing is more persuasive.

people bother to actively share to Twitter or Facebook or Pinterest
or a blog? Research from the New York Times indicates that the key
reasons are:

Passive sharing Your service automatically shares your activities
on your behalf to your networks (e.g. Spotify “now listening to” type
updates). Passive sharing generates more hits.

» To bring valuable and entertaining content to others
» To define ourselves to others
» To grow and nourish our relationships
» Self-fulfilment
» To get the word out about causes and brands
Make sure your product or service addresses aspects of those five

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activating your audience

There are three ways your audience can take action:

Activating the influencers can amplify and accelerate the spread
of your message. Give your influencers sample posts that they can

» They can buy from you
» They can tell others about you
» They can be defenders of the brand
It’s great when a prospect buys from you, obviously. As it’s been

modify and share, ensure that they know about your offering and
run awareness campaigns to keep them in the know.
There are a number of ways to activate your advocates.

noted, “nothing happens until a sale is made.” That said, a truly

» Give them advanced knowledge of new products and

engaged community member can become a key member of your

	 features –keep them in the know

organization’s ecosystem in a number of ways in addition to simply
handing over some cash.
The terms “influencer” and “advocate” get used quite often,
sometimes interchangeably. However, they are quite different.
An influencer is an individual who shares their opinions with their
(large) networks. In contrast, an advocate is someone who feels
so strongly about the brand that she chooses to participate in the

» Give them ways to include the brand into their personal identity
» Involve them in product definition and give them access to
	 company executives
» Perform actions that enable them to develop trust in your brand
» Give them a sense of belonging, make them part of the “club”

public conversation about the brand, and will even defend the brand

Engaging in these five advocate-building behaviors at an organizational

itself. Apple “fanboys,” CrossFit enthusiasts and drivers of the iconic

level can reap huge rewards. While influencers can help spread the

MINI who participate in cross-country road rallies are all examples

word, they can be fickle at times. Advocates, on the other hand, include

of advocates. These individuals don’t just talk about these brands,

the brand into their own identity. As such, an advocate who sees or

they make the brands part of their personal identity.

hears someone degrading the brand in their day-to-day travels will be
more likely to defend the brand, as the brand is part of them.

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retention – keeping your customers happy

Small improvements in retention have huge impacts on profit. (e.g. in

Products, services and markets inevitably change. Minimize surprises

a low-margin business, reducing defections by 5% can increase profits

with frequent communication with your customers through news-

anywhere 25% – 125%). In other words, customer retention is critical.

letters, social channels, surveys and regular check-ins. Transparency

One overlooked aspect of retention is to start with the right customers.

and dialogue are the watch words here.

Force-fitting customers into a solution that doesn’t help them achieve

No product is flawless, and neither is any customer experience. Ensure

their goals might help your sales team meet their initial quarterly

direct support, whether through call center, email support or chat,

revenue goal, but will come back to bite the business in later months as

is timely and helpful. Strive to create a customer community, where

those customers churn out. Every customer lost needs to be replaced

customers are helping customers. (Not only does a robust community

just to stay where you are. Ensure that the customers you are marke-

help your customers get service faster in many cases, they can often

ting to are a good fit for your business, and vice versa.

self-serve the solutions to their questions, actually driving your support

Once the customer has agreed to do business with you, aim for a stellar
onboarding experience. Ensure the customer knows how to get the
most value out of your product or service. Additionally, take a measured
approach to training and the overall onboarding process. You may
have a hundred great whiz-bang features, but learning to use a new

costs down while improving retention. That’s a win-win for everyone.)
Last but not least, ensure that your social channels are monitored
regularly. Listen and respond to customer issues and, where appropriate, direct customers who are having challenges to a higher-touch
channel if necessary.

product always involves some level of learning curve, even in this age

Develop a culture of inquiry. Take the time to survey your customers

of downloadable apps. Making sure your customers can walk before

on a regular basis. Interview those who stay... and those who go. Both

they can run will reduce their frustration as they ramp up their skills

groups will provide insights that will help you to understand what fac-

with your product, which will enable them to start seeing immediate

tors are keeping customers around, as well as the factors that may be

value. Simplify.

contributing to attrition.

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Customers are 40% more likely to tell others about a bad
customer experience than a good one. An unhappy customer
will tell 9 to 15 people about the negative experience.
organic search

Optimizing your website for organic search is an art and bu-

Create an XML sitemap (most Wordpress SEO plugins do this auto-

siness of itself but there are a few easy things that you can

matically) and submit it to Google Webmaster Tools as well as Bing

do right away that will set you up in a good position. Try not to

Webmaster Tools.

game the system (as Google might punish you for it), rather think
about the ways potential customers might be looking for you or a
service like yours and what words / keywords would they choose.
The key thing you should optimize is the page’s content itself (headlines and copy), so avoid masking text within an image as a search

Use descriptive URLs, avoiding URLs lik yourdomain.com/11789/
s201.htm and rather use something like yourdomain.com/resources/guides/email-marketing-field-guide/ instead.
Reduce the use of Flash and frames.

engine won’t be able to read and analyze it. Apart from the page’s

Your content needs to be fresh - updating regularly and often is cru-

content, pay attention to the page title, URL and image names (give

cial for increasing traffic. A blog is the perfect tool to do this.

all images a descriptive title like paid_marketing_channels.jpg
instead of IMG364.PNG).

Share links through social media channels and especially make sure
your links are posted on Google+.

Make sure all the pages you want to be crawled are linked to from
within your website and linked to one another, search engines
usually come in through a popular entry point and then follow all
links within that page, ranking them accordingly. Choose relevant

Backlinks are still majorly important for your Google PageRank, so
start building relationships and linking to others in your blog. Media
mentions with a link back to your website can be very helpful here.

words for the anchor tag itself especially when linking to content
within your blog’s archives for instance.

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The new marketing is all about agility and experimentation, built on a

The ultimate goal, of course, is to obtain a deep understanding

foundation of the basics of branding, product and story. Analytics and

of product/market fit, and synthesize product design, marketing

testing are paramount — since customer abilities and expectations

and engineering in such a way that, once the product achieves

are changing on a monthly, or even daily basis, we must constantly be

critical mass in the marketplace, self-reinforcing loops and customer-

evolving and improving our abilities to connect with customers in an

to-customer conversations propel the product forward.

ever more complex marketplace.
While analytics and testing will tell us what is working, the means
we use to obtain permission for even engaging in a conversation
with a prospective customer has changed as well. No longer can

We hope you have found at least one new thing, or one new insight
in this e-book. As always, we would love to hear your feedback.

we rely on the interruptive techniques of the Mad Men era. Instead,
we must challenge ourselves every day to create content that helps
our customers achieve their goals, and not just blow our own horn.
While outbound marketing still has its place, especially early in the
lifecycle of a new organization or product, the benefits of embracing
inbound marketing are exceptional.

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The Beginner’s Guide to Growth Hacking

  • 1. The beginner’s guide to growth hacking A guide to growing your user base and revenues with lean marketing By Christopher Carfi & Frederik Hermann Share this eBook! 1
  • 2. WHAT TO EXPECT Building a sustainable business and product is hard work. Growing your user base is even harder. Markets and opportunities are changing on a daily basis; you have to stay focused and constantly improve your tactics in a rapidly-changing world in order to succeed. The tactics that worked even a few short years ago are now obsolete. Iterative sprints leveraging mobile, social and locationbased approaches and powered by data and insights, are required in order to thrive. Through rapid experimentation, you can find yourself in a healthy loop of building, testing, measuring, learning, refining and improving. On the following pages we want to share some insights with you that will help you grow your user base, keep them engaged and ultimately grow your revenues.
  • 3. table of contents 05 what is growth hacking 19 paid channels remarketing 07 the lean marketing funnel 21 public relations 09 setting up your analytics 23 building viral mechanisms into your product 11 a/b and multivariate testing 25 activating your audience 13 creating landing pages 27 retention – keeping your customers happy 15 the many ways of inbound marketing 29 organic search 17 mastering email marketing 31 conclusion Share this eBook! 3
  • 5. what is growth hacking? basis. “Growth is not a one time gimmick. There is no silver bullet.” Growth hacking is about the creative use of scalable and repeatable James Currier, Co-Founder at Ooga Labs The term growth hacking describes a data driven test and measure approach to reaching, converting and retaining customers on a scalable methods with the goal to optimize every digital touchpoint in order to get prospective customers to take action. The term does not describe one specific method, but is rather a philosphy, an approach at the intersection of marketing tactics and product development, inspired by analytics and data – constantly testing, measuring and refining. Growth hackers are often a hybrid of marketer and coder as the discipline of marketing is shifting from people-centric to API-centric activities. A growth hacker is a person whose true north is growth. Share this eBook! 5
  • 6. “The principal objective of growth hacking is to create a user acquisition coefficient that is higher than one. For example, a company should aim to have more people using their product over time than it loses from attrition. By experimenting with different growth hacking methods, companies can determine the optimal means to increase that coefficient dramatically.” – Andy Johns
  • 7. the lean marketing funnel T he marketing process is often metaphorically described as a funnel Acquisition People come to your homepage or other landing illustrating the theoretical customer journey towards the purcha- pages from various channels (owned, earned, paid). se of a product or service. This results in one of the most critical questions: Activation This means converting visitors who are having a good first experience on your site through a call-to-action to sign How do you move users from one state to the next? Your efforts need to be focused on optimizing the conversion from up for your service or give you their email address for more information. visitor to customer. Here we want to break up this user flow into five Retention Once people become active users of your product, discrete stages (inspired by Dave McClure's startup metrics for pirates, coming back to use it multiple times and staying engaged short AARRR, and Mattan Griffel's corresponding blog post): each time will be crucial for the long-term success of your service and your revenue pipeline. Referral Your goal is to achieve a viral coefficient greater than 1, meaning your customers referring your service and inviting their friends results in at least one of these referrals to sign up as well. Revenue Growing your revenues as a company either through advertising, subscriptions, or by simply charging for your products and services. Share this eBook! 7
  • 9. setting up your analytics As growth hacking is a very data driven approach, it is essential that you Google Analytics Signing up is free and all you need to do is drop a have the analytics tools in place that allow you to measure the effec- few lines of code into all the pages you intend to track. I recommend tiveness of the experiments and tactics you are deploying. Google event tracking on buttons and links and to create “goals” mapping Analytics in combination with Google Webmaster Tools are a good paths through your website and their goals (eg. sign-up or download). way to start, but then there is a whole range of useful tools: Facebook Insights Facebook has some good insights about your Like Optimizely and Unbounce for A/B testing, Mixpanel and KISS- Facebook profile, demographics and usage at https://www.face- metrics for funnel metric tracking, Qualaroo and SurveyMonkey book.com/insights and I also recommend claiming your domain via for user feedback as well as Crazyegg and UserTesting.com just to the green “Insights for your Website” providing you further insight name a few. on actions where people have posted a link to your site, how often Before you get started with any experiments create a time stamp with Moz's www.opensiteexplorer.org and save some of the basic metrics (your page authority, posts with a link to your site have been viewed and how many people have clicked through to your site from Facebook. domain authority, page mozrank, Twitter, App.net, Pinterest and others also allow you to claim your page moztrust) as well as your Google PageRank, Alexa rank, current domain to receive more detailed analytics and insight on engagement traffic sources, etc simply to have a reference point in the future. and traffic generated through those platforms. You are now aiming to measure user engagement throughout the Google Webmaster Tools Make sure to add your website, blog funnel and user acquisition cycle, like what are your users clicking and corresponding XML sitemaps to the webmaster tools for fas- on, where did they come from (traffic source), where are they drop- ter and more accurate site crawling and detailed search analytics. ping off, how much time are they spending on your site, how much Search engine Bing provides a similar webmaster tool as well. did it cost to acquire this user and much more. Share this eBook! 9
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  • 11. a/b and multivariate testing A/B testing, also referred to as split testing, is a method of website Highrise (37signals) is a popular example as they tested a lot optimization in which the engagement and conversion rates of two of different landing pages against one another, gradually and different versions of a page, A and B, are compared to one another successfully improving conversions. Make sure you run by splitting live traffic onto both versions. A multivariate test uses changes/tests against a control group (A/B test) to measure the the same core mechanism but compares a higher number of varia- difference. Small changes in copy or design can drive huge differen- bles and how these variables interact with one another. ces in conversions. Don't be afraid to throw a drastic change into We often test more than just two versions and currently use Google Experiments as a great free A/B and multivariate testing tool your the mix (a super simplistic landing page with few words and a big button for instance), be creative and measure the results. (it is part of Google Analytics and you can find it under the “Behavior” tab on the left). Make sure you set up your “Goals” (e.g. sign up) in advance and create the different pages you want to test against one another (6 different landing pages, for example, with different website copy, button colors or imagery). Then you provide the original/ control page plus its variations to the tool and paste a few lines of Javascript code into the control page (standard landing page), Google Experiments will now route incoming traffic to all 7 pages (control + 6 variations) and allows you to measure which one converts better than others. Your goal is to optimize the conversion rate. Share this eBook! 11
  • 12. Layout 1 Layout 2 Layout 3 30% 60% 40% CONVERSION CONVERSION Layout 2 CONVERSION
  • 13. creating landing pages A “landing page” is a purpose-built web page for lead capture or Make sure the most important information is displayed without customer conversion. Typically, a landing page has a singular goal: having to scroll (above the fold), works in many different resolutions to provide enough value to the visitor that they take the next step to and systems as well as mobile screens! becoming a customer or lead. Focus – keep it simple and don’t distract your visitors. Create a headline that effectively gets your message across (be descriptive, you already got this visitors attention) and follow up Keep in mind that you don’t need to know it all in advance, that’s what A/B testing is for. You can test multiple different headlines and simply measure which one resonates the best with your visitors and yields the best conversion rate. with short and compelling copy describing your most important attributes (benefits, problem you’re solving, features). Create a clearly visible call-to-action, don’t distract with lots of other requests – the best pages accentuate only one CTA. Shine with visually clean and simple design; more white space keeps people trained on your call to action. Big fonts make it easy and compelling for them to read and understand what your site is all about. An additional video can summarize a lot of information into a small space and can increase conversions dramatically. Share this eBook! 13
  • 14.
  • 15. the many ways of inbound marketing Inbound marketing is a highly effective way to generate awareness, convert customers and give advocates something to talk about. In a world where advertising is increasingly “tuned out,” the creation and sharing of media and publishing content is paramount to achieving business goals. Blog posts 1-3 times / week, with content useful to your customers Social media distribution Share content to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Slideshare, Medium, Reddit, Quora, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, etc., based on which channels are most relevant to your prospects and customers Inbound marketing focuses on online channels and their usage. By providing value in the form of information and making that information findable via search (SEO) as well as distributing it through social channels, prospective customers learn about the brand driven by their interests, rather than as a result of interruption marketing or outbound cold calls. Other blogs Participate in conversations relevant to your brand and industry without being spammy Email newsletters Twice a month, not too long, ONE call-to-action Guest posts Write them first then offer to others Ebooks Visually appealing, on-topic, with designated landing page for lead generation Videos Short video (less than two minutes) almost always wins Others Infographics, how-to guides, case studies, whitepapers Share this eBook! 15
  • 16. Blog posts Guest posts Ebooks Social media distribution Videos Other blogs Others Email newsletters
  • 17. mastering email marketing Although email has been much-maligned over the years, it is still Keep the drumbeat going Regular but not-too-frequent emails one of the most effective channels for engaging with your customer keep engagement up and keep your brand top of mind without community and nurturing your prospects. A few things to keep in beeing spammy or annoying. Twice-monthly is a good frequency mind: to start with for newsletters, which can be scaled more-or-less Make it easy to get on your list Don’t bury your subscription box in a sidebar. There are plenty of site and blog plugins that do frequently based on the information you can deliver and its timeliness and value to your readers. a great job of asking folks to join your list and then getting out Plan and execute of the way. The best plugins will allow you to configure how often just like you do for your social channels. Know what items are going they are shown to visitors, which enables you to ask newcomers to be in which edition and get the writing done early, if you can. to join, while not overly inconveniencing your regular site and blog visitors. Test relentlessly Keep an editorial calendar for your emails, If you have the luxury of a large list, don’t be afraid to A/B test different subject lines to small subsets of Start the flywheel right away When someone joins your list, your list to see which ones get the best open rates. Once you have send them a welcome email. Include a short note of thanks, but your message dialed in, then you can send the newsletter to the also include a link to a bonus piece of content for subscribers broader group. If your list isn’t large enough to allow segmenta- of your list. They just went through the effort to sign up as a result of tion of the list to do this type of testing, make it a habit to write interest in your brand, reward them with another bit of insight that 15–25 possible subject lines before choosing one. (Little known fact: can help them achieve their goals. The Onion writes all of its headlines first, and then writes the articles for the best ones. You can do the same.) Share this eBook! 17
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  • 19. paid channels remarketing The available media channels are often divided into three main This is also a great way to test different messaging (how you categories: earned, owned and paid. We have already covered many describe yourself as a company and your services), creative (images of the “owned” inbound marketing channels and will talk about the and photos), regions (countries and languages) as you can measure “earned” channels in the next chapter but an important catalyst can what resonates best with your potential customers. be efficiently deployed with “paid” media campaigns. Popular channels are: Google AdWords, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Paid channels are often referred to as “traditional advertising” like Bing/Yahoo!, YouTube, StumbleUpon, BuySellAds, Flurry and Tapjoy the various forms of online advertising (display ads, text ads, video (for mobile apps). Using a new platform earlier and more effectively ads, sponsored search, affiliate marketing, email advertising) but than others can give you great competitive advantage (usually at also sponsorships, print ads, television, radio, direct mail and retail. lower cost too), so make sure you keep some of the newcomers in With the resources and budget of a startup I recommend focusing on the online rather than any offline channels as they are usually much more cost effective and targeted. Start off by testing different channels with a small budget (e.g. $100– $1000), measure the conversion rate and double down on the ones that perform well for you. mind like Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit and others. You can use AdStage to manage campaigns for multiple platforms within one dashboard. If you are selling a product (software or hardware) you should think about retargeting. Retargeting means to re-market your services and products to users who have previously visited your website. Retargeting helps you bring back the visitors who haven’t converted yet. A popular player in this category is AdRoll. Share this eBook! 19
  • 20.
  • 21. public relations Public relations has changed a lot over the years, but can still play 2) Build your own list of influencers in a Google spreadsheet with an important factor in getting your story in front of the right people. their name, outlet, contact details and social profiles. Rapportive is Nevertheless, at the early stages of your company I recommend a great tool to find the right email address. focusing your efforts on your product and execution, measuring, learning and adapting instead of investing too much time and money into public relations or even hiring an agency. You will be better off 3) Read, listen and engage on social media first. Start building a relationship over time. being able to showcase market validation and traction than early 4) When you have something to say (like traction, funding, a large promises you might fall short on. trend emerging, launch of something new, the disruption of a market If you have found product/market fit, identified your target audiences and want to invest into public relations you can start building a list of journalists, bloggers and influencers in the industries that align or industry) make sure to start the conversation in advance (weeks ahead). Most journalists need some time to schedule an interview and some time to research and write their story. with your target audience. This can vary greatly depending on your 5) Maintain the relationship and be a great contact. Maybe you have product or service, eg. marketing and advertising outlets versus a some news to share that are simply industry-related but are not lifestyle and entertainment audience. necessarily about you. 1) To identify key reporters and influencers in a certain vertical 6) You can also comment on stories or trends by signing up for you can use a Google search but also services like Little Bird, Klout, HARO (Help a Reporter Out) as journalists are often keen to get Kred, Traackr, Quora, WeFollow, Alltop, PeerIndex and others. industry insight (a quote attributed to you) for a specific story or topic. Share this eBook! 21
  • 22.
  • 23. building viral mechanisms into your product You might create the next great viral marketing video. You might not. There are actually two key types of viral components that can be However, the odds are stacked against you that your brand will create considered as part of product design, according to Harvard resear- the next Gangnam Style. Instead, it’s better to build viral mechanisms chers Sinan Aral and Dylan Walker. Both active and passive sharing into your product and strategy itself instead of hoping that marketing can be built into a product. lightning will strike. Active sharing Users of your service actively share the product The fact that people actively share is itself an area worthy of con- or content with their networks (e.g. Facebook Likes, Twitter shares, versation. With all of the other demands on our time, why do etc.). Active sharing is more persuasive. people bother to actively share to Twitter or Facebook or Pinterest or a blog? Research from the New York Times indicates that the key reasons are: Passive sharing Your service automatically shares your activities on your behalf to your networks (e.g. Spotify “now listening to” type updates). Passive sharing generates more hits. » To bring valuable and entertaining content to others » To define ourselves to others » To grow and nourish our relationships » Self-fulfilment » To get the word out about causes and brands Make sure your product or service addresses aspects of those five motivators. Share this eBook! 23
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  • 25. activating your audience There are three ways your audience can take action: Activating the influencers can amplify and accelerate the spread of your message. Give your influencers sample posts that they can » They can buy from you » They can tell others about you » They can be defenders of the brand It’s great when a prospect buys from you, obviously. As it’s been modify and share, ensure that they know about your offering and run awareness campaigns to keep them in the know. There are a number of ways to activate your advocates. noted, “nothing happens until a sale is made.” That said, a truly » Give them advanced knowledge of new products and engaged community member can become a key member of your features –keep them in the know organization’s ecosystem in a number of ways in addition to simply handing over some cash. The terms “influencer” and “advocate” get used quite often, sometimes interchangeably. However, they are quite different. An influencer is an individual who shares their opinions with their (large) networks. In contrast, an advocate is someone who feels so strongly about the brand that she chooses to participate in the » Give them ways to include the brand into their personal identity » Involve them in product definition and give them access to company executives » Perform actions that enable them to develop trust in your brand » Give them a sense of belonging, make them part of the “club” public conversation about the brand, and will even defend the brand Engaging in these five advocate-building behaviors at an organizational itself. Apple “fanboys,” CrossFit enthusiasts and drivers of the iconic level can reap huge rewards. While influencers can help spread the MINI who participate in cross-country road rallies are all examples word, they can be fickle at times. Advocates, on the other hand, include of advocates. These individuals don’t just talk about these brands, the brand into their own identity. As such, an advocate who sees or they make the brands part of their personal identity. hears someone degrading the brand in their day-to-day travels will be more likely to defend the brand, as the brand is part of them. Share this eBook! 25
  • 26.
  • 27. retention – keeping your customers happy Small improvements in retention have huge impacts on profit. (e.g. in Products, services and markets inevitably change. Minimize surprises a low-margin business, reducing defections by 5% can increase profits with frequent communication with your customers through news- anywhere 25% – 125%). In other words, customer retention is critical. letters, social channels, surveys and regular check-ins. Transparency One overlooked aspect of retention is to start with the right customers. and dialogue are the watch words here. Force-fitting customers into a solution that doesn’t help them achieve No product is flawless, and neither is any customer experience. Ensure their goals might help your sales team meet their initial quarterly direct support, whether through call center, email support or chat, revenue goal, but will come back to bite the business in later months as is timely and helpful. Strive to create a customer community, where those customers churn out. Every customer lost needs to be replaced customers are helping customers. (Not only does a robust community just to stay where you are. Ensure that the customers you are marke- help your customers get service faster in many cases, they can often ting to are a good fit for your business, and vice versa. self-serve the solutions to their questions, actually driving your support Once the customer has agreed to do business with you, aim for a stellar onboarding experience. Ensure the customer knows how to get the most value out of your product or service. Additionally, take a measured approach to training and the overall onboarding process. You may have a hundred great whiz-bang features, but learning to use a new costs down while improving retention. That’s a win-win for everyone.) Last but not least, ensure that your social channels are monitored regularly. Listen and respond to customer issues and, where appropriate, direct customers who are having challenges to a higher-touch channel if necessary. product always involves some level of learning curve, even in this age Develop a culture of inquiry. Take the time to survey your customers of downloadable apps. Making sure your customers can walk before on a regular basis. Interview those who stay... and those who go. Both they can run will reduce their frustration as they ramp up their skills groups will provide insights that will help you to understand what fac- with your product, which will enable them to start seeing immediate tors are keeping customers around, as well as the factors that may be value. Simplify. contributing to attrition. Share this eBook! 27
  • 28. Customers are 40% more likely to tell others about a bad customer experience than a good one. An unhappy customer will tell 9 to 15 people about the negative experience.
  • 29. organic search Optimizing your website for organic search is an art and bu- Create an XML sitemap (most Wordpress SEO plugins do this auto- siness of itself but there are a few easy things that you can matically) and submit it to Google Webmaster Tools as well as Bing do right away that will set you up in a good position. Try not to Webmaster Tools. game the system (as Google might punish you for it), rather think about the ways potential customers might be looking for you or a service like yours and what words / keywords would they choose. The key thing you should optimize is the page’s content itself (headlines and copy), so avoid masking text within an image as a search Use descriptive URLs, avoiding URLs lik yourdomain.com/11789/ s201.htm and rather use something like yourdomain.com/resources/guides/email-marketing-field-guide/ instead. Reduce the use of Flash and frames. engine won’t be able to read and analyze it. Apart from the page’s Your content needs to be fresh - updating regularly and often is cru- content, pay attention to the page title, URL and image names (give cial for increasing traffic. A blog is the perfect tool to do this. all images a descriptive title like paid_marketing_channels.jpg instead of IMG364.PNG). Share links through social media channels and especially make sure your links are posted on Google+. Make sure all the pages you want to be crawled are linked to from within your website and linked to one another, search engines usually come in through a popular entry point and then follow all links within that page, ranking them accordingly. Choose relevant Backlinks are still majorly important for your Google PageRank, so start building relationships and linking to others in your blog. Media mentions with a link back to your website can be very helpful here. words for the anchor tag itself especially when linking to content within your blog’s archives for instance. Share this eBook! 29
  • 30.
  • 31. conclusion The new marketing is all about agility and experimentation, built on a The ultimate goal, of course, is to obtain a deep understanding foundation of the basics of branding, product and story. Analytics and of product/market fit, and synthesize product design, marketing testing are paramount — since customer abilities and expectations and engineering in such a way that, once the product achieves are changing on a monthly, or even daily basis, we must constantly be critical mass in the marketplace, self-reinforcing loops and customer- evolving and improving our abilities to connect with customers in an to-customer conversations propel the product forward. ever more complex marketplace. While analytics and testing will tell us what is working, the means we use to obtain permission for even engaging in a conversation with a prospective customer has changed as well. No longer can We hope you have found at least one new thing, or one new insight in this e-book. As always, we would love to hear your feedback. Thanks! we rely on the interruptive techniques of the Mad Men era. Instead, we must challenge ourselves every day to create content that helps our customers achieve their goals, and not just blow our own horn. While outbound marketing still has its place, especially early in the lifecycle of a new organization or product, the benefits of embracing inbound marketing are exceptional. Share this eBook! 31