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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 240~250
ISSN: 1693-6930, accredited First Grade by Kemenristekdikti, Decree No: 21/E/KPT/2018
DOI: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v18i1.12730  240
Journal homepage: http://journal.uad.ac.id/index.php/TELKOMNIKA
Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point
tracking algorithm for photovoltaic DC to DC boost controller
Z. A. Ghani1
, E. Onn2
, M. Y. Zeain3
, Apriana Toding4
, F. A. Azidin5
H. Othman6
, Z. Zakaria7
, H. Lago8
Center for Telecommunication Research and Innovation (CeTRI),
Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia
Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus Makassar, Indonesia
Center of Engineering and Built Environment Education Research (PeKA),
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Article Info ABSTRACT
Article history:
Received Mar 23, 2019
Revised Nov 5, 2019
Accepted Nov 30, 2019
A method of developing a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm
for photovoltaic (PV) utilizing a peripheral interface controller (PIC) is
presented in this paper. The efficiency and adequacy of a PV depend on
the temperature and the exposed position to the sun. Thus, there is an optimum
point at which the operating power is at maximum. The goal is to operate
the PV module at this point (MPP). It can be accomplished by using the MPPT
algorithm designed with a DC-DC boost converter. The boost converter,
MPPT circuit, PIC18F4550 microcontroller and PV panel are the main
components used in this design. The current and voltage produced by the solar
panel are observed continuously by a closed-loop control system.
The microcontroller-based control system adjusts the duty cycle of
the converter to extract the maximum power. With a DC input voltage of
15 V, the boost converter is capable of generating an output voltage of
an approximately 60 Vdc at a maximum power of 213.42 W with minimum
voltage ripple as compared to 84 W without the MPPT. It proved
the effectiveness of the developed algorithm.
Renewable energy
Solar energy
Step-up converter
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Apriana Toding,
Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus Makassar,
Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90245, Indonesia.
Email: apriana.toding@ukipaulus.ac.id
Lately, the exploratory and open mindfulness on ecological and energy problems has acquired real
attention to the examination of cutting-edge innovations, especially in very useful innovation [1]. Energy is an
essential component for the society and monetary advancement of social orders. The usage scale of energy
means that the financial flourishing of a country.
In Malaysia, the developing industrialization and expanding way of life have extensively expanded
the use of energy. Malaysian energy utilization has risen significantly in recent years due to the joined requests
of industrialization and urbanization [1]. Due to the expansion of energy utilization, there are growing concerns
about energy use and its effects that are not friendly to the earth. Normal and productive use of energy assets
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control 
Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm... (Z. A. Ghani)
bears exceptional significance too. The point of the exploration is to examine the energy request, supply,
utilization, ecological effect and also audit the future energy assets.
Energy is a fundamental requirement for the development, commercial development, modernization
and mechanization [2]. Therefore, energy demand throughout the world is expanding rapidly, and this global
demand must be considered to meet energy concerns for the future. The world promoted power request is
demonstrated in Figure 1. Politically influential nation request ascends from 145 billion MW in 2007 and
expected to be 218 billion MW in 2035, which means 49 per cent increment. That leads to more installation of
power plants [3].
The Intergovernmental Climate Change Panel has reported that the main hazardous issue is global
warming [4]. Since then, many governments, institutions and the responsive public in general, have set
a clear mission to save the earth from all severe issues caused by the conventional power generation
stations [5-9]. Since emanations are depending on the utilization of fossil fuel, so the efforts are focused on
the projects of developing efficient renewable energy generation stations such as solar fields [10].
Figure 1. World power demand [1]
a. Renewable energy potentiality in Malaysia
The conventional energy sources are being depleted aggressively because of the high consumption of
energy for the various applications in our daily life. Therefore, alternative renewable sources are particularly
essential for future energy requests. At the same time, the governments and research institutes are under
pressure to meet the goal of supplying all humanity demands with the alternative sources.
Recently, utilizing a renewable source of energy is getting more popular, especially solar energy,
which is the most potent source of alternative energy in this country and also in some other countries. Catching
sunlight and transforming it into electricity for everyday utilization is a smart plan, and the photovoltaic
systems have been used in Malaysia since the 1980s [10]. PV technology is developing quickly because of
the increased attention and awareness to climate changes, thinner ozone layer and carbon pollution.
The average solar radiation is 400 to 600 MJ/m2 in Malaysia [11]. It was aimed by the Malaysian government
from the tenth plan from 2011-2015 to have fields that contribute by 5.5 per cent of the total power generation
mix [12]. As indicated by the Malaysian government report. There will been around 50-80 per cent in the first
project (residential areas) will been provided by solar PV [13].
b. Challenges of using MPPT algorithm for PV generators
As people are anxious about the fossil fuel contaminations and the fundamental issues brought
by using it for power generation, renewable energy sources, especially photovoltaic (PV) are currently utilized.
The solar board is utilized, which comprises PV cells. These cells retain the energy from sunlight. PV
generators are being used as a part of numerous applications, for example, battery charging, light sources, water
pumping, space stations powering. The solar board has the advantages of requiring less maintenance and being
contamination free. However, they have some drawbacks as they are manufactured with the high cost and low
energy conversion efficiency [14-16]. Therefore, the PV system must deliver the maximum available power to
the load, thus increasing the PV efficiency [17-21].
Since the PV modules still have generally low change effectiveness, the overall system cost can be
lessened by utilizing high productivity power trackers that are intended to extract the most extreme conceivable
power from the PV module. The process of extracting the most powerpoint itself is challenging and always
remains a significant challenge in the literature [22]. Different MPPT algorithms have been proposed to
maximize PV power. Designing PV systems need to consider the power flow such that the power transfer from
the source to the load is of the highest possible and most stable [23]. One must take into account that the power
generated by these panels depends on the weather conditions such as irradiance and temperature [23]. A PV
 ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 240 - 250
system without the integration of an MPPT function exposes the connected load at risk due to the voltage
fluctuation [24]. It also leads to waste in PV power as the PV system is unable to extract maximum power from
the PV module. Hence, the need for the MPPT controller is deemed necessary [24-25].
Continuous estimations of PV board open-circuit voltage are utilized to recognize the most extreme
power outcome of the solar board. The battery charge rate is persistently balanced in a way that the system
working point is powered close to the identified most extreme power outcome of the solar board. Hypothetical
and exploratory investigations are utilized to show the steady quality and feasibility of the proposed method.
As mentioned earlier, using solar energy is an active topic which has been discussed by many
researchers throughout the world. In-state of the art, it is agreed upon that the solar cells operate with low
efficiency. Therefore, the challenge is to find the best possible technique to improve the efficiency of those
cells. A maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is an appreciated development in this field. Many methods
have been utilized for MPP tracking. Several methods are discussed in details and benchmarked in this section.
For example, perturb and observe method [26], incremental conductance method [27], constant voltage
method [28] and short-current pulse method [29]. An alternative method in the extracting of the maximum
possible power from the PV panel is through the integration of the MPPT circuit into the system. The concept
of the circuit simplicity which integrates the programmable interface controller (PIC) microcontroller is
the main sign of this method.
2.1. Perturb and observe method
This method is widely used for MPPT as it requires less number of sensors and has been discussed by
many researchers. The idea behind this method is to modify the converter's duty cycle. It will being indicate a
change in the panel voltage. In this method, the voltage on both sides of the maximum power point will being
developed increasingly and decreasingly with observing the generated power until the optimum value is gained
with repeating this process each tracking step till the MPP is reached.
Once the MPP is reached, the algorithm oscillates about the right value. The step used for increasing
and decreasing the voltage is a fixed step as it should not be small so that the tracking process is not slow,
albeit it helps to reduce oscillation. On the other hand, it also should not be a big step to reduce power losses,
albeit doing that fastens reaching MPP. It has been stated that this method is not suitable if the variation in
solar irradiation is high [26].
2.2. Incremental conductance method
This algorithm uses the fact that the voltage is zero at maximum power point (MPP) in panel power
slope. Unlike the previous method, the operating voltage is either decreased or increased and stop when
the MPP is reached. MPP tracking is restarted according to the change in panel current depending on
the surrounding conditions. Also, in this method, two sensors are required to get voltage and current values.
Same as in the previous algorithm, the size of the step is fixed [27].
2.3. Constant voltage method
This algorithm is not widely used due to some disadvantages. The relation is shown in (1) where
the maximum power point voltage VMPP is directly proportional to the open-circuit voltage VOC. VOC is
obtained experimentally, and VMPP is obtained by multiplying it with the solar cell constant KV, which is
about 0.76.
𝑉 𝑀𝑃𝑃 = 𝐾𝑣 𝑉𝑜𝑐 (1)
This algorithm is robust and simple, but it has disadvantages of losing power when the system disconnects
temporarily to measure the open-circuit voltage and calculate the operating voltage [28].
2.4. Short-current pulse method
This method has the same concept as in the constant voltage method. The MPP is obtained by
using (2). The MPP current IMPP is directly proportional to the short circuit current Isc. The constant KI is
roughly around 0.95. Therefore, the operating current is 95% of the experimentally obtained short-circuit
current. But in this method, determining the value of Isc is more difficult as it needs additional current sensor
and switch. Besides, obtaining its value from time to time increase heat dissipation and power losses [29].
IMPP = KIIsc (2)
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control 
Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm... (Z. A. Ghani)
2.5. Proposed method
The main idea is to use a boost converter for the MPPT with a controller circuit that contains
the PIC18F4550 microcontroller, which adjusts and control the duty cycle of the converter. PIC
microcontrollers are electronic circuits that can be modified to do a limitless scope of tasks. In this study,
the DC-DC boost converter circuit is simulated, as it is a more natural way to utilize the PV panel for power
supply adequately. A DC-DC converter is utilized to step up from 15 V to 60 V. The PV panel supplies
the 15 V input voltage, and the 60 V is the output voltage of the converter. The relationship of the generated
output voltage, duty cycle and the input voltage is explained in (3).
Vout =
The objective of the system is to develop an algorithm that increases the efficiency of the PV panels
in various conditions by using a boost converter. The proposed system's circuit is simulated in Proteus
environment. This system configuration is shown in Figure 2, comprises of an MPPT controller, solar panel,
load and DC-DC power converter. Figure 3 shows the system simulation. The input voltage supply provides a
voltage signal to the microcontroller. As a result, the DC-DC manages to boost the voltage from 15 Vdc to
60 Vdc. The PV output voltage fluctuates because of the changes in climate condition. Hence, the DC output
changes constantly. The microcontroller monitors the output of PV module, then provides the best power so
that PV panel delivers and keep adjusting until the maximum current value is obtained. The circuit involves
the voltage measurement signal to be used by the PIC18F4550 microcontroller. The changes of voltage are
suitable to be nourished into analog to digital converter (ADC) port of the PIC18F4550 microcontroller to
create a relative duty percentage of PWM signal reaction.
Figure 2. System configuration [30]
For the DC to DC boost converter simulation, the input of 15 Vdc was supplied, and it was found out
that the output voltage at the load is overshoot until maximum 75 Vdc, then it dropped until 52 Vdc and then
fluctuated and remained constant at 58.62 Vdc after 23.420 ms, as shown in Figure 4. The magnification of
this output voltage can be seen in Figure 5. A voltage ripple of 0.438 V can be seen in the figure, which is equal
to 0.75% voltage ripple.
The output current flows through R4 reach steady state after 32.66 milliseconds is equal to 1.468 A,
as shown in Figure 6. The average current flowing through R4 is 1.4621 A, as shown in Figure 7. In terms of
the voltage in diode D1, it reaches a steady-state after 23.42 milliseconds with a magnitude of 59.45 V, as
shown in Figure 8.
The current flows through the Inductor L1 reached steady state after 31.074 milliseconds with
a maximum value of 5.9134 A as shown in Figure 9. The current in D1 reached steady state after
31.0748 milliseconds with a maximum value of 5.9134 A as illustrated in Figure 10. For the capacitor C3,
the current reaches steady state after 34.9748 milliseconds with a magnification equal to 4.461 A and 4.324 A
maximum and minimum are shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12, respectively.
 ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 240 - 250
Figure 13 shows the plotting of both the input and output voltage and current at the load. Figure 14
compares the output of the step-up converter to its input power. In the other part of the circuit for the 60 V
output, the output voltage at resistor R2 and capacitor C4 is shown in Figure 15 and Figure 16. The load current
in R2 is 1.778 A, which reaches steady state at 51.94 ms, as shown in Figure 17. The final plot
that compares the power when using this technique to normal situations is shown in Figure 18. With
MPPT, the system is able to achieve a maximum power of approximately 213.42 W as compared to 84 W
without MPPT.
Figure 3. System simulation
Figure 4. Output voltage across the load resistor R4
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control 
Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm... (Z. A. Ghani)
Figure 5. Magnification of output voltage across load resistor R4
Figure 6. Output current
Figure 7. The average current flowing through R4
 ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 240 - 250
Figure 8. Voltage at diode D1
Figure 9. Current at inductor (L1)
Figure 10. Current at diode D1
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control 
Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm... (Z. A. Ghani)
Figure 11. Current at capacitor C3
Figure 12. Current magnification at capacitor C3
Figure 13. Voltage and current magnification at the load R4
 ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 240 - 250
Figure 14. Input and output power of DC to DC boost converter
Figure 15. Output voltage at R2 and C4
Figure 16. Magnification of voltage at R2 and C4
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control 
Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm... (Z. A. Ghani)
Figure 17. Load current at R2
Figure 18. Output power with and without MPPT
In this work, the method of developing the MPPT algorithm for PV utilizing the Peripheral Interface
Controller has been successfully implemented with the integration of the DC-DC boost converter.
The developed control system adjusts the duty cycle of the converter to extract the maximum power.
With a DC input voltage of 15 V, the boost converter is capable of generating an output voltage of an
approximately 60 Vdc at a maximum power of 213.42 W with minimum voltage ripple as compared to 84 W
without the MPPT. This proved the effectiveness and adequacy of the developed algorithm.
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Similar to Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm for photovoltaic DC to DC boost controller

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IRJET Journal
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A novel fast MPPT strategy used for grid-connected residential PV system appl...
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International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems
ijiert bestjournal
Control Strategy for Distributed Integration of Photovoltaic and Battery Ener...
Control Strategy for Distributed Integration of Photovoltaic and Battery Ener...Control Strategy for Distributed Integration of Photovoltaic and Battery Ener...
Control Strategy for Distributed Integration of Photovoltaic and Battery Ener...
Maximizing Output Power of a Solar Panel via Combination of Sun Tracking and ...
Maximizing Output Power of a Solar Panel via Combination of Sun Tracking and ...Maximizing Output Power of a Solar Panel via Combination of Sun Tracking and ...
Maximizing Output Power of a Solar Panel via Combination of Sun Tracking and ...
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IRJET Journal
Seminar Report on MPPT
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IRJET Journal
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A Bibliometric Analysis of Different Maximum Power Point Tracking Methods for...
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A Bibliometric Analysis of Different Maximum Power Point Tracking Methods for...
A cost-effective and optimized maximum powerpoint tracking system for the pho...
A cost-effective and optimized maximum powerpoint tracking system for the pho...A cost-effective and optimized maximum powerpoint tracking system for the pho...
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Optimizing of the installed capacity of hybrid renewable energy with a modifi...
Optimizing of the installed capacity of hybrid renewable energy with a modifi...Optimizing of the installed capacity of hybrid renewable energy with a modifi...
Optimizing of the installed capacity of hybrid renewable energy with a modifi...
a project report on MPPT algorithm for PV panel
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a project report on MPPT algorithm for PV panel
A review of available hybrid renewable energy systems in Malaysia
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International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems
Performance Comparison of PID and Fuzzy Controllers in Distributed MPPT
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Control of an Autonomous Hybrid Microgrid as Energy Source for a Small Rural ...
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Yayah Zakaria
Control of an Autonomous Hybrid Microgrid as Energy Source for a Small Rural ...
Control of an Autonomous Hybrid Microgrid as Energy Source for a Small Rural ...Control of an Autonomous Hybrid Microgrid as Energy Source for a Small Rural ...
Control of an Autonomous Hybrid Microgrid as Energy Source for a Small Rural ...

Similar to Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm for photovoltaic DC to DC boost controller (20)

Design, modeling and simulation of perturb and observe maximum power point t...
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IRJET- A Fuzzy Logic Control Method for MPPT to Improve Solar System Efficiency
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Micropower system optimization for the telecommunication towers based on var...
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A novel fast MPPT strategy used for grid-connected residential PV system appl...
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Control Strategy for Distributed Integration of Photovoltaic and Battery Ener...
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Maximizing Output Power of a Solar Panel via Combination of Sun Tracking and ...
Maximizing Output Power of a Solar Panel via Combination of Sun Tracking and ...Maximizing Output Power of a Solar Panel via Combination of Sun Tracking and ...
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Seminar Report on MPPT
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Seminar Report on MPPT
Droop control method for parallel dc converters used in standalone pv wind po...
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Droop control method for parallel dc converters used in standalone pv wind po...
Study of using solar energy system to supply a data center
Study of using solar energy system to supply a data centerStudy of using solar energy system to supply a data center
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Voltage Stability Analysis of Micro-grid Based on double Data Center
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A Bibliometric Analysis of Different Maximum Power Point Tracking Methods for...
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A Bibliometric Analysis of Different Maximum Power Point Tracking Methods for...
A cost-effective and optimized maximum powerpoint tracking system for the pho...
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Optimizing of the installed capacity of hybrid renewable energy with a modifi...
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a project report on MPPT algorithm for PV panel
a project report on MPPT algorithm for PV panela project report on MPPT algorithm for PV panel
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A review of available hybrid renewable energy systems in Malaysia
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Performance Comparison of PID and Fuzzy Controllers in Distributed MPPT
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Control of an Autonomous Hybrid Microgrid as Energy Source for a Small Rural ...
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Control of an Autonomous Hybrid Microgrid as Energy Source for a Small Rural ...
Control of an Autonomous Hybrid Microgrid as Energy Source for a Small Rural ...
Control of an Autonomous Hybrid Microgrid as Energy Source for a Small Rural ...Control of an Autonomous Hybrid Microgrid as Energy Source for a Small Rural ...
Control of an Autonomous Hybrid Microgrid as Energy Source for a Small Rural ...


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Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm for photovoltaic DC to DC boost controller

  • 1. TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 240~250 ISSN: 1693-6930, accredited First Grade by Kemenristekdikti, Decree No: 21/E/KPT/2018 DOI: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v18i1.12730  240 Journal homepage: http://journal.uad.ac.id/index.php/TELKOMNIKA Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm for photovoltaic DC to DC boost controller Z. A. Ghani1 , E. Onn2 , M. Y. Zeain3 , Apriana Toding4 , F. A. Azidin5 , H. Othman6 , Z. Zakaria7 , H. Lago8 1,3,5,7 Center for Telecommunication Research and Innovation (CeTRI), Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia 2 Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia 4 Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus Makassar, Indonesia 6 Center of Engineering and Built Environment Education Research (PeKA), Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia 8 Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Mar 23, 2019 Revised Nov 5, 2019 Accepted Nov 30, 2019 A method of developing a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm for photovoltaic (PV) utilizing a peripheral interface controller (PIC) is presented in this paper. The efficiency and adequacy of a PV depend on the temperature and the exposed position to the sun. Thus, there is an optimum point at which the operating power is at maximum. The goal is to operate the PV module at this point (MPP). It can be accomplished by using the MPPT algorithm designed with a DC-DC boost converter. The boost converter, MPPT circuit, PIC18F4550 microcontroller and PV panel are the main components used in this design. The current and voltage produced by the solar panel are observed continuously by a closed-loop control system. The microcontroller-based control system adjusts the duty cycle of the converter to extract the maximum power. With a DC input voltage of 15 V, the boost converter is capable of generating an output voltage of an approximately 60 Vdc at a maximum power of 213.42 W with minimum voltage ripple as compared to 84 W without the MPPT. It proved the effectiveness of the developed algorithm. Keywords: MPPT Photovoltaic Renewable energy Solar energy Step-up converter This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license. Corresponding Author: Apriana Toding, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus Makassar, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90245, Indonesia. Email: apriana.toding@ukipaulus.ac.id 1. INTRODUCTION Lately, the exploratory and open mindfulness on ecological and energy problems has acquired real attention to the examination of cutting-edge innovations, especially in very useful innovation [1]. Energy is an essential component for the society and monetary advancement of social orders. The usage scale of energy means that the financial flourishing of a country. In Malaysia, the developing industrialization and expanding way of life have extensively expanded the use of energy. Malaysian energy utilization has risen significantly in recent years due to the joined requests of industrialization and urbanization [1]. Due to the expansion of energy utilization, there are growing concerns about energy use and its effects that are not friendly to the earth. Normal and productive use of energy assets
  • 2. TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control  Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm... (Z. A. Ghani) 241 bears exceptional significance too. The point of the exploration is to examine the energy request, supply, utilization, ecological effect and also audit the future energy assets. Energy is a fundamental requirement for the development, commercial development, modernization and mechanization [2]. Therefore, energy demand throughout the world is expanding rapidly, and this global demand must be considered to meet energy concerns for the future. The world promoted power request is demonstrated in Figure 1. Politically influential nation request ascends from 145 billion MW in 2007 and expected to be 218 billion MW in 2035, which means 49 per cent increment. That leads to more installation of power plants [3]. The Intergovernmental Climate Change Panel has reported that the main hazardous issue is global warming [4]. Since then, many governments, institutions and the responsive public in general, have set a clear mission to save the earth from all severe issues caused by the conventional power generation stations [5-9]. Since emanations are depending on the utilization of fossil fuel, so the efforts are focused on the projects of developing efficient renewable energy generation stations such as solar fields [10]. Figure 1. World power demand [1] a. Renewable energy potentiality in Malaysia The conventional energy sources are being depleted aggressively because of the high consumption of energy for the various applications in our daily life. Therefore, alternative renewable sources are particularly essential for future energy requests. At the same time, the governments and research institutes are under pressure to meet the goal of supplying all humanity demands with the alternative sources. Recently, utilizing a renewable source of energy is getting more popular, especially solar energy, which is the most potent source of alternative energy in this country and also in some other countries. Catching sunlight and transforming it into electricity for everyday utilization is a smart plan, and the photovoltaic systems have been used in Malaysia since the 1980s [10]. PV technology is developing quickly because of the increased attention and awareness to climate changes, thinner ozone layer and carbon pollution. The average solar radiation is 400 to 600 MJ/m2 in Malaysia [11]. It was aimed by the Malaysian government from the tenth plan from 2011-2015 to have fields that contribute by 5.5 per cent of the total power generation mix [12]. As indicated by the Malaysian government report. There will been around 50-80 per cent in the first project (residential areas) will been provided by solar PV [13]. b. Challenges of using MPPT algorithm for PV generators As people are anxious about the fossil fuel contaminations and the fundamental issues brought by using it for power generation, renewable energy sources, especially photovoltaic (PV) are currently utilized. The solar board is utilized, which comprises PV cells. These cells retain the energy from sunlight. PV generators are being used as a part of numerous applications, for example, battery charging, light sources, water pumping, space stations powering. The solar board has the advantages of requiring less maintenance and being contamination free. However, they have some drawbacks as they are manufactured with the high cost and low energy conversion efficiency [14-16]. Therefore, the PV system must deliver the maximum available power to the load, thus increasing the PV efficiency [17-21]. Since the PV modules still have generally low change effectiveness, the overall system cost can be lessened by utilizing high productivity power trackers that are intended to extract the most extreme conceivable power from the PV module. The process of extracting the most powerpoint itself is challenging and always remains a significant challenge in the literature [22]. Different MPPT algorithms have been proposed to maximize PV power. Designing PV systems need to consider the power flow such that the power transfer from the source to the load is of the highest possible and most stable [23]. One must take into account that the power generated by these panels depends on the weather conditions such as irradiance and temperature [23]. A PV
  • 3.  ISSN: 1693-6930 TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 240 - 250 242 system without the integration of an MPPT function exposes the connected load at risk due to the voltage fluctuation [24]. It also leads to waste in PV power as the PV system is unable to extract maximum power from the PV module. Hence, the need for the MPPT controller is deemed necessary [24-25]. Continuous estimations of PV board open-circuit voltage are utilized to recognize the most extreme power outcome of the solar board. The battery charge rate is persistently balanced in a way that the system working point is powered close to the identified most extreme power outcome of the solar board. Hypothetical and exploratory investigations are utilized to show the steady quality and feasibility of the proposed method. 2. MPPT METHODS As mentioned earlier, using solar energy is an active topic which has been discussed by many researchers throughout the world. In-state of the art, it is agreed upon that the solar cells operate with low efficiency. Therefore, the challenge is to find the best possible technique to improve the efficiency of those cells. A maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is an appreciated development in this field. Many methods have been utilized for MPP tracking. Several methods are discussed in details and benchmarked in this section. For example, perturb and observe method [26], incremental conductance method [27], constant voltage method [28] and short-current pulse method [29]. An alternative method in the extracting of the maximum possible power from the PV panel is through the integration of the MPPT circuit into the system. The concept of the circuit simplicity which integrates the programmable interface controller (PIC) microcontroller is the main sign of this method. 2.1. Perturb and observe method This method is widely used for MPPT as it requires less number of sensors and has been discussed by many researchers. The idea behind this method is to modify the converter's duty cycle. It will being indicate a change in the panel voltage. In this method, the voltage on both sides of the maximum power point will being developed increasingly and decreasingly with observing the generated power until the optimum value is gained with repeating this process each tracking step till the MPP is reached. Once the MPP is reached, the algorithm oscillates about the right value. The step used for increasing and decreasing the voltage is a fixed step as it should not be small so that the tracking process is not slow, albeit it helps to reduce oscillation. On the other hand, it also should not be a big step to reduce power losses, albeit doing that fastens reaching MPP. It has been stated that this method is not suitable if the variation in solar irradiation is high [26]. 2.2. Incremental conductance method This algorithm uses the fact that the voltage is zero at maximum power point (MPP) in panel power slope. Unlike the previous method, the operating voltage is either decreased or increased and stop when the MPP is reached. MPP tracking is restarted according to the change in panel current depending on the surrounding conditions. Also, in this method, two sensors are required to get voltage and current values. Same as in the previous algorithm, the size of the step is fixed [27]. 2.3. Constant voltage method This algorithm is not widely used due to some disadvantages. The relation is shown in (1) where the maximum power point voltage VMPP is directly proportional to the open-circuit voltage VOC. VOC is obtained experimentally, and VMPP is obtained by multiplying it with the solar cell constant KV, which is about 0.76. 𝑉 𝑀𝑃𝑃 = 𝐾𝑣 𝑉𝑜𝑐 (1) This algorithm is robust and simple, but it has disadvantages of losing power when the system disconnects temporarily to measure the open-circuit voltage and calculate the operating voltage [28]. 2.4. Short-current pulse method This method has the same concept as in the constant voltage method. The MPP is obtained by using (2). The MPP current IMPP is directly proportional to the short circuit current Isc. The constant KI is roughly around 0.95. Therefore, the operating current is 95% of the experimentally obtained short-circuit current. But in this method, determining the value of Isc is more difficult as it needs additional current sensor and switch. Besides, obtaining its value from time to time increase heat dissipation and power losses [29]. IMPP = KIIsc (2)
  • 4. TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control  Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm... (Z. A. Ghani) 243 2.5. Proposed method The main idea is to use a boost converter for the MPPT with a controller circuit that contains the PIC18F4550 microcontroller, which adjusts and control the duty cycle of the converter. PIC microcontrollers are electronic circuits that can be modified to do a limitless scope of tasks. In this study, the DC-DC boost converter circuit is simulated, as it is a more natural way to utilize the PV panel for power supply adequately. A DC-DC converter is utilized to step up from 15 V to 60 V. The PV panel supplies the 15 V input voltage, and the 60 V is the output voltage of the converter. The relationship of the generated output voltage, duty cycle and the input voltage is explained in (3). Vout = Vin 1−D (3) 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION The objective of the system is to develop an algorithm that increases the efficiency of the PV panels in various conditions by using a boost converter. The proposed system's circuit is simulated in Proteus environment. This system configuration is shown in Figure 2, comprises of an MPPT controller, solar panel, load and DC-DC power converter. Figure 3 shows the system simulation. The input voltage supply provides a voltage signal to the microcontroller. As a result, the DC-DC manages to boost the voltage from 15 Vdc to 60 Vdc. The PV output voltage fluctuates because of the changes in climate condition. Hence, the DC output changes constantly. The microcontroller monitors the output of PV module, then provides the best power so that PV panel delivers and keep adjusting until the maximum current value is obtained. The circuit involves the voltage measurement signal to be used by the PIC18F4550 microcontroller. The changes of voltage are suitable to be nourished into analog to digital converter (ADC) port of the PIC18F4550 microcontroller to create a relative duty percentage of PWM signal reaction. Figure 2. System configuration [30] 4. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION For the DC to DC boost converter simulation, the input of 15 Vdc was supplied, and it was found out that the output voltage at the load is overshoot until maximum 75 Vdc, then it dropped until 52 Vdc and then fluctuated and remained constant at 58.62 Vdc after 23.420 ms, as shown in Figure 4. The magnification of this output voltage can be seen in Figure 5. A voltage ripple of 0.438 V can be seen in the figure, which is equal to 0.75% voltage ripple. The output current flows through R4 reach steady state after 32.66 milliseconds is equal to 1.468 A, as shown in Figure 6. The average current flowing through R4 is 1.4621 A, as shown in Figure 7. In terms of the voltage in diode D1, it reaches a steady-state after 23.42 milliseconds with a magnitude of 59.45 V, as shown in Figure 8. The current flows through the Inductor L1 reached steady state after 31.074 milliseconds with a maximum value of 5.9134 A as shown in Figure 9. The current in D1 reached steady state after 31.0748 milliseconds with a maximum value of 5.9134 A as illustrated in Figure 10. For the capacitor C3, the current reaches steady state after 34.9748 milliseconds with a magnification equal to 4.461 A and 4.324 A maximum and minimum are shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12, respectively.
  • 5.  ISSN: 1693-6930 TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 240 - 250 244 Figure 13 shows the plotting of both the input and output voltage and current at the load. Figure 14 compares the output of the step-up converter to its input power. In the other part of the circuit for the 60 V output, the output voltage at resistor R2 and capacitor C4 is shown in Figure 15 and Figure 16. The load current in R2 is 1.778 A, which reaches steady state at 51.94 ms, as shown in Figure 17. The final plot that compares the power when using this technique to normal situations is shown in Figure 18. With MPPT, the system is able to achieve a maximum power of approximately 213.42 W as compared to 84 W without MPPT. Figure 3. System simulation Figure 4. Output voltage across the load resistor R4
  • 6. TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control  Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm... (Z. A. Ghani) 245 Figure 5. Magnification of output voltage across load resistor R4 Figure 6. Output current Figure 7. The average current flowing through R4
  • 7.  ISSN: 1693-6930 TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 240 - 250 246 Figure 8. Voltage at diode D1 Figure 9. Current at inductor (L1) Figure 10. Current at diode D1
  • 8. TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control  Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm... (Z. A. Ghani) 247 Figure 11. Current at capacitor C3 Figure 12. Current magnification at capacitor C3 Figure 13. Voltage and current magnification at the load R4
  • 9.  ISSN: 1693-6930 TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2020: 240 - 250 248 Figure 14. Input and output power of DC to DC boost converter Figure 15. Output voltage at R2 and C4 Figure 16. Magnification of voltage at R2 and C4
  • 10. TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control  Peripheral interface controller-based maximum power point tracking algorithm... (Z. A. Ghani) 249 Figure 17. Load current at R2 Figure 18. Output power with and without MPPT 5. CONCLUSION In this work, the method of developing the MPPT algorithm for PV utilizing the Peripheral Interface Controller has been successfully implemented with the integration of the DC-DC boost converter. The developed control system adjusts the duty cycle of the converter to extract the maximum power. With a DC input voltage of 15 V, the boost converter is capable of generating an output voltage of an approximately 60 Vdc at a maximum power of 213.42 W with minimum voltage ripple as compared to 84 W without the MPPT. This proved the effectiveness and adequacy of the developed algorithm. REFERENCES [1] NEBM, “National Energy Balance Malaysia,” Malaysian Green Technology Corporation, pp. 1-54, 2009. [2] M. Hasanuzzaman, N. A. Rahim, M. Hosenuzzaman, R. Saidur, I. M. Mahbubul, and M. M. Rashid, “Energy savings in the combustion-based process heating in the industrial sector,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 4527–4536, 2012. [3] U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), “International Energy Outlook 2010,” 2010. [4] Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “Climate Change 2007,” Mitigation. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University, 2007. [5] A. R. Mohamed, K. T. Lee, “Energy for sustainable development in Malaysia: Energy policy and alternative energy,” Energy Policy, vol. 34, no. 15, pp. 2388–2397, 2006.
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