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Toward Establishing Trust in Adaptive Agents
         Alyssa Glass                                     Deborah L. McGuinness                            Michael Wolverton
  Knowledge Systems, AI Lab                              Knowledge Systems, AI Lab                           SRI International
      Stanford University                                    Stanford University                         333 Ravenswood Avenue
   Stanford, CA 94305 USA                                 Stanford, CA 94305 USA                        Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA
    glass@ksl.stanford.edu                                  dlm@ksl.stanford.edu                             mjw@ai.sri.com
ABSTRACT                                                                          statistical techniques; and multiple heterogeneous,
As adaptive agents become more complex and take                                   distributed information sources underlying the processing.
increasing autonomy in their user’s lives, it becomes more                        Despite the sophistication, however, they typically provide
important for users to trust and understand these agents.                         little transparency into the computation and reasoning being
Little work has been done, however, to study what factors                         performed.
influence the level of trust users are willing to place in these
agents. Without trust in the actions and results produced by                      At the same time as these systems are becoming more
these agents, their use and adoption as trusted assistants and                    complex, they are also taking more autonomous control.
partners will be severely limited. We present the results of                      They are being asked to assist user actions, but also to act
a study among test users of CALO, one such complex                                autonomously on behalf of their users. The DARPA
adaptive agent system, to investigate themes surrounding                          Personalized Assistant that Learns (PAL) program [20]
trust and understandability. We identify and discuss eight                        describes such agents as being able to “reason, learn from
major themes that significantly impact user trust in complex                      experience, be told what to do, explain what they are doing,
systems. We further provide guidelines for the design of                          reflect on their experience, and respond robustly to
trustable adaptive agents. Based on our analysis of these                         surprise.”
results, we conclude that the availability of explanation                         As researchers build these systems to plan for the
capabilities in these agents can address the majority of trust                    achievement of abstract objectives, execute tasks, anticipate
concerns identified by users.                                                     future needs, aggregate multiple sensors and information
                                                                                  sources, and adapt its behavior over time, there is an
Author Keywords                                                                   underlying assumption that there will be a user in the loop
Trust, explanation, user study, automated assistants,                             whom the agent is serving. This user would need to
complex agents, adaptive agents, evaluation.                                      understand the agent’s behavior and responses enough to
                                                                                  participate in the mixed-initiative execution process and to
ACM Classification Keywords                                                       adjust the autonomy inherent in such systems. The user
H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User                             would also need to trust the reasoning and actions
Interfaces – Evaluation; Prototyping; Training, help, and                         performed by the agent. Few have considered, however,
documentation. I.2.1 [Artificial Intelligence]: Applications                      how the user would interact with the agent, and what
and Expert Systems – Office automation.               H.4.1                       requirements may exist in order for a user to trust and rely
[Information Systems Applications]: Office Automation.                            on such a complex system, particularly when the underlying
                                                                                  knowledge, behavior, and assumptions of the system are
INTRODUCTION                                                                      constantly changing and adapting through the use of
Adaptive agents and intelligent assistant systems are                             machine learning.
becoming increasingly complex (for instance, [5, 6, 12, 19,
22]). They often include highly distributed reasoning                             To better understand the factors that influence the trust and
systems such as task processors, hybrid theorem provers,                          understanding of these adaptive agents, we conducted a
and probabilistic inference engines; multiple learning                            trust study among a set of users of one of these agents. We
components employing a wide range of logical and                                  used as the basis of our study the Cognitive Assistant that
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for         Learns and Organizes (CALO) system [5], an adaptive
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are         personalized assistant that performs a wide range of office-
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies        related tasks involving calendars, address books, email,
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for
components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored.                 documents, and the Web. The system includes several
Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to         interlinked components providing a range of capabilities,
post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission   the majority of which include various methods of machine
and/or a fee.                                                                     learning. The CALO system used by the participants in our
IUI'08, January 13-16, 2008, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain.
Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-59593-987-6/ 08/ 0001 $5.00                              study was in an advanced research prototype phase, and the
                                                                                  participants were asked to be tolerant of typical prototype
issues like software bugs and system crashes. We further          users were given detailed scripts outlining how to use the
asked participants to look beyond such problems to begin to       agent to assist with the task. Participants were told that the
understand what it means for users to trust and rely on such      primary purpose of their CALO usage during this time was
a system in their daily life.                                     for the experimenters to collect data on the agent’s
                                                                  behavior, and thus they were required to complete as many
Previous work investigating trust representation, reasoning,
                                                                  tasks as they could during the test period. Participants
and presentation in complex systems [16, 28] has revealed
                                                                  typically used the system for a full eight hour work day,
complexities related to understanding the notion of trust.
                                                                  each day, for the entire duration of the test period.
This work also has shown how explanations of reasoning
can help users to establish and build trust. Our study —          During the interview stage of our trust study, we
which consisted of structured interviews with a variety of        interviewed each participant after the end of the usage
CALO users and analysis of their answers — shows that             period. Thirteen participants were interviewed within two
explanation of adaptive agents, particularly in the presence      days of the end of the test period; one participant was
of learned behaviors and information, can similarly be key        interviewed one week later. The interviews were structured
to addressing user concerns about understandability, and to       to follow a fixed script for all participants. The script
helping users to build trust in these complex assistants.         contained 40 questions – eleven questions using a typical 5-
                                                                  step Likert scale (from “hardly ever” to “extremely often”)
In this paper, we present the method and structure of a
                                                                  and 29 open response questions. When individual
study for examining these issues; we describe the themes
                                                                  participants provided detailed answers to particular portions
identified in the participant responses, and the implications
                                                                  of the script, we adjusted the interview to follow up on
of these themes on the practical use of adaptive assistants;
                                                                  these answers in more detail. The script was organized
and we discuss recommendations for how to build adaptive
                                                                  around five main topics: failure, surprise, confusion,
agents that will be trusted and used by everyday users. Our
                                                                  question-answering, and trust. Each interview was audio
study’s primary contribution is the identification of these
                                                                  recorded. We used these recordings to make notes on the
trustability themes, and the resulting guidelines that these
                                                                  interviews and to organize the responses into common
themes imply for designers of adaptive agents.
TRUST STUDY                                                       Participants were informed before the usage period that
We conducted a structured, qualitative trust study to do the      they would be interviewed about system failures, confusion,
following:                                                        usability, and trust at the end of the usage period. A few of
                                                                  the participants took notes on these issues during the test
•    identify what factors users believe influence their trust
                                                                  period, which they referred to during our interviews. Two
    in complex adaptive agents;
                                                                  sets of users participated in the study. The first, main set of
•    identify which types of questions, if any, users would       participants used CALO for approximately two weeks. A
    like to be able to ask an adaptive assistant, to better       second, smaller set of participants used CALO for
    understand the assistant’s answers and behavior;              approximately one day, using a similar usage format to the
•    evaluate the general usability of adaptive agents.           first set, but concentrating on a small subset of the total
                                                                  system capabilities.
Our study was conducted in two basic stages: the usage            Agent Overview
stage and the interview stage. For the usage stage, we            The CALO system used by the participants in our study
piggy-backed on a broad study aimed at testing the learning       provided capabilities for a wide range of office-related tasks
capabilities within the CALO system. The broad study is           [19], including maintaining calendars and schedules of
part of a long term effort involving a large set of testers and   meetings [2]; managing contact information; scanning and
researchers, extensive participant training for the use of        sorting email and other documents [7]; performing Web
various CALO components, and detailed analysis of                 searches; scraping information from the Web; helping to
complex data logs and learning algorithms. The focus of           prepare new documents and presentations; managing tasks
the broad study is to gather quantitative data about              [8]; purchasing new equipment; planning travel; and
capabilities and learning improvements in the complete            learning new procedures for previously unknown tasks [1,
system and is done through intensive system use by                3].
dedicated users over approximately two weeks.                     Typical tasks the participants performed with the help of
During the usage stage, each study participant used an            their agents included scheduling mutually convenient
individual CALO agent to assist in performing a variety of        meetings with groups of people; planning detailed travel
office tasks. Participants were given tasks to accomplish         arrangements to attend conferences; and teaching their
with their agents, such as scheduling meetings, preparing         agents how to independently find and store contact
documents, or planning conference travel; for some tasks,         information for colleagues using Web searches and
scraping. In many cases, participants were provided with          Participant comments on the general usability of the system
guidance about how best to use CALO to perform the tasks.         confirmed that there is a limit to how much cutting-edge
In other cases, participants were free to use any portion of      systems are able to ignore usability issues while focusing
the CALO system that they felt would best enable them to          on more advanced features. While the users we interviewed
accomplish specific goals.                                        were aware that the system was at the prototype stage, and
                                                                  they were generally sympathetic to its status as a research-
The main objective for the CALO project is to explore the
                                                                  quality system, the underlying usability problems were still
use of machine learning techniques as applied in robust,
                                                                  able to block the acceptance of cutting-edge capabilities.
complex assistant agents capable of reasoning, execution,
                                                                  Even when the advanced features were able to provide
explanation, and self-reflection. Questions of usability,
                                                                  functionality that the users desperately wanted to use, they
though important when building a deployed personal
                                                                  were unable to accept the software because of the usability
assistant, were not central research questions for the project.
                                                                  issues. One user commented about the usability problems,
                                                                  “I can’t tell you how much I would love to have [the
                                                                  system], but I also can’t tell you how much I can’t stand it.”
The longer, two-week study had ten participants, and the
                                                                  Nonetheless, this first theme can be distinguished from the
shorter study had four participants. All participants from
                                                                  remainder of the themes discussed in this paper by the
both studies were employees of SRI International, twelve
                                                                  degree to which it is effected by the prototype-stage
men and two women. Participants spanned a wide range of
                                                                  condition of the system.
ages, falling approximately evenly into five decade-long
age brackets. All participants had at least a bachelor’s          Theme 2: Being Ignored. Many participants complained
degree, and just over one third (five participants) held          about feeling ignored by the agent. After providing the
doctoral degrees.       Most, but not all, had studied            system with personal preferences, as well as suggestions
engineering-related fields.                                       and feedback aimed at improving machine learning, many
                                                                  users were left with the impression that their effort was
The participants’ prior experience with the CALO system
                                                                  wasted and that the agent was ignoring them. Users
varied widely. Several had helped to develop individual
                                                                  complained that the agent was “not paying attention” during
components of the system. Others were managers or
                                                                  interactions. One user said, “You specify something, and
researchers contributing to individual aspects of the system.
                                                                  [the system] comes up with something completely different,
A minority of participants had no development or research
                                                                  and you’re like, it’s ignoring what I want!”
association with the system.
                                                                  Additionally, several users commented that the behavior
STUDY FINDINGS                                                    exhibited by the system would have been fine for non-
After the interviews were completed, we grouped similar           adaptive systems, but once they formed the expectation that
comments from multiple users into topics, and discarded           the system was able to accept user guidance and obey
topics that only a few participants commented on. The             preferences, they felt somehow betrayed when the system
remaining topic areas are discussed below clustered into          failed to do so. We return to this theme in our discussion of
eight themes. While not all participants commented on all         expectations.
themes, each of the themes were significant to a majority of
the participants. We further loosely categorize these             Explanation Requirements
themes into discussions of usability, explanation                 Theme 3: Context-Sensitive Questions. To investigate the
requirements, and trust, though we maintain that these three      value of different types of explanations to user needs, we
topics are often deeply intertwined with each other.              asked our users to rate a list of question types according to
                                                                  how often they would have utilized questions of that type if
Usability                                                         an answer to it had been available during the test.
Theme 1: High-Level Usability of Complex Prototypes. The
most common usability comments concerned system                   We used Silveira et al.’s “Taxonomy of Users’ Frequent
performance and processing time; and the inability to             Doubts” [24], an enumeration of user information needs, as
“undo” or reverse actions. Other comments involved well-          our list of candidate question types, and each was ranked by
understood principles of human-computer interaction (for          each user on a Likert scale from 1 (“would never want to
example, [11, 23]). While we were aware that these                ask”) to 5 (“would want to ask extremely often”). We
usability problems existed in the system, and addressing          averaged the ratings to produce an overall score of
these issues was certainly not a central focus for the CALO       usefulness for each question. The results are shown in
project, we were nevertheless interested to discover the          Figure 1. The question types, along with sample questions
degree to which these research-oriented users were                of each type, in preference order were:
overwhelmingly frustrated by usability concerns even when         1.   Choice (What can I do right now?)
they admit that they had very low usability expectations for
a prototype-stage system.                                         2.   Procedural (How do I do this?)
3.   Informative (What kinds of tasks can I accomplish?)          In addition to rating the standard taxonomy of questions, we
                                                                  also asked our users to identify on their own the questions
4.   Interpretive (What is happening now?       Why did it
                                                                  they most wanted to ask.1 The most common questions
                                                                  identified by our users as being potentially helpful to them
5.   Guidance (What should I do now?)                             during their use of the system were:

             Likert scale average

                   Choice                       History
                      Procedural Interpretive
                           Informative              Descriptive Navigational
                                                        Question Types

                                  Figure 1: Average Likert scale responses for question types.

6.   History (What have I already done?)                          1.   What are you doing right now?
7.   Descriptive (What does this do?)                             2.   Why did you do that?
8.   Investigative (Did I miss anything?)                         3.   When will you be finished?
9.   Navigational (Where am I?)                                   4.   What information sources did you use?
We note that questions can generally be divided into two          Of the 34 questions mentioned by our participants, 16 of
categories. Context-independent questions have answers            them (47%) were variations on these four questions.
that are not dependent on the context in which they are
                                                                  We also note two final observations about the explanation
asked; these questions can generally be addressed by
                                                                  requirements identified by the participants. First, we note
standard help systems or simple mouse-over pop-up text
                                                                  that the questions most often identified by the participants
boxes. Context-sensitive questions have answers that
                                                                  before being presented with the taxonomy of question types
require the system to consider what is currently happening
                                                                  are entirely context-sensitive; the first three are Interpretive
(“task sensitivity”) or high-level goals inferred from the
                                                                  questions, and the final question (about information
user (“user-intent sensitivity”).
                                                                  provenance) does not easily fit into the taxonomy, perhaps
Of the question types presented, five of them had average         because of the relative complexity of CALO as compared to
scores of 3.0 or higher. Of these five question types, the        the systems discussed in [24]. We conclude that the
Choice, Procedural, and Informative questions are context-        majority of the confusion encountered by the participants
independent and could be supported in a software system           cannot be solved with the use of simple help availability or
through the use of easily-accessed documentation. The             better documentation, but rather requires a deeper solution.
other two top question types, the Interpretive and Guidance
                                                                  Second, we were surprised by the reaction of our
questions, are context-sensitive, and point to the need for
more complex explanation capabilities to address these user       1
                                                                    In the study, users provided their free-form questions
needs.                                                            before being presented with the taxonomy, to prevent being
                                                                  influenced by the standard question types.
participants when presented with the question types from           Building Trust
the taxonomy. Common reactions included comments like              Theme 5: Transparency.        When asked what would help
“I would love to ask that!”, “That’s a cool [question]… I’d        them to build trust in the system, the first thing most
use that if it existed!”, and “I was asking that [to myself] all   participants (71%) mentioned was transparency, and every
day!” The majority of our participants expressed that these        participant (100%) mentioned transparency as a major
were questions that they would definitely want to ask and          factor affecting overall usability. Participants complained
receive answers to, but it would not generally occur to them       that the system was “too opaque” and “needs to be more
to ask the questions of the system, because they do not            comprehensible.” Several users noted that the components
expect computer systems to be able to provide useful               of the system that they trusted the most were the ones that
answers. We contend, however, that these questions can be          provided feedback about what they were doing, and that
solved by context-sensitive explanation systems, and               when actions were taken by the system for which the
conclude that such systems would need to provide users             underlying computational reasoning was not apparent, the
with initial questions, so that these doubtful users are made      users mistrusted the results. One user commented that “the
aware of the supported question types.                             ability to check up on the system, ask it questions, get
                                                                   transparency to verify what it is doing, is the number one
Theme 4: Granularity of Feedback. When the agent did               thing that would make me want to use it.”
provide feedback to the participants, many of them
commented that the feedback was at the wrong level of              Even when results appeared reasonable, they sought to
detail for their needs. Several of the agent components            verify the results rather than trusting them outright, fearful
provided simple status messages indicating simply “Okay”           that a result may be coincidental or based on inappropriate
or “Not Okay.” Participants found this type of feedback            information. These users identified explanations of system
frustrating; when the status was “Not Okay,” they wanted           behavior, providing transparency into its reasoning and
additional feedback to explore details about the cause of the      execution, as a key way of understanding answers and thus
problem, and possible solutions. Participants commented,           establishing trust.
“[The component]2 would say ‘I’m confused’ and there was           We note as well that transparency is particularly useful in
no other feedback,” and “I definitely wanted to know               building trust in a system for which a baseline of trust does
WHY!” Several participants in particular mentioned that,           not already exist. In systems that are either widely used by
when the status was “Not Okay,” the lack of detail                 others, or in systems that have already been used by the
prevented them from identifying whether they themselves            user without incident, the user may already have a base
had caused the error through their actions, or whether there       level of trust, regardless of the transparency revealed by the
was a problem with the system. Lacking more detailed               system. In contrast, system transparency can provide a
feedback, they were unable to fix the problem, nor to avoid        building block on which to establish trust in systems for
it in the future.                                                  which no other basis already exists, as is often the case with
Equally frustrating to many participants were other system         new systems or inexperienced users, as in our study.
components that provided an overwhelming amount of                 Theme 6: Provenance. Access to knowledge provenance
feedback. The constant stream of status information from           (sources used to provide information, as well as meta-
these components was so frequent and cumbersome that               information about those sources) was also mentioned by
most users found them to be unhelpful even when there was          many participants. Many users commented that knowing
a problem. One participant noted that, despite the large           what resources were being used to provide answers,
number of status messages from these components, he still          particularly when the system was learning new information
“wasn’t getting answers,” and another said that he wanted          based on these sources, would aid them in trusting the
to ask the system to just “explain to me what you think the        system.     Several users reported that explanations of
current state of things are” in a simple and straightforward       knowledge provenance would enable them to trust results
manner.                                                            without the need for extensive further verification. One
We expect that context modeling, to identify when                  user commented that, “in general, I wanted information
additional detail would be useful, will help with the              about the source,” and another user said that “[the system]
problem of identifying the proper level of granularity to use      needs a better way to have a meta-conversation.”
in different situations. We also expect that user modeling         We also found, somewhat surprisingly, that providing
will help to adapt the granularity of feedback to the needs        access to knowledge provenance would increase trust not
of different users.                                                only in the answers provided by the system, but also in the
                                                                   reasoning of the entire system itself. Most participants,
  The CALO system consists of a number of loosely                  when presented by the system with a perceived incorrect
integrated assistant technologies. Some user comments              answer or conclusion, assumed that the cause of the error
referred specifically to one of these components, rather than      was flawed reasoning or logic deep in the system. Because
CALO as a whole.                                                   these participants had an underlying assumption that
“fixing” a reasoning problem would be difficult, their trust     accepted in) non-adaptive systems, the participants would
in the system was greatly eroded with even just one              get increasingly upset that the system was not quickly
incorrect answer. For instance, one user complained, “You        getting better.
can’t talk to it! You can’t say ‘Why didn’t you learn
                                                                 Other mismatches occurred when participants attempted to
something?’ It’s just a big black hole.”
                                                                 try something new, and discovered that they did not
These users, on the other hand, tended not to blame              understand enough about what the system was doing to be
incorrect answers on errors in the data, or even a lack of       able to complete their task. One user, on discovering that
sufficient data, as was often the case with statistical          completing their goal was more complicated than expected,
machine learning components in the system. These “data-          commented, “I was paralyzed with fear about what it would
driven” errors, however, are often easy to fix, and when         understand and what it would not.” Another simply
errors could be properly identified as being data-driven         concluded, “I had a misunderstanding of its capabilities.”
rather than logic-driven, the users’ trust in the system as a
                                                                 Theme 8: Autonomy and Verification. Though not often
whole was better maintained.
                                                                 stated directly, most participants adopted a “trust but
Theme 7:    Managing Expectations.    The majority of the        verify” approach to using the system. When asked how
participants had prior notions of what should be easy or         often they felt that they trusted the system, most
hard for the system to do.        When describing their          participants responded that they trusted the system 25 to 60
interactions with the system that were confusing or              percent of the time. When these responses were further
frustrating, or times when they considered abandoning the        investigated, however, it became clear that almost all
system, almost every participant mentioned expectation           participants actually meant that they would trust the system
mismatches of some kind.                                         this often, but only if they were given mechanisms to verify
                                                                 the responses and override erroneous behavior when
Participants indicated that these times of expectation
                                                                 necessary. Typical participants said that they trusted the
mismatches often directly led to a decrease in trust,
                                                                 system when it “wasn’t too autonomous,” when the system
particularly when something that they felt should have been
                                                                 performed “with supervision,” and when they could “check
easy suddenly appeared to be hard. One user commented,
                                                                 up on” the system.
“Normal interactions with [office tools] don’t leave you
with a lot of expectations, so I was always sort of              Participants also were extremely reluctant to trust the
wondering why [the test system] was spending so much             system to perform any task that changed the world (for
time and seemed to be spinning its wheels.”                      instance, making a purchase with a credit card, as opposed
                                                                 to simply looking up or calculating an answer). One user
Discussing these moments with the participants, it became
                                                                 noted, “I trust [the system’s] accuracy, but not its
apparent that often the system was trying to do something
complex, like adapt to a changing situation on the fly, or
integrate many new sensory inputs into a large dataset,          In addition to the difficulty of verifying correct behavior for
which were happening mostly in the background and thus           these world-changing tasks, many participants noted that
were not apparent to the user. Because the goals of the          they would only trust the system to perform these tasks
system centered on its ability to use learning in a variety of   after closely observing the system perform small parts of
situations to assist with tasks, the system often tried to       the task on its own, in a mixed-initiative manner.
perform tasks in an intelligent, adaptive way; however,          Participants noted that “trust is an earned property” that the
because similar tasks could often be accomplished in a           system would only earn when its behavior has been
basic, non-adaptive way by a “dumb” system, the                  verified.
participants expected these tasks to be easy.
                                                                 DISCUSSION AND RELATED WORK
While the participants expected “easy” tasks to be               For simplicity of discussion, we list the eight identified
accomplished quickly even by a complex, constantly               themes here:
adapting agent, their expectations were not because the
participants did not understand the nature of the adaptation.    T1:   High-Level Usability of Complex Prototypes
To the contrary, their sometimes limited knowledge of what       T2:   Being Ignored
the agent was capable of learning led to expectation
                                                                 T3:   Context-Sensitive Questions
mismatches in the other direction as well; many complained
that, once given the expectation that the agent would adapt      T4:   Granularity of Feedback
to their desires, they became frustrated that the system was     T5:   Transparency
not adapting quickly enough. One participant said, “You          T6:   Provenance
would think that you could infer that something would
                                                                 T7:   Managing Expectations
work, but then that was not the case.” When the system
would behave in a way typically associated with (and             T8:   Autonomy and Verification
We are interested in how explanation systems can address          more intelligent and adaptive, they must increasingly
issues of user trust in complex adaptive agents. We observe       support the ability to have a “dialogue” or “conversation”
that an explanation system that provides context-sensitive        with users, to provide them with reassurances about the
explanations of adaptive agents (for instance, as in [17]) is     system’s understanding of the user and the world. Several
capable of addressing the concerns of five of these eight         theoretical frameworks for modeling these dialogues have
themes:                                                           been suggested; Walton [26] compares several of these
                                                                  models and suggests one such model that is particularly
T3: by providing the user with the ability to ask context-
                                                                  useful for modeling explanation dialogues of the type that
    sensitive questions.
                                                                  would address the themes we identified here.
T4: by intelligently modulating the granularity of feedback
                                                                  Recommendations for addressing each of the themes are
    based on context- and user-modeling.
                                                                  summarized in Figure 2. In this figure we identified a
T5: by supplying the user with access to information about        technology as addressing a theme only if the theme is a core
    the internal workings of the system.                          capability of that technology (as opposed to a rarely-
                                                                  addressed side issue). The intention is not to minimize the
T6: by providing the user with the information provenance
                                                                  importance of Traditional Help Systems or UI Design —
    for sources used by the system.
                                                                  those technologies address many additional issues that are
T8: by enabling the user to verify the autonomous steps           beyond the scope of this paper — but rather to demonstrate
    taken by the system.                                          how explanation is central to the themes identified by the
                                                                  users in our study. We believe that a combination of all
In addition, we note that the information provided by             three technologies is necessary to fully address trust issues
explanation systems can help to partially address the             in complex agents.
concerns of two more of these themes:
                                                                  In the HCI community, some previous work (for example,
T2: by providing justifications for the actions taken by the      [14]) has taken a high-level view of what it would take to
    system, particularly when they are contrary to the            make an intelligent system usable. The guidelines that we
    expectations of the user.                                     present here build on the broad themes of transparency and
T7:     by explaining to the user the capabilities and            trust mentioned in [14] and provide more grounded,
      limitations of the system.                                  concrete guidance for designing interfaces for adaptive
The final theme, T1, can only be addressed by diligent
design and attention to user interaction principles              We also note that trust can be built in multiple ways. Some
throughout the prototype development stage.                      systems that do not follow these guidelines do eventually
                                                                 earn user trust, generally through reputation-based methods
Even without the use of an integrated explanation system,        such as trusted recommendations from others, or through
these themes suggest guidelines for the developers of all        (often forced) personal usage over long periods of time. In
complex, adaptive agents. Computer users are increasingly        many cases, however, an existing user base in not available
interacting with systems that they do not fully understand.      to provide “references” for new software, and users are
As these systems become increasingly complex, and users          often reluctant to spend long periods of time using systems
are expected to trust them with a wider range of                 that they do not already trust. Thus, these themes can be
responsibilities, the developers of these systems need to        thought of as “short-cuts” to building trust. For new
become aware of the trust requirements they are placing on       systems, or for systems as complex as CALO, providing
users.                                                           these trust short-cuts can establish a base level of trust that
Our findings show that users have specific requirements in       keeps users involved until longer, reputation-based trust can
terms of transparency and verification that they expect from     be established, or when these alternative sources of trust are
such systems before they are willing to trust the outputs and    not available. Our study was focused on identifying these
actions of the system. In addition, as these systems become      methods for building trust in the absence of long-term
                                                                 methods. This approach is consistent with previous work,
                                         Traditional Help System     Complex Explanation             UI Design
  T1    High-Level Usability                                                                                    X
  T2    Being Ignored                                                              X
  T3    Context-Sensitive Questions                                                X
  T4    Granularity of Feedback                                                    X
  T5    Transparency                                 X                             X                            X
  T6    Provenance                                                                 X
  T7    Managing Expectations                       X                             X
                                        Figure 2: Summary of themes and possible solutions.                     X
  T8    Autonomy & Verification                                                    X
such as [27], on building initial trust in on-line e-commerce    vulnerable: the truster is willing to be vulnerable to that
recommendation agents. Longitudinal studies that consider        belief in a specific context where the information is used or
how user trust changes over time are needed to understand        the actions are applied.” Their definition is consistent with
how reputation-based trust can also contribute to overall        our user interviews, and provides us with a framework in
user trust.                                                      which to evaluate when user trust has been achieved.
Though there is increasing interest in building complex          Several issues remain open for investigation. We plan to
adaptive systems, and much has been written about the            implement the recommendations identified in this study by
algorithms and components that comprise these systems,           expanding ICEE (Integrated Cognitive Explanation
little work has been done to evaluate their user acceptance.     Environment) [18], our complex explanation framework
Cortellessa & Cesta [9] discuss this lack of research on         consistent with the model suggested in [26].
what they call the “quality of interaction,” and provide
                                                                 We also recognize the value in two different types of user
results of an initial study focused on user trust and the use
                                                                 studies: those aimed at guiding design and identifying
of explanation in mixed-initiative planning systems. In this
                                                                 design recommendations (like the one reported in this
particular domain, they found that the use of explanations
                                                                 paper), and those that focus on evaluating an existing
was highly correlated with the number of failures
                                                                 implementation. Thus, we plan a follow-on evaluative user
experienced by users. They additionally found that novice
                                                                 study of a complex agent with explanation capabilities, both
users were more hesitant to trust the system, employing
                                                                 to investigate the effectiveness of the explanations and to
more mixed-initiative strategies than expert users, who
                                                                 verify the ability of the explanations to address the themes
trusted the system to perform more completely automated
                                                                 identified in this paper. In this way, we hope to measure
                                                                 both user satisfaction and user effectiveness in systems with
Other studies of mixed-initiative systems, such as [4, 10,       and without explanation capabilities. We also plan to study
13] have looked specifically at the use of mixed-initiative      how explanations can be used to direct learning in complex
adaptation for customizing GUI components, reporting on          agents.
how the adaptation influences the performance time of
various tasks and overall satisfaction with the interface.       CONCLUSIONS
While our study is less precise in measurement, it differs in    We have studied issues governing the trust and usability of
scope. It attempts to evaluate overall user experience with      complex adaptive agents. Without trust in the actions and
a focus on trust in systems answers, and to identify high-       results produced by these agents, they will not be used and
level design principles for agents using adaptation not just     widely adopted as assistants and partners. By interviewing
in the user interface, but for the underlying processing of      users of these agents, we have identified several themes that
the agent itself. Most relevant for our study, Bunt et al. [4]   describe the willingness of users to adopt and trust these
provides for, but does not evaluate, a mechanism for simple      agents, particularly as the agents employ increased
explanations aimed at maintaining transparency. Our study        autonomy to perform tasks and make decisions on behalf of
extends that work to further understand how such an              their users.
explanation mechanism can influence user trust in a broader
                                                                 Our study’s primary contribution is the identification of
range of adaptive systems.
                                                                 these themes, and the resulting guidelines for designers of
User studies focused solely on understanding machine             adaptive agents. With these guidelines in mind, we show
learning [21, 25] have looked at how explanations can            how the use of complex explanation systems can address
increase acceptance and usability of these learning              the majority of the trust concerns mentioned by users, and
algorithms in isolation, by testing user understanding of a      thus can help to move adaptive assistants one step closer to
variety of machine learning algorithms when explanations         use and acceptance by end users. These recommendations
of various forms are available. In this community as well,       lay the groundwork for future work on evaluating how
however, we are not aware of studies that have looked at         users interact with adaptive agents.
these issues when the machine learning is integrated into
larger hybrid systems.                                           ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
                                                                 This material is based upon work supported by the Defense
Turning purely to issues of trust as one important aspect of     Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under
acceptance and usability, Huang and Fox [15] provide a           contract #55-300000680 to-2 R2. Any opinions, findings
detailed definition and study of trust. They define the          and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
concept as “the psychological state comprising (1)               material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
expectancy: the truster expects a specific behavior of the       reflect the views of the DARPA or the Department of
trustee such as providing valid information or effectively       Interior – National Business Center (DOI-NBC). We thank
performing cooperative actions; (2) belief: the truster          Karen Myers and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful
believes that expectancy is true, based on evidence of the       comments and suggestions on earlier versions of this paper.
trustee’s competence and goodwill; (3) willingness to be
We additionally thank Elizabeth Furtado and Aaron             14.Höök, K. Steps To Take Before Intelligent User
Spaulding for helpful suggestions on our structured            Interfaces Become Real. Interacting with Computers,
interview format. Finally, we thank our study participants     12(4), 2000.
for their time and input.                                     15.Huang, J. and Fox, M.S. “An ontology of trust: formal
                                                               semantics and transitivity,” in ICEC ’06: Proceedings of
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  • 1. Toward Establishing Trust in Adaptive Agents Alyssa Glass Deborah L. McGuinness Michael Wolverton Knowledge Systems, AI Lab Knowledge Systems, AI Lab SRI International Stanford University Stanford University 333 Ravenswood Avenue Stanford, CA 94305 USA Stanford, CA 94305 USA Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA glass@ksl.stanford.edu dlm@ksl.stanford.edu mjw@ai.sri.com ABSTRACT statistical techniques; and multiple heterogeneous, As adaptive agents become more complex and take distributed information sources underlying the processing. increasing autonomy in their user’s lives, it becomes more Despite the sophistication, however, they typically provide important for users to trust and understand these agents. little transparency into the computation and reasoning being Little work has been done, however, to study what factors performed. influence the level of trust users are willing to place in these agents. Without trust in the actions and results produced by At the same time as these systems are becoming more these agents, their use and adoption as trusted assistants and complex, they are also taking more autonomous control. partners will be severely limited. We present the results of They are being asked to assist user actions, but also to act a study among test users of CALO, one such complex autonomously on behalf of their users. The DARPA adaptive agent system, to investigate themes surrounding Personalized Assistant that Learns (PAL) program [20] trust and understandability. We identify and discuss eight describes such agents as being able to “reason, learn from major themes that significantly impact user trust in complex experience, be told what to do, explain what they are doing, systems. We further provide guidelines for the design of reflect on their experience, and respond robustly to trustable adaptive agents. Based on our analysis of these surprise.” results, we conclude that the availability of explanation As researchers build these systems to plan for the capabilities in these agents can address the majority of trust achievement of abstract objectives, execute tasks, anticipate concerns identified by users. future needs, aggregate multiple sensors and information sources, and adapt its behavior over time, there is an Author Keywords underlying assumption that there will be a user in the loop Trust, explanation, user study, automated assistants, whom the agent is serving. This user would need to complex agents, adaptive agents, evaluation. understand the agent’s behavior and responses enough to participate in the mixed-initiative execution process and to ACM Classification Keywords adjust the autonomy inherent in such systems. The user H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User would also need to trust the reasoning and actions Interfaces – Evaluation; Prototyping; Training, help, and performed by the agent. Few have considered, however, documentation. I.2.1 [Artificial Intelligence]: Applications how the user would interact with the agent, and what and Expert Systems – Office automation. H.4.1 requirements may exist in order for a user to trust and rely [Information Systems Applications]: Office Automation. on such a complex system, particularly when the underlying knowledge, behavior, and assumptions of the system are INTRODUCTION constantly changing and adapting through the use of Adaptive agents and intelligent assistant systems are machine learning. becoming increasingly complex (for instance, [5, 6, 12, 19, 22]). They often include highly distributed reasoning To better understand the factors that influence the trust and systems such as task processors, hybrid theorem provers, understanding of these adaptive agents, we conducted a and probabilistic inference engines; multiple learning trust study among a set of users of one of these agents. We components employing a wide range of logical and used as the basis of our study the Cognitive Assistant that Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for Learns and Organizes (CALO) system [5], an adaptive personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are personalized assistant that performs a wide range of office- not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies related tasks involving calendars, address books, email, bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. documents, and the Web. The system includes several Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to interlinked components providing a range of capabilities, post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission the majority of which include various methods of machine and/or a fee. learning. The CALO system used by the participants in our IUI'08, January 13-16, 2008, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain. Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-59593-987-6/ 08/ 0001 $5.00 study was in an advanced research prototype phase, and the participants were asked to be tolerant of typical prototype
  • 2. issues like software bugs and system crashes. We further users were given detailed scripts outlining how to use the asked participants to look beyond such problems to begin to agent to assist with the task. Participants were told that the understand what it means for users to trust and rely on such primary purpose of their CALO usage during this time was a system in their daily life. for the experimenters to collect data on the agent’s behavior, and thus they were required to complete as many Previous work investigating trust representation, reasoning, tasks as they could during the test period. Participants and presentation in complex systems [16, 28] has revealed typically used the system for a full eight hour work day, complexities related to understanding the notion of trust. each day, for the entire duration of the test period. This work also has shown how explanations of reasoning can help users to establish and build trust. Our study — During the interview stage of our trust study, we which consisted of structured interviews with a variety of interviewed each participant after the end of the usage CALO users and analysis of their answers — shows that period. Thirteen participants were interviewed within two explanation of adaptive agents, particularly in the presence days of the end of the test period; one participant was of learned behaviors and information, can similarly be key interviewed one week later. The interviews were structured to addressing user concerns about understandability, and to to follow a fixed script for all participants. The script helping users to build trust in these complex assistants. contained 40 questions – eleven questions using a typical 5- step Likert scale (from “hardly ever” to “extremely often”) In this paper, we present the method and structure of a and 29 open response questions. When individual study for examining these issues; we describe the themes participants provided detailed answers to particular portions identified in the participant responses, and the implications of the script, we adjusted the interview to follow up on of these themes on the practical use of adaptive assistants; these answers in more detail. The script was organized and we discuss recommendations for how to build adaptive around five main topics: failure, surprise, confusion, agents that will be trusted and used by everyday users. Our question-answering, and trust. Each interview was audio study’s primary contribution is the identification of these recorded. We used these recordings to make notes on the trustability themes, and the resulting guidelines that these interviews and to organize the responses into common themes imply for designers of adaptive agents. themes. TRUST STUDY Participants were informed before the usage period that We conducted a structured, qualitative trust study to do the they would be interviewed about system failures, confusion, following: usability, and trust at the end of the usage period. A few of the participants took notes on these issues during the test • identify what factors users believe influence their trust period, which they referred to during our interviews. Two in complex adaptive agents; sets of users participated in the study. The first, main set of • identify which types of questions, if any, users would participants used CALO for approximately two weeks. A like to be able to ask an adaptive assistant, to better second, smaller set of participants used CALO for understand the assistant’s answers and behavior; approximately one day, using a similar usage format to the • evaluate the general usability of adaptive agents. first set, but concentrating on a small subset of the total system capabilities. Procedure Our study was conducted in two basic stages: the usage Agent Overview stage and the interview stage. For the usage stage, we The CALO system used by the participants in our study piggy-backed on a broad study aimed at testing the learning provided capabilities for a wide range of office-related tasks capabilities within the CALO system. The broad study is [19], including maintaining calendars and schedules of part of a long term effort involving a large set of testers and meetings [2]; managing contact information; scanning and researchers, extensive participant training for the use of sorting email and other documents [7]; performing Web various CALO components, and detailed analysis of searches; scraping information from the Web; helping to complex data logs and learning algorithms. The focus of prepare new documents and presentations; managing tasks the broad study is to gather quantitative data about [8]; purchasing new equipment; planning travel; and capabilities and learning improvements in the complete learning new procedures for previously unknown tasks [1, system and is done through intensive system use by 3]. dedicated users over approximately two weeks. Typical tasks the participants performed with the help of During the usage stage, each study participant used an their agents included scheduling mutually convenient individual CALO agent to assist in performing a variety of meetings with groups of people; planning detailed travel office tasks. Participants were given tasks to accomplish arrangements to attend conferences; and teaching their with their agents, such as scheduling meetings, preparing agents how to independently find and store contact documents, or planning conference travel; for some tasks, information for colleagues using Web searches and
  • 3. scraping. In many cases, participants were provided with Participant comments on the general usability of the system guidance about how best to use CALO to perform the tasks. confirmed that there is a limit to how much cutting-edge In other cases, participants were free to use any portion of systems are able to ignore usability issues while focusing the CALO system that they felt would best enable them to on more advanced features. While the users we interviewed accomplish specific goals. were aware that the system was at the prototype stage, and they were generally sympathetic to its status as a research- The main objective for the CALO project is to explore the quality system, the underlying usability problems were still use of machine learning techniques as applied in robust, able to block the acceptance of cutting-edge capabilities. complex assistant agents capable of reasoning, execution, Even when the advanced features were able to provide explanation, and self-reflection. Questions of usability, functionality that the users desperately wanted to use, they though important when building a deployed personal were unable to accept the software because of the usability assistant, were not central research questions for the project. issues. One user commented about the usability problems, “I can’t tell you how much I would love to have [the Participants system], but I also can’t tell you how much I can’t stand it.” The longer, two-week study had ten participants, and the Nonetheless, this first theme can be distinguished from the shorter study had four participants. All participants from remainder of the themes discussed in this paper by the both studies were employees of SRI International, twelve degree to which it is effected by the prototype-stage men and two women. Participants spanned a wide range of condition of the system. ages, falling approximately evenly into five decade-long age brackets. All participants had at least a bachelor’s Theme 2: Being Ignored. Many participants complained degree, and just over one third (five participants) held about feeling ignored by the agent. After providing the doctoral degrees. Most, but not all, had studied system with personal preferences, as well as suggestions engineering-related fields. and feedback aimed at improving machine learning, many users were left with the impression that their effort was The participants’ prior experience with the CALO system wasted and that the agent was ignoring them. Users varied widely. Several had helped to develop individual complained that the agent was “not paying attention” during components of the system. Others were managers or interactions. One user said, “You specify something, and researchers contributing to individual aspects of the system. [the system] comes up with something completely different, A minority of participants had no development or research and you’re like, it’s ignoring what I want!” association with the system. Additionally, several users commented that the behavior STUDY FINDINGS exhibited by the system would have been fine for non- After the interviews were completed, we grouped similar adaptive systems, but once they formed the expectation that comments from multiple users into topics, and discarded the system was able to accept user guidance and obey topics that only a few participants commented on. The preferences, they felt somehow betrayed when the system remaining topic areas are discussed below clustered into failed to do so. We return to this theme in our discussion of eight themes. While not all participants commented on all expectations. themes, each of the themes were significant to a majority of the participants. We further loosely categorize these Explanation Requirements themes into discussions of usability, explanation Theme 3: Context-Sensitive Questions. To investigate the requirements, and trust, though we maintain that these three value of different types of explanations to user needs, we topics are often deeply intertwined with each other. asked our users to rate a list of question types according to how often they would have utilized questions of that type if Usability an answer to it had been available during the test. Theme 1: High-Level Usability of Complex Prototypes. The most common usability comments concerned system We used Silveira et al.’s “Taxonomy of Users’ Frequent performance and processing time; and the inability to Doubts” [24], an enumeration of user information needs, as “undo” or reverse actions. Other comments involved well- our list of candidate question types, and each was ranked by understood principles of human-computer interaction (for each user on a Likert scale from 1 (“would never want to example, [11, 23]). While we were aware that these ask”) to 5 (“would want to ask extremely often”). We usability problems existed in the system, and addressing averaged the ratings to produce an overall score of these issues was certainly not a central focus for the CALO usefulness for each question. The results are shown in project, we were nevertheless interested to discover the Figure 1. The question types, along with sample questions degree to which these research-oriented users were of each type, in preference order were: overwhelmingly frustrated by usability concerns even when 1. Choice (What can I do right now?) they admit that they had very low usability expectations for a prototype-stage system. 2. Procedural (How do I do this?)
  • 4. 3. Informative (What kinds of tasks can I accomplish?) In addition to rating the standard taxonomy of questions, we also asked our users to identify on their own the questions 4. Interpretive (What is happening now? Why did it they most wanted to ask.1 The most common questions happen?) identified by our users as being potentially helpful to them 5. Guidance (What should I do now?) during their use of the system were: 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Likert scale average 0.5 0 Choice History Guidance Procedural Interpretive Informative Descriptive Navigational Investigative Question Types Figure 1: Average Likert scale responses for question types. 6. History (What have I already done?) 1. What are you doing right now? 7. Descriptive (What does this do?) 2. Why did you do that? 8. Investigative (Did I miss anything?) 3. When will you be finished? 9. Navigational (Where am I?) 4. What information sources did you use? We note that questions can generally be divided into two Of the 34 questions mentioned by our participants, 16 of categories. Context-independent questions have answers them (47%) were variations on these four questions. that are not dependent on the context in which they are We also note two final observations about the explanation asked; these questions can generally be addressed by requirements identified by the participants. First, we note standard help systems or simple mouse-over pop-up text that the questions most often identified by the participants boxes. Context-sensitive questions have answers that before being presented with the taxonomy of question types require the system to consider what is currently happening are entirely context-sensitive; the first three are Interpretive (“task sensitivity”) or high-level goals inferred from the questions, and the final question (about information user (“user-intent sensitivity”). provenance) does not easily fit into the taxonomy, perhaps Of the question types presented, five of them had average because of the relative complexity of CALO as compared to scores of 3.0 or higher. Of these five question types, the the systems discussed in [24]. We conclude that the Choice, Procedural, and Informative questions are context- majority of the confusion encountered by the participants independent and could be supported in a software system cannot be solved with the use of simple help availability or through the use of easily-accessed documentation. The better documentation, but rather requires a deeper solution. other two top question types, the Interpretive and Guidance Second, we were surprised by the reaction of our questions, are context-sensitive, and point to the need for more complex explanation capabilities to address these user 1 In the study, users provided their free-form questions needs. before being presented with the taxonomy, to prevent being influenced by the standard question types.
  • 5. participants when presented with the question types from Building Trust the taxonomy. Common reactions included comments like Theme 5: Transparency. When asked what would help “I would love to ask that!”, “That’s a cool [question]… I’d them to build trust in the system, the first thing most use that if it existed!”, and “I was asking that [to myself] all participants (71%) mentioned was transparency, and every day!” The majority of our participants expressed that these participant (100%) mentioned transparency as a major were questions that they would definitely want to ask and factor affecting overall usability. Participants complained receive answers to, but it would not generally occur to them that the system was “too opaque” and “needs to be more to ask the questions of the system, because they do not comprehensible.” Several users noted that the components expect computer systems to be able to provide useful of the system that they trusted the most were the ones that answers. We contend, however, that these questions can be provided feedback about what they were doing, and that solved by context-sensitive explanation systems, and when actions were taken by the system for which the conclude that such systems would need to provide users underlying computational reasoning was not apparent, the with initial questions, so that these doubtful users are made users mistrusted the results. One user commented that “the aware of the supported question types. ability to check up on the system, ask it questions, get transparency to verify what it is doing, is the number one Theme 4: Granularity of Feedback. When the agent did thing that would make me want to use it.” provide feedback to the participants, many of them commented that the feedback was at the wrong level of Even when results appeared reasonable, they sought to detail for their needs. Several of the agent components verify the results rather than trusting them outright, fearful provided simple status messages indicating simply “Okay” that a result may be coincidental or based on inappropriate or “Not Okay.” Participants found this type of feedback information. These users identified explanations of system frustrating; when the status was “Not Okay,” they wanted behavior, providing transparency into its reasoning and additional feedback to explore details about the cause of the execution, as a key way of understanding answers and thus problem, and possible solutions. Participants commented, establishing trust. “[The component]2 would say ‘I’m confused’ and there was We note as well that transparency is particularly useful in no other feedback,” and “I definitely wanted to know building trust in a system for which a baseline of trust does WHY!” Several participants in particular mentioned that, not already exist. In systems that are either widely used by when the status was “Not Okay,” the lack of detail others, or in systems that have already been used by the prevented them from identifying whether they themselves user without incident, the user may already have a base had caused the error through their actions, or whether there level of trust, regardless of the transparency revealed by the was a problem with the system. Lacking more detailed system. In contrast, system transparency can provide a feedback, they were unable to fix the problem, nor to avoid building block on which to establish trust in systems for it in the future. which no other basis already exists, as is often the case with Equally frustrating to many participants were other system new systems or inexperienced users, as in our study. components that provided an overwhelming amount of Theme 6: Provenance. Access to knowledge provenance feedback. The constant stream of status information from (sources used to provide information, as well as meta- these components was so frequent and cumbersome that information about those sources) was also mentioned by most users found them to be unhelpful even when there was many participants. Many users commented that knowing a problem. One participant noted that, despite the large what resources were being used to provide answers, number of status messages from these components, he still particularly when the system was learning new information “wasn’t getting answers,” and another said that he wanted based on these sources, would aid them in trusting the to ask the system to just “explain to me what you think the system. Several users reported that explanations of current state of things are” in a simple and straightforward knowledge provenance would enable them to trust results manner. without the need for extensive further verification. One We expect that context modeling, to identify when user commented that, “in general, I wanted information additional detail would be useful, will help with the about the source,” and another user said that “[the system] problem of identifying the proper level of granularity to use needs a better way to have a meta-conversation.” in different situations. We also expect that user modeling We also found, somewhat surprisingly, that providing will help to adapt the granularity of feedback to the needs access to knowledge provenance would increase trust not of different users. only in the answers provided by the system, but also in the reasoning of the entire system itself. Most participants, 2 The CALO system consists of a number of loosely when presented by the system with a perceived incorrect integrated assistant technologies. Some user comments answer or conclusion, assumed that the cause of the error referred specifically to one of these components, rather than was flawed reasoning or logic deep in the system. Because CALO as a whole. these participants had an underlying assumption that
  • 6. “fixing” a reasoning problem would be difficult, their trust accepted in) non-adaptive systems, the participants would in the system was greatly eroded with even just one get increasingly upset that the system was not quickly incorrect answer. For instance, one user complained, “You getting better. can’t talk to it! You can’t say ‘Why didn’t you learn Other mismatches occurred when participants attempted to something?’ It’s just a big black hole.” try something new, and discovered that they did not These users, on the other hand, tended not to blame understand enough about what the system was doing to be incorrect answers on errors in the data, or even a lack of able to complete their task. One user, on discovering that sufficient data, as was often the case with statistical completing their goal was more complicated than expected, machine learning components in the system. These “data- commented, “I was paralyzed with fear about what it would driven” errors, however, are often easy to fix, and when understand and what it would not.” Another simply errors could be properly identified as being data-driven concluded, “I had a misunderstanding of its capabilities.” rather than logic-driven, the users’ trust in the system as a Theme 8: Autonomy and Verification. Though not often whole was better maintained. stated directly, most participants adopted a “trust but Theme 7: Managing Expectations. The majority of the verify” approach to using the system. When asked how participants had prior notions of what should be easy or often they felt that they trusted the system, most hard for the system to do. When describing their participants responded that they trusted the system 25 to 60 interactions with the system that were confusing or percent of the time. When these responses were further frustrating, or times when they considered abandoning the investigated, however, it became clear that almost all system, almost every participant mentioned expectation participants actually meant that they would trust the system mismatches of some kind. this often, but only if they were given mechanisms to verify the responses and override erroneous behavior when Participants indicated that these times of expectation necessary. Typical participants said that they trusted the mismatches often directly led to a decrease in trust, system when it “wasn’t too autonomous,” when the system particularly when something that they felt should have been performed “with supervision,” and when they could “check easy suddenly appeared to be hard. One user commented, up on” the system. “Normal interactions with [office tools] don’t leave you with a lot of expectations, so I was always sort of Participants also were extremely reluctant to trust the wondering why [the test system] was spending so much system to perform any task that changed the world (for time and seemed to be spinning its wheels.” instance, making a purchase with a credit card, as opposed to simply looking up or calculating an answer). One user Discussing these moments with the participants, it became noted, “I trust [the system’s] accuracy, but not its apparent that often the system was trying to do something judgment.” complex, like adapt to a changing situation on the fly, or integrate many new sensory inputs into a large dataset, In addition to the difficulty of verifying correct behavior for which were happening mostly in the background and thus these world-changing tasks, many participants noted that were not apparent to the user. Because the goals of the they would only trust the system to perform these tasks system centered on its ability to use learning in a variety of after closely observing the system perform small parts of situations to assist with tasks, the system often tried to the task on its own, in a mixed-initiative manner. perform tasks in an intelligent, adaptive way; however, Participants noted that “trust is an earned property” that the because similar tasks could often be accomplished in a system would only earn when its behavior has been basic, non-adaptive way by a “dumb” system, the verified. participants expected these tasks to be easy. DISCUSSION AND RELATED WORK While the participants expected “easy” tasks to be For simplicity of discussion, we list the eight identified accomplished quickly even by a complex, constantly themes here: adapting agent, their expectations were not because the participants did not understand the nature of the adaptation. T1: High-Level Usability of Complex Prototypes To the contrary, their sometimes limited knowledge of what T2: Being Ignored the agent was capable of learning led to expectation T3: Context-Sensitive Questions mismatches in the other direction as well; many complained that, once given the expectation that the agent would adapt T4: Granularity of Feedback to their desires, they became frustrated that the system was T5: Transparency not adapting quickly enough. One participant said, “You T6: Provenance would think that you could infer that something would T7: Managing Expectations work, but then that was not the case.” When the system would behave in a way typically associated with (and T8: Autonomy and Verification
  • 7. We are interested in how explanation systems can address more intelligent and adaptive, they must increasingly issues of user trust in complex adaptive agents. We observe support the ability to have a “dialogue” or “conversation” that an explanation system that provides context-sensitive with users, to provide them with reassurances about the explanations of adaptive agents (for instance, as in [17]) is system’s understanding of the user and the world. Several capable of addressing the concerns of five of these eight theoretical frameworks for modeling these dialogues have themes: been suggested; Walton [26] compares several of these models and suggests one such model that is particularly T3: by providing the user with the ability to ask context- useful for modeling explanation dialogues of the type that sensitive questions. would address the themes we identified here. T4: by intelligently modulating the granularity of feedback Recommendations for addressing each of the themes are based on context- and user-modeling. summarized in Figure 2. In this figure we identified a T5: by supplying the user with access to information about technology as addressing a theme only if the theme is a core the internal workings of the system. capability of that technology (as opposed to a rarely- addressed side issue). The intention is not to minimize the T6: by providing the user with the information provenance importance of Traditional Help Systems or UI Design — for sources used by the system. those technologies address many additional issues that are T8: by enabling the user to verify the autonomous steps beyond the scope of this paper — but rather to demonstrate taken by the system. how explanation is central to the themes identified by the users in our study. We believe that a combination of all In addition, we note that the information provided by three technologies is necessary to fully address trust issues explanation systems can help to partially address the in complex agents. concerns of two more of these themes: In the HCI community, some previous work (for example, T2: by providing justifications for the actions taken by the [14]) has taken a high-level view of what it would take to system, particularly when they are contrary to the make an intelligent system usable. The guidelines that we expectations of the user. present here build on the broad themes of transparency and T7: by explaining to the user the capabilities and trust mentioned in [14] and provide more grounded, limitations of the system. concrete guidance for designing interfaces for adaptive agents. The final theme, T1, can only be addressed by diligent design and attention to user interaction principles We also note that trust can be built in multiple ways. Some throughout the prototype development stage. systems that do not follow these guidelines do eventually earn user trust, generally through reputation-based methods Even without the use of an integrated explanation system, such as trusted recommendations from others, or through these themes suggest guidelines for the developers of all (often forced) personal usage over long periods of time. In complex, adaptive agents. Computer users are increasingly many cases, however, an existing user base in not available interacting with systems that they do not fully understand. to provide “references” for new software, and users are As these systems become increasingly complex, and users often reluctant to spend long periods of time using systems are expected to trust them with a wider range of that they do not already trust. Thus, these themes can be responsibilities, the developers of these systems need to thought of as “short-cuts” to building trust. For new become aware of the trust requirements they are placing on systems, or for systems as complex as CALO, providing users. these trust short-cuts can establish a base level of trust that Our findings show that users have specific requirements in keeps users involved until longer, reputation-based trust can terms of transparency and verification that they expect from be established, or when these alternative sources of trust are such systems before they are willing to trust the outputs and not available. Our study was focused on identifying these actions of the system. In addition, as these systems become methods for building trust in the absence of long-term methods. This approach is consistent with previous work, Traditional Help System Complex Explanation UI Design T1 High-Level Usability X T2 Being Ignored X T3 Context-Sensitive Questions X T4 Granularity of Feedback X T5 Transparency X X X T6 Provenance X T7 Managing Expectations X X Figure 2: Summary of themes and possible solutions. X T8 Autonomy & Verification X
  • 8. such as [27], on building initial trust in on-line e-commerce vulnerable: the truster is willing to be vulnerable to that recommendation agents. Longitudinal studies that consider belief in a specific context where the information is used or how user trust changes over time are needed to understand the actions are applied.” Their definition is consistent with how reputation-based trust can also contribute to overall our user interviews, and provides us with a framework in user trust. which to evaluate when user trust has been achieved. Though there is increasing interest in building complex Several issues remain open for investigation. We plan to adaptive systems, and much has been written about the implement the recommendations identified in this study by algorithms and components that comprise these systems, expanding ICEE (Integrated Cognitive Explanation little work has been done to evaluate their user acceptance. Environment) [18], our complex explanation framework Cortellessa & Cesta [9] discuss this lack of research on consistent with the model suggested in [26]. what they call the “quality of interaction,” and provide We also recognize the value in two different types of user results of an initial study focused on user trust and the use studies: those aimed at guiding design and identifying of explanation in mixed-initiative planning systems. In this design recommendations (like the one reported in this particular domain, they found that the use of explanations paper), and those that focus on evaluating an existing was highly correlated with the number of failures implementation. Thus, we plan a follow-on evaluative user experienced by users. They additionally found that novice study of a complex agent with explanation capabilities, both users were more hesitant to trust the system, employing to investigate the effectiveness of the explanations and to more mixed-initiative strategies than expert users, who verify the ability of the explanations to address the themes trusted the system to perform more completely automated identified in this paper. In this way, we hope to measure tasks. both user satisfaction and user effectiveness in systems with Other studies of mixed-initiative systems, such as [4, 10, and without explanation capabilities. We also plan to study 13] have looked specifically at the use of mixed-initiative how explanations can be used to direct learning in complex adaptation for customizing GUI components, reporting on agents. how the adaptation influences the performance time of various tasks and overall satisfaction with the interface. CONCLUSIONS While our study is less precise in measurement, it differs in We have studied issues governing the trust and usability of scope. It attempts to evaluate overall user experience with complex adaptive agents. Without trust in the actions and a focus on trust in systems answers, and to identify high- results produced by these agents, they will not be used and level design principles for agents using adaptation not just widely adopted as assistants and partners. By interviewing in the user interface, but for the underlying processing of users of these agents, we have identified several themes that the agent itself. Most relevant for our study, Bunt et al. [4] describe the willingness of users to adopt and trust these provides for, but does not evaluate, a mechanism for simple agents, particularly as the agents employ increased explanations aimed at maintaining transparency. Our study autonomy to perform tasks and make decisions on behalf of extends that work to further understand how such an their users. explanation mechanism can influence user trust in a broader Our study’s primary contribution is the identification of range of adaptive systems. these themes, and the resulting guidelines for designers of User studies focused solely on understanding machine adaptive agents. With these guidelines in mind, we show learning [21, 25] have looked at how explanations can how the use of complex explanation systems can address increase acceptance and usability of these learning the majority of the trust concerns mentioned by users, and algorithms in isolation, by testing user understanding of a thus can help to move adaptive assistants one step closer to variety of machine learning algorithms when explanations use and acceptance by end users. These recommendations of various forms are available. In this community as well, lay the groundwork for future work on evaluating how however, we are not aware of studies that have looked at users interact with adaptive agents. these issues when the machine learning is integrated into larger hybrid systems. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Turning purely to issues of trust as one important aspect of Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under acceptance and usability, Huang and Fox [15] provide a contract #55-300000680 to-2 R2. Any opinions, findings detailed definition and study of trust. They define the and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this concept as “the psychological state comprising (1) material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily expectancy: the truster expects a specific behavior of the reflect the views of the DARPA or the Department of trustee such as providing valid information or effectively Interior – National Business Center (DOI-NBC). We thank performing cooperative actions; (2) belief: the truster Karen Myers and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful believes that expectancy is true, based on evidence of the comments and suggestions on earlier versions of this paper. trustee’s competence and goodwill; (3) willingness to be
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