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“Password Manager”
FALL 2021
Daniyal Aqil ( BSCS/193/5th
Zaroon Shaid ( BSCS/177/5th
Under the guidance of
Prof Usama Asif
“Password Manager” is a small-scale project used for storing your login
information for all the websites you use and generating random passwords
for users. The user will have the access to add, update and remove his details
and he can fetch his data whenever needed.
It’s an GUI based application simple and easy to use. It has a lot’s of
feature which makes user experience better. In this application Passwords
can be stored for various applications and details required for maintaining
the Passwords are application or website name, username, password and
email id.
You would not get any problem while using it because it’s simple and
user friendly UI will make your work easy, faster and gives you a better
Table of Contents
1.1. Basic introduction of Project
1.2. Objective and Scope
1.3. Tools and Technologies used
2.1. Preliminary analysis & Information gathering
2.2. Input/outputs
2.3. Feasibility Study
2.4. System Requirements Specification
2.5. Software Engineering Model Used
2.6. Cost Estimation
2.7. Project Scheduling
3.2. Modules
3.3. Data Flow Diagram
3.4. E-R Diagram
3.5. Data Base Design
3.6. Screen Shots
1.1 Basic Introduction:
Password Manager is an GUI based application that allows users to store and
generate random passwords. It is created in Python using Tkinter and Mysql
database to manage passwords for several application. A password manager
is a program that houses all your passwords, as well as other information, in
one convenient location with one master password.
The benefits of using Password Manager are:
 A Password Manager will do the work of creating the complicated
passwords you need to help protect your online accounts.
 You need to remember only the password manager’s password. That
single password will give you access to all of your others.
Not only do password managers help securely house your passwords, but
they can also generate passwords that are unique and complex, which makes
them more difficult to crack or guess. It also simplifies your life by making
account access easier for you and more diffifcult for hackers. You don’t have
to memorize any passwords except for the password to your password manager.
That means you can actually follow unpleasant butuseful security advice, like
never reusing a password and always using long, strong and complex passwords.
1.2 Objectives and scope:
In this project, we will build an application which will store the User’s
password, as well as other information, in one convenient location with one
master password. Python Features and methods are used to implement in this
project. Today, people have a large number of passwords for social media sites,
work logins, shopping pages, online banking and much more. While it is
important to use strong passwords and to use different passwords on each site,
it can be a difficult task to remember all them. With a password manager, you
simply enter the GUI app, provide the master password you set for the password
manager in that software, then log in to the GUI app and the username and
password will be stored for you. However, the primary purpose of
this project to make Password Manager application user-friendly so that any
individual can interact with the system.
The main scope and deliverables of the project would be to:
 Understand and prepare detailed user requirement and specifications.
 Prepare high level and detailed design specifications of the system.
 Prepare Test Plan & Test cases.
 Develop the system and coding.
 Perform unit testing, integration testing and system testing.
 Demonstrate a bug free application after suitable modification, if needed.
2.1 Preliminary Analysis & Information Gathering :
System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts,
diagnosing problems and using the information to recommend
improvements on the system. System analysis is a problem-solving
activity that requires intensive communication between the system
users and system developers.
System analysis or study is an important phase of any system
development process. The system is viewed as a whole, the inputs are
identified and the system is subjected to close study to identify the
problem areas. The solutions are given as a proposal. The proposal is
reviewed on user request and suitable changes are made. This loop
ends as soon as the user is satisfied with the proposal.
2.2 Input /Output:
Input Design:
Input design is the link that ties the information system into the
world of its users. The input design involves determining the inputs,
validating the data, minimizing the data entry and provides a multi-user
facility. Inaccurate inputs are the most common cause of errors in data
processing. Errors entered by the data entry operators can be controlled
by input design. The user-originated inputs are converted to a
computer-based format in the input design. Input data are collected and
organized into groups of similar data. Once identified, the appropriate
input media are selected for processing. All the input data are validated
and if any data violates any conditions, the user is warned by a message.
user friendly and easy to use. The design is done such that users get
appropriate messages when exceptions occur.
Output Design:
A quality output is one, which meets the requirements of the
end user and presents the information clearly. In any system results of
processing are communicated to the users and to other system through
outputs. In output design it is determined how the information is to be
displaced for immediate need and also the hard copy output. It is the
most important and direct source information to the user. Efficient and
intelligent output design improves the system’s relationship to help
user decision-making.
1. Designing computer output should proceed in an organized, well thought out
manner; the right output must be developed while ensuring that each output
element is designed so that people will find the system, can use easily and
2. Select methods for presenting information.
3. Create document, report, or other formats that contain information produced
by the system.
4. The output form of an information system should accomplish one or more of
the following objectives.
i. Convey information about past activities, current status or projections of the
ii. Signal important events, opportunities, problems, or warnings.
iii. Trigger an action. Confirm an action.
2.3 Feasibility Study:
Feasibility study is most important and it concerns great to the student and
faculty which new system is to be developed. It includes the study of success
and level of satisfaction of the user will get from the system. Feasibility means
possibilities (to some extent), i.e., this study the possibility of implementation of
new system as a substitute to old system removing all shortcomings and
including all new requirements
This document plays a vital role in the development of life cycle (SDLC) as it
describes the complete requirement of the system. It means for use by
developers and will be the basic during testing phase. Any changes made to the
requirements in the future will have to go through formal change approval
2.6 Cost Estimations
Economic analysis is the most frequently used technique for evaluating the
effectiveness of a proposed system. It is commonly known as cost/benefit
analysis: the procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are
expected from a proposed system and compare them with cost. If benefits
outweigh cost, a decision is taken to design and implement the system.
Otherwise, further justification or alternative in the proposed system will have
to be made if it is to have a chance of being approved. This is an ongoing effort
that improves in accuracy at each phase of the system life cycle. Total estimated
cost of the project.
Financing of the project in terms of its capital structure, debt e/unity ratio and
promoters share of total cost.
Existing investment by the promoter in any other business
Projected cash flow and profitability.
2.7 Project scheduling
Project scheduling is a mechanism to communicate what tasks need to get done
and which organizational resources will be allocated to complete those tasks in
what time frame. A project schedule is a document collecting all the work
needed to deliver the project on time.
A project is made up of many tasks, and each task is given a start and end (or
due date), so it can be completed on time. Likewise, people have different
schedules, and their availability and vacation or leave dates need to be
documented in order to successfully plan those tasks.
Project scheduling provides the following benefits:
 Assists with tracking, reporting on, and communicating progress.
 Ensures everyone is on the same page as far as tasks, dependencies, and
 Helps highlight issues and concerns, such as a lack of resources.
 Helps identify task relationships.
 Can be used to monitor progress and identify issues early.
3.1 Project planning:
Project management begins with planning, which perhaps the single largest
responsibility of the project management Proper planning is recognized as a
critical ingredient for a successful project. The project plan provides the
fundamental basis for project management.
A software plan is usually produced before the development activity begins and
is updated as development proceeds and data about progress of the project
become available. The major activities of project planning is :
● Cost estimation
● Schedule and Milestone determination
● Project-Staffing
● Quality control plans
● Controlling and monitoring plan
Cost and schedule estimation is the amount of total cost and time nedded for
successfully completing the project. In addition, cost and schedule for the
different activities of development process to be used are also estimated, as the
development process only specifies the activities, not the cost and time
requirement for them. In this project, the cost is calculated on the effort of the
hardware and software cost.
Activities carried out are scheduling the project according to the time
d) SignUp: With the SignUp module, you can quickly and easily create a
Account for Password Manager GUI app. So you can access its feature.
e) Login: This module validates the user, and returns an error statement if it
doesn’t find the specified user in the data base.
a) User: User privileges are provided to the user, where he is able to to store
and generate random passwords.
i. Add Data: This module provides features for adding the password or
other details of user in the database. The user must register/signup
himself first, so that he is able to login and store or generate a random
password for his online accounts.
ii. Update Data: This module enables the user to update his existing data. If
he wants update his data that he has already stored in the database.
iii. Remove Data: When an user wants to remove his data from his database,
he is able to do it with the help of this module and is able to successfully remove
that specific data.
Password Generator:
This module generates passwords based on the customization that you
set to create an unpredictable strong password for your accounts. It
helps to create a random and customized password for users that helps
them to create a strong password which provides greater security.
It can be include some basic points
 Security
 Customiation option
 Usability
 Feedback on password strength
 Educational value
Data Flow Diagram
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
class PasswordGenerator {
PasswordGenerator(int length, bool useUppercase, bool useDigits,
bool useSpecialChars);
std::string generatePassword();
int length;
bool useUppercase;
bool useDigits;
bool useSpecialChars;
static const std::string lowercaseChars;
static const std::string uppercaseChars;
static const std::string digitChars;
static const std::string specialChars;
std::string generateRandomChars(const std::string& charSet, int
const std::string PasswordGenerator::lowercaseChars =
const std::string PasswordGenerator::uppercaseChars =
const std::string PasswordGenerator::digitChars = "0123456789";
const std::string PasswordGenerator::specialChars = "!@#$%^&*()_-
PasswordGenerator::PasswordGenerator(int length, bool
useUppercase, bool useDigits, bool useSpecialChars)
: length(length), useUppercase(useUppercase),
useDigits(useDigits), useSpecialChars(useSpecialChars) {
std::srand(std::time(0)); // Seed for random number generation
std::string PasswordGenerator::generatePassword() {
std::string password;
if (useUppercase) password +=
generateRandomChars(uppercaseChars, 1);
if (useDigits) password += generateRandomChars(digitChars, 1);
if (useSpecialChars) password +=
generateRandomChars(specialChars, 1);
int remainingLength = length - password.length();
password += generateRandomChars(lowercaseChars,
// Shuffle the characters in the password
std::random_shuffle(password.begin(), password.end());
return password;
std::string PasswordGenerator::generateRandomChars(const
std::string& charSet, int count) {
std::string result;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
result += charSet[std::rand() % charSet.length()];
return result;
int main() {
// Customize the parameters as needed
int passwordLength = 16;
bool includeUppercase = true;
bool includeDigits = true;
bool includeSpecialChars = true;
PasswordGenerator passwordGenerator(passwordLength,
includeUppercase, includeDigits, includeSpecialChars);
std::string generatedPassword =
std::cout << "Generated Password: " << generatedPassword <<
return 0;
Testing is an important phase encountered in any developed product or
framework is the testing phase. It is because, the developed product should be
free from errors and it should be validated for accuracy. The product should
work under normal conditions as long as the user gives proper inputs and
therefore it should be checked for its robustness and should withstand and
inform the users about the erroneous input.
The quality of system is confirmed by the thoroughness of its testing. Duration
and cost of testing and debugging is a significant fraction of the system
development cycle and hence influences overall productivity during the
development. In this phase, the errors in the programs or modules are localized
and modifications are done to eliminate them. The testing makes a logical
assumption that all parts of the system work efficiently and the goal is achieved.
The purpose of the requirement phase is to verify all behavioral characteristics
and performance requirements. Validation is achieved through a series of
testing that demonstrate conformity with requirements. Both the plan and the
procedures are designed to ensure that all the functional requirements are
satisfied in the program.
● All behavioral characteristics are achieved.
● All performance requirements are attained.
Unit testing focuses on the verification effort of the smallest unit of
design module. Attention is diverted to individual modules, independently to
locate errors. This has enabled the detection of errors in coding and logic. The
various modules of the system are tested in unit testing method. Using the
detailed description as a guide, important control parts are tested to uncover
errors within the boundary of the module. The relative complexity of tests and
the error detected as a result is limited by the constrained scope established for
unit testing. This test focuses on each module individually, ensuring that it
functions properly as a unit, and hence the name Unit Testing.
The program as a whole is integrated into a single component and checked with
test data. This is to check that the whole program works together correctly. The
various modules are integrated first. Then the system is tested as a whole. The
behavior of each module with another is identified in this testing. Any
misbehavior will lead to dangerous problems or errors in the system. All these
problems can be filtered off using this testing.
 Bottom-up Integration: low-level components are integrated and tested
before the higher-level components have been developed.
In implementation, the training for the system user, how to work with
this software should be given. The development of operating
procedure to repair and enhance the system should be done. The
installation new computers with required hardware and software
specification are to be performed, if the present system is working
manually. If the hardware specification of the present system is below
the recommended specification the existing system should be replaced
with new one or up gradation of the existing system should be done.
Itis necessary to check whether the required application should be
working properly.
Main stages in the implementation are
• Planning
• Training
• System Testing
This project is designed for the users who surf through internet a lot
and create a number of online accounts and they can’t keep track or
memorize all of their online acconts login details. That’s where our
Password Manager comes in use it helps them to houses all their
passwords in encrypted database. Even it helps in generating a
stronger, random and complex passwords which makes them more
difficult to crack or guess. Thus, you can have easy access for your
accounts and more difficult for hackers.

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OS Password-Manager-Report.docx

  • 1. [1] A PROJECT REPORT ON “Password Manager” BACHELOR OF COMPUTER SCIENCE IN LAHORE GARRISSION UNIVERSITY FALL 2021 BY Daniyal Aqil ( BSCS/193/5th Semester) Zaroon Shaid ( BSCS/177/5th Semester) Under the guidance of Prof Usama Asif
  • 2. [2] ABSTRACT “Password Manager” is a small-scale project used for storing your login information for all the websites you use and generating random passwords for users. The user will have the access to add, update and remove his details and he can fetch his data whenever needed. It’s an GUI based application simple and easy to use. It has a lot’s of feature which makes user experience better. In this application Passwords can be stored for various applications and details required for maintaining the Passwords are application or website name, username, password and email id. You would not get any problem while using it because it’s simple and user friendly UI will make your work easy, faster and gives you a better result.
  • 3. [3] TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Basic introduction of Project 1.2. Objective and Scope 1.3. Tools and Technologies used 2. SYSTEM ANALYSIS 2.1. Preliminary analysis & Information gathering 2.2. Input/outputs 2.3. Feasibility Study 2.4. System Requirements Specification 2.5. Software Engineering Model Used 2.6. Cost Estimation 2.7. Project Scheduling 3. SYSTEM DESIGN 3.2. Modules 3.3. Data Flow Diagram 3.4. E-R Diagram 3.5. Data Base Design 3.6. Screen Shots 4. TESTING 5. IMPLEMENTATION & MAINTENANCE
  • 5. [5] INTRODUCTION 1.1 Basic Introduction: Password Manager is an GUI based application that allows users to store and generate random passwords. It is created in Python using Tkinter and Mysql database to manage passwords for several application. A password manager is a program that houses all your passwords, as well as other information, in one convenient location with one master password. The benefits of using Password Manager are:  A Password Manager will do the work of creating the complicated passwords you need to help protect your online accounts.  You need to remember only the password manager’s password. That single password will give you access to all of your others. Not only do password managers help securely house your passwords, but they can also generate passwords that are unique and complex, which makes them more difficult to crack or guess. It also simplifies your life by making account access easier for you and more diffifcult for hackers. You don’t have to memorize any passwords except for the password to your password manager. That means you can actually follow unpleasant butuseful security advice, like never reusing a password and always using long, strong and complex passwords.
  • 6. [6] 1.2 Objectives and scope: In this project, we will build an application which will store the User’s password, as well as other information, in one convenient location with one master password. Python Features and methods are used to implement in this project. Today, people have a large number of passwords for social media sites, work logins, shopping pages, online banking and much more. While it is important to use strong passwords and to use different passwords on each site, it can be a difficult task to remember all them. With a password manager, you simply enter the GUI app, provide the master password you set for the password manager in that software, then log in to the GUI app and the username and password will be stored for you. However, the primary purpose of this project to make Password Manager application user-friendly so that any individual can interact with the system. The main scope and deliverables of the project would be to:  Understand and prepare detailed user requirement and specifications.  Prepare high level and detailed design specifications of the system.  Prepare Test Plan & Test cases.  Develop the system and coding.  Perform unit testing, integration testing and system testing.  Demonstrate a bug free application after suitable modification, if needed.
  • 8. [8] SYSTEM ANALYSIS 2.1 Preliminary Analysis & Information Gathering : System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems and using the information to recommend improvements on the system. System analysis is a problem-solving activity that requires intensive communication between the system users and system developers. System analysis or study is an important phase of any system development process. The system is viewed as a whole, the inputs are identified and the system is subjected to close study to identify the problem areas. The solutions are given as a proposal. The proposal is reviewed on user request and suitable changes are made. This loop ends as soon as the user is satisfied with the proposal. 2.2 Input /Output: Input Design: Input design is the link that ties the information system into the world of its users. The input design involves determining the inputs, validating the data, minimizing the data entry and provides a multi-user facility. Inaccurate inputs are the most common cause of errors in data processing. Errors entered by the data entry operators can be controlled by input design. The user-originated inputs are converted to a computer-based format in the input design. Input data are collected and organized into groups of similar data. Once identified, the appropriate input media are selected for processing. All the input data are validated and if any data violates any conditions, the user is warned by a message. user friendly and easy to use. The design is done such that users get appropriate messages when exceptions occur.
  • 9. [9] Output Design: A quality output is one, which meets the requirements of the end user and presents the information clearly. In any system results of processing are communicated to the users and to other system through outputs. In output design it is determined how the information is to be displaced for immediate need and also the hard copy output. It is the most important and direct source information to the user. Efficient and intelligent output design improves the system’s relationship to help user decision-making. 1. Designing computer output should proceed in an organized, well thought out manner; the right output must be developed while ensuring that each output element is designed so that people will find the system, can use easily and effectively. 2. Select methods for presenting information. 3. Create document, report, or other formats that contain information produced by the system. 4. The output form of an information system should accomplish one or more of the following objectives. i. Convey information about past activities, current status or projections of the future. ii. Signal important events, opportunities, problems, or warnings. iii. Trigger an action. Confirm an action. 2.3 Feasibility Study: Feasibility study is most important and it concerns great to the student and
  • 10. [10] faculty which new system is to be developed. It includes the study of success and level of satisfaction of the user will get from the system. Feasibility means possibilities (to some extent), i.e., this study the possibility of implementation of new system as a substitute to old system removing all shortcomings and including all new requirements 2.5 SOFTWARE ENGENEERING MODEL USED: This document plays a vital role in the development of life cycle (SDLC) as it describes the complete requirement of the system. It means for use by developers and will be the basic during testing phase. Any changes made to the requirements in the future will have to go through formal change approval process. 2.6 Cost Estimations Economic analysis is the most frequently used technique for evaluating the effectiveness of a proposed system. It is commonly known as cost/benefit analysis: the procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a proposed system and compare them with cost. If benefits outweigh cost, a decision is taken to design and implement the system. Otherwise, further justification or alternative in the proposed system will have to be made if it is to have a chance of being approved. This is an ongoing effort that improves in accuracy at each phase of the system life cycle. Total estimated cost of the project. Financing of the project in terms of its capital structure, debt e/unity ratio and promoters share of total cost.
  • 11. [11] Existing investment by the promoter in any other business Projected cash flow and profitability. 2.7 Project scheduling Project scheduling is a mechanism to communicate what tasks need to get done and which organizational resources will be allocated to complete those tasks in what time frame. A project schedule is a document collecting all the work needed to deliver the project on time. A project is made up of many tasks, and each task is given a start and end (or due date), so it can be completed on time. Likewise, people have different schedules, and their availability and vacation or leave dates need to be documented in order to successfully plan those tasks. Project scheduling provides the following benefits:  Assists with tracking, reporting on, and communicating progress.  Ensures everyone is on the same page as far as tasks, dependencies, and deadlines.  Helps highlight issues and concerns, such as a lack of resources.  Helps identify task relationships.  Can be used to monitor progress and identify issues early.
  • 12. [12]
  • 14. [14] SYSTEM DESIGN 3.1 Project planning: Project management begins with planning, which perhaps the single largest responsibility of the project management Proper planning is recognized as a critical ingredient for a successful project. The project plan provides the fundamental basis for project management. A software plan is usually produced before the development activity begins and is updated as development proceeds and data about progress of the project become available. The major activities of project planning is : ● Cost estimation ● Schedule and Milestone determination ● Project-Staffing ● Quality control plans ● Controlling and monitoring plan Cost and schedule estimation is the amount of total cost and time nedded for successfully completing the project. In addition, cost and schedule for the different activities of development process to be used are also estimated, as the development process only specifies the activities, not the cost and time requirement for them. In this project, the cost is calculated on the effort of the hardware and software cost. Activities carried out are scheduling the project according to the time
  • 15. [15] d) SignUp: With the SignUp module, you can quickly and easily create a Account for Password Manager GUI app. So you can access its feature. e) Login: This module validates the user, and returns an error statement if it doesn’t find the specified user in the data base. a) User: User privileges are provided to the user, where he is able to to store and generate random passwords. i. Add Data: This module provides features for adding the password or other details of user in the database. The user must register/signup himself first, so that he is able to login and store or generate a random password for his online accounts. ii. Update Data: This module enables the user to update his existing data. If he wants update his data that he has already stored in the database. iii. Remove Data: When an user wants to remove his data from his database, he is able to do it with the help of this module and is able to successfully remove that specific data. Password Generator: This module generates passwords based on the customization that you set to create an unpredictable strong password for your accounts. It helps to create a random and customized password for users that helps them to create a strong password which provides greater security. It can be include some basic points  Security  Customiation option  Usability  Feedback on password strength  Educational value
  • 17. [17] CODING #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <cctype> #include <cstring> class PasswordGenerator { public: PasswordGenerator(int length, bool useUppercase, bool useDigits, bool useSpecialChars); std::string generatePassword(); private: int length; bool useUppercase; bool useDigits; bool useSpecialChars; static const std::string lowercaseChars; static const std::string uppercaseChars; static const std::string digitChars;
  • 18. [18] static const std::string specialChars; std::string generateRandomChars(const std::string& charSet, int count); }; const std::string PasswordGenerator::lowercaseChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; const std::string PasswordGenerator::uppercaseChars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; const std::string PasswordGenerator::digitChars = "0123456789"; const std::string PasswordGenerator::specialChars = "!@#$%^&*()_- +=<>?"; PasswordGenerator::PasswordGenerator(int length, bool useUppercase, bool useDigits, bool useSpecialChars) : length(length), useUppercase(useUppercase), useDigits(useDigits), useSpecialChars(useSpecialChars) { std::srand(std::time(0)); // Seed for random number generation } std::string PasswordGenerator::generatePassword() { std::string password; if (useUppercase) password += generateRandomChars(uppercaseChars, 1); if (useDigits) password += generateRandomChars(digitChars, 1);
  • 19. [19] if (useSpecialChars) password += generateRandomChars(specialChars, 1); int remainingLength = length - password.length(); password += generateRandomChars(lowercaseChars, remainingLength); // Shuffle the characters in the password std::random_shuffle(password.begin(), password.end()); return password; } std::string PasswordGenerator::generateRandomChars(const std::string& charSet, int count) { std::string result; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { result += charSet[std::rand() % charSet.length()]; } return result; } int main() { // Customize the parameters as needed int passwordLength = 16;
  • 20. [20] bool includeUppercase = true; bool includeDigits = true; bool includeSpecialChars = true; PasswordGenerator passwordGenerator(passwordLength, includeUppercase, includeDigits, includeSpecialChars); std::string generatedPassword = passwordGenerator.generatePassword(); std::cout << "Generated Password: " << generatedPassword << std::endl; return 0; }
  • 22. [22] SYSTEM TESTING Testing is an important phase encountered in any developed product or framework is the testing phase. It is because, the developed product should be free from errors and it should be validated for accuracy. The product should work under normal conditions as long as the user gives proper inputs and therefore it should be checked for its robustness and should withstand and inform the users about the erroneous input. The quality of system is confirmed by the thoroughness of its testing. Duration and cost of testing and debugging is a significant fraction of the system development cycle and hence influences overall productivity during the development. In this phase, the errors in the programs or modules are localized and modifications are done to eliminate them. The testing makes a logical assumption that all parts of the system work efficiently and the goal is achieved. VERIFICATION & VALIDATION TESTING The purpose of the requirement phase is to verify all behavioral characteristics and performance requirements. Validation is achieved through a series of testing that demonstrate conformity with requirements. Both the plan and the procedures are designed to ensure that all the functional requirements are satisfied in the program. ● All behavioral characteristics are achieved. ● All performance requirements are attained.
  • 23. [23] UNIT TESTING Unit testing focuses on the verification effort of the smallest unit of design module. Attention is diverted to individual modules, independently to locate errors. This has enabled the detection of errors in coding and logic. The various modules of the system are tested in unit testing method. Using the detailed description as a guide, important control parts are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the module. The relative complexity of tests and the error detected as a result is limited by the constrained scope established for unit testing. This test focuses on each module individually, ensuring that it functions properly as a unit, and hence the name Unit Testing. INTEGRATION TESTING The program as a whole is integrated into a single component and checked with test data. This is to check that the whole program works together correctly. The various modules are integrated first. Then the system is tested as a whole. The behavior of each module with another is identified in this testing. Any misbehavior will lead to dangerous problems or errors in the system. All these problems can be filtered off using this testing.  Bottom-up Integration: low-level components are integrated and tested before the higher-level components have been developed. .
  • 25. [25] SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION & MAINTENANCE In implementation, the training for the system user, how to work with this software should be given. The development of operating procedure to repair and enhance the system should be done. The installation new computers with required hardware and software specification are to be performed, if the present system is working manually. If the hardware specification of the present system is below the recommended specification the existing system should be replaced with new one or up gradation of the existing system should be done. Itis necessary to check whether the required application should be working properly. Main stages in the implementation are • Planning • Training • System Testing
  • 26. [26] CONCLUSION This project is designed for the users who surf through internet a lot and create a number of online accounts and they can’t keep track or memorize all of their online acconts login details. That’s where our Password Manager comes in use it helps them to houses all their passwords in encrypted database. Even it helps in generating a stronger, random and complex passwords which makes them more difficult to crack or guess. Thus, you can have easy access for your accounts and more difficult for hackers.
  • 27. [27]