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John C Frech
Vice President, Worldwide Sales, Service Manangement   © 2011 IBM Corporation

               +             +          =

  An opportunity to think and act in new ways:

                 Service Creation
                 Service Delivery
               Service Management

                                         © 2011 IBM Corporation
+                         +                    =
What is a Service? Something that drives
revenue, mitigates a risk, saves expense
Services are underpinned by assets, including IT, but extending
to the enterprise. Inclusion of enterprise or business assets
delivers true “integrated service management”

                                                                  © 2011 IBM Corporation
Today’s businesses face an unparalleled rate of change

   Differentiate their                     Enable business
   products and                            flexibility

Manage business                                Exploit
transformations                                globalization

 React to rapid                           Implement changing
 market shifts                            regulatory mandates

                                                          © 2011 IBM Corporation
The Key to Success? Integrated Service Management

  VISIBILITY                          CONTROL                AUTOMATION
Monitor in real-             React quickly & effectively     Achieve efficiency
                          Business Critical Services & Assets

                   Information                   Business
                   Technology                    Infrastructure

   Delivers visibility, control and automation ™ across the end-to-end business
   infrastructure and the integrated service chain
                                                                             © 2011 IBM Corporation
A single source of truth across all operations centers provides the
    visibility and control needed for enterprise-wide consolidation…
                                                                                                            Foundational requirements:
                                                                            Service status &
                                                                            impact analysis
                                                                                                              Discovery, mapping and monitoring of
                                                                                                              interdependent, heterogeneous physical &
                                                                                                              virtual environments.

                                                                                                              Consolidation of service events & data from
    Root cause                                                                                                multi-vendor tools
identification across
  data centers and
                                                                                                              Predictive analytics, root cause analysis, &
                                                                                                              impact analysis for services, not just silos.

                                                                                         Real-time KPIs &
                                                                                         Real-                Real-time tracking of business & operational
                                                                                            Predictive        performance indicators

                                                                                                              Integrated visualization, navigation, reporting,
                                                                                                              & automated actions for all users from a
                                                                                                              common operations dashboard.

                        Multiple data centers. Heterogeneous IBM and 3rd Party Systems
    5                                                                                                                                          © 2011 IBM Corporation
Without cloud computing                                           With cloud computing
                                                              Virtualized resources        Location independent
                                                              Automated service management Rapid scalability
                                                              Standardized services        Self-service

  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Storage
  • Networking
                                 • Software
                                 • Hardware                                    Software                  •Storage
                                 • Storage                                    Hardware                   •Networking
                                 • Networking

  Note: Elements of cloud computing taken from NIST, Gartner, Forrester and IDC cloud computing definitions
                                                                                                                       © 2011 IBM Corporation
Delivering Integrated Service Management with Cloud solutions
plays a critical role in Smarter Computing
                                          Tuned to the task
                            Drive greater performance and efficiency using
                     Optimized Systems for each workload for superior economics.

                 Designed for data                                   Managed in the Cloud
     Harness all available information including           Deliver new services with Cloud and reinvent
Big Data to unlock insights for better decision making.       business processes to drive innovation.

                                                                                             © 2011 IBM Corporation
Strategies to Reduce Costs and Improve Value
                             Optimize the Overall IT Environment
 Consolidate Hardware

                                  Appl   Appl
                                                Appl   Appl
                                                              SOA           Appl
 Eliminate Redundant
 Software and Data                                            Compress
                            Integrated Service Management
 Improve Service
                              Visibility Control       Automation    Cloud Computing

                                                                                    © 2011 IBM Corporation
Workload Optimized Systems with Integrated Service Management
  speeds consolidation and standardization across IT…
                                             Optimized Data Center
                                              Today’s Data Centers
                                              Integrated Service Management
                                                Siloed service delivery processes


Lifecycle    Higher                                                                                                     Lower
             Quality                           Integrated Service Delivery Process
Management                                                                                                               Risk

                                            Multiple platform management systems
Platform                 Productivity                                  Single Source of                Productivity
Management                Savings                                           Truth                       Savings

Systems &      CapEx                                                                                                  CapEx
Hardware       Savings                                                                                                Savings
                                        Sub-optimized, heterogeneous, multi-vendor systems 3rd Party
                                    Consolidation & virtualization Workload-optimization on
                                      on IBM (e.g. zEnterprise)              IBM            Systems

                                                                                                                          © 2011 IBM Corporation
Closed-loop Cloud Service Management capabilities transform operations
& infrastructure into an integrated system for automated, self-service…
                                                   Integrated architecture, development & testing platform
                                                   Secure by design
                                                   Workload optimized systems and middleware
                                                   Pre-integrated cloud & managed services

                                                               ISM Platform

                                Private                             Hybrid                       Public


                         Manage                                                                                Deliver
        Access, identity and threat protection                                                 Integrated design & delivery
        Real-time service monitoring & analytics for heterogeneous                              – Automated composite image capture, library &
         virtual environments                                                                      provisioning
        High availability, workload optimization, data storage,                                 – Self-service catalog for automated provisioning
         archiving and recovery                                                                    of test and production environments
                                                                                                                                 © 2011 IBM Corporation
        Metering, accounting and billing
When it comes to Cloud – image is everything! Success requires
 integrated lifecycle management for composite service images

                                        DELIVER:                                               Federated Virtual Image Library
                               Standardized Service Catalog
                                 Collection of approved service
                               images with self-service request &                              Architecture & Application design

                                                                                               Automated deployment and cloning
Composite Golden Image                                         Predictability & Integrity of
Interdependent applications,                                       Policies auto-applied &     Monitoring & capacity planning
   middleware & systems                                         enforced according to unique
                                                                       service profile.

                                                                                               Application & system availability

                                                                                               Unified Backup & Recovery

                                                                                               Enterprise-wide threat protection

                                                                                                                             © 2011 IBM Corporation
How can you raise the business value of your service
management selling?
Measure project success based on business outcomes!
                      “The value of integration isn’t the technology
Expense               connections, it’s the business analytics I can
                      now do. All my data sources are connected,
Compliance            leading to results like better customer
                      service.”- Pat Graham, CIO, CenterPoint
                      Energy, Tivoli Board of Advisors

                                                                       © 2011 IBM Corporation

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Service Creation, Service Delivery, Service Management - PCTY 2011

  • 1. John C Frech IBM Vice President, Worldwide Sales, Service Manangement © 2011 IBM Corporation
  • 2. INSTRUMENTED INTERCONNECTED INTELLIGENT + + = An opportunity to think and act in new ways: Service Creation Service Delivery Service Management © 2011 IBM Corporation
  • 3. + + = What is a Service? Something that drives revenue, mitigates a risk, saves expense Services are underpinned by assets, including IT, but extending to the enterprise. Inclusion of enterprise or business assets delivers true “integrated service management” © 2011 IBM Corporation
  • 4. Today’s businesses face an unparalleled rate of change Differentiate their Enable business products and flexibility services Manage business Exploit transformations globalization React to rapid Implement changing market shifts regulatory mandates © 2011 IBM Corporation
  • 5. The Key to Success? Integrated Service Management VISIBILITY CONTROL AUTOMATION Monitor in real- React quickly & effectively Achieve efficiency time Business Critical Services & Assets Information Business Technology Infrastructure INTERCONNECTED INSTRUMENTED INTELLIGENT Delivers visibility, control and automation ™ across the end-to-end business infrastructure and the integrated service chain © 2011 IBM Corporation
  • 6. A single source of truth across all operations centers provides the visibility and control needed for enterprise-wide consolidation… Foundational requirements: Service status & impact analysis Discovery, mapping and monitoring of interdependent, heterogeneous physical & virtual environments. Consolidation of service events & data from Root cause multi-vendor tools identification across data centers and silos Predictive analytics, root cause analysis, & impact analysis for services, not just silos. Real-time KPIs & Real- Real-time tracking of business & operational Predictive performance indicators Analytics Integrated visualization, navigation, reporting, & automated actions for all users from a common operations dashboard. Multiple data centers. Heterogeneous IBM and 3rd Party Systems 5 © 2011 IBM Corporation
  • 7. Without cloud computing With cloud computing Virtualized resources Location independent Automated service management Rapid scalability Standardized services Self-service • Software • Hardware • Storage • Networking • Software • Hardware Software •Storage • Storage Hardware •Networking • Networking Note: Elements of cloud computing taken from NIST, Gartner, Forrester and IDC cloud computing definitions © 2011 IBM Corporation
  • 8. Delivering Integrated Service Management with Cloud solutions plays a critical role in Smarter Computing Tuned to the task Drive greater performance and efficiency using Optimized Systems for each workload for superior economics. Designed for data Managed in the Cloud Harness all available information including Deliver new services with Cloud and reinvent Big Data to unlock insights for better decision making. business processes to drive innovation. © 2011 IBM Corporation
  • 9. Strategies to Reduce Costs and Improve Value Optimize the Overall IT Environment Consolidate Hardware Infrastructure Appl Appl Appl Appl SOA Appl Appl Eliminate Redundant Software and Data Compress Deduplicate Integrate Archive Integrated Service Management Improve Service Delivery Visibility Control Automation Cloud Computing © 2011 IBM Corporation
  • 10. Workload Optimized Systems with Integrated Service Management speeds consolidation and standardization across IT… Optimized Data Center Today’s Data Centers Integrated Service Management Siloed service delivery processes Strategy Metrics Lifecycle Higher Lower Quality Integrated Service Delivery Process Management Risk Multiple platform management systems Platform Productivity Single Source of Productivity Management Savings Truth Savings Systems & CapEx CapEx Hardware Savings Savings Sub-optimized, heterogeneous, multi-vendor systems 3rd Party Consolidation & virtualization Workload-optimization on on IBM (e.g. zEnterprise) IBM Systems © 2011 IBM Corporation
  • 11. Closed-loop Cloud Service Management capabilities transform operations & infrastructure into an integrated system for automated, self-service… Design  Integrated architecture, development & testing platform  Secure by design  Workload optimized systems and middleware  Pre-integrated cloud & managed services ISM Platform Cloud Private Hybrid Public Management Manage Deliver  Access, identity and threat protection  Integrated design & delivery  Real-time service monitoring & analytics for heterogeneous – Automated composite image capture, library & virtual environments provisioning  High availability, workload optimization, data storage, – Self-service catalog for automated provisioning archiving and recovery of test and production environments © 2011 IBM Corporation  Metering, accounting and billing
  • 12. When it comes to Cloud – image is everything! Success requires integrated lifecycle management for composite service images DELIVER: Federated Virtual Image Library Standardized Service Catalog Collection of approved service images with self-service request & Architecture & Application design delivery MANAGE: Automated deployment and cloning DESIGN: Composite Golden Image Predictability & Integrity of Service Interdependent applications, Policies auto-applied & Monitoring & capacity planning middleware & systems enforced according to unique service profile. Application & system availability Unified Backup & Recovery Enterprise-wide threat protection © 2011 IBM Corporation
  • 13. How can you raise the business value of your service management selling? Measure project success based on business outcomes! Revenue “The value of integration isn’t the technology Expense connections, it’s the business analytics I can now do. All my data sources are connected, Compliance leading to results like better customer service.”- Pat Graham, CIO, CenterPoint Energy, Tivoli Board of Advisors © 2011 IBM Corporation