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An Endophyte alters biological characteristics of the grass species Festuca
Part I: Does endophyte symbiosis alter decomposition along altitudinal
Part II: How does endophyte symbiosis affect host survival and growth?
Student: Ian Spellman
Mentor: Jennifer Rudgers
Independent Research and Course
Summer 2014
Plant-fungal symbioses are found in ecosystems worldwide, but relatively little is
known about how these two organisms affect each other. This study sought to shed
light on this topic. The first experiment tested to see if the presence of an endophyte
(genus Epichloë) effected the decomposition rates of its host grass (Festuca thurberi)
and on fungal composition in litter, and whether or not the effect is different along
elevation gradients. The second experiment tested for survival, growth and biomass
differences between plants naturally associated with an endophyte, plants naturally
endophyte-free, and plants which have had their endophyte removed using the
fungicide Benomyl.
Results thus far have shown that the presence of an endophyte has had a negative
effect on plant biomass and survival over the course of the four years since the
experiment was began, which agrees with findings of past studies. Endophyte status
does not appear to play a significant role in determining free-living fungal associate
diversity among plants. However, fungal composition significantly differed between
live and dead leaf tissue.
Upon the conclusion of this study, we will have gained a greater understanding of
ecology of grasses and their symbionts, how endophyte symbioses affect other
fungal taxa (decomposers), and how all of these species interactions affect overall
ecosystem functioning.
Part I: Does endophyte symbiosis alter decomposition along altitudinal
Global climate change is poised to alter biological systems in many ways. By
the year 2100 it is estimated that the world will see a 2-4.5°C rise in mean annual
temperatures, resulting in consequences such as shifts in patterns of precipitation
(Solomon et al. 2007), plant respiration (Ryan 1991), food production (Parry et al.
2004), hydrology (Arnell & Reynard 1996; Christensen et al. 2004), and biodiversity
(Sala et al. 2000; Xu et al. 2009).
One method of testing how biological systems may respond to shifts in
climate is the use of elevation gradients to mimic the effects of warming (Fukami &
Wardle 2005; McCain & Colwell 2011; Sundvquist et al. 2013). Using gradients has
proven to be a useful method of study as mountains occur on all seven continents;
thus elevation can be replicated both regionally and worldwide (Callaway et al.
2002; Harsch et al. 2009; McCain 2009). Past studies have shown many biological
activities changing in response to elevation, including plant biomass and
aboveground net primary production (NPP) (Whittaker et al 1974; Raich et al.
1997), nutrient cycling (Lovett & Kinsman 1990; Jacot et al. 2000a; Groffman et al.
2009), and community range (Whittaker 1956; Sanders et al. 2007; Bahram et al.
Plant-symbiotic endophytic fungi are found almost everywhere on the planet,
with a diversity rivaling that of insects (Caroll 1988; Arnold et al. 2000), and are
estimated to inhabit 20-30% of all grass species (Leuchtmann 1992). These fungi
provide various services to their hosts including protection from herbivory (Clay
1996), pathogen damage (Arnold et al. 2003), and abiotic stress (Malinowski &
Belesky 2000; Song et al. 2012) in exchange for organic materials. Fungal symbioses
may also be important in mitigating abiotic stresses caused by climate change
(Marks & Clay 1996; Kivlin et al. 2013), as well as altering ecosystem processes and
characteristics such as forest succession (Rudgers et al. 2007) and species diversity
(Rudgers & Clay 2008).
The decomposition rates of plant litter along elevation gradients have also
garnered recent interest. Rates have been found to be higher at lower elevations due
to warmer temperatures (Wang et al. 2009; Salinas et al. 2011). However, this
process can be species or location-specific (Shaw and Harte 2001). For example, in
Colorado, USA, Englemann spruce needle decomposition decreased linearly with
elevated temperature (ie lower elevation) due to a 63% loss of soil moisture. The
same study also found that total ecosystem carbon decreased ~50% with a rise in
temperature due in part to a decline in dead wood (Kueppers & Harte 2005).
Regardless, the majority of evidence suggests that nutrient release from litter
usually occurs at a faster rate at lower elevations (Vitousek et al. 1994), which
enhances the supply of nutrients from the soil and can drive further biological
activity. However this pattern is not always the case (e.g., Murphy et al. 1998), likely
due to an overriding influence of factors other than temperature, such as
precipitation (Vitousek et al. 1994) and plant functional traits (Vitousek et al. 1988;
Salinas 2011).
Despite the growing knowledge regarding altitudinal patterns of
decomposition and fungal endophytes, little is known about the role of this
interaction at different elevations. This study asks the question: Does the presence
of an endophyte (genus Epichloë) affect the rate at which its host grass (Festuca
thurberi) decomposes across altitudinal gradients? Although some previous work
found that endophyte-infected (E+) litter decomposed slower than endophyte-free
(E-) litter (Omacini et al. 2004; Lemons et al. 2005), there has yet to be any study
into how different elevations might affect this interaction. This is an important
factor to consider regarding decomposition because it could allow for further
understanding of how it might be affected by global temperature increases, as well
as how climate may alter the effects of symbionts on carbon cycling in ecosystems
(Iqbal et al. 2013). A change in this process in the face of climate change has the
potential to alter ecosystem functioning, but the role of fungal symbionts in this
context remains poorly understood. We hypothesize that the decomposition rate of
E+ litter will be slower than that of E- litter across elevations. To better understand
the microbial diversity associated with this community of F. thurberi, we also
cultured fungi from leaves and tillers of both E+ and E- plants. We expected to see
significant differences in this diversity between both tissue type and endophyte
Study species. F. thurberi is a densely tufted, perennial cool-season grass with
blades 6-20 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide when flat (Shaw 2008). It can be found in
meadows, dry, rocky slopes and hills, and open forests in montane and subalpine
regions of Southern Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico (Darbyshire and
Pavlick 2007). The Epichloë species under study was recently discovered by Dr.
Jennifer Rudgers and has not yet been named. It lives only in live grass hosts
(Kuldau et al. 1997); thus, any effects of this endophyte on litter decomposition will
be due to its legacy effect on the composition of other microbial associates present
in the litter, rather than to a direct effect of a live endophyte. It has also been found
that the abundance of Epichloë endophytes decreases with elevation (Figure 1).
Study sites. A total of three altitudinal transects were run up three separate
mountains, one along Avery Peak, the second along Cinnamon Mountain, and the
third along Treasury Mountain (Figure 2 and Table 1). Study plots were placed
every ~200 meters starting from the base of each mountain for a total of six plots
per transect.
Litter bag construction. Each study plot was given six litter decomposition
bags: three experimental bags containing 5g of E+ F. thurberi litter, and the three
control bags containing 5g of E- F. thurberi litter following the methods of Shaw and
Harte (2001). The bags were constructed from nylon window screening (4 cm X 10
cm) with sewn edges, and then closed with plastic quilting staples. Litter for the
experimental bags contained a mix of litter from 10 E+ F. thurberi individuals, while
the controls contained the litter of 10 E- F. thurberi to maintain similar genetic
variation between treatments. The litter was collected from naturally occurring
plants at a site near the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (RMBL)
(38.96255014, -106.9852277; elevation 2992 m). The litter originated from
naturally occurring plants near the RMBL that was scored for endophyte presence
using aniline blue lactic acid stain following Bacon and White (1994).
Timing of collection. One experimental bag and one control bag will be
collected from each deployment site at each of three preselected collection times:
September 2014, July 2015, and August 2015. Following collection, bags will be air-
dried then weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g. Decomposition rate will be calculated,
and a general linear model will test how decomposition rate is affected by elevation
(continuous factor), endophyte-presence (categorical factor), and the interaction
between elevation and endophyte-presence.
A potential problem involved in our approach is the use of litter from
naturally occurring E+ and E- F. thurberi. In order to be able to directly determine
causality, it would be best to culture the endophytes in a lab setting and inoculate
them onto endophyte-free plants as well as performing experimental removal of the
endophyte. By using naturally occurring material, there is no way to definitively
know that fungal presence is the driving factor behind our decomposition rates.
However, due to the exploratory nature of the project, the results retrieved will still
be suggestive of the endophyte’s effect on decomposition and will help us to
determine whether time- and labor-intensive manipulations may be worth
Fungal cultures. In addition to field manipulation, we cultured fungi from
litter and live leaves in a lab using sterile technique under a Labconco Purifier
Logic+ Class II, Type A2 biological safety cabinet. We grew cultures on potato
dextrose agar plates containing penicillin and streptomycin to suppress bacterial
growth. We subcultured via hyphal tipping onto separate plates as fungi emerged
from the tissue. After two weeks, a PERMANOVA analysis was run using EcoSim
software to understand how well fungal morphotypes differed between plate
Results/Discussion, Part I
(Results of decomposition experiment forthcoming)
Fungal cultures. Tissue type (tiller vs. litter) played a significant role
(p=0.0004) in determining fungal morphotype composition differences between
plates (Figure 2), while endophyte status (E+ vs. E-) did not.
Figure1: Altitudinal pattern in endophyte frequency in Festuca thurberi from data collected across 62
populations sampled between 2011 and 2013. For each population, a minimum of 12 individual plants
was scored for endophyte presenceusing aniline blue stain on thin sections of the inner leaf sheath.
Figure2: Relative similarities infungal community compositionamongcultures and between plates
Figure3: Litter bag deployment sites
Gradient Latitude Longitude Elevation (m)
Avery Peak
38.8652 -106.9124 2732
38.9451 -106.9828 2812
38.9608 -106.9905 2899
38.9623 -106.9849 2996
38.9715 -106.9842 3192
38.9752 -106.9783 3344
38.8974 -106.9793 2798
38.8816 -106.9618 2746
38.9347 -107.0112 2956
38.9454 -107.0281 3044
38.9601 -107.0314 3166
38.9706 -107.0295 3372
Treasury Mountain
38.9188 -107.0365 2770
38.9334 -107.0494 2832
38.9537 -107.0614 2875
38.9651 -107.0598 3073
38.9707 -107.0587 3221
38.9863 -107.0619 3394
Table 1: GPS coordinates of litter bag deployment sites
The difference in fungal communities associated with live vs. dead plant
matter is not surprising. Further analysis is needed to identify the species that were
isolated, but a tentative hypothesis would be that there is a higher abundance of
saprotrophic fungi in the litter cultures compared to the tiller cultures.
No data regarding the decomposition experiment have been gathered yet,
given that it will require at least until the end of summer 2015 to yield useful
Once all facets of this study have been completed, we will be able to correlate
associated fungal species from the plating project with decomposition rates to see if
certain taxa or combinations of taxa have an effect on carbon cycling, and future
models will be able to incorporate these data to better understand overall
ecosystem functioning in the context of shifting climates.
Plant-associated fungal endophytes play an important role both in the lives
of their hosts and in the ecosystems of which they are a part. This study hopes to
provide further information on these organisms of which relatively little is known.
In addition, the onset of global climate change threatens the stability of
natural systems worldwide, understanding how decomposition might change as a
result is therefore paramount to predicting overall ecosystem functioning in the
future. This will allow for more informed conservation efforts and adaptive
strategies in the future.
Literature Cited
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Arnold, A. E., Maynard, Z., Gilbert, G. S., Coley, P. D., & Kursar, T. A. (2000). Are
tropical fungal endophytes hyperdiverse?. Ecology letters, 3(4), 267-274.
Arnold, A. E., Mejía, L. C., Kyllo, D., Rojas, E. I., Maynard, Z., Robbins, N., & Herre, E. A.
(2003). Fungal endophytes limit pathogen damage in a tropical
tree. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(26), 15649-15654.
Bacon, C.W. & White, J.F., Jr. (1994) Stains, media, and procedures for analyzing
endophytes. Biotechnology of Endophytic Fungi of Grasses (ed. by C.W. Bacon
and J.F. White, Jr.), pp. 47-56. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
Bahram, M., Polme, S., Kõljalg, U., Zarre, S., & Tedersoo, L. (2012). Regional and local
patterns of ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity and community structure along
an altitudinal gradient in the Hyrcanian forests of northern Iran. New
Phytologist, 193(2), 465-473.
Callaway, R. M., Brooker, R. W., Choler, P., Kikvidze, Z., Lortie, C. J., Michalet, R., ... &
Cook, B. J. (2002). Positive interactions among alpine plants increase with
stress. Nature, 417(6891), 844-848.
Carroll, G. (1988). Fungal endophytes in stems and leaves: from latent pathogen to
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Part II: How does endophyte symbiosis affect host survival and growth?
Plant-symbiotic endophytic fungi are found almost everywhere on the planet,
with a diversity rivaling that of insects (Caroll 1988; Arnold et al. 2000), and are
estimated to inhabit 20-30% of all grass species (Leuchtmann 1992). These fungi
provide various services to their hosts including protection from herbivory (Clay
1996), pathogen damage (Arnold et al. 2003), and abiotic stress (Malinowski &
Belesky 2000; Song et al. 2012) in exchange for organic materials. Fungal symbioses
may also be important in mitigating abiotic stresses caused by climate change
(Marks & Clay 1996; Kivlin et al. 2013), as well as altering ecosystem processes and
characteristics such as forest succession (Rudgers et al. 2007) and species diversity
(Rudgers & Clay 2008).
Fungal endophytes can have diverse effects on the ecology of their host
plants. For example, endophyte presence increased biomass production within
Phragmites australis (Ernst et al. 2003). However, this effect may reverse depending
on abiotic conditions such as water availability (Morse et al. 2002; Zhang and Nan
2007), and/or at what point in the plant’s life cycle one takes measurements
(Spiering et al. 2006). Another study found that endophyte presence decreased host
plant biomass and survival ability of, but increased their reproductive capabilities
(Rudgers et al. 2012). It has also been found that the number of plant-endophyte
symbioses decrease with elevation (see figure 1).
We used a common garden experiment at the RMBL to test for effects of
endophyte symbiosis on the survival and growth of a dominant, native host plant,
Festuca thurberi. Because this experiment did not take place under water-limited
conditions, we hypothesize that endophyte presence will have a negative effect on
plant biomass and survival.
Common garden experiment. During summer 2011, individuals of F. thurberi
from three different treatments were planted at the same site as our litter
collections took place (38.96255014, -106.9852277; elevation 2992 m). These
treatments included E+ plants, E- plants that had their endophyte removed
experimentally using the fungicide Benomyl (EB-), and control E- plants (EC-) that
were naturally endophyte-free. We used a series of ANCOVA analyses in SAS to
compare survival rates, tiller and inflorescence counts, and height between E+ and
E- plants, as well as between benomyl-treated E- and naturally E- individuals.
Seed collection. We collected seeds from naturally occurring plants at the site
during September 2010.
Endophyte removal. Seeds slated for endophyte removal were placed in petri
plates with Benomyl (2g/L) for 5 weeks at 4°C. Control seeds were placed on petri
plates with water at 4C for the same time period. Plates were removed from the
cold stratification and seedlings were allowed to germinate in the greenhouse.
Plant propagation. As seedlings germinated, we transferred them into plastic
12 packs filled with Pro-mix soil where they grew for 2 to 6 weeks. Then, plants
were transplanted into 10 cm square pots filled with 1:1 mixture of Pro-mix and
play sand for 2 to 8 weeks before being re-potted into large pots (6.4 cm diameter,
35.6 cm deep), in which they grew for 4-6 weeks before transfer to the field. Pots
were acclimated to field conditions for 1 week prior to transplanting into the
common garden during which time leaves were misted daily to reduce the effects of
change in humidity relative to the greenhouse.
Common garden design. On July 1, 2011, plants were planted in three rows
and spaced 1 m apart. Plants were planted into the existing vegetation which
included the native F. thurberi from which the seeds were collected. Each plant was
randomly assigned to a location in the garden and tagged with a landscape staple
and metal tag on the roadward side, and with the original plastic tag on the
fenceward side. Plants were also marked with a colored stake flag. After
transplanting, the plants were watered on July 1, July 3, July 5, July 21, July 23, and
August 27 applying 1.89 L tap water per plant. No further manipulations were
applied after these waterings.
Response variables. Initial tiller counts, influorescence counts, height,
survival, and gopher disturbance data were collected upon transfer of plants into
the garden on July 1, 2011, then retaken on August 23, 2012, August 31, 2013, and
July 30, 2014. A series of two-way ANCOVAs were used to compare means of each
variable between years.
Survival rates. We found that endophyte-free plants had higher survival rates
(p=0.0009) than endophyte-symbiotic plants, however, this effect did not change
significantly between years (Figure 4). The Benomyl treatment had no effect on
Tiller counts. The data suggest that there was a significant difference
(p=0.0012) in average tiller counts per year between E+ and E- plants, E- plants
have, on average, a higher number of tillers (Figure 5). Year and the interaction
between year and endophyte status were not found to be significant factors,
although in 2014, the trend was for higher tiller numbers in E+ compared to E-
plants. There was no effect of benomyl on tiller counts of E- plants.
Inflorescence counts. We found no factors influencing inflorescence counts
between E+ vs. E- treatments, nor benomyl vs. naturally E- treatments, but very few
plants (2) have reproduced.
Plant height. There were no significant factors influencing plant height.
However, year was nearly significant (p=0.0861) (Figure 6). Benomyl had no effect
on height.
Figure4: Survival rate comparisonof E+ vs. E- plants 2011-2014
Figure5: Tiller count comparisonof E+ vs. E- plants 2011-2014
2011 2012 2013 2014
2011 2012 2013 2014
Figure6: Height comparisonof E+ vs. E- plants 2012-2014
Conclusion/Discussion II
Our results followed patterns discovered in past studies, indicating that
endophyte presence may have an overall negative effect on survival and biomass of
Festuca thurberi. This perceived detriment could possibly be mitigated if the
endophyte were to enhance its host’s reproductive abilities, as was shown by
Rudgers et al. 2012. However, the possibility that the endophyte may have been
behaving parasitically should not be discounted (Morse et al. 2002; Faeth & Sullivan
2003; Kogel et al. 2006). Further experimentation will be needed in order to
determine the validity of either of these hypotheses.
This work helps to further elucidate the complex interactions between fungal
endophytes and their plant hosts. These symbioses are dynamic and not always
2012 2013 2014
mutualistic in nature. Gaining additional knowledge of how these two types of
organisms interact with one another in the context of environmental conditions will
provide ecologists with an enhanced understanding of how communities behave
and why they are subject to certain changes and variations. Furthermore, a
thorough understanding of community behavior will provide for more powerful
analytical ecosystem models that will be useful for predicting and monitoring
responses to climate change and other forms of disturbance.
Literature Cited
Arnold, A. E., Maynard, Z., Gilbert, G. S., Coley, P. D., & Kursar, T. A. (2000). Are
tropical fungal endophytes hyperdiverse?. Ecology letters, 3(4), 267-274.
Arnold, A. E., Mejía, L. C., Kyllo, D., Rojas, E. I., Maynard, Z., Robbins, N., & Herre, E. A.
(2003). Fungal endophytes limit pathogen damage in a tropical
tree. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(26), 15649-15654.
Carroll, G. (1988). Fungal endophytes in stems and leaves: from latent pathogen to
mutualistic symbiont. Ecology, 2-9.
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  • 1. An Endophyte alters biological characteristics of the grass species Festuca thurberi Part I: Does endophyte symbiosis alter decomposition along altitudinal gradients? Part II: How does endophyte symbiosis affect host survival and growth? Student: Ian Spellman Mentor: Jennifer Rudgers Independent Research and Course Summer 2014
  • 2. Abstract Plant-fungal symbioses are found in ecosystems worldwide, but relatively little is known about how these two organisms affect each other. This study sought to shed light on this topic. The first experiment tested to see if the presence of an endophyte (genus Epichloë) effected the decomposition rates of its host grass (Festuca thurberi) and on fungal composition in litter, and whether or not the effect is different along elevation gradients. The second experiment tested for survival, growth and biomass differences between plants naturally associated with an endophyte, plants naturally endophyte-free, and plants which have had their endophyte removed using the fungicide Benomyl. Results thus far have shown that the presence of an endophyte has had a negative effect on plant biomass and survival over the course of the four years since the experiment was began, which agrees with findings of past studies. Endophyte status does not appear to play a significant role in determining free-living fungal associate diversity among plants. However, fungal composition significantly differed between live and dead leaf tissue. Upon the conclusion of this study, we will have gained a greater understanding of ecology of grasses and their symbionts, how endophyte symbioses affect other fungal taxa (decomposers), and how all of these species interactions affect overall ecosystem functioning. Part I: Does endophyte symbiosis alter decomposition along altitudinal gradients? Introduction Global climate change is poised to alter biological systems in many ways. By the year 2100 it is estimated that the world will see a 2-4.5°C rise in mean annual temperatures, resulting in consequences such as shifts in patterns of precipitation (Solomon et al. 2007), plant respiration (Ryan 1991), food production (Parry et al. 2004), hydrology (Arnell & Reynard 1996; Christensen et al. 2004), and biodiversity (Sala et al. 2000; Xu et al. 2009).
  • 3. One method of testing how biological systems may respond to shifts in climate is the use of elevation gradients to mimic the effects of warming (Fukami & Wardle 2005; McCain & Colwell 2011; Sundvquist et al. 2013). Using gradients has proven to be a useful method of study as mountains occur on all seven continents; thus elevation can be replicated both regionally and worldwide (Callaway et al. 2002; Harsch et al. 2009; McCain 2009). Past studies have shown many biological activities changing in response to elevation, including plant biomass and aboveground net primary production (NPP) (Whittaker et al 1974; Raich et al. 1997), nutrient cycling (Lovett & Kinsman 1990; Jacot et al. 2000a; Groffman et al. 2009), and community range (Whittaker 1956; Sanders et al. 2007; Bahram et al. 2012). Plant-symbiotic endophytic fungi are found almost everywhere on the planet, with a diversity rivaling that of insects (Caroll 1988; Arnold et al. 2000), and are estimated to inhabit 20-30% of all grass species (Leuchtmann 1992). These fungi provide various services to their hosts including protection from herbivory (Clay 1996), pathogen damage (Arnold et al. 2003), and abiotic stress (Malinowski & Belesky 2000; Song et al. 2012) in exchange for organic materials. Fungal symbioses may also be important in mitigating abiotic stresses caused by climate change (Marks & Clay 1996; Kivlin et al. 2013), as well as altering ecosystem processes and characteristics such as forest succession (Rudgers et al. 2007) and species diversity (Rudgers & Clay 2008). The decomposition rates of plant litter along elevation gradients have also garnered recent interest. Rates have been found to be higher at lower elevations due
  • 4. to warmer temperatures (Wang et al. 2009; Salinas et al. 2011). However, this process can be species or location-specific (Shaw and Harte 2001). For example, in Colorado, USA, Englemann spruce needle decomposition decreased linearly with elevated temperature (ie lower elevation) due to a 63% loss of soil moisture. The same study also found that total ecosystem carbon decreased ~50% with a rise in temperature due in part to a decline in dead wood (Kueppers & Harte 2005). Regardless, the majority of evidence suggests that nutrient release from litter usually occurs at a faster rate at lower elevations (Vitousek et al. 1994), which enhances the supply of nutrients from the soil and can drive further biological activity. However this pattern is not always the case (e.g., Murphy et al. 1998), likely due to an overriding influence of factors other than temperature, such as precipitation (Vitousek et al. 1994) and plant functional traits (Vitousek et al. 1988; Salinas 2011). Despite the growing knowledge regarding altitudinal patterns of decomposition and fungal endophytes, little is known about the role of this interaction at different elevations. This study asks the question: Does the presence of an endophyte (genus Epichloë) affect the rate at which its host grass (Festuca thurberi) decomposes across altitudinal gradients? Although some previous work found that endophyte-infected (E+) litter decomposed slower than endophyte-free (E-) litter (Omacini et al. 2004; Lemons et al. 2005), there has yet to be any study into how different elevations might affect this interaction. This is an important factor to consider regarding decomposition because it could allow for further understanding of how it might be affected by global temperature increases, as well
  • 5. as how climate may alter the effects of symbionts on carbon cycling in ecosystems (Iqbal et al. 2013). A change in this process in the face of climate change has the potential to alter ecosystem functioning, but the role of fungal symbionts in this context remains poorly understood. We hypothesize that the decomposition rate of E+ litter will be slower than that of E- litter across elevations. To better understand the microbial diversity associated with this community of F. thurberi, we also cultured fungi from leaves and tillers of both E+ and E- plants. We expected to see significant differences in this diversity between both tissue type and endophyte status. Methods Study species. F. thurberi is a densely tufted, perennial cool-season grass with blades 6-20 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide when flat (Shaw 2008). It can be found in meadows, dry, rocky slopes and hills, and open forests in montane and subalpine regions of Southern Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico (Darbyshire and Pavlick 2007). The Epichloë species under study was recently discovered by Dr. Jennifer Rudgers and has not yet been named. It lives only in live grass hosts (Kuldau et al. 1997); thus, any effects of this endophyte on litter decomposition will be due to its legacy effect on the composition of other microbial associates present in the litter, rather than to a direct effect of a live endophyte. It has also been found that the abundance of Epichloë endophytes decreases with elevation (Figure 1). Study sites. A total of three altitudinal transects were run up three separate mountains, one along Avery Peak, the second along Cinnamon Mountain, and the
  • 6. third along Treasury Mountain (Figure 2 and Table 1). Study plots were placed every ~200 meters starting from the base of each mountain for a total of six plots per transect. Litter bag construction. Each study plot was given six litter decomposition bags: three experimental bags containing 5g of E+ F. thurberi litter, and the three control bags containing 5g of E- F. thurberi litter following the methods of Shaw and Harte (2001). The bags were constructed from nylon window screening (4 cm X 10 cm) with sewn edges, and then closed with plastic quilting staples. Litter for the experimental bags contained a mix of litter from 10 E+ F. thurberi individuals, while the controls contained the litter of 10 E- F. thurberi to maintain similar genetic variation between treatments. The litter was collected from naturally occurring plants at a site near the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (RMBL) (38.96255014, -106.9852277; elevation 2992 m). The litter originated from naturally occurring plants near the RMBL that was scored for endophyte presence using aniline blue lactic acid stain following Bacon and White (1994). Timing of collection. One experimental bag and one control bag will be collected from each deployment site at each of three preselected collection times: September 2014, July 2015, and August 2015. Following collection, bags will be air- dried then weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g. Decomposition rate will be calculated, and a general linear model will test how decomposition rate is affected by elevation (continuous factor), endophyte-presence (categorical factor), and the interaction between elevation and endophyte-presence.
  • 7. A potential problem involved in our approach is the use of litter from naturally occurring E+ and E- F. thurberi. In order to be able to directly determine causality, it would be best to culture the endophytes in a lab setting and inoculate them onto endophyte-free plants as well as performing experimental removal of the endophyte. By using naturally occurring material, there is no way to definitively know that fungal presence is the driving factor behind our decomposition rates. However, due to the exploratory nature of the project, the results retrieved will still be suggestive of the endophyte’s effect on decomposition and will help us to determine whether time- and labor-intensive manipulations may be worth pursuing. Fungal cultures. In addition to field manipulation, we cultured fungi from litter and live leaves in a lab using sterile technique under a Labconco Purifier Logic+ Class II, Type A2 biological safety cabinet. We grew cultures on potato dextrose agar plates containing penicillin and streptomycin to suppress bacterial growth. We subcultured via hyphal tipping onto separate plates as fungi emerged from the tissue. After two weeks, a PERMANOVA analysis was run using EcoSim software to understand how well fungal morphotypes differed between plate groups. Results/Discussion, Part I (Results of decomposition experiment forthcoming) Fungal cultures. Tissue type (tiller vs. litter) played a significant role (p=0.0004) in determining fungal morphotype composition differences between plates (Figure 2), while endophyte status (E+ vs. E-) did not.
  • 8. Figure1: Altitudinal pattern in endophyte frequency in Festuca thurberi from data collected across 62 populations sampled between 2011 and 2013. For each population, a minimum of 12 individual plants was scored for endophyte presenceusing aniline blue stain on thin sections of the inner leaf sheath.
  • 9. Figure2: Relative similarities infungal community compositionamongcultures and between plates
  • 10. Figure3: Litter bag deployment sites
  • 11. Gradient Latitude Longitude Elevation (m) Avery Peak 38.8652 -106.9124 2732 38.9451 -106.9828 2812 38.9608 -106.9905 2899 38.9623 -106.9849 2996 38.9715 -106.9842 3192 38.9752 -106.9783 3344 Cinnamon Mountain 38.8974 -106.9793 2798 38.8816 -106.9618 2746 38.9347 -107.0112 2956 38.9454 -107.0281 3044 38.9601 -107.0314 3166 38.9706 -107.0295 3372 Treasury Mountain 38.9188 -107.0365 2770 38.9334 -107.0494 2832 38.9537 -107.0614 2875 38.9651 -107.0598 3073 38.9707 -107.0587 3221 38.9863 -107.0619 3394 Table 1: GPS coordinates of litter bag deployment sites Discussion The difference in fungal communities associated with live vs. dead plant matter is not surprising. Further analysis is needed to identify the species that were isolated, but a tentative hypothesis would be that there is a higher abundance of saprotrophic fungi in the litter cultures compared to the tiller cultures. No data regarding the decomposition experiment have been gathered yet, given that it will require at least until the end of summer 2015 to yield useful results. Once all facets of this study have been completed, we will be able to correlate associated fungal species from the plating project with decomposition rates to see if certain taxa or combinations of taxa have an effect on carbon cycling, and future
  • 12. models will be able to incorporate these data to better understand overall ecosystem functioning in the context of shifting climates. Plant-associated fungal endophytes play an important role both in the lives of their hosts and in the ecosystems of which they are a part. This study hopes to provide further information on these organisms of which relatively little is known. In addition, the onset of global climate change threatens the stability of natural systems worldwide, understanding how decomposition might change as a result is therefore paramount to predicting overall ecosystem functioning in the future. This will allow for more informed conservation efforts and adaptive strategies in the future. Literature Cited Arnell, N. W., & Reynard, N. S. (1996). The effects of climate change due to global warming on river flows in Great Britain. Journal of hydrology, 183(3) Arnold, A. E., Maynard, Z., Gilbert, G. S., Coley, P. D., & Kursar, T. A. (2000). Are tropical fungal endophytes hyperdiverse?. Ecology letters, 3(4), 267-274. Arnold, A. E., Mejía, L. C., Kyllo, D., Rojas, E. I., Maynard, Z., Robbins, N., & Herre, E. A. (2003). Fungal endophytes limit pathogen damage in a tropical tree. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(26), 15649-15654. Bacon, C.W. & White, J.F., Jr. (1994) Stains, media, and procedures for analyzing endophytes. Biotechnology of Endophytic Fungi of Grasses (ed. by C.W. Bacon and J.F. White, Jr.), pp. 47-56. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. Bahram, M., Polme, S., Kõljalg, U., Zarre, S., & Tedersoo, L. (2012). Regional and local patterns of ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity and community structure along an altitudinal gradient in the Hyrcanian forests of northern Iran. New Phytologist, 193(2), 465-473. Callaway, R. M., Brooker, R. W., Choler, P., Kikvidze, Z., Lortie, C. J., Michalet, R., ... & Cook, B. J. (2002). Positive interactions among alpine plants increase with stress. Nature, 417(6891), 844-848. Carroll, G. (1988). Fungal endophytes in stems and leaves: from latent pathogen to mutualistic symbiont. Ecology, 2-9. Christensen, N. S., Wood, A. W., Voisin, N., Lettenmaier, D. P., & Palmer, R. N. (2004). The effects of climate change on the hydrology and water resources of the Colorado River basin. Climatic change, 62(1-3), 337-363.
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  • 16. Part II: How does endophyte symbiosis affect host survival and growth? Introduction Plant-symbiotic endophytic fungi are found almost everywhere on the planet, with a diversity rivaling that of insects (Caroll 1988; Arnold et al. 2000), and are estimated to inhabit 20-30% of all grass species (Leuchtmann 1992). These fungi provide various services to their hosts including protection from herbivory (Clay 1996), pathogen damage (Arnold et al. 2003), and abiotic stress (Malinowski & Belesky 2000; Song et al. 2012) in exchange for organic materials. Fungal symbioses may also be important in mitigating abiotic stresses caused by climate change (Marks & Clay 1996; Kivlin et al. 2013), as well as altering ecosystem processes and characteristics such as forest succession (Rudgers et al. 2007) and species diversity (Rudgers & Clay 2008). Fungal endophytes can have diverse effects on the ecology of their host plants. For example, endophyte presence increased biomass production within Phragmites australis (Ernst et al. 2003). However, this effect may reverse depending on abiotic conditions such as water availability (Morse et al. 2002; Zhang and Nan 2007), and/or at what point in the plant’s life cycle one takes measurements (Spiering et al. 2006). Another study found that endophyte presence decreased host plant biomass and survival ability of, but increased their reproductive capabilities (Rudgers et al. 2012). It has also been found that the number of plant-endophyte symbioses decrease with elevation (see figure 1).
  • 17. We used a common garden experiment at the RMBL to test for effects of endophyte symbiosis on the survival and growth of a dominant, native host plant, Festuca thurberi. Because this experiment did not take place under water-limited conditions, we hypothesize that endophyte presence will have a negative effect on plant biomass and survival. Methods Common garden experiment. During summer 2011, individuals of F. thurberi from three different treatments were planted at the same site as our litter collections took place (38.96255014, -106.9852277; elevation 2992 m). These treatments included E+ plants, E- plants that had their endophyte removed experimentally using the fungicide Benomyl (EB-), and control E- plants (EC-) that were naturally endophyte-free. We used a series of ANCOVA analyses in SAS to compare survival rates, tiller and inflorescence counts, and height between E+ and E- plants, as well as between benomyl-treated E- and naturally E- individuals. Seed collection. We collected seeds from naturally occurring plants at the site during September 2010. Endophyte removal. Seeds slated for endophyte removal were placed in petri plates with Benomyl (2g/L) for 5 weeks at 4°C. Control seeds were placed on petri plates with water at 4C for the same time period. Plates were removed from the cold stratification and seedlings were allowed to germinate in the greenhouse. Plant propagation. As seedlings germinated, we transferred them into plastic 12 packs filled with Pro-mix soil where they grew for 2 to 6 weeks. Then, plants were transplanted into 10 cm square pots filled with 1:1 mixture of Pro-mix and
  • 18. play sand for 2 to 8 weeks before being re-potted into large pots (6.4 cm diameter, 35.6 cm deep), in which they grew for 4-6 weeks before transfer to the field. Pots were acclimated to field conditions for 1 week prior to transplanting into the common garden during which time leaves were misted daily to reduce the effects of change in humidity relative to the greenhouse. Common garden design. On July 1, 2011, plants were planted in three rows and spaced 1 m apart. Plants were planted into the existing vegetation which included the native F. thurberi from which the seeds were collected. Each plant was randomly assigned to a location in the garden and tagged with a landscape staple and metal tag on the roadward side, and with the original plastic tag on the fenceward side. Plants were also marked with a colored stake flag. After transplanting, the plants were watered on July 1, July 3, July 5, July 21, July 23, and August 27 applying 1.89 L tap water per plant. No further manipulations were applied after these waterings. Response variables. Initial tiller counts, influorescence counts, height, survival, and gopher disturbance data were collected upon transfer of plants into the garden on July 1, 2011, then retaken on August 23, 2012, August 31, 2013, and July 30, 2014. A series of two-way ANCOVAs were used to compare means of each variable between years. Results Survival rates. We found that endophyte-free plants had higher survival rates (p=0.0009) than endophyte-symbiotic plants, however, this effect did not change
  • 19. significantly between years (Figure 4). The Benomyl treatment had no effect on survivability. Tiller counts. The data suggest that there was a significant difference (p=0.0012) in average tiller counts per year between E+ and E- plants, E- plants have, on average, a higher number of tillers (Figure 5). Year and the interaction between year and endophyte status were not found to be significant factors, although in 2014, the trend was for higher tiller numbers in E+ compared to E- plants. There was no effect of benomyl on tiller counts of E- plants. Inflorescence counts. We found no factors influencing inflorescence counts between E+ vs. E- treatments, nor benomyl vs. naturally E- treatments, but very few plants (2) have reproduced. Plant height. There were no significant factors influencing plant height. However, year was nearly significant (p=0.0861) (Figure 6). Benomyl had no effect on height.
  • 20. Figure4: Survival rate comparisonof E+ vs. E- plants 2011-2014 Figure5: Tiller count comparisonof E+ vs. E- plants 2011-2014 Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 Survival(%) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 E+ E- Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 TillerCount 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 E+ E-
  • 21. Figure6: Height comparisonof E+ vs. E- plants 2012-2014 Conclusion/Discussion II Our results followed patterns discovered in past studies, indicating that endophyte presence may have an overall negative effect on survival and biomass of Festuca thurberi. This perceived detriment could possibly be mitigated if the endophyte were to enhance its host’s reproductive abilities, as was shown by Rudgers et al. 2012. However, the possibility that the endophyte may have been behaving parasitically should not be discounted (Morse et al. 2002; Faeth & Sullivan 2003; Kogel et al. 2006). Further experimentation will be needed in order to determine the validity of either of these hypotheses. This work helps to further elucidate the complex interactions between fungal endophytes and their plant hosts. These symbioses are dynamic and not always Year 2012 2013 2014 Height(cm) 10 20 30 40 50 E+ E-
  • 22. mutualistic in nature. Gaining additional knowledge of how these two types of organisms interact with one another in the context of environmental conditions will provide ecologists with an enhanced understanding of how communities behave and why they are subject to certain changes and variations. Furthermore, a thorough understanding of community behavior will provide for more powerful analytical ecosystem models that will be useful for predicting and monitoring responses to climate change and other forms of disturbance. Literature Cited Arnold, A. E., Maynard, Z., Gilbert, G. S., Coley, P. D., & Kursar, T. A. (2000). Are tropical fungal endophytes hyperdiverse?. Ecology letters, 3(4), 267-274. Arnold, A. E., Mejía, L. C., Kyllo, D., Rojas, E. I., Maynard, Z., Robbins, N., & Herre, E. A. (2003). Fungal endophytes limit pathogen damage in a tropical tree. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(26), 15649-15654. Carroll, G. (1988). Fungal endophytes in stems and leaves: from latent pathogen to mutualistic symbiont. Ecology, 2-9. Clay, K. (1996). Interactions among fungal endophytes, grasses and herbivores. Researches on Population Ecology, 38(2), 191-201. Ernst, M., Mendgen, K. W., & Wirsel, S. G. (2003). Endophytic fungal mutualists: seed- borne Stagonospora spp. enhance reed biomass production in axenic microcosms. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 16(7), 580-587. Faeth, S. H., & Sullivan, T. J. (2003). Mutualistic asexual endophytes in a native grass are usually parasitic. The American Naturalist, 161(2), 310-325. Kivlin, S.N., Emery, S.M. & Rudgers, J.A. (2013) Fungal symbionts alter plant responses to global change. American Journal of Botany, 100, 1445-1457. Kogel, K. H., Franken, P., & Hückelhoven, R. (2006). Endophyte or parasite–what decides?. Current opinion in plant biology, 9(4), 358-363. Leuchtmann, A. (1992). Systematics, distribution, and host specificity of grass endophytes. Nat. Toxins 1(3), 150–162. Malinowski, D.P. & Belesky, D.P. (2000) Adaptations of endophyte-infected cool- season grasses to environmental stresses: Mechanisms of drought and mineral stress tolerance. Crop Science, 40, 923-940. Marks, S., & Clay, K. (1996). Physiological responses of Festuca arundinacea to fungal endophyte infection. New Phytologist, 133(4), 727-733. Morse, L. J., Day, T. A., & Faeth, S. H. (2002). Effect of Neotyphodium endophyte infection on growth and leaf gas exchange of Arizona fescue under
  • 23. contrasting water availability regimes. Environmental and Experimental Botany,48(3), 257-268. Song, L., Jiang, Y., Zhao, H. & Hou, M. (2012) Acquired thermotolerance in plants. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 111, 265-276. Spiering, M. J., Greer, D. H., & Schmid, J. A. N. (2006). Effects of the fungal endophyte, Neotyphodium lolii, on net photosynthesis and growth rates of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) are independent of in planta endophyte concentration. Annals of botany, 98(2), 379-387. Rudgers, J. A., Holah, J., Orr, S. P., & Clay, K. (2007). Forest succession suppressed by an introduced plant-fungal symbiosis. Ecology, 88(1), 18-25. Rudgers, J. A., & Clay, K. (2008). An invasive plant–fungal mutualism reduces arthropod diversity. Ecology Letters, 11(8), 831-840. Rudgers, J. A., Miller, T. E., Ziegler, S. M., & Craven, K. D. (2012). There are many ways to be a mutualist: endophytic fungus reduces plant survival but increases population growth. Ecology, 93(3), 565-574. Zhang, Y. P., & Nan, Z. B. (2007). Growth and Anti‐Oxidative Systems Changes in Elymus dahuricus is Affected by Neotyphodium Endophyte Under Contrasting Water Availability. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 193(6), 377-386.