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QCT:	Avoid	the	mess,	deploy	
with	a	validated	solution
Veda	Shankar
Director	of	Emerging	Technology	
• About	QCT
• Red	Hat	Storage	on	QCT	Cloud	Servers
• QCT	Red	Hat	Ceph Storage Solutions
• QCT	Red	Hat	Gluster Storage Solutions
• QCT	Big	Data	Study
• QCT	Center	of	Excellence
• QCT	(Quanta	Cloud	Technology)	 was	announced	as	a	subsidiary	of	Quanta	
Computer	in	2012
• Quanta	Computer	is	a	fortune	global	500	company	with	over	$30B	revenue
• QCT	offers	a	full	spectrum	of	own-brand	datacenter	products	and	services	
directly	to	
• Hyperscale	datacenter
• CSPs	and	Telcos
• Large	enterprises	
• Product	lines	include
• Servers,	storage,	network	switches,	integrated	rack	systems	and	cloud		
• Suite	of	configuration,	integration,	and	optimization	services	to	help	configure	
best	product	combination
QCT	Provides	Complete	Product	Line	with	Hyperscale
Performance,	Flexible	Configuration	and	Ensured	Compatibility	
QCT	Solution	Landscape
Extend	Cloud	Business	to	Cloud	Solutions
• Flexible	rack-based	appliances
• Start	small,	grow	over	time
• Extend	to	multi-rack	clusters
• Optimize	the	kW	per	rack	within	your	power	
• HA	configuration
• 3	Foundation	nodes
• 3+	Storage	nodes
• Scalable	choice
• 5-20	Compute	nodes	per	rack
• 3-8	Storage	nodes	scaled	with	Compute	nodes	
for	balanced	performance
QuantaMesh T3048-
QuantaMesh T1048-
QuantaGrid D51B-
Compute +
QuantaGrid D51B-
Example:	QCT	Racklevel OpenStack	Configuration
QCT	Storage	Solutions
Work	with	Red	Hat	and	Intel	on	Ceph and	Gluster storage
QxStor Red	Hat	Ceph	
Storage	Edition
• Throughput	Optimized
• Cost/capacity	Optimized
• IOPS	Optimized
QxStor Red	Hat	Gluster	
Storage	Edition
• Throughput	Optimized
• Cost/capacity	Optimized
HW	Product	lines
• OCP-Open	Rack
• Scorpio
• 1G	Switch
• 10G	Switch
• 25G	Switch
• 40G	Switch
• 100G	Switch
• Cloud	 server
• GPU	server
• Storage	server
• Cluster	 Server
QxStor Solutions
Ceph – Pre-configured	and Easy to Order
QCT	QxStor Red Hat Ceph Storage Edition
• Densest	1U	Ceph
building	block	
• Smaller failure	domain
• Obtain best	throughput	&	
density at once
• Scale at high scale 2x 280TB
• Block or Object	Storage, Video,	Audio,	Image,	
Streaming	media, Big Data
• 3x	replication
QxStor RCT-400QxStor RCT-200
Cost/Capacity Optimized
QxStor RCC-400
• Maximize storage capacity
• Highest	density	560TB* raw	
capacity	per	chassis
• Object storage, Archive,
Backup, Enterprise Dropbox
• Erasure	coding
D51PH-1ULH T21P-4U
*	Optional model, oneMB per chassis, can support 620TB raw capacity
IOPS Optimized
QxStor RCI-300
• All FlashDesign
• Lowest latency
• Performance & capacity SKUs
• Database, HPC, Mission
Critical Applications
• 3x replication
D51BP-1UComing	soon
ENTRY (>100TB*) SMALL	(500TB*) MEDIUM	(>1PB*) LARGE	(>2PB*)
QxStor RCT-200
16x	D51PH-1ULH (16U)
• 12x	8TB	HDDs
• 3x	SSDs	for	journal	
• 1x	dual	port	10GbE
• 3x	replica
QxStor RCT-400
6x T21P-4U/Dual	(24U)
• 2x	35x	8TB	HDDs
• 2x	2x	PCIeSSDs	for	journal	
• 2x	single	port	40GbE
• 3x	replica
QxStor RCT-400
11x	T21P-4U/Dual	(44U)
• 2x	35x	8TB	HDDs
• 2x	2x	PCIeSSDs	for	journal	
• 2x	single	port	40GbE
• 3x	replica
QxStor RCC-400
Nx T21P-4U/Dual	
• 2x	35x	8TB	HDDs
• 0x	SSDs	for	journal	
• 2x	dual	port	10GbE
• Erasure	Coding	4:2
QxStor RCT-200
4x	D51PH-1ULH (4U)
• 12x	8TB	HDDs
• 3x	SSDs	for	journal	
• 1x	dual	port	10GbE
• 3x	replica
QxStor RCI-300
Nx D51BP-1U
• 2x E5-2695/2699 v4 or
• 4x	NVMe for	OSDs
• 2x	dual	port	10GbE Coming	soon
QxStor Red Hat Ceph Storage Configurations
*	Usable	storage	capacity
Optimized and Validated QCT QxStor Ceph
0	 1	 2	 3	 4	 5	 6	
MB/sec	per	Cluster	
Ceph	OSD	Server	Quan6ty	
RCT-200	Read	Throughput	
RCT-200	Write	Throughput	
RCT-400	Read	Throughput	
RCT-400	Write	Throughput	
RCT-200	(12	Disks	per	OSD)	 RCC-400	(35	Disks	per	OSD)	
MBytes	/	sec	/	disk	
Sequen>al	Read/Disk	
Sequen>al	Write/Disk	
Linear	scale-out performance Outstanding Scale-up Performance
Over 2x better performance (40G vs 10G on RGT-400)
50% better write and 33% lower latency
by using SSD fpr Ceph Journal on RGT-400
Throughput Optimized
Large	Files
• Suitable	for	large	files	(e.g.	GB	files)
• Distributed	replicated	volume	
• Raid	6	storage
QxStor RGT-400(LF)QxStor RGT-200(LF)
Throughput Optimized
Small	Files
QxStor RGT-200(SF)
D51PH-1ULH T21P-4U
• Suitable	for	small	files	(e.g.	
50KB	images	or	MB	audios)
• Distributed	replicated	volume
• Raid	6	storage
• SSDs	for	hot	tier
Cost/Capacity Optimized
• Maximized	capacity	for	cold	data
• Erasure-coded	volumes	
• JBOD	storage
QxStor RGC-400QxStor RGC-200
• File Based Workloads
• File Archive & Backup
• CCTV & Surveillance
• Media & Entertainment
Gluster – Pre-configured	and Easy to Order
QCT	QxStor Red Hat Gluster Storage Edition
QxStor Red Hat Gluster Storage Configurations
4x QxStor RGT-200(SF)	
• 2x	Replicated	Volume
• 12x	8TB	HDDs	(with	RAID6)
• 4x	SSD	Hot	Tier
• 1x	dual	port	10	GbE
• Server	Node	Qty:	4 (160	TB
14x QxStor RGT-200(SF)	
• 2x	Replicated	Volume
• 12x	8TB	HDDs	(with	RAID6)
• 4x	SSD	Hot	Tier
• 1x	dual	port	10	GbE
• Server	Node	Qty:	14	(560	TB Usable)
4x QxStor RGT-200(LF)
• 2x	Replicated	Volume	
• 12x	8TB	HDDs	(with	RAID6)
• 1x	dual	port	10	GbE
• Server	Node	Qty:	4	(160	TB
14x QxStor RGT-200(LF)
• 2x	Replicated	Volume	
• 12x	8TB	HDDs	(with	RAID6)
• 1x	dual	port	10	GbE
• Server	Node	Qty:	14	(560	TB
5x QxStor RGT-400(LF)
• 2x	Replicated	Volume
• 2x	35x	8TB	HDDs	(with	RAID6)
• 2x	single	port	40	GbE
• Server	Node	Qty:	10(1.1	PB Usable)
6x QxStor RGC-200
• Erasure	Coded	Volume
• 12x	8TB	HDDs	(JBOD	mode)
• 1x	dual	port	10	GbE
• Server	Node	Qty:	6	(384	TB
8x QxStor RGC-200
• Erasure	Coded	Volume
• 12x	8TB	HDDs	(JBOD	mode)
• 1x	dual	port	10	GbE
• Server	Node	Qty:	8 (512TB
4x QxStor RGC-400
• Erasure	Coded	Volume
• 2x	24x	8TB	HDDs	(JBOD	mode)
• 2x	dual	port	10	GbE
• Server	Node	Qty:	8 (1	PB Usable)
QxStor Red	Hat	Gluster Storage	Test	Performance
Read Write
2x	replication	 - D51PH-1ULH	
12	disks/node	RAID	6
Erasure	coding	(4:2)	- D51PH-
1ULH	12	disks/node	JBOD
QCT ships pre-installed Red	Hat	Ceph/Gluster Storage
Make Ceph & Gluster Easy to Adopt
From configuration optimization to deployment& process optimization
Object,	Block	Storage
QxStor Red	Hat	Ceph	Storage
Software	Defined	NAS	File	Storage
QxStor Red	Hat	Gluster	Storage
Ref Architecture
QCT QxStor
Red Hat
Red Hat Storage
QCT QxStor Ceph – Easy to Rollout
• Hardware	bare	metal	provisioning
- Customers’ defined server host names
and networking information
• QCT Ceph SKUoptions
• Ceph-Ansbile
- MON/OSD	node	assignment
- Apply	Journal/OSD	based	on	SKU
- Network	topology	defined	(single	
NIC/dual	NIC)
- Ceph	software	package	deployment
Full	rack/cluster	level	Ceph	
deployment	from	bare	metal	
Simplify	the	deployment	
Ready	for	Production
Easy	to	Maintain
Coming	soon
Three	Steps	to Make Ceph Up and Running
Network CablingRack &	Stack Up & Running
1 2 3
QCT Bare	Metal ISO File
QxStor RedHat
Gluster Storage
QCT QxStor Gluster – Easy to Install
Coming	soon
From	Pre-Installed	to	Pre-Configured
QxStor Gluster
Deployment	Kit
@QCT factory
Gdeploy (Ansible)
QCT QxStor Gluster – Easy to Rollout
• Hardware	bare	metal	
provisioning (Kickstart)
- RHGS	ISO	installation
- All	dependency	packages	
• QCT GlusterSKU options
• Ansible playbook	with	gdeploy
- LVM	configuration
- Bricks	configuration
- Profile	customization
- Cluster	initialization
In	Q1	2017
Ceph	Monitors
Apache	Hadoop*
Ceph	OSD	x8
Hadoop with Ceph* on QCT Platform
Physical	architecture
QCT	Solution	Center
Intel	CAS	and	Ceph	Journal	Configuration
Validated Solution: Apache Hadoop* with Ceph* Storage
Proof-of-concept	 (POC)	built	by	Intel	and	QCT
storage	and	
compute	in	
Hadoop	by	
using	Ceph	
storage	instead	
of	direct-
storage	(DAS)
Optimize	performance	
with	Intel®	Cache	
Acceleration	Software	
(Intel®	CAS)	and	Intel®	
SSDs	using	NVMe*
• Resolve	input/output	
(I/O)	bottlenecks
• Provide	better	
customer	service-
level-agreement	(SLA)	
• Provide	up	to	a	60%	
I/O	performance	
improvement	1
Building	a	best-in-class	architecture
POC	/	Forum
For	stimulating	
discussion	between	
QCT,	solution	
providers,	customers
Among	QCT,	Red	
Hat,	Intel		and	valued	
Leading	edge	
solutions	and	
For	testing	and	
benchmark	new	
product	and	solution	
QCT	Center	of	Excellence
Red	Hat	Ceph Storage	– Object	Storage	Center	of	Excellence
Center	of	Excellence	(COE)
Ceph 5.6PB* Object	Cluster	– RCT-400	Throughput	Optimized
20x	Ceph OSD	Nodes,	each	node	with	280TB
• CPU:	E5-2650	v4	x2
• RAM:	128GB	2400MHz
• HDD:	8TB	SATA	Seagate	 x35
• NVMe SSD:	Intel	P3700	Series	800G	x2
• NIC:	QCT	OCP	CX3	Pro	40G	single	port
• SAS	Controller:	S2P	MEZZ/B	3008	
• Boot	OS:	Intel S3510	Series	120G
QxStor RCT-400
*raw	capacity
Client	Cluster	(QCT	Multinode Server)
40x	Nodes,	each	node	with	
• CPU:	E5-2620v3	x2	or	higher	CPU	spec	x2
• RAM:	64GB+
• NIC:	QCT	OCP	82599ES	10G	SFP+	dual	portT41S-2U
Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Node 1Node 2
40gb * 10
10gb * 24
40gb * 5 40gb * 5
40gb * 3 40gb * 3
40gb * 10
40gb 40gb
40gb * 12
10gb * 24
40gb * 3 40gb * 3
10gb * 24
40gb * 3 40gb * 3
10gb * 8
40gb * 3 40gb * 3
40gb * 10
40gb * 5 40gb * 5
40gb * 10
40gb * 12
40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb
10gb * 24
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
10gb * 8
Leaf switch
Leaf switch
Spine switch
Node 1Node 2
40gb 40gb
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
10gb * 24
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
10gb * 24
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
COE	Network	Diagram
RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400
Visit www.QCT.io for more information:
• Solution	 Brief		QCT	and	Intel	Hadoop	Over	Ceph Architecture
• Reference	Architecture		Red	Hat	Ceph Storage	on	QCT	Servers
• Reference	Architecture		Red	Hat	Gluster Storage	on	QCT	Servers
• Datasheet QxStor Red Hat Ceph Storage
• Solution	 Brief		Deploying	Red	Hat	Ceph Storage	on	QCT	servers
• Solution Brief Containerized Ceph for On-Demand, Hyperscale Storage
For More Information…
Looking	for
innovative	cloud	solution?
Come	to	QCT,	who	else?

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Red Hat Storage Day New York - QCT: Avoid the mess, deploy with a validated solution

  • 2. • About QCT • Red Hat Storage on QCT Cloud Servers • QCT Red Hat Ceph Storage Solutions • QCT Red Hat Gluster Storage Solutions • QCT Big Data Study • QCT Center of Excellence Agenda 2
  • 3. • QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) was announced as a subsidiary of Quanta Computer in 2012 • Quanta Computer is a fortune global 500 company with over $30B revenue • QCT offers a full spectrum of own-brand datacenter products and services directly to • Hyperscale datacenter • CSPs and Telcos • Large enterprises • Product lines include • Servers, storage, network switches, integrated rack systems and cloud solutions • Suite of configuration, integration, and optimization services to help configure best product combination 3
  • 6. • Flexible rack-based appliances • Start small, grow over time • Extend to multi-rack clusters • Optimize the kW per rack within your power footprint • HA configuration • 3 Foundation nodes • 3+ Storage nodes • Scalable choice • 5-20 Compute nodes per rack • 3-8 Storage nodes scaled with Compute nodes for balanced performance Network QuantaMesh T3048- LY8 QuantaMesh T1048- LB9 Storage QuantaGrid D51B- 2U Compute + Foundation QuantaGrid D51B- 1U Example: QCT Racklevel OpenStack Configuration
  • 7. QCT Storage Solutions Work with Red Hat and Intel on Ceph and Gluster storage 7 QxStor Red Hat Ceph Storage Edition • Throughput Optimized • Cost/capacity Optimized • IOPS Optimized QxStor Red Hat Gluster Storage Edition • Throughput Optimized • Cost/capacity Optimized HW Product lines • OCP-Open Rack • OCP-OCS • Scorpio • 1G Switch • 10G Switch • 25G Switch • 40G Switch • 100G Switch • Cloud server • GPU server • Storage server • JBOD/JBOF • Cluster Server QxStor Solutions
  • 8. Ceph – Pre-configured and Easy to Order QCT QxStor Red Hat Ceph Storage Edition ThroughputOptimized • Densest 1U Ceph building block • Smaller failure domain • Obtain best throughput & density at once • Scale at high scale 2x 280TB • Block or Object Storage, Video, Audio, Image, Streaming media, Big Data • 3x replication USECASE QxStor RCT-400QxStor RCT-200 Cost/Capacity Optimized QxStor RCC-400 • Maximize storage capacity • Highest density 560TB* raw capacity per chassis • Object storage, Archive, Backup, Enterprise Dropbox • Erasure coding D51PH-1ULH T21P-4U * Optional model, oneMB per chassis, can support 620TB raw capacity IOPS Optimized QxStor RCI-300 • All FlashDesign • Lowest latency • Performance & capacity SKUs • Database, HPC, Mission Critical Applications • 3x replication D51BP-1UComing soon
  • 9. 9 SHARED FILE WORKLOADS ENTRY (>100TB*) SMALL (500TB*) MEDIUM (>1PB*) LARGE (>2PB*) THROUGHPUT OPTIMIZED QxStor RCT-200 16x D51PH-1ULH (16U) • 12x 8TB HDDs • 3x SSDs for journal • 1x dual port 10GbE • 3x replica QxStor RCT-400 6x T21P-4U/Dual (24U) • 2x 35x 8TB HDDs • 2x 2x PCIeSSDs for journal • 2x single port 40GbE • 3x replica QxStor RCT-400 11x T21P-4U/Dual (44U) • 2x 35x 8TB HDDs • 2x 2x PCIeSSDs for journal • 2x single port 40GbE • 3x replica COST/CAPACITY OPTIMIZED IOPS OPTIMIZED NA NA QxStor RCC-400 Nx T21P-4U/Dual • 2x 35x 8TB HDDs • 0x SSDs for journal • 2x dual port 10GbE • Erasure Coding 4:2 QxStor RCT-200 4x D51PH-1ULH (4U) • 12x 8TB HDDs • 3x SSDs for journal • 1x dual port 10GbE • 3x replica QxStor RCI-300 Nx D51BP-1U • 2x E5-2695/2699 v4 or • 4x NVMe for OSDs • 2x dual port 10GbE Coming soon QxStor Red Hat Ceph Storage Configurations * Usable storage capacity
  • 10. 10 Optimized and Validated QCT QxStor Ceph 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 MB/sec per Cluster Ceph OSD Server Quan6ty RCT-200 Read Throughput RCT-200 Write Throughput RCT-400 Read Throughput RCT-400 Write Throughput 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 RCT-200 (12 Disks per OSD) RCC-400 (35 Disks per OSD) MBytes / sec / disk Sequen>al Read/Disk Sequen>al Write/Disk Linear scale-out performance Outstanding Scale-up Performance Over 2x better performance (40G vs 10G on RGT-400) 10G40G 50% better write and 33% lower latency by using SSD fpr Ceph Journal on RGT-400
  • 11. Throughput Optimized Large Files • Suitable for large files (e.g. GB files) • Distributed replicated volume • Raid 6 storage QxStor RGT-400(LF)QxStor RGT-200(LF) Throughput Optimized Small Files QxStor RGT-200(SF) D51PH-1ULH T21P-4U • Suitable for small files (e.g. 50KB images or MB audios) • Distributed replicated volume • Raid 6 storage • SSDs for hot tier Cost/Capacity Optimized • Maximized capacity for cold data • Erasure-coded volumes • JBOD storage QxStor RGC-400QxStor RGC-200 D51PH-1ULH D51PH-1ULH T21P-4U • File Based Workloads • File Archive & Backup • CCTV & Surveillance • Media & Entertainment USE CASE Gluster – Pre-configured and Easy to Order QCT QxStor Red Hat Gluster Storage Edition
  • 12. QxStor Red Hat Gluster Storage Configurations SHARED FILE WORKLOADS ENTRY (GREATER THAN 100TB USABLE) SMALL (UP TO 500 TB USABLE) MEDIUM ( GREATER THAN 1 PB USABLE) LARGE (GREATER THAN 2 PB USABLE) THROUGHPUT OPTIMIZED (SMALL FILE PERFORMANCE) 4x QxStor RGT-200(SF) • 2x Replicated Volume • 12x 8TB HDDs (with RAID6) • 4x SSD Hot Tier • 1x dual port 10 GbE • Server Node Qty: 4 (160 TB Usable) 14x QxStor RGT-200(SF) • 2x Replicated Volume • 12x 8TB HDDs (with RAID6) • 4x SSD Hot Tier • 1x dual port 10 GbE • Server Node Qty: 14 (560 TB Usable) N/A THROUGHPUT OPTIMIZED (LARGE-FILE PERFORMANCE) 4x QxStor RGT-200(LF) • 2x Replicated Volume • 12x 8TB HDDs (with RAID6) • 1x dual port 10 GbE • Server Node Qty: 4 (160 TB Usable) 14x QxStor RGT-200(LF) • 2x Replicated Volume • 12x 8TB HDDs (with RAID6) • 1x dual port 10 GbE • Server Node Qty: 14 (560 TB Usable) 5x QxStor RGT-400(LF) • 2x Replicated Volume • 2x 35x 8TB HDDs (with RAID6) • 2x single port 40 GbE • Server Node Qty: 10(1.1 PB Usable) COST/CAPACITY OPTIMIZED (LARGE-FILE ARCHIVE) 6x QxStor RGC-200 • Erasure Coded Volume • 12x 8TB HDDs (JBOD mode) • 1x dual port 10 GbE • Server Node Qty: 6 (384 TB Usable) 8x QxStor RGC-200 • Erasure Coded Volume • 12x 8TB HDDs (JBOD mode) • 1x dual port 10 GbE • Server Node Qty: 8 (512TB Usable) 4x QxStor RGC-400 • Erasure Coded Volume • 2x 24x 8TB HDDs (JBOD mode) • 2x dual port 10 GbE • Server Node Qty: 8 (1 PB Usable)
  • 13. QxStor Red Hat Gluster Storage Test Performance 13 Read Write 2x replication - D51PH-1ULH 12 disks/node RAID 6 Erasure coding (4:2) - D51PH- 1ULH 12 disks/node JBOD
  • 15. Make Ceph & Gluster Easy to Adopt From configuration optimization to deployment& process optimization Object, Block Storage QxStor Red Hat Ceph Storage Easy Config Easy Order Easy Install Easy Rollout Software Defined NAS File Storage QxStor Red Hat Gluster Storage Optimized Ceph/Gluster Ref Architecture QCT QxStor Ceph/Gluster SKUs Red Hat Storagepre- installed Red Hat Storage appliance bundles
  • 16. 16 QCT QxStor Ceph – Easy to Rollout Easy Config Easy Order Easy Install Easy Rollout • Hardware bare metal provisioning (Kickstart) - Customers’ defined server host names and networking information • QCT Ceph SKUoptions • Ceph-Ansbile - MON/OSD node assignment - Apply Journal/OSD based on SKU - Network topology defined (single NIC/dual NIC) - Ceph software package deployment Full rack/cluster level Ceph deployment from bare metal Simplify the deployment process Ready for Production Easy to Maintain Coming soon
  • 17. Three Steps to Make Ceph Up and Running Network CablingRack & Stack Up & Running 1 2 3
  • 18. 18 QCT Bare Metal ISO File Shipping Easy Config Easy Order Easy Install Easy Rollout QxStor RedHat Gluster Storage QCT QxStor Gluster – Easy to Install Coming soon
  • 19. 19 From Pre-Installed to Pre-Configured QxStor Gluster Deployment Kit @QCT factory Gdeploy (Ansible) Easy Config Easy Order Easy Install Easy Rollout QCT QxStor Gluster – Easy to Rollout • Hardware bare metal provisioning (Kickstart) - RHGS ISO installation - All dependency packages installed • QCT GlusterSKU options • Ansible playbook with gdeploy - LVM configuration - Bricks configuration - Profile customization - Cluster initialization In Q1 2017
  • 20. Ceph Monitors Apache Hadoop* Networking Ceph OSD x8 Hadoop with Ceph* on QCT Platform Physical architecture QCT Solution Center 20
  • 22. 22 Validated Solution: Apache Hadoop* with Ceph* Storage Proof-of-concept (POC) built by Intel and QCT Disaggregate storage and compute in Hadoop by using Ceph storage instead of direct- attached storage (DAS) Optimize performance with Intel® Cache Acceleration Software (Intel® CAS) and Intel® SSDs using NVMe* • Resolve input/output (I/O) bottlenecks • Provide better customer service- level-agreement (SLA) support • Provide up to a 60% I/O performance improvement 1
  • 25. Center of Excellence (COE) 25 Ceph 5.6PB* Object Cluster – RCT-400 Throughput Optimized 20x Ceph OSD Nodes, each node with 280TB • CPU: E5-2650 v4 x2 • RAM: 128GB 2400MHz • HDD: 8TB SATA Seagate x35 • NVMe SSD: Intel P3700 Series 800G x2 • NIC: QCT OCP CX3 Pro 40G single port • SAS Controller: S2P MEZZ/B 3008 • Boot OS: Intel S3510 Series 120G QxStor RCT-400 *raw capacity Client Cluster (QCT Multinode Server) 40x Nodes, each node with • CPU: E5-2620v3 x2 or higher CPU spec x2 • RAM: 64GB+ • NIC: QCT OCP 82599ES 10G SFP+ dual portT41S-2U
  • 26. Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2Node 1Node 2 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 S2S Node 1Node 2 S2P 40gb * 10 10gb * 24 LY8 LY6 LY6 LY6 40gb * 5 40gb * 5 40gb * 3 40gb * 3 40gb * 10 40gb 40gb 40gb * 12 10gb * 24 LY8 40gb * 3 40gb * 3 10gb * 24 LY8 40gb * 3 40gb * 3 10gb * 8 LY8 40gb * 3 40gb * 3 40gb * 10 LY6 40gb * 5 40gb * 5 40gb * 10 40gb * 12 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 40gb 10gb * 24 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 S2S Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 S2S Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 S2S 10gb * 8 MLAG Leaf switch (Storage) Leaf switch (Workload Server) Spine switch Node 1Node 2 40gb 40gb S2P S2P S2P S2P S2P S2P S2P S2P S2P Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 S2S 10gb * 24 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 S2S Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 S2S Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 S2S 10gb * 24 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 S2S Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 S2S COE Network Diagram 26 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 RCT-400 CEPH CLUSTER CLIENTS
  • 27. Visit www.QCT.io for more information: • Solution Brief QCT and Intel Hadoop Over Ceph Architecture • Reference Architecture Red Hat Ceph Storage on QCT Servers • Reference Architecture Red Hat Gluster Storage on QCT Servers • Datasheet QxStor Red Hat Ceph Storage • Solution Brief Deploying Red Hat Ceph Storage on QCT servers • Solution Brief Containerized Ceph for On-Demand, Hyperscale Storage For More Information… 27