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The Briefing Room
A Tight Ship: How Containers and SDS Optimize the Enterprise
Eric Kavanagh
u  Reveal the essential characteristics of enterprise
software, good and bad
u  Provide a forum for detailed analysis of today s innovative
u  Give vendors a chance to explain their product to savvy
u  Allow audience members to pose serious questions... and
get answers!
Virtual Reality
u The dream of SOA
u The vision of
u The new reality of
enterprise IT
Dez Blanchfield
Data Scientist, The Bloor Group
Red Hat
u  Red Hat is a known leader in open source software
u  Aside from its wide-ranging suite of solutions, Red Hat
offers a container stack and container-native storage
u  Containers provide a scalable, agile DevOps
environment for application management
Sayan Saha, Head of Product, Red Hat Gluster Storage
Sayandeb (Sayan) Saha is responsible for product strategy and leads a team of
product managers for Red Hat Gluster Storage and is the technical Product
Manager for CephFS. Prior to that he was a Principal Product Manager at the
Platform Business Unit in Red Hat where he managed several aspects of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Before Red Hat, he was at Motorola where he founded
the OpenSAF open source project (www.opensaf.org) for which he was the
technical evangelist. He has 15+ years of experience in architecting,
standardizing, designing and developing distributed, highly available, fault
tolerant and scalable large scale complex carrier grade platforms and
infrastructure software for mission critical applications.
Steve Watt, Chief Architect, Red Hat
Steve is the Chief Architect for Big Data at Red Hat and is an executive in
Red Hat's Emerging Technologies group. Prior to Red Hat, Steve was the
founder of the HP Hadoop Business and Hadoop Chief Technologist at HP.
Prior to HP, Steve was a Software Architect and Master Inventor at IBM
Emerging Technologies and was a software engineer for a number of startups
in the USA and his native South Africa.
Container Native Storage
Steve Watt, Chief Architect, Container Storage
Sayan Saha, Product Manager, Red Hat Gluster Storage
How Did We Get Here?
Deployment &
Bare Metal
Virtual Servers
Data Center
Scale Up
Scale Out
DevOps MicroServices Containers Hybrid Cloud
Storage as
a Service
Shifting Paradigms
•  Software Defined
•  Default to open
•  On-demand model, SaaS
•  Aggregation of services
• DevOps
• Containers
Container Adoption – The Story So Far
•  Docker debuts
•  Simplifies container usage for dev
•  Grows ecosystem
•  Linux OS support expands (RHEL 7,
Atomic Host, CoreOS)
•  Open source projects multiply
(Kubernetes, Origin, Deis, Mesos…)
•  Docker and Kubernetes usage in
production grows among startups &
web scale companies (EBay, etc.)
•  Container interest among enterprise
and on-premise customers expands
Application containers are leading the transformation of Enterprise IT Operations
with better quality software, shorter test cycles and easier application management
Red Hat’s Container Vision
Transform how applications are built, deployed and
managed with containers to enable greater
innovation and business agility
Make container platforms ubiquitous and easily
accessible for developers and IT operations alike
with an open source, community-driven approach
Red Hat Container Stack and Tools
There are advantages to
packaging applications in
a standardized format
such as Docker
More efficiency comes from
having a standardized
transportation system for
containers: Atomic Host
Automation of packing
and loading of containers
provides even more
efficiency: OpenShift
Reliably persist and store the
content (data) within your
container: Red Hat Gluster
Containers – A shipping analogy
Format Host Platform Content
The new face of storage in AppDev centric IT
●  Greater abstraction between storage and applications
allows more flexibility in deployment
●  Developers want persistent storage but do not want
the overhead of lengthy storage provisioning cycles
●  Traditional storage appliances cannot offer the speed
and agility required in app-centric IT
Software-defined storage is tailor made to
help developers make the most of containers
Containers need persistent storage
“For which workloads or application use cases have you used/do you anticipate to use containers?”
Data Apps
Cloud Apps
Systems of
Systems of
Record Web and Commerce
Mobile Apps
Social Apps
62% 62%
57% 52%
Scalable, Cost Effective, Distributed Storage for Containers
Base: 194 IT operations and development decision-makers at enterprise in APAC, EMEA,
and North America Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Red Hat, January 2015
Driving the future of storage
Nov 2015 Mar 2016 Summer 2016
RHGS Container
●  Dedicated	storage	cluster	for	
containerized	and	PaaS	
●  Containerized	Red	Hat	Gluster	
Storage	pooling	and	serving	storage	
from	local	hosts	
●  Containerized	Red	Hat	Gluster	
Storage	inside	OpenShi>	Enterprise	
●  Enterprise	class	storage	for	
container	pla@orms
Container-Native Storage
RHGS Container RHGS Container
NGINX Container NGINX Container
WordPress Container
RHGS Container
●  RHGS runs inside OpenShift in a container
(kubernetes pods)
●  App & RHGS containers can run side-by-
●  Unified orchestration and upgrade of
containers via kubernetes
Why Container-Native Storage?
•  Unified cluster - Hosts can either run compute, or storage
containers or both in a converged environment
•  Unified scheduler - Use kubernetes to deploy compute and
storage containers in “compute-intensive” and “storage-intensive”
•  Unified management pane - Storage containers are managed
and monitored using a single pane of management
•  Consistent upgrade - Upgrading the storage platform is as easy
as upgrading the storage containers
•  Single point of support – No finger pointing between storage,
container host, and orchestration vendors
● The core of container-native storage
Data Services
•  Snapshots, clones
•  Quota
•  Mirroring/Sync Replication
•  Async Geo Replication
•  Tiering
•  Erasure Coding
•  Bit-Rot Detection
•  Compression (via partner)
•  Deduplication (via partner)
Security & Data Integrity
•  SSL based in-flight encryption
•  At-rest encryption using dm-crypt
•  SELinux enforcing
•  Self-healing
Open Source, Distributed, Scalable,
Software-Defined Storage with
Enterprise Grade Capabilities
•  Customers running mission
critical workloads in production
•  Thriving community
Dez Blanchfield
Contained	Storage
Data	Storage	Needs	Have	Changed	
In	less	than	a	life,me,	data	storage	has	gone	from	
the	punched	card,	to	blocks	&	objects	in	containers..	
•  Decades	to	Years	
•  Years	to	Months	
•  Months	to	Days	
•  Days	to	Hours	
•  Hours	to	Seconds	
•  Now	everything	is	Real-;me	
•  And	Everything	is	“always-on”	!!
The	Cost	Of	DISK	Fell	To	Near	Zero
The	Cost	Of	RAM	Fell	To	Near	Zero
Customers	And	Digital	DisrupAon	
•  Cyber	Security,	Fraud	DetecAon	&	AnA	Spam	
•  AnA	Money	Laundering	(AML)	&	Know	Your	Client	(KYC)	
•  Social	Networks,	MarkeAng	&	AdverAsing	Tech	
•  Corporate	Governance	&	Regulatory	Compliance	
•  Permanently	connected	Mobile	&	Payment	plaOorms	
•  Real-Ame	everything	&	recommendaAon	engines	
•  The	FitBit	generaAon	of	always-on	&	always	tracking	
•  Celebrity	Customer	Experience	&	with	a	side	order	of	Social	
•  The	scale,	complexity	&	volume	of	data	to	store	is	eye	watering
Old	Tech	Wasn’t	Container	Ready	
In	the	beginning:	
•  Mainframe	LPARS,	VMS,	Solaris	Containers	
•  BSD	Jails,	User	Mode	Linux	&	OpenVZ	
•  Java	VM,	Tomcat	app	containers	
•  We	were	trying	to	shrink	HW	to	VM’s	
•  Virtualisa;on	on	32	bit	CPU’s	was	hard	
•  Kernel	dev	focused	on	going	big	with	SMP	
•  Semiconductor	development	driven	by	
mobile	devices	hadn’t	yet	truly	arrived
New	Tech	is	100%	Container	Ready	
What	changed:	
•  Virtualisa;on	moved	from	SW	to	HW	
•  64	bit	CPU’s	with	Virtualisa;on	built	in	
•  Reign	of	PC	Servers	&	Intel	VT-x	vs	AMD-v	
•  We	realised	to	go	big	we	had	to	go	small	
•  PaaS	offerings	like	Heroku	&	Engine	Yard	
•  Randy	Bias	&	Bill	Baker’s	Cale	VS	Pets	
•  From	physical	servers,	to	VM’s	&	Apps	
•  Now	we’re	tackling	Storage
Containers	are	back	&	here	to	stay	
Everything	has	changed:	
•  Con;nuous	Development	&	Improvement	
•  DevOps	and	everything	“as	a	Service”	
•  Containers	&	MicroServices	
•  So^ware	ate	the	world	
•  API’s	are	king	and	we’re	OK	with	it	
•  Cloud	Compu;ng	&	Cloud	Burs;ng	
•  Scale	horizontal	rather	than	ver;cal	
•  Hardware	is	now	merely	a	commodity
Cloud	CompuAng	“cloud	naAves”
Big	Data	&	AnalyAcs	“all	about	me”
The	IoT	Never	Stops	“Streaming”
for your
Some images provided courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

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A Tight Ship: How Containers and SDS Optimize the Enterprise

  • 1. Grab some coffee and enjoy the pre-show banter before the top of the hour! !
  • 2. The Briefing Room A Tight Ship: How Containers and SDS Optimize the Enterprise
  • 4. u  Reveal the essential characteristics of enterprise software, good and bad u  Provide a forum for detailed analysis of today s innovative technologies u  Give vendors a chance to explain their product to savvy analysts u  Allow audience members to pose serious questions... and get answers! Mission
  • 5. Virtual Reality u The dream of SOA u The vision of virtualization u The new reality of enterprise IT
  • 6. Analyst Dez Blanchfield Data Scientist, The Bloor Group Dez.Blanchfield@bloorgroup.com @dez_blanchfield
  • 7. Red Hat u  Red Hat is a known leader in open source software products u  Aside from its wide-ranging suite of solutions, Red Hat offers a container stack and container-native storage u  Containers provide a scalable, agile DevOps environment for application management
  • 8. Guests Sayan Saha, Head of Product, Red Hat Gluster Storage Sayandeb (Sayan) Saha is responsible for product strategy and leads a team of product managers for Red Hat Gluster Storage and is the technical Product Manager for CephFS. Prior to that he was a Principal Product Manager at the Platform Business Unit in Red Hat where he managed several aspects of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Before Red Hat, he was at Motorola where he founded the OpenSAF open source project (www.opensaf.org) for which he was the technical evangelist. He has 15+ years of experience in architecting, standardizing, designing and developing distributed, highly available, fault tolerant and scalable large scale complex carrier grade platforms and infrastructure software for mission critical applications. Steve Watt, Chief Architect, Red Hat Steve is the Chief Architect for Big Data at Red Hat and is an executive in Red Hat's Emerging Technologies group. Prior to Red Hat, Steve was the founder of the HP Hadoop Business and Hadoop Chief Technologist at HP. Prior to HP, Steve was a Software Architect and Master Inventor at IBM Emerging Technologies and was a software engineer for a number of startups in the USA and his native South Africa.
  • 9. Container Native Storage Steve Watt, Chief Architect, Container Storage Sayan Saha, Product Manager, Red Hat Gluster Storage
  • 10. How Did We Get Here? Development Model Application Architecture Deployment & Packaging Application Infrastructure Storage Waterfall Agile Monolithic N-tier Bare Metal Virtual Servers Data Center Hosted Scale Up Scale Out DevOps MicroServices Containers Hybrid Cloud Storage as a Service
  • 11. TRENDS TOOLSBEHAVIOR Shifting Paradigms •  Software Defined •  Default to open •  On-demand model, SaaS •  Aggregation of services • DevOps • Containers
  • 12. Container Adoption – The Story So Far ADOPT •  Docker debuts •  Simplifies container usage for dev •  Grows ecosystem EXPAND •  Linux OS support expands (RHEL 7, Atomic Host, CoreOS) •  Open source projects multiply (Kubernetes, Origin, Deis, Mesos…) 2013 COMMIT •  Docker and Kubernetes usage in production grows among startups & web scale companies (EBay, etc.) 2014 TRANSFORM •  Container interest among enterprise and on-premise customers expands 2015 2016+ Application containers are leading the transformation of Enterprise IT Operations with better quality software, shorter test cycles and easier application management
  • 13. Red Hat’s Container Vision Vision Transform how applications are built, deployed and managed with containers to enable greater innovation and business agility Strategy Make container platforms ubiquitous and easily accessible for developers and IT operations alike with an open source, community-driven approach
  • 14. Red Hat Container Stack and Tools
  • 15. There are advantages to packaging applications in a standardized format such as Docker More efficiency comes from having a standardized transportation system for containers: Atomic Host Automation of packing and loading of containers provides even more efficiency: OpenShift Reliably persist and store the content (data) within your container: Red Hat Gluster Storage Containers – A shipping analogy Format Host Platform Content
  • 16. The new face of storage in AppDev centric IT ●  Greater abstraction between storage and applications allows more flexibility in deployment ●  Developers want persistent storage but do not want the overhead of lengthy storage provisioning cycles ●  Traditional storage appliances cannot offer the speed and agility required in app-centric IT Software-defined storage is tailor made to help developers make the most of containers
  • 17. Containers need persistent storage “For which workloads or application use cases have you used/do you anticipate to use containers?” Data Apps Cloud Apps Systems of Engagement Systems of Record Web and Commerce Software Mobile Apps Social Apps 77% 71% 62% 62% 57% 52% 46% Scalable, Cost Effective, Distributed Storage for Containers Base: 194 IT operations and development decision-makers at enterprise in APAC, EMEA, and North America Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Red Hat, January 2015
  • 18. Driving the future of storage Nov 2015 Mar 2016 Summer 2016 CONVERGENCE OF STORAGE AND COMPUTE RHGS Container ●  Dedicated storage cluster for containerized and PaaS environments ●  Containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage pooling and serving storage from local hosts CONTAINER READY STORAGE CONTAINERIZED STORAGE CONTAINER NATIVE STORAGE ●  Containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage inside OpenShi> Enterprise ●  Enterprise class storage for container pla@orms
  • 19. OPENSHIFT NODE 2 Container-Native Storage OPENSHIFT NODE 3 OPENSHIFT NODE 1 RHGS Container RHGS Container OPENSHIFT NODE 4 MASTER NGINX Container NGINX Container WordPress Container RHGS Container ●  RHGS runs inside OpenShift in a container (kubernetes pods) ●  App & RHGS containers can run side-by- side ●  Unified orchestration and upgrade of containers via kubernetes
  • 20. Why Container-Native Storage? Vs. •  Unified cluster - Hosts can either run compute, or storage containers or both in a converged environment •  Unified scheduler - Use kubernetes to deploy compute and storage containers in “compute-intensive” and “storage-intensive” hosts •  Unified management pane - Storage containers are managed and monitored using a single pane of management •  Consistent upgrade - Upgrading the storage platform is as easy as upgrading the storage containers •  Single point of support – No finger pointing between storage, container host, and orchestration vendors
  • 21. ● The core of container-native storage Data Services •  Snapshots, clones •  Quota •  Mirroring/Sync Replication •  Async Geo Replication •  Tiering •  Erasure Coding •  Bit-Rot Detection •  Compression (via partner) •  Deduplication (via partner) Security & Data Integrity •  SSL based in-flight encryption •  At-rest encryption using dm-crypt •  SELinux enforcing •  Self-healing Open Source, Distributed, Scalable, Software-Defined Storage with Enterprise Grade Capabilities •  Customers running mission critical workloads in production •  Thriving community
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  • 36. Data Storage Needs Have Changed In less than a life,me, data storage has gone from the punched card, to blocks & objects in containers.. •  Decades to Years •  Years to Months •  Months to Days •  Days to Hours •  Hours to Seconds •  Now everything is Real-;me •  And Everything is “always-on” !!
  • 39. Customers And Digital DisrupAon •  Cyber Security, Fraud DetecAon & AnA Spam •  AnA Money Laundering (AML) & Know Your Client (KYC) •  Social Networks, MarkeAng & AdverAsing Tech •  Corporate Governance & Regulatory Compliance •  Permanently connected Mobile & Payment plaOorms •  Real-Ame everything & recommendaAon engines •  The FitBit generaAon of always-on & always tracking •  Celebrity Customer Experience & with a side order of Social •  The scale, complexity & volume of data to store is eye watering
  • 40. Old Tech Wasn’t Container Ready In the beginning: •  Mainframe LPARS, VMS, Solaris Containers •  BSD Jails, User Mode Linux & OpenVZ •  Java VM, Tomcat app containers •  We were trying to shrink HW to VM’s •  Virtualisa;on on 32 bit CPU’s was hard •  Kernel dev focused on going big with SMP •  Semiconductor development driven by mobile devices hadn’t yet truly arrived
  • 41. New Tech is 100% Container Ready What changed: •  Virtualisa;on moved from SW to HW •  64 bit CPU’s with Virtualisa;on built in •  Reign of PC Servers & Intel VT-x vs AMD-v •  We realised to go big we had to go small •  PaaS offerings like Heroku & Engine Yard •  Randy Bias & Bill Baker’s Cale VS Pets •  From physical servers, to VM’s & Apps •  Now we’re tackling Storage
  • 43. Containers are back & here to stay Everything has changed: •  Con;nuous Development & Improvement •  DevOps and everything “as a Service” •  Containers & MicroServices •  So^ware ate the world •  API’s are king and we’re OK with it •  Cloud Compu;ng & Cloud Burs;ng •  Scale horizontal rather than ver;cal •  Hardware is now merely a commodity
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  • 49. THANK YOU for your ATTENTION! Some images provided courtesy of Wikimedia Commons