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Revealing the biggest pain points
in B2B Digital Marketing
The world of digital
marketing is filled
with unprecedented
opportunities, and it
plays an increasingly
vital role in the
commercial success of
companies across all
There are also numerous challenges
and obstacles which can hinder a
marketer’s ability to succeed. We asked
over a thousand marketing and sales
executives to tell us their biggest digital
marketing pain-point; what is it about
the job that keeps them awake at night?
The most revealing responses
we received were grouped into 9
themes, which fell into 3 challenge
areas. They are as follows:
a.	Data:
managing the
explosion of data
b.	Insight:
refining this to
understand the
c.	Relevance:
actioning this to
engage and convert
a.	Inertia:
traditional ways of
b.	Culture:
building common
goals and behavior
c.	Innovation:
as a standard
a.	Content:
making content
marketing work
b.	Attribution:
building analytics for
better decisions
c.	Measurement:
proving ROI to
the Board
1 2 3
Inside is a selection of the
best and most revealing
responses, as well as
roadmaps to guide your
next steps. We hope this
ebook will do two things:
help you to see that you are
not alone, and that together
we can find solutions to
the biggest digital
marketing challenges.
Andrew Davies, Co-Founder and CMO of idio
Buyers are able and
willing to search
and research their
competitors, peers,
problems and solutions
to a degree that has
never before been
possible. The purchase
journey is largely self-
driven by educated and
empowered buyers,
who will often know
as much as the sales
person before they
actually talk to them.
B2B purchase decisions
are usually made
by 5-10 individuals,
each playing a role in
research, discussion
and sign-off. This is
especially true for high
value, multi-department
products and services.
The linear purchase
funnel never really
held true as a model of
customer behavior. But
in a multi-channel, multi-
touch world, it can be
extremely misleading.
Customers choose to
progress when they
want, and conduct long
periods of research at
various stages in the
funnel, outside of the
control of a structured
sales process.
Many of these challenges are caused by buyer behavior that is changing
dramatically with the advent of new technologies, social connection, and
information empowerment. Fundamentally, B2B buying has become:
Unsettling the
Status Quo
DataIn 2015, around 7.9 zettabytes of information will be stored
globally, and CSC predicts a continued and dramatic rise to
around 35 zettabytes by 2020. This is driven by the shift from
analogue to digital storage, and the massive increase in data
created by individuals and enterprises.
In order to stay ahead of the curve in
today’s ultra-competitive landscape,
it is essential for marketers to
embrace the data revolution. In
B2B marketing, this explosion of
unstructured and structured data
requires new processes, technologies
and competencies so that it can be
turned from an overwhelming deluge
into an asset the business can use.
In the end, it’s not the data that will
give you the competitive advantage;
it is how you think about that
data, how you derive actionable
and competitively differentiated
intelligence, and how you use
it to drive change across your
“The most pressing issues are
trying to analyze the data to make
educated decisions on what
campaigns and content to create
and then having the ability to
churn it all out in a short amount
of time.”
Natasha Geraghty-Medved,
Demand Generation Manager
at Lavante
“How do we sort through all the
data being collected and what
is most important? Clicks, click
throughs, views, unique views, etc…”
Matthew Virgillio, VP Global Sales
and Marketing at Accutome
“Data – that is my biggest pain
point – it is EVERYWHERE, you
need to identify what is important,
collate it and then be able to
interpret it. Once you have
that you then need to know
what action to take. Couple this
information with multiple sales
stages and a myriad of cognitive
biases to make sure you are
‘connecting’ with your audience in
the right way, at the right time and
on the right platform – and voila,
you have a very complicated set of
Andrea Wilcox, Head of
Marketing at Vertical Leap UK
“As we expand our digital footprint,
we are collecting so much data and
information about our customers
and their engagement with us,
but we are not using it effectively
and efficiently to improve our
engagement with them. There are
too many systems that have this data
but we are not connecting those
Manjeet Singh, Senior Manager of
Digital Marketing & Technologies at
Hitachi Data Systems
“What’s interesting is in recent years
that while our ability to capture data has
exponentially increased, our ability to analyze
and consume that information really hasn’t
changed all that much. The result is this feeling
of taking “one step forward, two steps back”. It’s
actually quite demoralizing because in the old
world you could just say it’d be great if I had that
information to make a better decision, but I don’t
so you move on.
But now it’s the distinct feeling that the answer is
out there somewhere but you just can’t get to it. An
itch you can’t scratch, as it were.
The best thing to do in this situation is going back to
basics and ask “why” and use that as your compass
to guide you through the data quagmire.”
Kevin Li, SVP of Product & Customer Success at idio
What next?
1.	 Where is your data coming from?
2.	 Where is it stored?
3.	 Which data is most useful for whom?
4.	 What gaps do you need to fill to make better decisions?
1.	 Decide how you ideally want to collect, store, analyze and share data
within your organization.
2.	 Determine how the various databases fit together, both from a
technical and a user perspective.
3.	 Agree the high priority tasks that are required to drive value.
4.	 Create a work plan based on this priority and the resource available.
Increasingly, companies are employing Chief Data Officers to manage and
drive value from the data held inside and outside of their organization. But
even if this isn’t a route you are taking, ensure someone on your team has
the remit to explore and innovate in data collection and management, and
maximize its value in your function.
These steps allow you to make
sense of your various pools of
data in the organizational context.
Some datasets are useful as
stand-alone resources, to make
decisions on certain tactics. Other
datasets must be integrated
together as they describe
different facets of a customer’s
behavior or preferences.
Whatever happens, start in small
steps wherever and however it
is easiest for you. Doing a data
audit seems a tough job with little
immediate pay-off, but if you don’t
get started, you are accumulating
a data debt that you will have to
pay back later!
Compared to even a few
years ago, the amount of
prospect and customer
information available to
sales reps has increased
significantly to the point
where they can tell not
just your buyer profile and
onsite interaction history,
but also what you’ve
been doing on your social
And yet – we know that sales
continues to be an uphill
endeavor. According to CSO
Insights, 42% of sales reps
feel they do not have the right
information before making
a sales call, whilst nearly half
of companies report that
their sales reps need help
figuring out which accounts to
These stats belie an
inconvenient truth: despite
having access to some of the
best technology in the world,
marketing and sales reps
still lack the right information
to successfully engage
and convert, upsell and/or
cross-sell their prospects and
“Knowing what our buyers are
interested in - as individuals, target
market segments and buyer
personas. Because we don’t know,
content is hit or miss, a large
percentage of leads fall out of the
buying funnel, and we guess who
is ready to be sold to and what
they want.”
Ellen Steinlauf,
CEO of breakoutrevenue
“We’re laser-focused right now
on conducting research to better
understanding our buyers. Working
under assumptions is not a sound
strategy for the growth we’re hoping
to achieve!”
Katie Martell,
Cofounder and CMO of Cintell
IBM research shows that 75% of buyers now
“expect organizations to understand their
individual needs”. Businesses both large and
small are putting into place ‘Know Your
Customer’ programs, where they are
capturing and leveraging buyer insights to
optimize marketing, sales and customer
service efforts. Increasingly, marketing
is becoming a center-point in the
organization’s knowledge of
the customer, and their
In Sales, we require as much
information as possible about the
leads that come our way to make
sure we can have successful sales
engagement. Historically, we’d work
from a job title and a telephone
number. Perhaps also a marketing
engagement score if we had
marketing automation installed.
Let me tell you from experience, it’s
embarrassing making that phone call because
I have no clue what the prospect is actually
interested in. It’s even more frightening
knowing marketing teams are executing their
plans based on the same information.
Now that it’s possible to tell what a lead’s
interests are from the content they are
reading - that’s a game-changer for me.”
Sean Barker, Enterprise Sales Director at idio
“A brand can really gain from
understanding what their audience
is reading.”
Michael Brenner,
Head of Strategy at NewsCred
“As a B2B2C company, we are
working very hard to understand
how to deliver the best and most
valuable digital experience to the
customers we share.”
Lucy Zachman, Managing
Director at Synchrony Financial
“We share customer feedback on
regular basis within the internal
communications team. This has
meant they have to use more
insight to understand what their
audience wants and they have been
forced to get more involved with
technologies that can deliver these
Michael Tirpitz, Marketing Director
for Private Banking at Deutsche Bank
“Content really is the best vehicle
with which to understand people
but you have to take into account
what the purpose of content is
when coming to your conclusions
about the reader”
Matt Sweezey, Marketing
Evangelist at Pardot
What next?
This pyramid shows the different levels of data that should be
captured, stored and used as part of a successful customer
insight exercise.
Has your organization made it to the top?
As an individual engages with your organization across different
touchpoints and channels they leave a trail - a digital footprint or
digital body language — from which you can infer their interests and
likely purchase intent. The best way to capture customer interests is
from tracking their content consumption habits and identifying the
topics that they engage with most.
Interaction data is most commonly captured by a marketing
automation tool in the form of a ‘lead score’ - a cumulative figure
based on the number of engagements with a company’s website
or email program. If you’ve had lots of engagements, you’ll have a
higher score. It is quite a blunt measure but is also helpful way of
prioritizing the hottest leads.
The volume and variety of this data completely depends on the
type of business. Anyone looking at this will know not just the lead’s
contact details and the profile of the company they work for but also
what this customer has previously bought.
Currently a B2B obsession, firmographic data refers to information
such as a job title, name of company the lead works for and the
sector or industry.
This is the most fundamental element of a customer profile — it
constitutes a name and email address or telephone number.
These are the most basic requirements for customer management.
Without it, no other data is useful.
It’s hard enough as it is to gain a prospect’s
interest, let alone maintain it: we know from our
own research that 82% of leads don’t engage
beyond the first click, and MarketingSherpa have
found that 79% of leads never convert into sales
due to ‘interest abandonment’. Leads churning
from your marketing funnel due to irrelevant
communications isn’t just a mere inconvenience
- it’s a massive cost to your business, and
potential revenue that is lost.
“It’s always a challenge to say
something different. We are
constantly looking to take
conversations to a new level, to
find an angle or point of interest
that hasn’t been done to death
Chelsea Reay, Content Manager
at Fieldworks Marketing
“With the digital age comes the
information overload so the biggest
challenge is “How to get close to all
those people you are targeting?”
Isabelle Geerts, Marketing
Manager Belux at Cisco
RelevanceIrrelevance is
most marketers’
biggest fear.
Finding relevance - the overlap
between your products and
services and the customer’s
interests and needs - is the key
task of B2B marketing leaders.
Today’s buyers are better
informed and more connected
than ever before, so your
message needs to be tailored
to cut through the noise and
influence them towards a
purchase decision.
“I worry about our messaging
being too forward-thinking or
irrelevant because we’re too far
ahead of where our audience is or
what they expect from us.”
Jason Miller,
Senior Content Manager at
LinkedIn Marketing Solutions
“As thought leaders, it’s our
responsibility to push out new and
fresh content that can be ahead
of its time and doesn’t always align
with our audience’s interests. It
can be tough to find a balance
between what our audience wants
to know and needs to know.”
Ashley Robinson, Marketing
Analyst at Snagajob
“It is a challenge to consistently
deliver highly relevant content to
our buyers and ensure that content
helps build our pipeline at the
same time. It’s never a one to one
Erika Goldwater, Demand
Generation Manager at ANNUITAS
“It is important we identify our key
industry innovators, how many
there are and efficiently deliver to
them consistent brand experiences
from first point of contact through
the entire client lifecycle.”
Keal Blache, Director of Marketing
and Branding at Insurance
Office of America
“We are now in the Age of Relevance and the
best way to stay relevant is to focus on the
customer and speak to the customer’s
We realized one of the keys to relevance
was defining our ideal customers by creating
buyer personas. Buyer personas take the
focus off of you, your product, and your
business. They help put you in the frame
of mind of your prospect. They help you
understand your prospect’s world, their
context and their issues.
More importantly, buyer personas help
you identify areas of vision and value that
will resonate with your prospect. Until you
understand these, you might as well be
speaking a foreign language to your prospect.”
Lois Shimmen, Marketing and PR Manager, idio
What next?
What next?
The best marketers are those that try
to understand the true needs and
interests of their audience before
offering a response. There are a myriad
ways that you can do this; from scouring
online Q & A forums and identifying
trending topics on social media to using
Google Analytics to see the popular
queries people are searching for. Better
still, get out from behind your computer
and ask your customers directly!
This takes the focus away from
you, your product, and your
business and put you in the frame
of mind of your prospect. Make
sure these buyer personas are
used and applied across your
sales, marketing, product and
customer service departments.
You can’t improve what you don’t
measure. Setting benchmarks means
that even if you are currently ranking
poorly for engagement, you can at least
see if you’re improving or not.
The content we read is hugely indicative
of what is most relevant to us. Trace
your audience’s reading arc and identify
recurring themes in the content they
Resist the temptation to treat marketing
as merely an art. Data should play a crucial
part in informing your ongoing strategy.
InertiaEven in young organizations, the tendency to build and
maintain a status quo is immense. It simplifies decision
making, provides stability, and can increase efficiency -
when it is the still best way of working. However, we are
now ‘living in beta’, and experimentation is increasingly
prized over stability as companies seek new ways of
adapting to a changed market.
The pain of being trapped in an
outdated yet immovable process
is felt often by digital marketers
that operate in large, mature
businesses in traditional industries.
But age and size do not have
to be the determining factor in
whether you maintain the status
quo. Increasingly, organizations
of all sizes are building a culture
of reliance on data, iteration, and
championing innovation.
“Here is the biggest problem
we have: corporations are
operating with antiquated content
management systems and
technologies. They are unwilling
to invest in the future, so they
are being left behind in the digital
revolution taking place around us.
It’s the shortsightedness that’s the
biggest impediment for decades
old brands to remain competitive
against new stalwarts in every
vertical out there.”
Raj Das,
Partner at The Buffkin Group
“How can we convince traditional
businesses to embrace and train
their staffs on inbound or content
marketing, since it is so different
than any marketing they have done
Arnie Kuenn,
CEO of Vertical Measures
“If more enterprises don’t get
away from the campaign-mentality
and focus on building long-term
relationships with prospects and
customers through a valuable
content experience, I’m worried
they won’t give content marketing
the patience it needs. Content
marketing is a marathon, not a
sprint. Since so many enterprises
are focused on hitting the quarter,
it’s tough to get the necessary buy-
in to make CM work.”
Joe Pulizzi, Founder of Content
Marketing Institute
“More often, where I see content
marketing efforts bog down is
a perceived lack of executive
sponsorship, when in reality
the executive is expecting the
organization to finish the vision
with tactics. It’s working their
problem from two ends, and never
really meeting in the middle.”
Scott Pierce, Senior Content
Strategist at POP Agency
“In order to loosen the status
quo and affect change, you need
to be able to develop and articulate
messages that drive urgency. You need
to identify and introduce ‘unconsidered
needs’: these are challenges where your
prospects or customers are unaware that the issue
exists, or they undervalue the size and speed of
the issue and its potential effect on their business.
Demonstrate clearly why their status quo
is no longer safe, tenable or acceptable,
all the while convincing them that your
position is the ‘new safe.’”
Tim Riesterer,
CMO & Head of Strategy at Corporate Visions
What next?
No doubt you’ve heard of the ‘Seven Stages of Grief’. It turns out that
challenging the status quo can often elicit the same responses.
Use this helpful chart below to see where your organization is and how
you can help them cope with change:
Stage What You Need To Do
Despair Give your colleagues time to get used to the situation
Denial Stand firm and be clear about the cost of inaction if nothing changes
Anger Let them get it our of their system!
Anxiety Create a roadmap to change to give guidance and a sense of security
Acceptance Consider the training and development to follow the roadmap
Relief Be supportive as your colleagues adapt to this new future
Motivation Benchmark progress and encourage them as they apply new learnings
“Eliminating legacy marketing
behaviors and focusing on a
responsible and effective digital
marketing strategy is a huge
culture shift.”
Anna Koustron, Director of
Marketing Communications at Dell
A recent Aberdeen
Group study
concluded that
organizations with
highly aligned sales
and marketing teams
achieved an average
of 32% year-over-
year revenue growth
– while their less
aligned competitors
saw a 7% decrease in
revenue. According
to Forrester, just 8%
of B2B companies
say they have tight
alignment between
sales and marketing.
That means that 92%
of organizations have
a marketing and sales
alignment problem
- and an alignment
problem is a business
problem because
without alignment,
a company cannot
effectively execute.
Salespeople (or in
the financial industry,
advisors) used to be in
the position of power
as the information
gatekeepers between
customers and
businesses. Today,
it’s more about how
buyers buy than the
way they sell. With the
internet, buyers can
leverage search and
from peers via social
media to learn and
compare products
and do all their pre-
purchase research
without speaking with
a salesperson. With
prospects making
57% of their buying
decision before
speaking with a
sales rep (according
Corporate Executive
Board), Sales must rely
more on Marketing
to attract and nurture
the prospect before
they’re ready to
Method of
One-to-many One-to-one
Leads, audience, fans,
brand, influence, reach
Hot prospects, decision
makers, closed deals,
sales velocity
Time horizon 6-12 months 1-3 months
Integrated and
consistent across
the team, based on
medium-term plans.
More reliance on
individual performance,
using short-term tactics.
Rely on Sales to close
Rely on Marketing to
generate leads
Sales and marketing teams often have a complex,
sometimes contentious, relationship. In many
organizations there is a clear and tolerated divide
between marketing and sales.
Both sides usually realize that they need to work together in order to
meet their demand and revenue goals. But in most organizations they
have different vocabularies, time-frames and approaches.
“One of our biggest challenges
in digital marketing is how we
integrate with the sales team
and get visibility into which leads
are productive, and which ones
aren’t useful for our sales team.
We use Marketo and Salesforce
for tracking everything, but sales
folks see little near-term value in
recording every interaction, which
leaves us blind to the ultimate
quality of most leads. Or whether
they are even being contacted. We
simply don’t know.”
Chuck Moxley, Chief Marketing
Officer at 4INFO
”We have a difficult time getting our
sales team to buy into a central CRM
for lead management. We still have
rogue sales team members keeping
leads in personal spreadsheets.
Building trust and teaching the
sales team the value of a central
repository that can be nurtured,
scored, and shared has been slow.”
Roger Morency, Online Marketing
Manager at Tyco
“We’ve found that fostering good
relations between the Sales
and Marketing requires over-
communication, active input
from the leadership team, and a
shortened feedback loop between
But most fundamentally, the
overall goal of marketing and
sales should be the same. If marketing only
carries a lead volume target, quality will suffer.
Why shouldn’t marketing have a revenue or
pipeline goal?”
Andrew Davies, Co-Founder and CMO of idio
What next?
Whenever you have a handover between departments, you have the greatest risk
for inefficiency. One way to overcome this is to build Service Level Agreements that
are detailed, mutually-agreed, and simple to understand. SiriusDecisions offers a
simple but effective five-step process for implementing and operationalizing SLAs.
Test on a small group to ensure functionality and
value. This includes definition of duration, scope of the
pilot, key milestones and a measurement strategy.
Analyze the pilot to build a case for wider
deployment. This includes analysis of initial findings
to find proces gaps, monitoring compliance and
diagnozing performance and productivity impacts.
Develop training, messaging and a proof case to
support launch efforts. This includes determining
whether the roll out will be full or phased, developing
a communication plan and clearly defining all parties’
responsibilities to the SLAs.
Share the value of SLAs, as well as the executive buy
in. This involves initiating the communication plan
and evangelizing the goals and expected benefits of
the SLAs.
Training, compliance management and continued
alignment are key.
Build effective SLAs to guide behavior
“Too many social platforms to
follow and lead. Its hard to judge
what platform to invest in. This
gets even more challenging if
marketers have multi-county roles
since this priority list might differ
depending on the country.”
Isil Ketenci, Principal Marketing
Leader at Mercer
‘Too many organizations get caught
up in the hype of digital channels
and feel they MUST be using them
rather than asking themselves a key
question – ‘What does my customer
want from me and how do they
want to consume it?’ Only at that
point can an organization work out
what channels they need to use
and why.”
Richard Khan, Senior Digital Strategy
and Innovation Manager at Xerox
The flipside of this exciting
expansion of marketing
technology is that every
organization needs someone
to be on top of the potential
vendor landscape, identifying
opportunities to improve
processes, and then procuring,
integrating and using the
technology solution.
According to Adobe’s
2015 Digital Roadblock
Report, only 48% of
digital marketers feel
proficient in digital
marketing and 82% of
digital marketers admit
that they are learning
on the job. Innovation
necessarily leads to
another inconvenient
reality: nobody has
done this before. The
challenge of effectively
managing all this
technology is daunting
and has serious
ramifications on
marketing successes
and failures in the
Marketing is rapidly becoming one of the most technology-
dependent functions in business. In 2012 the research
and consulting firm Gartner predicted that by 2017, a
company’s chief marketing officer would be spending more
on technology than its Chief Information Officer. That oft-
quoted claim seems more credible every day. There are now
nearly 2,000 marketing software providers worldwide (as
tracked by Scott Brinker on his MarTech Landscape), with
offerings ranging from major platforms for CRM, content
management, and marketing automation to specialized
solutions for social media management, content marketing,
and customer-facing apps.
“We have to constantly update
technology to keep up with the
new ways that visitors consume
content in the digital space – and
evaluating the ROI for these
changes is a huge focus for the
Priyanka Agarwal, Digital
Marketing Manager at Hiscox
“With the opportunity for so much
automation, real time actioning
and programmatic formats,
we must maintain the balance
between human and machine
decisions. Getting the right balance
is tough.”
Jez Jowett, Global Head of
Creative Technology at CAKE Group
“Trying to balance the available
marketing resources (budget, time,
staff, skills, technology) against
the numerous marketing tactics
available today.”
Anthony McLoughlin, Digital
Marketing Executive at Tone
“So often I find companies bogged
down with internal policies that
simply hinder growth. Companies
need to learn to be reactive to
change. Especially when employing
an agency to create leads and
Jonny Gedye, Senior Account
Manager at Goldladder
“The obsession with ‘the shiny’ in
companies is a predictable trait. We
covet technology that looks cool,
can do so much, but it is either
misunderstood, misused or forced
upon poor innocent employees
trying to earn a crust.
The fundamental paradox of the
21st century is that as the world
becomes more digitalized, brands must
strive to create more ‘human’ experiences
that connect with the consumer. The sheer
quantity of tech platforms or social media
that a brand incorporates does not provide
a barometer by which to measure their
success. Instead it is the quality of the content
that resonates and people dwell upon.”
James Moffat, Founder of Organic Development
What next?
Give access to
innovation at all levels
of your organization
- not just executives
or the board. Arrange
outings to other
companies as a means
to gather first-hand
insights as to how they
build and maintain
their culture. Create
a physical space for a
marketing library with
the latest titles and
share useful articles
that you’ve read online.
Put budget behind
formal training or as
an alternative seek
contra-deals whereby
your digital marketing
team can do an all-day
‘knowledge share’ with
another team proficient
in different digital
Remove the constraints
that accompany
traditional work, and
offer a safe space for
failure - this lets people
try riskier things.
Where possible identify
budgets that have no
ROI and use them
to pilot and trial new
tactics, tools and talent.
1) Creating a culture of innovation
Here are four go-to sites that we use to keep abreast
and make sense of all the innovation occurring in
digital marketing right now:
2) Get reading
Scott Brinker’s Chief
MarTech Blog
It’s not enough anymore to be creative; you
need to combine the art of marketing with the
science of technology to automate marketing
campaigns and achieve business goals.
Chief MarTech will help you get to grips with
marketing technology.
Content Marketing Institute’s
Intelligent Content stream
A trove of content marketing news, views
and how to’s; the site has recently started
a dedicated area to ‘intelligent content’ for
marketers that are interested in doing more
data-driven content marketing.
David Raab’s Customer Experience
If you want to be on the cutting edge of B2B
technology, look no further than the Customer
Experience Matrix. David Raab cuts through
the smooth sales talk of technology vendors
to explain simply what each marketing
technology can do for you.
Economist Lean Back Blog
The Economist has carefully curated a group
of leading CMOs and CIOs that write regularly
their thoughts on where marketing is going
next and what this means for B2B and B2C
organizations. It helps that we’ve got a monthly
column there too.
1 2 3
“I worry about striking the right
balance between quality and
quantity. It’s a priority to create
regular content, but it’s vital that
the content is interesting, fun, and
useful. It’s a struggle to not bend to
the trend of creating content just
for the sake of creating it.”
Ellen Gomes, Content Specialist
at Marketo
“There’s always a need to analyze,
adjust and improve our content
strategy. If you’re not constantly
adapting, you’re going to lose in this
Jake McChrystal, Director of
Marketing Communications
at Accent Technologies
Like it or not, in the digital-first
world, your company’s online
content is your salesperson. A
recent study by the Corporate
Executive Board reported that
B2B buyers are 57% of the way
to a buying decision before they
are willing to talk to a sales rep. A
survey last year by DemandGen
Report, reported that 77% of B2B
buyers said they did not talk with
a salesperson until after they had
performed independent research.
B2B marketers face a
difficult conundrum.
They often lack the
time and sustained
effort required to
create the content in
order to execute a
sophisticated, tailored
content marketing
strategy. However,
those very content
creation activities are
the cornerstones
of attracting new
prospects in the new
world of inbound
marketing and social
Content Marketing
“I see there being two continuous
challenges in content marketing
at the moment. The first one is
ensuring our content is pitched at
the right level as the temptation
is to go completely cutting edge
theory when many of our clients
are more interested in practical
advice and guidance. Secondly,
we need to make the most of
the content we have. Whether
that’s legacy content or stuff we’re
producing at the moment. It’s all
valuable and we need to make
sure it’s getting the attention and
visibility it deserves.”
Nicholas Moore, Content
Marketing Manager at Experian
“It’s really how to continuously and
consistently develop content of
significant thought leadership value.”
Clay Garner, President of
Growth Resource
“The biggest challenge is continuously
reviewing our content library and
ensuring that we have the right types
of content appropriate for each stage
in our buyers’ journey. Companies
often have a lot of content for one
stage – such as the awareness
stage. However, they often lack the
necessary content for the other
stages - consideration and decision.
All of our content needs to help move
customers through the complete
buying process.”
Lisa Masiello,
Founder of TECHMarc Labs
“It’s the age old challenge of ensuring
the timeliness and accuracy of the
content we develop is focused on
actually addressing a customer/market
pain point and not simply self-serving
marketing hype. Secondly, that the ‘voice’
of the content is developed specifically
for each target market (vis a vis end-user
vs. press vs. analyst communities).”
Douglas Gruehl, Vice President of
“Content marketing has rapidly
shifted from a ‘nice to have’ to
a ‘need to have’ - it’s now a cost
of doing business in the B2B
environment. Content marketing
is crucial as it fuels all three
components of demand generation
- lead acquisition, lead nurturing and
lead handover.
The new buyer paradigm demands that you create
content that meets buyer needs; if you develop
online content that caters to the invisible buyer,
you will help customers before you even know they
exist - meaning you’ll work less to sell more. If you
aren’t providing the kind of online information that
your prospects are searching for, you may be losing
up to half of your sales opportunities – and you
won’t realize it’s happening until it’s too late”
Jonny Rose, Head of Content at idio
What next?
What next? The Content Marketing Maturity model
So, you’re doing content marketing but where is it taking you and your organization?
STEP 1 -
Content marketing experiments
are primarily focused on content
creation and editorial workflow
STEP 2 -
Distribution is considered more
formally. Experiments move from
the creation process to working out
how to get more people to view
your content.
Now your content moves from
enabling ‘random acts of marketing’
to building relationships that
generate actionable insights and
Sales Intelligence.
With content marketing integrated
across channels and operationalized
- double down on driving business
value and use personalization to
serve buyers with content that
Attribution refers to the ability to tie every
marketing tactic and activity to a financial
return in a consistent manner. In simple terms
B2B marketers face the challenge connecting
responses to their campaigns and tactics with
deal revenue.
Attribution provides valuable insights into the impact of your marketing
investments and the value of each customer interaction along the customers’
journey toward conversion. This understanding of attribution is useful because
it is hugely influential in the outcome of debates and decisions around budget
allocation, ROI calculations and strategic planning going forward.
“I think the most difficult question
for a digital marketer today is
attribution. How do you most
accurately measure the effect
of your multi-channel digital
marketing campaigns.”
Stephen Ebbet, Chief Digital
Officer at Assurant
“Content marketing has an
attribution problem. Attribution
modelling is still tough for us. How
can we best and accurately score
a piece of content depending on
where it enters a sales cycle?”
Kyle Lacy, Director Global
Content & Research at Salesforce
Marketing Cloud
AttributionNow more than ever,
B2B marketers need to
address the accountability
issues surrounding
marketing performance and
expenditure. Gone are the
days of inefficient utilization
of scarce budget resource
without scrutiny - this is
where attribution
comes in.
“Our most significant digital
marketing challenge is around
attribution. We use digital marketing
to create awareness and engage
clients and prospects, but our
business model allows for minimal
online conversion. As a result, it is
challenging to figure out how an
interaction in any channel may or
may not have been influenced by
content, and even more challenging
to connect that activity to an
eventual sale or conversion that
might occur months or even years
Charlotte Mooney, VP, Private
Wealth Management Marketing at
SunTrust Bank
“Given the diverse mix of digital
media, offline events, sales/marketing
in person mashups, and offline/
telephone media all going into a very
sophisticated omni-channel demand
generation program, exact attribution
of every dollar spent continues to be
an area of focus.”
Kevin Akeroyd, General Manager
at Oracle Marketing Cloud
“With attribution you will likely get caught
in the chasm between information (data)
overload and oversimplification which
can result in spurious results. The key
is to design a framework that is easy to
understand but also has a lot of depth in
terms of its data sources. This will likely
be a model that combines first touch, last
touch, cohort analysis and multi-touch
attribution frameworks and allows you to
answer specific questions associated with
business outcomes.”
Balint Sipos, Digital Marketing Manager at idio
What next?
Set measurable marketing goals aligned with business
Determine a scoring model (see next page) that ensures
that there is coverage across the path to conversion so
that no touch points are omitted.
- Weight scores based on critical and noncritical events
(aligned to sales goals)
- Consider time (decay) in your models so that you can
discount for interest abandonment
Create dashboards that allow for real time analysis of
campaigns against goals.
Review and refine.
There are various models
that have been employed in
attribution. The four most
popular types are first touch,
last touch, cohort analysis and
multi-touch attribution.
First touch
attribution explores
what initial interaction
or action first exposed
the prospect to your
brand, product or
service resulting in
them converting into a
customer at some future
Last touch
attribution similarly
explores what last
interaction or action the
prospect had with your
brand, product or service
just before converting
into a customer.
Cohort analysis
can be broadly defined
as a dissection of the
activities of a group
of people (such as
customers), who share a
common characteristic,
over time. This common
characteristic could be
the “sign up date” for a
webinar or event. This will
help to answer questions
such as “of the people
that signed up for a
webinar this month, how
many became MQLS?”
for example.
attribution is the process
of understanding
and assigning credit
to various marketing
channels that eventually
lead to conversions.
Christoph Janz of Point
Nine Capital simplifies
multi-touch attribution
with a football analogy.
He observes that “multi-
touch attribution gives
the credit for a goal to
not only the scorer but
also (gives some credit
to) the players who
prepared the goal, too.
Soccer player statistics
often calculate scores
based on the goals and
the assists of the players.
That means the statistics
are based on what could
be called a double-touch
analysis that takes into
account the last touch
and the touch before the
last one.
Choose your model
and ROI
“My most pressing digital
marketing problem – continuing
to evolve the relationship and
understanding between content
and ROI.”
Diane Clay, Director of Product
Marketing at ownCloud
“The truth is that I just don’t know how
to measure what we do. I can pay
some vendors and get the numbers
I ask for (numbers they think pleases
me so I keep buying from them).
Numbers that the bosses might like. It
is really hard to get numbers that are
trustworthy and actionable - and that
concerns me.”
Rob Le Gesse, VP of Social Strategy
at Rackspace
Partly, this is caused by the
proliferation of new channels,
techniques and the breakneck
speed at which they are adopted,
tweaked and blended. And it is
certainly exacerbated by the fact that
marketers have been trumpeting
digital as eminently measurable. We
now face the reality of living up to this
Everyone is asking the ‘how do I
calculate and prove ROI?’ question.
But usually, when you get into the
intention behind that question, it’s
not actually what marketers want to
know. What they want to know is how
they can measure, and whether those
measurements are going in the right
direction. It’s less about proving ROI,
and more about improving it.
John Wanamaker said in the 19th century, “Half the
money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is
I don’t know which half.” Measurement continues to
trouble digital marketers, even though we operate in
the most transparent and measurable environment.
“The primary digital marketing
challenge I’ve had to deal with
when working with brands is the
ambiguous relationship between
marketers and passive, non-ROI
focused drivers like branded
Kunal Robert,
Digital Director at MEC Global
“In an industry with declining
marketing investment, it’s of
paramount importance to be able to
deliver tangible value.”
Ravinder Saund, Senior Marketing
Planner at Hitachi Data Systems
“Whilst clicks, likes, views, dwell time,
bounce rates are all valid metrics that tell
you how well your audience is engaging,
they do not necessarily mean prospects
have an intention to buy. Unless there
is a clear path to revenue, engagement
metrics are interesting but not useful. We
should also be cognisant that ‘response’ to
marketing does not equate to ‘demand’.
We need new metrics to connect content
to ROI: measure journey analytics to
ensure that the content being produced
is contributing to the journey and whether
specific pieces of content and journeys are
performing better than others in terms of
driving the target audience forwards to
the commercial goal.”
Munya Hoto, Head of Demand Generation at idio
What next?
It’s easy to calculate the ROI of a campaign:
However, sustainable ROI is all about scale and time.
An ‘inconvenient truth’ about content marketing (and all) ROI
is that the gains lag behind the upfront costs of producing
that content. Many B2B marketers are experiencing the
natural time-lag between cost and gain.
# content items
but the benefits lag
ROI = (Gain from investment - Cost of
investment) / Cost of investment
The cost investment
is early
Sustainable ROI is all about reducing the lag as
best as possible. You can do that by:
1) Measure the right metrics
Content Insight Engagement
How much is being
What is the cost of
content production?
What are the topics we
are creating content
Where is the content
being promoted?
What is the cost of
content promotion?
How much is the
content being engaged
What conversions
are linked to content
What are the most
popular topics within
that content?
What are the least
popular topics?
What are the
conversion rates linked
to the content?
Email open rates?
Demo requests?
Dwell time on site?
2) Review the lead handover process
The majority of lost revenue occurs at the handover of a content marketing
generated lead to the sales team. It is at handover point that leads either go
cold, are rejected or simply forgotten. A solid lead management process that
is well-defined (including, agreed sales stages and the criteria for a qualified
lead at each stage), supported by the right technology and adhered to by
personnel in both sales and marketing will pay dividends.
3) Track content consumption
to provide lead context to the
Sales team
Content consumption reveals who
people are, what they are interested
in and what pain-point they have.
Harnessing this is of huge value for
sales reps that need to work off of
the best and most insightful lead data
to get inside of their prospect’s mind
and understand what is motivating
and driving them. Knowing their
marketing automation lead score or
job title alone will not do this.
4) Connect Sales team to
marketing content
Up to 60% of content created in
B2B organizations goes unused
(according to SiriusDecisions).
Salespeople are time poor - they
don’t have time to fumble around
across a litany of marketing folders
to find a relevant piece of content
for a prospect. Content marketers
can fix this by making sure content
is well categorized, optimized for
relevance, and visible at all times.
As these pains are solved by an array
of approaches and tools, a more
fundamental battleground will emerge;
one of talent attraction and retention.
Although some respondents noted that
finding, training and keeping top team
members was a pain point, this will emerge
as a prime issue - especially in organizations
that have not changed their ways of working
to empower experimentation and rapid
New tools, new approaches, and new datasets
are resulting in new job roles being created in
marketing every year. We are past the point of
being able to hope that a period of disruption
will settle into a new normal. In an increasingly
global, flat, connected, and competitive
marketplace, disruption is the new normal.
Whilst firefighting the attribution, data, and
relevance challenges that you face, don’t lose
sight of the longer term talent challenge.
Andrew Davies, Co-Founder and CMO of idio
As always,
it comes
down to
The modern buyer is harder than ever to
understand: they are ‘cross channel’, ‘multi-screen’,
and ‘always on’. They are also more difficult to
pigeonhole than their demographic segmentation,
purchase history or firmographic information might
have us believe.
However, although modern buyers increasingly
confound, one particular behavior is proving
predictably consistent: their increasing desire for
content. It is upon this reality that digital marketers
can find some solid ground.
No one company, technology or strategy will be able
to solve every digital marketing pain
Increasingly, marketers are able to build loosely
connected marketing execution tools around a
robust data and reporting layer. This is enabled
by the almost pervasive use of APIs (Application
Protocol Interface) in modern technology that
enable interoperability.
idio’s core thesis is ‘You Are What You Read’:
we believe that the content your prospects and
customers choose to read is highly indicative of
their interests and desires. This insight is something
organizations can use to predict, understand and
influence their audience’s purchase path.
We deliver this as
three products;
Insight, which helps
marketers understand
which topics drive
action, and predicts
what to write about
next; Engage, which
personalizes the
content experience
to every prospect
on a 1-2-1 basis to
move them towards
purchase; and Sales
Intelligence, which
tells sales teams what
to say to a prospect
before they pick up
the phone.
As marketing
technology becomes
plug-and-play, we
expect our customers
to want to connect
idio into their existing
marketing stacks
seamlessly, and so we
work hard to pre-
integrate with major
CRMs, marketing
automation systems
and other tools.
ConclusionWhen we read
through the
responses to our
survey we found
the results to be
both revealing and
It turns out that even in
the heady world of digital
marketing there is nothing
new under the sun. Although
we may be at the cutting
edge of innovation, our
concerns remain largely
unchanged: Are we doing the
right thing?...What are our
competitors doing?... How
can I prove that I’m doing my
job well? We’d love to have a chat...
Let’s talk about the challenges you are facing, and the ways we can help.
If you’d like to find out more about how idio can work for you, email us on
sales@idioplatform.com or visit idioplatform.com

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Revealing B2B Digital Marketers biggest challenges

  • 1. Revealing the biggest pain points in B2B Digital Marketing sales@idioplatform.com idioplatform.com
  • 2. The world of digital marketing is filled with unprecedented opportunities, and it plays an increasingly vital role in the commercial success of companies across all industries. There are also numerous challenges and obstacles which can hinder a marketer’s ability to succeed. We asked over a thousand marketing and sales executives to tell us their biggest digital marketing pain-point; what is it about the job that keeps them awake at night? The most revealing responses we received were grouped into 9 themes, which fell into 3 challenge areas. They are as follows: CUSTOMER CHALLENGES a. Data: managing the explosion of data b. Insight: refining this to understand the customer c. Relevance: actioning this to engage and convert ORGANIZATIONAL CHALLENGES a. Inertia: overcoming traditional ways of working b. Culture: building common goals and behavior c. Innovation: instilling experimentation as a standard TACTICAL CHALLENGES a. Content: making content marketing work b. Attribution: building analytics for better decisions c. Measurement: proving ROI to the Board 1 2 3 www.idioplatform.com
  • 3. Inside is a selection of the best and most revealing responses, as well as roadmaps to guide your next steps. We hope this ebook will do two things: help you to see that you are not alone, and that together we can find solutions to the biggest digital marketing challenges. Andrew Davies, Co-Founder and CMO of idio RESEARCH LED Buyers are able and willing to search and research their competitors, peers, problems and solutions to a degree that has never before been possible. The purchase journey is largely self- driven by educated and empowered buyers, who will often know as much as the sales person before they actually talk to them. A TEAM SPORT B2B purchase decisions are usually made by 5-10 individuals, each playing a role in research, discussion and sign-off. This is especially true for high value, multi-department products and services. A COMPLEX PROCESS The linear purchase funnel never really held true as a model of customer behavior. But in a multi-channel, multi- touch world, it can be extremely misleading. Customers choose to progress when they want, and conduct long periods of research at various stages in the funnel, outside of the control of a structured sales process. Many of these challenges are caused by buyer behavior that is changing dramatically with the advent of new technologies, social connection, and information empowerment. Fundamentally, B2B buying has become: Unsettling the Status Quo www.idioplatform.com
  • 4. CUSTOMERCHALLENGES DataIn 2015, around 7.9 zettabytes of information will be stored globally, and CSC predicts a continued and dramatic rise to around 35 zettabytes by 2020. This is driven by the shift from analogue to digital storage, and the massive increase in data created by individuals and enterprises. In order to stay ahead of the curve in today’s ultra-competitive landscape, it is essential for marketers to embrace the data revolution. In B2B marketing, this explosion of unstructured and structured data requires new processes, technologies and competencies so that it can be turned from an overwhelming deluge into an asset the business can use. In the end, it’s not the data that will give you the competitive advantage; it is how you think about that data, how you derive actionable and competitively differentiated intelligence, and how you use it to drive change across your organization. “The most pressing issues are trying to analyze the data to make educated decisions on what campaigns and content to create and then having the ability to churn it all out in a short amount of time.” Natasha Geraghty-Medved, Demand Generation Manager at Lavante “How do we sort through all the data being collected and what is most important? Clicks, click throughs, views, unique views, etc…” Matthew Virgillio, VP Global Sales and Marketing at Accutome www.idioplatform.com 1
  • 5. “Data – that is my biggest pain point – it is EVERYWHERE, you need to identify what is important, collate it and then be able to interpret it. Once you have that you then need to know what action to take. Couple this information with multiple sales stages and a myriad of cognitive biases to make sure you are ‘connecting’ with your audience in the right way, at the right time and on the right platform – and voila, you have a very complicated set of information.” Andrea Wilcox, Head of Marketing at Vertical Leap UK “As we expand our digital footprint, we are collecting so much data and information about our customers and their engagement with us, but we are not using it effectively and efficiently to improve our engagement with them. There are too many systems that have this data but we are not connecting those dots.” Manjeet Singh, Senior Manager of Digital Marketing & Technologies at Hitachi Data Systems “What’s interesting is in recent years that while our ability to capture data has exponentially increased, our ability to analyze and consume that information really hasn’t changed all that much. The result is this feeling of taking “one step forward, two steps back”. It’s actually quite demoralizing because in the old world you could just say it’d be great if I had that information to make a better decision, but I don’t so you move on. But now it’s the distinct feeling that the answer is out there somewhere but you just can’t get to it. An itch you can’t scratch, as it were. The best thing to do in this situation is going back to basics and ask “why” and use that as your compass to guide you through the data quagmire.” Kevin Li, SVP of Product & Customer Success at idio What next? DO A DATA AUDIT 1. Where is your data coming from? 2. Where is it stored? 3. Which data is most useful for whom? 4. What gaps do you need to fill to make better decisions? AGREE A FRAMEWORK FOR DATA USAGE 1. Decide how you ideally want to collect, store, analyze and share data within your organization. 2. Determine how the various databases fit together, both from a technical and a user perspective. 3. Agree the high priority tasks that are required to drive value. 4. Create a work plan based on this priority and the resource available. APPOINT AN OWNER FOR DATA Increasingly, companies are employing Chief Data Officers to manage and drive value from the data held inside and outside of their organization. But even if this isn’t a route you are taking, ensure someone on your team has the remit to explore and innovate in data collection and management, and maximize its value in your function. These steps allow you to make sense of your various pools of data in the organizational context. Some datasets are useful as stand-alone resources, to make decisions on certain tactics. Other datasets must be integrated together as they describe different facets of a customer’s behavior or preferences. Whatever happens, start in small steps wherever and however it is easiest for you. Doing a data audit seems a tough job with little immediate pay-off, but if you don’t get started, you are accumulating a data debt that you will have to pay back later! www.idioplatform.com
  • 6. Compared to even a few years ago, the amount of prospect and customer information available to sales reps has increased significantly to the point where they can tell not just your buyer profile and onsite interaction history, but also what you’ve been doing on your social networks. And yet – we know that sales continues to be an uphill endeavor. According to CSO Insights, 42% of sales reps feel they do not have the right information before making a sales call, whilst nearly half of companies report that their sales reps need help figuring out which accounts to prioritize. These stats belie an inconvenient truth: despite having access to some of the best technology in the world, marketing and sales reps still lack the right information to successfully engage and convert, upsell and/or cross-sell their prospects and customers. “Knowing what our buyers are interested in - as individuals, target market segments and buyer personas. Because we don’t know, content is hit or miss, a large percentage of leads fall out of the buying funnel, and we guess who is ready to be sold to and what they want.” Ellen Steinlauf, CEO of breakoutrevenue “We’re laser-focused right now on conducting research to better understanding our buyers. Working under assumptions is not a sound strategy for the growth we’re hoping to achieve!” Katie Martell, Cofounder and CMO of Cintell Insight IBM research shows that 75% of buyers now “expect organizations to understand their individual needs”. Businesses both large and small are putting into place ‘Know Your Customer’ programs, where they are capturing and leveraging buyer insights to optimize marketing, sales and customer service efforts. Increasingly, marketing is becoming a center-point in the organization’s knowledge of the customer, and their behavior. www.idioplatform.com
  • 7. In Sales, we require as much information as possible about the leads that come our way to make sure we can have successful sales engagement. Historically, we’d work from a job title and a telephone number. Perhaps also a marketing engagement score if we had marketing automation installed. Let me tell you from experience, it’s embarrassing making that phone call because I have no clue what the prospect is actually interested in. It’s even more frightening knowing marketing teams are executing their plans based on the same information. Now that it’s possible to tell what a lead’s interests are from the content they are reading - that’s a game-changer for me.” Sean Barker, Enterprise Sales Director at idio “A brand can really gain from understanding what their audience is reading.” Michael Brenner, Head of Strategy at NewsCred “As a B2B2C company, we are working very hard to understand how to deliver the best and most valuable digital experience to the customers we share.” Lucy Zachman, Managing Director at Synchrony Financial “We share customer feedback on regular basis within the internal communications team. This has meant they have to use more insight to understand what their audience wants and they have been forced to get more involved with technologies that can deliver these insights.” Michael Tirpitz, Marketing Director for Private Banking at Deutsche Bank “Content really is the best vehicle with which to understand people but you have to take into account what the purpose of content is when coming to your conclusions about the reader” Matt Sweezey, Marketing Evangelist at Pardot www.idioplatform.com
  • 8. What next? UNDERSTANDING YOUR CUSTOMER This pyramid shows the different levels of data that should be captured, stored and used as part of a successful customer insight exercise. Has your organization made it to the top? INTEREST DATA: As an individual engages with your organization across different touchpoints and channels they leave a trail - a digital footprint or digital body language — from which you can infer their interests and likely purchase intent. The best way to capture customer interests is from tracking their content consumption habits and identifying the topics that they engage with most. INTERACTION DATA: Interaction data is most commonly captured by a marketing automation tool in the form of a ‘lead score’ - a cumulative figure based on the number of engagements with a company’s website or email program. If you’ve had lots of engagements, you’ll have a higher score. It is quite a blunt measure but is also helpful way of prioritizing the hottest leads. PRODUCT HOLDING DATA: The volume and variety of this data completely depends on the type of business. Anyone looking at this will know not just the lead’s contact details and the profile of the company they work for but also what this customer has previously bought. FIRMOGRAPHICS: Currently a B2B obsession, firmographic data refers to information such as a job title, name of company the lead works for and the sector or industry. CONTACT DETAILS: This is the most fundamental element of a customer profile — it constitutes a name and email address or telephone number. These are the most basic requirements for customer management. Without it, no other data is useful. THE HIERARCHY OF LEAD DATA NEEDS INTERESTS INTERACTIONS PRODUCT HOLDING FIRMOGRAPHICS CONTACT DETAILS www.idioplatform.com
  • 9. It’s hard enough as it is to gain a prospect’s interest, let alone maintain it: we know from our own research that 82% of leads don’t engage beyond the first click, and MarketingSherpa have found that 79% of leads never convert into sales due to ‘interest abandonment’. Leads churning from your marketing funnel due to irrelevant communications isn’t just a mere inconvenience - it’s a massive cost to your business, and potential revenue that is lost. “It’s always a challenge to say something different. We are constantly looking to take conversations to a new level, to find an angle or point of interest that hasn’t been done to death already.” Chelsea Reay, Content Manager at Fieldworks Marketing “With the digital age comes the information overload so the biggest challenge is “How to get close to all those people you are targeting?” Isabelle Geerts, Marketing Manager Belux at Cisco RelevanceIrrelevance is most marketers’ biggest fear. Finding relevance - the overlap between your products and services and the customer’s interests and needs - is the key task of B2B marketing leaders. Today’s buyers are better informed and more connected than ever before, so your message needs to be tailored to cut through the noise and influence them towards a purchase decision. www.idioplatform.com
  • 10. “I worry about our messaging being too forward-thinking or irrelevant because we’re too far ahead of where our audience is or what they expect from us.” Jason Miller, Senior Content Manager at LinkedIn Marketing Solutions “As thought leaders, it’s our responsibility to push out new and fresh content that can be ahead of its time and doesn’t always align with our audience’s interests. It can be tough to find a balance between what our audience wants to know and needs to know.” Ashley Robinson, Marketing Analyst at Snagajob “It is a challenge to consistently deliver highly relevant content to our buyers and ensure that content helps build our pipeline at the same time. It’s never a one to one relationship.” Erika Goldwater, Demand Generation Manager at ANNUITAS “It is important we identify our key industry innovators, how many there are and efficiently deliver to them consistent brand experiences from first point of contact through the entire client lifecycle.” Keal Blache, Director of Marketing and Branding at Insurance Office of America “We are now in the Age of Relevance and the best way to stay relevant is to focus on the customer and speak to the customer’s pain-points. We realized one of the keys to relevance was defining our ideal customers by creating buyer personas. Buyer personas take the focus off of you, your product, and your business. They help put you in the frame of mind of your prospect. They help you understand your prospect’s world, their context and their issues. More importantly, buyer personas help you identify areas of vision and value that will resonate with your prospect. Until you understand these, you might as well be speaking a foreign language to your prospect.” Lois Shimmen, Marketing and PR Manager, idio www.idioplatform.com
  • 11. What next? What next? 1. LISTEN FIRST: The best marketers are those that try to understand the true needs and interests of their audience before offering a response. There are a myriad ways that you can do this; from scouring online Q & A forums and identifying trending topics on social media to using Google Analytics to see the popular queries people are searching for. Better still, get out from behind your computer and ask your customers directly! 2. CREATE BUYER PERSONAS BASED ON THEIR PAIN-POINTS: This takes the focus away from you, your product, and your business and put you in the frame of mind of your prospect. Make sure these buyer personas are used and applied across your sales, marketing, product and customer service departments. 5. COMMIT TO CONTENT MARKETING MEASUREMENT AND ITERATION: You can’t improve what you don’t measure. Setting benchmarks means that even if you are currently ranking poorly for engagement, you can at least see if you’re improving or not. 4. UNDERSTAND THAT CONTENT CHOICES REVEAL PAIN-POINTS: The content we read is hugely indicative of what is most relevant to us. Trace your audience’s reading arc and identify recurring themes in the content they consume. 3. USE DATA TO UNDERSTAND EVOLVING PAIN-POINTS: Resist the temptation to treat marketing as merely an art. Data should play a crucial part in informing your ongoing strategy. THE ROADMAP TO RELEVANCE www.idioplatform.com
  • 12. InertiaEven in young organizations, the tendency to build and maintain a status quo is immense. It simplifies decision making, provides stability, and can increase efficiency - when it is the still best way of working. However, we are now ‘living in beta’, and experimentation is increasingly prized over stability as companies seek new ways of adapting to a changed market. The pain of being trapped in an outdated yet immovable process is felt often by digital marketers that operate in large, mature businesses in traditional industries. But age and size do not have to be the determining factor in whether you maintain the status quo. Increasingly, organizations of all sizes are building a culture of reliance on data, iteration, and championing innovation. “Here is the biggest problem we have: corporations are operating with antiquated content management systems and technologies. They are unwilling to invest in the future, so they are being left behind in the digital revolution taking place around us. It’s the shortsightedness that’s the biggest impediment for decades old brands to remain competitive against new stalwarts in every vertical out there.” Raj Das, Partner at The Buffkin Group “How can we convince traditional businesses to embrace and train their staffs on inbound or content marketing, since it is so different than any marketing they have done before?” Arnie Kuenn, CEO of Vertical Measures www.idioplatform.com 2ORGANIZATIONAL CHALLENGES
  • 13. “If more enterprises don’t get away from the campaign-mentality and focus on building long-term relationships with prospects and customers through a valuable content experience, I’m worried they won’t give content marketing the patience it needs. Content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Since so many enterprises are focused on hitting the quarter, it’s tough to get the necessary buy- in to make CM work.” Joe Pulizzi, Founder of Content Marketing Institute “More often, where I see content marketing efforts bog down is a perceived lack of executive sponsorship, when in reality the executive is expecting the organization to finish the vision with tactics. It’s working their problem from two ends, and never really meeting in the middle.” Scott Pierce, Senior Content Strategist at POP Agency “In order to loosen the status quo and affect change, you need to be able to develop and articulate messages that drive urgency. You need to identify and introduce ‘unconsidered needs’: these are challenges where your prospects or customers are unaware that the issue exists, or they undervalue the size and speed of the issue and its potential effect on their business. Demonstrate clearly why their status quo is no longer safe, tenable or acceptable, all the while convincing them that your position is the ‘new safe.’” Tim Riesterer, CMO & Head of Strategy at Corporate Visions What next? THE SEVEN STAGES OF COPING WITH CHANGE No doubt you’ve heard of the ‘Seven Stages of Grief’. It turns out that challenging the status quo can often elicit the same responses. Use this helpful chart below to see where your organization is and how you can help them cope with change: Stage What You Need To Do Despair Give your colleagues time to get used to the situation Denial Stand firm and be clear about the cost of inaction if nothing changes Anger Let them get it our of their system! Anxiety Create a roadmap to change to give guidance and a sense of security Acceptance Consider the training and development to follow the roadmap Relief Be supportive as your colleagues adapt to this new future Motivation Benchmark progress and encourage them as they apply new learnings “Eliminating legacy marketing behaviors and focusing on a responsible and effective digital marketing strategy is a huge culture shift.” Anna Koustron, Director of Marketing Communications at Dell
  • 14. A recent Aberdeen Group study concluded that organizations with highly aligned sales and marketing teams achieved an average of 32% year-over- year revenue growth – while their less aligned competitors saw a 7% decrease in revenue. According to Forrester, just 8% of B2B companies say they have tight alignment between sales and marketing. That means that 92% of organizations have a marketing and sales alignment problem - and an alignment problem is a business problem because without alignment, a company cannot effectively execute. Salespeople (or in the financial industry, advisors) used to be in the position of power as the information gatekeepers between customers and businesses. Today, it’s more about how buyers buy than the way they sell. With the internet, buyers can leverage search and recommendations from peers via social media to learn and compare products and do all their pre- purchase research without speaking with a salesperson. With prospects making 57% of their buying decision before speaking with a sales rep (according Corporate Executive Board), Sales must rely more on Marketing to attract and nurture the prospect before they’re ready to connect. Culture MARKETING SALES Method of communication One-to-many One-to-one Vocabulary Leads, audience, fans, brand, influence, reach Hot prospects, decision makers, closed deals, sales velocity Time horizon 6-12 months 1-3 months Strategy Integrated and consistent across the team, based on medium-term plans. More reliance on individual performance, using short-term tactics. Dependency Rely on Sales to close deals Rely on Marketing to generate leads Sales and marketing teams often have a complex, sometimes contentious, relationship. In many organizations there is a clear and tolerated divide between marketing and sales. Both sides usually realize that they need to work together in order to meet their demand and revenue goals. But in most organizations they have different vocabularies, time-frames and approaches. www.idioplatform.com
  • 15. “One of our biggest challenges in digital marketing is how we integrate with the sales team and get visibility into which leads are productive, and which ones aren’t useful for our sales team. We use Marketo and Salesforce for tracking everything, but sales folks see little near-term value in recording every interaction, which leaves us blind to the ultimate quality of most leads. Or whether they are even being contacted. We simply don’t know.” Chuck Moxley, Chief Marketing Officer at 4INFO ”We have a difficult time getting our sales team to buy into a central CRM for lead management. We still have rogue sales team members keeping leads in personal spreadsheets. Building trust and teaching the sales team the value of a central repository that can be nurtured, scored, and shared has been slow.” Roger Morency, Online Marketing Manager at Tyco “We’ve found that fostering good relations between the Sales and Marketing requires over- communication, active input from the leadership team, and a shortened feedback loop between departments. But most fundamentally, the overall goal of marketing and sales should be the same. If marketing only carries a lead volume target, quality will suffer. Why shouldn’t marketing have a revenue or pipeline goal?” Andrew Davies, Co-Founder and CMO of idio What next? Whenever you have a handover between departments, you have the greatest risk for inefficiency. One way to overcome this is to build Service Level Agreements that are detailed, mutually-agreed, and simple to understand. SiriusDecisions offers a simple but effective five-step process for implementing and operationalizing SLAs. 1. RUN A PILOT. Test on a small group to ensure functionality and value. This includes definition of duration, scope of the pilot, key milestones and a measurement strategy. 2. MEASURE RESULTS. Analyze the pilot to build a case for wider deployment. This includes analysis of initial findings to find proces gaps, monitoring compliance and diagnozing performance and productivity impacts. 3. PREPARE FOR LAUNCH. Develop training, messaging and a proof case to support launch efforts. This includes determining whether the roll out will be full or phased, developing a communication plan and clearly defining all parties’ responsibilities to the SLAs. 4. COMMUNICATE AND ROLL OUT. Share the value of SLAs, as well as the executive buy in. This involves initiating the communication plan and evangelizing the goals and expected benefits of the SLAs. 5. REINFORCE AND ITERATE. Training, compliance management and continued alignment are key. Build effective SLAs to guide behavior www.idioplatform.com
  • 16. “Too many social platforms to follow and lead. Its hard to judge what platform to invest in. This gets even more challenging if marketers have multi-county roles since this priority list might differ depending on the country.” Isil Ketenci, Principal Marketing Leader at Mercer ‘Too many organizations get caught up in the hype of digital channels and feel they MUST be using them rather than asking themselves a key question – ‘What does my customer want from me and how do they want to consume it?’ Only at that point can an organization work out what channels they need to use and why.” Richard Khan, Senior Digital Strategy and Innovation Manager at Xerox The flipside of this exciting expansion of marketing technology is that every organization needs someone to be on top of the potential vendor landscape, identifying opportunities to improve processes, and then procuring, integrating and using the technology solution. According to Adobe’s 2015 Digital Roadblock Report, only 48% of digital marketers feel proficient in digital marketing and 82% of digital marketers admit that they are learning on the job. Innovation necessarily leads to another inconvenient reality: nobody has done this before. The challenge of effectively managing all this technology is daunting and has serious ramifications on marketing successes and failures in the enterprise. Marketing is rapidly becoming one of the most technology- dependent functions in business. In 2012 the research and consulting firm Gartner predicted that by 2017, a company’s chief marketing officer would be spending more on technology than its Chief Information Officer. That oft- quoted claim seems more credible every day. There are now nearly 2,000 marketing software providers worldwide (as tracked by Scott Brinker on his MarTech Landscape), with offerings ranging from major platforms for CRM, content management, and marketing automation to specialized solutions for social media management, content marketing, and customer-facing apps. Innovation www.idioplatform.com
  • 17. “We have to constantly update technology to keep up with the new ways that visitors consume content in the digital space – and evaluating the ROI for these changes is a huge focus for the business.” Priyanka Agarwal, Digital Marketing Manager at Hiscox “With the opportunity for so much automation, real time actioning and programmatic formats, we must maintain the balance between human and machine decisions. Getting the right balance is tough.” Jez Jowett, Global Head of Creative Technology at CAKE Group “Trying to balance the available marketing resources (budget, time, staff, skills, technology) against the numerous marketing tactics available today.” Anthony McLoughlin, Digital Marketing Executive at Tone “So often I find companies bogged down with internal policies that simply hinder growth. Companies need to learn to be reactive to change. Especially when employing an agency to create leads and demand.” Jonny Gedye, Senior Account Manager at Goldladder “The obsession with ‘the shiny’ in companies is a predictable trait. We covet technology that looks cool, can do so much, but it is either misunderstood, misused or forced upon poor innocent employees trying to earn a crust. The fundamental paradox of the 21st century is that as the world becomes more digitalized, brands must strive to create more ‘human’ experiences that connect with the consumer. The sheer quantity of tech platforms or social media that a brand incorporates does not provide a barometer by which to measure their success. Instead it is the quality of the content that resonates and people dwell upon.” James Moffat, Founder of Organic Development www.idioplatform.com
  • 18. What next? EXPOSE Give access to innovation at all levels of your organization - not just executives or the board. Arrange outings to other companies as a means to gather first-hand insights as to how they build and maintain their culture. Create a physical space for a marketing library with the latest titles and share useful articles that you’ve read online. TRAIN Put budget behind formal training or as an alternative seek contra-deals whereby your digital marketing team can do an all-day ‘knowledge share’ with another team proficient in different digital disciplines. EXPERIMENT Remove the constraints that accompany traditional work, and offer a safe space for failure - this lets people try riskier things. Where possible identify budgets that have no ROI and use them to pilot and trial new tactics, tools and talent. 1) Creating a culture of innovation Here are four go-to sites that we use to keep abreast and make sense of all the innovation occurring in digital marketing right now: 2) Get reading Scott Brinker’s Chief MarTech Blog chiefmartech.com It’s not enough anymore to be creative; you need to combine the art of marketing with the science of technology to automate marketing campaigns and achieve business goals. Chief MarTech will help you get to grips with marketing technology. Content Marketing Institute’s Intelligent Content stream contentmarketinginstitute.com A trove of content marketing news, views and how to’s; the site has recently started a dedicated area to ‘intelligent content’ for marketers that are interested in doing more data-driven content marketing. David Raab’s Customer Experience Matrix customerexperiencematrix. blogspot.com If you want to be on the cutting edge of B2B technology, look no further than the Customer Experience Matrix. David Raab cuts through the smooth sales talk of technology vendors to explain simply what each marketing technology can do for you. Economist Lean Back Blog www.economistgroup.com/leanback/ The Economist has carefully curated a group of leading CMOs and CIOs that write regularly their thoughts on where marketing is going next and what this means for B2B and B2C organizations. It helps that we’ve got a monthly column there too. 1 2 3 www.idioplatform.com
  • 19. “I worry about striking the right balance between quality and quantity. It’s a priority to create regular content, but it’s vital that the content is interesting, fun, and useful. It’s a struggle to not bend to the trend of creating content just for the sake of creating it.” Ellen Gomes, Content Specialist at Marketo “There’s always a need to analyze, adjust and improve our content strategy. If you’re not constantly adapting, you’re going to lose in this game.” Jake McChrystal, Director of Marketing Communications at Accent Technologies Like it or not, in the digital-first world, your company’s online content is your salesperson. A recent study by the Corporate Executive Board reported that B2B buyers are 57% of the way to a buying decision before they are willing to talk to a sales rep. A survey last year by DemandGen Report, reported that 77% of B2B buyers said they did not talk with a salesperson until after they had performed independent research. B2B marketers face a difficult conundrum. They often lack the time and sustained effort required to create the content in order to execute a sophisticated, tailored content marketing strategy. However, those very content creation activities are the cornerstones of attracting new prospects in the new world of inbound marketing and social media. Content Marketing www.idioplatform.com 3TACTICAL CHALLENGES
  • 20. “I see there being two continuous challenges in content marketing at the moment. The first one is ensuring our content is pitched at the right level as the temptation is to go completely cutting edge theory when many of our clients are more interested in practical advice and guidance. Secondly, we need to make the most of the content we have. Whether that’s legacy content or stuff we’re producing at the moment. It’s all valuable and we need to make sure it’s getting the attention and visibility it deserves.” Nicholas Moore, Content Marketing Manager at Experian “It’s really how to continuously and consistently develop content of significant thought leadership value.” Clay Garner, President of Growth Resource “The biggest challenge is continuously reviewing our content library and ensuring that we have the right types of content appropriate for each stage in our buyers’ journey. Companies often have a lot of content for one stage – such as the awareness stage. However, they often lack the necessary content for the other stages - consideration and decision. All of our content needs to help move customers through the complete buying process.” Lisa Masiello, Founder of TECHMarc Labs “It’s the age old challenge of ensuring the timeliness and accuracy of the content we develop is focused on actually addressing a customer/market pain point and not simply self-serving marketing hype. Secondly, that the ‘voice’ of the content is developed specifically for each target market (vis a vis end-user vs. press vs. analyst communities).” Douglas Gruehl, Vice President of Gridstore “Content marketing has rapidly shifted from a ‘nice to have’ to a ‘need to have’ - it’s now a cost of doing business in the B2B environment. Content marketing is crucial as it fuels all three components of demand generation - lead acquisition, lead nurturing and lead handover. The new buyer paradigm demands that you create content that meets buyer needs; if you develop online content that caters to the invisible buyer, you will help customers before you even know they exist - meaning you’ll work less to sell more. If you aren’t providing the kind of online information that your prospects are searching for, you may be losing up to half of your sales opportunities – and you won’t realize it’s happening until it’s too late” Jonny Rose, Head of Content at idio www.idioplatform.com
  • 21. What next? What next? The Content Marketing Maturity model So, you’re doing content marketing but where is it taking you and your organization? STEP 1 - CONTENT CREATION Content marketing experiments are primarily focused on content creation and editorial workflow management. STEP 2 - AUDIENCE BUILDING Distribution is considered more formally. Experiments move from the creation process to working out how to get more people to view your content. STEP 3 - RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Now your content moves from enabling ‘random acts of marketing’ to building relationships that generate actionable insights and Sales Intelligence. STEP 4 - VALUE OPTIMIZATION With content marketing integrated across channels and operationalized - double down on driving business value and use personalization to serve buyers with content that converts. CONTENT CREATION AUDIENCE BUILDING RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT VALUE OPTIMIZATION www.idioplatform.com
  • 22. Attribution refers to the ability to tie every marketing tactic and activity to a financial return in a consistent manner. In simple terms B2B marketers face the challenge connecting responses to their campaigns and tactics with deal revenue. Attribution provides valuable insights into the impact of your marketing investments and the value of each customer interaction along the customers’ journey toward conversion. This understanding of attribution is useful because it is hugely influential in the outcome of debates and decisions around budget allocation, ROI calculations and strategic planning going forward. “I think the most difficult question for a digital marketer today is attribution. How do you most accurately measure the effect of your multi-channel digital marketing campaigns.” Stephen Ebbet, Chief Digital Officer at Assurant “Content marketing has an attribution problem. Attribution modelling is still tough for us. How can we best and accurately score a piece of content depending on where it enters a sales cycle?” Kyle Lacy, Director Global Content & Research at Salesforce Marketing Cloud AttributionNow more than ever, B2B marketers need to address the accountability issues surrounding marketing performance and expenditure. Gone are the days of inefficient utilization of scarce budget resource without scrutiny - this is where attribution comes in. www.idioplatform.com
  • 23. “Our most significant digital marketing challenge is around attribution. We use digital marketing to create awareness and engage clients and prospects, but our business model allows for minimal online conversion. As a result, it is challenging to figure out how an interaction in any channel may or may not have been influenced by content, and even more challenging to connect that activity to an eventual sale or conversion that might occur months or even years later.” Charlotte Mooney, VP, Private Wealth Management Marketing at SunTrust Bank “Given the diverse mix of digital media, offline events, sales/marketing in person mashups, and offline/ telephone media all going into a very sophisticated omni-channel demand generation program, exact attribution of every dollar spent continues to be an area of focus.” Kevin Akeroyd, General Manager at Oracle Marketing Cloud “With attribution you will likely get caught in the chasm between information (data) overload and oversimplification which can result in spurious results. The key is to design a framework that is easy to understand but also has a lot of depth in terms of its data sources. This will likely be a model that combines first touch, last touch, cohort analysis and multi-touch attribution frameworks and allows you to answer specific questions associated with business outcomes.” Balint Sipos, Digital Marketing Manager at idio What next? STEP 1: Set measurable marketing goals aligned with business outcomes. STEP 2: Determine a scoring model (see next page) that ensures that there is coverage across the path to conversion so that no touch points are omitted. - Weight scores based on critical and noncritical events (aligned to sales goals) - Consider time (decay) in your models so that you can discount for interest abandonment STEP 3: Create dashboards that allow for real time analysis of campaigns against goals. STEP 4: Review and refine. 1 2 3 4 www.idioplatform.com
  • 24. There are various models that have been employed in attribution. The four most popular types are first touch, last touch, cohort analysis and multi-touch attribution. First touch attribution explores what initial interaction or action first exposed the prospect to your brand, product or service resulting in them converting into a customer at some future date. Last touch attribution similarly explores what last interaction or action the prospect had with your brand, product or service just before converting into a customer. Cohort analysis can be broadly defined as a dissection of the activities of a group of people (such as customers), who share a common characteristic, over time. This common characteristic could be the “sign up date” for a webinar or event. This will help to answer questions such as “of the people that signed up for a webinar this month, how many became MQLS?” for example. Multi-touch attribution is the process of understanding and assigning credit to various marketing channels that eventually lead to conversions. Christoph Janz of Point Nine Capital simplifies multi-touch attribution with a football analogy. He observes that “multi- touch attribution gives the credit for a goal to not only the scorer but also (gives some credit to) the players who prepared the goal, too. Soccer player statistics often calculate scores based on the goals and the assists of the players. That means the statistics are based on what could be called a double-touch analysis that takes into account the last touch and the touch before the last one. Choose your model www.idioplatform.com
  • 25. Measurement and ROI “My most pressing digital marketing problem – continuing to evolve the relationship and understanding between content and ROI.” Diane Clay, Director of Product Marketing at ownCloud “The truth is that I just don’t know how to measure what we do. I can pay some vendors and get the numbers I ask for (numbers they think pleases me so I keep buying from them). Numbers that the bosses might like. It is really hard to get numbers that are trustworthy and actionable - and that concerns me.” Rob Le Gesse, VP of Social Strategy at Rackspace Partly, this is caused by the proliferation of new channels, techniques and the breakneck speed at which they are adopted, tweaked and blended. And it is certainly exacerbated by the fact that marketers have been trumpeting digital as eminently measurable. We now face the reality of living up to this promise. Everyone is asking the ‘how do I calculate and prove ROI?’ question. But usually, when you get into the intention behind that question, it’s not actually what marketers want to know. What they want to know is how they can measure, and whether those measurements are going in the right direction. It’s less about proving ROI, and more about improving it. John Wanamaker said in the 19th century, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” Measurement continues to trouble digital marketers, even though we operate in the most transparent and measurable environment. www.idioplatform.com
  • 26. “The primary digital marketing challenge I’ve had to deal with when working with brands is the ambiguous relationship between marketers and passive, non-ROI focused drivers like branded content.” Kunal Robert, Digital Director at MEC Global “In an industry with declining marketing investment, it’s of paramount importance to be able to deliver tangible value.” Ravinder Saund, Senior Marketing Planner at Hitachi Data Systems “Whilst clicks, likes, views, dwell time, bounce rates are all valid metrics that tell you how well your audience is engaging, they do not necessarily mean prospects have an intention to buy. Unless there is a clear path to revenue, engagement metrics are interesting but not useful. We should also be cognisant that ‘response’ to marketing does not equate to ‘demand’. We need new metrics to connect content to ROI: measure journey analytics to ensure that the content being produced is contributing to the journey and whether specific pieces of content and journeys are performing better than others in terms of driving the target audience forwards to the commercial goal.” Munya Hoto, Head of Demand Generation at idio What next? BEAT THE CONTENT MARKETING COST-BENEFIT LAG It’s easy to calculate the ROI of a campaign: However, sustainable ROI is all about scale and time. An ‘inconvenient truth’ about content marketing (and all) ROI is that the gains lag behind the upfront costs of producing that content. Many B2B marketers are experiencing the natural time-lag between cost and gain. $ # content items but the benefits lag cost gain www.idioplatform.com ROI = (Gain from investment - Cost of investment) / Cost of investment The cost investment is early
  • 27. Sustainable ROI is all about reducing the lag as best as possible. You can do that by: 1) Measure the right metrics Content Insight Engagement How much is being produced? What is the cost of content production? What are the topics we are creating content around? Where is the content being promoted? What is the cost of content promotion? How much is the content being engaged with? What conversions are linked to content marketing? What are the most popular topics within that content? What are the least popular topics? What are the conversion rates linked to the content? Email open rates? Demo requests? Dwell time on site? Newsletter subscriptions? Purchases? 2) Review the lead handover process The majority of lost revenue occurs at the handover of a content marketing generated lead to the sales team. It is at handover point that leads either go cold, are rejected or simply forgotten. A solid lead management process that is well-defined (including, agreed sales stages and the criteria for a qualified lead at each stage), supported by the right technology and adhered to by personnel in both sales and marketing will pay dividends. 3) Track content consumption to provide lead context to the Sales team Content consumption reveals who people are, what they are interested in and what pain-point they have. Harnessing this is of huge value for sales reps that need to work off of the best and most insightful lead data to get inside of their prospect’s mind and understand what is motivating and driving them. Knowing their marketing automation lead score or job title alone will not do this. 4) Connect Sales team to marketing content Up to 60% of content created in B2B organizations goes unused (according to SiriusDecisions). Salespeople are time poor - they don’t have time to fumble around across a litany of marketing folders to find a relevant piece of content for a prospect. Content marketers can fix this by making sure content is well categorized, optimized for relevance, and visible at all times. As these pains are solved by an array of approaches and tools, a more fundamental battleground will emerge; one of talent attraction and retention. Although some respondents noted that finding, training and keeping top team members was a pain point, this will emerge as a prime issue - especially in organizations that have not changed their ways of working to empower experimentation and rapid iteration. New tools, new approaches, and new datasets are resulting in new job roles being created in marketing every year. We are past the point of being able to hope that a period of disruption will settle into a new normal. In an increasingly global, flat, connected, and competitive marketplace, disruption is the new normal. Whilst firefighting the attribution, data, and relevance challenges that you face, don’t lose sight of the longer term talent challenge. Andrew Davies, Co-Founder and CMO of idio As always, it comes down to people
  • 28. THE MODERN BUYER HAS CHANGED The modern buyer is harder than ever to understand: they are ‘cross channel’, ‘multi-screen’, and ‘always on’. They are also more difficult to pigeonhole than their demographic segmentation, purchase history or firmographic information might have us believe. However, although modern buyers increasingly confound, one particular behavior is proving predictably consistent: their increasing desire for content. It is upon this reality that digital marketers can find some solid ground. No one company, technology or strategy will be able to solve every digital marketing pain Increasingly, marketers are able to build loosely connected marketing execution tools around a robust data and reporting layer. This is enabled by the almost pervasive use of APIs (Application Protocol Interface) in modern technology that enable interoperability. idio’s core thesis is ‘You Are What You Read’: we believe that the content your prospects and customers choose to read is highly indicative of their interests and desires. This insight is something organizations can use to predict, understand and influence their audience’s purchase path. We deliver this as three products; Insight, which helps marketers understand which topics drive action, and predicts what to write about next; Engage, which personalizes the content experience to every prospect on a 1-2-1 basis to move them towards purchase; and Sales Intelligence, which tells sales teams what to say to a prospect before they pick up the phone. As marketing technology becomes plug-and-play, we expect our customers to want to connect idio into their existing marketing stacks seamlessly, and so we work hard to pre- integrate with major CRMs, marketing automation systems and other tools. ConclusionWhen we read through the responses to our survey we found the results to be both revealing and reassuring. It turns out that even in the heady world of digital marketing there is nothing new under the sun. Although we may be at the cutting edge of innovation, our concerns remain largely unchanged: Are we doing the right thing?...What are our competitors doing?... How can I prove that I’m doing my job well? We’d love to have a chat... Let’s talk about the challenges you are facing, and the ways we can help. If you’d like to find out more about how idio can work for you, email us on sales@idioplatform.com or visit idioplatform.com