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Respiratory Disorders in Children

     Dr Varsha Atul Shah
Respiratory disorders are
          important as
   They account for 50% of consultations with general
    practitioners for acute illness in young children and
    one-third of consultations in older children
   Respiratory illness leads to 20-35% of acute
    paediatric admissions to hospital
   They are the fifth most common cause of death in
    children ages between one and 14 years in the UK
   Asthma is the most common chronic illness of
    childhood in the UK and the most frequent single
    cause for emergency hospital admission
   Cystic fibrosis is the most common lethal inherited
    disorder in Caucasians
Respiratory infections

   most frequent infections of childhood.
   The pre-school child has on average 6-8
    respiratory infections a year.
   Most are mild, self-limiting illness but some,
    such as bronchiolitis or epiglottitis, are
    potentially life-threatening

   Viruses: cause 80-90% of childhood respiratory
    infections. The most important are the respiratory
    syncycial virus (RSV), rhinoviruses, parainfluenza,
    influenza and adenovirus. An individual virus can cause
    several different patterns of illness, e.g. RSV can cause
    bronchiolitis, croup, pneumonia or a common cold.

   The important bacterial respiratory pathogens are
    Streptococcus pneumoniae and other streptococci,
    Haemophilus influenzae, Bordetella pertussis which
    cause whooping cough, and mycoplasma pneumoniae.
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis remains an important
    pathogen. Some pathogens cause predictable epidemics,
    such as RSV bronchiolitis every winter, whereas others,
    e.g. pneumococcus, show little seasonal variation.
Host and environmental
   Poor socio-economic status (such as overcrowded,
    damp housing and poor nutrition)
   Larger family size
   Maternal smoking
   Boys more than girls
   Prematurity-especially infants who have required
    artificial ventilation
   Congenital abnormalities of the heart or lungs
   Rarely, immune deficiency, either congenital,
    e.g.agmmaglobulinaemia, or acquired, e.g. malignant
    disease or HIV infection.
The child’s age

   The child’s age influences the prevalence and
    severity of infections.
   It is in infancy that serious respiratory illness
    requiring hospital admission is the most
    common and the risk of death is great.
   There is an increased frequency of infections
    when the child or older siblings start nursery
    or school. Repeated upper respiratory tract
    infections are rarely an indication of
    underlying disease
Classification of respiratory
 Upper respiratory tract infection
 Laryngeal/tracheal infection
 Bronchitis
 Brochiolitis
 Pneumonia
Upper respiratory tract
       infection (URTI)
 80% of respiratory infections involve only
  the nose, throat, ears and sinuses
 The term URTI embraces a number of
  different conditions:
 common cold (coryza)
 sore      throat   (pharyngitis,   including
 acute otitis media
 sinusitis
Clinical Presentation

The most common presentation is a
 child with a combination of a painful
 throat, fever, nasal blockage and
 discharge and earache.
 Cough is troublesome in many cases
URTIs may cause

 Difficulty in feeding in infants as their
  noses are blocked and this obstructs
 Febrile convulsions
 Precipitation of acute asthma
 In infants, hospital admission may be
  required exclude a more serious

   Brochiolitis is the most common serious
    respiratory infection of infancy. Two to
    three per cent of all infants are
    admitted to hospital with the disease
    each year during annual winter
    epidemics. Ninety per cent are aged 1-9
    months brochiolitis is rare after one
    year old. Respiratory syncitial virus
    (RSV) is the pathogen in 75-80% cases
Clinical features

   Coryzal symptoms precede a dry cough and increasing
    breathlessness. Wheezing is often but not always
    present. Feeding difficulties associated with increasing
    dyspnoea are often the reason for admission to hospital.
    Recurrent apnoea is a serious complication in infants in
    the first few months of life. Infants born prematurely
    who develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia and infants
    with congenital heart disease are more severely
    affected. The finding on examination are characteristic:
   Sharp, dry cough
   Tachypnoea
   Subcostal and intercostals recession
   Hyperinflation of the chest

   RSV can be identified rapidly using a
    fluorescent antibody test on
    nasopharyngeal secretions. The chest
    X-ray shows hyperinflation of the lungs
    due to small airways obstruction and air
    trapping. Blood gas analysis, which is
    required in only the most severe cases,
    shows lowered arterial oxygen and
    raised CO2 tension

   Is supportive. Humidified oxygen is delivered into a
    head-box, the concentration required is ascertained
    using a pulse oximeter. The child is monitored for
   Mist, antibiotics and steroids are not helpful.
   Nebulised bronchodialators do not reduce the severity
    or duration of the illness.
   The antiviral drug ribavirin only marginally shortens
    viral excretion and clinical symptoms, and should be
    considered only for infants with underlying
    cardiopulmonary disorders or immunodeficiency.
   Fluids may need to be given by nasogastric tube or
   Mechanical ventilation is required in about 2% of
    infants admitted to hospital

   Most infants recover from he acute
    infection within two weeks. However, as
    many as half will have recurrent
    episodes of cough and wheeze over the
    next 3-5 years. Rarely, the illness is
    very severe and results in permanent
    damage o the airway

   A wide range of pathogens cause
    pneumonia in childhood and different
    organisms affect different age groups
In newborns

   The newborns is infected by organisms
    from the mother’s genital tract. The
    most common is the Group B β
    haemolytic streptococcus. Other
    pathogens are E.coli and other Gram-
    negative bacilli. Chlamydia trachomatis
    is an unusual but important pathogen.
In infancy

   In infancy, respiratory viruses,
    particularly RSV, are the most frequent
    cause but bacterial infection from
    Streptococcus pneumoniae and
    Haemophilus influenzae are also
    important. Staphylococcus aureus is
    uncommon but causes severe infection
Older Children
   As children become older, viruses become
    less frequent pathogens and bacterial
    infection more prominent. Mycoplasma
    pneumoniae is a common cause of
    pneumonia in school age children.
    Tuberculosis should be considered at all
Clinical Features

   Fever, cough breathlessness and lethargy
    following an upper respiratory tract infection
    are the usual presenting symptoms.
   Breathing is rapid, shallow and gives the
    impression that the child is afraid to breathe
   Pleuritic chest pain, neck stiffness and
    abdominal pain may be present if there is
    pleural inflammation.
Clinical Features

   Classical signs of consolidation with impaired
    percussion, decreased breath sound and
    brochial breathing are often absent,
    particularly in infants
   The chest X-ray may slow lobar consolidation,
    patchy bronchopneumonia or, less commonly,
    cavitation of the lung.
   Pleural effusions are quite common,
    particularly in bacterial pneumonia.
   Blood cultures, nasopharyngeal aspirates of
    viral isolation and a full blood count also be
    performed in children needing hospitalisation.
   It is not possible to differentiate reliably between
    bacterial or viral infection on clinical or radiological
    grounds, so all children diagnosed as have pneumonia
    should receive antibiotics.
   As it is unlikely for the pathogen to be known when
    treatment is started, the choice of antibiotic is
    determined by the child’s age, severity of illness and
    appearance of the chest X-ray.
   If intravenous therapy is required, activity against
    pneumococci, H. influenzae and Staph. aures can be
    achieved with a second-generation cephalosporin.
   Oral antibiotics are given for less severe
   If M.pneumoniae or Chlamydia trachomatis
    pneumonia is suspected, erythromycin is given.
   Physiotherpy, an adequate fluid intake and
    oxygen in severe pneumonia may be required. If
    a child has recurrent or persistent pneumonia,
    investigations to exclude an underlying condition
    such as cystic fibrosis or immunodeficiency is

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Respiratory infection in children

  • 1. Respiratory Disorders in Children Dr Varsha Atul Shah
  • 2. Respiratory disorders are important as  They account for 50% of consultations with general practitioners for acute illness in young children and one-third of consultations in older children  Respiratory illness leads to 20-35% of acute paediatric admissions to hospital  They are the fifth most common cause of death in children ages between one and 14 years in the UK  Asthma is the most common chronic illness of childhood in the UK and the most frequent single cause for emergency hospital admission  Cystic fibrosis is the most common lethal inherited disorder in Caucasians
  • 3. Respiratory infections  most frequent infections of childhood.  The pre-school child has on average 6-8 respiratory infections a year.  Most are mild, self-limiting illness but some, such as bronchiolitis or epiglottitis, are potentially life-threatening
  • 4. Pathogens  Viruses: cause 80-90% of childhood respiratory infections. The most important are the respiratory syncycial virus (RSV), rhinoviruses, parainfluenza, influenza and adenovirus. An individual virus can cause several different patterns of illness, e.g. RSV can cause bronchiolitis, croup, pneumonia or a common cold.  The important bacterial respiratory pathogens are Streptococcus pneumoniae and other streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, Bordetella pertussis which cause whooping cough, and mycoplasma pneumoniae. Mycobacterium tuberculosis remains an important pathogen. Some pathogens cause predictable epidemics, such as RSV bronchiolitis every winter, whereas others, e.g. pneumococcus, show little seasonal variation.
  • 5. Host and environmental factors  Poor socio-economic status (such as overcrowded, damp housing and poor nutrition)  Larger family size  Maternal smoking  Boys more than girls  Prematurity-especially infants who have required artificial ventilation  Congenital abnormalities of the heart or lungs  Rarely, immune deficiency, either congenital, e.g.agmmaglobulinaemia, or acquired, e.g. malignant disease or HIV infection.
  • 6. The child’s age  The child’s age influences the prevalence and severity of infections.  It is in infancy that serious respiratory illness requiring hospital admission is the most common and the risk of death is great.  There is an increased frequency of infections when the child or older siblings start nursery or school. Repeated upper respiratory tract infections are rarely an indication of underlying disease
  • 7. Classification of respiratory infections  Upper respiratory tract infection  Laryngeal/tracheal infection  Bronchitis  Brochiolitis  Pneumonia
  • 8. Upper respiratory tract infection (URTI)  80% of respiratory infections involve only the nose, throat, ears and sinuses  The term URTI embraces a number of different conditions:  common cold (coryza)  sore throat (pharyngitis, including tonsillitis)  acute otitis media  sinusitis
  • 9. Clinical Presentation The most common presentation is a child with a combination of a painful throat, fever, nasal blockage and discharge and earache.  Cough is troublesome in many cases
  • 10. URTIs may cause  Difficulty in feeding in infants as their noses are blocked and this obstructs breathing  Febrile convulsions  Precipitation of acute asthma  In infants, hospital admission may be required exclude a more serious infection
  • 11. Brochiolitis  Brochiolitis is the most common serious respiratory infection of infancy. Two to three per cent of all infants are admitted to hospital with the disease each year during annual winter epidemics. Ninety per cent are aged 1-9 months brochiolitis is rare after one year old. Respiratory syncitial virus (RSV) is the pathogen in 75-80% cases
  • 12. Clinical features  Coryzal symptoms precede a dry cough and increasing breathlessness. Wheezing is often but not always present. Feeding difficulties associated with increasing dyspnoea are often the reason for admission to hospital. Recurrent apnoea is a serious complication in infants in the first few months of life. Infants born prematurely who develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia and infants with congenital heart disease are more severely affected. The finding on examination are characteristic:  Sharp, dry cough  Tachypnoea  Subcostal and intercostals recession  Hyperinflation of the chest
  • 13. Investigations  RSV can be identified rapidly using a fluorescent antibody test on nasopharyngeal secretions. The chest X-ray shows hyperinflation of the lungs due to small airways obstruction and air trapping. Blood gas analysis, which is required in only the most severe cases, shows lowered arterial oxygen and raised CO2 tension
  • 14. Management  Is supportive. Humidified oxygen is delivered into a head-box, the concentration required is ascertained using a pulse oximeter. The child is monitored for apnoea.  Mist, antibiotics and steroids are not helpful.  Nebulised bronchodialators do not reduce the severity or duration of the illness.  The antiviral drug ribavirin only marginally shortens viral excretion and clinical symptoms, and should be considered only for infants with underlying cardiopulmonary disorders or immunodeficiency.  Fluids may need to be given by nasogastric tube or intravenously.  Mechanical ventilation is required in about 2% of infants admitted to hospital
  • 15. Prognosis  Most infants recover from he acute infection within two weeks. However, as many as half will have recurrent episodes of cough and wheeze over the next 3-5 years. Rarely, the illness is very severe and results in permanent damage o the airway
  • 16. Pneumonia  A wide range of pathogens cause pneumonia in childhood and different organisms affect different age groups
  • 17. In newborns  The newborns is infected by organisms from the mother’s genital tract. The most common is the Group B β haemolytic streptococcus. Other pathogens are E.coli and other Gram- negative bacilli. Chlamydia trachomatis is an unusual but important pathogen.
  • 18. In infancy  In infancy, respiratory viruses, particularly RSV, are the most frequent cause but bacterial infection from Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae are also important. Staphylococcus aureus is uncommon but causes severe infection
  • 19. Older Children  As children become older, viruses become less frequent pathogens and bacterial infection more prominent. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a common cause of pneumonia in school age children. Tuberculosis should be considered at all ages
  • 20. Clinical Features  Fever, cough breathlessness and lethargy following an upper respiratory tract infection are the usual presenting symptoms.  Breathing is rapid, shallow and gives the impression that the child is afraid to breathe deeply.  Pleuritic chest pain, neck stiffness and abdominal pain may be present if there is pleural inflammation.
  • 21. Clinical Features  Classical signs of consolidation with impaired percussion, decreased breath sound and brochial breathing are often absent, particularly in infants  The chest X-ray may slow lobar consolidation, patchy bronchopneumonia or, less commonly, cavitation of the lung.  Pleural effusions are quite common, particularly in bacterial pneumonia.  Blood cultures, nasopharyngeal aspirates of viral isolation and a full blood count also be performed in children needing hospitalisation.
  • 22. Management  It is not possible to differentiate reliably between bacterial or viral infection on clinical or radiological grounds, so all children diagnosed as have pneumonia should receive antibiotics.  As it is unlikely for the pathogen to be known when treatment is started, the choice of antibiotic is determined by the child’s age, severity of illness and appearance of the chest X-ray.  If intravenous therapy is required, activity against pneumococci, H. influenzae and Staph. aures can be achieved with a second-generation cephalosporin.
  • 23. Management  Oral antibiotics are given for less severe infections.  If M.pneumoniae or Chlamydia trachomatis pneumonia is suspected, erythromycin is given.  Physiotherpy, an adequate fluid intake and oxygen in severe pneumonia may be required. If a child has recurrent or persistent pneumonia, investigations to exclude an underlying condition such as cystic fibrosis or immunodeficiency is indicated