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Enterprise-caliber Cloud BI 
August 26, 2014
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using the online interface 
Attendees muted upon entry
James Haight 
Blue Hill Research 
Pedro Arellano 
Sr. Director, Product Strategy 
Matt Train 
Principal Solutions Engineer 
• Increasing Efficiency and Customer Insight in 
• Salesforce and Birst for Better Insight 
• Demonstration 
• Q&A
Enterprise-caliber Cloud BI 
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Blue Hill Research 
James Haight, Analyst
In Case You Didn’t Know… 
Salesforce is one of the most popular CRM systems out there with over 
100,000+ customers and provides its own array of reporting 
How it is used: 
o Capture information from customer interactions 
o Manage customer accounts 
o Track sales and pipeline data 
o Identify leads 
o And a whole lot more….
Salesforce Analytics 
Salesforce provides built in reporting and analytics capabilities 
This provides great options for things such as: 
o Reporting on sales pipeline 
o Tracking sales vs. forecast 
o Providing a snapshot of operational data 
o Quantifying customer inquiry requests 
…but presents challenges for analysis involving: 
o Highly customized dashboards 
o Extensive cross object reporting 
o In depth analysis of historical trends 
o Understanding interactions with outside data sources
Limitations of Salesforce Analytics 
Challenges reported to Blue Hill break out into two major areas 
Complexity Limitations 
Salesforce is a fantastic solution, just not a dedicated analytics engine 
o Display limitations of rows of data in reports 
o Limited cross-object reporting capabilities 
o Limitations in connecting to outside data sources 
Contextual Limitations 
Reporting on customer trends over time and relative to other data feeds can be of 
great importance 
o Difficulties in providing analysis within the context of the broader organization 
o Difficulties in understanding interrelationships of data relative to history
Opportunities for BI Solutions 
As dedicated analytics engines, enterprise BI solutions present 
potential solutions for: 
o More complex data discovery, visualization, and custom dashboard creations 
o Better understanding of historical trends and of relationships over non-standard time 
o Painting the ‘whole picture’ by expanding cross-object reporting capabilities 
o Example: Trying to identify customer upsell opportunities based on service center calls and historical upgrade 
o Incorporating outside data sources such as alternative systems of record or net-new data 
streams such as machine sensor logs.
Potential Operational Benefits 
Blue Hill has typically observed two areas of benefit associated with 
integration of Salesforce data into BI solutions 
o Operational Time Savings 
o Dependent on sophistication/demands of current reporting 
o Opportunity to replace time consuming processes of exporting data and 
running spreadsheet based 
o Collaboration 
o Enhanced Insight 
o Allows for view of previously undiscovered interrelationships 
o Opportunity to further democratize access to data 
o Ability to ask deeper question
Translating Benefits into Business Value: 
Time Savings 
Opportunity to shift resources to 
more value added endeavors 
Enhanced Insight 
Identify cost saving and revenue 
generating opportunities
A Real World Example: 
Large New England-based Insurance Company 
About the Subject 
o Specializing in health insurance and related services 
o Fortune 100 company 
o ~50,000 employees 
o Workforce spread across all 50 states 
o Customer network of over 20 million
How They Use Salesforce 
We use Salesforce a lot. We use 
it for just about everything 
besides contracting, HR and 
finance. It has become pretty 
much ubiquitous and houses 
about 60-70% of our operational 
data in one form or another. 
– Business Unit Director 
How they use it 
o Heavy reliance on Salesforce for internal 
operational data 
o “Tool of choice” for data capture 
Scope of Use 
o 60-70% of enterprise operations tracking takes 
place within Salesforce
Pain Points: 
o Tracking customer acquisition and behavior required export to external 
tools such as Microsoft Access or Microsoft Excel 
o These tools were unable to handle the large (and growing) data volumes 
o Unwieldy manually processes resulted 
o Historical trend analysis = charts and reports copied side-by-side in 
Solution Criteria: 
Dedicated Analytics Platform 
o Storage Capacity 
o Ability to replicate across the organization 
Relative ease of integration 
o Fast time to value 
o Salesforce and other data repositories 
Cloud-based desired 
‘End to end’ analytics 
Enterprise support, 
experience, and usability
Solution Selected 
Birst selected because. . . 
o Appealing delivery model and perceived fast time to value 
o Completeness of analytics platform 
Description of the solution deployed… 
o Implemented in four departments 
o Sits on top of Salesforce data 
o Uniting operational data from across the organization 
Initial engagement 
o Pilot to test business value 
o Would expand deployment if value was proved
Business Value Reported 
Two primary areas of impact were reported 
o Operational efficiency 
oSingle tool to store, analyze, and report on data 
o Eliminated need to move data from solution to solution (i.e. 
Microsoft Excel, Access etc…) 
o Elimination of manual processes 
Finance: What’s the ROI / TCO? 
o Improved Insight 
oBetter customer management 
oDetermining price sensitivity of customers by 
Technology: How do I implement / manage this? 
Line of Business: Does it improve business performance?
We are already seeing ROI with the four departments 
using it. By the end of the year we will have the 
entire senior leadership on the tool and expect to 
see great visibility into our work and successes. 
—Business Unit Director
Points to Consider 
o The subject’s experience of encountering the upper 
bounds of Salesforce’s analytic capabilities is not unique 
o Depending on current needs there may be significant 
value on improving reporting analysis operations 
o Consider the implications of improved analytical context 
on decision making
Enterprise-caliber Cloud BI 
Thank you! 
To join the conversation, follow us on 
Phone: +1 (617) 624-3600 
Contact Sales: sales@bluehillresearch.com 
Contact Research: research@bluehillresearch.com
• Salesforce reports are ideal when: 
– You want to display your company’s sales pipeline 
– You want to report the number of deals closed in a quarter 
– You need to look at your sales data at this moment in time 
– Salesforce is your primary data source 
– Your custom analytics are spreadsheet-based
• But not so ideal when… 
– You need to understand historical trends 
– Perform cross-object reporting 
– Incorporate outside sources of data 
– Analyze data by particular time frames 
– Display more than 2,000 rows in a report 
– Customize dashboards
• Report on any object in Salesforce - including 
custom objects 
• Better visibility into sales pipeline for improved 
forecasting and increased deal closure 
• Dramatically reduce time and effort for sales 
Dashboards Mobile BI Pixel-perfect reports Ad hoc reports
Enterprise Reporting Predictive Analytics Interactive Dashboards Visual Discovery Design Studio Mobile Analytics 
Unified Logical Layer Smart Analytic Engine 
Automated Historical 
& Analytic Data Store 
Automated Data 
1 1 
2 2
• Increase bookings / rep 
Rapid Time to Value 
• Reduce sales cycle time 
• Increase win rates 
• Improve forecast accuracy 
4 week pre-defined engagement 
Automated data refinement 
Pre-defined sales analytics model 
Discovery Ready 
300 attributes & 265 Measures 
Embedded Best Practices 
45+ KPIs 
22 best practice reports 
Customization Ready 
Custom object and field exposure 
10 custom analytic attributes 
5 custom analytic measures 
Extend with additional data sources
• Pipeline Movement 
– Quarter Movement – Chart 
– Quarter Movement Details 
• Pipeline Evolution and Velocity 
– Pipeline Velocity by Stage 
– Pipeline Count Evolution 
– Pipeline Revenue Evolution 
• Snapshot Analysis 
– Weekly Pipeline Growth 
– Opportunity Stage Drop Off 
• Pipeline Amount Change 
– Pipeline Amount Change Daily 
– Pipeline Amount Change - Detail 
• Sales Overview 
– Pipeline Funnel 
– Pipeline by Product by Opportunity 
– Average Deal Size by Sales Team 
– Pipeline by Team by Forecast 
– Opportunity Details 
• Sales Rep Performance 
– Sales Rep Contribution 
– Sales Rep Closing Performance 
– Sales Reps by Booked Revenue KPIs 
• Win Rate Analysis 
– Win Rate and Deal Size by Account 
Type, Deal Source, Industry, Oppty 
•Analysis of best market segments & customers who 
would buy multiple time vs. once 
•Pipeline analysis to understand whether bottlenecks 
are customer, product, rep or region related 
•Revenue growth: 83% 
•TTV: 39 days 
Why Birst? 
•Salesforce solution accelerator 
•Analytic snapshots on Salesforce 
“For about the same amount of time 
we were idle with the previous 
analytic tool, we found ourselves 
actually up and running with Birst”. 
Lori Bush, 
President & CEO 
•Grow sales org rapidly by identifying top performing 
sales managers who can train new reps 
•Understand customer lifetime value to determine 
where to focus marketing and sales efforts 
•Quickly resolve pipeline bottlenecks 
Data Sources
• Enterprise-Caliber BI 
Platform – born in the cloud 
• 10,000+ organizations rely 
on Birst across all verticals 
• 80+ Strategic Partners 
2014 Business Intelligence and Analytics 
Magic Quadrant 
“ No. 1 in product functionality and 
customer (that is, product quality, no 
problems with software, support) and 
sales experience.”
Embedded Mid-market Enterprise
• Download Blue Hill Case 
– birst.com/insight 
• Join us for a Live Demo 
– Every Tues and Thurs @ 
11:00 am PT/2:00 pm ET 
– birst.com/livedemo 
• Contact us 
– info@birst.com 
– (866) 940-1496 (or +1 415-766-4800)
• Some companies need more: 
Which of the following analytic capabilities would allow your organization to realize more value 
from your SFA investment? 
– Recent Sales Force Automation Analytics Survey
• Improved Pipeline Management: 
“Do I have enough pipeline to meet my target? What 
if I increase my average deal size? What if I close 
deals faster?” 
–Complete visibility into pipeline and change 
 Sales rep scorecard 
 Win rate analysis 
 Pipeline stress test
• Historical Analysis & Forecasting: 
“What’s changed in my pipeline? How does my 
pipeline compare with the same period of time last 
–Enable rich analysis across time: 
 Show current state 
 Show historical states 
 Enable conversion analysis 
 Show stage velocity
• Insight Across the Enterprise: 
“Did my commit meet my forecast? What is the 
overall cost of my leads that convert to closed/won 
–Create a single, holistic view: 
 Integrate financial bookings, 
ERP and any third party data sources 
 Ensure data consistency 
 Automate data consolidation

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When Salesforce Isn’t Enough: Using Birst to Accelerate Your Business and Understand Customer Behavior

  • 2. 2 WEBINAR NOTES Please send questions using the online interface Attendees muted upon entry
  • 3. 3 FEATURED SPEAKERS James Haight Analyst Blue Hill Research Pedro Arellano Sr. Director, Product Strategy Birst Matt Train Principal Solutions Engineer Birst
  • 4. 4 AGENDA • Increasing Efficiency and Customer Insight in Salesforce • Salesforce and Birst for Better Insight • Demonstration • Q&A
  • 5. Enterprise-caliber Cloud BI IInnccrreeaassiinngg EEffffiicciieennccyy aanndd CCuussttoommeerr IInnssiigghhtt ffrroomm SSaalleessffoorrccee Blue Hill Research James Haight, Analyst
  • 6. 6 In Case You Didn’t Know… Salesforce is one of the most popular CRM systems out there with over 100,000+ customers and provides its own array of reporting capabilities How it is used: o Capture information from customer interactions o Manage customer accounts o Track sales and pipeline data o Identify leads o And a whole lot more….
  • 7. 7 Salesforce Analytics Salesforce provides built in reporting and analytics capabilities This provides great options for things such as: o Reporting on sales pipeline o Tracking sales vs. forecast o Providing a snapshot of operational data o Quantifying customer inquiry requests …but presents challenges for analysis involving: o Highly customized dashboards o Extensive cross object reporting o In depth analysis of historical trends o Understanding interactions with outside data sources
  • 8. 8 Limitations of Salesforce Analytics Challenges reported to Blue Hill break out into two major areas Complexity Limitations Salesforce is a fantastic solution, just not a dedicated analytics engine o Display limitations of rows of data in reports o Limited cross-object reporting capabilities o Limitations in connecting to outside data sources Contextual Limitations Reporting on customer trends over time and relative to other data feeds can be of great importance o Difficulties in providing analysis within the context of the broader organization o Difficulties in understanding interrelationships of data relative to history
  • 9. 9 Opportunities for BI Solutions As dedicated analytics engines, enterprise BI solutions present potential solutions for: o More complex data discovery, visualization, and custom dashboard creations o Better understanding of historical trends and of relationships over non-standard time intervals o Painting the ‘whole picture’ by expanding cross-object reporting capabilities o Example: Trying to identify customer upsell opportunities based on service center calls and historical upgrade trends o Incorporating outside data sources such as alternative systems of record or net-new data streams such as machine sensor logs.
  • 10. 10 Potential Operational Benefits Blue Hill has typically observed two areas of benefit associated with integration of Salesforce data into BI solutions o Operational Time Savings o Dependent on sophistication/demands of current reporting o Opportunity to replace time consuming processes of exporting data and running spreadsheet based o Collaboration o Enhanced Insight o Allows for view of previously undiscovered interrelationships o Opportunity to further democratize access to data o Ability to ask deeper question
  • 11. 11 Translating Benefits into Business Value: Time Savings Opportunity to shift resources to more value added endeavors Enhanced Insight Identify cost saving and revenue generating opportunities
  • 12. 12 A Real World Example: Large New England-based Insurance Company About the Subject o Specializing in health insurance and related services o Fortune 100 company o ~50,000 employees o Workforce spread across all 50 states o Customer network of over 20 million
  • 13. 13 How They Use Salesforce We use Salesforce a lot. We use it for just about everything besides contracting, HR and finance. It has become pretty much ubiquitous and houses about 60-70% of our operational data in one form or another. – Business Unit Director How they use it o Heavy reliance on Salesforce for internal operational data o “Tool of choice” for data capture Scope of Use o 60-70% of enterprise operations tracking takes place within Salesforce
  • 14. 14 Pain Points: o Tracking customer acquisition and behavior required export to external tools such as Microsoft Access or Microsoft Excel o These tools were unable to handle the large (and growing) data volumes o Unwieldy manually processes resulted o Historical trend analysis = charts and reports copied side-by-side in PowerPoint
  • 15. 15 Solution Criteria: Dedicated Analytics Platform “Scalability” o Storage Capacity o Ability to replicate across the organization “Completeness” Relative ease of integration o Fast time to value o Salesforce and other data repositories Cloud-based desired ‘End to end’ analytics Enterprise support, experience, and usability
  • 16. 16 Solution Selected Birst selected because. . . o Appealing delivery model and perceived fast time to value o Completeness of analytics platform Description of the solution deployed… o Implemented in four departments o Sits on top of Salesforce data o Uniting operational data from across the organization Initial engagement o Pilot to test business value o Would expand deployment if value was proved
  • 17. 17 Business Value Reported Two primary areas of impact were reported o Operational efficiency oSingle tool to store, analyze, and report on data o Eliminated need to move data from solution to solution (i.e. Microsoft Excel, Access etc…) o Elimination of manual processes Finance: What’s the ROI / TCO? o Improved Insight oBetter customer management oDetermining price sensitivity of customers by demographic Technology: How do I implement / manage this? Line of Business: Does it improve business performance?
  • 18. 18 We are already seeing ROI with the four departments using it. By the end of the year we will have the entire senior leadership on the tool and expect to see great visibility into our work and successes. —Business Unit Director
  • 19. 19 Points to Consider o The subject’s experience of encountering the upper bounds of Salesforce’s analytic capabilities is not unique o Depending on current needs there may be significant value on improving reporting analysis operations o Consider the implications of improved analytical context on decision making
  • 20. Enterprise-caliber Cloud BI Thank you! To join the conversation, follow us on Phone: +1 (617) 624-3600 Contact Sales: sales@bluehillresearch.com Contact Research: research@bluehillresearch.com
  • 22. 22 SALESFORCE REPORTING • Salesforce reports are ideal when: – You want to display your company’s sales pipeline – You want to report the number of deals closed in a quarter – You need to look at your sales data at this moment in time – Salesforce is your primary data source – Your custom analytics are spreadsheet-based
  • 23. 23 SALESFORCE REPORTING • But not so ideal when… – You need to understand historical trends – Perform cross-object reporting – Incorporate outside sources of data – Analyze data by particular time frames – Display more than 2,000 rows in a report – Customize dashboards
  • 24. 24 BIRST GIVES YOU MORE • Report on any object in Salesforce - including custom objects • Better visibility into sales pipeline for improved forecasting and increased deal closure • Dramatically reduce time and effort for sales analysis Dashboards Mobile BI Pixel-perfect reports Ad hoc reports
  • 25. 25 SINGLE INTEGRATED BI PLATFORM ETL, DATA WAREHOUSE, LOGICAL LAYER, VISUALIZATIONS Enterprise Reporting Predictive Analytics Interactive Dashboards Visual Discovery Design Studio Mobile Analytics Unified Logical Layer Smart Analytic Engine Automated Historical & Analytic Data Store Automated Data Management 1 1 2 2
  • 26. 26 BIRST FOR SALESFORCE POWERFUL ANALYTICS TO DRIVE GREATER SALES SUCCESS • Increase bookings / rep Rapid Time to Value • Reduce sales cycle time • Increase win rates • Improve forecast accuracy 4 week pre-defined engagement Automated data refinement Pre-defined sales analytics model Discovery Ready 300 attributes & 265 Measures Embedded Best Practices 45+ KPIs 22 best practice reports Customization Ready Custom object and field exposure 10 custom analytic attributes 5 custom analytic measures Extend with additional data sources
  • 27. 27 BIRST FOR SALESFORCE POWERFUL ANALYTICS TO DRIVE GREATER SALES SUCCESS • Pipeline Movement – Quarter Movement – Chart – Quarter Movement Details • Pipeline Evolution and Velocity – Pipeline Velocity by Stage – Pipeline Count Evolution – Pipeline Revenue Evolution • Snapshot Analysis – Weekly Pipeline Growth – Opportunity Stage Drop Off • Pipeline Amount Change – Pipeline Amount Change Daily – Pipeline Amount Change - Detail • Sales Overview – Pipeline Funnel – Pipeline by Product by Opportunity Type – Average Deal Size by Sales Team – Pipeline by Team by Forecast Category – Opportunity Details • Sales Rep Performance – Sales Rep Contribution – Sales Rep Closing Performance – Sales Reps by Booked Revenue KPIs • Win Rate Analysis – Win Rate and Deal Size by Account Type, Deal Source, Industry, Oppty Type
  • 29. 29 IDENTIFY TOP SALES MANAGERS TO RAPIDLY GROW A BUSINESS Results •Analysis of best market segments & customers who would buy multiple time vs. once •Pipeline analysis to understand whether bottlenecks are customer, product, rep or region related •Revenue growth: 83% •TTV: 39 days Why Birst? •Salesforce solution accelerator •Analytic snapshots on Salesforce “For about the same amount of time we were idle with the previous analytic tool, we found ourselves actually up and running with Birst”. Lori Bush, President & CEO Challenges •Grow sales org rapidly by identifying top performing sales managers who can train new reps •Understand customer lifetime value to determine where to focus marketing and sales efforts •Quickly resolve pipeline bottlenecks Data Sources
  • 30. 30 ABOUT BIRST • Enterprise-Caliber BI Platform – born in the cloud • 10,000+ organizations rely on Birst across all verticals • 80+ Strategic Partners 2014 Business Intelligence and Analytics Magic Quadrant “ No. 1 in product functionality and customer (that is, product quality, no problems with software, support) and sales experience.”
  • 31. 31 LEADERS RELY ON BIRST Embedded Mid-market Enterprise
  • 33. 33 LEARN MORE • Download Blue Hill Case Study – birst.com/insight • Join us for a Live Demo – Every Tues and Thurs @ 11:00 am PT/2:00 pm ET – birst.com/livedemo • Contact us – info@birst.com – (866) 940-1496 (or +1 415-766-4800)
  • 35. 35 SALESFORCE REPORTING • Some companies need more: Which of the following analytic capabilities would allow your organization to realize more value from your SFA investment? – Recent Sales Force Automation Analytics Survey
  • 36. 36 SOME COMPANIES NEED MORE • Improved Pipeline Management: “Do I have enough pipeline to meet my target? What if I increase my average deal size? What if I close deals faster?” –Complete visibility into pipeline and change analytics:  Sales rep scorecard  Win rate analysis  Pipeline stress test
  • 37. 37 SOME COMPANIES NEED MORE • Historical Analysis & Forecasting: “What’s changed in my pipeline? How does my pipeline compare with the same period of time last quarter/year/month?” –Enable rich analysis across time:  Show current state  Show historical states  Enable conversion analysis  Show stage velocity
  • 38. 38 SOME COMPANIES NEED MORE • Insight Across the Enterprise: “Did my commit meet my forecast? What is the overall cost of my leads that convert to closed/won deals?” –Create a single, holistic view:  Integrate financial bookings, ERP and any third party data sources  Ensure data consistency  Automate data consolidation

Editor's Notes

  1. Quantifying customer inquiry requests: example I have 80 people calling about battery life being short and 70 people asking how to change passwords
  2. Two solutions: Engage a data warehousing provider and continue to manipulate data the same way and Perpetuate an already unsustainable situation Better option: Implement a dedicated analytics solution that could: extract data from Salesforce; and combine it in a dynamic reporting and analysis environment
  3. What Birst is doing is putting all these tools together On top of a single logical layer – a single business library of all your KPIs Then we are taking the hardest part, the dirty data management part and making it faster and more accurate then ever before by automating a large piece of that process We have automated the data warehouse This gives you a complete set of tools for each individual users – that leverages a single logical later – a single library of your KPIs – to ensure you have business intelligence in a consistent, repeatable, non-error prone way. Our Key value points: One single login for entire process, multiple tools for each user Automation to take care of that Messy Data problem A logical model – to remove the data anarchy issue and create data synergy
  4. Rodan and Fields, founded by dermatologist, is a direct sales pharmaceutical organization – focused on getting ant-aging products to end consumers. Their CFO and VP of Sales knew that they had found a market niche, and could grow rapidly, if they could focus their resources properly. However, they were growth constrained by how quickly and who they could hire to sell their solution directly – and which managers were the best managers to train up the new reps. They also wanted to better understand the market - know more about the best segment where they could get best sales, which customers would buy multiple products vs just one. They had reports from salesforce.com and finance application, but that was not going to drive the business – they were simply static reports. The CFO and VP of sales needed a solution Business need: hire and train sales folks for top performance. They had top performing sales reps, but SFDC just told them who they were…not how to emulate them or what characteristics they had, or which managers should get new headcount. Truly analyzing and understanding sales performance with a rapidly growing organization is hard because as org changes – you can’t accurately compare past to current across sales managers. For example – if analyzing first half year performance - one manager had 3 reps and had a higher achievement than another manager who had 4 reps it’s may sound straight forward. However – what if the one who had 3 reps in Q1, actually hired on 3 more – who became productive in Q2. And the one with 4 hired on 1 more in Q2. Then how do you decide? This is complex – and metrics need to be tied to dimensions at a point in time – not only as it stands now. Furthermore – if data for these metrics is in different data sources (SQL server, great plains financials, SFDC)… how do you get accurate view? Technology Solution: Need to tie together information about the performance and rep from multiple sources – Create conforming dimensions – that are also slowly changing dimensions (to handle those hiring situations) – and tie together customers (to match orders and opportunities) - this sounds hard. With Birst – it’s done with something called automated warehousing. It takes the hard – and necessary data manipulations – and automates it so that business users can set up the application. Now with this Rodan and Fields – has a true accurate view of best performing sales managers – and can properly determine which managers hire faster, which ones to emulate, and best ways to train new folks Challenge: Need to determine which customers drive highest customer lifetime value – with continuous and multiple product purchases – and then target similar customers. Solution: They did this by pulling data from ERP system – Great Plains (orders) matching it with data from flat files about the market, and data from salesforce.com about customers – to perform a customer lifetime value analysis – and determine an ideal customer as make up. This required a data warehouse to bring in historical data, current data, and constantly changing data. What does this mean – bringing together data from multiple sources, is not as simple as it may sound, matching dimension names, ensuring hierarchies are correct. It’s not really relevant except that if not done right or poorly the business cannot achieve their goal. Without Birst, Rodan & Fields could not determine who the right customer was for targeting – they could not grow their business as they wanted. Challenge: salesforce.com historical pipeline aging. Part of driving to better sales performance – is understanding where new sales get stuck in pipeline. Solution: This can only be accomplished with snapshot capability – which is not available in SFDC –but is available in Birst. In fact, it is included in SFDC solution accelerator. This accelerator helped R&F deploy much quicker and get up and running fast – while delivering needed snapshot analysis. Use Case: They need to know where/what/why deals are being stuck at different points in pipeline. SFDC cannot provide this. They needed to understand where the bottlenecks were in pipeline – to see if those bottlenecks were customer, product, rep, or region related. This required deeper analysis than just a snapshot. It required confoirming dimensions with salesforce snapshotting. . Technology Solution: Birst provides this with snapshots at a very low level of granularity on each oppty. For Rodan and Fields it was deployed rapidly with the pre-built Salesforce.com Solution Accelerator – that comes with pipeline snapshots. Furthermore – these snapshots were tied to dimensions from data not in SFDC, that allowed them to understand why deals were getting stuck at different stages – and then implement changes to prevent that in future. What does all this mean? Pulling data from multiple sources, taking snapshots, matching rep performance in rapidly changing organization – and many technical terms. It is a lot of stuff, and it is a little complex behind the scenes, and that is why R&F chose Birst. With Birst, we handled the technical hard data stuff, and gave them ability to analyze their business. They focus on what they do best, analyze the business and make decisions based on correct analysis and data to drive 83% revenue growth. Yes -83% revenue growth!! That can only be achieved if you have very well focused your sales efforts on a specific segment with a product set that uniquely meets their needs – and hire on reps that are uniquely qualified to sell into this segment. They have achieved this through market and sales analysis in Birst. ******************* Sr. Director of BI led the evaluation
  5. In fact today – we support over 4000 organizations …from Enterprise organizations with enterprise issues like Citrix or AT&T or Kaplan…and rapidly growing mid-market companies like GoPro, Jive, and Build.com – and Cloud providers who Embed our solution in their application like Aria or Host Analytics These leading organizations depend on Birst – to solve real problems. Real fast. We are quite proud of our customer relationships. It has earned us many mentions in the press – and we strive hard every day to deliver real results. Fast. In fact – in a recent Net Promoter Survery – we received a rating of 34. What does this mean? It’s higher than most SaaS software companies –folks like SFDC are in the twenties… and if you can get over 50 you are considered to be one of the best Brands for customer satisfaction in world! If you want – here are other results you can mention on customers: You can also tell a customer story on this slide. If relevant, you can pull in some of the customer success story slides. 20% increase incremental revenue (Hard Dollar) 5X Inventory Turns (Citrix) 1500 reports to 8 dashboards (Kellogg’s) 12% Revenue Increase (True) 80% decrease in service requests (Kellogg’s) 83% Revenue Growth (Rodan and Fields)