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Provisioning Linux Servers Made Easy
Greg Bruno, PhD
VP Engineering, StackIQ
Open Source Stack Installer
Stacki is a very fast and ultra reliable Linux server provisioning tool ā€¦ at scale.
With zero prerequisites for taking systems from bare metal to a ping and prompt.
Why is this hard and important?
Datacenter Architecture
Backend Backend Backend Backend
em1 em1
Datacenter Host Software Stack
DevOps / Conļ¬guration Tool
- Disk Array Controller Conļ¬guration
- Disk Partitioning Conļ¬guration
The ā€œStep 0ā€ Problem
Check namenodes are
Format/start HDFS
Create all directories
Create all metastores
Start services (Hbase, Hive,
Oozie, Sqoop, Impala, etc)
Deploy client conļ¬guration Conļ¬gure database
Setup/assign monitors
(activity, services, and host)
Test database connections
Validate/resolve hostnamesConsistent host timezones
No bad kernel versions
(CDH) version consistency
Java version consistency
Daemons versions
Mgmt Agents versions
Host speciļ¬cation/SSH
DHCP Server/Client setup TFTP/PXE conļ¬guration
Server OS installation
Node OS Install
RAID conļ¬guration
Boot conļ¬guration
System/data disk
Monitoring system setup
and conļ¬g
Lights Out/IPMI setup
User accounts added and
SSH keys on all hosts
Network node conļ¬guration
Conļ¬g Mgmt install and
Route conļ¬gurationOS upgrades/updates
Site speciļ¬c software and
Host speciļ¬cation/SSH
Firewall setupCluster Mgmt utility Database install and conļ¬g
Multiple network conļ¬gPackage installation MUCH MORE ā€¦
Clusters are Different
Adding new servers does require coordination
Newly added servers must:
ā€¢ā€Æ Have same software stack as original
ā€¢ā€Æ Have same configuration as original
ā€¢ā€Æ Know about original servers
And, original servers must:
ā€¢ā€Æ Know about new servers
Result: The management complexity added to the
Operations staff is ā€œexponentialā€
Exponential Complexity
Number of Servers
General Data Center
The Pain Curve
Number of Servers
General Data Center
The Pain Threshold
The pain threshold differs for every
Function of:
ā€¢ā€Æ cluster(s) size
ā€¢ā€Æ number of people in Operations
ā€¢ā€Æ Operations staff cluster expertise
Mooreā€™s Law
50 1 2 3 4
Time (Years)
18 month
Mooreā€™s Law and Infrastructure Value
What it Means for You
50 1 2 3 4
Time (Years)
3 months
90% value
18 months
50% value
Time is Money
The clock starts ticking when hosts land on your
loading dock
Without your applications online, you have an
paper weight that consumes power, cooling, and
managementā€™s attention
How We Solve the Problem
ā€¢ā€ÆSan Diego Supercomputer Center
ā€¢ā€Æ 1986 - National Science Foundation
ā€¢ā€Æ Along with NCSA only two non-classified centers
ā€¢ā€Æ Mission: serve computational scientists
ā€¢ā€Æ 2000 - First cluster group inside SDSC
ā€¢ā€Æ Version 1.0 released that November as open source
ā€¢ā€Æ 10k+ clusters world-wide
ā€¢ā€Æ 2006 - Commercial support for Rocks
ā€¢ā€Æ 2011 - Venture Backed
ā€¢ā€Æ Focus on next generation clustered systems (Data, Cloud)
ā€¢ā€ÆStacki - 2015
ā€¢ā€Æ June ā€“ released as open source
ā€¢ā€Æ July ā€“ first hyper-scale user
ā€ÆMake it ā€“ Automatic
ā—¦ā€Æ Think about it, test it. Deploy it.
ā—¦ā€Æ People donā€™t scale, software does. Free your people ā€“ allow ops guys to be ops/analysis guys, move them from single machine view to
global machine view.
ā€ÆMake it ā€“ Repeatable
ā—¦ā€Æ State of the environment is guaranteed. Does not require homogeneity of hardware or functionality. Make compute environments
homogenous on heterogeneous hardware and software.
ā—¦ā€Æ Really, nothing is homogenous. Environment maybe, behavior of that environment on different machines while predictable will not be the
same across all hardware. Stacki gets you ļ¬‚exibility and predictability.
ā€ÆMake it ā€“ Reliable
ā—¦ā€Æ You always get what you want when you want it. You can make reasonable estimates of need because youā€™ve made the environment
predictable and repeatable. Just like science!
ā€ÆMake it ā€“ Comprehensive
ā—¦ā€Æ Manage application layer(s) down to kernels and device conļ¬guration with one tool. Never hit the network unconļ¬gured.
ā—¦ā€Æ Provide turn-key deployment with reasonable default settings and ability to customize / re-wire as desired.
Stacki Positioning
DevOps / Conļ¬guration Tool
- Disk Array Controller Conļ¬guration
- Disk Partitioning Conļ¬guration
Datacenter Architecture
Backend Backend Backend Backend
em1 em1
Download and Boot the ISO
Go to www.stacki.com and download the ISO
ā—¦ā€Æ Itā€™s 1.8 GB
ā—¦ā€Æ ā€œstackiā€ pallet plus stripped down CentOS 6.6

Boot the ISO on the host that will be your frontend
Frontend Services
Services to build backend nodes
ā—¦ā€Æ DHCP
ā—¦ā€Æ TFTP
ā—¦ā€Æ Named (optional)
Services to access backend nodes
ā—¦ā€Æ SSH key management
ā—¦ā€Æ Parallel execution shell
Host Configuration Spreadsheet
Backend Backend Backend Backend
em1 em1
Backend Installation
Save your Host Conļ¬guration spreadsheet as a CSV

Import CSV on frontend
ā—¦ā€Æ ā€œstack load hostļ¬le ļ¬le=hosts.csvā€

Tell backend nodes to install on their next PXE boot
ā—¦ā€Æ ā€œstack set host boot backend action=installā€

PXE boot all backend nodes

BitTorrent-Inspired Package Installation
Customizing Your Hosts
Advanced Networking
Via Host Conļ¬guration spreadsheet, you can conļ¬gure:
ā—¦ā€Æ Bonded interfaces
ā—¦ā€Æ VLANs
ā—¦ā€Æ Bridging
ā—¦ā€Æ Any combo of the above
Manage hosts in multiple subnets
ā—¦ā€Æ Build a single cluster from hosts in multiple subnets
ā—¦ā€Æ Manage hosts in multiple datacenters
Host Configuration Spreadsheet
Disk Controller Configuration Spreadsheet
Disk Partition Configuration Spreadsheet
Multiple Distributions
A frontend houses a default distribution
ā—¦ā€Æ Based on stripped down CentOS 6.6 or 7.1
ā—¦ā€Æ Used to build backend nodes

Can add any number of new distributions to a frontend
ā—¦ā€Æ E.g., RHEL 6.x based distro, CentOS 6.5, etc.
Assign any backend node to any distro
Hadoop @ PayPal
12 x 2TB SATA
data drives	
48 nodes
each rack
24 x 900GB 6G SAS
10K data drives	
24 nodes
each rack
8 x 4TB NR-SAS
data drives	
Bay	Area	
Salt	Lake	City	
Las	Vegas	
ā€¢ā€Æ 3,000 nodes and growing
ā€¢ā€Æ 60+ initial server racks
ā€¢ā€Æ Heterogeneous HW
across multiple DCs
Data Science
Infrastructure Footprint	
48 nodes
each rack
Automation Challenge
Spinout creates some datacenter automation challenges ā€¦
ā€¢ā€Æ Smaller team but even more to do
ā€¢ā€Æ Rethink automation
ā€¢ā€Æ Distributed systems have tons of local drives which requireā€Ø
time consuming disk formatting and partitioning, and hardware
RAID conļ¬g on masternodes
ā€¢ā€Æ New provisioning solution needs to easily, ļ¬‚exibly integrateā€Ø
w/ other commercial, open source, and homegrownā€Ø
management tools
ā€¢ā€Æ Can 100s or 1000s of nodes be (re)provisioned as quickly asā€Ø
one or a few? (e.g., drive failures mean replacing entire hostā€Ø
from O/S to disk to network to ļ¬rmware to ā€¦ etc)
Stacki @ PayPal
Ambari HDP
Health Detection
IPMI/iLOOS Disk Network
- Disk Array Controller Conļ¬guration
- Disk Partitioning Conļ¬guration
ā€œStacki + Ansible = Happiness. :Dā€ ā€“ Stacki mailing list 8/11/15
Quick, Early Success
14 Minutes*To Fully Provision 6 Racks of Bare Metal (288 Servers)
Includes wiping all
disks then fully
partitioning & formatting
~3500 drives
And Nowā€¦
Upgrades all ļ¬rmware
Executes Ansible
scripts on all hosts
Hadoop packages
* Versus hours with other hyperscale management tools, or days to weeks with traditional tools and processes
Try It Out
Download - www.stacki.com
Source & Docs - github.com/StackIQ/stacki/wiki
Discuss - groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/stacki
PayPalā€™s Options
Bring what we used at former parent company eBay with us.
Build our own soups-to-nuts bespoke bare metal provisioning tool.
Find the perfect open source tool that we can use and grow with.
Not Possible
Not Optimal
Not Likely
Quick, Early Success
2 Weeks Instead of 2 Years
To Build a Scale-out Management Solution
1.ā€Æ Installed Stacki Frontend (base management server)
Ran test installations of backend servers
1.ā€Æ Single Server test
2.ā€Æ Full Rack test (48 nodes)
2.ā€Æ Updated distribution (CentOS 6.6) to install additional
3.ā€Æ Integrated IPMI information into Stacki
1.ā€Æ Can now ssh into all IPMI consoles from the Stacki
frontend host using <hostname>.ipmi
4.ā€Æ Re-ran with PayPal kickstart changes/additions and was
able to image 6 racks in 14 minutes, including:
1.ā€Æ Nuking disks/partitions and running a full format of all
data drives
5.ā€Æ Updated the Stacki post-boot piece to do the following:
1.ā€Æ Upgrade firmware if host needs it
2.ā€Æ Runs PayPal Ansible playbook, which:
1.ā€Æ Installs additional packages
2.ā€Æ Creates user accounts
3.ā€Æ Disables unused services
4.ā€Æ Sets up resolver/ntp/syslog-ng/sudoers/limits.
5.ā€Æ Installs/configures Ambari agents
6.ā€Æ Checks data drive mounts, fstab
7.ā€Æ Prepares the rack to be added to a Hadoop
PayPal development with Stacki includes:
DevOps Agnostic
DevOps / Conļ¬guration Tool
- Disk Array Controller Conļ¬guration
- Disk Partitioning Conļ¬guration
The ā€œStep 0ā€ Problem
Check namenodes are
Format/start HDFS
Create all directories
Create all metastores
Start services (Hbase, Hive,
Oozie, Sqoop, Impala, etc)
Deploy client conļ¬guration Conļ¬gure database
Setup/assign monitors
(activity, services, and host)
Test database connections
Validate/resolve hostnamesConsistent host timezones
No bad kernel versions
(CDH) version consistency
Java version consistency
Daemons versions
Mgmt Agents versions
Host speciļ¬cation/SSH
DHCP Server/Client setup TFTP/PXE conļ¬guration
Server OS installation
Node OS Install
RAID conļ¬guration
Boot conļ¬guration
System/data disk
Monitoring system setup
and conļ¬g
Lights Out/IPMI setup
User accounts added and
SSH keys on all hosts
Network node conļ¬guration
Conļ¬g Mgmt install and
Route conļ¬gurationOS upgrades/updates
Site speciļ¬c software and
Host speciļ¬cation/SSH
Firewall setupCluster Mgmt utility Database install and conļ¬g
Multiple network conļ¬gPackage installation MUCH MORE ā€¦
App Conļ¬g
Site Conļ¬g
HW Install
System Performance
Bare Metal Installers
Hadoop Mgmt Tool
Disk Conļ¬guration
Monitoring Tool
Conļ¬guration Tool
Network/Site Conļ¬g ToolsSystems Mgmt Tool
Others ā€¦
(w/o StackIQ)
StackIQ Boss
Conļ¬guration Database
ā€ÆServer appliance types (e.g. data, namenode, tomcat, ā€¦)
ā€ÆNumber of CPUs
ā€ÆDisk partitioning
ā€ÆHardware RAID config
ā€ÆPCI bus information
ā€ÆAnd other System Attributes
ā—¦ā€Æ stack set attr
ā—¦ā€Æ stack set appliance attr
ā—¦ā€Æ stack set os attr
ā—¦ā€Æ stack set host attr
Kickstart Proļ¬les
Zoom In
Starting from the Empty Set
ā€Æ { }
{ os }
Ā© 2009 UC Regents
{ os, core }
Ā© 2009 UC Regents
{ os, core, kernel }
Ā© 2009 UC Regents
{ os, core, kernel, mapr }
Ā© 2009 UC Regents
Manage the Deltas
{os, core, kernel, mapr} {os, core, kernel, horton}
Ā© 2009 UC Regents

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  • 4. Open Source Stack Installer Stacki is a very fast and ultra reliable Linux server provisioning tool ā€¦ at scale. With zero prerequisites for taking systems from bare metal to a ping and prompt.
  • 5. Why is this hard and important?
  • 6. Datacenter Architecture Frontend Network Backend Backend Backend Backend em1 em1 em1 em1 em1
  • 7. Datacenter Host Software Stack DevOps / Conļ¬guration Tool DHCP / DNS / TFTP NetworkDiskOS In-house developed deployment tools - Disk Array Controller Conļ¬guration - Disk Partitioning Conļ¬guration
  • 8. The ā€œStep 0ā€ Problem Check namenodes are empty Format/start HDFS Create all directories Create all metastores Start services (Hbase, Hive, Oozie, Sqoop, Impala, etc) Deploy client conļ¬guration Conļ¬gure database Setup/assign monitors (activity, services, and host) Test database connections Validate/resolve hostnamesConsistent host timezones No bad kernel versions running (CDH) version consistency Java version consistency Daemons versions consistency Mgmt Agents versions consistency Host speciļ¬cation/SSH ports MUCH MORE ā€¦ DHCP Server/Client setup TFTP/PXE conļ¬guration Server OS installation Node OS Install RAID conļ¬guration Boot conļ¬guration System/data disk partitioning Monitoring system setup and conļ¬g Lights Out/IPMI setup User accounts added and synced SSH keys on all hosts Network node conļ¬guration Conļ¬g Mgmt install and conļ¬guration Route conļ¬gurationOS upgrades/updates Site speciļ¬c software and conļ¬guration Host speciļ¬cation/SSH ports Security Firewall setupCluster Mgmt utility Database install and conļ¬g Multiple network conļ¬gPackage installation MUCH MORE ā€¦
  • 9. Clusters are Different Adding new servers does require coordination Newly added servers must: ā€¢ā€Æ Have same software stack as original servers ā€¢ā€Æ Have same configuration as original servers ā€¢ā€Æ Know about original servers And, original servers must: ā€¢ā€Æ Know about new servers Result: The management complexity added to the Operations staff is ā€œexponentialā€
  • 10. Exponential Complexity Number of Servers ManagementComplexity General Data Center Clusters
  • 11. The Pain Curve Number of Servers ManagementComplexity General Data Center Clusters PAIN
  • 12. The Pain Threshold The pain threshold differs for every organization Function of: ā€¢ā€Æ cluster(s) size ā€¢ā€Æ number of people in Operations ā€¢ā€Æ Operations staff cluster expertise
  • 13. Mooreā€™s Law 50 1 2 3 4 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Time (Years) Density 18 month doubling
  • 14. Mooreā€™s Law and Infrastructure Value
  • 15. What it Means for You 50 1 2 3 4 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Time (Years) Value(%) 3 months 90% value 18 months 50% value
  • 16. Time is Money The clock starts ticking when hosts land on your loading dock Without your applications online, you have an paper weight that consumes power, cooling, and managementā€™s attention
  • 17. How We Solve the Problem
  • 18. History ā€¢ā€ÆSan Diego Supercomputer Center ā€¢ā€Æ 1986 - National Science Foundation ā€¢ā€Æ Along with NCSA only two non-classified centers ā€¢ā€Æ Mission: serve computational scientists ā€¢ā€ÆRocks ā€¢ā€Æ 2000 - First cluster group inside SDSC ā€¢ā€Æ Version 1.0 released that November as open source ā€¢ā€Æ 10k+ clusters world-wide ā€¢ā€ÆStackIQ ā€¢ā€Æ 2006 - Commercial support for Rocks ā€¢ā€Æ 2011 - Venture Backed ā€¢ā€Æ Focus on next generation clustered systems (Data, Cloud) ā€¢ā€ÆStacki - 2015 ā€¢ā€Æ June ā€“ released as open source ā€¢ā€Æ July ā€“ first hyper-scale user
  • 19. Philosophy ā€ÆMake it ā€“ Automatic ā—¦ā€Æ Think about it, test it. Deploy it. ā—¦ā€Æ People donā€™t scale, software does. Free your people ā€“ allow ops guys to be ops/analysis guys, move them from single machine view to global machine view. ā€ÆMake it ā€“ Repeatable ā—¦ā€Æ State of the environment is guaranteed. Does not require homogeneity of hardware or functionality. Make compute environments homogenous on heterogeneous hardware and software. ā—¦ā€Æ Really, nothing is homogenous. Environment maybe, behavior of that environment on different machines while predictable will not be the same across all hardware. Stacki gets you ļ¬‚exibility and predictability. ā€ÆMake it ā€“ Reliable ā—¦ā€Æ You always get what you want when you want it. You can make reasonable estimates of need because youā€™ve made the environment predictable and repeatable. Just like science! ā€ÆMake it ā€“ Comprehensive ā—¦ā€Æ Manage application layer(s) down to kernels and device conļ¬guration with one tool. Never hit the network unconļ¬gured. ā—¦ā€Æ Provide turn-key deployment with reasonable default settings and ability to customize / re-wire as desired.
  • 20. Stacki Positioning DevOps / Conļ¬guration Tool DHCP / DNS / TFTP NetworkDiskOS In-house developed deployment tools - Disk Array Controller Conļ¬guration - Disk Partitioning Conļ¬guration
  • 21. Datacenter Architecture Frontend Network Backend Backend Backend Backend em1 em1 em1 em1 em1
  • 22. Download and Boot the ISO Go to www.stacki.com and download the ISO ā—¦ā€Æ Itā€™s 1.8 GB ā—¦ā€Æ ā€œstackiā€ pallet plus stripped down CentOS 6.6 Boot the ISO on the host that will be your frontend
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. Frontend Services Services to build backend nodes ā—¦ā€Æ DHCP ā—¦ā€Æ TFTP ā—¦ā€Æ Named (optional) Services to access backend nodes ā—¦ā€Æ SSH key management ā—¦ā€Æ Parallel execution shell
  • 31. Frontend Network Backend Backend Backend Backend em1 em1 em1 em1 em1 Backend Installation Save your Host Conļ¬guration spreadsheet as a CSV Import CSV on frontend ā—¦ā€Æ ā€œstack load hostļ¬le ļ¬le=hosts.csvā€ Tell backend nodes to install on their next PXE boot ā—¦ā€Æ ā€œstack set host boot backend action=installā€ PXE boot all backend nodes Done!
  • 34. Advanced Networking Via Host Conļ¬guration spreadsheet, you can conļ¬gure: ā—¦ā€Æ Bonded interfaces ā—¦ā€Æ VLANs ā—¦ā€Æ Bridging ā—¦ā€Æ Any combo of the above Manage hosts in multiple subnets ā—¦ā€Æ Build a single cluster from hosts in multiple subnets ā—¦ā€Æ Manage hosts in multiple datacenters
  • 38. Multiple Distributions A frontend houses a default distribution ā—¦ā€Æ Based on stripped down CentOS 6.6 or 7.1 ā—¦ā€Æ Used to build backend nodes Can add any number of new distributions to a frontend ā—¦ā€Æ E.g., RHEL 6.x based distro, CentOS 6.5, etc. Assign any backend node to any distro
  • 40. Hadoop @ PayPal 12 x 2TB SATA data drives 48 nodes each rack 1GBE-10GBE NICs 24 x 900GB 6G SAS 10K data drives 24 nodes each rack 10GBE NIC 8 x 4TB NR-SAS data drives 10 GBE NIC Bay Area Salt Lake City Las Vegas DATACENTERS ā€¢ā€Æ 3,000 nodes and growing ā€¢ā€Æ 60+ initial server racks ā€¢ā€Æ Heterogeneous HW across multiple DCs Data Science Infrastructure Footprint 48 nodes each rack
  • 41. Automation Challenge Spinout creates some datacenter automation challenges ā€¦ ā€¢ā€Æ Smaller team but even more to do ā€¢ā€Æ Rethink automation ā€¢ā€Æ Distributed systems have tons of local drives which requireā€Ø time consuming disk formatting and partitioning, and hardware RAID conļ¬g on masternodes ā€¢ā€Æ New provisioning solution needs to easily, ļ¬‚exibly integrateā€Ø w/ other commercial, open source, and homegrownā€Ø management tools ā€¢ā€Æ Can 100s or 1000s of nodes be (re)provisioned as quickly asā€Ø one or a few? (e.g., drive failures mean replacing entire hostā€Ø from O/S to disk to network to ļ¬rmware to ā€¦ etc)
  • 42. Stacki @ PayPal Ambari HDP Health Detection Integration IPMI/iLOOS Disk Network DHCP / DNS / TFTP Ansible - Disk Array Controller Conļ¬guration - Disk Partitioning Conļ¬guration ā€œStacki + Ansible = Happiness. :Dā€ ā€“ Stacki mailing list 8/11/15
  • 43. Quick, Early Success 14 Minutes*To Fully Provision 6 Racks of Bare Metal (288 Servers) Includes wiping all disks then fully partitioning & formatting ~3500 drives And Nowā€¦ Upgrades all ļ¬rmware automatically Executes Ansible scripts on all hosts Hadoop packages installed * Versus hours with other hyperscale management tools, or days to weeks with traditional tools and processes
  • 45. stacki.com Download - www.stacki.com Source & Docs - github.com/StackIQ/stacki/wiki Discuss - groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/stacki
  • 46. PayPalā€™s Options Bring what we used at former parent company eBay with us. Build our own soups-to-nuts bespoke bare metal provisioning tool. Find the perfect open source tool that we can use and grow with. Not Possible Not Optimal Not Likely
  • 47. Quick, Early Success 2 Weeks Instead of 2 Years To Build a Scale-out Management Solution 1.ā€Æ Installed Stacki Frontend (base management server) Ran test installations of backend servers 1.ā€Æ Single Server test 2.ā€Æ Full Rack test (48 nodes) 2.ā€Æ Updated distribution (CentOS 6.6) to install additional packages 3.ā€Æ Integrated IPMI information into Stacki 1.ā€Æ Can now ssh into all IPMI consoles from the Stacki frontend host using <hostname>.ipmi 4.ā€Æ Re-ran with PayPal kickstart changes/additions and was able to image 6 racks in 14 minutes, including: 1.ā€Æ Nuking disks/partitions and running a full format of all data drives 5.ā€Æ Updated the Stacki post-boot piece to do the following: 1.ā€Æ Upgrade firmware if host needs it 2.ā€Æ Runs PayPal Ansible playbook, which: 1.ā€Æ Installs additional packages 2.ā€Æ Creates user accounts 3.ā€Æ Disables unused services 4.ā€Æ Sets up resolver/ntp/syslog-ng/sudoers/limits. d/sysctl/etc. 5.ā€Æ Installs/configures Ambari agents 6.ā€Æ Checks data drive mounts, fstab 7.ā€Æ Prepares the rack to be added to a Hadoop cluster PayPal development with Stacki includes:
  • 48. DevOps Agnostic DevOps / Conļ¬guration Tool DHCP / DNS / TFTP NetworkDiskOS In-house developed deployment tools - Disk Array Controller Conļ¬guration - Disk Partitioning Conļ¬guration
  • 49. The ā€œStep 0ā€ Problem Check namenodes are empty Format/start HDFS Create all directories Create all metastores Start services (Hbase, Hive, Oozie, Sqoop, Impala, etc) Deploy client conļ¬guration Conļ¬gure database Setup/assign monitors (activity, services, and host) Test database connections Validate/resolve hostnamesConsistent host timezones No bad kernel versions running (CDH) version consistency Java version consistency Daemons versions consistency Mgmt Agents versions consistency Host speciļ¬cation/SSH ports MUCH MORE ā€¦ DHCP Server/Client setup TFTP/PXE conļ¬guration Server OS installation Node OS Install RAID conļ¬guration Boot conļ¬guration System/data disk partitioning Monitoring system setup and conļ¬g Lights Out/IPMI setup User accounts added and synced SSH keys on all hosts Network node conļ¬guration Conļ¬g Mgmt install and conļ¬guration Route conļ¬gurationOS upgrades/updates Site speciļ¬c software and conļ¬guration Host speciļ¬cation/SSH ports Security Firewall setupCluster Mgmt utility Database install and conļ¬g Multiple network conļ¬gPackage installation MUCH MORE ā€¦ App Conļ¬g Site Conļ¬g HW Install System Performance Validation Bare Metal Installers Hadoop Mgmt Tool Upgrades/Patching Disk Conļ¬guration Monitoring Tool Conļ¬guration Tool Network/Site Conļ¬g ToolsSystems Mgmt Tool Others ā€¦ MANUAL SEMI-AUTOMATED TOOLCHAIN (w/o StackIQ) w/StackIQ FULLY AUTOMATED
  • 51. Conļ¬guration Database ā€ÆServer appliance types (e.g. data, namenode, tomcat, ā€¦) ā€ÆNumber of CPUs ā€ÆDisk partitioning ā€ÆHardware RAID config ā€ÆPCI bus information ā€Æā€¦ ā€ÆAnd other System Attributes
  • 52. Attributes ā€ÆGlobal ā—¦ā€Æ stack set attr ā€ÆAppliance ā—¦ā€Æ stack set appliance attr ā€ÆOS ā—¦ā€Æ stack set os attr ā€ÆHost ā—¦ā€Æ stack set host attr
  • 55. Starting from the Empty Set ā€Æ { }
  • 56. { os } Ā© 2009 UC Regents
  • 57. { os, core } Ā© 2009 UC Regents
  • 58. { os, core, kernel } Ā© 2009 UC Regents
  • 59. { os, core, kernel, mapr } Ā© 2009 UC Regents
  • 60. Manage the Deltas {os, core, kernel, mapr} {os, core, kernel, horton} Ā© 2009 UC Regents