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Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Neo4j Product Vision
and Roadmap
David Pond
Lead Product Manager
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
The information presented here is Neo4j, Inc. confidential and does not
constitute, and should not be construed as, a promise or commitment by
Neo4j to develop, market or deliver any particular product, feature or
Neo4j reserves the right to change its product plans or roadmap at any
time, without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
The timing and content of Neo4j’s future product releases could differ
materially from the expectations discussed herein.
New in Neo4j 5
Product capabilities launched in 2023/2024
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
● Parallel Runtime - faster analytical Queries
● Change Data Capture - better data integration
● Autonomous clustering & Fabric - limitless
● Graph Schema & constraints
● Backup with point-in-time recovery
● Incremental import
● Neo4j/AuraDB Ops Manager for managing
● Aura Enterprise Database on all clouds
(AWS, GCP, Azure)
● SOC II Type 2 compliance, AuraDB APIs, RBAC
● Private Link & CMEK
● Log forwarding & performance metrics - better
● Workspace - unified developer experience
● GraphQL Support & Simplified Drivers API
● Bloom support for GDS algorithms
● GDS Python API
● Knowledge Graph Embeddings
● Longest Path & Topological Sort Algorithm
● Vector Search & index
● Embedding APIs & LLM Models - Real Time
● OpenAI + MS Azure OpenAI, VertexAI, AWS
Bedrock, Langchain, LlamaIndex etc. - Real Time
GenAI integration
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Cloud Scale
• Procure through Aura Console or via
Cloud Marketplace
• Zero maintenance, automated
upgrades and highly available
• Scalable and elastic, on-demand
• Enterprise-grade security
• SOC II Type 2 compliance
• Easier RBAC configuration with Aura
• Private link
• Observability with Ops Manager,
performance metrics and logs
Customer Managed Keys (Encryption)
7 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
What is it
Aura encrypts all data at transit &
rest by default.
Customer Managed Keys (CMK)
is an alternative way to protect
cloud data for security conscious
Enterprises, enabling customers
to manage their own keys for
encryption / decryption at disk on
Aura using Key Management
Services (KMS) from their Cloud
Service Provider.
Why it is important
Customers can protect their own
data, control access and have
the ability to revoke access, even
from Neo4j.
Customers can adhere to their
own stringent security policy
around access and key rotation,
on top of Aura’s Enterprise grade
default security and compliance
Customer Managed Keys (Encryption)
Ops Manager
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Unified Product Experience
10 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Aura Console
Graph Tools
Improvements in Bloom / Explore
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Data Slicer
GDS Algos
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
April 12, 2024
Welcome GQL!
GQL - Graph Query Language
The first new ISO language since 1987
GQL-fueled additions in Cypher:
• Node and relationship expressions WHERE
• Richer label expressions
• Sophisticated pattern repetitions
• SQL-like synonims
• GQL Error codes
• GQL is Here: Your Cypher Queries in a GQL World
• GQL: The ISO Standard for Graphs Has Arrived
• ISO GQL: A Defining Moment in the History of
Database Innovation
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Graph Pattern
Improved expressivity of
graph navigation with
Quantified Path Patterns,
a more powerful and
performant syntax to
navigate and traverse
your graph.
Database Enhancements
Graph Pattern Matching Example → Fraud Rings
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
MATCH path=(a:Account)-[:PERFORMS]->(first_tx)
WHERE tx_i.date < tx_j.date
AND 0.80 <= tx_i.amount / tx_j.amount <= 1.00
WHERE size(apoc.coll.toSet([a]+a_i)) = size([a]+a_i)
amount: 1000
date: 2023-01-01T10:10:10.000+0000
accountNumber: 1
amount: 900
date: 2023-01-02T10:10:10.000+0000
amount: 729
date: 2023-01-04T10:10:10.000+0000
accountNumber: 4
accountNumber: 3
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
New constraints on nodes,
relationships and properties:
● Node/Relationship unique
● Node/Relationship property
existence and type
● Node/Relationship keys
Graph Schema
Graph Schema / Graph Type
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
The definition of the informational content of a schema
(or rather a graph type), comprising:
● A set of node type descriptors
(also known as a node type set).
● A set of edge type descriptors
(also known as an edge type set).
● A node type name dictionary that maps node type
which are identifiers, to node types contained in the node
type set of this graph type descriptor such that each
node type name is mapped to a single node type.
● An edge type name dictionary that maps edge
type names,
which are identifiers, to edge types contained in the
edge type set of this graph type descriptor such that
each edge type name is mapped to a single edge type.
(a:AccountHolder { FirstName :: STRING!,
LastName :: STRING!,
UniqueId :: STRING! }
...) REQUIRE UniqueId IS KEY,
(c:CreditCard {AccountNumber :: STRING!,
Balance :: FLOAT!,
...} ...) REQUIRE AccountNumber IS KEY, ...
(a)-[:HAS_CARD ...]->(c),
(a)-[:HAS_ACCOUNT ...]->(b),...
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Parallel Runtime
Speed up
queries up to
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Parallel Runtime
Speed up
queries up to
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Parallel Runtime
Speed up
queries up to
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Parallel Runtime
Speed up
queries up to
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Memory Optimized
and Future Proof
An implementation of graph-native
that’s informed by more than a decade
of experience supporting real-world
production graph workloads.
Neo4j is still graph-first; block format
• Native graph storage
• Optimized for connected data
• Index-free adjacency
Block format supersedes all previous
store formats.
Migrate, convert, import into Block
Automated Real-Time Change Tracking
22 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Graph Data at Scale
23 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Autonomous Clustering
Easy, automated horizontal scale-
Composite Databases
Federated queries and sharded graphs
Graph Data at Scale
24 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Properties Sharding
25 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Users’ Connections TOPOLOGY DATABASE
data load
updates on
AI Enabler
Graph Data Science & Generative AI
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
© 2023 Neo4j, Inc. All rights reserved. 27
and GenAI
How can you use domain-
specific knowledge to
rapidly build accurate,
contextual, and
explainable GenAI
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2023
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Knowledge Graphs + LLMs
Left Brain + Right Brain
Retrieval Augmented Generation (GraphRAG)
Vector + Graph Search
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
● avoid hallucinations
● ignore LLM training data
● only use language skills
● fetch relevant information from
reliable (enterprise) datasources
● often uses vector and/or full-text
search for starting points
● use context from knowledge graph
Graph + Vector = Semantic Search
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Find similar documents.
Find related information.
Combine for more
accurate results within a
relevant context.
Vector Index
Graph Structure
Knowledge Graph
Similarity Search
Pattern Matching
What is a Knowledge Graph?
An information architecture with layered connections.
Or a digital twin of reality or your organization.
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
records sets relationships patterns layers
RAG with Neo4j
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Find similar documents,
content and data
Expanded context for related
information and ranking
Improve GenAI inferences and
insights. Discover new
relationships and entities
Unified search, knowledge graph and data science capabilities to
improve RAG quality and effectiveness
Vector Search,
Full-text Search,
Geospatial, Pattern
Data Science
Knowledge Graph
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2023
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Knowledge Graph Complementary Benefits
Extend LLM
through RAG
Invite human
exploration &
features & analysis
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
1 Knowledge Graph Construction
Gen AI use cases LLM
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Knowledge Graph
Construction with
Cypher Templates
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Knowledge Graph Construction
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
1 Knowledge Graph Construction
Gen AI use cases LLM
2 RAG-based Chat Applications
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Natural Language
Search combining
explicit and implicit
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
RAG-based Chat Applications
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Application Human
1 Knowledge Graph Construction
Gen AI use cases LLM
2 RAG-based Chat Applications
3 RAG-enhanced General Applications
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Natural Language
assistants and co-
rooted in business
Prompt +
Embedding API LLM API
Prompt Response
Relevant Results
● Integrate Neo4j with leading LLM open-
source frameworks such as LangChain,
LlamaIndex & More
● Call LLM APIs natively via Cypher using
product integration or open-source APOC
(extended) library
● Agnostic LLM orchestration connecting
graphs to OpenAI, AWS Bedrock, GCP
Vertex AI, Azure, Anthropic, Hugging
Face, and other proprietary and open
source foundation models
Integrate with the GenAI Ecosystem
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
GenAI Stack
Generative AI & Embedding Models
Grounding Knowledge Graph
Neo4j GenAI Integrations
Text | Chat | Embedding
NL Query | Image Gen
Neo4j Drivers
Python JavaScript
Neo4j’s GenAI Roadmap
● Co-Pilots & integrations in Neo4j Browser, Bloom,
Data Importer, NeoDash, Docs
● Cloud Integrations: GCP Vertex AI, AWS Bedrock,
Azure OpenAI
● Scalable and integrated Vector Search, additional
Graph Embeddings
● GraphRAG eval framework
● More framework integrations: Langchain,
LlamaIndex, SemanticKernel, Spring.AI, Haystack
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Coming 2024+
● Parallel Runtime for faster analytical Queries
● Block Format for efficient and future proof graph
● Change Data Capture (CDC) better data integration
● Autonomous clustering and Composite Database for
limitless scalability
● Graph Schema, Improved Backup recovery,
incremental import
● Neo4j Ops Manager for managing databases
● Aura Database on all clouds (AWS, GCP, Azure)
● SOC II Type 2 & HIPAA compliance, AuraDB APIs,
RBAC configuration
● Better observability with security log forwarding
Performance metrics forwarding (EAP)
● Private Link & CMEK
Neo4j product capabilities launched in 2023/24
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
● Unified Developer Experience with Neo4j Workspace
● Quantified Graph Pattern Matching
● Call in Transactions
● Self-service Data Import (more coming soon)
● GraphQL Support
● Simplified Drivers API
● Bloom support for Graph Data Science algorithms
● Graph Data Science Client
● Knowledge Graph Embeddings
● Vector Index, similarity search & vector similarity
● Real Time integration with Embedding APIs & LLM
● GenAI Integrations (OpenAI + MS Azure OpenAI,
VertexAI, AWS Bedrock, Langchain(Python & JS),
LlamaIndex, Haystack, Spring AI, LangChain4j)
Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
Follow us!

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GraphSummit Stockholm - Neo4j - Knowledge Graphs and Product Updates

  • 1. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 Neo4j Product Vision and Roadmap David Pond Lead Product Manager
  • 2. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 SAFE HARBOR ROADMAP DISCLAIMER The information presented here is Neo4j, Inc. confidential and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, a promise or commitment by Neo4j to develop, market or deliver any particular product, feature or function. Neo4j reserves the right to change its product plans or roadmap at any time, without obligation to notify any person of such changes. The timing and content of Neo4j’s future product releases could differ materially from the expectations discussed herein. 2
  • 4. Neo4j Product capabilities launched in 2023/2024 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 5 ● Parallel Runtime - faster analytical Queries ● Change Data Capture - better data integration ● Autonomous clustering & Fabric - limitless scalability ● Graph Schema & constraints ● Backup with point-in-time recovery ● Incremental import ● Neo4j/AuraDB Ops Manager for managing databases ● Aura Enterprise Database on all clouds (AWS, GCP, Azure) ● SOC II Type 2 compliance, AuraDB APIs, RBAC configuration ● Private Link & CMEK ● Log forwarding & performance metrics - better observability ● Workspace - unified developer experience ● GraphQL Support & Simplified Drivers API ● Bloom support for GDS algorithms ● GDS Python API ● Knowledge Graph Embeddings ● Longest Path & Topological Sort Algorithm ● Vector Search & index ● Embedding APIs & LLM Models - Real Time integration ● OpenAI + MS Azure OpenAI, VertexAI, AWS Bedrock, Langchain, LlamaIndex etc. - Real Time GenAI integration
  • 5. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 6 Cloud Scale • Procure through Aura Console or via Cloud Marketplace • Zero maintenance, automated upgrades and highly available • Scalable and elastic, on-demand • Enterprise-grade security • SOC II Type 2 compliance • Easier RBAC configuration with Aura Console • Private link • CMEK • Observability with Ops Manager, performance metrics and logs forwarding
  • 6. Customer Managed Keys (Encryption) 7 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 What is it Aura encrypts all data at transit & rest by default. Customer Managed Keys (CMK) is an alternative way to protect cloud data for security conscious Enterprises, enabling customers to manage their own keys for encryption / decryption at disk on Aura using Key Management Services (KMS) from their Cloud Service Provider. Why it is important Customers can protect their own data, control access and have the ability to revoke access, even from Neo4j. Customers can adhere to their own stringent security policy around access and key rotation, on top of Aura’s Enterprise grade default security and compliance posture.
  • 7. Customer Managed Keys (Encryption) 8
  • 8. Neo4j Ops Manager Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 9
  • 9. Unified Product Experience 10 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 Aura Console Graph Tools Ops Management
  • 10. Improvements in Bloom / Explore Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 Data Slicer GDS Algos
  • 11. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 12 April 12, 2024 Welcome GQL! GQL - Graph Query Language The first new ISO language since 1987 GQL-fueled additions in Cypher: • Node and relationship expressions WHERE clause • Richer label expressions • Sophisticated pattern repetitions • SQL-like synonims • GQL Error codes • GQL is Here: Your Cypher Queries in a GQL World • GQL: The ISO Standard for Graphs Has Arrived • ISO GQL: A Defining Moment in the History of Database Innovation
  • 12. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 13 Graph Pattern Matching Improved expressivity of graph navigation with Quantified Path Patterns, a more powerful and performant syntax to navigate and traverse your graph.
  • 13. NEO4J 5.0 NEW CAPABILITIES Database Enhancements Graph Pattern Matching Example → Fraud Rings Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 14 QPP MATCH path=(a:Account)-[:PERFORMS]->(first_tx) ((tx_i)-[:BENEFITS_TO]->(a_i)-[:PERFORMS]->(tx_j) WHERE tx_i.date < tx_j.date AND 0.80 <= tx_i.amount / tx_j.amount <= 1.00 ){3,6} (last_tx)-[:BENEFITS_TO]->(a) WHERE size(apoc.coll.toSet([a]+a_i)) = size([a]+a_i) RETURN path accountNumber:2 amount: 1000 date: 2023-01-01T10:10:10.000+0000 accountNumber: 1 amount: 900 date: 2023-01-02T10:10:10.000+0000 amount: 729 date: 2023-01-04T10:10:10.000+0000 accountNumber: 4 accountNumber: 3
  • 14. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 15 New constraints on nodes, relationships and properties: ● Node/Relationship unique property ● Node/Relationship property existence and type ● Node/Relationship keys NEO4J 5 NEW CAPABILITIES Graph Schema
  • 15. Graph Schema / Graph Type Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 16 The definition of the informational content of a schema (or rather a graph type), comprising: ● A set of node type descriptors (also known as a node type set). ● A set of edge type descriptors (also known as an edge type set). ● A node type name dictionary that maps node type names, which are identifiers, to node types contained in the node type set of this graph type descriptor such that each node type name is mapped to a single node type. ● An edge type name dictionary that maps edge type names, which are identifiers, to edge types contained in the edge type set of this graph type descriptor such that each edge type name is mapped to a single edge type. CREATE OR REPLACE GRAPH TYPE FraudDet (a:AccountHolder { FirstName :: STRING!, LastName :: STRING!, UniqueId :: STRING! } ...) REQUIRE UniqueId IS KEY, (c:CreditCard {AccountNumber :: STRING!, Balance :: FLOAT!, ...} ...) REQUIRE AccountNumber IS KEY, ... (a)-[:HAS_CARD ...]->(c), (a)-[:HAS_ACCOUNT ...]->(b),... CREATE OR REPLACE DATABASE foo ... [WITH GRAPH TYPE FrautDet] ...
  • 16. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 17 Parallel Runtime Speed up analytical queries up to 100x
  • 17. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 18 Parallel Runtime Speed up analytical queries up to 100x
  • 18. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 19 Parallel Runtime Speed up analytical queries up to 100x MORE CORES
  • 19. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 20 Parallel Runtime Speed up analytical queries up to 100x FASTER QUERIES MORE CORES
  • 20. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 21 BLOCK FORMAT Memory Optimized and Future Proof An implementation of graph-native that’s informed by more than a decade of experience supporting real-world production graph workloads. Neo4j is still graph-first; block format is: • Native graph storage • Optimized for connected data • Index-free adjacency Block format supersedes all previous store formats. Migrate, convert, import into Block Format
  • 21. CHANGE DATA CAPTURE Automated Real-Time Change Tracking 22 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
  • 22. Graph Data at Scale 23 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 Autonomous Clustering Easy, automated horizontal scale- out Composite Databases Federated queries and sharded graphs
  • 23. Graph Data at Scale 24 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024
  • 24. Properties Sharding 25 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 Users’ Connections TOPOLOGY DATABASE SHARDED PROPERTY DATABASES Parallel data load Rolling updates on demand
  • 25. AI Enabler Graph Data Science & Generative AI Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 26
  • 26. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 © 2023 Neo4j, Inc. All rights reserved. 27 Knowledge Graphs and GenAI How can you use domain- specific knowledge to rapidly build accurate, contextual, and explainable GenAI applications?
  • 27. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2023 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 28 Knowledge Graphs + LLMs 28 Facts Explicit Explainable Words Implicit Opaque KGs LLMs + Left Brain + Right Brain
  • 28. Retrieval Augmented Generation (GraphRAG) Vector + Graph Search Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 29 ● avoid hallucinations ● ignore LLM training data ● only use language skills ● fetch relevant information from reliable (enterprise) datasources ● often uses vector and/or full-text search for starting points ● use context from knowledge graph
  • 29. Graph + Vector = Semantic Search Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 30 Find similar documents. Find related information. Combine for more accurate results within a relevant context. Vector Index Graph Structure Knowledge Graph Similarity Search Pattern Matching
  • 30. 31 What is a Knowledge Graph? An information architecture with layered connections. Or a digital twin of reality or your organization. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 DATA INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE INSIGHT MEANING records sets relationships patterns layers
  • 31. RAG with Neo4j Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 32 Find similar documents, content and data Expanded context for related information and ranking results Improve GenAI inferences and insights. Discover new relationships and entities Unified search, knowledge graph and data science capabilities to improve RAG quality and effectiveness Vector Search, Full-text Search, Geospatial, Pattern match Data Science Knowledge Graph
  • 32. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2023 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 33 Knowledge Graph Complementary Benefits 33 LLM Human Application Knowledge Graph Extend LLM knowledge through RAG Invite human exploration & curation Advanced application features & analysis
  • 33. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 34 1 Knowledge Graph Construction Gen AI use cases LLM Knowledge Graph neo4j.com/labs/genai-ecosystem/llm-graph-builder
  • 34. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 35 Knowledge Graph Construction with Cypher Templates
  • 35. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 36 Knowledge Graph Construction neo4j.com/labs/genai-ecosystem/llm-graph-builder
  • 36. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 Human 37 1 Knowledge Graph Construction Gen AI use cases LLM Knowledge Graph 2 RAG-based Chat Applications neo4j.com/labs/genai-ecosystem/rag-demo/
  • 37. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 38 Natural Language Search combining explicit and implicit relationships
  • 38. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 39 RAG-based Chat Applications neo4j.com/labs/genai-ecosystem/rag-demo/
  • 39. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 Application Human 40 1 Knowledge Graph Construction Gen AI use cases LLM Knowledge Graph 2 RAG-based Chat Applications 3 RAG-enhanced General Applications
  • 40. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 41 Natural Language assistants and co- pilots, rooted in business policy Prompt + Relevant Information Embedding API LLM API User Database Search Prompt Response Relevant Results Knowledge Graph Application
  • 41. ● Integrate Neo4j with leading LLM open- source frameworks such as LangChain, LlamaIndex & More ● Call LLM APIs natively via Cypher using product integration or open-source APOC (extended) library ● Agnostic LLM orchestration connecting graphs to OpenAI, AWS Bedrock, GCP Vertex AI, Azure, Anthropic, Hugging Face, and other proprietary and open source foundation models Integrate with the GenAI Ecosystem Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 42 GenAI Stack Application Generative AI & Embedding Models Orchestration Grounding Knowledge Graph Neo4jGraph Neo4jVector GraphCypherQAChai n Neo4jGraphStore Neo4jVectorStore KnowledgeGraphIndex Neo4j GenAI Integrations Text | Chat | Embedding NL Query | Image Gen Neo4j Drivers Java Python JavaScript neo4j.com/labs/genai-ecosystem
  • 42. POWERING GENERATIVE AI APPS Neo4j’s GenAI Roadmap ● Co-Pilots & integrations in Neo4j Browser, Bloom, Data Importer, NeoDash, Docs ● Cloud Integrations: GCP Vertex AI, AWS Bedrock, Azure OpenAI ● Scalable and integrated Vector Search, additional Graph Embeddings ● GraphRAG eval framework ● More framework integrations: Langchain, LlamaIndex, SemanticKernel, Spring.AI, Haystack Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 43 Coming 2024+
  • 43. ● Parallel Runtime for faster analytical Queries ● Block Format for efficient and future proof graph storage ● Change Data Capture (CDC) better data integration ● Autonomous clustering and Composite Database for limitless scalability ● Graph Schema, Improved Backup recovery, incremental import ● Neo4j Ops Manager for managing databases ● Aura Database on all clouds (AWS, GCP, Azure) ● SOC II Type 2 & HIPAA compliance, AuraDB APIs, RBAC configuration ● Better observability with security log forwarding Performance metrics forwarding (EAP) ● Private Link & CMEK Neo4j product capabilities launched in 2023/24 Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 44 ● Unified Developer Experience with Neo4j Workspace ● Quantified Graph Pattern Matching ● Call in Transactions ● Self-service Data Import (more coming soon) ● GraphQL Support ● Simplified Drivers API ● Bloom support for Graph Data Science algorithms ● Graph Data Science Client ● Knowledge Graph Embeddings ● Vector Index, similarity search & vector similarity ● Real Time integration with Embedding APIs & LLM Models ● GenAI Integrations (OpenAI + MS Azure OpenAI, VertexAI, AWS Bedrock, Langchain(Python & JS), LlamaIndex, Haystack, Spring AI, LangChain4j)
  • 44. Neo4j Inc. All rights reserved 2024 45 Follow us! @neo4j Enjoy GraphSummit Stockholm david.pond@neo4j.com