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It’s Big
So many devices and so much data…
It’s Noisy
So many opinions…
It’s Confusing
So many possible decisions…
Customer Perspective
The Internet of Things is complex
Should we
How (where)
do we get
Who can
really help
Do we need
to start over?
do we need?
Insights ActionThings
Research focused on delineating experiences of two distinct
customer segments: MSPs and Enterprise IoT Adopters
IoT segment Definition Example IoT deployment
“Managed Service Provider”
(MSP) Segment
The “MSP” segment consists of
organizations deploying IoT
technologies as a part of a product or
service they provide to end customers
or partners
Fortune 500 manufacturer of industrial
automation equipment uses remote
monitoring to track system health and
manage maintenance proactively
“Enterprise” Segment
The “Enterprise” segment consists of
organizations adopting IoT technologies
for uses internal to their business
A consumer packaged goods
manufacturer installs sensors in their
distribution facilities to optimize their
supply chain processes and reduce
Different segments, different IoT goals and focus
Business objectives by IoT segment
Collect more product info
Replace old tech
Capture information
Customer experience
New ways to market
Reduce costs
New revenue streams
Operational efficiency
Reduce costs
Increase revenues
Business transformation insights
priorities are revenue
generation and improving
customer experience
focus is on operational
efficiency and cost reduction
Digital transformation hinges on four imperatives
Engage your
Empower your
Optimize your
your products
Systems of
Innovation at work – real world IoT use cases
Factory floor
Oil equipment
Medical devices
Oil distribution
Smart meters
of Things
Power plant
Power tools
Smart grids
Moving from action to insights
Reduced development time and cost by 80%
by gathering and analyzing data more
efficiently and increasing automation across
the company.
Building efficiency with IoT
Connected chillers are back online 9x faster
than unconnected equipment, avoiding more
than $300,000 in hourly downtime costs.
Filtering the signal from
the noise
Used analytics to discover actionable insights
around fuel usage, predictive maintenance
and stop unscheduled delays.
Data transforms beverage business
Increased the actionable insight pulled from company data across all
areas of the company by deploying Microsoft Azure Machine
Connecting the unconnected
Gathered data from sensors and systems to create valuable business
intelligence and shift from reactive to proactive maintenance.
A growing bank's new approach
Leveraged company wide data to predict how likely customers are to
go to other financial institution and drive better product features.
Fast, friendly, and reliable banking
Developed a complete business intelligence suite to track company
data in under a week in order to drive up engagement and accounts
holder satisfaction.
How Glasgow is reinventing itself
Developed apps to help citizens use services and business find
growth opportunities using data from IoT sensors across the city.
The Internet of (Farm) Things
Deployed IoT sensors in different farms to optimize use of
Maryland’s 93,000 acres of the farmland and maximize production.
Creating proactive,
personalized healthcare
Using data from blood-pressure cuffs, pulse
oximeters, and other devices, staff know to
respond before the patient knows something
is wrong.
Transforming healthcare with
faster access
By capturing and analyzing data recorded in
medical charts, staff were able to improve
treatment techniques by tracking return visits.
Building a connected hospital
Reduce medication delivery times and
inventory costs by connecting dispensary
devices with electronic medical records.
The Impact of this Transformation
Margin driven by
apps, analytics, and
services in 2020
Percentage of
companies surveyed
that are currently
active in IoT
Average increase in
operating income
among the most
digitally transformed
Average gross margin
among organizations
with leading data and
analytics capabilities
Problem Statement
What do we need to do…
Learn & Engage Evolve & IntegrateDrive & Shift
Stages in IoT initiatives
Business case
Build vs buy &
vendor evaluation
Proof of concept
Pilot of limited
Full scale
Developed by cross-
functional team; approved
by execs or board; may
involve assistance by SI
Evaluate Build vs Buy; vendor
evaluation performed by cross-
functional team
Validates vendor selection(s)
for scalability, quality, ease-of-
use, and overall fit
Staged rollout of IoT solution
for specific product lines,
geographies or beta
Rollout of IoT solution across
all geos and customers
4-12 mos 1-9 mos 2-18 mos 6-12 mos 3+ mos
Unclear business goals,
customer value proposition
Identification of correct
Fragmented vendor landscape
Complexity of tech,
architectural choices
Danger of project stalling
Challenges in executing
realistic PoC (e.g., scalability)
Compete with core business
Lack of planning for
org/process changes
Insufficient skills for analyzing
Insufficient training and buy-
in from users of system
Best Practices
Develop right executive sponsorship
from beginning
Ensure cross-functional participation and
Choose right organization structure for
Accelerate organizational change to
adapt capabilities
Adopt data-driven mindset and culture
for risk
Develop necessary software and data
“Cloud is a given. CIOs no longer ask whether they should use cloud, but rather how.”*
Business is powered by the cloud
Enable innovation
“55% of CIOs indicated they
would source all their critical apps
in the cloud by 2020.”***
Improve efficiency
“Traditional on-premises data
storage is four times the cost
of cloud storage.”**
Transform your business
“Seventy percent of CIOs
will embrace a cloud-first strategy
by 2016.”****
Reduce costs and inefficiencies
Increase revenue
with existing assets
Create new business models
*”Cloud Evolves From Point Solution To Strategic Enabler Of The New Connected Economy,” Forrester, Liz Herbert, January 2015
**Forrester, 2014
***Smith, David Mitchell et al. Predicts 2014: Cloud Computing Affects All Aspects of IT. Gartner, Inc. December 4, 2013.
****IDC, CIO webinar, 2014
The Internet of Things is the key to digital transformation
Source: Redefining the Connected Conversation, IoT Trends, Challenges & Experience Survey. James Brehm & Associates, 2016.
Of those working on IoT are aiming to
grow revenue and profits
73% Of the companies surveyed are currently
active in IoT
50% Reduction in downtime with predictive
According to a recent IoT survey…
IoT projects can be complex
Time-consuming to
stand up
Hard to scaleIncompatible with
current infrastructure
Difficult to maintain
cohesive security
on IoT
your things
Turn data
into insights
Transform your
Increase efficiency by reducing costs and
eliminating bottlenecks
Organizational readiness
This is a great place to start if you have:
• An identified business process you want
to gain visibility into
• An understanding of the kind of data you
need in order to support your business
• Devices capable of providing the
type of data required
Connect your things
The IoT
Turn data into insights
Drive innovation and increase revenue
using your existing assets
Organizational readiness
This is a great place to start if you have :
• The ability to interpret incoming data
from devices
• An understanding of the impacted
business groups and processes
• A plan for using data to drive business
process improvements
The IoT
Transform your business
The IoT
Create new lines of business and new
business models
Organizational readiness
This is a great place to start if you have :
• A strong baseline of historical device data
(e.g. usage trends, repair records)
• Visibility into real-time operational
• Predictive capability from advanced
• Stakeholder commitment to support
change efforts
Business case
Build vs buy & vendor
Proof of concept Pilot of limited rollout Full scale rollout
• Developed by cross-
functional team; approved
by execs or board; may
involve assistance by SI
• Evaluate Build vs Buy;
vendor evaluation
performed by cross-
functional team
• Validates vendor selection(s)
for scalability, quality, ease-
of-use, and overall fit
• Staged rollout of IoT
solution for specific product
lines, geographies or beta
• Rollout of IoT solution across
all geos and customers
4-12 months 1-9 months 2-18 months 6-12 months 3+ months
• Insufficient cross-functional
• Identification of correct KPIs
• Limited technical or IT
• Departmental misalignment
• Risk of fragmented IoT
solutions across geos or BUs
• Limited technical capabilities
• Danger of project stalling
• Challenges in executing
realistic PoC (e.g., scalability)
• Impact to functioning of
core business
• Understanding training
• Lack of planning for
org/process changes
• Insufficient skills for
analyzing data
• Insufficient training and buy-
in from users of system
• Lack of planning for
org/process changes
• Early executive support is
key to success
• Metrics defined up front
• Cross-functional teams
develop business case
• Cross-functional teams
evaluate all aspects of
• When considering custom
solution, ongoing
maintenance costs are
• Cross-functional teams can
help to execute a more
thorough POC
• Projects with a visionary
leader tend to avoid stalls
and keep momentum going
• Early planning for
organizational and process
transformation prevents
issues later
• Internal training is key to
system acceptance and
process changes
• Data scientist or statistician
can be invaluable in driving
advanced analytics
From endpoint to insight to action, across the enterprise, and around the world
Built on the industry’s leading cloud
Recognized as a leader in Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms
Recognized as a the leading visionary for Internet of Things platforms
From the endpoint, through the
connection, to data, applications,
and the cloud
Connect anything
Any device, OS, data source,
software, or service
Grow effortlessly
Millions of devices, terabytes of
data, on-premises, in the cloud,
in the most regions worldwide
Start in minutes
Preconfigured solutions for the
most common IoT scenarios
Insights ActionThings
An ecosystem ready to support your IoT needs
Find a Partner
Get started today
Go to www.InternetOfYourThings.com
Connect with our regional IoT team
Go through our Quick Start process
Select a partner
Define your use case
Microsoft's Approach to IoT

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Microsoft's Approach to IoT

  • 1.
  • 2. SMS SMS It’s Big So many devices and so much data… It’s Noisy So many opinions… It’s Confusing So many possible decisions… Customer Perspective The Internet of Things is complex Should we wait? How (where) do we get started? Who can really help us? Do we need to start over? What technology do we need? 507521B2
  • 4. Research focused on delineating experiences of two distinct customer segments: MSPs and Enterprise IoT Adopters IoT segment Definition Example IoT deployment “Managed Service Provider” (MSP) Segment The “MSP” segment consists of organizations deploying IoT technologies as a part of a product or service they provide to end customers or partners Fortune 500 manufacturer of industrial automation equipment uses remote monitoring to track system health and manage maintenance proactively “Enterprise” Segment The “Enterprise” segment consists of organizations adopting IoT technologies for uses internal to their business A consumer packaged goods manufacturer installs sensors in their distribution facilities to optimize their supply chain processes and reduce latency
  • 5. Different segments, different IoT goals and focus Business objectives by IoT segment 1% 11% 10% 1% 10% 21% 10% 12% 21% 30% 13% 49% Collect more product info Replace old tech Capture information Customer experience New ways to market Enterprise N=38 3% MSP N=38 Reduce costs 1%3% New revenue streams Operational efficiency 3% Reduce costs Increase revenues Business transformation insights MSP priorities are revenue generation and improving customer experience Enterprise focus is on operational efficiency and cost reduction
  • 6. Digital transformation hinges on four imperatives Engage your customers Empower your employees Optimize your operations Transform your products Systems of Intelligence
  • 7. Innovation at work – real world IoT use cases Electric charging stations Street sweepers Postboxes Aircrafts Auto Elevators Factory floor Oil equipment Cows Engines Vending machines Buildings Fryers Medical devices Vaccine dispensers Trucks BusesDogs Oil distribution Smart meters Internet of Things Power plant Surveillance Power tools Racing Mining equipment Smart grids
  • 8. Manufacturing Moving from action to insights Reduced development time and cost by 80% by gathering and analyzing data more efficiently and increasing automation across the company. Building efficiency with IoT Connected chillers are back online 9x faster than unconnected equipment, avoiding more than $300,000 in hourly downtime costs. Filtering the signal from the noise Used analytics to discover actionable insights around fuel usage, predictive maintenance and stop unscheduled delays.
  • 9. Retail Data transforms beverage business Increased the actionable insight pulled from company data across all areas of the company by deploying Microsoft Azure Machine Learning. Connecting the unconnected Gathered data from sensors and systems to create valuable business intelligence and shift from reactive to proactive maintenance.
  • 10. Banking A growing bank's new approach Leveraged company wide data to predict how likely customers are to go to other financial institution and drive better product features. Fast, friendly, and reliable banking Developed a complete business intelligence suite to track company data in under a week in order to drive up engagement and accounts holder satisfaction.
  • 11. Government How Glasgow is reinventing itself Developed apps to help citizens use services and business find growth opportunities using data from IoT sensors across the city. The Internet of (Farm) Things Deployed IoT sensors in different farms to optimize use of Maryland’s 93,000 acres of the farmland and maximize production.
  • 12. Health Creating proactive, personalized healthcare Using data from blood-pressure cuffs, pulse oximeters, and other devices, staff know to respond before the patient knows something is wrong. Transforming healthcare with faster access By capturing and analyzing data recorded in medical charts, staff were able to improve treatment techniques by tracking return visits. Building a connected hospital Reduce medication delivery times and inventory costs by connecting dispensary devices with electronic medical records.
  • 13. The Impact of this Transformation Margin driven by apps, analytics, and services in 2020 Percentage of companies surveyed that are currently active in IoT Average increase in operating income among the most digitally transformed enterprises Average gross margin among organizations with leading data and analytics capabilities
  • 14.
  • 16. What do we need to do… ITDEV LoBDM Learn & Engage Evolve & IntegrateDrive & Shift
  • 17. Stages in IoT initiatives Business case development Build vs buy & vendor evaluation Proof of concept Pilot of limited rollout Full scale rollout Description Developed by cross- functional team; approved by execs or board; may involve assistance by SI Evaluate Build vs Buy; vendor evaluation performed by cross- functional team Validates vendor selection(s) for scalability, quality, ease-of- use, and overall fit Staged rollout of IoT solution for specific product lines, geographies or beta customers Rollout of IoT solution across all geos and customers Typical Duration 4-12 mos 1-9 mos 2-18 mos 6-12 mos 3+ mos Common Challenges Unclear business goals, customer value proposition Identification of correct KPIs Fragmented vendor landscape Complexity of tech, architectural choices Danger of project stalling Challenges in executing realistic PoC (e.g., scalability) Compete with core business objectives Lack of planning for org/process changes Insufficient skills for analyzing data Insufficient training and buy- in from users of system Best Practices Develop right executive sponsorship from beginning Ensure cross-functional participation and alignment Choose right organization structure for success Accelerate organizational change to adapt capabilities Adopt data-driven mindset and culture for risk Develop necessary software and data capabilities
  • 18. “Cloud is a given. CIOs no longer ask whether they should use cloud, but rather how.”* Business is powered by the cloud Enable innovation “55% of CIOs indicated they would source all their critical apps in the cloud by 2020.”*** Improve efficiency “Traditional on-premises data storage is four times the cost of cloud storage.”** Transform your business “Seventy percent of CIOs will embrace a cloud-first strategy by 2016.”**** Reduce costs and inefficiencies Increase revenue with existing assets Create new business models *”Cloud Evolves From Point Solution To Strategic Enabler Of The New Connected Economy,” Forrester, Liz Herbert, January 2015 **Forrester, 2014 ***Smith, David Mitchell et al. Predicts 2014: Cloud Computing Affects All Aspects of IT. Gartner, Inc. December 4, 2013. ****IDC, CIO webinar, 2014
  • 19. The Internet of Things is the key to digital transformation Source: Redefining the Connected Conversation, IoT Trends, Challenges & Experience Survey. James Brehm & Associates, 2016. 60% Of those working on IoT are aiming to grow revenue and profits 73% Of the companies surveyed are currently active in IoT 50% Reduction in downtime with predictive maintenance According to a recent IoT survey…
  • 20. IoT projects can be complex Time-consuming to stand up Hard to scaleIncompatible with current infrastructure Difficult to maintain cohesive security
  • 21. Capitalizing on IoT Connect your things Turn data into insights Transform your business
  • 22. Objective Increase efficiency by reducing costs and eliminating bottlenecks Organizational readiness This is a great place to start if you have: • An identified business process you want to gain visibility into • An understanding of the kind of data you need in order to support your business objective • Devices capable of providing the type of data required Connect your things The IoT Customer Journey
  • 23. Turn data into insights Objective Drive innovation and increase revenue using your existing assets Organizational readiness This is a great place to start if you have : • The ability to interpret incoming data from devices • An understanding of the impacted business groups and processes • A plan for using data to drive business process improvements The IoT Customer Journey
  • 24. Transform your business The IoT Customer Journey Objective Create new lines of business and new business models Organizational readiness This is a great place to start if you have : • A strong baseline of historical device data (e.g. usage trends, repair records) • Visibility into real-time operational status • Predictive capability from advanced analytics • Stakeholder commitment to support change efforts
  • 25. Business case development Build vs buy & vendor evaluation Proof of concept Pilot of limited rollout Full scale rollout Description • Developed by cross- functional team; approved by execs or board; may involve assistance by SI • Evaluate Build vs Buy; vendor evaluation performed by cross- functional team • Validates vendor selection(s) for scalability, quality, ease- of-use, and overall fit • Staged rollout of IoT solution for specific product lines, geographies or beta customers • Rollout of IoT solution across all geos and customers Typical Duration 4-12 months 1-9 months 2-18 months 6-12 months 3+ months CommonChallenges • Insufficient cross-functional collaboration • Identification of correct KPIs • Limited technical or IT support • Departmental misalignment • Risk of fragmented IoT solutions across geos or BUs • Limited technical capabilities • Danger of project stalling • Challenges in executing realistic PoC (e.g., scalability) • Impact to functioning of core business • Understanding training needs • Lack of planning for org/process changes • Insufficient skills for analyzing data • Insufficient training and buy- in from users of system • Lack of planning for org/process changes BestPractices • Early executive support is key to success • Metrics defined up front • Cross-functional teams develop business case • Cross-functional teams evaluate all aspects of solution • When considering custom solution, ongoing maintenance costs are calculated • Cross-functional teams can help to execute a more thorough POC • Projects with a visionary leader tend to avoid stalls and keep momentum going • Early planning for organizational and process transformation prevents issues later • Internal training is key to system acceptance and process changes • Data scientist or statistician can be invaluable in driving advanced analytics
  • 26. From endpoint to insight to action, across the enterprise, and around the world Built on the industry’s leading cloud Recognized as a leader in Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms Recognized as a the leading visionary for Internet of Things platforms Secure End-to-end From the endpoint, through the connection, to data, applications, and the cloud Open Connect anything Any device, OS, data source, software, or service Scalable Grow effortlessly Millions of devices, terabytes of data, on-premises, in the cloud, in the most regions worldwide Fast Start in minutes Preconfigured solutions for the most common IoT scenarios Insights ActionThings
  • 27. An ecosystem ready to support your IoT needs Internetofyourthings.com Find a Partner
  • 28. Get started today Go to www.InternetOfYourThings.com Connect with our regional IoT team Go through our Quick Start process Select a partner Define your use case