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Prizm Content Connect – Universal Viewing
                                                            Content -
Provide a universal viewing solution with Prizm
Content Connects document viewer. It is a
lightweight flash control which enables your
application to display and interact with different files.
It is identical to any reader program, but adds high-
speed viewing of documents to your applications
easily. It also acts as a document container for
embedding Microsoft Office documents, including             Installation Guide for
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, and Visio, in a
custom form or webpage. The viewer is lightweight,          Linux
flexible and allows system integrators to implement
an end-to-end solution using Office or other native
format documents in a custom solution.
                                                            Varenya Joshi

Securely Deliver Your Documents

Maintain control over documents and intellectual property by keeping them secure using the built-in
Digital Rights Management. Personalize your viewer, enable or disable various options using the
simple API without jeopardizing the security policies of your application.

Quickly Provision and Manage Documents

Deploy with your products in minutes, optimizing the value of IT resources and getting end users
productive faster. Instantly apply updates at any time and save money and time spent on testing,
provisioning, managing and supporting traditional and native viewing software.
Dreamteam Technologies 1
                                                                           Prizm Content - Connect

           Installing JAVA

Become root by running su and entering the super-user password.

Uninstall any earlier installations of the Java packages.

rpm -e <package_name>

Change to the directory in which you want to install. Type:

cd <directory path name>

For example, to install the software in the /usr/java/ directory, Type:

cd /usr/java

Install the package.

rpm -ivh jre-7u7-linux-i586.rpm

To upgrade a package,

rpm -Uvh jre-7u7-linux-i586.rpm

Delete the .rpm file if you want to save disk space.

Exit the root shell. No need to reboot.

             1   Varenya Joshi
Dreamteam Technologies 1
                                                                                  Prizm Content - Connect

       Enabling and Configuring JAVA

Firefox or Mozilla

To configure the Java Plugin follow these steps:

          1. Exit Firefox browser if it is already running.

          2. Uninstall any previous installations of Java Plugin.
             Only one Java Plugin can be used at a time. When you want to use a different plugin, or
             version of a plugin, remove the symbolic links to any other versions and create a fresh
             symbolic link to the new one.

          3. Create a symbolic link to the libnpjp2.so file in the browser plugins directory

                     Go to the plugins sub-directory under the Firefox installation directory
                     cd <Firefox installation directory>/plugins

                     Create the symbolic link
                     ln -s <Java installation directory>/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so

Note: If you are upgrading your Java version then before creating new symbolic link you should
remove old symbolic link to enable latest downloaded Java.

To remove old symbolic link:
type cd <Firefox installation directory>/plugins
rm libjavaplugin_oji.so

             1   Varenya Joshi
Dreamteam Technologies 1
                                                                                       Prizm Content - Connect

       Installing AJAX Document Viewer

      Installation of AJAX Document Viewer is very straightforward for Linux environment. Just follow
      these steps.

      Note: The hash sign (#) is used to represent the command prompt. Do not include it when
      entering the commands.

Make sure you login as root to the machine.

   1) Install Open Office

              You will need to install latest version of Open Office for your OS.

      # yum install openoffice.*

      Note- The Open Office installation might fail if you have Open Office or any other application
      already listening on port 18580, 18590, 18591, 18592, 18593,18584,18585,18586, 18680.
      By Default Prizm install proxy service on port 18580 and uses 3 ports 18591, 18592,
      18593,18584,18585,18586, 18680 for conversion purposes. You can add more ports as your traffic

      2) Install C Compiler – Red Hat / Fedora (CentOS) Linux Distributions

              Make sure you have C compiler installed on your server. You can install C compiler by running
      following commands:

      # yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

      Check the development tools have been installed correctly:

      # gcc -v

      Output should be like:-

      Using built-in specs.
      Target: x86_64-redhat-linux
      Configured with: ../configure
      Thread model: posix
      gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-51)

             1   Varenya Joshi
Dreamteam Technologies 1
                                                                                  Prizm Content - Connect

# make -v

Output should be like:-
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
This program built for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu.

3) Install dependencies –

        Next install following packages on your server

# yum install zlib-devel
# yum install giflib-devel
# yum install libjpeg-devel
# yum install freetype-devel
# yum install t1lib-devel

Note: For more recent versions of CentOS, t1lib-devel may not be available. In that case, please
ignore the message.

4) Download & Extract Prizm
Next download prizmcc-linux-5.1.tar.gz from the link ============

Create an installation directory for Prizm Content Connect, recommended directory is:


Copy tarball to /var/www/cgi-bin/ and extract it with command:

# tar xvzf prizmcc-linux-5.1.tar.gz

Change current dir to the extracted directory:

# cd /var/www/cgi-bin/prizm/

The folder /var/www/cgi-bin/prizm/ is later denoted as <install>.

Open the file <install>/conf/jrunner-linux-x86-OS.properties, and make sure parameter


specifies the location of your java binary according to your OS platform (where OS is either 32 or
You may also specify just 'java' as well but make sure that at least Sun’s (Oracle) JRE 1.5 is in
searchable path.

Now Open file <install>/conf/proxyserver_jar.properties and make sure that open office install
location is correctly mentioned


       1   Varenya Joshi
Dreamteam Technologies 1
                                                                                  Prizm Content - Connect


To make sure you are pointing to correct path of Open Office installation, one quick check would
be to make sure you see file structure like below on your install path of OpenOffice.org on 64bit


and under the /usr/lib64/openoffice.org3/program folder you will see following files

about.bmp     redirectrc        sdraw.bin             soffice.bin   unopkg
bootstraprc resource            setuprc       sofficerc       unopkg.bin
crash_report sbase               simpress             spadmin       versionrc
fundamentalrc         scalc            simpress.bin           swriter
intro.bmp     scalc.bin         smath                 swriter.bin
libnpsoplugin.so                        sdraw                       soffice

5) Assign permissions

Assign executable, read write permissions to modules & convert2swf.jar

# chmod -R 775 <install>/modules/*
# chmod 775 <install>/*.jar

6) Add Registration Key

Open the <install>/conf/proxyserver_jar.properties using the vi editor
Look for # Registration info and enter your customerid & regkey as shown below:

# Registration info

7) Compile and Build the project

Extract tarball with command:

# tar xvzf c2s_tools.tar.gz

This will untar these files

       1    Varenya Joshi
Dreamteam Technologies 1
                                                                                    Prizm Content - Connect


For your convenience, Compile and Build command are already put in the inst_c2s_tools.sh.
Simple execute ./inst_c2s_tools.sh:

# ./inst_c2s_tools.sh

If the above command gives an error, try to execute the install tool specific for your Linux

Red Hat / Fedora (CentOS) Linux Distributions
# ./inst_c2s_tools-red.sh

Note – Run these only if ./inst_c2s_tools-*.sh gives an error

1) make sure you are root

# su

2) untar swftools

# tar -xvzf swftools-0.9.0.tar.gz

3) go to the swftools directory - Red Hat / Fedora (CentOS) Linux Distributions

# cd swftools-0.9.0

4) configure swftools

# ./configure

5) make swftools

# make clean
# make

6) install swftools

# make install
# cd ..

7) link swftools into modules

# ln -s -f `which pdf2swf`/modules/
# ln -s -f `which jpeg2swf`/modules/
# ln -s -f `which gif2swf`/modules/

       1    Varenya Joshi
Dreamteam Technologies 1
                                                                                       Prizm Content - Connect

# ln -s -f `which png2swf`/modules/
# ln -s -f `which swfcombine`/modules/

8) install ImageMagick

# yum -y install ImageMagick

9) link ImageMagick into modules

# ln -s -f `which convert`/modules/

8) Start the proxyserver

Start the server using the following command

# <install>/scripts/proxyserver.sh start

You can also stop and check status of proxyserver using following commands
# <install>/scripts/proxyserver.sh stop
# <install>/scripts/proxyserver.sh status

To see the log files, check:

# more <install>/logs/proxyserver.log

You can also run proxy-server in a console

# <install>/scripts/proxyserver.sh console
                                   to run the proxy-server in a console mode.

9) Verify that installation was successful

Go to <install>/logs directory, and open “proxyserver.log” file. Scroll down to the very end and
verify that you the see the following:

INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] [2 / 2] All worker instances has been started
INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] Proxy listening on socket,host=localhost,port=18580
INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] jvm restart schedule [1] : 06:00
INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] [http-server] starting...
INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] [http-server] created queue pool: 600
INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] [http-server] binding to: socket,host=localhost,port=18680
INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] [http-server] binded to: socket,host=localhost,port=18680
INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:58 | [ info ]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:58 |

       1   Varenya Joshi
Dreamteam Technologies 1
                                                                                Prizm Content - Connect

INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:58 |
INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:58 | Office Document Converter Proxy Server Started
INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:58 |
INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:58 |

You can also verify the installation by browsing to:
http :// localhost :18680/


where http_host and http_port are the property values from


The url above should show in a browser text similar to this:

Prizm Conversion Server is running.
Server Time: Fri Jun 24 14:58:21 PDT 2011

10) Initialize the proxyserver

Initialize the proxyserver using the following commands:

# cd <install>

If using a 32-bit OS

# ./java/jre6-linux-x86-32/bin/java -jar ./convert2swfclient.jar firstinit

Or, if using a 64-bit OS

# ./java/jre6-linux-x86-64/bin/java -jar ./convert2swfclient.jar firstinit

You should see output similar to this:

12:36:53.588 version: 4.6.3 (build 448)
12:36:53.588 license: licensed [f:1]
12:36:53.588 JVM: 1.6.0_26 (x64), Sun Microsystems Inc.
12:36:53.589 jar: /var/www/cgi-bin/prizm/bin/proxyserver.jar
12:36:54.915 modules: ../modules/
12:36:54.915 info: jar library and modules successfully initialized
12:36:54.916 info: stopping global timer [1323970613586], interval: 1.132 secs
12:36:54.916 task commander execution time: 1.224 seconds

If you see output similar to this, your proxyserver is NOT running:

java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

        1    Varenya Joshi
Dreamteam Technologies 1
                                                                              Prizm Content - Connect

at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source)
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(Unknown Source)
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)

In such case, please see the previous steps how to start the proxy-server.

       1   Varenya Joshi

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Prizm Installation Guide

  • 1. Prizm Introduction: Prizm Content Connect – Universal Viewing Solution Content - Connect Provide a universal viewing solution with Prizm Content Connects document viewer. It is a lightweight flash control which enables your application to display and interact with different files. It is identical to any reader program, but adds high- speed viewing of documents to your applications easily. It also acts as a document container for embedding Microsoft Office documents, including Installation Guide for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, and Visio, in a custom form or webpage. The viewer is lightweight, Linux flexible and allows system integrators to implement an end-to-end solution using Office or other native format documents in a custom solution. Varenya Joshi Securely Deliver Your Documents Maintain control over documents and intellectual property by keeping them secure using the built-in Digital Rights Management. Personalize your viewer, enable or disable various options using the simple API without jeopardizing the security policies of your application. Quickly Provision and Manage Documents Deploy with your products in minutes, optimizing the value of IT resources and getting end users productive faster. Instantly apply updates at any time and save money and time spent on testing, provisioning, managing and supporting traditional and native viewing software.
  • 2. Dreamteam Technologies 1 Prizm Content - Connect Installing JAVA Become root by running su and entering the super-user password. Uninstall any earlier installations of the Java packages. rpm -e <package_name> Change to the directory in which you want to install. Type: cd <directory path name> For example, to install the software in the /usr/java/ directory, Type: cd /usr/java Install the package. rpm -ivh jre-7u7-linux-i586.rpm To upgrade a package, rpm -Uvh jre-7u7-linux-i586.rpm Delete the .rpm file if you want to save disk space. Exit the root shell. No need to reboot. 1 Varenya Joshi
  • 3. Dreamteam Technologies 1 Prizm Content - Connect Enabling and Configuring JAVA Firefox or Mozilla To configure the Java Plugin follow these steps: 1. Exit Firefox browser if it is already running. 2. Uninstall any previous installations of Java Plugin. Only one Java Plugin can be used at a time. When you want to use a different plugin, or version of a plugin, remove the symbolic links to any other versions and create a fresh symbolic link to the new one. 3. Create a symbolic link to the libnpjp2.so file in the browser plugins directory Go to the plugins sub-directory under the Firefox installation directory cd <Firefox installation directory>/plugins Create the symbolic link ln -s <Java installation directory>/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so Note: If you are upgrading your Java version then before creating new symbolic link you should remove old symbolic link to enable latest downloaded Java. To remove old symbolic link: type cd <Firefox installation directory>/plugins rm libjavaplugin_oji.so 1 Varenya Joshi
  • 4. Dreamteam Technologies 1 Prizm Content - Connect Installing AJAX Document Viewer Installation of AJAX Document Viewer is very straightforward for Linux environment. Just follow these steps. Note: The hash sign (#) is used to represent the command prompt. Do not include it when entering the commands. Make sure you login as root to the machine. 1) Install Open Office You will need to install latest version of Open Office for your OS. # yum install openoffice.* Note- The Open Office installation might fail if you have Open Office or any other application already listening on port 18580, 18590, 18591, 18592, 18593,18584,18585,18586, 18680. By Default Prizm install proxy service on port 18580 and uses 3 ports 18591, 18592, 18593,18584,18585,18586, 18680 for conversion purposes. You can add more ports as your traffic increases. 2) Install C Compiler – Red Hat / Fedora (CentOS) Linux Distributions Make sure you have C compiler installed on your server. You can install C compiler by running following commands: # yum groupinstall "Development Tools" Check the development tools have been installed correctly: # gcc -v Output should be like:- Using built-in specs. Target: x86_64-redhat-linux Configured with: ../configure ... Thread model: posix gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-51) 1 Varenya Joshi
  • 5. Dreamteam Technologies 1 Prizm Content - Connect # make -v Output should be like:- GNU Make 3.81 Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This program built for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu. 3) Install dependencies – Next install following packages on your server # yum install zlib-devel # yum install giflib-devel # yum install libjpeg-devel # yum install freetype-devel # yum install t1lib-devel Note: For more recent versions of CentOS, t1lib-devel may not be available. In that case, please ignore the message. 4) Download & Extract Prizm Next download prizmcc-linux-5.1.tar.gz from the link ============ Create an installation directory for Prizm Content Connect, recommended directory is: /var/www/cgi-bin/ Copy tarball to /var/www/cgi-bin/ and extract it with command: # tar xvzf prizmcc-linux-5.1.tar.gz Change current dir to the extracted directory: # cd /var/www/cgi-bin/prizm/ The folder /var/www/cgi-bin/prizm/ is later denoted as <install>. Open the file <install>/conf/jrunner-linux-x86-OS.properties, and make sure parameter “jrunner.java.command=../java/jre-linux-x86-OS/bin/java” specifies the location of your java binary according to your OS platform (where OS is either 32 or 64). You may also specify just 'java' as well but make sure that at least Sun’s (Oracle) JRE 1.5 is in searchable path. Now Open file <install>/conf/proxyserver_jar.properties and make sure that open office install location is correctly mentioned odc_installation=/opt/openoffice.org3 1 Varenya Joshi
  • 6. Dreamteam Technologies 1 Prizm Content - Connect #odc_installation=/usr/bin/openoffice.org #odc_installation=/usr/lib/openoffice.org3 #odc_installation=/usr/lib64/openoffice.org3 To make sure you are pointing to correct path of Open Office installation, one quick check would be to make sure you see file structure like below on your install path of OpenOffice.org on 64bit platform: /usr/lib/openoffice.org3/LICENSE.html /usr/lib/openoffice.org3/README /usr/lib/openoffice.org3/share /usr/lib/openoffice.org3/LICENSE /usr/lib/openoffice.org3/program /usr/lib/openoffice.org3/README.html /usr/lib/openoffice.org3/THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.html and under the /usr/lib64/openoffice.org3/program folder you will see following files about.bmp redirectrc sdraw.bin soffice.bin unopkg bootstraprc resource setuprc sofficerc unopkg.bin crash_report sbase simpress spadmin versionrc fundamentalrc scalc simpress.bin swriter intro.bmp scalc.bin smath swriter.bin libnpsoplugin.so sdraw soffice unoinfo 5) Assign permissions Assign executable, read write permissions to modules & convert2swf.jar # chmod -R 775 <install>/modules/* # chmod 775 <install>/*.jar 6) Add Registration Key Open the <install>/conf/proxyserver_jar.properties using the vi editor Look for # Registration info and enter your customerid & regkey as shown below: # Registration info customerid=xxxxxx regkey=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx 7) Compile and Build the project Extract tarball with command: # tar xvzf c2s_tools.tar.gz This will untar these files 1 Varenya Joshi
  • 7. Dreamteam Technologies 1 Prizm Content - Connect inst_c2s_tools-deb.sh inst_c2s_tools-red.sh inst_c2s_tools.sh swftools-0.9.0.tar.gz swftools-0.9.1.tar.gz For your convenience, Compile and Build command are already put in the inst_c2s_tools.sh. Simple execute ./inst_c2s_tools.sh: # ./inst_c2s_tools.sh If the above command gives an error, try to execute the install tool specific for your Linux distribution: Red Hat / Fedora (CentOS) Linux Distributions # ./inst_c2s_tools-red.sh Note – Run these only if ./inst_c2s_tools-*.sh gives an error 1) make sure you are root # su 2) untar swftools # tar -xvzf swftools-0.9.0.tar.gz 3) go to the swftools directory - Red Hat / Fedora (CentOS) Linux Distributions # cd swftools-0.9.0 4) configure swftools # ./configure 5) make swftools # make clean # make 6) install swftools # make install # cd .. 7) link swftools into modules # ln -s -f `which pdf2swf`/modules/ # ln -s -f `which jpeg2swf`/modules/ # ln -s -f `which gif2swf`/modules/ 1 Varenya Joshi
  • 8. Dreamteam Technologies 1 Prizm Content - Connect # ln -s -f `which png2swf`/modules/ # ln -s -f `which swfcombine`/modules/ 8) install ImageMagick # yum -y install ImageMagick 9) link ImageMagick into modules # ln -s -f `which convert`/modules/ 8) Start the proxyserver Start the server using the following command # <install>/scripts/proxyserver.sh start You can also stop and check status of proxyserver using following commands # <install>/scripts/proxyserver.sh stop # <install>/scripts/proxyserver.sh status To see the log files, check: # more <install>/logs/proxyserver.log You can also run proxy-server in a console # <install>/scripts/proxyserver.sh console to run the proxy-server in a console mode. 9) Verify that installation was successful Go to <install>/logs directory, and open “proxyserver.log” file. Scroll down to the very end and verify that you the see the following: INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] [2 / 2] All worker instances has been started INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] Proxy listening on socket,host=localhost,port=18580 INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] jvm restart schedule [1] : 06:00 INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] [http-server] starting... INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] [http-server] created queue pool: 600 INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] [http-server] binding to: socket,host=localhost,port=18680 INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:57 | [ info ] [http-server] binded to: socket,host=localhost,port=18680 INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:58 | [ info ] INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:58 | ========================================================= 1 Varenya Joshi
  • 9. Dreamteam Technologies 1 Prizm Content - Connect INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:58 | INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:58 | Office Document Converter Proxy Server Started INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:58 | INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/12/16 22:02:58 | ========================================================= You can also verify the installation by browsing to: http :// localhost :18680/ or http://<http_host>:<http_port>/ where http_host and http_port are the property values from <install>/conf/proxyserver_jar.properties The url above should show in a browser text similar to this: Prizm Conversion Server is running. Server Time: Fri Jun 24 14:58:21 PDT 2011 10) Initialize the proxyserver Initialize the proxyserver using the following commands: # cd <install> If using a 32-bit OS # ./java/jre6-linux-x86-32/bin/java -jar ./convert2swfclient.jar firstinit Or, if using a 64-bit OS # ./java/jre6-linux-x86-64/bin/java -jar ./convert2swfclient.jar firstinit You should see output similar to this: 12:36:53.588 version: 4.6.3 (build 448) 12:36:53.588 license: licensed [f:1] 12:36:53.588 JVM: 1.6.0_26 (x64), Sun Microsystems Inc. 12:36:53.589 jar: /var/www/cgi-bin/prizm/bin/proxyserver.jar 12:36:54.915 modules: ../modules/ 12:36:54.915 info: jar library and modules successfully initialized 12:36:54.916 info: stopping global timer [1323970613586], interval: 1.132 secs 12:36:54.916 task commander execution time: 1.224 seconds If you see output similar to this, your proxyserver is NOT running: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) : Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused 1 Varenya Joshi
  • 10. Dreamteam Technologies 1 Prizm Content - Connect at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source) : at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source) ... In such case, please see the previous steps how to start the proxy-server. 1 Varenya Joshi