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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
Studies the Effect of Iron Based Hardfacing Electrodes 
on Stainless Steel Properties Using Shielded Metal Arc 
Welding Process 
Harvinder Singha 
a UCOE, Punjabi University, Patiala 
E-mail: harvidhaliwal@yahoo.co.in 
Abstract:Hardfacing, also known as “Hardsurfacing”, is the application of build-up of deposits of specialized 
alloys by means of welding process to resist abrasion, corrosion, high temperature, or impact. Hardfacing is one 
of the most useful and economic way to improve the properties and then performance of a component that 
depends upon the selected alloys for filler and welding process. Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) is most 
commonly used process for hardfacing due to its easy availability and versatility. In the present work, a detailed 
study was done to study the effect of different compositions of iron based harfacing electrodes on stainless steel, 
deposited by SMAW process. Three different iron based viz Hard Alloy 400, Hardloy III , Hardloy V electrodes 
were chosen for hardfacing. A single and double layer was applied by each electrode. The investigation was 
done on the samples prepared by these electrodes. Micro-hardness test, wear test, and microstructure 
investigations were carried out for analysis. It was found that the hardness values can be enhanced by 
approximately 1.7 times using Hard Alloy 400 hardfacing electrode, 2 times by using Hardloy III hardfacing 
electrode and 2.4 times by using Hardloy V hardfacing electrode and Wear resistance can be increased up to 
29% using Hard Alloy 400 hardfacing electrode, 60% using Hardloy III hardfacing electrode and 66% using 
Hardloy V hardfacing electrode. .In the microstructure the grains are very fine and distributed uniformly in (E3)² 
Keywords: Hardfacing; Wear; Electrode; SMAW. 
In 1922 researchers introduced the concept of 
“resurfacing worn out parts, instead of replacing 
them” with wear resistant high Chromium Manganese 
alloys. Hardfacing is a commonly employed method 
to improve surface properties of agricultural tools, 
components for mining operation, soil preparation 
equipments and others. An alloy is homogeneously 
deposited onto the surface of a soft material (usually 
low or medium carbon steels) by welding, with the 
purpose of increasing hardness and wear resistance 
without significant loss in ductility and toughness of 
the substrate [8]. This process is called hardfacing 
because the deposited surfaces are harder than the 
base metal usually [13].The hardfacing layers are 
highly resistant to spalling due to strong metallurgical 
bond with the substrate material and a wide range of 
alloys can be applied in order to achieve the best 
performance in a wear environment[9]. Welding 
processes are used to apply hardfacing materials 
ranging from traditional (oxyacetylene torch) to new 
and sophisticated (plasma transferred arc and laser) 
methods [12]. The hardfacing technique has in the 
mean time, grown into a well-accepted industrial 
technology. Due to a continuous rise in the cost of 
materials as well as increased material requirements, 
the hardfacing has been into prominence in the last 
few decades. Developments in hardfacing techniques 
as well as advances in hardfacing electrode have 
given rise to surface coatings with excellent wear 
resistant properties under severe service conditions, 
thus enlarging the field of its application [2]. 
Wear of machinery parts is one of the most 
common problems faced in industry. Wear is the 
predominant factor that controls the life of any 
machine part. Metal parts often fail their intended use 
not because they fracture, but because they wear, 
which causes them to lose dimension and 
functionality. Research is going on over years to 
reduce the wear either in the form of using a new 
wear resistant material or by improving the wear 
resistance of the existing material by addition of any 
wear resistant alloying element etc. As the wear is a 
surface phenomenon and occurs mostly at outer 
mating surfaces, therefore it is more appropriate and 
economical to use the latter method of making surface 
modification than using the former one which will not 
only involve very high cost of the operation but also 
involve longer time as compared to the second 
In this presented paper, the Shielded Metal 
Arc Welding method for surface modification to 
improve the wear properties of stainless steel 
materials has been used. The stainless steel is 
hardfaced with three different types of iron based 
electrodes (Hard Alloy 400, Hardloy III and Hardloy 
V) and were investigated with regard to their wear, 
microhardness, and microstructure analysis.
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
2.1 Selection of base metal 
Stainless steel was selected as base material for 
hardfacing purpose, as we know that it is mainly used 
in wide application in the fabrication industry. 
Fig. 1. Stainless Steel (base metal) 
The general composition of stainless steel is given below: 
Table 1. Chemical composition of base metal 
C Cr S P Si Mn Ni 
0.053 18.060 0.005 0.033 0.290 1.170 8.080 
2.2 Selection of electrodes 
Three different type of iron based hardfacing electrodes were selected which are commercially available in the 
market. The electrode names and composition is given below: 
Table 2. Chemical composition of electrodes 
Electrode Name C Mn Si Cr 
Hard Alloy 400 (E1) 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.8 0.2-0.6 2.5-3.0 
Hardloy III (E2) 0.60 0.35 0.40 6.50 
Hardloy V (E3) 2.50 1.20 0.35 3.50 
2.2.1 Hard Alloy 400 (low carbon content) 
A rutile type electrode developed for hardsurfacing of 
steels subjected to wear due to abrasion and impact. 
Very stable arc and smooth transfer of alloying 
elements to weld deposit ensures completely crack 
free weld metal. The weld metal is air hardening type 
and gives 350-450 BHN hardness. 
Fig. 2. Hard Alloy 400 
2.2.2 Hardaloy III (medium carbon content) electrode 
A medium heavy coated rutile type air hardening 
electrode for hard surfacing applications on mild steel, 
carbon steel and low alloy steel where 550 Brinell 
hardness is required. The welds are non-machinable 
and can only be ground. Slag is easily detachable.
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
Fig. 3. Hardaloy III 
2.2.3 Hardaloy V (high carbon content) electrode 
A medium heavy coated basic type graphitic electrode 
for hardfacing and build up of worn out machine parts 
and components. Weld beads are flat and smooth. 
Slag is easily detachable. The weld metal is alloyed 
cast iron which is hard and extremely resistant to 
abrasion and metal to metal wear. 
Fig. 4. Hardaloy V 
2.3 Deposition of layers on plate 
Two Layers were deposited from every single 
electrode. One was single layer and other was double 
layer. Double layer was deposited by taking 50% 
overlap of single layer. Samples were cut from work 
piece for further analysis. Parameters used for 
welding process are given as Table 3. 
Fig. 5. Sample with single layer deposition 
Fig. 6. Sample with double layer deposition 
Table 3. Experimental conditions used for welding process 
Category of 
Electrode Current(A) Voltage(V) Type of layer 
E1 E1 100 22 Single Layer 
(E1)² E1 100 22 Double Layer 
E2 E2 80 25 Single Layer 
(E2)² E2 80 25 Double Layer 
E3 E3 90 23 Single Layer 
(E3)² E3 90 23 Double Layer
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
The various work samples are shown in Fig. 7, Fig. 8 and Fig.9 
Fig. 7. Sample E1 &(E1)² Fig. 8. Sample E2 &(E2)² 
Fig. 9. Sample E3 &(E3)² 
2.4 Testing of samples 
Three tests conducted after the hardfacing are given 
1. Microhardness test on micro hardness tester 
2. Wear test on Pin-on-Disc machine. 
3. Microstructure test on metallurgical micro scope 
2.4.1 Microhardness test on microhardness tester 
A sample size 25×25 mm square is cut from the 
hardfaced stainless steel pieces with the help of 
surface grinding machine. All the four lateral faces of 
the samples are made parallel and then ground to right 
angles. Then the surface is prepared for 
microhardness testing on Microhardness Tester.
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
Fig. 10. Microhardness testing machine 
Fig. 11. Samples for Microhardness Testing 
2.4.2 Wear Tested by Pin on disc Machine 
Wear test was carried out on a pin on disc wear 
testing machine. The speed of rotating wheel is 475 
rpm and applied constant load of 3 kg. Then the pin 
type sample is holding on the pin on disc wear testing 
machine, the weld beed tip was placed against the 
rotating wheel. The pin type sample size was 12mm 
diameter & 30mm of the length of the pin sample. 
Fig. 12. Pin type samples for wear testing 
For every wear test, a new rotating wheel was used to 
ensure identical initial wear conditions. Each sample 
was initially weighted before the test and final 
weighted after the test (15 minutes) is taken and then 
we calculated the average wear rate in grams per hour. 
The following figure shows the wear test 
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
Fig. 13. Pin on disc Wear test Apparatus 
Fig. 14. Electronic weighting machine 
2.4.3 Microstructure test on Metallurgical micro 
A sample size 25×25 mm square is cut from the 
hardfaced stainless steel pieces with the help of 
surface grinding machine. Then microstructures of 
samples were carried out at 100* magnifications to 
analysis types of grain formed so that we can 
understand the reason of higher microhardness and 
wear resistance achieved. 
Fig. 15. Metallurgical Microscope Machine
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
3.1 Microhardness 
The microhardness was checked on top, middle and 
heat affected zone position. At every place three 
readings were taken. Average of three readings as 
shown in Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6. Average 
microhardness of base metal is 254 HV. 
Table 4. Microhardness result using E1 hardfacing electrode 
Type of Layer Microhardness (HV) 
At Top Position 
Microhardness (HV) 
At Middle Position 
Microhardness (HV) 
At Bottom Position 
Single Layer 375 278 251 
Double Layer 440 399 263 
Table 5. Microhardness result using E2 hardfacing electrode 
Type of Layer Microhardness (HV) 
At Top Position 
Microhardness (HV) 
At Middle Position 
Microhardness (HV) 
At Bottom Position 
Single Layer 415 261 246 
Double Layer 520 453 254 
Table 6. Microhardness result using E3 hardfacing electrode 
Type of Layer Microhardness (HV) 
At Top Position 
Microhardness (HV) 
At Middle Position 
Microhardness (HV) 
At Bottom Position 
Single Layer 534 269 244 
Double Layer 610 464 256 
Comparison of microhardness of single layer and double layer using three electrodes as shown in Fig. 16, Fig. 
17, Fig 18 and Fig. 19. 
Electrode E1 
Electrode E2 
Electrode E3 
Fig. 16. Comparison of microhardness of single layer using three electrodes 
Fig. 17. Line graph comparison of microhardness of single layer using three electrodes
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
Fig. 18. Comparison of microhardness of double layer using three electrodes 
Fig. 19. Line graph comparison of microhardness of double layer using three electrodes 
3.2 Wear Test 
Wear rate was calculated by measuring initial and final weight of sample. Loss in weight shows wear rate as 
shown in Table 7. Comparison of wear rate of different work samples as shown in Fig. 20. 
Table 7. Weight losses of samples due to wear 
Samples Type of 
Initial weight 
in grams 
Average Final 
Weight in 
Average Net 
Wear in grams 
Average Wear 
Rate in gm/hr 
Sample 1 (E1) Single 27.8836 27.8707 0.0129 0.0516 
Sample 2 (E2) Single 28.5976 28.5871 0.0105 0.0420 
Sample 3 (E3) Single 28.9680 28.9587 0.0093 0.0372 
Sample 4 (E1)² Double 29.2720 29.2609 0.0111 0.0444 
Sample 5 (E2)² Double 28.7806 28.7743 0.0063 0.0252 
Sample 6 (E3)² Double 29.5269 29.5215 0.0054 0.0216 
Sample 7 Without 
26.7360 26.7204 .0156 0.0624
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
Fig. 20. Comparison of wear rate of base metal and hardfaced samples 
3.3 Microstructure 
Microstructure for the work samples having sufficient 
wear resistance was done. It is clear from the readings 
that the (E1)2, (E2)2 and (E3)2 have the maximum 
wear resistance. So microstructure of all these 
samples was taken. Fig 21, Fig 22 and Fig. 23 shows 
the microstructure of (E1)², (E2)² and (E3)² 
respectively. It is clear from the figures that the grains 
are very fine and distributed uniformly in (E3)² 
samples which are responsible for highest 
microhardness value and lowest wear rate value as 
compared to other samples. 
Fig.21. Microstructure of sample (E1)² 
Fig.22. Microstructure of sample (E2)²
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 
E-ISSN: 2321-9637 
Fig. 23. Microstructure of sample (E3)² 
Following conclusions have been made from the 
· The hardness values can be enhanced by 
approximately 1.7 times using Hard Alloy 400 
hardfacing electrode, 2 times by using Hardloy III 
hardfacing electrode and 2.4 times by using 
Hardloy V hardfacing electrode. 
· Wear resistance can be increased up to 29% using 
Hard Alloy 400 hardfacing electrode, 60% using 
Hardloy III hardfacing electrode and 66% using 
Hardloy V hardfacing electrode approximately. 
· In the microstructure the grains are very fine and 
distributed uniformly in (E3)² samples which are 
responsible for highest microhardness value and 
lowest wear rate value as compared to other 
· Considering all the aspects it may be concluded 
that Hardaloy V electrode gives better wear 
properties and microhardness within the specified 
domain as compared to its counterparts for the 
applications in scrapers, buckets and bucket teeth, 
conveyer, cutting tools, crusher cones etc, 
followed by Hard Alloy 400 and Hardaloy III, 
within work domain of present study. 
· Hardaloy V can be recommended for general 
hardfacing. As it has been observed that the wear 
rate of E3 electrode with double layer deposited 
has highest wear resistance and micro hardness 
which may be attributed to the fact that it has 
higher Carbon content than all. 
· The microstructure, hardness and wear resistance 
of hardfacing layer were affected obviously by 
amount of (C–Si–Mn–Cr-Ni) component. The 
hardness and wear resistance of hardfacing layer 
increases with increasing of carbon and 
chromium contents. 
· The toughness properties can also be tested from 
different point of view depending upon the 
service condition of hardfaced component. 
· Corrosion testing may be incorporated along with 
wear testing depending upon the specific service 
condition of hardfaced component. 
· In future bending testing also may be 
incorporated with hardness and wear testing. 
· Other hardfacing processes may also be 
investigated on similar aspects. 
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Paper id 2420145

  • 1. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 ` Studies the Effect of Iron Based Hardfacing Electrodes on Stainless Steel Properties Using Shielded Metal Arc 419 Welding Process Harvinder Singha a UCOE, Punjabi University, Patiala E-mail: harvidhaliwal@yahoo.co.in Abstract:Hardfacing, also known as “Hardsurfacing”, is the application of build-up of deposits of specialized alloys by means of welding process to resist abrasion, corrosion, high temperature, or impact. Hardfacing is one of the most useful and economic way to improve the properties and then performance of a component that depends upon the selected alloys for filler and welding process. Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) is most commonly used process for hardfacing due to its easy availability and versatility. In the present work, a detailed study was done to study the effect of different compositions of iron based harfacing electrodes on stainless steel, deposited by SMAW process. Three different iron based viz Hard Alloy 400, Hardloy III , Hardloy V electrodes were chosen for hardfacing. A single and double layer was applied by each electrode. The investigation was done on the samples prepared by these electrodes. Micro-hardness test, wear test, and microstructure investigations were carried out for analysis. It was found that the hardness values can be enhanced by approximately 1.7 times using Hard Alloy 400 hardfacing electrode, 2 times by using Hardloy III hardfacing electrode and 2.4 times by using Hardloy V hardfacing electrode and Wear resistance can be increased up to 29% using Hard Alloy 400 hardfacing electrode, 60% using Hardloy III hardfacing electrode and 66% using Hardloy V hardfacing electrode. .In the microstructure the grains are very fine and distributed uniformly in (E3)² samples. Keywords: Hardfacing; Wear; Electrode; SMAW. 1. INTRODUCTION In 1922 researchers introduced the concept of “resurfacing worn out parts, instead of replacing them” with wear resistant high Chromium Manganese alloys. Hardfacing is a commonly employed method to improve surface properties of agricultural tools, components for mining operation, soil preparation equipments and others. An alloy is homogeneously deposited onto the surface of a soft material (usually low or medium carbon steels) by welding, with the purpose of increasing hardness and wear resistance without significant loss in ductility and toughness of the substrate [8]. This process is called hardfacing because the deposited surfaces are harder than the base metal usually [13].The hardfacing layers are highly resistant to spalling due to strong metallurgical bond with the substrate material and a wide range of alloys can be applied in order to achieve the best performance in a wear environment[9]. Welding processes are used to apply hardfacing materials ranging from traditional (oxyacetylene torch) to new and sophisticated (plasma transferred arc and laser) methods [12]. The hardfacing technique has in the mean time, grown into a well-accepted industrial technology. Due to a continuous rise in the cost of materials as well as increased material requirements, the hardfacing has been into prominence in the last few decades. Developments in hardfacing techniques as well as advances in hardfacing electrode have given rise to surface coatings with excellent wear resistant properties under severe service conditions, thus enlarging the field of its application [2]. Wear of machinery parts is one of the most common problems faced in industry. Wear is the predominant factor that controls the life of any machine part. Metal parts often fail their intended use not because they fracture, but because they wear, which causes them to lose dimension and functionality. Research is going on over years to reduce the wear either in the form of using a new wear resistant material or by improving the wear resistance of the existing material by addition of any wear resistant alloying element etc. As the wear is a surface phenomenon and occurs mostly at outer mating surfaces, therefore it is more appropriate and economical to use the latter method of making surface modification than using the former one which will not only involve very high cost of the operation but also involve longer time as compared to the second technique. In this presented paper, the Shielded Metal Arc Welding method for surface modification to improve the wear properties of stainless steel materials has been used. The stainless steel is hardfaced with three different types of iron based electrodes (Hard Alloy 400, Hardloy III and Hardloy V) and were investigated with regard to their wear, microhardness, and microstructure analysis.
  • 2. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 ` 420 2. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS 2.1 Selection of base metal Stainless steel was selected as base material for hardfacing purpose, as we know that it is mainly used in wide application in the fabrication industry. Fig. 1. Stainless Steel (base metal) The general composition of stainless steel is given below: Table 1. Chemical composition of base metal C Cr S P Si Mn Ni 0.053 18.060 0.005 0.033 0.290 1.170 8.080 2.2 Selection of electrodes Three different type of iron based hardfacing electrodes were selected which are commercially available in the market. The electrode names and composition is given below: Table 2. Chemical composition of electrodes Electrode Name C Mn Si Cr Hard Alloy 400 (E1) 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.8 0.2-0.6 2.5-3.0 Hardloy III (E2) 0.60 0.35 0.40 6.50 Hardloy V (E3) 2.50 1.20 0.35 3.50 2.2.1 Hard Alloy 400 (low carbon content) electrode A rutile type electrode developed for hardsurfacing of steels subjected to wear due to abrasion and impact. Very stable arc and smooth transfer of alloying elements to weld deposit ensures completely crack free weld metal. The weld metal is air hardening type and gives 350-450 BHN hardness. Fig. 2. Hard Alloy 400 2.2.2 Hardaloy III (medium carbon content) electrode A medium heavy coated rutile type air hardening electrode for hard surfacing applications on mild steel, carbon steel and low alloy steel where 550 Brinell hardness is required. The welds are non-machinable and can only be ground. Slag is easily detachable.
  • 3. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 ` 421 Fig. 3. Hardaloy III 2.2.3 Hardaloy V (high carbon content) electrode A medium heavy coated basic type graphitic electrode for hardfacing and build up of worn out machine parts and components. Weld beads are flat and smooth. Slag is easily detachable. The weld metal is alloyed cast iron which is hard and extremely resistant to abrasion and metal to metal wear. Fig. 4. Hardaloy V 2.3 Deposition of layers on plate Two Layers were deposited from every single electrode. One was single layer and other was double layer. Double layer was deposited by taking 50% overlap of single layer. Samples were cut from work piece for further analysis. Parameters used for welding process are given as Table 3. Fig. 5. Sample with single layer deposition Fig. 6. Sample with double layer deposition Table 3. Experimental conditions used for welding process Category of samples Electrode Current(A) Voltage(V) Type of layer E1 E1 100 22 Single Layer (E1)² E1 100 22 Double Layer E2 E2 80 25 Single Layer (E2)² E2 80 25 Double Layer E3 E3 90 23 Single Layer (E3)² E3 90 23 Double Layer
  • 4. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 ` 422 The various work samples are shown in Fig. 7, Fig. 8 and Fig.9 Fig. 7. Sample E1 &(E1)² Fig. 8. Sample E2 &(E2)² Fig. 9. Sample E3 &(E3)² 2.4 Testing of samples Three tests conducted after the hardfacing are given below:- 1. Microhardness test on micro hardness tester machine. 2. Wear test on Pin-on-Disc machine. 3. Microstructure test on metallurgical micro scope machine. 2.4.1 Microhardness test on microhardness tester machine A sample size 25×25 mm square is cut from the hardfaced stainless steel pieces with the help of surface grinding machine. All the four lateral faces of the samples are made parallel and then ground to right angles. Then the surface is prepared for microhardness testing on Microhardness Tester.
  • 5. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 ` 423 Fig. 10. Microhardness testing machine Fig. 11. Samples for Microhardness Testing 2.4.2 Wear Tested by Pin on disc Machine Wear test was carried out on a pin on disc wear testing machine. The speed of rotating wheel is 475 rpm and applied constant load of 3 kg. Then the pin type sample is holding on the pin on disc wear testing machine, the weld beed tip was placed against the rotating wheel. The pin type sample size was 12mm diameter & 30mm of the length of the pin sample. Fig. 12. Pin type samples for wear testing For every wear test, a new rotating wheel was used to ensure identical initial wear conditions. Each sample was initially weighted before the test and final weighted after the test (15 minutes) is taken and then we calculated the average wear rate in grams per hour. The following figure shows the wear test configuration:
  • 6. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 ` 424 Fig. 13. Pin on disc Wear test Apparatus Fig. 14. Electronic weighting machine 2.4.3 Microstructure test on Metallurgical micro machine A sample size 25×25 mm square is cut from the hardfaced stainless steel pieces with the help of surface grinding machine. Then microstructures of samples were carried out at 100* magnifications to analysis types of grain formed so that we can understand the reason of higher microhardness and wear resistance achieved. Fig. 15. Metallurgical Microscope Machine
  • 7. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 ` 425 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Microhardness The microhardness was checked on top, middle and heat affected zone position. At every place three readings were taken. Average of three readings as shown in Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6. Average microhardness of base metal is 254 HV. Table 4. Microhardness result using E1 hardfacing electrode Type of Layer Microhardness (HV) At Top Position Microhardness (HV) At Middle Position Microhardness (HV) At Bottom Position Single Layer 375 278 251 Double Layer 440 399 263 Table 5. Microhardness result using E2 hardfacing electrode Type of Layer Microhardness (HV) At Top Position Microhardness (HV) At Middle Position Microhardness (HV) At Bottom Position Single Layer 415 261 246 Double Layer 520 453 254 Table 6. Microhardness result using E3 hardfacing electrode Type of Layer Microhardness (HV) At Top Position Microhardness (HV) At Middle Position Microhardness (HV) At Bottom Position Single Layer 534 269 244 Double Layer 610 464 256 Comparison of microhardness of single layer and double layer using three electrodes as shown in Fig. 16, Fig. 17, Fig 18 and Fig. 19. 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 TOP MIDDLE BOTTOM Electrode E1 Electrode E2 Electrode E3 Fig. 16. Comparison of microhardness of single layer using three electrodes Fig. 17. Line graph comparison of microhardness of single layer using three electrodes
  • 8. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 ` 426 Fig. 18. Comparison of microhardness of double layer using three electrodes Fig. 19. Line graph comparison of microhardness of double layer using three electrodes 3.2 Wear Test Wear rate was calculated by measuring initial and final weight of sample. Loss in weight shows wear rate as shown in Table 7. Comparison of wear rate of different work samples as shown in Fig. 20. Table 7. Weight losses of samples due to wear Samples Type of Layer Average Initial weight in grams Average Final Weight in grams Average Net Wear in grams Average Wear Rate in gm/hr Sample 1 (E1) Single 27.8836 27.8707 0.0129 0.0516 Sample 2 (E2) Single 28.5976 28.5871 0.0105 0.0420 Sample 3 (E3) Single 28.9680 28.9587 0.0093 0.0372 Sample 4 (E1)² Double 29.2720 29.2609 0.0111 0.0444 Sample 5 (E2)² Double 28.7806 28.7743 0.0063 0.0252 Sample 6 (E3)² Double 29.5269 29.5215 0.0054 0.0216 Sample 7 Without hardfacing 26.7360 26.7204 .0156 0.0624
  • 9. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 ` 427 Fig. 20. Comparison of wear rate of base metal and hardfaced samples 3.3 Microstructure Microstructure for the work samples having sufficient wear resistance was done. It is clear from the readings that the (E1)2, (E2)2 and (E3)2 have the maximum wear resistance. So microstructure of all these samples was taken. Fig 21, Fig 22 and Fig. 23 shows the microstructure of (E1)², (E2)² and (E3)² respectively. It is clear from the figures that the grains are very fine and distributed uniformly in (E3)² samples which are responsible for highest microhardness value and lowest wear rate value as compared to other samples. Fig.21. Microstructure of sample (E1)² Fig.22. Microstructure of sample (E2)²
  • 10. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.4, April 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 ` 428 Fig. 23. Microstructure of sample (E3)² 4. CONCLUSIONS Following conclusions have been made from the work: · The hardness values can be enhanced by approximately 1.7 times using Hard Alloy 400 hardfacing electrode, 2 times by using Hardloy III hardfacing electrode and 2.4 times by using Hardloy V hardfacing electrode. · Wear resistance can be increased up to 29% using Hard Alloy 400 hardfacing electrode, 60% using Hardloy III hardfacing electrode and 66% using Hardloy V hardfacing electrode approximately. · In the microstructure the grains are very fine and distributed uniformly in (E3)² samples which are responsible for highest microhardness value and lowest wear rate value as compared to other samples. · Considering all the aspects it may be concluded that Hardaloy V electrode gives better wear properties and microhardness within the specified domain as compared to its counterparts for the applications in scrapers, buckets and bucket teeth, conveyer, cutting tools, crusher cones etc, followed by Hard Alloy 400 and Hardaloy III, within work domain of present study. · Hardaloy V can be recommended for general hardfacing. As it has been observed that the wear rate of E3 electrode with double layer deposited has highest wear resistance and micro hardness which may be attributed to the fact that it has higher Carbon content than all. · The microstructure, hardness and wear resistance of hardfacing layer were affected obviously by amount of (C–Si–Mn–Cr-Ni) component. The hardness and wear resistance of hardfacing layer increases with increasing of carbon and chromium contents. 5. SCOPES FOR FUTURE WORK · The toughness properties can also be tested from different point of view depending upon the service condition of hardfaced component. · Corrosion testing may be incorporated along with wear testing depending upon the specific service condition of hardfaced component. · In future bending testing also may be incorporated with hardness and wear testing. · Other hardfacing processes may also be investigated on similar aspects. References [1] I. A. Kostick, A. E. Segall, J. C. Conway, Jr. (Member, STLE) and M. F. Amateau, “The Sliding Wear Behavior of Cobalt-Based Hardfacing Alloys Used in Steam Valve Applications”,Volume 40 (1997), pp. 168-172. [2] R. Dasgupta, B.K. Prasad, A.K. Jha, O.P. Modi, S. Das, and A.H. Yegneswaran, “Low Stress Abrasive Wear Behavior of a Hardfaced Steel”, JMEPEG (1998) pp. 221-226. [3] S. Kumar, D.P. Mondal, H.K. Khaira, and A.K. Jha, “Improvement in High Stress Abrasive Wear Property of Steel by Hardfacing”, JMEPEG (1999) pp. 711-715. [4] A.K. Jha, B.K. Prasad, R. Dasgupta, and O.P. Modi, “Influence of Material Characteristics on the Abrasive Wear Response of Some Hardfacing Alloys”, JMEPEG (1999) pp. 190-196. [5] Sanjay Kumar, D.P. Mondal, and A.K. Jha, “Effect of Microstructure and Chemical Composition of Hardfacing Alloy on Abrasive Wear Behavior”, JMEPEG (2000) pp. 649–655. [6] Chien-Kuo Sha and Hsien-Lung Tsai, “Hardfacing Characteristics of S42000 Stainless
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