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Jerry Johnston, US Department of the Interior
June 20, 2016
Next Generation Open Data Platforms
What’s New and What’s Next?
A (Very) Brief History of the US NSDI
• Executive Order 12906 (1994) called for the establishment of
the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
• Defined as the “technologies, policies, and people necessary to
promote sharing of geospatial data throughout all levels of
government, the private and non-profit sectors, and the academic
• Goals include reducing duplication and costs, while making more
geographic information available to the public and partners in
government and the private sector
• Standards development and registries (Geospatial One Stop,
Data.gov) followed
• Tens of thousands of datasets registered to shared catalogs
…Now what?
…Or maybe the right question is:
So what?
The Need for a New Strategy
• The role of government in the geospatial ecosystem has
• Use of geospatial data and maps in the public sector is
• Some significant challenges to address:
• Past approaches have not allowed for significant collaboration
among partners in the NSDI or users of data/services/maps
• Making sure it all “works” when you need it to (e.g., service
availability and quality)
• We have (mostly) made metadata for people to read…not
NSDI Strategic Plan GoalsNSDI Strategic Plan (FY14–FY16)
What Is GeoPlatform.gov?
• Implements key objectives of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
Strategic Plan, and the National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Management Plan
• Consistent, reliable portal to nation’s vast ecosystem of open geospatial
• Means for our stakeholders to publish their content once and have it accessed from
• A services platform for providing direct access to the nation’s online geospatial
• Single point of access for finding data assets, services, layers and maps
• Provides shared hosting services for our stakeholders
• We deal with the tough IT challenges: consistent access, reliability, scalability, and
• Shared core application services for stakeholder collaboration (e.g., building shared
map galleries for a community of interest)
A concerted effort to share open geospatial data and technology
Why GeoPlatform.gov?
• Reduce costs of producing, managing,
and sharing authoritative open data
• Move towards interoperable web
services to provision all “nationally
significant” data
• Provide robust infrastructure for
hosting these services where needed
• Assess, measure, and monitor data
and service quality
• Make data and maps more usable
through shared knowledge
• Enhance platform services and
facilitate access to nation’s geospatial
resources for developers
What We’ve Accomplished in the Past 18 Months
• Building out core services for our SaaS/PaaS
• Building better tools for managing our assets
• Laying foundations for secure, reliable, scalable, hardened
services in the Cloud
• Starting to make it easier for people to find the right resources for
the right task
• Building and testing core services for developers to access
platform for open data and open services
Towards high-performance web services for core geospatial assets (NGDA)
• Dashboards
• Asset Registries
• Map Viewers
• Shared Maps
• Web Service APIs
Towards 5★ Open Services
From open data sharing towards an open services experience
Level of Openness Description Benefits
Proprietary service is available on the web through a
licensed (for fee), non-standard interface
O.K. It's nice to have service on the web, however, the licensed and proprietary
nature of the interface hinders interoperability and widespread adoption.
Proprietary service is available on the web through a
publicly available, non-standard interface
Splendid! It's great to have a publicly available service on the web, however, the
proprietary nature of the interface hinders interoperability and widespread
Service is available on the web through a publicly
available, candidate open standard interface (i.e., a
new standard with public support and tangible adoption)
Excellent! The barriers to interoperability have been lowered by the use of a
candidate open standard. (This stage is a necessary step in evolving the platform
and getting others to use it.)
Service is available on the web through a publicly
available, open standard interface
Wonderful! The barriers to interoperability have been greatly reduced by the use of
a well-established, adopted open standard, from a credible standards organization
like W3C or OGC.
Open source service is available on the web through a
publicly available, open standard interface
Brilliant! Not only is the service open and interoperable, but its source code is
available for those who wish to integrate and tailor this reusable service for their
• What’s New:
• Look and feel
• Additional map viewer functionality
• Create and import maps from Esri’s
ArcGIS Online
• Create and embed Map Galleries
into external sites
• Portfolio management capabilities to
measure and manage national
geospatial data assets
• Enriched geospatial marketplace
• Secure scalable Amazon Web
Services Cloud infrastructure
• Shared cloud hosting of data and
applications for our users and on
behalf of our agency partners
GeoPlatform Today
• GeoPlatform Marketplace
• Quickly post and easily
search for planned data
• Publish and find planned
data collection projects
• Expand opportunities to
partner on data
acquisitions (reducing
costs and duplicate
• Initial implementation
supports USGS 3D
Elevation Program
Investment Efficiency
• A-16 NGDA Theme
• NGDA Collaboration
Community (NCC)
expanded from the Theme
Lead Collaboration
• Federal Agency
• New Communities
• Multiple data browse, filter, and
sort features
• Dataset preview
• Add user content: Digitize
features or Upload .KML,
GeoJSON, .csv, or shapefiles
(in .zip) to extract features
• Gazetteer and Geolocation
• Control layer ordering, visibility,
• Save and share maps (Web
Map Context)
• Publish composed maps
Web Map Viewer
• Browse harvested AGOL
maps by search filters or
• Create map galleries with
maps from WMV and AGOL
• Share maps and galleries
through email
• Embed map blocks and
curated gallery pages into
other websites
• Customize gallery page with
community and keywords
• Manage gallery pages
• Permissions-based access
and use
Map Manager
• Tools to measure,
monitor, and
report on NGDAs
and services
• NGDA Dataset
Lifecycle Maturity
survey tools
• Service Checker
Performance Dashboard
Performance Dashboard–Reliability
Reliability of USGS National Structures Service
What We Are Planning for the Next 12 Months
• Implementing Registry+, our new central hub for finding and using
significant GeoPlatform/NSDI resources
• Plan to greatly enhance discovery
• A unified registry for core GeoPlatform business objects
• Fixing logical consistency (schema, syntax), semantic consistency, and
access issues in our metadata holdings
• Improving capabilities for monitoring and tracking status of services
• Expansion of shared Cloud (AWS) hosting offering
• After rigorous testing and trials, start to roll out open service hooks for
• Want developers implementing and contributing back open source
components that leverage and extend the GeoPlatform ecosystem
Achieve the High-Performance Web Services Experience from Cloud…
Data assets
Service assets
Layer assets
GeoPlatform is helping advance the NSDI by enabling users to:
• More easily find existing maps and data: Semantic search/Knowledge
graphs will help users surface the right content more quickly and easily
• Get access to more high-quality NSDI services: Cloud hosting
offerings have the ability to change the game in terms of making high-
quality data available
• Understand (and improve!) the quality of the NSDI services: Service
status checker and performance dashboard can continuously monitor the
component services of the distributed NSDI
• More easily share data, tools, and maps and collaborate: GeoPlatform
offerings bring collaboration and analytics tools at scale to end users in all
Next Generation Open Data Platforms | AWS Public Sector Summit 2016

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Next Generation Open Data Platforms | AWS Public Sector Summit 2016

  • 1. © 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Jerry Johnston, US Department of the Interior June 20, 2016 Next Generation Open Data Platforms What’s New and What’s Next?
  • 2. A (Very) Brief History of the US NSDI • Executive Order 12906 (1994) called for the establishment of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) • Defined as the “technologies, policies, and people necessary to promote sharing of geospatial data throughout all levels of government, the private and non-profit sectors, and the academic community” • Goals include reducing duplication and costs, while making more geographic information available to the public and partners in government and the private sector • Standards development and registries (Geospatial One Stop, Data.gov) followed • Tens of thousands of datasets registered to shared catalogs
  • 4. …Or maybe the right question is: So what?
  • 5. The Need for a New Strategy • The role of government in the geospatial ecosystem has changed • Use of geospatial data and maps in the public sector is pervasive • Some significant challenges to address: • Past approaches have not allowed for significant collaboration among partners in the NSDI or users of data/services/maps • Making sure it all “works” when you need it to (e.g., service availability and quality) • We have (mostly) made metadata for people to read…not machines
  • 6. NSDI Strategic Plan GoalsNSDI Strategic Plan (FY14–FY16)
  • 7. What Is GeoPlatform.gov? • Implements key objectives of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Strategic Plan, and the National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Management Plan • Consistent, reliable portal to nation’s vast ecosystem of open geospatial data/services • Means for our stakeholders to publish their content once and have it accessed from anywhere • A services platform for providing direct access to the nation’s online geospatial resources • Single point of access for finding data assets, services, layers and maps • Provides shared hosting services for our stakeholders • We deal with the tough IT challenges: consistent access, reliability, scalability, and performance • Shared core application services for stakeholder collaboration (e.g., building shared map galleries for a community of interest) A concerted effort to share open geospatial data and technology
  • 8. Why GeoPlatform.gov? • Reduce costs of producing, managing, and sharing authoritative open data • Move towards interoperable web services to provision all “nationally significant” data • Provide robust infrastructure for hosting these services where needed • Assess, measure, and monitor data and service quality • Make data and maps more usable through shared knowledge • Enhance platform services and facilitate access to nation’s geospatial resources for developers 8
  • 9. What We’ve Accomplished in the Past 18 Months • Building out core services for our SaaS/PaaS • Building better tools for managing our assets • Laying foundations for secure, reliable, scalable, hardened services in the Cloud • Starting to make it easier for people to find the right resources for the right task • Building and testing core services for developers to access platform for open data and open services Towards high-performance web services for core geospatial assets (NGDA) • Dashboards • Asset Registries • Map Viewers • Shared Maps • Web Service APIs
  • 10. Towards 5★ Open Services From open data sharing towards an open services experience Level of Openness Description Benefits ★ Proprietary service is available on the web through a licensed (for fee), non-standard interface O.K. It's nice to have service on the web, however, the licensed and proprietary nature of the interface hinders interoperability and widespread adoption. ★★ Proprietary service is available on the web through a publicly available, non-standard interface Splendid! It's great to have a publicly available service on the web, however, the proprietary nature of the interface hinders interoperability and widespread adoption. ★★★ Service is available on the web through a publicly available, candidate open standard interface (i.e., a new standard with public support and tangible adoption) Excellent! The barriers to interoperability have been lowered by the use of a candidate open standard. (This stage is a necessary step in evolving the platform and getting others to use it.) ★★★★ Service is available on the web through a publicly available, open standard interface Wonderful! The barriers to interoperability have been greatly reduced by the use of a well-established, adopted open standard, from a credible standards organization like W3C or OGC. ★★★★★ Open source service is available on the web through a publicly available, open standard interface Brilliant! Not only is the service open and interoperable, but its source code is available for those who wish to integrate and tailor this reusable service for their needs.
  • 11. • What’s New: • Look and feel • Additional map viewer functionality • Create and import maps from Esri’s ArcGIS Online • Create and embed Map Galleries into external sites • Portfolio management capabilities to measure and manage national geospatial data assets • Enriched geospatial marketplace • Secure scalable Amazon Web Services Cloud infrastructure • Shared cloud hosting of data and applications for our users and on behalf of our agency partners GeoPlatform Today
  • 12. • GeoPlatform Marketplace • Quickly post and easily search for planned data acquisitions • Publish and find planned data collection projects • Expand opportunities to partner on data acquisitions (reducing costs and duplicate efforts) • Initial implementation supports USGS 3D Elevation Program Investment Efficiency
  • 13. • A-16 NGDA Theme Communities • NGDA Collaboration Community (NCC) expanded from the Theme Lead Collaboration Community • Federal Agency Communities: • GeoCONOPS • WWHGD • New Communities Communities
  • 14. • Multiple data browse, filter, and sort features • Dataset preview • Add user content: Digitize features or Upload .KML, GeoJSON, .csv, or shapefiles (in .zip) to extract features • Gazetteer and Geolocation support • Control layer ordering, visibility, opacity • Save and share maps (Web Map Context) • Publish composed maps Web Map Viewer
  • 15. • Browse harvested AGOL maps by search filters or organization • Create map galleries with maps from WMV and AGOL • Share maps and galleries through email • Embed map blocks and curated gallery pages into other websites • Customize gallery page with community and keywords • Manage gallery pages • Permissions-based access and use Map Manager 15
  • 16. • Tools to measure, monitor, and report on NGDAs and services • NGDA Dataset Lifecycle Maturity Assessment survey tools • Service Checker Performance Dashboard
  • 17. Performance Dashboard–Reliability Reliability of USGS National Structures Service
  • 18. What We Are Planning for the Next 12 Months • Implementing Registry+, our new central hub for finding and using significant GeoPlatform/NSDI resources • Plan to greatly enhance discovery • A unified registry for core GeoPlatform business objects • Fixing logical consistency (schema, syntax), semantic consistency, and access issues in our metadata holdings • Improving capabilities for monitoring and tracking status of services • Expansion of shared Cloud (AWS) hosting offering • After rigorous testing and trials, start to roll out open service hooks for developers • Want developers implementing and contributing back open source components that leverage and extend the GeoPlatform ecosystem Achieve the High-Performance Web Services Experience from Cloud… Data assets Service assets Layer assets
  • 19. Conclusion GeoPlatform is helping advance the NSDI by enabling users to: • More easily find existing maps and data: Semantic search/Knowledge graphs will help users surface the right content more quickly and easily • Get access to more high-quality NSDI services: Cloud hosting offerings have the ability to change the game in terms of making high- quality data available • Understand (and improve!) the quality of the NSDI services: Service status checker and performance dashboard can continuously monitor the component services of the distributed NSDI • More easily share data, tools, and maps and collaborate: GeoPlatform offerings bring collaboration and analytics tools at scale to end users in all sectors

Editor's Notes

  1. Performance Dashboard features: Sort by Type (Theme & Agency) View multiple Theme & Agency selections Sort by Survey snapshot Bar chart representation of each stage & rollup Export as a PDF Export data as a CSV View Service reliability for a dataset View metadata for a dataset Manage Agencies, Datasets, Themes, Survey Groups, and Survey Questions.
  2. Performance Dashboard features: Sort by Type (Theme & Agency) View multiple Theme & Agency selections Sort by Survey snapshot Bar chart representation of each stage & rollup Export as a PDF Export data as a CSV View Service reliability for a dataset View metadata for a dataset Manage Agencies, Datasets, Themes, Survey Groups, and Survey Questions.