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H T	Technologies		of	2016
Eric	Kavanagh	
Dez	Blanchfield	
Data	Scientist,		
The	Bloor	Group	
Robin	Bloor	
Chief	Analyst,		
The	Bloor	Group	
Bert	Scalzo	
Senior	Product	Manager,	
Robin	Bloor
Robin Bloor, PhD
The Service Level Dynamic
Users NEVER ask for lower service levels
Service Level Definitions
u  Service levels usually defined in
terms of application performance,
availability and metrication
u  They move, often (unfortunately)
because they are compared to
Internet services
u  Availability for databases includes
BU & Recovery, and DR
u  Business processes have service
levels and they depend upon IT
service levels being met
Acceleration & Time Barriers
u  We are gradually moving to
event/real-time processing and
thus all applications are
gradually accelerating
u  The time barriers are:
•  0.1 seconds
•  4 sec to hours
•  Day/Week/Month
u  Technology change is a factor in
Layers of Complexity
Standby Reboot
The Complexity Curve
u  Complexity derives from
nodes and connections
(dependencies) – which are
(likely to be) growing
u  For availability levels there
are time targets – which are
(likely to be) reducing
u  The natural evolution is
therefore towards non-stop
u  Non-stop is expensive
The Net Net
The management of service levels is
an on-going activity
Dez	Blanchfield
High	Availability	Database	Challenges
What	do	we	mean	when	we	
talk	about	database	systems	&	
database	pla;orm	availability
What	does	it	mean	to	think	about	High	Availability,	is	there	a	
silver	bullet	or	is	it	a	lot	more	complex	that	that..	
§  Is	it	up>me	(	i.e.	five	9’s	)	
§  What	about	service	level	agreements	
§  Load	balancing	&	Fault	tolerance	
§  Ac>ve	/	Standby	or	Ac>ve	/	Ac>ve	
§  Mul>ple	servers	&	storage	
§  Redundant	replicated	networks	&	datacenters	
§  Are	we	talking	about	N+1	
§  No	single	point	of	failure	
What	do	we	mean	by	High	Availability	
When	we	talk	about	database	availability	we	usually	end	up	
talking	about	percentages	in	nines..	
§  One	Nine	=	(90%)	=	36.5	days	down>me	p/yr	
§  Two	nines	(99%)	=	3.65	days	down>me	p/yr	
§  Three	nines	(99.9%)	=	8.76	hours	down>me	p/yr	
§  Four	nines	(99.99%)	=	52.56	mins	down>me	p/yr	
§  Five	nines	(99.999%)	=	5	.26mins	down>me	p/yr	
§  Six	nines	(99.9999%)	=	31.5	seconds	down>me	p/yr	
What	difference	can	a	single	nine	make	
There	is	no	single	silver	bullet	
when	it	comes	to	availability,	
and	one	size	does	not	fit	all
§  A	measure	of	the	>me	that	a	server	or	process	func>ons	normally	for	general	
usage,	as	well	as	a	measure	of	the	amount	of	>me	that	the	recovery	process	
requires	aber	a	component	failure.		
High	Availability	
§  System	design	and	implementa>on	that	achieves	system	and	data	availability	
almost	all	of	the	>me,	24	hours	a	day,	7	days	a	week,	and	365	days	a	year.	High	
availability	does	not	equate	to	100%	availability.	To	achieve	100%	availability	is	
not	a	cost-effec>ve	reality	for	the	large	majority	of	implementa>ons	today;	
rather,	it	is	a	goal.		
Availability	In	A	Plain	English	Defini>on
Cost	&	Complexity	VS	Type	of	service	being	delivered..	
Availability	VS	Types	of	Service
The	tradeoff	balance	between	High	&	ConDnuous	availability..	
Investment	VS	Return	in	Availability
Mean	Time	Between	Failure	
Mean	Time	To	Recover
When	it	comes	to	database	and	supporDng	infrastructure	High	
Availability,	everyone	has	their	own	needs	and	wants..	
§  What	can	your	organisa>on	afford	
§  What	can	your	business	support	
§  What	skills	&	technology	do	you	have	in-house	
§  Can	you	outsource	some	of	the	challenge	
§  What	type	of	market	or	customer	are	you	servicing	
§  Mee>ng	product	/	service	/	industry		norms	
§  On-prem	/	externally	hosted	/	in	the	cloud	
My	Availability	is	not	Your	Availability	
Matching	desired	or	required	
availability	with	performance	&	
business	needs	is	no	mean	feat,	it	
takes	>me	effort	&	money
Bert	Scalzo
© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
Proprietary and confidential.
© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bert Scalzo
Senior Product Manager
2© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 2© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  Goal: Database Agnostic
§  Overall Business & Technology Perspective
§  Business Requirements
§  Most Basic Pseudo High Availability Solution
§  Storage Level Solutions
§  Virtualization Level Solutions
§  Database Level Solutions
§  Selection Criteria
3© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 3© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  All major RDBMS vendors offer something
§  There are some 3rd party software vendors
§  No one solution is best – it all depends…
§  One universal fact – more moving parts, thus
more complex and possibly costly
§  Note – all examples generic, not DB specific
4© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 4© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  Data is the most important asset
§  Fast access to data is always nice
§  Reliable access to data is critical (need for high availability or HA)
§  Data downtime can cost a fortune – lost revenue & lost customers
§  Since hardware now so cheap, more & more demand for high availability
§  Offerings from storage vendors, database vendors and virtualization vendors
§  With emergence of the cloud, high availability can be as simple as a checkbox
5© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 5© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  What is the scope of failure protection?
•  Within a single site
•  Across multiple sites
§  What is the level of failure protection?
•  Power failure
•  Component failure
•  Hard Disk
•  Storage failure
•  Computer failure
•  Site failure
§  What is the expectation for time to resume operations?
§  What is the expectation for data loss upon resumption?
6© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 6© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  Not a complete HA solution
§  Common minimalist architecture due
to budget or resource constraints
§  No special skills or admin costs
§  Only protects single site against:
•  Power Failure
•  UPS
•  Component Failure
•  Bonded NICs
•  Multipath HBAs
•  Dual controllers
•  RAID-10 disks
7© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 7© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  Not a complete HA solution
§  Primarily the responsibility of
the storage admin
§  There may be multiple
options – see common
examples to the right à
§  RAID-1 across SANs may not
be universally available
§  Storage virtualization can
come from multiple sources
§  Storage replication means
recovery at the block or disk
level, and not at the
database or transaction
B o n d in g
R A ID -0 R A ID -0
R A ID -1
Storage virtualization Storage replication
8© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 8© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  Not a complete HA solution
§  Primarily the responsibility of the
virtualization admin
§  There may be multiple options (key one
to the left)
§  Some vendors offer a live relocation of
some database while others do not
9© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 9© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  Finally a complete HA solution
§  Primarily the responsibility of the storage &
virtualization admins
§  Some vendors offer a live relocation of
some database while others do not
§  Multiple vendors for a single issue
§  More moving parts that are not necessarily
in sync as a whole
§  But virtualization at all levels is very, very
popular as a general solution…
10© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 10© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  Not a complete HA solution
§  Primarily the responsibility of DBAs
§  Not all database vendors offer this option
§  Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC)
§  Costs additional money to both buy and
administer (need higher skill set)
§  Can address two issues:
•  Scalability
•  High Availability
B o n d in g
Mu lti-P a th
R A ID -1 0
B o n d in g
11© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 11© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  Not a complete HA solution
§  Primarily the responsibility of DBAs
§  Varies by name and features across
different database vendors
§  But essentially this is it…
12© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 12© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  Finally a complete HA solution
§  Primarily the responsibility of DBAs
§  Varies by name and features across
different database vendors
§  But essentially this is it…
13© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 13© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  Finally a complete HA solution
§  Primarily the responsibility of DBAs
§  Varies by name and features across
different database vendors
§  But essentially this is it…
14© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 14© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  Finally a complete HA solution
§  Primarily the responsibility of DBAs
and storage admins
§  Multiple vendors for a single issue
§  Especially good for major company
with different geographic locations
§  Note – this example is quite easy
to set up in the cloud since it’s just
a few checkboxes and selections
to make this picture work
15© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 15© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  There are more combinations than shown here
§  New technologies and options emerging regularly
§  High Availability far more common than just 10 years ago
16© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 16© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
§  No golden rule
§  It all depends
§  Ask business expectations
§  See these examples
§  Pick what fits best
§  Take your time to set up
§  Monitor to know what’s
17© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. 17© 2016 IDERA, Inc. All rights reserved.
Any questions?
You can find me at:
The	Archive	Trifecta:	
•  Inside	Analysis		www.insideanalysis.com	
•  SlideShare		www.slideshare.net/InsideAnalysis	
•  YouTube		www.youtube.com/user/BloorGroup	

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