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Published: 11/1/2022
Analyst-in-chief: Jari Lähdevuori
Contact: jari@kurio.fi
2022 showed us that social media doesn’t stop. It isn’t
ready and will constantly go through changes. Nothing
lasts forever. What seemed to be set in stone, vanishes
into thin air like that IG story you posted 23 hours ago.
We’ve seen the rise of the dual-camera realness. The
launches of avatar stores. The (near) collapse of one
particular channel with a 280 character-limit and pretty
much no other limits anymore.
Change is relentless. So is the need to decipher it.
Knowing just how hard it is to give accurate forecasts,
we want to thank our amazing team of professionals
for taking up the challenge. And especially for doing
that during the busiest time of the year. Our humble
thanks to all the social media experts from all of the 25
independent agencies from all over the world.
If you, the reader, are not familiar with the previous
installments of our whitepaper, you may wonder why.
Why another report? Why the independents? Why
should I bother? Our aim has been to give a stage for
the indies to have their opinions heard. Many holding
companies and huge networks steal the limelight
when it comes to things such as forecasting the future
of the industry. We believe there should be a more
varied set of insights. And we know this is the best
bunch to offer just that.
Hopefully this report will help you make even better
decisions, posts, hires, campaigns, and above all reach
better results – with the constrained resources we all
have for the upcoming year 2023.
Jari Lähdevuori
Creative Director & Partner
Kurio // The Social Media Age(ncy)
Tommi Opas
CEO & Partner
Kurio // The Social Media Age(ncy)
Julian Boulding
We interviewed experts from 25 of the world’s leading
independent agencies. Their insights can summarized
in the following ten points.
Executive summary
1. Search is going social
2. Creator culture is flourishing
3. The return of social to social media
4. Humanizing B2B with social
5. Niche influencers will become mainstream
6. Metaverse to grow via social
7. Prolonging the success of short-form video
8. Influencer marketing big in B2B
9. Refreshing the engagement metrics
10. Predictive analytics to help goal-setting
The insights were gathered by interviewing around
40 social media marketing experts from 25 award-
winning independent agencies. The respondents are
all part of the world’s leading independent network,
thenetworkone, hailing from countries as diverse as
China, USA, India, UK, Nigeria, Germany, Japan, Chile,
South Africa, Mexico, and Romania. The interviews were
done in December 2022.
All the respondents are using social media to help their
clients do better communications, marketing, and
eventually, business. They don’t work with any particular
social media platform or service-provider, thus their
insights come from an objective point-of-view. Coming
from not only different countries, but also different
types of agencies, their answers offer a 360 view of
social media marketing for the upcoming year.
As users are taking their search behavior to
social channels, it is time to think the SEO of
your content.
“Up until 2021, Google was synonymous with search
engine. But this year, we have detected the first signs
that this is changing. Many users prefer to search
directly from their social platforms. This is most evident
on TikTok and Instagram. Long past are the days when
these social platforms were solely seen as a way to
connect with friends. Today, users, especially younger
users, want to get everything from social media. Even
the restaurant where they will go out to eat is searched
for on TikTok and not on Google Maps. - - So, in 2023,
companies that already employed a traditional SEO
strategy must now have a Social SEO strategy – giving
care to every word they use in the description of their
bio, captions and even the location tags on the content
they publish.” Gaby Arriaga, Founder, Leonardo1452
“Why go to a stiff website when can you find on TikTok
the information you needed, delivered in an insightful
and personal way? At least that’s what 40% of Gen Z
thinks (Pew Research Center, 2022), since they prefer
to search on TikTok almost everything – from places to
have lunch, to career advice, news or information about
products and services. - - As we have already seen,
TikTok introduced a feature that identifies keywords
in comments and links it to specific search results, so
brands should follow this trend as quickly as possible
and respond to users’ needs through content with a
higher informational value, but which preserves the
same light and playful tone of voice of the platform.”
Oana Oprea, Head of Digital Planning, Jam Session
“Google recently found that nearly half of young people
turn to social platforms like TikTok or Instagram for
answers instead of searching. - - Less emphasis will be
placed on researching products and more on finding
inspiration, thanks to TikTok and its highly personalised
algorithm and fun content. The younger audience’s
purchase journey starts from curiosity and it’s down
to brands and marketers to guide them along a path
of inspo and ideas rather than brands and products.”
Aryana Noorbakhsh, Senior Digital Marketing Executive,
Osaka Labs
”“54% of consumers search social media for information
about the brand and its offer”, states a recent report.
This phenomenon has always been present, but
consumers apply ever more technology to find
information that is relevant.” Felipe “Peluche” León,
Digital Director, Inbrax
Trend #1
With the barriers to entry becoming lower
and the monetary incentives higher, there are
more creators than ever. And thus, a wider
spectrum of creativity.
“Influencer/content creator culture is becoming a trend
and I think it will only get more popular in 2023. With
a focus on authenticity and relatability. With the rise
in focus of short form video content, more people feel
being an “influencer” is more attainable, so more people
want to try and build their personal brand and establish
their presence on social media platforms. Since more
and more people are becoming more aware of how
much money can be made from the industry. This is
can be seen in the growth of UGC creators.” Jola Adeoye,
Gen Z Consultant, Adolescent Content/Youthtellers
“In today’s digital world, anyone with a smartphone
has the opportunity to be a content creator, no matter
if they do this willingly. This opens the doors for more
diverse voices, with consumers worldwide being able to
find content creators who mirror their unique, distinct
experiences. In other words: content is bound to reflect
not just one version of reality anymore. It will represent
them all.” Francesca Trevisan, Strategist, Different
“Because of the growing popularity of content creators
& how revenue has changed the game, the barrier to
entry for becoming a content creator has also become
lower. In fact, in a recent Consumer Trends report from
Hubspot, we saw that 30% of 18-24 year olds and 40% of
25 to 34 year olds consider themselves a content creator.
This influx of creators is encouraging for creativity as it
has led to an explosion of what creativity can look like in
social.” Natalie Chaney, Social Strategist, Barrett
“In 2023 it’ll continue to be about the creator over
the influencer, with the industry really starting to
mature and innovate. We’ll see more cross category
collaboration with brands and creators, think an airline
partnering with a graphic designer with a huge Twitch
community or food creators stepping into fashion
content. Creators will be a key way for brands to
unlock creativity and lateral partnerships will be more
impactful than the closed category ones. Creators are
and will continue to be a really important component
in the way brands tell stories, a creator has permission
to play with authenticity in a way brands may not be
comfortable doing themselves.” Hannah Nickels, Head
Paid & Owned Media Thinker
Trend #2
Gen Z is taking the whole scene to a more
spontaneous, safe and social direction. Brands
need to follow suit if they expect anyone to
follow them.
“Keeping it (Be)Real: every year, the word ‘authenticity’
is mentioned in trends round-ups, but this year we
really, truly mean it. Connection is the new currency
online, and brands that have taken risks to show a more
human side on social have seen the risk pay off. In 2022,
we saw Gen-Z protest against perfection, and we expect
content to become even more candid.” Amy Bottrill,
Social Account Director, Launch
”Gen Z feels unequivocally that content needs to be
believable and “authentic”, and should remind people
online that they are not alone. Authentic content
doesn’t sell or preach – it is the type of video or static
post your friend would make and send you to make you
laugh or cry. Especially since Covid, Gen Z is doubling
down on the “social” in social media and rejecting
the inundation of performative, polished, inaccessible
standards online we’ve seen in years past.” Team
Adolescent Content/Youthtellers
“Exhausted by a constant barrage of ads, cancel culture,
half baked, spur of the moment platform changes and
cognizant of the lack of privacy, consumers are seeking
out closed, “IYKYK” communities to supplement their
digital diets. In short, we’ll see the return of “social” to
social media. The brands that breakthrough, will do
so by engaging in a two-way dialogue, authentically
forming more intimate interactions while forging
new paths that turn consumers into community. 2023
will mark a sea change in the way we think about
social media as a whole, with the desire for authentic
interaction, human curated feeds and community at
the center of this new era.” Eli Williams, Sr. Creative
Strategist, Day One Agency
Trend #3
B2B companies may be the biggest winners
on social in 2023, as they have the most to
shake up. Bring some B2C and H2H into the
equation and you show a totally new side of
your brand.
“B2B strategies are moving from becoming awareness
and promotion driven to also offering value to
audiences. In that sense, I think two pillars will be even
stronger next year: education and entertainment.
Businesses will understand that they can build
credibility and trust by offering value to audiences,
and by showing they understand there are people
on the other side as well. This leads also to another
trend, which is a more humanised approach to content
strategies. In the end, businesses are made of people
– and people connect with people, with stories.” Maira
Genovese, Founder and President, MG Empower
“Where there is B2B, there is B2B2C. It is therefore
essential for brands to showcase their personalities.
Recently, we have witnessed the trend of brands
becoming much more playful with their marketing,
showcasing much stronger and memorable brand
personalities than ever before. - - The rise of powerful
brands personalities can be attributed to the advent
of social media platforms giving brands the outlet in
which to get their voice out there. Brands are becoming
a whole lot more humanistic and relatable on social
media and that’s paying off for those B2B businesses
who have taken note and are enjoying the benefits of
establishing deeper connections with their audience.”
Alix Le Bourgeois, Lead Strategist, JIN
“A trend I’ve begun to see in B2B marketing, and one
I’m particularly excited about, is the idea of flipping B2B
on it’s head and approaching it as you would B2C when
it comes to humanity and personalization. - - Due in
part to the rise of B2B2C, and the generational change
in B2B buyer committees, I anticipate we’ll start seeing
less hyper-targeting and more human/personalized
content as we head into 2023.” Natalie Chaney, Social
Strategist, Barrett
”The most interesting trend I see with B2B is when
businesses speak directly to me and joke around with
other businesses or even their competitors. When
businesses do that they seem more human which
makes people like them more.” Jadon Velasquez, Gen Z
Consultant, Adolescent Content/Youthtellers
Trend #4
Call them nano, call them micro, just make
sure you give them a call whilst planning your
next campaign. Your competitor will.
“Influencer marketing next year I believe will be rooted
in the relatable, more accessible creators. Niche
community pioneers, niche micro-influencers, niche
thought leaders – that’s where the trust lies.” Seyi
Alawode, Founder & Head of Strategy, CHL
“Rather than putting all your eggs into the “owned
media” basket, reallocating more of your marketing
budget for nano and micro influencer collaborations
will help you convert your audiences more effectively.”
Allison Lee, Social Team Co-Lead, UltraSuperNew
“Most of the time, niche and micro-influencers will
yield a significantly higher ROI than mega and macro-
influencers because they know the market better. Look
for influencers with 5,000 followers that actively engage
and interact with their followers rather than influencers
with a million followers that they ignore.” Daffi Ranandi,
Junior Insights Manager, Radarr
“In 2023, we’ll see more brands partnering with experts
from focused niches (who’s the next Francis Bourgeois?)
and tapping into new subcultures. Although polished,
glossy macro influencers will still have a place in a
holistic influencer marketing strategy, the smartest
brands will also be able to quickly identify those with
an unexpected or unconventional point of view whose
communities truly trust them. This also means tapping
into audiences who have previously been neglected
in the influencer ecosystem: over-65s are on social
media too! And they’re influencing their peers who
have real purchasing power. - - As the creator pool
diversifies, brand marketers will have to increase their
social listening capabilities and be even more reactive
to keep up with their competition. As both brands and
influencers shift towards longer term partnerships,
it will be more essential than ever to quickly identify
valuable brand advocates for authentic collaborations.”
Amy Bottrill, Social Account Director, Launch
Trend #5
If 2022 saw the rise and fall in the interest
towards the Metaverse, now we’ll see it
coming to life. Slowly. Via social.
“After nearly three years of intermittent lockdowns,
NFTs allow brands to connect with Chinese consumers
in the digital realm, surpassing any lockdown-related
restrictions that may prevent their target audience from
experiencing their products offline. For example, in June
2022, Chinese social media platform RED launched
R-SPACE; dedicated to virtual fashion where users can
buy, sell and try on NFT clothing. Through this channel,
and others, brands can sell virtual versions of their most
popular products. Embracing NFTs will not only show
brands’ commitment to innovation and creativity, it will
also expand their target market - reaching consumers
who may not be able to afford their offline products. We
predict that the intersection of NFTs and social media
will only become more closely interrelated in 2023.”
James Hebbert, Managing Director, Hylink UK
”With Meta set to launch its AR-enabled glasses, we
can expect the company to start pushing more AR tools
on Facebook and Instagram to get its best creators
creating for the metaverse. But even though many
marketers are looking to ride the next wave of tech
innovation, they’re also wary of how it might play out
compared to all the hype. (Think: NFTs.)” Laura Marzec,
Content Strategy at Imagination, part of The Mx Group
“One thing that may push the metaverse further is the
livestream integration of virtual characters. Yet, it would
require faster processors and bandwidth to reach a
level of 3D live rendering that would match the quality
of cinematic or video game realism. So far, there are
technical limitations. Nonetheless, we have already
experienced with virtual cartoon integration mixed with
real people during livestream. Cartoon characters do not
require a high level of computing for rendering, and the
experience is flawless.”
Alexandre Ouairy, Founder and Director, PLTFRM
Trend #6
Like it or not, our attention spans keep on
diminishing. Brands need to master the art of
snackable video in order to get their message
“Short form videos will be the king format in 2023. The
short videos popularized by TikTok have led to other
platforms such as Instagram with its Reels or YouTube
with its Shorts to give prominence to this format and
promote it through the algorithm. - - Brands must
capture the attention of users through impactful, clear
and concise audiovisual content that hooks during the
first seconds. We must focus on producing videos in
vertical format that go straight to the point and with
subtitles, since many users will view them without
sound, they will be essential within the brand´s content
strategy.” Alex Casanovas, Digital Director, Atrevia
“The trend that doesn’t seem to be losing steam any
time soon is short-form video… Regardless of what
platform you’re on these days, users can’t seem to
consume enough video content. - - And with the
increasing number of ways that short-form video
can be promoted across social, there’s no shortage of
opportunity to flex your creative muscles in showcasing
your brand.” Megan Encarnacion, Associate Director
Social Media, Abelson Taylor
“While TikTok’s astronomic boom is nothing new, its
influence on the way other social media platforms
operate will continue. - - The video momentum has
only increased as major social media platforms like
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn improve their video
capabilities to catch up with the growing popularity
and new trends.” Rajesh Mehta, Chief Strategy Officer &
Dhruv Gaur, Digital Planning Lead, Medulla
“Social e-commerce is all about short videos and
livestream. Daily short videos are required to keep the
audience interested and drag traffic to the livestream.
The challenge is to find the fine line between good
branding and good sales conversion. The social
e-commerce experience requires a very personal touch
to communication; think how a waiter at a chain store
may represent the brand yet be an individual with a
unique personality. On the other hand, the requirement
for brand engagement needs to go beyond the sales
speech approach. There is a need for storytelling, which
once again needs clever and economical answers –
imagine doing a TVC every other day.” Alexandre Ouairy,
Founder and Director, PLTFRM
Trend #7
Now that every B2C brief includes influencers
(or creators, ofc), it is time B2B really started
embracing them. 2023 will see a rise in both
internal and external influencers in business-
to-business context.
“More and more, marketers are partnering with industry
experts and analysts, internal executives and niche
experts to bolster organisational trust and credibility.
And, it’s working. 86% of B2B brands attributed
improved brand performance to influencer marketing.
72% reported improved brand reputation, while 56%
said influencer marketing helped to generate new leads.
What’s more, 33% said influencers were a direct revenue
generator.” Olivia Hussey, Junior Planner, The Hallway
“BYOI – build your own influencer. Social media is
communication from person to person. The thing about
B2B influencers is that they are usually tied to one
company and therefore can only be used to a limited
extent by other organizations. The idea of training one’s
own employee as an influencer is therefore becoming
more and more exciting. Most companies already
have a brand advocacy program, which is often still
in its infancy, but has great potential for expansion.
Here’s where we could think further: if companies
properly identify who is a charming and diverse digital
communicator and the organization’s storyteller, the
reach of that brand advocate can easily be amplified. In
this way, corporate messages are conveyed much louder
and more authentically to the outside world.” Timotée
Louise Gbaguidi, Digital Communications Director
“B2B senior buyers have stated that they use social
media in their supplier selection process. Considering
this, in 2023 we will likely see more companies expand
their content across different platforms. - - This will be
especially noticeable on platforms with short-form and
vertical formats. The challenge will be for them to ditch
the stiff tone and dare to experiment with a fresher tone
that thrives on platforms like TikTok or YouTube Shorts.
One avenue to achieve this, which has been successful
in several regions including Latin America, is through
content creators who share the day-to-day lives of those
who work in the company.” Gaby Arriaga, Founder,
Trend #8
Likes are out. Conversations are in. New
channels and new ways of using social have
changed us – and this should affect how
brands measure themselves.
“Gen Z is redefining what engagement actually means.
Likes and views are out, and comments, saves, and
shares are in. Beyond this, we see Gen Z as looking for
ways to actually interact within content – to mash-
up, through virtual experiences that go beyond just
commenting and sharing content. - - Gen Z don’t care
about likes or other easily forged statistics. They look
for meaningful comments as a sign of authenticity and
strong consumer sentiment. Gen Z are highly skeptical
of brands which have low engagement, and do not trust
brands with disabled comments.” Team Adolescent
“Platforms are starting to gear their features towards
time spent and utility — where measurements like
views, completion rate, multiple plays, saves etc. — are
becoming more valuable than traditional gauges of
success (likes, comments, impressions). This goes hand
in hand with the move to “recommended media,” where
the algorithm makes the final call on what deserves our
finite attention. Content that’s served (or not served)
to users is selected based on optimized engagement
based on a user’s prior viewing history.” Eli Williams, Sr.
Creative Strategist, Day One Agency
“‘Numbers’ via likes / retweets / shares aren’t that
impressive anymore. Neither is one-off / sporadic
engagement, as we’re quick to hop from one trend to
the next. These are KPIs that can easily be achieved by a
temporary ‘viral’ moment, so to me, they don’t count for
much. - - Truthfully, I personally would measure value +
impact qualitatively. That is, on how much conversation
it creates. Nigerians are not an easily impressed bunch,
so you’ve struck gold once you’re able to get them to
talk about your campaign or product without being
paid to.” Seyi Alawode, Founder & Head of Strategy, CHL
Trend #9
Instead of asking “what happened”, we’ll ask
“what is likely to happen”. And for this, we
will need data. Loads of data.
“One important trend is the ability to implement
predictive analytics. This allows marketers to use
advanced analytics that make predictions about
future outcomes using historical data, combined
with statistical modelling, data mining and machine
learning. This will allow marketers to have a pretty solid
understanding of the potential of any campaign, the
risks, the opportunities and the outcomes.” Leigh Tayler,
Integrated Strategy Director, Joe Public
“Predictive analytics will disrupt marketing. - - It’s been
used in underwriting and credit scoring for several
years, using existing big data to predict potential future
outcomes. Predictive analytics is on the rise, with
mentions up 20% since January 2022, with significant
positive sentiment. Broadly, this AI tech is making
waves. But, we’re also starting to see the topic creating
a buzz within social media audiences i.e., those that
include phrases like PR, marketing, or comms in their
bio. - - Predictive analytics may be new in marketing,
but it’s already a valuable data analysis technique used
in a wide variety of industries.” Alix Le Bourgeois, Lead
Strategist, JIN
“Artificial intelligence will mark a turning point in
measuring social media. It will allow us to optimize and
automate the analysis of the huge amount of data we
collect daily on our social platforms and reduce the
time we spend. In addition, we will be able, through
predictive models based on artificial intelligence, to
know more precisely how our audiences are going to
behave.” Alex Casanovas, Digital Director, Atrevia
Trend #10
The interviews
Abelson Taylor (USA)
Abelson Taylor is a healthcare and wellness marketing
agency that delivers a return on imagination. From
strategy to insights to creative to tech, we’re imaginative
in all the ways that influence market behaviors and
delivers what matters for our clients: improving health
and wellbeing while providing tangible, measurable
market results that grow your brand.
“The metaverse poses yet another
opportunity for people trying to
escape reality, and at this point
who can blame them!”
Megan Encarnacion
Associate Director Social Media
Christopher Dimmock
SVP Integrated Strategy
What is the most interesting trend regarding
social media that marketers should be aware
of in 2023?
ME: The trend that doesn’t seem to be losing steam
any time soon is short-form video… Regardless of what
platform you’re on these days, users can’t seem to
consume enough video content. From DIY hacks and
makeup tutorials to product reviews and digestible
summaries of current events, anything that can be
explained in less than a minute or so is bound to garner
eyeballs and engagement. And with the increasing
number of ways that short-form video can be promoted
across social, there’s no shortage of opportunity to flex
your creative muscles in showcasing your brand.
CD: In healthcare, we are using these opportunities
to create entertaining but fact-based video content.
Many of our clients are using social media platforms
as a foundation for disease education and outreach,
particularly in rare disease areas where patients and
caregivers feel isolated.
Where is influencer marketing headed in
ME: Influencers will continue to be an integral part of
digital marketing strategies as we look to 2023 and
beyond. The modern-day consumer relies heavily on
the honest critique from someone they trust or look
up to prior to making a purchase or trying something
new – many will even seek out these kinds of reviews
on their own. It’s very easy for users to make snap
decisions about whether or not a brand is authentic and
aligns with their ethos – when done well, influencers
can drastically help cut through the noise and leave a
lasting impact on users.
CD: Influencers provide a unique opportunity to for
pharma marketers to create empathetic patient and
caregiver support platforms. We help bring important
voices forward to address lifestyle and caregiver issues,
humanizing not just life with a condition but also life in
How should brands approach the metaverse
in 2023?
ME: The metaverse poses yet another opportunity for
people trying to escape reality, and at this point who
can blame them! Not only is it intriguing for a potential
user, but it also presents a lot of unique and exciting
opportunities for marketers. At its’ core, the metaverse
is focused on creating a shared, immersive experience
for people all over the globe – bringing them together in
a way that’s never been done before. As marketers, we
should only seek to enhance that experience by placing
user experience (UX) at the very top of the list. Any
company can create a branded ad that makes a claim
about their product/service, the key differentiator will be
seeing which companies go the extra mile to bring their
brand to life in the metaverse by creating an engaging
experience that exemplifies a user-first approach.
CD: The metaverse today is still a bit of the wild west.
As it evolves, it is essential for marketers to provide safe
trusted environments for people to interact, particularly
when it comes to their health and well-being. We have
seen significant advancements in the distribution of
care enable by new technologies. Telehealth would
seem a natural development in the metaverse, however,
how that is managed in a safe and regulated manner is
still in development.
What is the most interesting trend for social
media in B2B marketing?
ME: Employee advocacy should and will continue to
be a growing trend in 2023. Similar to how we look to
influencers to help us buy a new vacuum or try out
a new supplement, I think people also look to the
opinions of current employees when they’re on the
job hunt or when they’re considering a company’s
offering, customer service, etc. To put it plainly… People
have a much higher propensity to trust other people
versus trusting the company itself. It holds a lot of
weight when someone we know has a positive (or even
negative!) experience, and that can strongly influence
how we make decisions. With a stronger focus and
investment in employee advocacy, companies are
likely to increase overall brand awareness and establish
stronger partnerships by way of letting employees be
the brand voice.
CD: Like all B2B audiences, Healthcare Professionals
are busy on social platforms, particularly in professional
communities. Our clients have increased their social
media presence and leverage these platforms to reach
HCPs with relevant content and engagement.
What is the most important trend regarding
the measuring and metrics of social media
marketing in 2023?
ME: Social media continues to gain traction as an
integral part of digital marketing strategies and should
consistently be recognized as another touchpoint in the
consumer journey. Long gone are the days when social
media focused solely on engagement-only metrics
such as Likes, Shares and Comments – social platforms
offer a wide array of metrics that can be analyzed in
parallel with other digital marketing channels like
display, paid search, or email. And now more than ever,
social media metrics must be brought into the fold in
order to accurately show the “whole story”. Across many
verticals, social has proven the ability to drive efficient
conversions and qualified leads – you’re doing yourself
a disservice if you’re only looking to social as a top-of-
funnel awareness driver.
CD: When we look across our clients marketing
ecosystems, social media metrics and social listening
provides insight into the real conversations and
relationships our audience have with brands, with
their competitors and with each other. This context is
essential for the development of personal content and
communication optimization with our customers. Social
media provides us with both barriers and opportunities
to expedite the consumer journey.
Adolescent Content (USA)
At Adolescent Content, we believe that no one knows
Gen Z better than Gen Z knows themselves. During
our end of year social audit, we engaged 70 Gen Z
consultants globally to weigh in on what is in, and what
is out for 2023.
YouthTellers is Adolescent’s research division and is
comprised of over 50,000 Gen Z respondents globally;
we do quan and qual studies, trend & insights reports,
ethnographic videos and so much more. Want to know
about any subject related to GenZ - let us know.
“The most interesting trend I see
with B2B is when businesses speak
directly to me and joke around
with other businesses or even their
Ramaa Mosley
CEO Adolescent Content/Youthtellers
Serenity Griffin
Community Manager
Youthteller Consultants:
Michelle Castillo
Jola Adeoye
Sophie Wieters
Rea Sweets
Nathalie Alvarez
Jacob Thompson
Jadon Velasquez
Maya Minhas
Khrystina Warnstadt
What is the most interesting trend regarding
social media that marketers should be aware
of in 2023?
Gen Z feels unequivocally that content needs to be
believable and “authentic”, and should remind people
online that they are not alone. Authentic content
doesn’t sell or preach – it is the type of video or static
post your friend would make and send you to make you
laugh or cry. Especially since Covid, Gen Z is doubling
down on the “social” in social media and rejecting
the inundation of performative, polished, inaccessible
standards online we’ve seen in years past.
“The way we define influencers is rapidly changing.
Influencers have become internet status symbols
rather than representing the everyday person. Some
may still want to see influencer’s lavish lifestyles or
know what they endorse, but others would rather
watch someone they can relate to on a personal,
cultural, and financial level.” Michelle Castillo, Gen Z
”Influencer/content creator culture is becoming a
trend and I think it will only get more popular in
2023. With a focus on authenticity and relatability.
With the rise in focus of short form video content,
more people feel being an “influencer” is more
attainable, so more people want to try and build
their personal brand and establish their presence
on social media platforms. Since more and more
people are becoming more aware of how much
money can be made from the industry. This is can
be seen in the growth of UGC creators.” Jola Adeoye,
Gen Z Consultant
In crafting campaigns, Adolescent Content encourages
our clients to move away from traditional influencers
and towards “people of influence” aka nano influencers
who can humanize a brand, product or services. This
allows brands to tap into online conversations in an
authentic, engaging, and down-to-earth way that an
average mid-level marketer just won’t be able to.
Where is influencer marketing headed in
There is an interesting paradigm when it comes to
macro- and micro-influencers online. Big brands
desperately need to make themselves more human and
personable online. Nano and micro influencers are the
best we to create an intimate connection with viewers.
Utilizing these influencers is going to be the most
important factor for successful campaigns in 2023.
Though on the contrary, small, totally unknown brands
are more likely to feel major results by tapping into
macro-influencers or celebrities which will create fast
and quick reach. At Adolescent, we’re believers in
asymmetric pairings – big brands need to be trusted
and can create a connection with their audience
by utilizing nano influencers. While macro and
major influencers can best wield their influence by
collaborating with small and medium businesses they
truly believe in.
“The first thing that comes to mind is micro-
influencers and authenticity. The only influencers I
follow and actually trust are smaller influencers with
specific niches I enjoy who can seamlessly integrate
influencing into their actual lives. They tend to only
work with brands who they truly believe in, enjoy,
have used in the past without a deal, who they think
will actually be interesting to their followers and
their shared interests. I think reaching out to smaller
influencers as a brand would actually yield a big
result because of the relevancy and reliability factor.
Using this mindset further, being authentic as a
brand itself is important – it shouldn’t be considered
just a trend, because what’s authentic about that?
– but using that factor of seamlessness should be
considered by brands in their ads as well. No more
cringey ads trying so hard, but actual authenticity.
It gets so annoying and sickening to see the same
brands shoved in your face by so many larger
influencers who obviously don’t actually use the
product. I don’t follow anyone like that and never
will. What is refreshing is when you see a brand
relevant to the smaller influencer’s interests actually
used and liked by them, and likely their followers.”
Sophie Wieters, Gen Z Consultant
How should brands approach the metaverse
in 2023?
Across all age ranges of Gen Z, consumers are still
unsure or confused about what the metaverse is,
where it is, how to find it and how to access it. Once the
consumer understands the metaverse their response
was one of disappointed. We are not yet in the world
of “Ready Player One”. Sure some stars, creators and
brands are playing in the NFT game and that could be
interesting but currently because there’s no agreed
upon central “Metaverse” the majority of Gen Z is tuning
out web3 or sees it as an extension of the world of
gaming without the innovation of gaming.
In order to succeed in the metaverse, Adolescent
Content believes that brands will have to get to the
future quickly. Consumers expect a lot from the
metaverse and find the current iterations laughable.
The key isn’t to silo Web3 off from a brand’s other social
media or influencer campaigns, but to let content and
customer journey flow back and forth.
General trends around trust and authenticity definitely
extend into the metaverse, but consumers are
generally tolerant of risk taking as they begin to better
understand how the metaverse might fit into our
lives. The recent FTX scandal has also highlights for Gen
Z how unstable the world of crypto and therefor the
metaverse is. This opens up the question of whether or
not companies belong in the metaverse at all while it’s
still in its nascent form. Jumping into Sandbox feels akin
to a toddler’s video game.
Gen Z is Unimpressed
“Gen Z is pretty disenchanted with the ‘metaverse’.
Honestly I believe that gaming offers most of what
the ‘metaverse’ proclaims to offer. See Second
Life, Habbo, Roblox, etc. The metaverse existed in
gaming before it became this huge buzzword that
got a bunch of investments. A lot of the ‘metaverse’
projects are so ugly and don’t understand anything
about building a true virtual universe”. Rea Sweets,
Gen Z Consultant
Ethnically Dubious?
“Investing in the metaverse can invite an unhealthy
culture of sales in a place of escape. Fiscally, it’s wise
to invest in advertising in the metaverse, but the
ethical complications do not justifying the ends.
Consider the rise of celebrity culture branding
themselves on the metaverse with NFTs. The
backlash pertaining to stealing the artistic vision of
original creators to enrich a culture that truly has
no reason to be there is the best part of the right
of Artists creating NFTs”. Nathalie Alvarez, Gen Z
Cringe and Scammy?
“I think brands should completely stay away from
the metaverse until it becomes more mainstream
many years down the line. Companies that have
made NFTs, crypto, or metaverse experiences have
been seen as cringe and scammy. The metaverse
is still in its infancy and needs to be built before
advertisers enter it.” Jacob Thompson, Gen Z
What is the most interesting trend for social
media in B2B marketing?
While brands primarily use social media to speak to
customers, one of the most comical and engaging
trends we’ve seen is brands using public-facing B2B
communications on social media to throw shade at
their competitors on social media. As we mentioned
before, big brands do best when they humanize
themselves on social media. Playing out friendly
rivalries, or clapping back at competitors on social
media has been a great way to reinvent B2B, and keep
customers engaging with content.
”The most interesting trend I see with B2B is when
businesses speak directly to me and joke around
with other businesses or even their competitors.
When businesses do that they seem more human
which makes people like them more.” Jadon
Velasquez, Gen Z Consultant
In a world that lives and breathes on social, the biggest
trends that we’ve seen for B2B marketing have been:
1. An increase in articulation of brand values and
specifically speaking loudly about DEI and valued
centered efforts.
2. The use of video content (true for B2C obviously)
from brand collateral videos to short form videos.
3. Personalization of brand messaging across all
areas of B2B marketing.
4. Increase in email marketing - have you been
getting as many lead generator emails and SEO
emails as we have? Literally 20 emails a day and this
is true across all sectors. Emails are back but so is
the spam button. Which goes to our point #3. If the
message being sent out via email is general and not
personal it will not be read. The key trend for B2C
marketing is to personalize all messages – know
your customer and their energy level, vibe, interests.
What is the most important trend regarding
the measuring and metrics of social media
marketing in 2023?
Gen Z is redefining what engagement actually means.
Likes and views are out, and comments, saves, and
shares are in. Beyond this, we see Gen Z as looking
for ways to actually interact within content–to mash-
up, through virtual experiences that go beyond just
commenting and sharing content. Adolescent Content
is working on a number of projects for 2023 that break
the fourth wall, and invite consumers to be take part in
virtual brand experience in completely new ways.
Because Gen Z consumes content at such a high rate,
the expectation and meaning of engagement are
changing. Gen Z don’t care about likes or other easily
forged statistics. They look for meaningful comments as
a sign of authenticity and strong consumer sentiment.
Gen Z are highly skeptical of brands which have low
engagement, and do not trust brands with disabled
”Following suit of how our culture is evolving
to prioritize authenticity and substance over
traditional images of wealth and pop-culture, we
are also becoming more well-versed as a society
in the significance of digital metrics. The numbers
that previously engaged and amazed both
consumers and brands are no longer as impressive.
In today’s world creators are less focused on
reach and views and instead digging deeper
into engagement – qualitative data, and how to
best build sustainability and consistency. We are
increasingly seeing folks step away from seeking
a phenomena like the ASL Ice Bucket Challenge
and moving more towards investing in audience
research, building a strong brand identity, and
creating a unique and successful narrative that
resonates with target audiences.” Maya Minhas, Gen
Z Consultant
”Likes feel obsolete. Meaningful comments are
great and they boost engagement. Shares are an
important metric. I would say saves are a newer
trend, especially on TikTok. I’d also be interested in
looking at time spent on each post – did the user
read/watch the whole thing? Did they rewatch?
Especially with educational or direct sales content
this is going to be critical. To me, I think the most
impactful metrics are the time spent per post,
saves, and shares/re-shares.” Khrystina Warnstadt,
Gen Z Consultant
Brands should also keep in mind that engagement is
not always a good thing. Most Gen Z report that they
will keep following unless something really goes wrong.
The strongest negative sentiment: hitting the unfollow
Atrevia (ES)
We are a global Positioning and Strategic
Communication company, the biggest in Iberia
and with presence in Latin America. Our offices are
composed of 15 countries, and our network of partners
allows us to gain a global coverage for our customers.
With more than 500 professionals, 30 nationality
and multidisciplinary profiles, we are able to provide
integrated solutions in over 20 areas of expertise.
These include: Marketing and Communications, Digital
Marketing, Corporate Affairs, Public Affairs, Culture and
People Engagement, and Data Analytics.
”B2B will more clearly integrate
influencer marketing into its
marketing strategy, seeking
greater visibility and credibility.”
Alex Casanovas
Digital Director
What is the most interesting trend regarding
social media that marketers should be aware
of in 2023?
Two interrelated trends, micro contents and short
Short Form Videos will be the king format in 2023. The
short videos popularized by TikTok have led to other
platforms such as Instagram with its Reels or YouTube
with its Shorts to give prominence to this format and
promote it through the algorithm.
Brands must capture the attention of users through
impactful, clear and concise audiovisual content that
hooks during the first seconds. We must focus on
producing videos in vertical format that go straight to
the point and with subtitles, since many users will view
them without sound, they will be essential within the
brand´s content strategy.
This does not mean that long-form videos will
disappear, but we must plan long and short editions
for publication depending on the different platforms.
In addition, the user will prioritize content with little
editing that values the transparency and authenticity of
the brand.
Where is influencer marketing headed in
Influencer Marketing will continue in an ascending
line, but both influencers and brands will select more
carefully the collaborations that they will accept.
Massive actions will be progressively set aside, to give
priority to long-term collaborations that allow for more
consistency of the brand’s marketing strategy.
It is no longer just about recommending products or
brands, but also about sharing common values that
offer consistency and credibility. In line with inclusive
marketing, brands will look for those influencers who
share their values, and who allow them to reinforce their
internal and external actions in terms of inclusiveness.
How should brands approach the metaverse
in 2023?
It is too early to say where we are going with the
metaverse, but it is clear that it has been a trend in
2022 and it will continue to be so for the next few years
since it is essentially in full swing. It is the Internet
evolutionary leap and huge amounts of money are
being invested in it. The metaverse is in its initial phase,
therefore 2023 will focus on consolidating its bases, both
from a technological and regulatory perspective, which
will allow to promote its development and define the
future uses and experiences it will offer. Nevertheless,
the metaverse will likely be much less talked about
in 2023 due to the post-pandemic explosion of the
physical versus the virtual.
What is the most interesting trend for social
media in B2B marketing?
B2B will more clearly integrate influencer marketing
into its marketing strategy, seeking greater visibility
and credibility. B2B companies are beginning to give
value to specific industry experts who can allow them
to get qualitative leads directly or indirectly. Influencer
marketing actions in B2B will seek long-term brand-
ambassador-type relationships that allow them to
gain credibility. The key will be, as always in influencer
marketing, an adequate selection of the best micro-
influencers. Experts related to the products and sectors
of the brand, that generate content in order to help
their audience and align with the brand’s marketing
What is the most important trend regarding
the measuring and metrics of social media
marketing in 2023?
Artificial intelligence will mark a turning point in
measuring social media. It will allow us to optimize and
automate the analysis of the huge amount of data we
collect daily on our social platforms and reduce the
time we spend. In addition, we will be able, through
predictive models based on artificial intelligence, to
know more precisely how our audiences are going to
Regarding KPIs, the ROAS will gain more and more
importance in the metrics and measures of the results
in social media. Investing in Social Paid has become
essential in social media if we want to achieve an
adequate reach for our content, therefore measuring
the return on investment becomes essential. The ROAS
allows to identify those optimizations to be carried out
and to evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising
Barrett (USA)
Barrett, headquartered in San Francisco is a full-service
creative marketing agency that develops unstoppable
ideas that are effective, memorable and enduring. A
two-time AdAge Small Agency of the Year winner —
the agency had a busy 2022. A few highlights include
making a Super Bowl spot, using social media to
launch a new WarCraft game, launching a new sports
betting book in Brazil, handling the brand work for
Chime, designing and launching eBay Refurbished, and
winning the opportunity to work with Yahoo!
”The most wonderful thing about
the metaverse is that it’s the
furthest thing from one-size-fits-all
– the opportunity for exploration is
Natalie Chaney
Social Strategist
What is the most interesting trend regarding
social media that marketers should be aware
of in 2023?
Realness is high-key, key.
When it comes to channels, TikTok is a big focus for
Barrett. It’s no secret that TikTok has been rapidly
growing over the past couple of years, and as the fastest
growing social platform ever, the TikTok train won’t be
stopping anytime soon.
As we head into 2023, TikTok is going from a nice-
to-have to a need-to-have for brands looking to stay
relevant on Social Media – but many have struggled
to find their place on the platform. Why? Because on
TikTok, the rules are different. Brands have permission
to be more playful, to be more surprising, but the
community is also looking for brands to stay true to
themselves while doing this.
This is a hard balance to strike, particularly for those
within luxury spaces. People want brands to show that
they are multidimensional, human and have more
than one perfected, produced side. Similar to Twitter’s
“silence brand” era, users aren’t looking for brands to
post content that feels too forced. It’s critical for brands
to be thinking through how they can remain true to
themselves as they connect & show up on TikTok, while
also remaining true to both the consumers they’re
connecting with and the platform itself.
Gucci did a great job of striking the balance between
their premium aspirational tone and the native style
of TikTok by working with content creators in a recent
push for their #GucciMarquee glasses.
Where is influencer marketing headed in
The rise of the creator economy has been a trend
we’ve all followed for the past couple of years –
particularly because of its resiliency during times of
uncertainty. With the growth remaining so consistent,
the main trends we’ve seen are the types of influencers
& creators that are breaking through are:
Creators first, brand second
While content creators are a shortcut to authentic
content, they’ve absolutely changed the rules of
the game. Instead of giving influencers a perfectly
crafted brand book with guidelines and a brief,
brands now have to hand over trust to content
creators and ensure that there are aligned values
so they can represent the brand in their own way.
While this does land them with better content in
the end, it’s caused a shift in the power balance, as
too much direction can quickly feel like constraints.
The more niche the better
One trend we’ve seen overall on social is a focus on
niche audiences – this is largely due to the rise in
TikTok as well. Due to the nature of the algorithm,
organic content from creators with lower follower
bases not only has the ability to thrive, but it’s also
likely to resonate more with those watching it.
Consumers view nano- and micro-influencers as
more relatable, and easier to connect with, which
makes them more likely to trust them.
There’s an influencer for everyone
Because of the growing popularity of content
creators & how revenue has changed the game, the
barrier to entry for becoming a content creator has
also become lower. In fact, in a recent Consumer
Trends report from Hubspot, we saw that 30% of 18-
24 year olds and 40% of 25 to 34 year olds consider
themselves a content creator. This influx of creators
is encouraging for creativity as it has led to an
explosion of what creativity can look like in social.
How should brands approach the metaverse
in 2023?
For many brands, the metaverse can be intimidating –
in part due to a lack of understanding. But, my advice?
Throw caution to the wind. The time to experiment
is now – because honestly, most people don’t fully
understand it yet. The metaverse provides a unique
opportunity for discovery and exploration in a test and
learn environment.
To me one of the most interesting spaces within
the metaverse is gaming. Video games aren’t just
something you play anymore – they’ve evolved into
spaces you can hang out in. I personally spend 10+ hours
playing video games a week, and with 67% of Americans
over 18 playing them, it can be a great place for brands
to start with an audience that’s growing faster than ever
and beyond open for brand collaborations.
A few ways brands have shown up within existing video
• Events (Travis Scott x Fortnite)
• Limited Skins (Balenciaga x Fortnite)
• Virtual environments (Invisaslign x Roblox, Westelm
x Roblox)
Or, brands can go one step further with the creation of
their own game:
• Louis the Game (Louis Vuitton)
But, like I said in the beginning, the most wonderful
thing about the metaverse is that it’s the furthest thing
from one-size-fits-all – the opportunity for exploration is
What is the most interesting trend for social
media in B2B marketing?
One of the areas where B2B marketing can struggle the
most is the human factor. B2B is inherently different
than B2C, which can make it difficult for a brand’s tone
& voice to shine through online the way it does in B2C
marketing due to the conversational nature of social.
Because of this, the B2B space can also become a bit of
sea-of-sameness. It can get stale very quickly. And even
organic placements can start to feel like paid.
A trend I’ve begun to see in B2B marketing, and one I’m
particularly excited about, is the idea of flipping B2B on
it’s head and approaching it as you would B2C when it
comes to humanity and personalization.
A few examples of brands doing this well:
• HP tapped into TikTok to take on a social cause with
their #HPRadicalReuse campaign.
• taps into trending memes / cultural moments to
relate to their audience.
• Adobe utilizes user generated content to inspire
their community and showcase different use cases.
Due in part to the rise of B2B2C, and the generational
change in B2B buyer committees, I anticipate we’ll
start seeing less hyper-targeting and more human/
personalized content as we head into 2023.
What is the most important trend regarding
the measuring and metrics of social media
marketing in 2023?
Platform algorithms are constantly shifting & evolving.
Sometimes the shifts are small, and sometimes they’re
massive. But no-matter how big the changes are, they
do trickle down to both the way users interact on the
platform and how we as brands should be measuring &
benchmarking towards those interactions.
With newer platforms gaining popularity, and even
newer ones continue to emerge, I think one of the most
important trends to keep in mind when it comes to
social media measuring & metrics is that each platform
& the user behavior on it is unique.
While some metrics may be primary metrics on some
platforms, on others… they really may not be important
at all simply because of how users behave there. Take
follower count for example. While this is definitely a
focus point on both Twitter and Instagram, it’s really
a secondary metric on TikTok. Because of this, it’s
imperative that we define goals & KPIs individually
per platform.
CHL is an insights-led consultancy based in Lagos &
London. We scale businesses across the creator, digital
& new-gen consumer economies through strategic
marketing, business development & growth products
and services.
”And no, your email list is not a
Seyi Alawode
Founder & Head of Strategy
What is the most interesting trend regarding
social media that marketers should be aware
of in 2023?
Speaking specifically for Nigeria, consumer culture
works hand in hand with trends. Digital, online trends.
This could look like a new viral TikTok song replicated
across other channels. Or a Twitter trending topic in
itself – most of which are influenced by offline/online
Social media marketers wanting to tap into the Nigerian
market must put research first, otherwise you risk a
haphazard attempt of tapping into our digi-culture
[something they won’t be afraid to ‘drag’ you for]. You
see, the Nigerian consumer market is as segmented as
the country itself, but our social languages [sarcasm,
humour, activism] could be said to somewhat unite our
differences. For a thorough understanding of trends,
digital ethnography of Nigerian social spaces [e.g.
checking out ‘Nigerian Twitter’ through the trends table,
exploring Nigerian TikTok hashtags, researching and
following the right blogs/publications on Instagram]
would give you much better insight than a Google
search would.
Be careful though, Nigeria is both an unforgiving and
distracted market. Because things are so tough in the
country, there’s little tolerance for brands that miss
the mark [especially non-Nigerian brands], and little
attention given to the brands that put in little effort to
capture it. So your goal as a social marketer should really
be to leverage daily trends the right way [by research +
‘reading the room’], and cut through the noise instead
of adding to it [by being intentional, creative, targeted
and consistent].
Where is influencer marketing headed in
There’s this saying going around that ‘everybody in Naij
is an influencer these days’, which is subject to debate,
I guess. What is factual though is that there has been
a groundbreaking influx of niche content creators
this year, the most successful of which have been skit
makers. In terms of reach, awareness, hype and good
storytelling, look towards the skit makers. Skit makers
are essentially DIY entertainers, who tell relatable,
made-up stories through humour and sarcasm. They
tend to excel in this space [TikTok, Instagram and
Facebook mostly] because the only thing a Nigerian
loves more than to be entertained, is to be entertained
by a story they can relate with. This made up a good
chunk of influencer marketing this year, and luckily, the
space isn’t quite saturated just yet...
However in 2023, the theme for successful
influencer marketing will be trust. So, focusing on
the ‘entertainment’ factor to sell things could be a
risk. This is primarily because it’s election year, and
socioeconomic tension could mean anything could
be perceived as anything – there’s a larger than usual
appetite for backlash and a warmer embrace of
influencers that can be vouched for.
Influencer marketing next year I believe will be rooted
in the relatable, more accessible creators. Niche
community pioneers, niche micro-influencers, niche
thought leaders – that’s where the trust lies. As is with
everything related to the Nigerian market, thorough
research, intent and collaboration with local experts will
get you those results.
How should brands approach the metaverse
in 2023?
From my observations as a marketer, the metaverse is
simply the last thing your average Nigerian cares about.
Truthfully. It doesn’t directly affect nor benefit them, so
they technically ‘have no business with it’.
That said, there are several existing web3 focused
communities, platforms and microbusinesses emerging
from Nigeria. My advice to brands within this space
would be to focus mostly on the ones that already
do care about the metaverse. From gamified fashion
startups like ASTRA, to Metaverse Magna, a Nigerian
gaming DAO, these organisations have already crafted
their own niches and audiences interested in metaverse
culture. What I’ve noticed so far instead is brands [see
Meta] somewhat ignoring these existing platforms in
favour of converting the 99%. Nigeria is a large country
with large problems – mass adoption of metaverse is
damn near impossible, at least for the time being. There
is however, enough room for collaboration with Nigerian
web3 platforms / communities / etc. that have already
built strong audiences that you can leverage.
Again, thorough research and intent is crucial here.
What is the most interesting trend for social
media in B2B marketing?
Content marketing reigned supreme this year and will
probably do so next year too. But there’s more...
This year, I’ve seen brands get SUPER creative online
in a bid to get more clients. From viral Twitter trends to
TikTok campaigns, it’s been a great year for the content
advertising space. Two things Nigerian businesses care
about when choosing suppliers are hype [yes, really] –
i.e. who can vouch for the supplier? How many followers
do they have on Insta? What’s their content like? And
expertise: how well can they solve my problem? How
many similar problems have they solved in the past?
Having active Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok and Instagram
channels producing content that solves the hype x
expertise [think big, but stay targeted], will usually get
you the leads you need.
However, what’s also risen in popularity this year and
will scale soon, is community building. Working with
startups this year has shown me the value, effectiveness
AND budget friendliness of building digital networks
made up of your clients. Provide an avenue whereby
they can discuss their problems with other people that
share the same problem, offering regular free resources
they can tap into for when they’re not deal-ready.
This positions you as the trusted congregator, as the
solution, as the ‘go to’, for when they are deal-ready.
Great community channels here include Telegram,
Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook and for the more ‘new-
gen’ ones, Discord.
And no, your email list is not a community.
What is the most important trend regarding
the measuring and metrics of social media
marketing in 2023?
Discussions next year should focus less on numbers and
more on measuring value and impact. Reason being
Nigeria has a massive populace and is a very very very
distracted, busy market. ‘Numbers’ via likes / retweets /
shares aren’t that impressive anymore. Neither is one-
off / sporadic engagement, as we’re quick to hop from
one trend to the next. These are KPIs that can easily be
achieved by a temporary ‘viral’ moment, so to me, they
don’t count for much.
Truthfully, I personally would measure value + impact
qualitatively. That is, on how much conversation it
creates. Nigerians are not an easily impressed bunch, so
you’ve struck gold once you’re able to get them to talk
about your campaign or product without being paid to.
And where is the one place you can measure this?
Twitter. That’s where most of Nigerian digital culture
is built and sustained. If it’s campaign specific, throw
in a fun hashtag that you can accurately measure, and
remember to create something worth talking about.
Day One Agency (USA)
Day One is a creative communications agency with the
ambition of stopping the world in its scroll with stories
that earn a place in culture.
”2023 will mark a sea change in
the way we think about social
media as a whole, with the desire
for authentic interaction, human
curated feeds and community at
the center of this new era.”
Eli Williams
Sr. Creative Strategist
What is the most interesting trend regarding
social media that marketers should be aware
of in 2023?
Trends and cultural movements usually emerge as a
counter, or rebuke to those that came before them, and
2023 will mark a new era of social media. If the old guard
of social was driven by a small handful of key players,
runaway algorithms and content overload, 2023 will be
defined by a growing presence of curated, closed door
spaces, as well as a breakdown of traditional hierarchies.
Exhausted by a constant barrage of ads, cancel culture,
half baked, spur of the moment platform changes and
cognizant of the lack of privacy, consumers are seeking
out closed, “IYKYK” communities to supplement their
digital diets. In short, we’ll see the return of “social” to
social media. The brands that breakthrough, will do
so by engaging in a two-way dialogue, authentically
forming more intimate interactions while forging
new paths that turn consumers into community. 2023
will mark a sea change in the way we think about
social media as a whole, with the desire for authentic
interaction, human curated feeds and community at
the center of this new era.
Where is influencer marketing headed in
Platform updates and the shift to algorithmically-driven
feeds, or “recommendation media,” from friend-driven
feeds have left many creators in a state of whiplash.
In many cases, to earn an impression today is akin to
playing pin the tail on the donkey. The increasingly
unpredictable nature of platforms will lead more
influencers to seek more ownable spaces that they
can have greater control over, and it will all happen
during a time when the creator toolbox is expanding
and becoming more democratized. Influencers will look
to spaces where they create for an audience—not a
mysterious algorithm.
How should brands approach the metaverse
in 2023?
There’s no doubt that the metaverse, that sweeping
word tossed around more than Neymar at the World
Cup, will play an influential role in the years to come, but
2023 will be a correction and learning period, and smart
brands will look to activations tactfully, intentionally and
with a hybrid approach. The metaverse won’t supplant
IRL (at least not yet), but it certainly will supplement
it. Brands that break through will do so by thinking
about how virtual communities can foster and facilitate
community (and commerce) IRL. Simply popping
up is no longer enough — brands can’t think of the
metaverse as a box to check off. A headline will only
get you so far, and consumers are hungry for a more
dynamic and multidimensional experience, and a good
story ties it all together.
What is the most important trend regarding
the measuring and metrics of social media
marketing in 2023?
Platforms are starting to gear their features towards
time spent and utility — where measurements like
views, completion rate, multiple plays, saves etc. — are
becoming more valuable than traditional gauges of
success (likes, comments, impressions). This goes hand
in hand with the move to “recommended media,” where
the algorithm makes the final call on what deserves our
finite attention. Content that’s served (or not served)
to users is selected based on optimized engagement
based on a user’s prior viewing history.
Brands are vying for consumers’ attention in a media
landscape that’s faster and more fragmented than ever.
We’ve never had more options when it comes to what
we consume, and yet we’ve never been more fickle
when it comes to what we choose. Therefore, expect
greater emphasis and value to be placed on visually
engaging storytelling that quite literally stops users in
their scrolls and coming back for more.
Different (IT)
Different is a communication company that drives
brands to fully express their potential, and to hit people
with significant content and messages. With a fluid
structure of talented, complete thinkers, Different
brings life to the vital energy of a brand.
”The “decline” of the Facebook
charm, which does not appeal to
Millenials and GenZ, could make us
think that Facebook doesn’t work
for B2B either. But it’s excellent.”
Francesca Trevisan
What is the most interesting trend regarding
social media that marketers should be aware
of in 2023?
In today’s digital world, anyone with a smartphone has
the opportunity to be a content creator, no matter if
they do this willingly. This opens the doors for more
diverse voices, with consumers worldwide being able to
find content creators who mirror their unique, distinct
experiences. In other words: content is bound to reflect
not just one version of reality anymore. It will represent
them all. Social platforms are providing simple features,
like Reel Templates or Remix functions, so creating
good engaging content is a lot easier and users love
it! They love to recreate viral TikToks/Reels, to try new
filters, to tell their own stories, and to show their skills.
Where is influencer marketing headed in
As a brand, there are people who use you and people
you use. The people you use need to represent your
brand, but still be themselves, because that’s the true
reason why they have a following. The brand must
therefore know how to carefully select talent in order
to trust the talent they choose: they need to let them
be free to create good content, not just fake ads. Why?
‘Cause ads are boring! Users who want to be entertained
also know when they are watching promotions and they
quickly skip a post when they notice the ad.
How should brands approach the metaverse
in 2023?
As it stands, the gaming world owns the metaverse
space – plenty of proto-metaverses already exist (think
Roblox, Second Life, and Horizon Worlds). Given the
similarities between the two, there’s each and every
chance gamers will be among the metaverse’s first
adopters; the interest is certainly there.
People in general, and gamers especially, are starting
to be more conscious about the metaverse (22% of
consumers interested in taking part in the metaverse
already play Minecraft), so brands must design
strategies that align with the interests of those early
adopters in order to be relevant. Being in the metaverse
for the sake of being there won’t bring any results any
What is the most interesting trend for social
media in B2B marketing?
Unlike what’s happening for B2C, Facebook undeniably
still has a place and relevance for B2B and 67% of
marketers deem Facebook to be the most effective
social media platform. In 2022, 74% of people leverage
the platform for professional purposes, and decision-
makers spend 74% more time on Facebook than other
users. Not having a Facebook page as a business is
detrimental to credibility. That’s interesting because
the “decline” of the Facebook charm, which does not
appeal to Millenials and GenZ, could make us think that
Facebook doesn’t work for B2B either. But it’s excellent.
What is the most important trend regarding
the measuring and metrics of social media
marketing in 2023?
Vanity metrics create an illusion of good results
because they lack impactful data. In 2023, marketers
have to work about actionable metrics that could be
used to represent real change or progress. KPIs should
represent impact on business goals and translate into
actionable data: this makes it possible to achieve real
and tangible results.
Enterfive (US / UK / NGA)
Enterfive is an insights agency. Creators of Versus Africa,
their flagship product that helps brands get complete,
competitive and actionable insights on the African
consumer market.
”We accurately predicted in 2021
that 2022 would be the year for
TikTok as a key B2B social media
marketing platform essential
for B2B success. This trend will
continue in 2023 and beyond.”
Jide Agbana
Global Product Marketing Manager
What is the most interesting trend regarding
social media that marketers should be aware
of in 2023?
It’s predicted that by 2030, about 50% of the world’s
population could be using Web 3.0. With this rate of
global adoption of Web 3.0, brands and businesses will
be held more accountable as consumers will expect
them to uphold data sovereignity than ever before –
because one of the critical values of Web 3.0 is that
it not only allows users to own their data but they
will be compensated for the time spent on the web,
leading to more investment by brands and businesses
in multi-sensory social media strategies that include
gamification, tokenization to create fully immersive
experiences. Naturally, this will lead to an increase in the
need for consumers to trust the social media accounts
and content they engage with. 2023 would come with
an increased demand for authenticity and virtue that
brands, businesses and social media marketers will have
to conform to. I expect social platforms to tackle more
consumer issues by leveraging real-time data, giving
power back to the user. Globally, consumers should also
expect different levels of censorship and free speech
with decentralised networks.
Where is influencer marketing headed in
Identifying ideal consumer demographics and
psychographics has transcended personas, it’s about
brand communities. The economic downturn and
recession in 2022 led to many downsizing, laying
off staff and cutting operating budgets. Brands and
businesses are forced to restructure their expenses
and more often than not, the first casualty is the
marketing budget. Inadvertently, bigger businesses
and brands will adapt these developments and evolve
from consumer personas and target relevant brand
communities. This approach would rely a lot more on
insights from engagements of community members,
and less on influencer marketing as it is relatively low-
cost, and high-yield. This inadvertently creates more
opportunities for smaller brands and businesses to
leverage more influencer marketing as bigger brands
and businesses rely more on consumer insights from
brand communities.
How should brands approach the metaverse
in 2023?
With a potential market of $800bn, the Metaverse
is predicted to add $5 trillion to the global economy
by 2030, according to Forbes. With companies like
Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, NVIDIA, HSBC, JP Morgan,
Nike, Gucci, and Google all staking a claim and
building in the Metaverse, the Metaverse has become
a new marketing channel (and an appealing one too!)
because consumers are always looking for new and
more engaging ways to connect with businesses and
brands they want to do business with. The Metaverse
is arguably the most fully immersive experience ever
with a focus on consumer experience and expertly
curated, personalized content that facilitates efficient
communication. Brands can invest in the Metaverse by
leveraging Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) by buying NFTs.
An example is Adidas when they joined the swamp
club, purchasing ape #8774, creating NFT products for
them to wear and are now a part of the Metaverse OG’s
collection. Brands can buy Metaverse land and real
estate in Metaverse projects or launch a business line
that operates in the Metaverse.
What is the most interesting trend for social
media in B2B marketing?
B2B Social Media Marketing has been a bitter-sweet
cycle of evolution of popular trends turning out to be
less impactful than predicted, since 2020. However,
we accurately predicted in 2021 that 2022 would
be the year for TikTok as a key B2B social media
marketing platform essential for B2B success. This
trend will continue in 2023 and beyond providing yet
another outlet for people to connect, engage and be
marketed to, TikTok is actually impacting consumer
behaviour and the way consumers process information,
especially consumers that prefer video content i.e
most consumers. Interestingly, Google revealed that
over 40% of GenZ users now search and prefer finding
information on TikTok and Instagram over Google
globally in 2022. B2B brands must invest in and leverage
user-generated content (UGC) while doubling down on
social media content and presence to influence buyer
decisions. Consumers on social media are more likely to
search for UGC before company websites to learn about
businesses, brands, products or services leveraging
reviews from the consumer perspective.
What is the most important trend regarding
the measuring and metrics of social media
marketing in 2023?
With an increasing number of brands & businesses
moving further away from consumer personas to
targeting broader brand communities, demographic-
based targeting is proving to be implausible in
measuring Purchase Intent. Brands and businesses
must measure Purchase Intent because it helps the
sales teams focus lead conversion strategies on healthy
leads based on their intent to purchase. With brand
communities, brands can generate even more leads but
gauge purchase intent by leveraging insights from “lift
surveys” to measure respondents’ sentiments toward
buying a product or service. Targeting consumers based
on psychographics, behaviour, affinity or intent provides
a more accurate depiction of the audience for social
media marketers because targeted marketing based
on intent allows for more relevant and personalized
messaging curated to individuals.
The Hallway (AUS)
The Hallway is a full-service advertising agency. We use
data to uncover what makes people tick. Then we affect
how they feel, think and behave by creating experiences
that touch their hearts, spark their minds & inspire
”Consumers are fake-tigued.
They’ve grown tired of curated,
polished photo grids, and filters,
and are chafing against the
pressure to be perfect and
Olivia Hussey
Junior Planner
What is the most interesting trend regarding
social media that marketers should be aware
of in 2023?
The revival of creation culture. The playful
expressiveness of Web 1.0 is enjoying something of a
renaissance. People are dusting off their old Tumblr
accounts, and turning to platforms which welcome
a broader range of expression and creativity – like
Mastodon, Bobdrop and Letterboxd. Gone are the days
of passively receiving algorithmic recommendations.
People are using social media, actively, as a self-
development tool. For identity expression, exploration
and experimentation. This trend is spearheaded by
Zoomers – a generation known for their complete
and unwavering authenticity, and unabashed self-
expression. To them, identity is not fixed or permanent,
rather, it’s an amorphous, ever-evolving thing. And they
expect brands to see theirs in the same light. 85% would
like to see brands take unexpected creative turns, and
continue to evolve their identities.
Where is influencer marketing headed in
Toward greater intimacy. Consumers are fake-tigued.
They’ve grown tired of curated, polished photo grids,
and filters, and are chafing against the pressure to be
perfect and performative. They’re looking for absolute
honesty. They want the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but it. Authenticity, based in digital intimacy,
is fastly becoming the main currency in the influencer
ecosystem. 90% of consumers cite authenticity as a key
consideration when deciding which brands (personal
or otherwise) to like and support. This makes perfect
sense – digital intimacy fosters a sense of familiarity and
mutual trust, and strengthens community connections.
Nick Cave’s one-to-one online correspondence, The Red
Hand Files, and Spanian’s Unfiltered Hood Life podcast
are excellent examples of this – even if they bristle at the
term, ‘influencer’, themselves!
How should brands approach the metaverse
in 2023?
With care. As we edge closer to an ‘internet of
senses’, brands need to think long and hard about
their metaverse use case – namely, how they want
their audience to interact with them, physically and
digitally – and how AR, VR and ER can be best used
to enrich their existing offerings. This prevents tech
for tech’s sake. When properly harnessed, interactive
technology can do great things, and deliver great value.
The Unfiltered History Tour, the AR guerilla tour of the
British Museum’s stolen artefacts, and Dimensions
of Testimony, a collection of 3D interactive genocide
survivor testimonies, are prime examples of this.
What is the most interesting trend for social
media in B2B marketing?
The rise of trusted influence. More and more,
marketers are partnering with industry experts and
analysts, internal executives and niche experts to
bolster organisational trust and credibility. And, it’s
working. 86% of B2B brands attributed improved brand
performance to influencer marketing. 72% reported
improved brand reputation, while 56% said influencer
marketing helped to generate new leads. What’s more,
33% said influencers were a direct revenue generator.
There’s no denying it’s a lucrative market! Looking
into the 2023 crystal ball, I suspect that the use of
professionally credentialed influencers will pick up pace,
and evolve into a common B2B marketing tactic. But,
only time will tell.
What is the most important trend regarding
the measuring and metrics of social media
marketing in 2023?
Dark social. The silent killer of social tracking. Dun, Dun
Duuun! Public conversations are disappearing, with
84% of content now being shared on private channels
like email, text or instant messaging applications and
discord servers. This upsurge in private sharing poses a
challenge for effectiveness measures – as lots of users,
traffic and conversions go unaccounted for. That said,
‘the dark’ isn’t something to be afraid of. It is something
to embrace. Adidas did. Their ‘Tango Squad’ group
on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger increased
customer engagement and led, ultimately, to greater
brand experience.
Hylink (CN / UK)
Hylink is the first natively Chinese digital agency to
move West and establish in the UK. Voted the most
effective advertising agency in the Asia Pacific region
with the prestigious Effie Award, Hylink is China’s
largest, independent full-service digital agency. Our
mission is simple: to creatively bridge the cultural gap in
digital marketing between China and the UK.
”In China, we see B2B brands
paving the way for new trends that
are eventually adapted by the B2C
James Hebbert
Managing Director
What is the most interesting trend regarding
social media that marketers should be aware
of in 2023?
After nearly three years of intermittent lockdowns,
NFTs allow brands to connect with Chinese consumers
in the digital realm, surpassing any lockdown-related
restrictions that may prevent their target audience from
experiencing their products offline. For example, in June
2022, Chinese social media platform RED launched
R-SPACE; dedicated to virtual fashion where users can
buy, sell and try on NFT clothing. Through this channel,
and others, brands can sell virtual versions of their most
popular products. Embracing NFTs will not only show
brands’ commitment to innovation and creativity, it will
also expand their target market - reaching consumers
who may not be able to afford their offline products. We
predict that the intersection of NFTs and social media
will only become more closely interrelated in 2023.
Where is influencer marketing headed in
In China in 2023 we’ll likely see influencer marketing
move towards virtual influencers. Brands in China are
increasingly partnering with virtual influencers both for
their complete control over the influencer’s personality
and narrative – meaning no scandals – and to appeal to
digitally-savvy Gen Z, China’s most powerful consumer
group. The possibilities are endless when it comes to
creative output: virtual influencers can appear in the
metaverse and within the gaming world, two areas of
particular interest for Gen Z consumers. To illustrate
this point, at Singles’ Day 2022, the world’s largest
e-commerce event, there were only virtual influencers
as live stream hosts for the first time.
How should brands approach the metaverse
in 2023?
Brands should embrace the metaverse in 2023, albeit
with caution, enabling them to show off their dedication
to sustainability and creativity. Since the metaverse has
minimal environmental impact and carbon footprint,
any related activity will resonate with increasingly
environmentally-conscious consumers. From a creative
standpoint, there is no limit to design, shape or material
within the metaverse, allowing brands to stand out
to show off their innovation. In terms of areas to take
caution, brands need to be aware of a few points. First
of all, there is a lack of interoperability; NFTs and virtual
fashion outfits are not always transferable from one
metaverse to another. Second, NFT expertise is not yet
widely available and brands usually need to establish
partnerships with technology companies in order to
launch any products in the metaverse.
What is the most interesting trend for social
media in B2B marketing?
In China, we see B2B brands paving the way for
new trends that are eventually adapted by the B2C
industry. This is especially the case with the metaverse.
For example, during conferences, B2B brands often
embrace 3D, immersive experiences to transcend
the limits of an offline event. Since email marketing
is antiquated in China, B2B brands use WeChat Mini
Programs to communicate with their target audiences.
In addition, B2B brands use influencers as key vessels to
spread the word about their services.
What is the most important trend regarding
the measuring and metrics of social media
marketing in 2023?
NFTs will unlock new types of measurement and
metrics for brands beyond what social media could
typically offer them. Through a digital ID, a physical
product can be linked to an NFT to offer proof of
purchase and authenticity. From a brand perspective,
brands no longer lose visibility and profitability of
products after sale. As long as the NFT-tagged product
is sold through its digital ID, brands can continue to
receive a portion of the resale fee throughout the
product’s life cycle. Consumers will have no doubt about
the authenticity of the product, since it will be verified
through the digital ID.
Imagination (USA)
Imagination, a part of The Mx Group, is a full-service
content marketing agency, working with clients on
strategy, creation, distribution and performance. We’re
content thought leaders who think and work differently,
putting the audience first and clearly connecting their
needs with clients’ business objectives.
”Yes, marketers have become
exhausted by the game “hack the
algorithm.” But that’s the ongoing
reality as social platforms like
Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok
refine their experiences using AI.”
Laura Marzec
Content Strategy
What is the most interesting trend regarding
social media that marketers should be aware
of in 2023?
The tiktokificiation of social. If 2022 was the year of
TikTok, 2023 is when marketers will truly feel its effects.
The wild success of the video-sharing platform has
propelled copycat approaches from popular and new
competitors whose algorithms are rewarding more
dynamic, short-form videos and content over static
photos and text. A prime example? Instagram, once the
place to post beautiful photos, went all-in on Reels to
become a video-first platform. As more platforms iterate
to catch the TikTok magic, brands will be scrambling to
pivot their strategies to keep up with the latest changes,
too. What worked last month—or even last week—may
not work tomorrow.
Platforms of prediction. Yes, marketers have become
exhausted by the game “hack the algorithm.” But that’s
the ongoing reality as social platforms like Instagram,
Pinterest and TikTok refine their experiences using
AI (which is getting better and better, by the way).
In the coming year, the content that people see on
Instagram, Facebook and other platforms will be less
and less about who they follow and more about what
the platforms are serving up based on their interests,
behaviors and other personal data. Everything is a data
point. And to get impressions, views and reach, to be
SEEN, will be that much harder and require content that
really connects with audiences.
Demand for (great) video creators. Another outcome
of the swipe and scroll and culture? Brands that
embrace video —especially in the 30- to 60-second
sweet spot — can try to keep (or earn) a piece of the
engagement pie. But the marketplace is getting
increasingly crowded. And that puts more impetus on
brands to embrace true creativity. It’s no longer enough
to just do video, or even prioritize it. Marketers need to
do it really, really WELL if they want to create the kind of
hyper-personalized content that reaches and connects
target audiences.
Where is influencer marketing headed in
From influencing to advocacy. When consumer trust is
at a low point, the term “influencer” has become a bit of
a dirty word. Audiences are seeing through inauthentic,
money-manic sales tactics in their feeds and aren’t
afraid to call out bad actors. Instead, they’re engaging
with (and sharing content from) brands they see as
relatable, likeable and authentic — even when they
KNOW they’re being marketed to.
The takeaway for brands: Audiences don’t mind
being #influenced if it feels authentic and relevant to
them. While the concept of influencer marketing isn’t
going anywhere, we’re seeing a rethinking of how the
traditional influencer or creator fits into marketing
strategy. Marketers are looking for ways to build a
community of like-minded individuals with the same
values — and a true passion for the brand.
By empowering brand advocates to share their story
through their own lens — using video, livestreaming,
chat and other personalized creator tools — social
marketers can leverage creators’ passion as well as their
expertise to cut through the noise. The same concept
goes for employee advocacy programs.
How should brands approach the metaverse
in 2023?
With caution and intention. Unlike some marketing
trends, where it’s risky to take a wait and see approach,
the metaverse journey isn’t one to dive into headfirst.
And it will be different for every brand.
With Meta set to launch its AR-enabled glasses, we can
expect the company to start pushing more AR tools
on Facebook and Instagram to get its best creators
creating for the metaverse. But even though many
marketers are looking to ride the next wave of tech
innovation, they’re also wary of how it might play out
compared to all the hype. (Think: NFTs.)
The next year will be one of experimentation – with
plenty of hits and misses. But don’t be afraid to take
that time to explore those possibilities of the metaverse.
Do the research and make sure AR, VR and gamification
experiences can add real value for your audiences
beyond the cool factor.
What is the most interesting trend for social
media in B2B marketing?
Social storytelling. Creator tools are the great equalizer.
And that’s making it harder than ever for brands to get
eyeballs on their content. Just ask marketers how many
of their clients took a hit with their Instagram reach in
the last 6 months and you’ll feel the pain.
Rather than “beat” the competition, forward-looking
B2B brands are turning to a new approach: Social
storytelling. In practice, that means shifting away from
short-form captions that push your audience to your
website, blog, webinar or event registration. It’s not
about where you want your audience to go or what you
want them to do. First, invite them to the party — then
introduce yourself.
And then give them longer-form content to consume
on channel. Think paragraphs, not sentences —
prioritize audience-first content by embracing their
inner journalist. A few tips? Cover issues or ideas your
audience cares about and explore solutions to the
problems you can help them solve. Focus on offering
interesting, helpful and engaging content now, not
once you “do a thing.” Start conversations they care
about where they are, customizing copy and visual
storytelling elements like video and graphics on
different apps and platforms. If you’re doing it right,
you’ll build up a community of engaged, like-minded
followers to tap into for more great content ideas,
conversations and amplification.
What is the most important trend regarding
the measuring and metrics of social media
marketing in 2023?
Data on your brand’s social impact is no longer a nice
to have. Audiences across ages and interest groups
increasingly expect brands to have a stance on topics
like the environment, climate change and diversity.
And increasingly, that conversation is happening on
social channels. For marketers, those in-the-moment
moments where you can address these issues that
impact customers, employees or members can make or
break customer sentiment.
One way to get a holistic view of KPIs like brand
sentiment: set clear social impact goals that align
with your brand values. And, along with traditional
engagement metrics, use feedback loops like surveys,
NPS and focus groups to gauge how you’re measuring
up. What’s the online conversation like about your
brand in mentions, online tags, articles, customer
reviews? How are you helping your communities—or
hurting them?
One of the challenges on taking a position is that it
requires follow-through, too. Don’t talk about DEI if
your website and social channels aren’t optimized for
accessibility standards or using inclusive language, for
example. People are seeing through buzzwords like
sustainability, eco-friendly and net-zero, and when
action doesn’t follow, your audience may stop following,
Inbrax (CH)
Inbrax is an ad agency full creative services with digital
marketing at heart.
“The Metaverse isn’t simply a
meeting room, but one of the most
immersive ways that brands will
have to communicate with their
Valentina Lagos
Social Media Manager
Felipe “Peluche” León
Digital Director
Mundy Álvarez
Planning Director
Pancho González
What is the most interesting trend regarding
social media that marketers should be aware
of in 2023?
Valentina Lagos, Social Media Manager:
We’ve found a user who is much more of a “digital
migrant”, who is populating the less traditional social
media, such as Reddit, Uber, Fiyer. This user is placing
importance in creating unique content for each social
media, not replicating the same stuff across channels.
Their content is also much easier to consume: short
videos that do not exceed 5 seconds, and that help the
audience in search for information.
People increasingly value real and genuine content,
and in 2023 various interesting trends are emerging to
enhance the connection between brands and people.
One of them is the emergence of BeReal. Even though
it is a network that is only started to grow, it shows a
certain opportunity to deliver naturalness and closeness
to brands – also allowing the creation of content for
other platforms such as Instagram.
Big brands need to make their marketing more
conscious. Being transparent with it, with the benefits
and disadvantages and all.
Another way to promote closeness with customers in
2023 is by tapping into new communication channels,
with a more spontaneous and natural messaging style.
Platforms such as Discord and Telegram have recently
proven their worth for this type of strategy.
Felipe “Peluche” León, Digital Director:
“54% of consumers search social media for information
about the brand and its offer”, states a recent report.
This phenomenon has always been present, but
consumers apply ever more technology to find
information that is relevant. And it doesn’t stop there, as
a simple process is preferred all the way to the making
the purchase.
Modern shoppers are more informed than ever. They
thoroughly research the brand, and that is why this
approach to digital commerce has great potential.
The way the brand is represented, including customer
interaction and reviews, helps consumers make an
informed decision and buy more quickly.
This trend will continue to grow as many social channels
begin to experiment with similar features and ways to
offer businesses new ways for conversion.
Where is influencer marketing headed in
Mundy Álvarez, Planning Director:
Social media allowed us to continue meeting virtually,
which today is commonplace – the way we congregate
has changed forever. This phenomenon also led us
being more aware of how digital channels influence
collective thinking, generating greater care of who to
listen to or who to believe.
Influencers, the old spokespersons for ideas and trends,
are moving towards causes. This new approach based
on a clear and sincere purpose has the possibility of
ideas spreading almost immediately to different groups,
all around the world.
The causes today are social actions, and therefore,
the causes have no face. People increasingly value
spontaneous content. A good way to boost influencer
marketing in 2023 is taking brands to channels such as
Twitch and Spotify, which have seen a surge in content
by macro influencers.
Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
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Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
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Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
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Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights
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Social Media Marketing Trends 2023 // The Global Indie Insights

  • 1. Social 2023 media marketing trends THE GLOBAL INDIE INSIGHTS Published: 11/1/2022 Analyst-in-chief: Jari Lähdevuori Contact: jari@kurio.fi
  • 2. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 2 2022 showed us that social media doesn’t stop. It isn’t ready and will constantly go through changes. Nothing lasts forever. What seemed to be set in stone, vanishes into thin air like that IG story you posted 23 hours ago. We’ve seen the rise of the dual-camera realness. The launches of avatar stores. The (near) collapse of one particular channel with a 280 character-limit and pretty much no other limits anymore. Change is relentless. So is the need to decipher it. Knowing just how hard it is to give accurate forecasts, we want to thank our amazing team of professionals for taking up the challenge. And especially for doing that during the busiest time of the year. Our humble thanks to all the social media experts from all of the 25 independent agencies from all over the world. If you, the reader, are not familiar with the previous installments of our whitepaper, you may wonder why. Why another report? Why the independents? Why should I bother? Our aim has been to give a stage for the indies to have their opinions heard. Many holding companies and huge networks steal the limelight when it comes to things such as forecasting the future of the industry. We believe there should be a more varied set of insights. And we know this is the best bunch to offer just that. Hopefully this report will help you make even better decisions, posts, hires, campaigns, and above all reach better results – with the constrained resources we all have for the upcoming year 2023. FOREWORD Jari Lähdevuori Creative Director & Partner Kurio // The Social Media Age(ncy) Tommi Opas CEO & Partner Kurio // The Social Media Age(ncy) Julian Boulding President thenetworkone
  • 3. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 3 We interviewed experts from 25 of the world’s leading independent agencies. Their insights can summarized in the following ten points. Executive summary 10 TRENDS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING 2023 1. Search is going social 2. Creator culture is flourishing 3. The return of social to social media 4. Humanizing B2B with social 5. Niche influencers will become mainstream 6. Metaverse to grow via social 7. Prolonging the success of short-form video 8. Influencer marketing big in B2B 9. Refreshing the engagement metrics 10. Predictive analytics to help goal-setting
  • 4. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 4 The insights were gathered by interviewing around 40 social media marketing experts from 25 award- winning independent agencies. The respondents are all part of the world’s leading independent network, thenetworkone, hailing from countries as diverse as China, USA, India, UK, Nigeria, Germany, Japan, Chile, South Africa, Mexico, and Romania. The interviews were done in December 2022. All the respondents are using social media to help their clients do better communications, marketing, and eventually, business. They don’t work with any particular social media platform or service-provider, thus their insights come from an objective point-of-view. Coming from not only different countries, but also different types of agencies, their answers offer a 360 view of social media marketing for the upcoming year. METHODOLOGY
  • 5. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 5 As users are taking their search behavior to social channels, it is time to think the SEO of your content. “Up until 2021, Google was synonymous with search engine. But this year, we have detected the first signs that this is changing. Many users prefer to search directly from their social platforms. This is most evident on TikTok and Instagram. Long past are the days when these social platforms were solely seen as a way to connect with friends. Today, users, especially younger users, want to get everything from social media. Even the restaurant where they will go out to eat is searched for on TikTok and not on Google Maps. - - So, in 2023, companies that already employed a traditional SEO strategy must now have a Social SEO strategy – giving care to every word they use in the description of their bio, captions and even the location tags on the content they publish.” Gaby Arriaga, Founder, Leonardo1452 “Why go to a stiff website when can you find on TikTok the information you needed, delivered in an insightful and personal way? At least that’s what 40% of Gen Z thinks (Pew Research Center, 2022), since they prefer to search on TikTok almost everything – from places to have lunch, to career advice, news or information about products and services. - - As we have already seen, TikTok introduced a feature that identifies keywords in comments and links it to specific search results, so brands should follow this trend as quickly as possible and respond to users’ needs through content with a higher informational value, but which preserves the same light and playful tone of voice of the platform.” Oana Oprea, Head of Digital Planning, Jam Session Agency “Google recently found that nearly half of young people turn to social platforms like TikTok or Instagram for answers instead of searching. - - Less emphasis will be placed on researching products and more on finding inspiration, thanks to TikTok and its highly personalised algorithm and fun content. The younger audience’s purchase journey starts from curiosity and it’s down to brands and marketers to guide them along a path of inspo and ideas rather than brands and products.” Aryana Noorbakhsh, Senior Digital Marketing Executive, Osaka Labs ”“54% of consumers search social media for information about the brand and its offer”, states a recent report. This phenomenon has always been present, but consumers apply ever more technology to find information that is relevant.” Felipe “Peluche” León, Digital Director, Inbrax SEARCH IS GOING SOCIAL Trend #1
  • 6. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 6 With the barriers to entry becoming lower and the monetary incentives higher, there are more creators than ever. And thus, a wider spectrum of creativity. “Influencer/content creator culture is becoming a trend and I think it will only get more popular in 2023. With a focus on authenticity and relatability. With the rise in focus of short form video content, more people feel being an “influencer” is more attainable, so more people want to try and build their personal brand and establish their presence on social media platforms. Since more and more people are becoming more aware of how much money can be made from the industry. This is can be seen in the growth of UGC creators.” Jola Adeoye, Gen Z Consultant, Adolescent Content/Youthtellers “In today’s digital world, anyone with a smartphone has the opportunity to be a content creator, no matter if they do this willingly. This opens the doors for more diverse voices, with consumers worldwide being able to find content creators who mirror their unique, distinct experiences. In other words: content is bound to reflect not just one version of reality anymore. It will represent them all.” Francesca Trevisan, Strategist, Different “Because of the growing popularity of content creators & how revenue has changed the game, the barrier to entry for becoming a content creator has also become lower. In fact, in a recent Consumer Trends report from Hubspot, we saw that 30% of 18-24 year olds and 40% of 25 to 34 year olds consider themselves a content creator. This influx of creators is encouraging for creativity as it has led to an explosion of what creativity can look like in social.” Natalie Chaney, Social Strategist, Barrett “In 2023 it’ll continue to be about the creator over the influencer, with the industry really starting to mature and innovate. We’ll see more cross category collaboration with brands and creators, think an airline partnering with a graphic designer with a huge Twitch community or food creators stepping into fashion content. Creators will be a key way for brands to unlock creativity and lateral partnerships will be more impactful than the closed category ones. Creators are and will continue to be a really important component in the way brands tell stories, a creator has permission to play with authenticity in a way brands may not be comfortable doing themselves.” Hannah Nickels, Head Paid & Owned Media Thinker Trend #2 CREATOR CULTURE IS FLOURISHING
  • 7. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 7 Gen Z is taking the whole scene to a more spontaneous, safe and social direction. Brands need to follow suit if they expect anyone to follow them. “Keeping it (Be)Real: every year, the word ‘authenticity’ is mentioned in trends round-ups, but this year we really, truly mean it. Connection is the new currency online, and brands that have taken risks to show a more human side on social have seen the risk pay off. In 2022, we saw Gen-Z protest against perfection, and we expect content to become even more candid.” Amy Bottrill, Social Account Director, Launch ”Gen Z feels unequivocally that content needs to be believable and “authentic”, and should remind people online that they are not alone. Authentic content doesn’t sell or preach – it is the type of video or static post your friend would make and send you to make you laugh or cry. Especially since Covid, Gen Z is doubling down on the “social” in social media and rejecting the inundation of performative, polished, inaccessible standards online we’ve seen in years past.” Team Adolescent Content/Youthtellers “Exhausted by a constant barrage of ads, cancel culture, half baked, spur of the moment platform changes and cognizant of the lack of privacy, consumers are seeking out closed, “IYKYK” communities to supplement their digital diets. In short, we’ll see the return of “social” to social media. The brands that breakthrough, will do so by engaging in a two-way dialogue, authentically forming more intimate interactions while forging new paths that turn consumers into community. 2023 will mark a sea change in the way we think about social media as a whole, with the desire for authentic interaction, human curated feeds and community at the center of this new era.” Eli Williams, Sr. Creative Strategist, Day One Agency Trend #3 THE RETURN OF SOCIAL TO SOCIAL MEDIA
  • 8. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 8 B2B companies may be the biggest winners on social in 2023, as they have the most to shake up. Bring some B2C and H2H into the equation and you show a totally new side of your brand. “B2B strategies are moving from becoming awareness and promotion driven to also offering value to audiences. In that sense, I think two pillars will be even stronger next year: education and entertainment. Businesses will understand that they can build credibility and trust by offering value to audiences, and by showing they understand there are people on the other side as well. This leads also to another trend, which is a more humanised approach to content strategies. In the end, businesses are made of people – and people connect with people, with stories.” Maira Genovese, Founder and President, MG Empower “Where there is B2B, there is B2B2C. It is therefore essential for brands to showcase their personalities. Recently, we have witnessed the trend of brands becoming much more playful with their marketing, showcasing much stronger and memorable brand personalities than ever before. - - The rise of powerful brands personalities can be attributed to the advent of social media platforms giving brands the outlet in which to get their voice out there. Brands are becoming a whole lot more humanistic and relatable on social media and that’s paying off for those B2B businesses who have taken note and are enjoying the benefits of establishing deeper connections with their audience.” Alix Le Bourgeois, Lead Strategist, JIN “A trend I’ve begun to see in B2B marketing, and one I’m particularly excited about, is the idea of flipping B2B on it’s head and approaching it as you would B2C when it comes to humanity and personalization. - - Due in part to the rise of B2B2C, and the generational change in B2B buyer committees, I anticipate we’ll start seeing less hyper-targeting and more human/personalized content as we head into 2023.” Natalie Chaney, Social Strategist, Barrett ”The most interesting trend I see with B2B is when businesses speak directly to me and joke around with other businesses or even their competitors. When businesses do that they seem more human which makes people like them more.” Jadon Velasquez, Gen Z Consultant, Adolescent Content/Youthtellers Trend #4 HUMANIZING B2B WITH SOCIAL
  • 9. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 9 Call them nano, call them micro, just make sure you give them a call whilst planning your next campaign. Your competitor will. “Influencer marketing next year I believe will be rooted in the relatable, more accessible creators. Niche community pioneers, niche micro-influencers, niche thought leaders – that’s where the trust lies.” Seyi Alawode, Founder & Head of Strategy, CHL “Rather than putting all your eggs into the “owned media” basket, reallocating more of your marketing budget for nano and micro influencer collaborations will help you convert your audiences more effectively.” Allison Lee, Social Team Co-Lead, UltraSuperNew “Most of the time, niche and micro-influencers will yield a significantly higher ROI than mega and macro- influencers because they know the market better. Look for influencers with 5,000 followers that actively engage and interact with their followers rather than influencers with a million followers that they ignore.” Daffi Ranandi, Junior Insights Manager, Radarr “In 2023, we’ll see more brands partnering with experts from focused niches (who’s the next Francis Bourgeois?) and tapping into new subcultures. Although polished, glossy macro influencers will still have a place in a holistic influencer marketing strategy, the smartest brands will also be able to quickly identify those with an unexpected or unconventional point of view whose communities truly trust them. This also means tapping into audiences who have previously been neglected in the influencer ecosystem: over-65s are on social media too! And they’re influencing their peers who have real purchasing power. - - As the creator pool diversifies, brand marketers will have to increase their social listening capabilities and be even more reactive to keep up with their competition. As both brands and influencers shift towards longer term partnerships, it will be more essential than ever to quickly identify valuable brand advocates for authentic collaborations.” Amy Bottrill, Social Account Director, Launch Trend #5 NICHE INFLUENCERS WILL BECOME MAINSTREAM
  • 10. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 10 If 2022 saw the rise and fall in the interest towards the Metaverse, now we’ll see it coming to life. Slowly. Via social. “After nearly three years of intermittent lockdowns, NFTs allow brands to connect with Chinese consumers in the digital realm, surpassing any lockdown-related restrictions that may prevent their target audience from experiencing their products offline. For example, in June 2022, Chinese social media platform RED launched R-SPACE; dedicated to virtual fashion where users can buy, sell and try on NFT clothing. Through this channel, and others, brands can sell virtual versions of their most popular products. Embracing NFTs will not only show brands’ commitment to innovation and creativity, it will also expand their target market - reaching consumers who may not be able to afford their offline products. We predict that the intersection of NFTs and social media will only become more closely interrelated in 2023.” James Hebbert, Managing Director, Hylink UK ”With Meta set to launch its AR-enabled glasses, we can expect the company to start pushing more AR tools on Facebook and Instagram to get its best creators creating for the metaverse. But even though many marketers are looking to ride the next wave of tech innovation, they’re also wary of how it might play out compared to all the hype. (Think: NFTs.)” Laura Marzec, Content Strategy at Imagination, part of The Mx Group “One thing that may push the metaverse further is the livestream integration of virtual characters. Yet, it would require faster processors and bandwidth to reach a level of 3D live rendering that would match the quality of cinematic or video game realism. So far, there are technical limitations. Nonetheless, we have already experienced with virtual cartoon integration mixed with real people during livestream. Cartoon characters do not require a high level of computing for rendering, and the experience is flawless.” Alexandre Ouairy, Founder and Director, PLTFRM Trend #6 METAVERSE WILL GROW VIA SOCIAL
  • 11. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 11 Like it or not, our attention spans keep on diminishing. Brands need to master the art of snackable video in order to get their message through. “Short form videos will be the king format in 2023. The short videos popularized by TikTok have led to other platforms such as Instagram with its Reels or YouTube with its Shorts to give prominence to this format and promote it through the algorithm. - - Brands must capture the attention of users through impactful, clear and concise audiovisual content that hooks during the first seconds. We must focus on producing videos in vertical format that go straight to the point and with subtitles, since many users will view them without sound, they will be essential within the brand´s content strategy.” Alex Casanovas, Digital Director, Atrevia “The trend that doesn’t seem to be losing steam any time soon is short-form video… Regardless of what platform you’re on these days, users can’t seem to consume enough video content. - - And with the increasing number of ways that short-form video can be promoted across social, there’s no shortage of opportunity to flex your creative muscles in showcasing your brand.” Megan Encarnacion, Associate Director Social Media, Abelson Taylor “While TikTok’s astronomic boom is nothing new, its influence on the way other social media platforms operate will continue. - - The video momentum has only increased as major social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn improve their video capabilities to catch up with the growing popularity and new trends.” Rajesh Mehta, Chief Strategy Officer & Dhruv Gaur, Digital Planning Lead, Medulla “Social e-commerce is all about short videos and livestream. Daily short videos are required to keep the audience interested and drag traffic to the livestream. The challenge is to find the fine line between good branding and good sales conversion. The social e-commerce experience requires a very personal touch to communication; think how a waiter at a chain store may represent the brand yet be an individual with a unique personality. On the other hand, the requirement for brand engagement needs to go beyond the sales speech approach. There is a need for storytelling, which once again needs clever and economical answers – imagine doing a TVC every other day.” Alexandre Ouairy, Founder and Director, PLTFRM Trend #7 PROLONGING THE SUCCESS OF SHORT FORM VIDEO
  • 12. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 12 Now that every B2C brief includes influencers (or creators, ofc), it is time B2B really started embracing them. 2023 will see a rise in both internal and external influencers in business- to-business context. “More and more, marketers are partnering with industry experts and analysts, internal executives and niche experts to bolster organisational trust and credibility. And, it’s working. 86% of B2B brands attributed improved brand performance to influencer marketing. 72% reported improved brand reputation, while 56% said influencer marketing helped to generate new leads. What’s more, 33% said influencers were a direct revenue generator.” Olivia Hussey, Junior Planner, The Hallway “BYOI – build your own influencer. Social media is communication from person to person. The thing about B2B influencers is that they are usually tied to one company and therefore can only be used to a limited extent by other organizations. The idea of training one’s own employee as an influencer is therefore becoming more and more exciting. Most companies already have a brand advocacy program, which is often still in its infancy, but has great potential for expansion. Here’s where we could think further: if companies properly identify who is a charming and diverse digital communicator and the organization’s storyteller, the reach of that brand advocate can easily be amplified. In this way, corporate messages are conveyed much louder and more authentically to the outside world.” Timotée Louise Gbaguidi, Digital Communications Director “B2B senior buyers have stated that they use social media in their supplier selection process. Considering this, in 2023 we will likely see more companies expand their content across different platforms. - - This will be especially noticeable on platforms with short-form and vertical formats. The challenge will be for them to ditch the stiff tone and dare to experiment with a fresher tone that thrives on platforms like TikTok or YouTube Shorts. One avenue to achieve this, which has been successful in several regions including Latin America, is through content creators who share the day-to-day lives of those who work in the company.” Gaby Arriaga, Founder, Leonardo1452 Trend #8 INFLUENCER MARKETING BIG IN B2B
  • 13. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 13 Likes are out. Conversations are in. New channels and new ways of using social have changed us – and this should affect how brands measure themselves. “Gen Z is redefining what engagement actually means. Likes and views are out, and comments, saves, and shares are in. Beyond this, we see Gen Z as looking for ways to actually interact within content – to mash- up, through virtual experiences that go beyond just commenting and sharing content. - - Gen Z don’t care about likes or other easily forged statistics. They look for meaningful comments as a sign of authenticity and strong consumer sentiment. Gen Z are highly skeptical of brands which have low engagement, and do not trust brands with disabled comments.” Team Adolescent Content/Youthtellers “Platforms are starting to gear their features towards time spent and utility — where measurements like views, completion rate, multiple plays, saves etc. — are becoming more valuable than traditional gauges of success (likes, comments, impressions). This goes hand in hand with the move to “recommended media,” where the algorithm makes the final call on what deserves our finite attention. Content that’s served (or not served) to users is selected based on optimized engagement based on a user’s prior viewing history.” Eli Williams, Sr. Creative Strategist, Day One Agency “‘Numbers’ via likes / retweets / shares aren’t that impressive anymore. Neither is one-off / sporadic engagement, as we’re quick to hop from one trend to the next. These are KPIs that can easily be achieved by a temporary ‘viral’ moment, so to me, they don’t count for much. - - Truthfully, I personally would measure value + impact qualitatively. That is, on how much conversation it creates. Nigerians are not an easily impressed bunch, so you’ve struck gold once you’re able to get them to talk about your campaign or product without being paid to.” Seyi Alawode, Founder & Head of Strategy, CHL Trend #9 REFRESHING THE ENGAGE- MENT METRICS
  • 14. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 14 Instead of asking “what happened”, we’ll ask “what is likely to happen”. And for this, we will need data. Loads of data. “One important trend is the ability to implement predictive analytics. This allows marketers to use advanced analytics that make predictions about future outcomes using historical data, combined with statistical modelling, data mining and machine learning. This will allow marketers to have a pretty solid understanding of the potential of any campaign, the risks, the opportunities and the outcomes.” Leigh Tayler, Integrated Strategy Director, Joe Public “Predictive analytics will disrupt marketing. - - It’s been used in underwriting and credit scoring for several years, using existing big data to predict potential future outcomes. Predictive analytics is on the rise, with mentions up 20% since January 2022, with significant positive sentiment. Broadly, this AI tech is making waves. But, we’re also starting to see the topic creating a buzz within social media audiences i.e., those that include phrases like PR, marketing, or comms in their bio. - - Predictive analytics may be new in marketing, but it’s already a valuable data analysis technique used in a wide variety of industries.” Alix Le Bourgeois, Lead Strategist, JIN “Artificial intelligence will mark a turning point in measuring social media. It will allow us to optimize and automate the analysis of the huge amount of data we collect daily on our social platforms and reduce the time we spend. In addition, we will be able, through predictive models based on artificial intelligence, to know more precisely how our audiences are going to behave.” Alex Casanovas, Digital Director, Atrevia Trend #10 PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS TO HELP GOAL-SETTING
  • 15. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 15 The interviews
  • 16. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 16 Abelson Taylor (USA) Abelson Taylor is a healthcare and wellness marketing agency that delivers a return on imagination. From strategy to insights to creative to tech, we’re imaginative in all the ways that influence market behaviors and delivers what matters for our clients: improving health and wellbeing while providing tangible, measurable market results that grow your brand. ABELSON TAYLOR “The metaverse poses yet another opportunity for people trying to escape reality, and at this point who can blame them!” Megan Encarnacion Associate Director Social Media Christopher Dimmock SVP Integrated Strategy
  • 17. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 17 What is the most interesting trend regarding social media that marketers should be aware of in 2023? ME: The trend that doesn’t seem to be losing steam any time soon is short-form video… Regardless of what platform you’re on these days, users can’t seem to consume enough video content. From DIY hacks and makeup tutorials to product reviews and digestible summaries of current events, anything that can be explained in less than a minute or so is bound to garner eyeballs and engagement. And with the increasing number of ways that short-form video can be promoted across social, there’s no shortage of opportunity to flex your creative muscles in showcasing your brand. CD: In healthcare, we are using these opportunities to create entertaining but fact-based video content. Many of our clients are using social media platforms as a foundation for disease education and outreach, particularly in rare disease areas where patients and caregivers feel isolated. Where is influencer marketing headed in 2023? ME: Influencers will continue to be an integral part of digital marketing strategies as we look to 2023 and beyond. The modern-day consumer relies heavily on the honest critique from someone they trust or look up to prior to making a purchase or trying something new – many will even seek out these kinds of reviews on their own. It’s very easy for users to make snap decisions about whether or not a brand is authentic and aligns with their ethos – when done well, influencers can drastically help cut through the noise and leave a lasting impact on users. CD: Influencers provide a unique opportunity to for pharma marketers to create empathetic patient and caregiver support platforms. We help bring important voices forward to address lifestyle and caregiver issues, humanizing not just life with a condition but also life in general. How should brands approach the metaverse in 2023? ME: The metaverse poses yet another opportunity for people trying to escape reality, and at this point who can blame them! Not only is it intriguing for a potential user, but it also presents a lot of unique and exciting opportunities for marketers. At its’ core, the metaverse is focused on creating a shared, immersive experience for people all over the globe – bringing them together in a way that’s never been done before. As marketers, we should only seek to enhance that experience by placing user experience (UX) at the very top of the list. Any company can create a branded ad that makes a claim about their product/service, the key differentiator will be seeing which companies go the extra mile to bring their brand to life in the metaverse by creating an engaging experience that exemplifies a user-first approach. CD: The metaverse today is still a bit of the wild west. As it evolves, it is essential for marketers to provide safe trusted environments for people to interact, particularly when it comes to their health and well-being. We have seen significant advancements in the distribution of care enable by new technologies. Telehealth would seem a natural development in the metaverse, however, how that is managed in a safe and regulated manner is still in development. What is the most interesting trend for social media in B2B marketing? ME: Employee advocacy should and will continue to be a growing trend in 2023. Similar to how we look to influencers to help us buy a new vacuum or try out a new supplement, I think people also look to the opinions of current employees when they’re on the job hunt or when they’re considering a company’s offering, customer service, etc. To put it plainly… People have a much higher propensity to trust other people versus trusting the company itself. It holds a lot of weight when someone we know has a positive (or even negative!) experience, and that can strongly influence
  • 18. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 18 how we make decisions. With a stronger focus and investment in employee advocacy, companies are likely to increase overall brand awareness and establish stronger partnerships by way of letting employees be the brand voice. CD: Like all B2B audiences, Healthcare Professionals are busy on social platforms, particularly in professional communities. Our clients have increased their social media presence and leverage these platforms to reach HCPs with relevant content and engagement. What is the most important trend regarding the measuring and metrics of social media marketing in 2023? ME: Social media continues to gain traction as an integral part of digital marketing strategies and should consistently be recognized as another touchpoint in the consumer journey. Long gone are the days when social media focused solely on engagement-only metrics such as Likes, Shares and Comments – social platforms offer a wide array of metrics that can be analyzed in parallel with other digital marketing channels like display, paid search, or email. And now more than ever, social media metrics must be brought into the fold in order to accurately show the “whole story”. Across many verticals, social has proven the ability to drive efficient conversions and qualified leads – you’re doing yourself a disservice if you’re only looking to social as a top-of- funnel awareness driver. CD: When we look across our clients marketing ecosystems, social media metrics and social listening provides insight into the real conversations and relationships our audience have with brands, with their competitors and with each other. This context is essential for the development of personal content and communication optimization with our customers. Social media provides us with both barriers and opportunities to expedite the consumer journey.
  • 19. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 19 ADOLESCENT CONTENT Adolescent Content (USA) At Adolescent Content, we believe that no one knows Gen Z better than Gen Z knows themselves. During our end of year social audit, we engaged 70 Gen Z consultants globally to weigh in on what is in, and what is out for 2023. YouthTellers is Adolescent’s research division and is comprised of over 50,000 Gen Z respondents globally; we do quan and qual studies, trend & insights reports, ethnographic videos and so much more. Want to know about any subject related to GenZ - let us know. “The most interesting trend I see with B2B is when businesses speak directly to me and joke around with other businesses or even their competitors.” Ramaa Mosley CEO Adolescent Content/Youthtellers Serenity Griffin Community Manager Youthteller Consultants: Michelle Castillo Jola Adeoye Sophie Wieters Rea Sweets Nathalie Alvarez Jacob Thompson Jadon Velasquez Maya Minhas Khrystina Warnstadt
  • 20. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 20 What is the most interesting trend regarding social media that marketers should be aware of in 2023? Gen Z feels unequivocally that content needs to be believable and “authentic”, and should remind people online that they are not alone. Authentic content doesn’t sell or preach – it is the type of video or static post your friend would make and send you to make you laugh or cry. Especially since Covid, Gen Z is doubling down on the “social” in social media and rejecting the inundation of performative, polished, inaccessible standards online we’ve seen in years past. “The way we define influencers is rapidly changing. Influencers have become internet status symbols rather than representing the everyday person. Some may still want to see influencer’s lavish lifestyles or know what they endorse, but others would rather watch someone they can relate to on a personal, cultural, and financial level.” Michelle Castillo, Gen Z Consultant ”Influencer/content creator culture is becoming a trend and I think it will only get more popular in 2023. With a focus on authenticity and relatability. With the rise in focus of short form video content, more people feel being an “influencer” is more attainable, so more people want to try and build their personal brand and establish their presence on social media platforms. Since more and more people are becoming more aware of how much money can be made from the industry. This is can be seen in the growth of UGC creators.” Jola Adeoye, Gen Z Consultant In crafting campaigns, Adolescent Content encourages our clients to move away from traditional influencers and towards “people of influence” aka nano influencers who can humanize a brand, product or services. This allows brands to tap into online conversations in an authentic, engaging, and down-to-earth way that an average mid-level marketer just won’t be able to. Where is influencer marketing headed in 2023? There is an interesting paradigm when it comes to macro- and micro-influencers online. Big brands desperately need to make themselves more human and personable online. Nano and micro influencers are the best we to create an intimate connection with viewers. Utilizing these influencers is going to be the most important factor for successful campaigns in 2023. Though on the contrary, small, totally unknown brands are more likely to feel major results by tapping into macro-influencers or celebrities which will create fast and quick reach. At Adolescent, we’re believers in asymmetric pairings – big brands need to be trusted and can create a connection with their audience by utilizing nano influencers. While macro and major influencers can best wield their influence by collaborating with small and medium businesses they truly believe in. “The first thing that comes to mind is micro- influencers and authenticity. The only influencers I follow and actually trust are smaller influencers with specific niches I enjoy who can seamlessly integrate influencing into their actual lives. They tend to only work with brands who they truly believe in, enjoy, have used in the past without a deal, who they think will actually be interesting to their followers and their shared interests. I think reaching out to smaller influencers as a brand would actually yield a big result because of the relevancy and reliability factor. Using this mindset further, being authentic as a brand itself is important – it shouldn’t be considered just a trend, because what’s authentic about that? – but using that factor of seamlessness should be considered by brands in their ads as well. No more cringey ads trying so hard, but actual authenticity. It gets so annoying and sickening to see the same brands shoved in your face by so many larger influencers who obviously don’t actually use the product. I don’t follow anyone like that and never will. What is refreshing is when you see a brand relevant to the smaller influencer’s interests actually
  • 21. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 21 used and liked by them, and likely their followers.” Sophie Wieters, Gen Z Consultant How should brands approach the metaverse in 2023? Across all age ranges of Gen Z, consumers are still unsure or confused about what the metaverse is, where it is, how to find it and how to access it. Once the consumer understands the metaverse their response was one of disappointed. We are not yet in the world of “Ready Player One”. Sure some stars, creators and brands are playing in the NFT game and that could be interesting but currently because there’s no agreed upon central “Metaverse” the majority of Gen Z is tuning out web3 or sees it as an extension of the world of gaming without the innovation of gaming. In order to succeed in the metaverse, Adolescent Content believes that brands will have to get to the future quickly. Consumers expect a lot from the metaverse and find the current iterations laughable. The key isn’t to silo Web3 off from a brand’s other social media or influencer campaigns, but to let content and customer journey flow back and forth. General trends around trust and authenticity definitely extend into the metaverse, but consumers are generally tolerant of risk taking as they begin to better understand how the metaverse might fit into our lives. The recent FTX scandal has also highlights for Gen Z how unstable the world of crypto and therefor the metaverse is. This opens up the question of whether or not companies belong in the metaverse at all while it’s still in its nascent form. Jumping into Sandbox feels akin to a toddler’s video game. Gen Z is Unimpressed “Gen Z is pretty disenchanted with the ‘metaverse’. Honestly I believe that gaming offers most of what the ‘metaverse’ proclaims to offer. See Second Life, Habbo, Roblox, etc. The metaverse existed in gaming before it became this huge buzzword that got a bunch of investments. A lot of the ‘metaverse’ projects are so ugly and don’t understand anything about building a true virtual universe”. Rea Sweets, Gen Z Consultant Ethnically Dubious? “Investing in the metaverse can invite an unhealthy culture of sales in a place of escape. Fiscally, it’s wise to invest in advertising in the metaverse, but the ethical complications do not justifying the ends. Consider the rise of celebrity culture branding themselves on the metaverse with NFTs. The backlash pertaining to stealing the artistic vision of original creators to enrich a culture that truly has no reason to be there is the best part of the right of Artists creating NFTs”. Nathalie Alvarez, Gen Z Consultant Cringe and Scammy? “I think brands should completely stay away from the metaverse until it becomes more mainstream many years down the line. Companies that have made NFTs, crypto, or metaverse experiences have been seen as cringe and scammy. The metaverse is still in its infancy and needs to be built before advertisers enter it.” Jacob Thompson, Gen Z Consultant What is the most interesting trend for social media in B2B marketing? While brands primarily use social media to speak to customers, one of the most comical and engaging trends we’ve seen is brands using public-facing B2B communications on social media to throw shade at their competitors on social media. As we mentioned before, big brands do best when they humanize themselves on social media. Playing out friendly rivalries, or clapping back at competitors on social media has been a great way to reinvent B2B, and keep customers engaging with content. ”The most interesting trend I see with B2B is when businesses speak directly to me and joke around
  • 22. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 22 with other businesses or even their competitors. When businesses do that they seem more human which makes people like them more.” Jadon Velasquez, Gen Z Consultant In a world that lives and breathes on social, the biggest trends that we’ve seen for B2B marketing have been: 1. An increase in articulation of brand values and specifically speaking loudly about DEI and valued centered efforts. 2. The use of video content (true for B2C obviously) from brand collateral videos to short form videos. 3. Personalization of brand messaging across all areas of B2B marketing. 4. Increase in email marketing - have you been getting as many lead generator emails and SEO emails as we have? Literally 20 emails a day and this is true across all sectors. Emails are back but so is the spam button. Which goes to our point #3. If the message being sent out via email is general and not personal it will not be read. The key trend for B2C marketing is to personalize all messages – know your customer and their energy level, vibe, interests. What is the most important trend regarding the measuring and metrics of social media marketing in 2023? Gen Z is redefining what engagement actually means. Likes and views are out, and comments, saves, and shares are in. Beyond this, we see Gen Z as looking for ways to actually interact within content–to mash- up, through virtual experiences that go beyond just commenting and sharing content. Adolescent Content is working on a number of projects for 2023 that break the fourth wall, and invite consumers to be take part in virtual brand experience in completely new ways. Because Gen Z consumes content at such a high rate, the expectation and meaning of engagement are changing. Gen Z don’t care about likes or other easily forged statistics. They look for meaningful comments as a sign of authenticity and strong consumer sentiment. Gen Z are highly skeptical of brands which have low engagement, and do not trust brands with disabled comments. ”Following suit of how our culture is evolving to prioritize authenticity and substance over traditional images of wealth and pop-culture, we are also becoming more well-versed as a society in the significance of digital metrics. The numbers that previously engaged and amazed both consumers and brands are no longer as impressive. In today’s world creators are less focused on reach and views and instead digging deeper into engagement – qualitative data, and how to best build sustainability and consistency. We are increasingly seeing folks step away from seeking a phenomena like the ASL Ice Bucket Challenge and moving more towards investing in audience research, building a strong brand identity, and creating a unique and successful narrative that resonates with target audiences.” Maya Minhas, Gen Z Consultant ”Likes feel obsolete. Meaningful comments are great and they boost engagement. Shares are an important metric. I would say saves are a newer trend, especially on TikTok. I’d also be interested in looking at time spent on each post – did the user read/watch the whole thing? Did they rewatch? Especially with educational or direct sales content this is going to be critical. To me, I think the most impactful metrics are the time spent per post, saves, and shares/re-shares.” Khrystina Warnstadt, Gen Z Consultant Brands should also keep in mind that engagement is not always a good thing. Most Gen Z report that they will keep following unless something really goes wrong. The strongest negative sentiment: hitting the unfollow button.
  • 23. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 23 ATREVIA Atrevia (ES) We are a global Positioning and Strategic Communication company, the biggest in Iberia and with presence in Latin America. Our offices are composed of 15 countries, and our network of partners allows us to gain a global coverage for our customers. With more than 500 professionals, 30 nationality and multidisciplinary profiles, we are able to provide integrated solutions in over 20 areas of expertise. These include: Marketing and Communications, Digital Marketing, Corporate Affairs, Public Affairs, Culture and People Engagement, and Data Analytics. ”B2B will more clearly integrate influencer marketing into its marketing strategy, seeking greater visibility and credibility.” Alex Casanovas Digital Director
  • 24. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 24 What is the most interesting trend regarding social media that marketers should be aware of in 2023? Two interrelated trends, micro contents and short videos. Short Form Videos will be the king format in 2023. The short videos popularized by TikTok have led to other platforms such as Instagram with its Reels or YouTube with its Shorts to give prominence to this format and promote it through the algorithm. Brands must capture the attention of users through impactful, clear and concise audiovisual content that hooks during the first seconds. We must focus on producing videos in vertical format that go straight to the point and with subtitles, since many users will view them without sound, they will be essential within the brand´s content strategy. This does not mean that long-form videos will disappear, but we must plan long and short editions for publication depending on the different platforms. In addition, the user will prioritize content with little editing that values the transparency and authenticity of the brand. Where is influencer marketing headed in 2023? Influencer Marketing will continue in an ascending line, but both influencers and brands will select more carefully the collaborations that they will accept. Massive actions will be progressively set aside, to give priority to long-term collaborations that allow for more consistency of the brand’s marketing strategy. It is no longer just about recommending products or brands, but also about sharing common values that offer consistency and credibility. In line with inclusive marketing, brands will look for those influencers who share their values, and who allow them to reinforce their internal and external actions in terms of inclusiveness. How should brands approach the metaverse in 2023? It is too early to say where we are going with the metaverse, but it is clear that it has been a trend in 2022 and it will continue to be so for the next few years since it is essentially in full swing. It is the Internet evolutionary leap and huge amounts of money are being invested in it. The metaverse is in its initial phase, therefore 2023 will focus on consolidating its bases, both from a technological and regulatory perspective, which will allow to promote its development and define the future uses and experiences it will offer. Nevertheless, the metaverse will likely be much less talked about in 2023 due to the post-pandemic explosion of the physical versus the virtual. What is the most interesting trend for social media in B2B marketing? B2B will more clearly integrate influencer marketing into its marketing strategy, seeking greater visibility and credibility. B2B companies are beginning to give value to specific industry experts who can allow them to get qualitative leads directly or indirectly. Influencer marketing actions in B2B will seek long-term brand- ambassador-type relationships that allow them to gain credibility. The key will be, as always in influencer marketing, an adequate selection of the best micro- influencers. Experts related to the products and sectors of the brand, that generate content in order to help their audience and align with the brand’s marketing strategy. What is the most important trend regarding the measuring and metrics of social media marketing in 2023? Artificial intelligence will mark a turning point in measuring social media. It will allow us to optimize and automate the analysis of the huge amount of data we collect daily on our social platforms and reduce the
  • 25. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 25 time we spend. In addition, we will be able, through predictive models based on artificial intelligence, to know more precisely how our audiences are going to behave. Regarding KPIs, the ROAS will gain more and more importance in the metrics and measures of the results in social media. Investing in Social Paid has become essential in social media if we want to achieve an adequate reach for our content, therefore measuring the return on investment becomes essential. The ROAS allows to identify those optimizations to be carried out and to evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.
  • 26. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 26 BARRETT Barrett (USA) Barrett, headquartered in San Francisco is a full-service creative marketing agency that develops unstoppable ideas that are effective, memorable and enduring. A two-time AdAge Small Agency of the Year winner — the agency had a busy 2022. A few highlights include making a Super Bowl spot, using social media to launch a new WarCraft game, launching a new sports betting book in Brazil, handling the brand work for Chime, designing and launching eBay Refurbished, and winning the opportunity to work with Yahoo! ”The most wonderful thing about the metaverse is that it’s the furthest thing from one-size-fits-all – the opportunity for exploration is endless.” Natalie Chaney Social Strategist
  • 27. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 27 What is the most interesting trend regarding social media that marketers should be aware of in 2023? Realness is high-key, key. When it comes to channels, TikTok is a big focus for Barrett. It’s no secret that TikTok has been rapidly growing over the past couple of years, and as the fastest growing social platform ever, the TikTok train won’t be stopping anytime soon. As we head into 2023, TikTok is going from a nice- to-have to a need-to-have for brands looking to stay relevant on Social Media – but many have struggled to find their place on the platform. Why? Because on TikTok, the rules are different. Brands have permission to be more playful, to be more surprising, but the community is also looking for brands to stay true to themselves while doing this. This is a hard balance to strike, particularly for those within luxury spaces. People want brands to show that they are multidimensional, human and have more than one perfected, produced side. Similar to Twitter’s “silence brand” era, users aren’t looking for brands to post content that feels too forced. It’s critical for brands to be thinking through how they can remain true to themselves as they connect & show up on TikTok, while also remaining true to both the consumers they’re connecting with and the platform itself. Gucci did a great job of striking the balance between their premium aspirational tone and the native style of TikTok by working with content creators in a recent push for their #GucciMarquee glasses. Where is influencer marketing headed in 2023? The rise of the creator economy has been a trend we’ve all followed for the past couple of years – particularly because of its resiliency during times of uncertainty. With the growth remaining so consistent, the main trends we’ve seen are the types of influencers & creators that are breaking through are: Creators first, brand second While content creators are a shortcut to authentic content, they’ve absolutely changed the rules of the game. Instead of giving influencers a perfectly crafted brand book with guidelines and a brief, brands now have to hand over trust to content creators and ensure that there are aligned values so they can represent the brand in their own way. While this does land them with better content in the end, it’s caused a shift in the power balance, as too much direction can quickly feel like constraints. The more niche the better One trend we’ve seen overall on social is a focus on niche audiences – this is largely due to the rise in TikTok as well. Due to the nature of the algorithm, organic content from creators with lower follower bases not only has the ability to thrive, but it’s also likely to resonate more with those watching it. Consumers view nano- and micro-influencers as more relatable, and easier to connect with, which makes them more likely to trust them. There’s an influencer for everyone Because of the growing popularity of content creators & how revenue has changed the game, the barrier to entry for becoming a content creator has also become lower. In fact, in a recent Consumer Trends report from Hubspot, we saw that 30% of 18- 24 year olds and 40% of 25 to 34 year olds consider themselves a content creator. This influx of creators is encouraging for creativity as it has led to an explosion of what creativity can look like in social.
  • 28. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 28 How should brands approach the metaverse in 2023? For many brands, the metaverse can be intimidating – in part due to a lack of understanding. But, my advice? Throw caution to the wind. The time to experiment is now – because honestly, most people don’t fully understand it yet. The metaverse provides a unique opportunity for discovery and exploration in a test and learn environment. To me one of the most interesting spaces within the metaverse is gaming. Video games aren’t just something you play anymore – they’ve evolved into spaces you can hang out in. I personally spend 10+ hours playing video games a week, and with 67% of Americans over 18 playing them, it can be a great place for brands to start with an audience that’s growing faster than ever and beyond open for brand collaborations. A few ways brands have shown up within existing video games: • Events (Travis Scott x Fortnite) • Limited Skins (Balenciaga x Fortnite) • Virtual environments (Invisaslign x Roblox, Westelm x Roblox) Or, brands can go one step further with the creation of their own game: • Louis the Game (Louis Vuitton) But, like I said in the beginning, the most wonderful thing about the metaverse is that it’s the furthest thing from one-size-fits-all – the opportunity for exploration is endless. What is the most interesting trend for social media in B2B marketing? One of the areas where B2B marketing can struggle the most is the human factor. B2B is inherently different than B2C, which can make it difficult for a brand’s tone & voice to shine through online the way it does in B2C marketing due to the conversational nature of social. Because of this, the B2B space can also become a bit of sea-of-sameness. It can get stale very quickly. And even organic placements can start to feel like paid. A trend I’ve begun to see in B2B marketing, and one I’m particularly excited about, is the idea of flipping B2B on it’s head and approaching it as you would B2C when it comes to humanity and personalization. A few examples of brands doing this well: • HP tapped into TikTok to take on a social cause with their #HPRadicalReuse campaign. • taps into trending memes / cultural moments to relate to their audience. • Adobe utilizes user generated content to inspire their community and showcase different use cases. Due in part to the rise of B2B2C, and the generational change in B2B buyer committees, I anticipate we’ll start seeing less hyper-targeting and more human/ personalized content as we head into 2023. What is the most important trend regarding the measuring and metrics of social media marketing in 2023? Platform algorithms are constantly shifting & evolving. Sometimes the shifts are small, and sometimes they’re massive. But no-matter how big the changes are, they do trickle down to both the way users interact on the platform and how we as brands should be measuring & benchmarking towards those interactions. With newer platforms gaining popularity, and even newer ones continue to emerge, I think one of the most important trends to keep in mind when it comes to social media measuring & metrics is that each platform & the user behavior on it is unique.
  • 29. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 29 While some metrics may be primary metrics on some platforms, on others… they really may not be important at all simply because of how users behave there. Take follower count for example. While this is definitely a focus point on both Twitter and Instagram, it’s really a secondary metric on TikTok. Because of this, it’s imperative that we define goals & KPIs individually per platform.
  • 30. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 30 CHL CHL (NGA / UK) CHL is an insights-led consultancy based in Lagos & London. We scale businesses across the creator, digital & new-gen consumer economies through strategic marketing, business development & growth products and services. ”And no, your email list is not a community.” Seyi Alawode Founder & Head of Strategy
  • 31. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 31 What is the most interesting trend regarding social media that marketers should be aware of in 2023? Speaking specifically for Nigeria, consumer culture works hand in hand with trends. Digital, online trends. This could look like a new viral TikTok song replicated across other channels. Or a Twitter trending topic in itself – most of which are influenced by offline/online occurrences. Social media marketers wanting to tap into the Nigerian market must put research first, otherwise you risk a haphazard attempt of tapping into our digi-culture [something they won’t be afraid to ‘drag’ you for]. You see, the Nigerian consumer market is as segmented as the country itself, but our social languages [sarcasm, humour, activism] could be said to somewhat unite our differences. For a thorough understanding of trends, digital ethnography of Nigerian social spaces [e.g. checking out ‘Nigerian Twitter’ through the trends table, exploring Nigerian TikTok hashtags, researching and following the right blogs/publications on Instagram] would give you much better insight than a Google search would. Be careful though, Nigeria is both an unforgiving and distracted market. Because things are so tough in the country, there’s little tolerance for brands that miss the mark [especially non-Nigerian brands], and little attention given to the brands that put in little effort to capture it. So your goal as a social marketer should really be to leverage daily trends the right way [by research + ‘reading the room’], and cut through the noise instead of adding to it [by being intentional, creative, targeted and consistent]. Where is influencer marketing headed in 2023? There’s this saying going around that ‘everybody in Naij is an influencer these days’, which is subject to debate, I guess. What is factual though is that there has been a groundbreaking influx of niche content creators this year, the most successful of which have been skit makers. In terms of reach, awareness, hype and good storytelling, look towards the skit makers. Skit makers are essentially DIY entertainers, who tell relatable, made-up stories through humour and sarcasm. They tend to excel in this space [TikTok, Instagram and Facebook mostly] because the only thing a Nigerian loves more than to be entertained, is to be entertained by a story they can relate with. This made up a good chunk of influencer marketing this year, and luckily, the space isn’t quite saturated just yet... However in 2023, the theme for successful influencer marketing will be trust. So, focusing on the ‘entertainment’ factor to sell things could be a risk. This is primarily because it’s election year, and socioeconomic tension could mean anything could be perceived as anything – there’s a larger than usual appetite for backlash and a warmer embrace of influencers that can be vouched for. Influencer marketing next year I believe will be rooted in the relatable, more accessible creators. Niche community pioneers, niche micro-influencers, niche thought leaders – that’s where the trust lies. As is with everything related to the Nigerian market, thorough research, intent and collaboration with local experts will get you those results. How should brands approach the metaverse in 2023? From my observations as a marketer, the metaverse is simply the last thing your average Nigerian cares about. Truthfully. It doesn’t directly affect nor benefit them, so they technically ‘have no business with it’. That said, there are several existing web3 focused communities, platforms and microbusinesses emerging from Nigeria. My advice to brands within this space would be to focus mostly on the ones that already do care about the metaverse. From gamified fashion startups like ASTRA, to Metaverse Magna, a Nigerian gaming DAO, these organisations have already crafted their own niches and audiences interested in metaverse culture. What I’ve noticed so far instead is brands [see
  • 32. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 32 Meta] somewhat ignoring these existing platforms in favour of converting the 99%. Nigeria is a large country with large problems – mass adoption of metaverse is damn near impossible, at least for the time being. There is however, enough room for collaboration with Nigerian web3 platforms / communities / etc. that have already built strong audiences that you can leverage. Again, thorough research and intent is crucial here. What is the most interesting trend for social media in B2B marketing? Content marketing reigned supreme this year and will probably do so next year too. But there’s more... This year, I’ve seen brands get SUPER creative online in a bid to get more clients. From viral Twitter trends to TikTok campaigns, it’s been a great year for the content advertising space. Two things Nigerian businesses care about when choosing suppliers are hype [yes, really] – i.e. who can vouch for the supplier? How many followers do they have on Insta? What’s their content like? And expertise: how well can they solve my problem? How many similar problems have they solved in the past? Having active Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok and Instagram channels producing content that solves the hype x expertise [think big, but stay targeted], will usually get you the leads you need. However, what’s also risen in popularity this year and will scale soon, is community building. Working with startups this year has shown me the value, effectiveness AND budget friendliness of building digital networks made up of your clients. Provide an avenue whereby they can discuss their problems with other people that share the same problem, offering regular free resources they can tap into for when they’re not deal-ready. This positions you as the trusted congregator, as the solution, as the ‘go to’, for when they are deal-ready. Great community channels here include Telegram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook and for the more ‘new- gen’ ones, Discord. And no, your email list is not a community. What is the most important trend regarding the measuring and metrics of social media marketing in 2023? Discussions next year should focus less on numbers and more on measuring value and impact. Reason being Nigeria has a massive populace and is a very very very distracted, busy market. ‘Numbers’ via likes / retweets / shares aren’t that impressive anymore. Neither is one- off / sporadic engagement, as we’re quick to hop from one trend to the next. These are KPIs that can easily be achieved by a temporary ‘viral’ moment, so to me, they don’t count for much. Truthfully, I personally would measure value + impact qualitatively. That is, on how much conversation it creates. Nigerians are not an easily impressed bunch, so you’ve struck gold once you’re able to get them to talk about your campaign or product without being paid to. And where is the one place you can measure this? Twitter. That’s where most of Nigerian digital culture is built and sustained. If it’s campaign specific, throw in a fun hashtag that you can accurately measure, and remember to create something worth talking about.
  • 33. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 33 DAY ONE AGENCY Day One Agency (USA) Day One is a creative communications agency with the ambition of stopping the world in its scroll with stories that earn a place in culture. ”2023 will mark a sea change in the way we think about social media as a whole, with the desire for authentic interaction, human curated feeds and community at the center of this new era.” Eli Williams Sr. Creative Strategist
  • 34. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 34 What is the most interesting trend regarding social media that marketers should be aware of in 2023? Trends and cultural movements usually emerge as a counter, or rebuke to those that came before them, and 2023 will mark a new era of social media. If the old guard of social was driven by a small handful of key players, runaway algorithms and content overload, 2023 will be defined by a growing presence of curated, closed door spaces, as well as a breakdown of traditional hierarchies. Exhausted by a constant barrage of ads, cancel culture, half baked, spur of the moment platform changes and cognizant of the lack of privacy, consumers are seeking out closed, “IYKYK” communities to supplement their digital diets. In short, we’ll see the return of “social” to social media. The brands that breakthrough, will do so by engaging in a two-way dialogue, authentically forming more intimate interactions while forging new paths that turn consumers into community. 2023 will mark a sea change in the way we think about social media as a whole, with the desire for authentic interaction, human curated feeds and community at the center of this new era. Where is influencer marketing headed in 2023? Platform updates and the shift to algorithmically-driven feeds, or “recommendation media,” from friend-driven feeds have left many creators in a state of whiplash. In many cases, to earn an impression today is akin to playing pin the tail on the donkey. The increasingly unpredictable nature of platforms will lead more influencers to seek more ownable spaces that they can have greater control over, and it will all happen during a time when the creator toolbox is expanding and becoming more democratized. Influencers will look to spaces where they create for an audience—not a mysterious algorithm. How should brands approach the metaverse in 2023? There’s no doubt that the metaverse, that sweeping word tossed around more than Neymar at the World Cup, will play an influential role in the years to come, but 2023 will be a correction and learning period, and smart brands will look to activations tactfully, intentionally and with a hybrid approach. The metaverse won’t supplant IRL (at least not yet), but it certainly will supplement it. Brands that break through will do so by thinking about how virtual communities can foster and facilitate community (and commerce) IRL. Simply popping up is no longer enough — brands can’t think of the metaverse as a box to check off. A headline will only get you so far, and consumers are hungry for a more dynamic and multidimensional experience, and a good story ties it all together. What is the most important trend regarding the measuring and metrics of social media marketing in 2023? Platforms are starting to gear their features towards time spent and utility — where measurements like views, completion rate, multiple plays, saves etc. — are becoming more valuable than traditional gauges of success (likes, comments, impressions). This goes hand in hand with the move to “recommended media,” where the algorithm makes the final call on what deserves our finite attention. Content that’s served (or not served) to users is selected based on optimized engagement based on a user’s prior viewing history. Brands are vying for consumers’ attention in a media landscape that’s faster and more fragmented than ever. We’ve never had more options when it comes to what we consume, and yet we’ve never been more fickle when it comes to what we choose. Therefore, expect greater emphasis and value to be placed on visually engaging storytelling that quite literally stops users in their scrolls and coming back for more.
  • 35. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 35 DIFFERENT Different (IT) Different is a communication company that drives brands to fully express their potential, and to hit people with significant content and messages. With a fluid structure of talented, complete thinkers, Different brings life to the vital energy of a brand. ”The “decline” of the Facebook charm, which does not appeal to Millenials and GenZ, could make us think that Facebook doesn’t work for B2B either. But it’s excellent.” Francesca Trevisan Strategist
  • 36. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 36 What is the most interesting trend regarding social media that marketers should be aware of in 2023? In today’s digital world, anyone with a smartphone has the opportunity to be a content creator, no matter if they do this willingly. This opens the doors for more diverse voices, with consumers worldwide being able to find content creators who mirror their unique, distinct experiences. In other words: content is bound to reflect not just one version of reality anymore. It will represent them all. Social platforms are providing simple features, like Reel Templates or Remix functions, so creating good engaging content is a lot easier and users love it! They love to recreate viral TikToks/Reels, to try new filters, to tell their own stories, and to show their skills. Where is influencer marketing headed in 2023? As a brand, there are people who use you and people you use. The people you use need to represent your brand, but still be themselves, because that’s the true reason why they have a following. The brand must therefore know how to carefully select talent in order to trust the talent they choose: they need to let them be free to create good content, not just fake ads. Why? ‘Cause ads are boring! Users who want to be entertained also know when they are watching promotions and they quickly skip a post when they notice the ad. How should brands approach the metaverse in 2023? As it stands, the gaming world owns the metaverse space – plenty of proto-metaverses already exist (think Roblox, Second Life, and Horizon Worlds). Given the similarities between the two, there’s each and every chance gamers will be among the metaverse’s first adopters; the interest is certainly there. People in general, and gamers especially, are starting to be more conscious about the metaverse (22% of consumers interested in taking part in the metaverse already play Minecraft), so brands must design strategies that align with the interests of those early adopters in order to be relevant. Being in the metaverse for the sake of being there won’t bring any results any longer. What is the most interesting trend for social media in B2B marketing? Unlike what’s happening for B2C, Facebook undeniably still has a place and relevance for B2B and 67% of marketers deem Facebook to be the most effective social media platform. In 2022, 74% of people leverage the platform for professional purposes, and decision- makers spend 74% more time on Facebook than other users. Not having a Facebook page as a business is detrimental to credibility. That’s interesting because the “decline” of the Facebook charm, which does not appeal to Millenials and GenZ, could make us think that Facebook doesn’t work for B2B either. But it’s excellent. What is the most important trend regarding the measuring and metrics of social media marketing in 2023? Vanity metrics create an illusion of good results because they lack impactful data. In 2023, marketers have to work about actionable metrics that could be used to represent real change or progress. KPIs should represent impact on business goals and translate into actionable data: this makes it possible to achieve real and tangible results.
  • 37. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 37 ENTERFIVE Enterfive (US / UK / NGA) Enterfive is an insights agency. Creators of Versus Africa, their flagship product that helps brands get complete, competitive and actionable insights on the African consumer market. ”We accurately predicted in 2021 that 2022 would be the year for TikTok as a key B2B social media marketing platform essential for B2B success. This trend will continue in 2023 and beyond.” Jide Agbana Global Product Marketing Manager
  • 38. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 38 What is the most interesting trend regarding social media that marketers should be aware of in 2023? It’s predicted that by 2030, about 50% of the world’s population could be using Web 3.0. With this rate of global adoption of Web 3.0, brands and businesses will be held more accountable as consumers will expect them to uphold data sovereignity than ever before – because one of the critical values of Web 3.0 is that it not only allows users to own their data but they will be compensated for the time spent on the web, leading to more investment by brands and businesses in multi-sensory social media strategies that include gamification, tokenization to create fully immersive experiences. Naturally, this will lead to an increase in the need for consumers to trust the social media accounts and content they engage with. 2023 would come with an increased demand for authenticity and virtue that brands, businesses and social media marketers will have to conform to. I expect social platforms to tackle more consumer issues by leveraging real-time data, giving power back to the user. Globally, consumers should also expect different levels of censorship and free speech with decentralised networks. Where is influencer marketing headed in 2023? Identifying ideal consumer demographics and psychographics has transcended personas, it’s about brand communities. The economic downturn and recession in 2022 led to many downsizing, laying off staff and cutting operating budgets. Brands and businesses are forced to restructure their expenses and more often than not, the first casualty is the marketing budget. Inadvertently, bigger businesses and brands will adapt these developments and evolve from consumer personas and target relevant brand communities. This approach would rely a lot more on insights from engagements of community members, and less on influencer marketing as it is relatively low- cost, and high-yield. This inadvertently creates more opportunities for smaller brands and businesses to leverage more influencer marketing as bigger brands and businesses rely more on consumer insights from brand communities. How should brands approach the metaverse in 2023? With a potential market of $800bn, the Metaverse is predicted to add $5 trillion to the global economy by 2030, according to Forbes. With companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, NVIDIA, HSBC, JP Morgan, Nike, Gucci, and Google all staking a claim and building in the Metaverse, the Metaverse has become a new marketing channel (and an appealing one too!) because consumers are always looking for new and more engaging ways to connect with businesses and brands they want to do business with. The Metaverse is arguably the most fully immersive experience ever with a focus on consumer experience and expertly curated, personalized content that facilitates efficient communication. Brands can invest in the Metaverse by leveraging Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) by buying NFTs. An example is Adidas when they joined the swamp club, purchasing ape #8774, creating NFT products for them to wear and are now a part of the Metaverse OG’s collection. Brands can buy Metaverse land and real estate in Metaverse projects or launch a business line that operates in the Metaverse. What is the most interesting trend for social media in B2B marketing? B2B Social Media Marketing has been a bitter-sweet cycle of evolution of popular trends turning out to be less impactful than predicted, since 2020. However, we accurately predicted in 2021 that 2022 would be the year for TikTok as a key B2B social media marketing platform essential for B2B success. This trend will continue in 2023 and beyond providing yet another outlet for people to connect, engage and be marketed to, TikTok is actually impacting consumer behaviour and the way consumers process information,
  • 39. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 39 especially consumers that prefer video content i.e most consumers. Interestingly, Google revealed that over 40% of GenZ users now search and prefer finding information on TikTok and Instagram over Google globally in 2022. B2B brands must invest in and leverage user-generated content (UGC) while doubling down on social media content and presence to influence buyer decisions. Consumers on social media are more likely to search for UGC before company websites to learn about businesses, brands, products or services leveraging reviews from the consumer perspective. What is the most important trend regarding the measuring and metrics of social media marketing in 2023? With an increasing number of brands & businesses moving further away from consumer personas to targeting broader brand communities, demographic- based targeting is proving to be implausible in measuring Purchase Intent. Brands and businesses must measure Purchase Intent because it helps the sales teams focus lead conversion strategies on healthy leads based on their intent to purchase. With brand communities, brands can generate even more leads but gauge purchase intent by leveraging insights from “lift surveys” to measure respondents’ sentiments toward buying a product or service. Targeting consumers based on psychographics, behaviour, affinity or intent provides a more accurate depiction of the audience for social media marketers because targeted marketing based on intent allows for more relevant and personalized messaging curated to individuals.
  • 40. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 40 THE HALLWAY The Hallway (AUS) The Hallway is a full-service advertising agency. We use data to uncover what makes people tick. Then we affect how they feel, think and behave by creating experiences that touch their hearts, spark their minds & inspire action. ”Consumers are fake-tigued. They’ve grown tired of curated, polished photo grids, and filters, and are chafing against the pressure to be perfect and performative.” Olivia Hussey Junior Planner
  • 41. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 41 What is the most interesting trend regarding social media that marketers should be aware of in 2023? The revival of creation culture. The playful expressiveness of Web 1.0 is enjoying something of a renaissance. People are dusting off their old Tumblr accounts, and turning to platforms which welcome a broader range of expression and creativity – like Mastodon, Bobdrop and Letterboxd. Gone are the days of passively receiving algorithmic recommendations. People are using social media, actively, as a self- development tool. For identity expression, exploration and experimentation. This trend is spearheaded by Zoomers – a generation known for their complete and unwavering authenticity, and unabashed self- expression. To them, identity is not fixed or permanent, rather, it’s an amorphous, ever-evolving thing. And they expect brands to see theirs in the same light. 85% would like to see brands take unexpected creative turns, and continue to evolve their identities. Where is influencer marketing headed in 2023? Toward greater intimacy. Consumers are fake-tigued. They’ve grown tired of curated, polished photo grids, and filters, and are chafing against the pressure to be perfect and performative. They’re looking for absolute honesty. They want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but it. Authenticity, based in digital intimacy, is fastly becoming the main currency in the influencer ecosystem. 90% of consumers cite authenticity as a key consideration when deciding which brands (personal or otherwise) to like and support. This makes perfect sense – digital intimacy fosters a sense of familiarity and mutual trust, and strengthens community connections. Nick Cave’s one-to-one online correspondence, The Red Hand Files, and Spanian’s Unfiltered Hood Life podcast are excellent examples of this – even if they bristle at the term, ‘influencer’, themselves! How should brands approach the metaverse in 2023? With care. As we edge closer to an ‘internet of senses’, brands need to think long and hard about their metaverse use case – namely, how they want their audience to interact with them, physically and digitally – and how AR, VR and ER can be best used to enrich their existing offerings. This prevents tech for tech’s sake. When properly harnessed, interactive technology can do great things, and deliver great value. The Unfiltered History Tour, the AR guerilla tour of the British Museum’s stolen artefacts, and Dimensions of Testimony, a collection of 3D interactive genocide survivor testimonies, are prime examples of this. What is the most interesting trend for social media in B2B marketing? The rise of trusted influence. More and more, marketers are partnering with industry experts and analysts, internal executives and niche experts to bolster organisational trust and credibility. And, it’s working. 86% of B2B brands attributed improved brand performance to influencer marketing. 72% reported improved brand reputation, while 56% said influencer marketing helped to generate new leads. What’s more, 33% said influencers were a direct revenue generator. There’s no denying it’s a lucrative market! Looking into the 2023 crystal ball, I suspect that the use of professionally credentialed influencers will pick up pace, and evolve into a common B2B marketing tactic. But, only time will tell. What is the most important trend regarding the measuring and metrics of social media marketing in 2023? Dark social. The silent killer of social tracking. Dun, Dun Duuun! Public conversations are disappearing, with 84% of content now being shared on private channels like email, text or instant messaging applications and discord servers. This upsurge in private sharing poses a challenge for effectiveness measures – as lots of users, traffic and conversions go unaccounted for. That said, ‘the dark’ isn’t something to be afraid of. It is something
  • 42. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 42 to embrace. Adidas did. Their ‘Tango Squad’ group on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger increased customer engagement and led, ultimately, to greater brand experience.
  • 43. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 43 Hylink (CN / UK) Hylink is the first natively Chinese digital agency to move West and establish in the UK. Voted the most effective advertising agency in the Asia Pacific region with the prestigious Effie Award, Hylink is China’s largest, independent full-service digital agency. Our mission is simple: to creatively bridge the cultural gap in digital marketing between China and the UK. ”In China, we see B2B brands paving the way for new trends that are eventually adapted by the B2C industry.” James Hebbert Managing Director HYLINK
  • 44. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 44 What is the most interesting trend regarding social media that marketers should be aware of in 2023? After nearly three years of intermittent lockdowns, NFTs allow brands to connect with Chinese consumers in the digital realm, surpassing any lockdown-related restrictions that may prevent their target audience from experiencing their products offline. For example, in June 2022, Chinese social media platform RED launched R-SPACE; dedicated to virtual fashion where users can buy, sell and try on NFT clothing. Through this channel, and others, brands can sell virtual versions of their most popular products. Embracing NFTs will not only show brands’ commitment to innovation and creativity, it will also expand their target market - reaching consumers who may not be able to afford their offline products. We predict that the intersection of NFTs and social media will only become more closely interrelated in 2023. Where is influencer marketing headed in 2023? In China in 2023 we’ll likely see influencer marketing move towards virtual influencers. Brands in China are increasingly partnering with virtual influencers both for their complete control over the influencer’s personality and narrative – meaning no scandals – and to appeal to digitally-savvy Gen Z, China’s most powerful consumer group. The possibilities are endless when it comes to creative output: virtual influencers can appear in the metaverse and within the gaming world, two areas of particular interest for Gen Z consumers. To illustrate this point, at Singles’ Day 2022, the world’s largest e-commerce event, there were only virtual influencers as live stream hosts for the first time. How should brands approach the metaverse in 2023? Brands should embrace the metaverse in 2023, albeit with caution, enabling them to show off their dedication to sustainability and creativity. Since the metaverse has minimal environmental impact and carbon footprint, any related activity will resonate with increasingly environmentally-conscious consumers. From a creative standpoint, there is no limit to design, shape or material within the metaverse, allowing brands to stand out to show off their innovation. In terms of areas to take caution, brands need to be aware of a few points. First of all, there is a lack of interoperability; NFTs and virtual fashion outfits are not always transferable from one metaverse to another. Second, NFT expertise is not yet widely available and brands usually need to establish partnerships with technology companies in order to launch any products in the metaverse. What is the most interesting trend for social media in B2B marketing? In China, we see B2B brands paving the way for new trends that are eventually adapted by the B2C industry. This is especially the case with the metaverse. For example, during conferences, B2B brands often embrace 3D, immersive experiences to transcend the limits of an offline event. Since email marketing is antiquated in China, B2B brands use WeChat Mini Programs to communicate with their target audiences. In addition, B2B brands use influencers as key vessels to spread the word about their services. What is the most important trend regarding the measuring and metrics of social media marketing in 2023? NFTs will unlock new types of measurement and metrics for brands beyond what social media could typically offer them. Through a digital ID, a physical product can be linked to an NFT to offer proof of purchase and authenticity. From a brand perspective, brands no longer lose visibility and profitability of products after sale. As long as the NFT-tagged product is sold through its digital ID, brands can continue to receive a portion of the resale fee throughout the product’s life cycle. Consumers will have no doubt about the authenticity of the product, since it will be verified through the digital ID.
  • 45. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 45 Imagination (USA) Imagination, a part of The Mx Group, is a full-service content marketing agency, working with clients on strategy, creation, distribution and performance. We’re content thought leaders who think and work differently, putting the audience first and clearly connecting their needs with clients’ business objectives. ”Yes, marketers have become exhausted by the game “hack the algorithm.” But that’s the ongoing reality as social platforms like Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok refine their experiences using AI.” Laura Marzec Content Strategy IMAGINATION
  • 46. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 46 What is the most interesting trend regarding social media that marketers should be aware of in 2023? The tiktokificiation of social. If 2022 was the year of TikTok, 2023 is when marketers will truly feel its effects. The wild success of the video-sharing platform has propelled copycat approaches from popular and new competitors whose algorithms are rewarding more dynamic, short-form videos and content over static photos and text. A prime example? Instagram, once the place to post beautiful photos, went all-in on Reels to become a video-first platform. As more platforms iterate to catch the TikTok magic, brands will be scrambling to pivot their strategies to keep up with the latest changes, too. What worked last month—or even last week—may not work tomorrow. Platforms of prediction. Yes, marketers have become exhausted by the game “hack the algorithm.” But that’s the ongoing reality as social platforms like Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok refine their experiences using AI (which is getting better and better, by the way). In the coming year, the content that people see on Instagram, Facebook and other platforms will be less and less about who they follow and more about what the platforms are serving up based on their interests, behaviors and other personal data. Everything is a data point. And to get impressions, views and reach, to be SEEN, will be that much harder and require content that really connects with audiences. Demand for (great) video creators. Another outcome of the swipe and scroll and culture? Brands that embrace video —especially in the 30- to 60-second sweet spot — can try to keep (or earn) a piece of the engagement pie. But the marketplace is getting increasingly crowded. And that puts more impetus on brands to embrace true creativity. It’s no longer enough to just do video, or even prioritize it. Marketers need to do it really, really WELL if they want to create the kind of hyper-personalized content that reaches and connects target audiences. Where is influencer marketing headed in 2023? From influencing to advocacy. When consumer trust is at a low point, the term “influencer” has become a bit of a dirty word. Audiences are seeing through inauthentic, money-manic sales tactics in their feeds and aren’t afraid to call out bad actors. Instead, they’re engaging with (and sharing content from) brands they see as relatable, likeable and authentic — even when they KNOW they’re being marketed to. The takeaway for brands: Audiences don’t mind being #influenced if it feels authentic and relevant to them. While the concept of influencer marketing isn’t going anywhere, we’re seeing a rethinking of how the traditional influencer or creator fits into marketing strategy. Marketers are looking for ways to build a community of like-minded individuals with the same values — and a true passion for the brand. By empowering brand advocates to share their story through their own lens — using video, livestreaming, chat and other personalized creator tools — social marketers can leverage creators’ passion as well as their expertise to cut through the noise. The same concept goes for employee advocacy programs. How should brands approach the metaverse in 2023? With caution and intention. Unlike some marketing trends, where it’s risky to take a wait and see approach, the metaverse journey isn’t one to dive into headfirst. And it will be different for every brand. With Meta set to launch its AR-enabled glasses, we can expect the company to start pushing more AR tools on Facebook and Instagram to get its best creators creating for the metaverse. But even though many marketers are looking to ride the next wave of tech innovation, they’re also wary of how it might play out compared to all the hype. (Think: NFTs.)
  • 47. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 47 The next year will be one of experimentation – with plenty of hits and misses. But don’t be afraid to take that time to explore those possibilities of the metaverse. Do the research and make sure AR, VR and gamification experiences can add real value for your audiences beyond the cool factor. What is the most interesting trend for social media in B2B marketing? Social storytelling. Creator tools are the great equalizer. And that’s making it harder than ever for brands to get eyeballs on their content. Just ask marketers how many of their clients took a hit with their Instagram reach in the last 6 months and you’ll feel the pain. Rather than “beat” the competition, forward-looking B2B brands are turning to a new approach: Social storytelling. In practice, that means shifting away from short-form captions that push your audience to your website, blog, webinar or event registration. It’s not about where you want your audience to go or what you want them to do. First, invite them to the party — then introduce yourself. And then give them longer-form content to consume on channel. Think paragraphs, not sentences — prioritize audience-first content by embracing their inner journalist. A few tips? Cover issues or ideas your audience cares about and explore solutions to the problems you can help them solve. Focus on offering interesting, helpful and engaging content now, not once you “do a thing.” Start conversations they care about where they are, customizing copy and visual storytelling elements like video and graphics on different apps and platforms. If you’re doing it right, you’ll build up a community of engaged, like-minded followers to tap into for more great content ideas, conversations and amplification. What is the most important trend regarding the measuring and metrics of social media marketing in 2023? Data on your brand’s social impact is no longer a nice to have. Audiences across ages and interest groups increasingly expect brands to have a stance on topics like the environment, climate change and diversity. And increasingly, that conversation is happening on social channels. For marketers, those in-the-moment moments where you can address these issues that impact customers, employees or members can make or break customer sentiment. One way to get a holistic view of KPIs like brand sentiment: set clear social impact goals that align with your brand values. And, along with traditional engagement metrics, use feedback loops like surveys, NPS and focus groups to gauge how you’re measuring up. What’s the online conversation like about your brand in mentions, online tags, articles, customer reviews? How are you helping your communities—or hurting them? One of the challenges on taking a position is that it requires follow-through, too. Don’t talk about DEI if your website and social channels aren’t optimized for accessibility standards or using inclusive language, for example. People are seeing through buzzwords like sustainability, eco-friendly and net-zero, and when action doesn’t follow, your audience may stop following, too.
  • 48. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 48 Inbrax (CH) Inbrax is an ad agency full creative services with digital marketing at heart. “The Metaverse isn’t simply a meeting room, but one of the most immersive ways that brands will have to communicate with their consumers.” Valentina Lagos Social Media Manager INBRAX Felipe “Peluche” León Digital Director Mundy Álvarez Planning Director Pancho González CCO
  • 49. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TRENDS 2023 49 What is the most interesting trend regarding social media that marketers should be aware of in 2023? Valentina Lagos, Social Media Manager: We’ve found a user who is much more of a “digital migrant”, who is populating the less traditional social media, such as Reddit, Uber, Fiyer. This user is placing importance in creating unique content for each social media, not replicating the same stuff across channels. Their content is also much easier to consume: short videos that do not exceed 5 seconds, and that help the audience in search for information. People increasingly value real and genuine content, and in 2023 various interesting trends are emerging to enhance the connection between brands and people. One of them is the emergence of BeReal. Even though it is a network that is only started to grow, it shows a certain opportunity to deliver naturalness and closeness to brands – also allowing the creation of content for other platforms such as Instagram. NOT EVERYTHING IS SELLING. Big brands need to make their marketing more conscious. Being transparent with it, with the benefits and disadvantages and all. Another way to promote closeness with customers in 2023 is by tapping into new communication channels, with a more spontaneous and natural messaging style. Platforms such as Discord and Telegram have recently proven their worth for this type of strategy. Felipe “Peluche” León, Digital Director: “54% of consumers search social media for information about the brand and its offer”, states a recent report. This phenomenon has always been present, but consumers apply ever more technology to find information that is relevant. And it doesn’t stop there, as a simple process is preferred all the way to the making the purchase. Modern shoppers are more informed than ever. They thoroughly research the brand, and that is why this approach to digital commerce has great potential. The way the brand is represented, including customer interaction and reviews, helps consumers make an informed decision and buy more quickly. This trend will continue to grow as many social channels begin to experiment with similar features and ways to offer businesses new ways for conversion. Where is influencer marketing headed in 2023? Mundy Álvarez, Planning Director: Social media allowed us to continue meeting virtually, which today is commonplace – the way we congregate has changed forever. This phenomenon also led us being more aware of how digital channels influence collective thinking, generating greater care of who to listen to or who to believe. Influencers, the old spokespersons for ideas and trends, are moving towards causes. This new approach based on a clear and sincere purpose has the possibility of ideas spreading almost immediately to different groups, all around the world. The causes today are social actions, and therefore, the causes have no face. People increasingly value spontaneous content. A good way to boost influencer marketing in 2023 is taking brands to channels such as Twitch and Spotify, which have seen a surge in content by macro influencers.