un africa financial inclusion development women ict united nations african union governance gender equality ilo economic empowerment climate au gpedc developing countries unsgsa clinton global initiative exstractive resources women in enterprise oecd itu internet technology women's economic empowerment uneca entrepreneurship aid finance womens empowerment report unga general assembly youth employment indigenous people women's development women's empowerment dac womens economic empowerment addis ababab financing for development informal sector extractive industries transparency development agenda transperancy kyoto protocol mining environment role of extraxtive industries climate protection poverty informal economy protocols atmosphere climaye protection treaty e-government rural people poor people unfccc land policy metals industry aprm eu diversity management natural resources women and natural resources women empowerment gender targeting civil society policies illicit financial flows corporate governance youth cop19 agriculture tax good governance democracy renewable resources empowerment i peacebuilding conflict affectd climate change crime unemployment political governance economic governance governments self-employed gender labour markets post 2015 agenda entrepreneurs gender strategy africa infrastructure minerals sdgs caadp evaluation economic micro-enterprise small business comprehensive africa agricultural development prog s public expenditures gendernet youth unemployment partners stakeholders un global compact un priorities development cooperation women and girls rising power china economic report zambia capacity development benin cedaw undp tourism unwomen south africa infrastructure copper eu development cooperation power pida aid effectiveness empowerment cap africawewant theafricawewant afrcia international development world bank communication technology equality sustainable development politics economic transformation industrialization programme for infrastructure development in africa sub-saharan africa india reforms post 2015 donors csw59 information communication technology lesotho private sector international organisations african union commission united states regulatory reform central banking energy power sector institutions underpower enery sector power sector womens development global partnerships for effective development coop arab donors financial institutions bribery mdg wef land rights private foundations anti-corruption ethiopia countries railways aec auc desertification rwanda global development fnancial institutions anti-bribery trade beijing+20 africa economic commission peace and security human rights south-south cso's corruption economy socio-economic urban transport traffic women and development mobile phones womens rights un women discrimination nepad g20 mdg's employment reform sdg local authority extractive sector empowerment in peacebuilding peacebuilding women's rights brazil busan afdb volunteering microfinance asia pacific transparency global partnership education girls financial literacy post2015 corruprion gender inequality action plan multilateral banks partnerships economics business beijing20 unido employed youth minimum wage wcip2014 mo ibrahim foundation addis ababa peacekeeping peace conflict usaid mdgs south-south cooperation triangular cooperation bricks european transformation african development bank asia rights us sustaiable development south america sustainable industrial development inclusive industial development induistrialization illicit africa progress panel kenya climate action extractive industries transparency initiative africa union millennium development goals un security council gphlm africa transformation oecd council sustainable oda investments parity green data book addis abeba sierra leone paris united nations framework convention on climate cha european union inf tanzania sustainability agenda 2063 violence against women europe egypt legal rights economic development culture government accountability fao parliament history cgd global governance emerging powers effective cooperation global partnerships consumer protection gender-sensitive enterprise development labour csos regulators banks organisations fdi investinwomen effective global apr formal sector oecd development centre internet governance forum good governance. un ipcc unep unpfii nigeria unesco world summit on information society united nations environment programme reserve bank of india fi democratic republic of congo extractive industry foreign direct investment trade and development millennium development goal gender perspective sustainable solutions uranium wecf bangladesh pakistan defence policy conflicts beijing platform of action violation communities participation inclusive growth global partnership for effective development coope child abuse north-south south-north russia brics millenium development goals developement mdg8 micro-credit taxation irish ngo's international financial institutions monetary policy cvil society advocacy economic growth re food agriculture institutions crisis world innovation financialinclusion country cooperation barack obama ieg un agencies evalpartners uneg cso forum eu-africa africa 2050 aprm forum devloping countries urban informal sector labour organisations esid post cop20 global warming intergovernmental panel on climate change uns financial inc you africa report ghana wsis information society international telecommunication union greenhouse gas ibrahim index of african governance fahamu rio de janeiro international labour organisation resilience asia-pacific water supplier development drc diamond mining zimbabwe feminism conflict minerals conflict gold gold mining congo southern african development community imf donor approaches ppp australia ex sub-saharan african post-2015 local government industrialized economies develop minerals mineral exstraxtion industry comprehensice africa agricultural develoopment skills intergration wom women in development poverty reduction indigenous crimes against humanity financial report beijing declaration and platform of action developments rio+20 inequalities cambodia post-conflict post conflict gender quality careers us government feminist cultural forced marriage justice morocco un convention against corruption fighting corruption global corruption corruption barometer united arab emirates womens legal rights ifad state of mining relation international priority eceonomic empowerment developing society undp. gender equality ecosoc international treaties global campaign building horn of africa humanitarian assisatance effective development cooperation education and development ecosystem sexual violence violence ilo. child labour unfair labour practises urban poverty urbanisation youth policy accra agenda global parnerships global partnerships for effevtice development coop china's development cooperation united nations development programme managing global governance economic cooperation global economy european policy angola new agenda multi-donor nuclear energy fragile states development progress rmf international business transactions secretary general ministers partnership wo north africa macroeconomics caapd populations bank leadership member states status of women fiscal monetary statistics continent investment whitehouse african national undcf island women and city city urban saiia special envoy on women united nations security council resolution 1325 crisis prevention canada ngo forum geneva youth now dr lendy spires sangoco youth forum germany g200 afdb envoy on gender sdcs empower humanity empower women fiscal revolution oceans economy operation phakisa one ocean economic potential investing in youth the africa we want eu-africa business forum aid for trade africa's transformation regional intergration africa intergration fund africa's infrastructure crisis pro-poor growth globalisation trade patterns sustanable development overconsumption ethiop infrastructure quality irrigation sector watermarks benchmark approach infrastructure endowment unreliable power supplies in-house generation of eelectricity macroeconomic policy uganda senegal road connectivity spatial analysis crop production sector review infrastructure spending air transport industry jamaica rural-urban migration government policy world health organization insurance coverage tax revenue municipality informal food sector formal employment informal employment informal employment formal employment unions economies industrial development industialization environmental sustainability inclusive globalization constitution basic services informal settlements global south urban development poor ill mineral governance jobs equity equity in extractives africa resources grain fish green and blue revolutions africa progress report nutrition report 2014 illegal fishing mauritania donor institutions law ifc group77 unpan natural united nations general assembly north korea cnn pos post office ind ban ki-moon information and communications technology broadband commission for digital development hamadoun touré itu-d conflict resolution fiji botswana immigration to the united states comoros ambassador asia-pacific economic cooperation u greenwich mean time peru pacific ocean united states geological survey chemical engineering unf tony abbott climay climaye clima european development fund andris piebalgs sustainable land management african commission united states department of state strategic plan i unsg financial inclusio financi african economic commission least-developed countries infor women employment wcip2017 aid4trade value chain dar es salaam cameroon algeria african economy economy. afirca afric africa forum it masvingo turkey mumbai informal sector. informal economy united nations conference on trade and development new partnership for africa's development undp. afdb au world trade organization womeninleadership united nations economic commission for africa adf united states environmental protection agency information and communication technology united nations public administration network gov leuven centre for global governance studies armed forces jeffrey sachs richard layard baron layard canadian institute for advanced research john helliwell early childwood education united states agency for international development mobile phone scottish government scotland josé graziano da silva food and agriculture organization united nations conference on sustainable developme gri sustainability reports global reporting initiative environm envir envi ecological footprint global footprint network abu dhabi cli c iied bonn international labour organization ncr corporation asian development bank institute international center for research on women crisil small and medium enterprises worldbank self-help group world bank group organisation for economic co-operation and develop universities comesa eac regional trade sadc decent work agenda mental health who united nations industrial development organization apec business advisory council apec tender procedures local content malawi detention congolese gold freeport mcmoran poverty freeport mcmoran mining investment extractive industries peace agreements criminal gold british extractive companies resource governance united state kimberley process certification scheme exr mining sector africa mining vision eextractive industries monetary fund development banks international agencies alternative investment framework exstractive sector business environment macro-economics public–private partnerships procurement privately financed initiatives special rapporteur policy-makers technological geopolitical public debt natural disasters none-oecd africa-arab partnership arab world minority ownership minority venture capitalists federal communications commission minority-owned global value chain development acp-eu africa-europe partnership africa-eu acp group cotonou agreement new deal foreign affairs t trade and developmen moody world economy raw materials european action global responsibility eu global role global perspective european think tank dev ssa ifdi santions dual economy and society international foreign direct inflows pharmaceutical distribution cfao specialized distribution african leadership aids response in africa african unity aids african-sourced solutions global health aids-free building economic recovery disability women in employment martinitey protection social justice world social protection faith based organisations african governments open budget obi transparent budget governance partnership resource management principles of sustainability smr sustainable minerals roundtable indicators of sustainabiity non-agricultural sector exstractive industries npca agenda for peace and security chinese banks china-africa partnerships agricu rural development caad european commission external service ibm global brands portfolios brand rural poverty sub-saharan farmers smallholder southern africa legal frameworks political development unctad's trade competitiveness institutional reform economic diversification conflict affected pea resolution 1325 resolution1325 mdg's 3 national development plans adaptation development practitioners africa adaptation programme aap national priorities r gende and climate change pacific effective development gender and trade economic agents development programs gendered responsive reproductive health inter-agency network on women strategic partnerships strategic plan 2014-2017 working group vienna20 vienna declaration vienna world conference women defenders human rights defenders minorities right of the child multi-agency juristiction mechanisms religion traditional rural feminist particiption migrant women irregularities dispaced cbo's inadequet labour practice domestic workers employer tpp trans-pacific strategic economic partnership trans-pacific partnership human rigts women's land rights human development eastern africa treaty iwraw op-cedaw truth and reconsiliation access to justice social international law radio-active financiak report radiation health effects deformed butterflies radio-activity wecf financial report fukushima nuclear devcelopment financial reform solutions for inclusion women's major group unsustainable trade csw58 empowerment of women gener equality development goals agreed conclusion women 2000 challenges and achievements conference on women rights of the child right gender sensitive climate-resilient indigenous knowledge emission economic opportunity migration pre-2020 cop technology mechanism traditional practices momentum global crisis wedo military observers m international partners funding effectiveness women's rights globally womens global funds women rights awid funds women's organisations kosovo municipal unwto heritage adopted eqaul opportunities develop political transformation legislation elimination state parties common ground failure muslimlaws territories regulations yemen tunisia constitutional right palestine maldives building accountability public expenses commitment south asia ineffective agencies safety standards penalty improved status opportunities household uae gdp business leaders drivers meta-evaluation programs comprehensive recommendations executive board process corporate-level performance economic power unwillingness oppresive inequities powerlessness ineffective wealth class-dominated property critical capacity human services relation to language practitioners researchers concept responsible tourism cuklture development. organizational strategies interagency undg sensitive local services public participation activism multilateral institutions public administration civil service decision-making fairness national policies gangs national well-being insurgent organisations societies empowered participate criminal networks democratic robust peaceful grought involve national institutions diplomacy in development presidential policy directive state department youth policy effective programs youth in development youth programmes young people demographics drougt sahel accountable development strategies principles responsibility rights-based global relief care international middle income countries mic member state global migration group strategic planning coast national government un climate change response white paper department of trade and industry southafrica spanish intimate partner cdc violence against children women entrepreneurs world bank development report sdg's high level meeting african youth's gen farming stem growth and development australia aid effective development. international development paris declaration development age epc csr asian-africa vietnam korea ssc valuation policy uncdf unv north-north dfid-funded rpid european development cooperation global philantropists multilateralist reform emerging economies competitiveness development. africa african action plan german institute development effectiveness people parliamentarians safeguarding community regulator ed science and technology industry and service finance and investment domestic revenue mobilisation financial crisis global economic crisis short-term profit global business financial markets financial policy guide financial education environmentally safeguards foreign public officials annual report agreements social insurance social affairs budgeting public expenditure growth international youth day ifi's ngos middle east nations competitive food security gafsp grow africa contribution financial empower usafrica imbalance policymakers economically unctad least developed pan-africa analysis leaders usa summit yali 2015 gender parity implementing agencies gender-responsive equity-focused institutional capacities gap inequality
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