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• It grew out of a concern for the effects of
industrialisation: on design, on traditional skills and on
the lives of ordinary people.
• Reaction against a
decline in standards
associated with
machinery and factory
production - artificial
and ignored the
qualities of the
materials used.
• The Movement took its name from the Arts
and Crafts Exhibition Society, founded in
1887, but it encompassed a very wide range
of like-minded societies, workshops and
• Architects, designers and artists began to
pioneer new approaches to design.These,
in turn, led to the foundation of the Arts and
Crafts Movement.
• Established a new set of principles for living
and working.
• It encouraged the reform of art at every
level and across a broad social spectrum,
and it turned the home into a work of art.
• Art and Craft movement turn these….
• Into these….
• The two most influential figures
• The theorist and critic John Ruskin
• The designer, writer and activist William Morris.
• Ruskin examined the relationship between
art, society and labour. Morris put Ruskin's
philosophies into practice, placing great
value on work, the joy of craftsmanship and
the natural beauty of materials.
Morris insisted that the artist should be a craftsman-designer working by hand and
advocated a society of free craftspeople, which he believed had existed during the Middle
Ages. "Because craftsmen took pleasure in their work", he wrote, "the Middle Ages was a
period of greatness in the art of the common people. ...The treasures in our museums now
are only the common utensils used in households of that age, when hundreds of medieval
churches - each one a masterpiece - were built by unsophisticated peasants. Medieval art
was the model for much Arts andCrafts design and medieval life, before capitalism and the
factory system, was idealised by the movement.
• Ruskin considered the sort of mechanized production and division
of labour that had been created in the industrial revolution to be
"servile labour" and he thought that a healthy and moral society
required independent workers who designed the things they
• His followers favoured craft production over industrial
manufacture and were concerned about the loss of traditional
skills, but they were arguably more troubled by effects of the
factory system than by machinery itself and William Morris's idea
of "handicraft" was essentially work without any division of
labour rather than work without any sort of machinery.
• Main influence on theArts and Crafts movement.
• Morris combined his artistic skills with strong political beliefs. A
committed conservationist and Socialist, he dedicated his life to
the idea that art should improve the lives of
ordinary people.
• Ruskin had argued that the separation of the intellectual act of
design from the manual act of physical creation was both socially
and aesthetically damaging; Morris further developed this idea,
insisting that no work should be carried out in his workshops before
he had personally mastered the appropriate techniques and
• Truth to materials, structure and function
became characteristic of the Arts and Crafts
• Concern for the role of the craftsman.
• Advocated a revival of
traditional handicrafts,
a return to a simpler way
of life and an
improvement in the
design of ordinary
domestic objects.
• Worked to raise the status of the
decorative arts and of the individual
William Morris - Strawberry Thief - fabric
designed in 1883
• Determined to interact with
the commercial world and
influence industrial design.
William Morris Stained Glass
Other countries adapted Arts and Crafts
philosophies according to their own needs.
While the work may be visually very different, it
is united by the ideals that lie behind it.
• Expression that reflected the
confidence of the relatively young
• Took a more commercial approach
toArts and Crafts, but maintained a
strong sense of individuality and
national identity in their work.
• Expression that reflected the
confidence of the relatively young
• Took a more commercial approach
toArts and Crafts, but maintained a
strong sense of individuality and
national identity in their work.
Living Room from the
Francis W. Little House
"Unlike their counterparts in the United States, most Arts andCrafts practitioners in Britain
had strong, slightly incoherent, negative feelings about machinery.They thought of 'the
craftsman' as free, creative, and working with his hands, 'the machine' as soulless,
repetitive, and inhuman.These contrasting images derive in part fromJohn Ruskin's (1819-
1900)The Stones ofVenice, an architectural history ofVenice that contains a powerful
denunciation of modern industrialism to which Arts andCrafts designers returned again
and again. Distrust for the machine lay behind the many little workshops that turned their
backs on the industrial world around 1900, using preindustrial techniques to create what
they called 'crafts.'"
Alan Crawford, "W. A. S. Benson, Machinery, and the Arts and Crafts Movement in
• In a period of political and social turmoil,
the decorative arts were an area in which
ideas of national identity, social
organisation and life in an industrial
society could be explored.
• Same as in Britain andAmerica, the
homes designed and built by artists and
architects for their own use were proof of
the idea that the home, as well as life
within it, could become a work of art.
• These houses celebrated individual
Red House,
Bexleyheath, London
• In Germany it was legitimate to use
technology as a means of
achieving efficient production, so
long as quality was maintained in
the end product.
• In retrospect, the German
interpretation of Arts and Crafts
proved to be one of the most long-
lasting and influential.
• View buildings and their
interiors as a whole.
• Worked in a variety of media,
often with other artists
• Bring a greater unity to the
• As a result, Arts andCrafts
buildings often included
sculpture and carved or tiled
decoration, sometimes with
highly symbolic imagery.
• Arts and Crafts architecture defined more by a set of ideals and principles than a
particular architectural style.
• Interest in the vernacular.
• Architects used local materials
and traditional styles to create
something that would not jar
with its surroundings, but at the
same time distinctive and
• Revive traditional building and
craft skills
The Gamble House
Architects developed principles which not only influenced 19th century architecture but
would later become the touchstones of twentieth-century architects.
• The belief that design should be dictated by function
• Vernacular styles of architecture and local materials should be respected
• New buildings should integrate with the surrounding landscape
• Freedom from historicist styles was essential.
The Gamble House
Example of AmericanArts and Crafts
architecture, designed byCharles and
Henry Greene in 1908.
The Gamble House
Example of AmericanArts and Crafts
architecture, designed byCharles and
Henry Greene in 1908.
The Gamble House
Example of AmericanArts and Crafts
architecture, designed byCharles and
Henry Greene in 1908.
The Gamble House
Example of AmericanArts and Crafts
architecture, designed byCharles and
Henry Greene in 1908.
The Gamble
The entire house is a
work of art.
The Red House
• The Red House, in Bexleyheath,
was designed in 1858-1860 by
• Inspiration in British vernacular
• The Red House characterises the
early Arts and Crafts style.
• deep porches
• steep roof
• pointed window arches
• brick fireplaces
• wooden fittings
The Red House
The Red House
The Orchard,Chorleywood
• C.F.A.Voysey designedThe Orchard in
Chorleywood 1899.
• Vernacular traditions.
• Sparse decoration and plain and simple
Ideology Not Design
The major innovation of the Arts and Craft movement
was in their ideology, not in their style or design
The movement was successful in raising the status of the
craftsman and promoting respect for native materials
and traditions but failed to produce art for the masses.
Its handmade products were expensive.
“The movement … represents in some sense a revolt against the hard mechanical conventional life and
its insensibility to beauty (quite another thing to ornament). It is a protest against that so-called
industrial progress which produces shoddy wares, the cheapness of which is paid for by the lives of
their producers and the degradation of their users. It is a protest against the turning of men into
machines, against artificial distinctions in art, and against making the immediate market value, or
possibility of profit, the chief test of artistic merit. It also advances the claim of all and each to the
common possession of beauty in things common and familiar, and would awaken the sense of this
beauty, deadened and depressed as it now too often is, either on the one hand by luxurious
superfluities, or on the other by the absence of the commonest necessities and the gnawing anxiety for
the means of livelihood; not to speak of the everyday uglinesses to which we have accustomed our
eyes, confused by the flood of false taste, or darkened by the hurried life of modern towns in which
huge aggregations of humanity exist, equally removed from both art and nature and their kindly and
refining influences.”
Walter Crane, “OfThe Revival of Design and Handicraft”, in Arts and Crafts Essays, by Members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, 1893

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Lecture2 arts & crafts movement

  • 2. THE ORIGINS OF THE MOVEMENT • It grew out of a concern for the effects of industrialisation: on design, on traditional skills and on the lives of ordinary people.
  • 3. THE ORIGINS OF THE MOVEMENT • Reaction against a decline in standards associated with machinery and factory production - artificial and ignored the qualities of the materials used.
  • 4. THE ORIGINS OF THE MOVEMENT • The Movement took its name from the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, founded in 1887, but it encompassed a very wide range of like-minded societies, workshops and manufacturers.
  • 5. THE ORIGINS OF THE MOVEMENT • Architects, designers and artists began to pioneer new approaches to design.These, in turn, led to the foundation of the Arts and Crafts Movement.
  • 6. THE ORIGINS OF THE MOVEMENT • Established a new set of principles for living and working. • It encouraged the reform of art at every level and across a broad social spectrum, and it turned the home into a work of art.
  • 7. THE ORIGINS OF THE MOVEMENT • Art and Craft movement turn these….
  • 8. THE ORIGINS OF THE MOVEMENT • Into these….
  • 10. THE INITIATOR • The two most influential figures • The theorist and critic John Ruskin • The designer, writer and activist William Morris. • Ruskin examined the relationship between art, society and labour. Morris put Ruskin's philosophies into practice, placing great value on work, the joy of craftsmanship and the natural beauty of materials.
  • 11. THE INITIATOR Morris insisted that the artist should be a craftsman-designer working by hand and advocated a society of free craftspeople, which he believed had existed during the Middle Ages. "Because craftsmen took pleasure in their work", he wrote, "the Middle Ages was a period of greatness in the art of the common people. ...The treasures in our museums now are only the common utensils used in households of that age, when hundreds of medieval churches - each one a masterpiece - were built by unsophisticated peasants. Medieval art was the model for much Arts andCrafts design and medieval life, before capitalism and the factory system, was idealised by the movement.
  • 12. JOHN RUSKIN • Ruskin considered the sort of mechanized production and division of labour that had been created in the industrial revolution to be "servile labour" and he thought that a healthy and moral society required independent workers who designed the things they made. • His followers favoured craft production over industrial manufacture and were concerned about the loss of traditional skills, but they were arguably more troubled by effects of the factory system than by machinery itself and William Morris's idea of "handicraft" was essentially work without any division of labour rather than work without any sort of machinery.
  • 13. WILLIAM MORRIS • Main influence on theArts and Crafts movement. • Morris combined his artistic skills with strong political beliefs. A committed conservationist and Socialist, he dedicated his life to the idea that art should improve the lives of ordinary people.
  • 14. WILLIAM MORRIS • Ruskin had argued that the separation of the intellectual act of design from the manual act of physical creation was both socially and aesthetically damaging; Morris further developed this idea, insisting that no work should be carried out in his workshops before he had personally mastered the appropriate techniques and materials. • Truth to materials, structure and function became characteristic of the Arts and Crafts movement.
  • 16. • Concern for the role of the craftsman.
  • 17. • Advocated a revival of traditional handicrafts, a return to a simpler way of life and an improvement in the design of ordinary domestic objects.
  • 18. • Worked to raise the status of the decorative arts and of the individual craftsman. William Morris - Strawberry Thief - fabric designed in 1883
  • 19. • Determined to interact with the commercial world and influence industrial design. William Morris Stained Glass
  • 21. Other countries adapted Arts and Crafts philosophies according to their own needs. While the work may be visually very different, it is united by the ideals that lie behind it.
  • 22. AMERICA • Expression that reflected the confidence of the relatively young nation. • Took a more commercial approach toArts and Crafts, but maintained a strong sense of individuality and national identity in their work.
  • 23. AMERICA • Expression that reflected the confidence of the relatively young nation. • Took a more commercial approach toArts and Crafts, but maintained a strong sense of individuality and national identity in their work. Living Room from the Francis W. Little House
  • 24. OTHER PART OF THE WORLD "Unlike their counterparts in the United States, most Arts andCrafts practitioners in Britain had strong, slightly incoherent, negative feelings about machinery.They thought of 'the craftsman' as free, creative, and working with his hands, 'the machine' as soulless, repetitive, and inhuman.These contrasting images derive in part fromJohn Ruskin's (1819- 1900)The Stones ofVenice, an architectural history ofVenice that contains a powerful denunciation of modern industrialism to which Arts andCrafts designers returned again and again. Distrust for the machine lay behind the many little workshops that turned their backs on the industrial world around 1900, using preindustrial techniques to create what they called 'crafts.'" Alan Crawford, "W. A. S. Benson, Machinery, and the Arts and Crafts Movement in Britain"
  • 25. EUROPE • In a period of political and social turmoil, the decorative arts were an area in which ideas of national identity, social organisation and life in an industrial society could be explored. • Same as in Britain andAmerica, the homes designed and built by artists and architects for their own use were proof of the idea that the home, as well as life within it, could become a work of art. • These houses celebrated individual expression. Red House, Bexleyheath, London
  • 26. GERMANY • In Germany it was legitimate to use technology as a means of achieving efficient production, so long as quality was maintained in the end product. • In retrospect, the German interpretation of Arts and Crafts proved to be one of the most long- lasting and influential.
  • 28. • View buildings and their interiors as a whole. • Worked in a variety of media, often with other artists • Bring a greater unity to the arts. • As a result, Arts andCrafts buildings often included sculpture and carved or tiled decoration, sometimes with highly symbolic imagery. • Arts and Crafts architecture defined more by a set of ideals and principles than a particular architectural style.
  • 29. • Interest in the vernacular. • Architects used local materials and traditional styles to create something that would not jar with its surroundings, but at the same time distinctive and modern. • Revive traditional building and craft skills The Gamble House
  • 30. ARCHITECTURE WORLD Architects developed principles which not only influenced 19th century architecture but would later become the touchstones of twentieth-century architects. • The belief that design should be dictated by function • Vernacular styles of architecture and local materials should be respected • New buildings should integrate with the surrounding landscape • Freedom from historicist styles was essential.
  • 31. SIGNIFICANT EXAMPLE The Gamble House Example of AmericanArts and Crafts architecture, designed byCharles and Henry Greene in 1908.
  • 32. The Gamble House Example of AmericanArts and Crafts architecture, designed byCharles and Henry Greene in 1908.
  • 33. The Gamble House Example of AmericanArts and Crafts architecture, designed byCharles and Henry Greene in 1908.
  • 34. The Gamble House Example of AmericanArts and Crafts architecture, designed byCharles and Henry Greene in 1908.
  • 35. The Gamble House The entire house is a work of art.
  • 36. SIGNIFICANT EXAMPLE The Red House • The Red House, in Bexleyheath, was designed in 1858-1860 by PhilipWebb. • Inspiration in British vernacular architecture. • The Red House characterises the early Arts and Crafts style. • deep porches • steep roof • pointed window arches • brick fireplaces • wooden fittings
  • 39. The Orchard,Chorleywood • C.F.A.Voysey designedThe Orchard in Chorleywood 1899. • Vernacular traditions. • Sparse decoration and plain and simple furnishings
  • 40. CONCLUSION Ideology Not Design The major innovation of the Arts and Craft movement was in their ideology, not in their style or design The movement was successful in raising the status of the craftsman and promoting respect for native materials and traditions but failed to produce art for the masses. Its handmade products were expensive.
  • 41. CONCLUSION “The movement … represents in some sense a revolt against the hard mechanical conventional life and its insensibility to beauty (quite another thing to ornament). It is a protest against that so-called industrial progress which produces shoddy wares, the cheapness of which is paid for by the lives of their producers and the degradation of their users. It is a protest against the turning of men into machines, against artificial distinctions in art, and against making the immediate market value, or possibility of profit, the chief test of artistic merit. It also advances the claim of all and each to the common possession of beauty in things common and familiar, and would awaken the sense of this beauty, deadened and depressed as it now too often is, either on the one hand by luxurious superfluities, or on the other by the absence of the commonest necessities and the gnawing anxiety for the means of livelihood; not to speak of the everyday uglinesses to which we have accustomed our eyes, confused by the flood of false taste, or darkened by the hurried life of modern towns in which huge aggregations of humanity exist, equally removed from both art and nature and their kindly and refining influences.” Walter Crane, “OfThe Revival of Design and Handicraft”, in Arts and Crafts Essays, by Members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, 1893