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Gracias, Lempira, April 18th, 2024
Honorable Judge Castel
Southern District of New York
Through this letter, Ana Elena Guerra Elvir, a retired teacher from the Department of
Lempira, Honduras C.A., wish to convey my acquaintance with Juan Orlando Hernandez
Alvarado. I have known him since he was a young boy, as his father was a well-
respected figure in the city of Gracias, Lempira, along with his family. I never could have
imagined that he would be involved in any activities contrary to U.S. laws.
I am acquainted with his entire family, from his father to his wife, daughters, son, and
granddaughter, and have always regarded them as exemplary. Juan Orlando was a
President who demonstrated concern for the economic situation of our country. I
believe in his innocence based on the actions he took during his time in office. The
period from his arrest to his trial has been incredibly challenging for his family, including
his wife, children, and granddaughter.
The absence of a leader like Juan Orlando Hernandez in our country has significantly
impacted both our social and economic circumstances. We have endured considerable

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Letter to Judge
April 30th, 2024
Mr. Judge
Honorable P. Kevin Castel
United States
District of New York
500 Pearl Street
United States v Juan Orlando Hernandez A;varado.
I direct mysefl to you with hope and humbleness, I am Aixa Marlene, sister of Juan Orlando, I
live in the city of Gracia, Lempira, in the western part of Honduras, C.A.
In the midst of adversity and confusion in which we are living as a family, I trust in your kindness
and discernment to consider the circumstances of this case.
My brother, Juan Orlando, since I have had reason of mind has been a man of unbreakable
integrity. Through all of his life, he has demonstrated a commitment for justice na for the well
being of our State, Lempira and of our country, Honduras, as well. The brother I know, is the one
who followed advise from our loving parents which since we were kids taught us correct morale
principles that this society abides by, today and forever. I feel impotence, sadness, and pain
having read the lies the witnesses presented by the prosecution told during the trial. I will never
accept the Juan Orlando that they describe, his actions during his entire life do not have nothing
to do with the person they described, nor have nothing to do with this person I shared with
during our childhood and throughout our adulthood years.
His compromise was to rescue our beloved Honduras from the paws of the evil that lived in our
country througout all those years.
Therefore, I beg you to consider these circumstances at the moment of taking a decision
regarding the case of my brother Juan Orlando. His sentence will not only affect his life, but the
one of my mother, Elvira, his wife, children and loved ones.
I am sure that by reviwieng meticulously all the facts and witnesses presented by both parties,
you will reach the conclusion that my brother Juan Orlando deserves clemency and divine
justice, and earthly justice as well.
I thank you for your attention in this case, and for your comprehension in this difficult moment
Aixa Hernandez Alvarado
ID 1301 1971 00198
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Judge Kevin Castel
Southern District Court of New York
500 Pearl Street
New York, NY 10007, USA
Honorable Judge Castel
My name is Ana Daniela Hernandez Garcia, I am Juan Orlando Hernandez’s 3rd child. With
much respect I am writing this letter to you so you can know more about my father and who
he really is as a person. I kindly ask you to take a moment to consider the words of a
daughter who loves and respects her father dearly.
When I look back at my childhood I remember it as a happy one filled with love. Growing up I
remember we would travel a lot to my father’s native town of Gracias, Lempira, because of
my father’s position as congressman for Lempira. Although I was only a child and barely
understood the world around me, I remember my dad as a hardworking and respectable
man. Even though he had many responsibilities and with the passing of the years his
responsibilities grew, he went from congressman to president of congress and then
president of the republic, my father always made time for his family. He was the person who
taught me how to ride a bike, he taught me how to swim, he taught me to be humble, to treat
everyone no matter their background with respect, he taught me to fight for what's right, and
he taught me to be strong.
There is this one memory I hold dearly in my heart, and it's a memory that has kept me going
through this hard moment and its the following. When I was younger I would go running with
my dad near our house in Gracias. We would run for miles and sometimes when I wanted to
give up my dad would tell me “ you can do it beautiful daughter, remember strength,
courage, and spirit (fuerza, animo y espiritu)” and with those words and a smile in his face
he would give me all the motivation I needed to keep going. Throughout my life I always
looked back at that moment, I would remember those words whenever I felt like I couldn’t
anymore, I would remember my dad’s smile and would keep going. These words are even
more present in my life with everything that has happened over the past two years. One of
the last times I saw my dad I held his hands and told him these words, but now I added one
more; faith. I told him dad always remember, we must have “strength, courage, spirit, and
faith”. Now after two years, I still tell my dad these words, so we can keep on going even
through this very hard time.
The day the indictment was published and my dad was requested in extradition by the US
government I was with my sister living abroad in Asia, I was working and she was studying.
That day our world came crumbling down. I saw in the news how 600 armed men
surrounded the house I grew up in, and I remember the fear I felt for my parent’s lives.
Before my dad voluntarily surrendered himself to the Honduran police he called my siblings
and I. He told us he was innocent and he always tried to do the best for our country
Honduras. That he believed in justice and in God and that he would do the responsible thing
and surrender because he was innocent. That day I saw on TV how my parents kissed
goodbye and my dad was arrested and treated like a trophy for exhibition.
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After his arrest I decided to move back to Honduras, I wanted to hug my dad and be with my
family. I thank God I was able to go and be with him through all of the process before he was
extradited. These days were some of the hardest of our lives, but I wanted to treasure every
moment before he was taken away from his family and homeland. On April 20, 2022 after we
hugged goodbye, it was the last day I saw my dad. Ever since then I have been missing a
part of me.
After his extradition my family has suffered many hardships. We’ve been politically
persecuted, horrible lies have been said about us that have put our lives in danger, we’ve
been threatened and had some assaination attempts. Not to mention the emotional torment
this has been, with many of us having suffered depression and panic attacks. I personally
have felt some days I can’t carry on due to this injustice, I’ve had several panic attacks and
suffered from stress and anxiety that has physically affected me, but the only thing that
keeps me going is faith in God he will one day allow us to reunite as a family and I will hug
my dad again.
Even though I haven’t seen my father in two years, I can tell you confidently he is a changed
man. Although my father is a great man, he has flaws and isn’t perfect like all human beings.
Before all this although our family has always been close there were still some things that
didn’t let us be as close as we are now. Before his incarceration my father didn’t express his
feelings that much, it was hard for him because of the way he grew up. Now a single day
doesn’t go by that we talk that he doesn’t tell us how much he loves us. He has grown even
closer to God and studies the bible everyday. Before he was extradited he told me “daughter
always remember the bigger the problem, the greater the opportunities to grow”. I see my
father live by these words. I see how he’s grown closer to his family despite the distance,
how he’s grown closer to God, how he values the little things more now, how he has learned
to understand people and forgive them and how he continues to teach us this.
Right after the trial I felt I was going to die, how all my world was crumbling down again and I
couldn’t stop thinking about my dad. I thought about how he must have felt seeing that
empty bench behind him, without his wife and children behind him. Here I want to add that if
you didn’t see his family behind him during the trial, it wasn’t because we didn’t want to go, it
was because it wasn’t permitted to us due to our visas being revoked and even after we
applied again to get them the US embassy in Honduras decided to deny them based on
Section 212 (a) (2) (C) II even before my dad was judged. Days after receiving the verdict
we talked with my father, you see, you would expect a man in this injustice situation to be
angry and filled with negative emotions at the whole situation after being declared guilty, but
not my father. You know what he told us, he told us we must learn to forgive the witnesses
that lied during trial, to hold no hardships against them and for all this whole situation, to
instead just pray and trust God.
Although you might have thought our family would be insulted or rejected when we go out in
public because of what happened to my father, let me tell you it has not been the case. Over
the last two years we’ve traveled the country with my mother and sister. As we are widely
recognized everywhere we go. People stop us and tell us things like: “we are so very sorry
for what happened, your father, Juan Orlando, is innocent”. “Juan Orlando was such a great
president, we miss him”, “Have faith, he is going to come back, and when he does I will go to
the airport to pick him up”, “He is such a great man, I admire him so much”, “The day Juan
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Orlando was extradited my family and I cried”, “My mother prays everyday for Juan
Orlando’s safe return” and many more like these from people all around Honduras that we
don’t know. Honorable Judge Castel, what I just said is the truth. If you ever visit Honduras
you can ask the citizens of this beautiful country what they think of Juan Orlando and you will
find many that will tell you words like these.
Before this tragedy struck our family my mother and father were ready to retire and go live in
my father’s native land Gracias, Lempira. To dedicate themselves to farming, riding horses,
watching their grandchildren grow up, and grow old together. I know in my heart, this is still
my father’s dream, this is my dream for him and my mother, to have a simple and peaceful
life together, one I now as an adult, together with my siblings plan to support them in.
During his time as president, my father had the initiative to take on the fight against
organized crime like never before. Even before becoming president he met with senior
authorities of the Southern Command to explain his vision on security issues. Even without
being president, he went ahead to plan, share his ideas and strategies to combat the
scourge of crime that terrorized our country at the time. As a result, the maritime shield was
born, protecting Honduras from the transfer of drugs by sea. At the same time they were
complemented with the help and collaboration of US security agencies. And to deliver on his
vision, as the leader of the executive and legislative branches, he proactively initiated the
momentum to pass critical laws that allowed Honduras to be set free from the criminal hands
it had succumbed to for decades. During his time as President of Congress he was one of
the people brave enough to promote the extradition law. When the first extradition occurred,
he was even applauded and recognized by the DEA. The DEA said in a press release: “...
efforts of President of the Honduran Republic Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado and other
Honduran officials for their cooperation and support during the extradition and prosecution of
Carlos Arnoldo Lobo.” So it makes you think, why would a man colluded with drug dealing
ever approve the extradition law if there was even the slightest chance it might affect him?
No one in that scenario would.
Why was my father received at the White House on so many occasions? Why was he
received in the CIA headquarters? Why was he received in the DEA headquarters? Saying
he led a double life and that he somehow managed to trick the world’s most informed
country, the United States of America, is absurd. I am no intelligence expert, but I am 100%
sure, to be received in any of these top level places and to receive so much praise from
them you need to pass several security filters and need to be investigated thoroughly. I firmly
believe my father passed the security clearance to enter these agencies, after all, he was
received by the DEA twice and once by the CIA. Now, what torments my mind is, how come
a man who passed the world’s maximum intelligence agencies’ background checks and
investigations, be accused of conspiracy to import narcotics to the country in which these
agencies operate? Judge, will all due respect, there’s something fishy here. Statements,
testimonies, and accusations don’t fit with the truth. Of course, it was to be expected, since
everything that is built on lies comes crumbling down sooner or later.
Judge, I am sure that my father is innocent. I followed the trial and it was an unfair process
without evidence. During the whole process and trial we have seen that the injustices
committed against him left him in a state of defenselessness, by not allowing his attorneys
the necessary time to prepare. The only evidence they prosecution presented were the
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testimonies of confessed drug traffickers and murderers and as you well heard when they
asked each one of them if they had any evidence, they said they had NONE.
Judge, I respectfully ask once again, for you to take into consideration my words, my dad is
a man who did so many great things for Honduras and this isn’t only said by me, his
daughter, it is said by Honduran citizens, by foreign governments, by United States officials
such as presidents, senators, by different reports such as the INCSR reports, reports by the
joint command task force, and many others. The words of millions of honduran citizens that
are thankful to him, the words of U.S. institutions, U.S. presidents, and many others that
weren’t taken into account during his trial, but I am now presenting to you and to any other
person reading this letter so they can know the REAL truth. My father Juan Orlando is
INNOCENT of all charges and he has been wrongfully convicted.
I trust the truth will prevail and God will do the true justice.
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”- John 8:32
Ana Daniela Hernandez Garcia
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Honorable Judge Castel
Southern District of New York
Dear Sir, I am Ana Grissel Santos Alvarado, born in the same city as my dear
friend and colleague Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado, with whom I shared my
best years of childhood and youth. He was a young man who was very
responsible, respectful, kind, prudent, enthusiastic, self-assured, empathetic, of
good manners and upbringing, from a financially stable family. I remember him
so much for his displays of affection; he always earned the respect and
admiration of my parents, allowing me to go out and explore the city with him
and other friends whom we nostalgically recall today. When he first ran for the
presidency, I felt very proud that he chose my home to be part of his political
campaign, winning the Presidency of the Republic by a landslide, elevating our
country to higher standards compared to what we are experiencing now. Juan
Orlando has not been perfect, but he has been the best president of the nation,
even though with a tough attitude, we experienced times of security in all
aspects of our lives as Honduran citizens. Today, our city and country are not
the same since his arrest, as it has been a hard blow to our beloved and
respected president-elect by millions of Hondurans.
Therefore, I consider it unjust to prosecute him for what he is accused of. I
firmly believe he is innocent, and I appeal to you to judge him considering the
good he did for his Honduran homeland.
Hoping that my opinion is valued in this decision-making matter regarding my
I bid you farewell with respect.
Ana Grissel Santos Alvarado.

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Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 11 of 115
Angel Eduardo Ramos Salinas
San Pedro Sula
Abril 26 del 2024
Juez Kevin Castel
Juez del Distrito Sur de los Estados Unidos
Distrito Sur de New York
Honorable Juez Castel
Mi nombre es Angel Eduardo Ramos Salinas, tengo 57 años de edad, de nacionalidad
hondureña, licenciado en administración de empresas; he laborado por mas de 25 años en una
empresa familiar creada por mis padres hace 47 años, soy casado, tengo tres hijos 27, 22 y 20
años de edad, el primero profesional universitario, el segundo cursado su segundo año de
universidad en honduras y la tercera estudiando en USA en su primer año de estudios de
pregrado.- A lo largo de mi vida profesional, he participado en juntas directivas de diversas
organizaciones gremiales de importancia en el pais, Camara de Comercio e Industrias de
Cortes CCIC, Federación de Camaras de Comercio e Industrias de Honduras FEDECAMARA,
Federación Nacional de Agentes Aduaneros de Honduras FENADUANAH, Camara de
Comercio Martima Portuaria de Honduras CCMPH, de igual forma he participado activamente
en la política en procesos electorales internos y elecciones generales en el pais, aspirando
cargos de elección popular en el Partido Liberal de Honduras, partido político al que hemos
pertenecido junto con mi padre quien se desempeñó como sub secretario y secretario de
estado por ley en los despachos de economía y comercio en el gobierno del Presidente
Constitucional de la Republica Dr Roberto Suazo Cordova 1982.
Realice estudios de educacion primaria y media en la ciudad de San Pedro Sula y en el año de
1983 mis padres deciden cambiarnos de centro de estudios junto con mi hermano y es así que
nos trasladan al recién creado instituto Liceo Militar del Norte; En el primer año de
operaciones, el Liceo Militar del Norte albergo jovenes estudiantes de los institutos de
educacion media mas importantes de San Pedro Sula y del pais; en ese año de educacion
cursábamos de 1ero, 2do y 3er curso de secundaria (7mo, 8avo y 9no Año).- Ahí compartimos
aulas de estudios académicos los cuales eran combinados con una disciplina militar la cual era
impartida por oficiales activos de las fuerzas armadas del pais, con jovenes de todos los
estratos sociales de los cuales hoy hay ciudadanos ejemplares y profesionales prominentes en
el pais y en el extranjero, Abogados, Ingenieros, Medicos, Militares de Carrera, Lideres
Religiosos y Lideres políticos como lo es el Abogado Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado
Presidente Constitucional de la del Republica de Honduras en el periodo 2014-2018 y
2019-2022.- En la vida estudiantil Juan Orlando Hernandez fue un compañero humilde, sin
extravagancias en su forma de vestir, era un muchacho normal como muchos otros que venia
del interior del pais a superarse académicamente; se notaba en el un compañero de carácter
afable pero con mucha disciplina y determinación, fue un estudiante promedio en sus notas y
con un marcado liderazgo.- Nos graduamos en la misma promoción académicamente en
1985, solo que por problemas de notas no pude asistir al ultimo entrenamiento militar y no
obtuve el grado militar en ese año, si no que, lo logre en 1987.- Después de egresar del Liceo
Militar en 1985 todos seguimos con nuestras vidas privadas, unos nos quedamos estudiando
en las universidades de San Pedro Sula, otros se trasladaron a universidades fuera del pais,
otros a las academias militares en el pais y en el extranjero y otros a estudiar a la universidad
en Tegucigalpa tal es el caso de Juan Orlando quien así lo determinó hacer.
Honduras es un pais pequeño, y en los medios de comunicación radiales, televisivos y escritos
detallan la vida social, deportiva, política y empresarial del pais, y en ella notaba como Juan
Orlando sobresalía en temas políticos y era de esperarse por lo que mencionaba al inicio, que
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Angel Eduardo Ramos Salinas
era un líder nato con disciplina y mucha determinación; Recuerdo que siendo el congresista de
honduras tuve la oportunidad de platicar en varias ocaciones en la ciudad de Siguatepeque ya
que es un punto convergente para los que vamos de San Pedro Sula a la capital Tegucigalpa y
el que de Tegucigalpa venia a su ciudad nata en Gracias Lempira y siempre platicábamos
como amigos de las familia y de la vida privada y de la salud de cada uno, y debo decir que
siempre lo note aun siendo el congresista una persona humilde y nada ostentoso en su forma
de vestir ni mucho menos el vehículo que usaba para trasladarse.- debo manifestar que
cuando el fue electo Presidente del Congreso Nacional de la Republica empezamos a tener
mas comunicación con toda la promoción que egresamos del Liceo Militar del Nortes en el año
1985, el fue de los mayores impulsores para que hubiese mas unión de grupo, es así que
empezamos a reunirnos para celebrar los aniversarios de egresados en san pedro sula y en su
residencia en Gracias Lempira, una casa normal con las comodidades como las puede tener
una personas de clase media alta en el pais; en una de esas reuniones de compañeros de
promoción las cuales asistimos con con nuestras familias conocimos a la familia de el, en esas
reuniones Juan Orlando se mostraba una persona cariñosa con sus hijos y su esposa, amante
de las mascotas y jovial en el trato y podría decir sincero en las pláticas.
Siendo ya Presidente Constitucional coincidimos en reuniones de los gremios empresariales a
los que yo pertenecía y pudo decir que no vi en el un cambio en su forma de ser o en el trato
hacia uno en particular, siguió siendo el mismo; A mi parecer y es una opinión muy personal,
como Presidente Constitucional hizo muchas cosas buenas en el pais, y como ser humano
también tubo desaciertos en algunas tomas de desiciones; pero no podemos desconocer que
fue notorio en sus primeros años de gobierno que estábamos yendo por el camino correcto
como nación, con un aceptable crecimiento económico, generación de empleo, reducción de
inseguridad jurídica y de las personas.
Una opinión muy personal es que despues de sus primeros años de gobierno en el cual todo
iba bien, Juan Orlando tuvo varios desaciertos en sus políticas públicas lo cual llevo a estar
confrontado con el sector privado del pais, desconozco las razones que lo orillaron a tener esa
actitud como gobernante, y muchas de esas políticas públicas empezaron a generar
descontento en el sector privado y la población lo que genero un acelerado porcentaje de
migración de nuestros jovenes al exterior, pero es ser justo también, mencionar que estos
desaciertos no solo han ocurrido con el como presidente, si no que han existido a lo largo de
la historia democrática del pais.
Un evento que dejo marcado en mi, es cuando vi por televisión que al Presidente Juan Orlando
Hernandez persona con la que compartimos aulas de estudios secundarios en 1985, lo
estaban extraditando del pais y también fue doloroso ver en la forma en que fue expuesto
cuando salió de manera voluntaria de su casa, en ese preciso momento sentí un dolor
profundo en mi corazón, porque la forma como lo conocí y pude observar las pocas veces que
visite su hogar y de como vivía el, su esposa y sus hijos, su madre, se me hace casi imposible
creer que el sea responsable de todo lo que se le acusa.- Esta situación que esta viviendo su
familia es muy difícil y dolorosa, las humillaciones y ofensas y el denotado odio de un sector
radical político contrario a el mostrado en las redes sociales que a diario vive sus familia es
desde el lado cristiano, inhumano para alguien al que considero trabajo incansablemente por
tener una mejor Honduras.
Solo Dios y el saben a ciencia cierta lo que ha sucedido, como lo dijo en su discurso en su
toma de posesión “yo respondo por mis actos y por los actos de mis hijos menores”, con ello
demuestra que cada quien es responsable de sus actos y como humanos tenemos defectos
pero también virtudes; Confío en Dios, para que exista el acto de buena fe y le pueda brindar a
el, la oportunidad de defenderse y mostrar en el caso que así sea, que de lo que se le acusa el
no es responsable, y que la justicia le brinde la oportunidad para que pueda en el corto o
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Angel Eduardo Ramos Salinas
mediano plazo, volver a reunirse con su esposa, hijos, nietos y confiemos en Dios que con su
madre Dona Elvira.
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Angel Eduardo Ramos Salinas
San Pedro Sula
April 26, 2024
Judge Kevin Castel
United States District Judge for the Southern District of the United States
Southern District of New York
Honorable Judge Castel
My name is Angel Eduardo Ramos Salinas, I am 57 years old, of Honduran nationality, with a
degree in business administration; I have worked for more than 25 years in a family business
created by my parents 47 years ago, I am married, I have three children 27, 22 and 20 years old,
the first is a university professional, the second is in his second year of university in Honduras
and the third is studying in the USA in her first year of undergraduate studies. Throughout my
professional life, I have participated in boards of directors of various trade organizations of
importance in the country, Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Cortes CCIC, Federation of
Chambers of Commerce and Industries of Honduras FEDECAMARA, National Federation of
Customs Agents of Honduras FENADUANAH, Chamber of Commerce Maritime Port of
Honduras CCMPH, likewise I have actively participated in politics in internal elections and
general elections in the country, aspiring to positions of popular election in the Liberal Party of
Honduras, political party to which we have belonged along with my father who served as
undersecretary and secretary of state by law in the offices of economy and trade in the
government of the Constitutional President of the Republic Dr. Roberto Suazo Cordova 1982.
I studied elementary and middle school in the city of San Pedro Sula and in the year 1983 my
parents decided to change our school along with my brother and so we moved to the newly
created institute Liceo Militar del Norte;In the first year of operations, the Liceo Militar del Norte
housed young students from the most important high schools in San Pedro Sula and the
country; in that year of education, we studied the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years of high school (7th,
8th, and 9th grade).-There we shared classrooms of academic studies which were combined
with a military discipline which was taught by active officers of the armed forces of the country,
with young people of all social strata of which today there are exemplary citizens and prominent
professionals in the country and abroad, lawyers, engineers, doctors, professional military,
religious leaders and political leaders as is the Lawyer Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado
Constitutional President of the Republic of Honduras in the period 2014-2018 and
2019-2022.-In his student life Juan Orlando Hernandez was a humble classmate, without
extravagance in the way he dressed, he was a normal boy like many others who came from the
interior of the country to excel academically; you could see in him a companion with an affable
character but with a lot of discipline and determination, he was an average student in his grades
and with a marked leadership. We graduated in the same class in 1985, but due to grade
problems I could not attend the last military training and I did not obtain the military rank in that
year, but I did it in 1987. -After graduating from the Liceo Militar in 1985 we all continued with
our private lives, some of us stayed studying in the universities of San Pedro Sula, others
moved to universities outside the country, others to military academies in the country and
abroad and others to study at the university in Tegucigalpa such is the case of Juan Orlando
who decided to do so.
Honduras is a small country, and in the radio, television and written media they detail the social,
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sports, political and business life of the country, and in it I noticed how Juan Orlando excelled in
political affairs and it was to be expected because of what I mentioned at the beginning, that he
was a born leader with discipline and great determination; I remember that being the
congressman of Honduras I had the opportunity to talk on several occasions in the city of
Siguatepeque as it is a converging point for those who go from San Pedro Sula to the capital
Tegucigalpa and from Tegucigalpa came to his hometown in Gracias Lempira and we always
talked as friends about the family and private life and health of each other, and I must say that I
always noticed him even though the congressman was a humble person and nothing
ostentatious in the way he dressed and much less the vehicle he used to move. - I must say
that when he was elected President of the National Congress of the Republic we began to have
more communication with the entire graduating class of the Liceo Militar del Nortes in 1985, he
was one of the biggest drivers for there to be more group unity, so we began to meet to
celebrate the anniversaries of graduates in San Pedro Sula and at his residence in Gracias
Lempira, a normal house with the comforts as you can have a person of upper middle class in
the country; In one of those reunions of classmates which we attended with our families we met
his family, in those meetings Juan Orlando showed a loving person with his children and his
wife, pet lover and jovial in the treatment and I could say sincere in conversation.
Being already Constitutional President we coincided in meetings of the business associations to
which I belonged and I could say that I did not see in him a change in his way of being or in the
treatment towards one in particular, he remained the same; In my opinion and it is a very
personal opinion, as Constitutional President he did many good things in the country, and as a
human being he also had mistakes in some decisions; but we cannot ignore that it was
notorious in his first years of government that we were on the right path as a nation, with an
acceptable economic growth, employment generation, reduction of legal insecurity and of
people's insecurity.
A very personal opinion is that after his first years of government in which everything was going
well, Juan Orlando had several mistakes in his public policies which led to be confronted with
the private sector of the country, I do not know the reasons that led him to have that attitude as
President, and many of these public policies began to generate discontent in the private sector
and the population which generated an accelerated percentage of migration of our young
people abroad. But it is also fair to mention that these mistakes have not only occurred with him
as president, but have existed throughout the democratic history of the country.
An event that left a mark on me is when I saw on television that President Juan Orlando
Hernandez, a person with whom we shared high school classrooms in 1985, was being
extradited from the country and it was also painful to see the way he was exposed when he
voluntarily left his home, at that moment I felt a deep pain in my heart, because the way I knew
him and could observe the few times I visited his home and how he lived, his wife and children,
his mother, I find it almost impossible to believe that he is responsible for everything he is
accused of. This situation that his family is living is very difficult and painful, the humiliations
and offenses and the denoted hatred of a radical political sector contrary to him shown in social
media that his family lives daily is from the Christian side, inhuman for someone who I consider
work tirelessly to have a better Honduras.
Only God and he knows for sure what has happened, as he said in his speech at his
inauguration “I am responsible for my actions and for the actions of my minor children”, thus
demonstrating that everyone is responsible for their actions and as humans we have flaws but
also virtues; I trust in God, that there is an act of good faith and that he can be given the
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opportunity to defend himself and show, if so, that he is not responsible for what he is accused
of, and that justice will give him the opportunity to be reunited in the short or medium term with
his wife, children, grandchildren and, we trust in God, with his mother Doña Elvira.
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Honorable Judge Castel
New York South District
Hello Honorable Judge Castel, my letter will be brief my name is Carlos Tinoco and I worked
very closely with President Juan Orlando Hernandez. I was his assistant in the presidential
house, and I was in charge of logistics so that the agenda was met promptly, coordinating all his
events - when someone works with a person like Mr. Juan Orlando you realize that the work you
did was never enough because everything had to go very well. After all, he paid attention to
every detail, he was committed to giving the people the support they needed and always looking
for new ways to improve the conditions of the country in general. Mr. Castel during the time I
was able to serve President Juan Orlando I realized that he is not only a person who feels the
pain of the people but he looks for all possible alternatives to quickly help the most vulnerable
people both inside and outside the country. What happened during the pandemic with
hurricanes ETA and IOTA in the country was catastrophic and without precedents. Judge
Castel, it is not easy because we are a country full of need where poverty grows day by day, but
JOH's government left a great tangible legacy to help the Honduran people. I know that he is
accused of corruption and drug trafficking, which I do not think is true because I can attest to
what I experienced during those years and all the people who worked with him could see that he
is a hardworking man, decisive with a vision for the country, who managed to make changes
that were not seen in many years, thousands of Honduran families who today are left wondering
how this happened to Juan Orlando. how is it possible that this man who had to put his family
second and who put the country before himself, today is deprived of his freedom in a U.S.
prison, Judge Castel, it is important that you meticulously review the case against the president
without prejudice or sectarianism, in an objective manner because as far as I am concerned I
never saw anything that was out of place or strange, On the contrary, he always wanted things
to be done right, I am a child of God, a father who, when seeing something strange or
something that endangered my integrity or the life of my family, I would have been the first one
to step aside. I don't know if anyone could do anything for the president, I will not lose hope, I
just hope that justice can be truly done, if I had seen something tangible that he was guilty and if
they are saying he is guilty then they should show it, but to believe a couple of criminals are just
for saying he is guilty of being a drug trafficker and that in truth there is no real evidence that
makes us think that it was a plot and a conspiracy against him because during his
administration he dismantled many criminal gangs of all levels from common robbery to
organized crime. Now our country is once again one of the most dangerous in the world, Judge
Castel I hope you can give a second chance to this man who left his blood on this pavement.
The human being's nature is to be miserable and disloyal, but there are loyal men and full of life
with God, we believe that everything happens because God has a purpose for the life and family
of President Juan Orlando.
Honorable Judge Castel, may GOD bless you and take care of you. I conclude by saying a
phrase from a former US president.
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Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.
-George Washington.
Carlos Alberto Tinoco
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Tegucigalpa, M.D.C.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Letter of Support
To: Honorable Judge Castel
New York's South District
From: Cristian Alejandro Gómez Zambrano.
Greetings, a pleasure. My name is Cristian Alejandro Gómez Zambrano.
Identity No.: 0801-1996-03059
Nationality: Honduran
I worked with President Hernandez for 10 years, we first met in the National Congress, at that
time President Lobo was in power. I was in the outpost, part of the office services and part of the
security, with Pride.
He is a good family man, a leader in the national party and the head of the García-Hernández
family household. I had the opportunity to be in his home, accompanying his children and his
wife, working in the Presidential House, during the two periods he was in office. He was the best
president, leading the country to success, very professional with his work, putting in hours and
hours in his job. He was always busy solving the country's problems.
We traveled all over the country, inaugurating many projects. He has the affection of all the
Honduran people. He never quit, always with his head held high, fighting for the welfare and
security of the country.
President Hernandez is innocent, I was close to him and I never saw anything out of the
The trial was very rough, and many took advantage of that, he made the best human efforts
possible, but they humiliated him, his family, and the National Party of Honduras. he was very
strong, despite a massive vendetta against him. It was a massive revenge. Standing up for the
name of President Hernandez, those were difficult days, there was no work, the country was
divided, plus the suffering of his family branded him as a criminal.
I am very proud to be part of your team and would return to your services if you ever come back
, come back to your country and your home, with your family, may this letter be seen and have
others' opinion.
Greetings President Hernandez!!!
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Honorable Judge Castel
New York Southern District
United States of America
My name is Cruz Eloisa Torres Corea, I am 85 years old with ID number 1314-1938-00028,
Honduran by birth and retired elementary school teacher. I live in Gracias, Lempira and I worked
at the school where the lawyer, Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado, attended elementary school.
I met Juan Orlando from a very early age, I remember him as a very polite young boy, with
values and principles instilled by his family. He was an outstanding student and with aspirations
for professional advancement.
He belongs to a very well-known family in our city, his parents are honorable and honest,
hard-working people who through their effort obtained their properties in an honest way.
I can describe Juan Orlando as a man who achieved our beloved country’s, Honduras,
presidency through the sympathy and desire to take our country forward which was being
dominated by delinquency and gangs, during Juan Orlando’s time in office, these issues were
fought against and the was a significant change in Hondurans’ life quality, we lived in a less
corrupt country, much safer and with more sources of employment, where he helped many
Our city of Gracias, Lempira had a change of progress. His friends and us, people who know
him, miss him and believe he is innocent of all charges he's being accused of, we have always
known him and it is impossible to think that he is able to do all that.
Juan Orlando is an exemplary citizen, loving son, exceptional father, a husband devoted to his
family, that is what I could see in him.
I think it is unfair what people because of revenge have said to ruin Juan Orlando’s life, his
family’s life and that of Hondurans that love him, our country needs him.
With all due respect, I dare to ask you to analyze the case well before giving a sentence. He is
an innocent man, who all he did was want to make positive changes in our nation and fight
Cruz Eloisa Torres Corea
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Tegucigalpa, April 17, 2024
Honorable Judge
Southern District of New York, USA
Honorable Judge Castel:
My name is Danne Chavez, lawyer, Honduran, and friend of Juan Orlando Hernandez,
whom I have known for 37 years since we were classmates at the Universidad Nacional
Autonoma de Honduras UNAH, where we were law students, he was always well known
for being a respectful, diligent and disciplined student.
During his studies, professional, and political career he was always concerned about the
welfare of our beloved Honduras, he always worked hard and with determination, to
improve the country.
Knowing Juan Orlando, during all that time I am sure that he did not commit the crimes he
is accused of, since from all his positions as a public official, he fought head-on against
these crimes.
The experience that Juan Orlando has gone through during all this time, from his arrest to
date, has brought pain to his family and friends.
At the end of his public functions, he was planning to live in his beloved Gracias, next to
his family, and dedicate himself to his personal affairs, without harming anyone, in these
times God has worked in his life, molding his character, valuing the most valuable things
in his life, his wife, children, granddaughter and family.
Danne Chavez
JOH Sent.0028
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Southern District of New York.
Tegucigalpa, M D.C., April 20, 2024
Honorable Judge
Kevin Castel
Distinguished Judge Castel, I am writing to you with all due respect and consideration; my
name is Ethel Deras Enamorado, of Honduran nationality, of legal profession and with national
identification document No. 1401-1989-00350.
In my country I served in different public positions, I was a judge for 2 years, prosecutor of the
Public Ministry for 16 years; assistant magistrate of the Constitutional Chamber of the Judiciary
for 1 year; Attorney General of the Republic of Honduras from 2010 to 2014; and from February
2014 until early February 2022 I served as President of the National Banking and Insurance
I met Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado approximately in 1986, some 36 years ago when we
were students at the Law School of the National Autonomous University of Honduras. In those
student years, he began his courtship with Ana Rosalinda Garcia, currently his wife, with whom
I have been friends since we attended high school in the same educational center and later
shared classes in the university classrooms.
He has always stood out for his formality, education, seriousness, and leadership, which led
him to be elected president of the Student Association of the Law School of the university.
Throughout all these years I shared many times with them in different areas of their public and
family life. I personally know that Juan Orlando was always characterized by being respectful
with people, open and tolerant to criticism and contrary opinions, he did not like discussions or
confrontations, on the contrary, he sought dialogue, conciliation, and harmony. I saw in his
actions a behavior based on values and respect, with a great vocation of service and
democratic convictions. He expressed his desire to see Honduras in better conditions of citizen
security, with growth and economic development based on technical progress and investment
in productive activities.
The security of the people and peaceful coexistence were key elements of his government. I
saw him work tirelessly to reduce the rates of violence and the commission of crimes in the
national territory and I did not see him give up at any time, even when he suffered personal
threats and dangers when he set this as one of his primary government objectives.
I followed the news that was broadcast about the trial against him in the Southern District Court
of New York, and I read what was said about Juan Orlando, the conduct he was accused of, the
phrases and words attributed to him, as well as the violent acts in which he was involved, and
they definitely do not match and are diametrically opposed to the personal and long-standing
knowledge I have of his person, so it seems to me to date that the acts that were imputed to
him, but it seems to me that they spoke of another person and that his judicious character
formed with education and values such as peace was distorted.
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When I was elected Attorney General of the Republic, Juan Orlando was the president of the
National Congress, I will never forget that day when he told me: I will never ask you for
anything and do anything outside the law, we are all obliged to abide by the law, that is the
Juan Orlando that I have known for many years until the last day I saw him in the country.
Undoubtedly, the judicial process and the result of Juan Orlando's trial, as well as the trials to
which different persons who were extradited from my country were subjected for the same or
similar crimes and the sentences they have already served or have yet to serve, have made me
reflect deeply on the principle or concept of the value of Justice known in a large sense as give
to each one what is due to him, as well as the ultimate objective pursued by the
criminal process. It is with this in mind that I respectfully submit this letter.
Your Honor, I take this opportunity to convey to you my highest consideration and reiterate my
Yours sincerely,
Ethel Deras Enamorado
Email: ederass@yahoo.com
Cellular No.: 504 (94501289)
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Judge Kevin Castell
Southern District Court of New York
500 Pearl Street
New York, NY 10007
My name is Felix Francisco Pacheco Reyes, former officer of the Honduran Air Force,
military aviator pilot since 1987, aviation entrepreneur, with his own company founded in
2004 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, father of a family, grandfather and faithful servant of this
Homeland Honduras.
I was a classmate of Juan Orlando Hernandez in the military school from 1983 to 1985,
being him, an exceptional companion, correct, loyal, brave as a military man, what we call in
military jargon a Prussian a tiger and already making his career after college in
universities and as a lawyer, he was an exceptional man. A great family man.
He was and still is a hope in our country, because we saw what he managed and did for
Honduras. He fought crime at its roots, drug trafficking, things that other political figures fled
for fear of these criminals, he was not afraid of them.
Your servant as a military pilot, in my time of service, fought drug trafficking and we know
how to recognize the work that was done by him, against drug trafficking in this country.
I don't know how you could believe those criminals, if you lived in this country, you would
realize who they were and you would hate them as we hate them. With this that happened,
nobody else will want to fight drug trafficking because those criminals, their word is worth
more than their tangible actions. Data did not matter, what mattered was the statement of
confessed murderers. That was the message, don't fight drug traffickJuan Orlando as a man,
made many mistakes, because the easiest thing for a man is to make mistakes, political
decisions, late attention to certain issues, poor choice of officials, etc..
This trial affected Honduras terribly, what you hear in the news, social networks, that is not
the thinking of the vast majority of Hondurans, it is the opinion of people who have time to do
that since they do not work and are politically financed by the left and hate you. With this,
you yourselves helped your enemies to continue with the plan of the Sao Paulo forum
against you.
Our country needs men like the presidents of the United States, Juan Orlando in his
measure was like that and being your ally much was achieved. But everything went down
the drain.
We hope that this situation will be ratified, the truth will come out and all Hondurans here will
be ready to support you. I know that you apply the law and that is based on you, honorable
man, but you believed in those criminals.
With the greatest respect.
I subscribe to you with the greatest respect..,
Félix Francisco Pacheco Reyes.
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General (R) Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya 1
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, CA
25 de abril del 2024
Honorable Sr. Juez del Distrito Sur de NY
Sr. Kevin Castel
Su Oficina
Soy el General Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya en condición de Retiro, fui designado como
Jefe de Estado Mayor Conjunto de la Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras (máxima
autoridad militar) por el Sr. Presidente Hernández en los dos primeros años de su
primer mandato, año 2014 y 2015, éstos fueron los dos últimos años de mi carrera
El año 2017 el Sr. Presidente Hernández me nombró como Viceministro de Defensa.
En los 4 años de su segundo mandato el Sr. Presidente me nombró como Ministro de
Durante mi vida como soldado profesional durante 38 años antes de ser nombrado Jefe
de Estado Mayor Conjunto, fueron años de servicio apegado a principios y valores y
sobre todo un hombre temeroso de Dios, esta currícula sirvió para que el Sr. Presidente
Hernandez me seleccionara para ser el Jefe de Estado Mayor Conjunto.
En el año 2014 se recibió un país en materia de seguridad como el país más violento
del mundo con 86.5 homicidios por cada cien mil habitantes, razón por la cual se tomó
la decisión de que Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras apoyara a la Policía Nacional;
cuando hicimos el estudio del por qué este fenómeno, comprobamos que el 80% de
estos homicidios eran generados o impulsados por el paso de la droga por nuestro
país, ya que por Honduras se decía que pasaba entre el 60% al 80% que iba para
Era una situación sumamente compleja y difícil para un gobernante, se ocupaba de un
Presidente de valor pero sobre todo comprometido con su pueblo y eso fue lo que me
inspiró a mí para ser parte del equipo de trabajo del Presidente Hernández.
Había que tomar decisiones para poder hacer frente a esta situación tan difícil; para
eso se hicieron acciones como:
- Se elaboró el Plan Morazán
- Se creó FUSINA (Fuerza Nacional de Seguridad Institucional Nacional)
- Se creó la Policía Militar del Orden Público (PMOP)
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General (R) Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya 2
Pero hay que destacar que siempre contamos con la ayuda/colaboración del Comando
Sur y en especial el General Kelly y el Almirante Faller entre otros, ellos fueron
nuestros mejores aliados, trabajando fuerte en el escudo marítimo.
Al final de los dos períodos de gobierno del Presidente Hernández nos sentimos
sumamente satisfechos de lo que se había logrado con el liderazgo y una férrea
decisión política del Presidente Hernández, resultados tan objetivos y medibles como:
- Haber reducido los homicidios de 86.5 a 38 por cada cien mil habitantes, refrendado
o confirmado por el Observatorio de la Violencia de la Universidad Autónoma de
Honduras (UNAH) y la Policía Nacional de Honduras
- Haber reducido el paso de la droga por nuestro país del 60% a 80% y al 4%,
refrendado o confirmado por “Joint Interagency Task Force (JIIATF) South”
Estos fueron nuestros sueños al inicio de nuestra gestión.
Antes de aceptar los cargos que me asignó el Sr. Presidente Hernández pude ver en el
Presidente Hernández un hombre de decisión y valor cuando en el año 2013 como
Presidente del Congreso Nacional aprobó la Ley de Extradición, fue un evento sin
precedentes, ya que se te tenía conocimiento de vinculación con el narcotráfico de
algunos diputados, la Ley de Extradición la aprobó el Congreso Nacional a puerta
Tengo presente en mi mente que cuando iniciamos nuestra gestión como Jefe de
Estado Mayor Conjunto, con mucha escasez de recursos y con muchas condiciones
adversas en una reunión de trabajo, el Sr. Presidente me expresó “son ellos o el
Estado” refiriéndose a los narcotraficantes.
Siempre las directrices que él dio fueron apegadas a la Ley.
Por todo lo antes expresado y con todo el respeto que usted se merece Sr. Juez Kevin
Castel, yo me resisto a creer que el Sr. Presidente Hernández haya cometido los delitos
que a él se le acusó.
Con todo el respeto para usted.
General (R) Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya
n todo el respeto para usted.
l (R) F d S ti Di
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General (R) Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, CA
April 25, 2024
Honorable Mr. Judge of the Southern District of NY
Mr. Kevin Castel
Your Office
I am General Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya in Retired status, I was appointed as
Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces of Honduras (highest military authority) by
Mr. President Hernandez in the first two years of his first term, 2014 and 2015, these were the
last two years of my military career.
In 2017, Mr. President Hernandez appointed me as Vice Minister of Defense.
In the 4 years of his second term, Mr. President appointed me as Minister of
During my 38 years as a professional soldier before being appointed Joint Chief of Staff, I was
attached to principles and values and above all a God-fearing man. This curriculum served for
Mr. President Hernandez to select me to be the Joint Chief of Staff.
In 2014 the country was received in terms of security as the most violent country in the world
with 86.5 homicides per hundred thousand inhabitants, which is why the decision was made that
the Armed Forces of Honduras would support the National Police; when we made the study of
why this phenomenon, we found that 80% of these homicides were generated or driven by the
passage of drugs through our country, since it was said that between 60% to 80% went through
Honduras to the USA.
It was an extremely complex and difficult situation for a president, it required a courageous
President, but above all committed to his people and that is what inspired me to be part of
President Hernandez's work team.
Decisions had to be made to be able to face this difficult situation; for that reason, actions were
taken such as:
- The Morazán Plan was elaborated.
- FUSINA (National Force for National Institutional Security) was created.
- The Military Police of Public Order (PMOP) was created.
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General (R) Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya
But it must be emphasized that we always had the help/collaboration of the Southern Command
and especially General Kelly and Admiral Faller among others, they were our best allies,
working hard on the maritime shield.
At the end of President Hernandez's two terms in office we felt extremely satisfied with what had
been achieved with the leadership and strong political decisions of President Hernandez, results
as objective and measurable as:
- Having reduced homicides from 86.5 to 38 per hundred thousand inhabitants, endorsed or
confirmed by the Observatory of Violence of the Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH)
and the National Police of Honduras.
- To have reduced the passage of drugs through our country from 60% to 80% and to 4%,
endorsed or confirmed by the “Joint Interagency Task Force (JIIATF) South”.
These were our dreams at the beginning of our administration.
Before accepting the positions assigned to me by President Hernandez I could see in President
Hernandez a man of decision and courage when in 2013 as President of the National Congress
he approved the Extradition Law, it was an unprecedented event, since it was known that some
congressmen were linked to drug trafficking, the Extradition Law was approved by the National
Congress behind closed doors.
I keep in mind that when I started my term as Joint Chief of Staff, with very scarce resources
and with many adverse conditions in a work meeting, Mr. President told me, “it is them or the
State” referring to the drug traffickers.
The directions he gave were always in accordance with the Law.
For all of the above and with all the respect you deserve Mr. Judge Kevin Castel, I refuse to
believe that Mr. President Hernandez has committed the crimes he was accused of.
With all due respect to you.
General (R) Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya
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Honorable Kevin Castel
United States District Judge
Southern District of New York
My name is Gladis Abigail Oseguera; I’m 31 years old. I was born and raised in Honduras, and reside
in New Jersey since 2011, where I first came as an international student to pursue Structural
Engineering. I’ve been working for consulting firms in New York City for the past 7 years, where I
currently manage Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvement Projects for the Metropolitan
Transit Authority (MTA). My father is Honduran Armed Forces Brigadier General Willy Joel Oseguera
I first met Juan Orlando Hernandez around 2010 when I applied to merit-based
scholarships/financing programs known as EDUCREDITO, which was one of the government’s
programs he continued to support as President of the National Congress of Honduras. I also knew
Juan Orlando’s oldest daughter and son, as we attended the same high school in Tegucigalpa.
As he later became President of Honduras, I heard more about Juan Orlando as my father held key
positions in the Honduran Army as his career progressed. I knew Juan Orlando was working
relentlessly, especially in matters of safety and security. I would occasionally greet Juan Orlando at
the Westin Hotel’s entrance in NYC during the United Nations General Assembly every year, or at any
public event we happened to cross paths. He was always very respectful and would greet me with a
smile. During my last interaction with Juan Orlando prior to his arrest, we spoke about infrastructure
improvements in Honduras; he met my husband that day, and we spoke about ways we could
contribute back to our country as engineers.
During the 8 years Juan Orlando was President of Honduras, I saw my father and many others work
tirelessly to combat narcotraƯicking and organized crime. I many times feared for the well-being and
safety of my father, as he led frontal eƯorts to combat the largest criminal organizations in Honduras
and the region; I many times cried for the lives of the soldiers and policemen that were lost during
special operations. Juan Orlando created/promoted several laws and then created several special
defense and security units to combat drug traƯicking, to control extortion, to combat MS-13 and
Pandilla 18. He created/promoted the National Anti-Gang Force (FENAMP), the National Extortion
Force (FNA), the Military Police of Public Order (PMOP), the National Inter-Agency Security Force
(FUSINA), among others.Every citizen in Honduras knew this and could attest to howthe streets were
gradually becoming safer. Juan Orlando was working closely with the United States in these eƯorts,
which were publicly recognized and known to everyone in the region. I personally attended several
public events where either General John Kelly from the Southern Command, or any other US
Representative, would speak about the joint eƯorts and praise Juan Orlando for all the initiatives he
had undertaken. It was clear to everyone that Juan Orlando was leading and directing eƯorts
completely opposite of what he is being convicted for, and that the United States considered him an
ally in this fight.
I have never been fond of any political party or politician. Juan Orlando was no exception. I many
times criticized decisions he made and how he handled several topics as President. I would criticize
some of his speeches as he would come oƯ as arrogant; I would question why he would name
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specific people in his cabinet. He certainly made many mistakes; in my opinion, seeking reelection
being one of them. Nevertheless, in defense and security matters, even though it was not a perfect
fight, I’ve always thought it was a genuine one.
I remember having lunch with my family in Tegucigalpa during one of my visits, when the news came
out about Juan Orlando being requested for extradition by the US on drug and gun traƯicking charges.
We were speechless. To the people who risked their lives combating narcotraƯicking, and families
like mine, who could speak to everything that had been done, it felt like a slap in the face. Juan
Orlando being extradited represented a win for all the criminals who had been put in jail, to all the
drug dealers and gang members who had taken innocent lives away; it was their happiest day; and
far from taking forward steps, Honduras as a nation, has just lost years of hard work and
Several years ago, I met his sister, Aixa, back in Gracias, Lempira, where they’re originally from. She
would greet me with a piece of hand-made bread at the family hotel she managed. Aixa was never
involved in politics, neither was their mother, Doña Elvira. I recallspeaking to Aixa’s daughters as they
were pursuing their studies abroad and thought of themselves as collateral damage. It was extremely
unfortunate and unfair to see Aixa and several others in his family basically homeless, following Juan
Orlando’s extradition. It has been an extenuating journey for his family, as their lives have been
irrevocably changed, and the ways they can help Juan Orlando have been extremely limited. Juan
Orlando was publicly exposed during his arrest, and so was his family. Their properties were seized,
and their bank accounts were frozen, limiting their resources to aƯord his legal defense. Just prior to
his trial, a GoFundMe account was created to help pay his legal fees. Within hours, hundreds of
people had shown support to Juan Orlando and his family through this platform. Unfortunately, Jorge
Bar Levy succeeded in getting the account suspended and all the funds raised did not reach their
purpose, resulting in Juan Orlando not being able to aƯord an eƯective defense.
This has been such an impactful case; it has done so much damage not only to his inner circle, but
to Honduras as a society. The media has played such an immense role in this case, as Juan Orlando
cannot publicly deny or disprove what is being said and many simply take it as true. There have been
so many lies, and so many made-up stories, it’s aggravating. Juan Orlando being in prison has given
the opposing political party, currently in government, to use him and his family as a trophy, and justify
their mistakes based on his administration; it has also given them an opportunity to retaliate against
people who worked alongside Juan Orlando.
Being incarcerated abroad, not having the opportunity to see your loved ones, and not having the
chance to speak up to deny or disprove things that are not true, is devastating. His family’s US visitor
visas were revoked at the start of this process. It has been shattering for Juan Orlando to not see his
daughters and son, grandchildren, wife, mother, siblings. I personally think he did not have an
eƯective defense and he was at many times at a disadvantage, which severely impacted his
preparedness for trial. Juan Orlando never thought he could be in this situation; I know this process
has humbled him. He has deposited his faith in God since the beginning, and truth be told, that’s the
only reason why he’s still sane to this day.
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I was at the SDNY Court during Juan Orlando’s trial, alongside my father who testified. It was an
extremely stressful experience for us as a family, as we were basically at the center of controversy of
an entire region. This case has impacted my family, as Juan Orlando’s conviction represents all those
years of my father’s hard work were for nothing. My father has been one of the very few who have
spoken up, as many others fear political persecution from the current government. My father has
made sure the more than 7,000 men he led during those years are confident and well-aware that he
never received, nor he gave, an illegal order to anyone, and that the lives lost were not in vain. I
recognize Juan Orlando is far from perfect, but I personally believe he is not guilty of what he is being
convicted for based on the evidence presented during trial. I trust God and His ways and believe the
Justice System will only be fair. I know that at the end of this process, Juan Orlando will be a diƯerent
man and will view life diƯerently. I know he will treasure his close ones and live a grateful life.
I write this letter in support of Juan Orlando Hernandez, his family, and the work that was done during
all those years to make Honduras a safer place. I sincerely thank you for your time and consideration
to this letter.
Gladis Abigail Oseguera
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Honorable Judge Castel:
My name is Gloria Carmen Guevara Ardon, Christian, mother, wife, and a citizen
defender of life, of family and also fair causes, for which I feel a deep contempt for injustice
in all its manifestations.
Never in my almost 60 years of life, have I seen a president of my country that fought
head on, fearlessly with determination against malicious forces, such as organized crime,
and criminal structures, as Juan Orlando did, violent deaths, the terrible extorsion,
kidnapping, drug trafficking and high levels of unsafety decreased significantly.
From his positions in public administration he created and promoted tough laws to
punish and strip, leaving these criminals with no economic power. His compromise to
Honduras was noticeable and admirable, his country vision did things that no one ever did,
a simple man, smart, of strong personality and a genuine leadership, sensitive with
charisma, loved by many and hated by few.
As a result of the events that previously took place and that we are all aware of, a
campaign of disrepute and slander was born against the president. However, when he was
detained and later on extradited, we could not believe it, an unbelievably painful moment for
his family and friends.
Recently subjected to a trial. Which to my judgment and to the one of many
Hondurans was not a fair one, to the contrary, a very unequal trial. As a friend of the family,
and neighbor for many years, I can say that I know them well, we went to the same school,
my kids played with their kids, that in his case he is not perfect, as every human being, he
will have had weaknesses, but never to the level indicated.
What is clear is that he fought a spiritual war in nature and revenge was not long in
coming from the enemy.
Honorable Judge Castel, I appeal to your mercy as an upright man, who believes in
doing things right, but at the same time compassionate, merciful to the situation of a man
who is a father, husband, grandfather who longs to return home soon and enjoy the
wonderful and warm environment that is family.
Gloria Carmen Guevara Ardon
ID 130819640006
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JOH Sent.0054
Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 55 of 115
JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
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JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
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JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
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JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
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JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
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JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
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JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima
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JOH pide al juez Castel 40 años como sentencia mínima

  • 1. EXHIBIT 1 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 1 of 115
  • 2. JOH Sent.0001 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 2 of 115
  • 3. Gracias, Lempira, April 18th, 2024 Honorable Judge Castel Southern District of New York Through this letter, Ana Elena Guerra Elvir, a retired teacher from the Department of Lempira, Honduras C.A., wish to convey my acquaintance with Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado. I have known him since he was a young boy, as his father was a well- respected figure in the city of Gracias, Lempira, along with his family. I never could have imagined that he would be involved in any activities contrary to U.S. laws. I am acquainted with his entire family, from his father to his wife, daughters, son, and granddaughter, and have always regarded them as exemplary. Juan Orlando was a President who demonstrated concern for the economic situation of our country. I believe in his innocence based on the actions he took during his time in office. The period from his arrest to his trial has been incredibly challenging for his family, including his wife, children, and granddaughter. The absence of a leader like Juan Orlando Hernandez in our country has significantly impacted both our social and economic circumstances. We have endured considerable hardship. Respectfully, JOH Sent.0002 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 3 of 115
  • 4. JOH Sent.0003 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 4 of 115
  • 5. Letter to Judge April 30th, 2024 Mr. Judge Honorable P. Kevin Castel United States District of New York 500 Pearl Street United States v Juan Orlando Hernandez A;varado. I direct mysefl to you with hope and humbleness, I am Aixa Marlene, sister of Juan Orlando, I live in the city of Gracia, Lempira, in the western part of Honduras, C.A. In the midst of adversity and confusion in which we are living as a family, I trust in your kindness and discernment to consider the circumstances of this case. My brother, Juan Orlando, since I have had reason of mind has been a man of unbreakable integrity. Through all of his life, he has demonstrated a commitment for justice na for the well being of our State, Lempira and of our country, Honduras, as well. The brother I know, is the one who followed advise from our loving parents which since we were kids taught us correct morale principles that this society abides by, today and forever. I feel impotence, sadness, and pain having read the lies the witnesses presented by the prosecution told during the trial. I will never accept the Juan Orlando that they describe, his actions during his entire life do not have nothing to do with the person they described, nor have nothing to do with this person I shared with during our childhood and throughout our adulthood years. His compromise was to rescue our beloved Honduras from the paws of the evil that lived in our country througout all those years. Therefore, I beg you to consider these circumstances at the moment of taking a decision regarding the case of my brother Juan Orlando. His sentence will not only affect his life, but the one of my mother, Elvira, his wife, children and loved ones. I am sure that by reviwieng meticulously all the facts and witnesses presented by both parties, you will reach the conclusion that my brother Juan Orlando deserves clemency and divine justice, and earthly justice as well. I thank you for your attention in this case, and for your comprehension in this difficult moment Aixa Hernandez Alvarado ID 1301 1971 00198 JOH Sent.0004 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 5 of 115
  • 6. Honorable Judge Kevin Castel Southern District Court of New York 500 Pearl Street New York, NY 10007, USA Honorable Judge Castel My name is Ana Daniela Hernandez Garcia, I am Juan Orlando Hernandez’s 3rd child. With much respect I am writing this letter to you so you can know more about my father and who he really is as a person. I kindly ask you to take a moment to consider the words of a daughter who loves and respects her father dearly. When I look back at my childhood I remember it as a happy one filled with love. Growing up I remember we would travel a lot to my father’s native town of Gracias, Lempira, because of my father’s position as congressman for Lempira. Although I was only a child and barely understood the world around me, I remember my dad as a hardworking and respectable man. Even though he had many responsibilities and with the passing of the years his responsibilities grew, he went from congressman to president of congress and then president of the republic, my father always made time for his family. He was the person who taught me how to ride a bike, he taught me how to swim, he taught me to be humble, to treat everyone no matter their background with respect, he taught me to fight for what's right, and he taught me to be strong. There is this one memory I hold dearly in my heart, and it's a memory that has kept me going through this hard moment and its the following. When I was younger I would go running with my dad near our house in Gracias. We would run for miles and sometimes when I wanted to give up my dad would tell me “ you can do it beautiful daughter, remember strength, courage, and spirit (fuerza, animo y espiritu)” and with those words and a smile in his face he would give me all the motivation I needed to keep going. Throughout my life I always looked back at that moment, I would remember those words whenever I felt like I couldn’t anymore, I would remember my dad’s smile and would keep going. These words are even more present in my life with everything that has happened over the past two years. One of the last times I saw my dad I held his hands and told him these words, but now I added one more; faith. I told him dad always remember, we must have “strength, courage, spirit, and faith”. Now after two years, I still tell my dad these words, so we can keep on going even through this very hard time. The day the indictment was published and my dad was requested in extradition by the US government I was with my sister living abroad in Asia, I was working and she was studying. That day our world came crumbling down. I saw in the news how 600 armed men surrounded the house I grew up in, and I remember the fear I felt for my parent’s lives. Before my dad voluntarily surrendered himself to the Honduran police he called my siblings and I. He told us he was innocent and he always tried to do the best for our country Honduras. That he believed in justice and in God and that he would do the responsible thing and surrender because he was innocent. That day I saw on TV how my parents kissed goodbye and my dad was arrested and treated like a trophy for exhibition. JOH Sent.0005 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 6 of 115
  • 7. After his arrest I decided to move back to Honduras, I wanted to hug my dad and be with my family. I thank God I was able to go and be with him through all of the process before he was extradited. These days were some of the hardest of our lives, but I wanted to treasure every moment before he was taken away from his family and homeland. On April 20, 2022 after we hugged goodbye, it was the last day I saw my dad. Ever since then I have been missing a part of me. After his extradition my family has suffered many hardships. We’ve been politically persecuted, horrible lies have been said about us that have put our lives in danger, we’ve been threatened and had some assaination attempts. Not to mention the emotional torment this has been, with many of us having suffered depression and panic attacks. I personally have felt some days I can’t carry on due to this injustice, I’ve had several panic attacks and suffered from stress and anxiety that has physically affected me, but the only thing that keeps me going is faith in God he will one day allow us to reunite as a family and I will hug my dad again. Even though I haven’t seen my father in two years, I can tell you confidently he is a changed man. Although my father is a great man, he has flaws and isn’t perfect like all human beings. Before all this although our family has always been close there were still some things that didn’t let us be as close as we are now. Before his incarceration my father didn’t express his feelings that much, it was hard for him because of the way he grew up. Now a single day doesn’t go by that we talk that he doesn’t tell us how much he loves us. He has grown even closer to God and studies the bible everyday. Before he was extradited he told me “daughter always remember the bigger the problem, the greater the opportunities to grow”. I see my father live by these words. I see how he’s grown closer to his family despite the distance, how he’s grown closer to God, how he values the little things more now, how he has learned to understand people and forgive them and how he continues to teach us this. Right after the trial I felt I was going to die, how all my world was crumbling down again and I couldn’t stop thinking about my dad. I thought about how he must have felt seeing that empty bench behind him, without his wife and children behind him. Here I want to add that if you didn’t see his family behind him during the trial, it wasn’t because we didn’t want to go, it was because it wasn’t permitted to us due to our visas being revoked and even after we applied again to get them the US embassy in Honduras decided to deny them based on Section 212 (a) (2) (C) II even before my dad was judged. Days after receiving the verdict we talked with my father, you see, you would expect a man in this injustice situation to be angry and filled with negative emotions at the whole situation after being declared guilty, but not my father. You know what he told us, he told us we must learn to forgive the witnesses that lied during trial, to hold no hardships against them and for all this whole situation, to instead just pray and trust God. Although you might have thought our family would be insulted or rejected when we go out in public because of what happened to my father, let me tell you it has not been the case. Over the last two years we’ve traveled the country with my mother and sister. As we are widely recognized everywhere we go. People stop us and tell us things like: “we are so very sorry for what happened, your father, Juan Orlando, is innocent”. “Juan Orlando was such a great president, we miss him”, “Have faith, he is going to come back, and when he does I will go to the airport to pick him up”, “He is such a great man, I admire him so much”, “The day Juan JOH Sent.0006 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 7 of 115
  • 8. Orlando was extradited my family and I cried”, “My mother prays everyday for Juan Orlando’s safe return” and many more like these from people all around Honduras that we don’t know. Honorable Judge Castel, what I just said is the truth. If you ever visit Honduras you can ask the citizens of this beautiful country what they think of Juan Orlando and you will find many that will tell you words like these. Before this tragedy struck our family my mother and father were ready to retire and go live in my father’s native land Gracias, Lempira. To dedicate themselves to farming, riding horses, watching their grandchildren grow up, and grow old together. I know in my heart, this is still my father’s dream, this is my dream for him and my mother, to have a simple and peaceful life together, one I now as an adult, together with my siblings plan to support them in. During his time as president, my father had the initiative to take on the fight against organized crime like never before. Even before becoming president he met with senior authorities of the Southern Command to explain his vision on security issues. Even without being president, he went ahead to plan, share his ideas and strategies to combat the scourge of crime that terrorized our country at the time. As a result, the maritime shield was born, protecting Honduras from the transfer of drugs by sea. At the same time they were complemented with the help and collaboration of US security agencies. And to deliver on his vision, as the leader of the executive and legislative branches, he proactively initiated the momentum to pass critical laws that allowed Honduras to be set free from the criminal hands it had succumbed to for decades. During his time as President of Congress he was one of the people brave enough to promote the extradition law. When the first extradition occurred, he was even applauded and recognized by the DEA. The DEA said in a press release: “... efforts of President of the Honduran Republic Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado and other Honduran officials for their cooperation and support during the extradition and prosecution of Carlos Arnoldo Lobo.” So it makes you think, why would a man colluded with drug dealing ever approve the extradition law if there was even the slightest chance it might affect him? No one in that scenario would. Why was my father received at the White House on so many occasions? Why was he received in the CIA headquarters? Why was he received in the DEA headquarters? Saying he led a double life and that he somehow managed to trick the world’s most informed country, the United States of America, is absurd. I am no intelligence expert, but I am 100% sure, to be received in any of these top level places and to receive so much praise from them you need to pass several security filters and need to be investigated thoroughly. I firmly believe my father passed the security clearance to enter these agencies, after all, he was received by the DEA twice and once by the CIA. Now, what torments my mind is, how come a man who passed the world’s maximum intelligence agencies’ background checks and investigations, be accused of conspiracy to import narcotics to the country in which these agencies operate? Judge, will all due respect, there’s something fishy here. Statements, testimonies, and accusations don’t fit with the truth. Of course, it was to be expected, since everything that is built on lies comes crumbling down sooner or later. Judge, I am sure that my father is innocent. I followed the trial and it was an unfair process without evidence. During the whole process and trial we have seen that the injustices committed against him left him in a state of defenselessness, by not allowing his attorneys the necessary time to prepare. The only evidence they prosecution presented were the JOH Sent.0007 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 8 of 115
  • 9. testimonies of confessed drug traffickers and murderers and as you well heard when they asked each one of them if they had any evidence, they said they had NONE. Judge, I respectfully ask once again, for you to take into consideration my words, my dad is a man who did so many great things for Honduras and this isn’t only said by me, his daughter, it is said by Honduran citizens, by foreign governments, by United States officials such as presidents, senators, by different reports such as the INCSR reports, reports by the joint command task force, and many others. The words of millions of honduran citizens that are thankful to him, the words of U.S. institutions, U.S. presidents, and many others that weren’t taken into account during his trial, but I am now presenting to you and to any other person reading this letter so they can know the REAL truth. My father Juan Orlando is INNOCENT of all charges and he has been wrongfully convicted. I trust the truth will prevail and God will do the true justice. “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”- John 8:32 Sincerely, Ana Daniela Hernandez Garcia JOH Sent.0008 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 9 of 115
  • 10. Honorable Judge Castel Southern District of New York Dear Sir, I am Ana Grissel Santos Alvarado, born in the same city as my dear friend and colleague Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado, with whom I shared my best years of childhood and youth. He was a young man who was very responsible, respectful, kind, prudent, enthusiastic, self-assured, empathetic, of good manners and upbringing, from a financially stable family. I remember him so much for his displays of affection; he always earned the respect and admiration of my parents, allowing me to go out and explore the city with him and other friends whom we nostalgically recall today. When he first ran for the presidency, I felt very proud that he chose my home to be part of his political campaign, winning the Presidency of the Republic by a landslide, elevating our country to higher standards compared to what we are experiencing now. Juan Orlando has not been perfect, but he has been the best president of the nation, even though with a tough attitude, we experienced times of security in all aspects of our lives as Honduran citizens. Today, our city and country are not the same since his arrest, as it has been a hard blow to our beloved and respected president-elect by millions of Hondurans. Therefore, I consider it unjust to prosecute him for what he is accused of. I firmly believe he is innocent, and I appeal to you to judge him considering the good he did for his Honduran homeland. Hoping that my opinion is valued in this decision-making matter regarding my FRIEND. I bid you farewell with respect. Ana Grissel Santos Alvarado. JOH Sent.0009 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 10 of 115
  •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ent.0010 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 11 of 115
  • 12. Angel Eduardo Ramos Salinas San Pedro Sula Abril 26 del 2024 Honorable Juez Kevin Castel Juez del Distrito Sur de los Estados Unidos Distrito Sur de New York Honorable Juez Castel Mi nombre es Angel Eduardo Ramos Salinas, tengo 57 años de edad, de nacionalidad hondureña, licenciado en administración de empresas; he laborado por mas de 25 años en una empresa familiar creada por mis padres hace 47 años, soy casado, tengo tres hijos 27, 22 y 20 años de edad, el primero profesional universitario, el segundo cursado su segundo año de universidad en honduras y la tercera estudiando en USA en su primer año de estudios de pregrado.- A lo largo de mi vida profesional, he participado en juntas directivas de diversas organizaciones gremiales de importancia en el pais, Camara de Comercio e Industrias de Cortes CCIC, Federación de Camaras de Comercio e Industrias de Honduras FEDECAMARA, Federación Nacional de Agentes Aduaneros de Honduras FENADUANAH, Camara de Comercio Martima Portuaria de Honduras CCMPH, de igual forma he participado activamente en la política en procesos electorales internos y elecciones generales en el pais, aspirando cargos de elección popular en el Partido Liberal de Honduras, partido político al que hemos pertenecido junto con mi padre quien se desempeñó como sub secretario y secretario de estado por ley en los despachos de economía y comercio en el gobierno del Presidente Constitucional de la Republica Dr Roberto Suazo Cordova 1982. Realice estudios de educacion primaria y media en la ciudad de San Pedro Sula y en el año de 1983 mis padres deciden cambiarnos de centro de estudios junto con mi hermano y es así que nos trasladan al recién creado instituto Liceo Militar del Norte; En el primer año de operaciones, el Liceo Militar del Norte albergo jovenes estudiantes de los institutos de educacion media mas importantes de San Pedro Sula y del pais; en ese año de educacion cursábamos de 1ero, 2do y 3er curso de secundaria (7mo, 8avo y 9no Año).- Ahí compartimos aulas de estudios académicos los cuales eran combinados con una disciplina militar la cual era impartida por oficiales activos de las fuerzas armadas del pais, con jovenes de todos los estratos sociales de los cuales hoy hay ciudadanos ejemplares y profesionales prominentes en el pais y en el extranjero, Abogados, Ingenieros, Medicos, Militares de Carrera, Lideres Religiosos y Lideres políticos como lo es el Abogado Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado Presidente Constitucional de la del Republica de Honduras en el periodo 2014-2018 y 2019-2022.- En la vida estudiantil Juan Orlando Hernandez fue un compañero humilde, sin extravagancias en su forma de vestir, era un muchacho normal como muchos otros que venia del interior del pais a superarse académicamente; se notaba en el un compañero de carácter afable pero con mucha disciplina y determinación, fue un estudiante promedio en sus notas y con un marcado liderazgo.- Nos graduamos en la misma promoción académicamente en 1985, solo que por problemas de notas no pude asistir al ultimo entrenamiento militar y no obtuve el grado militar en ese año, si no que, lo logre en 1987.- Después de egresar del Liceo Militar en 1985 todos seguimos con nuestras vidas privadas, unos nos quedamos estudiando en las universidades de San Pedro Sula, otros se trasladaron a universidades fuera del pais, otros a las academias militares en el pais y en el extranjero y otros a estudiar a la universidad en Tegucigalpa tal es el caso de Juan Orlando quien así lo determinó hacer. Honduras es un pais pequeño, y en los medios de comunicación radiales, televisivos y escritos detallan la vida social, deportiva, política y empresarial del pais, y en ella notaba como Juan Orlando sobresalía en temas políticos y era de esperarse por lo que mencionaba al inicio, que JOH Sent.0011 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 12 of 115
  • 13. Angel Eduardo Ramos Salinas era un líder nato con disciplina y mucha determinación; Recuerdo que siendo el congresista de honduras tuve la oportunidad de platicar en varias ocaciones en la ciudad de Siguatepeque ya que es un punto convergente para los que vamos de San Pedro Sula a la capital Tegucigalpa y el que de Tegucigalpa venia a su ciudad nata en Gracias Lempira y siempre platicábamos como amigos de las familia y de la vida privada y de la salud de cada uno, y debo decir que siempre lo note aun siendo el congresista una persona humilde y nada ostentoso en su forma de vestir ni mucho menos el vehículo que usaba para trasladarse.- debo manifestar que cuando el fue electo Presidente del Congreso Nacional de la Republica empezamos a tener mas comunicación con toda la promoción que egresamos del Liceo Militar del Nortes en el año 1985, el fue de los mayores impulsores para que hubiese mas unión de grupo, es así que empezamos a reunirnos para celebrar los aniversarios de egresados en san pedro sula y en su residencia en Gracias Lempira, una casa normal con las comodidades como las puede tener una personas de clase media alta en el pais; en una de esas reuniones de compañeros de promoción las cuales asistimos con con nuestras familias conocimos a la familia de el, en esas reuniones Juan Orlando se mostraba una persona cariñosa con sus hijos y su esposa, amante de las mascotas y jovial en el trato y podría decir sincero en las pláticas. Siendo ya Presidente Constitucional coincidimos en reuniones de los gremios empresariales a los que yo pertenecía y pudo decir que no vi en el un cambio en su forma de ser o en el trato hacia uno en particular, siguió siendo el mismo; A mi parecer y es una opinión muy personal, como Presidente Constitucional hizo muchas cosas buenas en el pais, y como ser humano también tubo desaciertos en algunas tomas de desiciones; pero no podemos desconocer que fue notorio en sus primeros años de gobierno que estábamos yendo por el camino correcto como nación, con un aceptable crecimiento económico, generación de empleo, reducción de inseguridad jurídica y de las personas. Una opinión muy personal es que despues de sus primeros años de gobierno en el cual todo iba bien, Juan Orlando tuvo varios desaciertos en sus políticas públicas lo cual llevo a estar confrontado con el sector privado del pais, desconozco las razones que lo orillaron a tener esa actitud como gobernante, y muchas de esas políticas públicas empezaron a generar descontento en el sector privado y la población lo que genero un acelerado porcentaje de migración de nuestros jovenes al exterior, pero es ser justo también, mencionar que estos desaciertos no solo han ocurrido con el como presidente, si no que han existido a lo largo de la historia democrática del pais. Un evento que dejo marcado en mi, es cuando vi por televisión que al Presidente Juan Orlando Hernandez persona con la que compartimos aulas de estudios secundarios en 1985, lo estaban extraditando del pais y también fue doloroso ver en la forma en que fue expuesto cuando salió de manera voluntaria de su casa, en ese preciso momento sentí un dolor profundo en mi corazón, porque la forma como lo conocí y pude observar las pocas veces que visite su hogar y de como vivía el, su esposa y sus hijos, su madre, se me hace casi imposible creer que el sea responsable de todo lo que se le acusa.- Esta situación que esta viviendo su familia es muy difícil y dolorosa, las humillaciones y ofensas y el denotado odio de un sector radical político contrario a el mostrado en las redes sociales que a diario vive sus familia es desde el lado cristiano, inhumano para alguien al que considero trabajo incansablemente por tener una mejor Honduras. Solo Dios y el saben a ciencia cierta lo que ha sucedido, como lo dijo en su discurso en su toma de posesión “yo respondo por mis actos y por los actos de mis hijos menores”, con ello demuestra que cada quien es responsable de sus actos y como humanos tenemos defectos pero también virtudes; Confío en Dios, para que exista el acto de buena fe y le pueda brindar a el, la oportunidad de defenderse y mostrar en el caso que así sea, que de lo que se le acusa el no es responsable, y que la justicia le brinde la oportunidad para que pueda en el corto o JOH Sent.0012 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 13 of 115
  • 14. Angel Eduardo Ramos Salinas mediano plazo, volver a reunirse con su esposa, hijos, nietos y confiemos en Dios que con su madre Dona Elvira. Atentamente ANGEL EDUARDO RAMOS SALINAS JOH Sent.0013 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 14 of 115
  • 15. Angel Eduardo Ramos Salinas San Pedro Sula April 26, 2024 Honorable Judge Kevin Castel United States District Judge for the Southern District of the United States Southern District of New York Honorable Judge Castel My name is Angel Eduardo Ramos Salinas, I am 57 years old, of Honduran nationality, with a degree in business administration; I have worked for more than 25 years in a family business created by my parents 47 years ago, I am married, I have three children 27, 22 and 20 years old, the first is a university professional, the second is in his second year of university in Honduras and the third is studying in the USA in her first year of undergraduate studies. Throughout my professional life, I have participated in boards of directors of various trade organizations of importance in the country, Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Cortes CCIC, Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industries of Honduras FEDECAMARA, National Federation of Customs Agents of Honduras FENADUANAH, Chamber of Commerce Maritime Port of Honduras CCMPH, likewise I have actively participated in politics in internal elections and general elections in the country, aspiring to positions of popular election in the Liberal Party of Honduras, political party to which we have belonged along with my father who served as undersecretary and secretary of state by law in the offices of economy and trade in the government of the Constitutional President of the Republic Dr. Roberto Suazo Cordova 1982. I studied elementary and middle school in the city of San Pedro Sula and in the year 1983 my parents decided to change our school along with my brother and so we moved to the newly created institute Liceo Militar del Norte;In the first year of operations, the Liceo Militar del Norte housed young students from the most important high schools in San Pedro Sula and the country; in that year of education, we studied the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years of high school (7th, 8th, and 9th grade).-There we shared classrooms of academic studies which were combined with a military discipline which was taught by active officers of the armed forces of the country, with young people of all social strata of which today there are exemplary citizens and prominent professionals in the country and abroad, lawyers, engineers, doctors, professional military, religious leaders and political leaders as is the Lawyer Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado Constitutional President of the Republic of Honduras in the period 2014-2018 and 2019-2022.-In his student life Juan Orlando Hernandez was a humble classmate, without extravagance in the way he dressed, he was a normal boy like many others who came from the interior of the country to excel academically; you could see in him a companion with an affable character but with a lot of discipline and determination, he was an average student in his grades and with a marked leadership. We graduated in the same class in 1985, but due to grade problems I could not attend the last military training and I did not obtain the military rank in that year, but I did it in 1987. -After graduating from the Liceo Militar in 1985 we all continued with our private lives, some of us stayed studying in the universities of San Pedro Sula, others moved to universities outside the country, others to military academies in the country and abroad and others to study at the university in Tegucigalpa such is the case of Juan Orlando who decided to do so. Honduras is a small country, and in the radio, television and written media they detail the social, JOH Sent.0014 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 15 of 115
  • 16. sports, political and business life of the country, and in it I noticed how Juan Orlando excelled in political affairs and it was to be expected because of what I mentioned at the beginning, that he was a born leader with discipline and great determination; I remember that being the congressman of Honduras I had the opportunity to talk on several occasions in the city of Siguatepeque as it is a converging point for those who go from San Pedro Sula to the capital Tegucigalpa and from Tegucigalpa came to his hometown in Gracias Lempira and we always talked as friends about the family and private life and health of each other, and I must say that I always noticed him even though the congressman was a humble person and nothing ostentatious in the way he dressed and much less the vehicle he used to move. - I must say that when he was elected President of the National Congress of the Republic we began to have more communication with the entire graduating class of the Liceo Militar del Nortes in 1985, he was one of the biggest drivers for there to be more group unity, so we began to meet to celebrate the anniversaries of graduates in San Pedro Sula and at his residence in Gracias Lempira, a normal house with the comforts as you can have a person of upper middle class in the country; In one of those reunions of classmates which we attended with our families we met his family, in those meetings Juan Orlando showed a loving person with his children and his wife, pet lover and jovial in the treatment and I could say sincere in conversation. Being already Constitutional President we coincided in meetings of the business associations to which I belonged and I could say that I did not see in him a change in his way of being or in the treatment towards one in particular, he remained the same; In my opinion and it is a very personal opinion, as Constitutional President he did many good things in the country, and as a human being he also had mistakes in some decisions; but we cannot ignore that it was notorious in his first years of government that we were on the right path as a nation, with an acceptable economic growth, employment generation, reduction of legal insecurity and of people's insecurity. A very personal opinion is that after his first years of government in which everything was going well, Juan Orlando had several mistakes in his public policies which led to be confronted with the private sector of the country, I do not know the reasons that led him to have that attitude as President, and many of these public policies began to generate discontent in the private sector and the population which generated an accelerated percentage of migration of our young people abroad. But it is also fair to mention that these mistakes have not only occurred with him as president, but have existed throughout the democratic history of the country. An event that left a mark on me is when I saw on television that President Juan Orlando Hernandez, a person with whom we shared high school classrooms in 1985, was being extradited from the country and it was also painful to see the way he was exposed when he voluntarily left his home, at that moment I felt a deep pain in my heart, because the way I knew him and could observe the few times I visited his home and how he lived, his wife and children, his mother, I find it almost impossible to believe that he is responsible for everything he is accused of. This situation that his family is living is very difficult and painful, the humiliations and offenses and the denoted hatred of a radical political sector contrary to him shown in social media that his family lives daily is from the Christian side, inhuman for someone who I consider work tirelessly to have a better Honduras. Only God and he knows for sure what has happened, as he said in his speech at his inauguration “I am responsible for my actions and for the actions of my minor children”, thus demonstrating that everyone is responsible for their actions and as humans we have flaws but also virtues; I trust in God, that there is an act of good faith and that he can be given the JOH Sent.0015 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 16 of 115
  • 17. opportunity to defend himself and show, if so, that he is not responsible for what he is accused of, and that justice will give him the opportunity to be reunited in the short or medium term with his wife, children, grandchildren and, we trust in God, with his mother Doña Elvira. Sincerely, ANGEL EDUARDO RAMOS SALINAS JOH Sent.0016 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 17 of 115
  • 18. )) ! $)) !) !!+ )) ))'+))))!)))) *) #))!))+))$ ) !)))-$))$)! ) ))#)#!) *))$ )) )!) !)) )))!)!)) !))!!*))! ) ))! +)) !))!)#))!!)! ) ) *))$))) )!))!))) )) ,)) ) ! +)!))$)#))$!)) ) )*)) $)$)) ))!)!))#)*) )$!)))))!) !) ) ! ))!)$)!)))!)$))$))!)#))$))!))$!!) )))*))$ ))!) )$) !)! )( )) ) ) !#)) ) *)!)))$ )%!!+)))$ )#)!) *)!)$ ) ))#))) +))$)!)$ ))))!) ))))!))!) $ +))$)!)$ ) ))))!)) *)!) ))!)!) ))) !))))))!)!*))$)$ )!)!)))). ) )!+) ) )))!'+)) !)#)!!)!)!!)$ #+))! )!)!)$) #) !* + )' JOH Sent.0017 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 18 of 115
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  • 21. Honorable Judge Castel New York South District Hello Honorable Judge Castel, my letter will be brief my name is Carlos Tinoco and I worked very closely with President Juan Orlando Hernandez. I was his assistant in the presidential house, and I was in charge of logistics so that the agenda was met promptly, coordinating all his events - when someone works with a person like Mr. Juan Orlando you realize that the work you did was never enough because everything had to go very well. After all, he paid attention to every detail, he was committed to giving the people the support they needed and always looking for new ways to improve the conditions of the country in general. Mr. Castel during the time I was able to serve President Juan Orlando I realized that he is not only a person who feels the pain of the people but he looks for all possible alternatives to quickly help the most vulnerable people both inside and outside the country. What happened during the pandemic with hurricanes ETA and IOTA in the country was catastrophic and without precedents. Judge Castel, it is not easy because we are a country full of need where poverty grows day by day, but JOH's government left a great tangible legacy to help the Honduran people. I know that he is accused of corruption and drug trafficking, which I do not think is true because I can attest to what I experienced during those years and all the people who worked with him could see that he is a hardworking man, decisive with a vision for the country, who managed to make changes that were not seen in many years, thousands of Honduran families who today are left wondering how this happened to Juan Orlando. how is it possible that this man who had to put his family second and who put the country before himself, today is deprived of his freedom in a U.S. prison, Judge Castel, it is important that you meticulously review the case against the president without prejudice or sectarianism, in an objective manner because as far as I am concerned I never saw anything that was out of place or strange, On the contrary, he always wanted things to be done right, I am a child of God, a father who, when seeing something strange or something that endangered my integrity or the life of my family, I would have been the first one to step aside. I don't know if anyone could do anything for the president, I will not lose hope, I just hope that justice can be truly done, if I had seen something tangible that he was guilty and if they are saying he is guilty then they should show it, but to believe a couple of criminals are just for saying he is guilty of being a drug trafficker and that in truth there is no real evidence that makes us think that it was a plot and a conspiracy against him because during his administration he dismantled many criminal gangs of all levels from common robbery to organized crime. Now our country is once again one of the most dangerous in the world, Judge Castel I hope you can give a second chance to this man who left his blood on this pavement. The human being's nature is to be miserable and disloyal, but there are loyal men and full of life with God, we believe that everything happens because God has a purpose for the life and family of President Juan Orlando. Honorable Judge Castel, may GOD bless you and take care of you. I conclude by saying a phrase from a former US president. JOH Sent.0020 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 21 of 115
  • 22. Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth. -George Washington. Carlos Alberto Tinoco Recinos JOH Sent.0021 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 22 of 115
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  • 25. Tegucigalpa, M.D.C. Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Letter of Support To: Honorable Judge Castel New York's South District From: Cristian Alejandro Gómez Zambrano. Greetings, a pleasure. My name is Cristian Alejandro Gómez Zambrano. Identity No.: 0801-1996-03059 Nationality: Honduran I worked with President Hernandez for 10 years, we first met in the National Congress, at that time President Lobo was in power. I was in the outpost, part of the office services and part of the security, with Pride. He is a good family man, a leader in the national party and the head of the García-Hernández family household. I had the opportunity to be in his home, accompanying his children and his wife, working in the Presidential House, during the two periods he was in office. He was the best president, leading the country to success, very professional with his work, putting in hours and hours in his job. He was always busy solving the country's problems. We traveled all over the country, inaugurating many projects. He has the affection of all the Honduran people. He never quit, always with his head held high, fighting for the welfare and security of the country. President Hernandez is innocent, I was close to him and I never saw anything out of the ordinary. The trial was very rough, and many took advantage of that, he made the best human efforts possible, but they humiliated him, his family, and the National Party of Honduras. he was very strong, despite a massive vendetta against him. It was a massive revenge. Standing up for the name of President Hernandez, those were difficult days, there was no work, the country was divided, plus the suffering of his family branded him as a criminal. I am very proud to be part of your team and would return to your services if you ever come back , come back to your country and your home, with your family, may this letter be seen and have others' opinion. Greetings President Hernandez!!! JOH Sent.0024 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 25 of 115
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  • 27. Honorable Judge Castel New York Southern District United States of America My name is Cruz Eloisa Torres Corea, I am 85 years old with ID number 1314-1938-00028, Honduran by birth and retired elementary school teacher. I live in Gracias, Lempira and I worked at the school where the lawyer, Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado, attended elementary school. I met Juan Orlando from a very early age, I remember him as a very polite young boy, with values and principles instilled by his family. He was an outstanding student and with aspirations for professional advancement. He belongs to a very well-known family in our city, his parents are honorable and honest, hard-working people who through their effort obtained their properties in an honest way. I can describe Juan Orlando as a man who achieved our beloved country’s, Honduras, presidency through the sympathy and desire to take our country forward which was being dominated by delinquency and gangs, during Juan Orlando’s time in office, these issues were fought against and the was a significant change in Hondurans’ life quality, we lived in a less corrupt country, much safer and with more sources of employment, where he helped many Hondurans. Our city of Gracias, Lempira had a change of progress. His friends and us, people who know him, miss him and believe he is innocent of all charges he's being accused of, we have always known him and it is impossible to think that he is able to do all that. Juan Orlando is an exemplary citizen, loving son, exceptional father, a husband devoted to his family, that is what I could see in him. I think it is unfair what people because of revenge have said to ruin Juan Orlando’s life, his family’s life and that of Hondurans that love him, our country needs him. With all due respect, I dare to ask you to analyze the case well before giving a sentence. He is an innocent man, who all he did was want to make positive changes in our nation and fight delinquents. Respectfully, Cruz Eloisa Torres Corea JOH Sent.0026 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 27 of 115
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  • 29. Tegucigalpa, April 17, 2024 Honorable Judge P. KEVIN CASTEL Southern District of New York, USA Honorable Judge Castel: My name is Danne Chavez, lawyer, Honduran, and friend of Juan Orlando Hernandez, whom I have known for 37 years since we were classmates at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras UNAH, where we were law students, he was always well known for being a respectful, diligent and disciplined student. During his studies, professional, and political career he was always concerned about the welfare of our beloved Honduras, he always worked hard and with determination, to improve the country. Knowing Juan Orlando, during all that time I am sure that he did not commit the crimes he is accused of, since from all his positions as a public official, he fought head-on against these crimes. The experience that Juan Orlando has gone through during all this time, from his arrest to date, has brought pain to his family and friends. At the end of his public functions, he was planning to live in his beloved Gracias, next to his family, and dedicate himself to his personal affairs, without harming anyone, in these times God has worked in his life, molding his character, valuing the most valuable things in his life, his wife, children, granddaughter and family. Sincerely, Danne Chavez JOH Sent.0028 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 29 of 115
  •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ent.0029 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 30 of 115
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  • 42. Southern District of New York. Tegucigalpa, M D.C., April 20, 2024 Honorable Judge Kevin Castel Distinguished Judge Castel, I am writing to you with all due respect and consideration; my name is Ethel Deras Enamorado, of Honduran nationality, of legal profession and with national identification document No. 1401-1989-00350. In my country I served in different public positions, I was a judge for 2 years, prosecutor of the Public Ministry for 16 years; assistant magistrate of the Constitutional Chamber of the Judiciary for 1 year; Attorney General of the Republic of Honduras from 2010 to 2014; and from February 2014 until early February 2022 I served as President of the National Banking and Insurance Commission. I met Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado approximately in 1986, some 36 years ago when we were students at the Law School of the National Autonomous University of Honduras. In those student years, he began his courtship with Ana Rosalinda Garcia, currently his wife, with whom I have been friends since we attended high school in the same educational center and later shared classes in the university classrooms. He has always stood out for his formality, education, seriousness, and leadership, which led him to be elected president of the Student Association of the Law School of the university. Throughout all these years I shared many times with them in different areas of their public and family life. I personally know that Juan Orlando was always characterized by being respectful with people, open and tolerant to criticism and contrary opinions, he did not like discussions or confrontations, on the contrary, he sought dialogue, conciliation, and harmony. I saw in his actions a behavior based on values and respect, with a great vocation of service and democratic convictions. He expressed his desire to see Honduras in better conditions of citizen security, with growth and economic development based on technical progress and investment in productive activities. The security of the people and peaceful coexistence were key elements of his government. I saw him work tirelessly to reduce the rates of violence and the commission of crimes in the national territory and I did not see him give up at any time, even when he suffered personal threats and dangers when he set this as one of his primary government objectives. I followed the news that was broadcast about the trial against him in the Southern District Court of New York, and I read what was said about Juan Orlando, the conduct he was accused of, the phrases and words attributed to him, as well as the violent acts in which he was involved, and they definitely do not match and are diametrically opposed to the personal and long-standing knowledge I have of his person, so it seems to me to date that the acts that were imputed to him, but it seems to me that they spoke of another person and that his judicious character formed with education and values such as peace was distorted. JOH Sent.0041 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 42 of 115
  • 43. When I was elected Attorney General of the Republic, Juan Orlando was the president of the National Congress, I will never forget that day when he told me: I will never ask you for anything and do anything outside the law, we are all obliged to abide by the law, that is the Juan Orlando that I have known for many years until the last day I saw him in the country. Undoubtedly, the judicial process and the result of Juan Orlando's trial, as well as the trials to which different persons who were extradited from my country were subjected for the same or similar crimes and the sentences they have already served or have yet to serve, have made me reflect deeply on the principle or concept of the value of Justice known in a large sense as give to each one what is due to him, as well as the ultimate objective pursued by the criminal process. It is with this in mind that I respectfully submit this letter. Your Honor, I take this opportunity to convey to you my highest consideration and reiterate my respect. Yours sincerely, Ethel Deras Enamorado Email: ederass@yahoo.com Cellular No.: 504 (94501289) JOH Sent.0042 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 43 of 115
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  • 45. Honorable Judge Kevin Castell Southern District Court of New York 500 Pearl Street New York, NY 10007 My name is Felix Francisco Pacheco Reyes, former officer of the Honduran Air Force, military aviator pilot since 1987, aviation entrepreneur, with his own company founded in 2004 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, father of a family, grandfather and faithful servant of this Homeland Honduras. I was a classmate of Juan Orlando Hernandez in the military school from 1983 to 1985, being him, an exceptional companion, correct, loyal, brave as a military man, what we call in military jargon a Prussian a tiger and already making his career after college in universities and as a lawyer, he was an exceptional man. A great family man. He was and still is a hope in our country, because we saw what he managed and did for Honduras. He fought crime at its roots, drug trafficking, things that other political figures fled for fear of these criminals, he was not afraid of them. Your servant as a military pilot, in my time of service, fought drug trafficking and we know how to recognize the work that was done by him, against drug trafficking in this country. I don't know how you could believe those criminals, if you lived in this country, you would realize who they were and you would hate them as we hate them. With this that happened, nobody else will want to fight drug trafficking because those criminals, their word is worth more than their tangible actions. Data did not matter, what mattered was the statement of confessed murderers. That was the message, don't fight drug traffickJuan Orlando as a man, made many mistakes, because the easiest thing for a man is to make mistakes, political decisions, late attention to certain issues, poor choice of officials, etc.. This trial affected Honduras terribly, what you hear in the news, social networks, that is not the thinking of the vast majority of Hondurans, it is the opinion of people who have time to do that since they do not work and are politically financed by the left and hate you. With this, you yourselves helped your enemies to continue with the plan of the Sao Paulo forum against you. Our country needs men like the presidents of the United States, Juan Orlando in his measure was like that and being your ally much was achieved. But everything went down the drain. We hope that this situation will be ratified, the truth will come out and all Hondurans here will be ready to support you. I know that you apply the law and that is based on you, honorable man, but you believed in those criminals. With the greatest respect. I subscribe to you with the greatest respect.., Félix Francisco Pacheco Reyes. 0501-1968-04073 JOH Sent.0044 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 45 of 115
  • 46. General (R) Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya 1 Tegucigalpa, Honduras, CA 25 de abril del 2024 Honorable Sr. Juez del Distrito Sur de NY Sr. Kevin Castel Su Oficina Soy el General Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya en condición de Retiro, fui designado como Jefe de Estado Mayor Conjunto de la Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras (máxima autoridad militar) por el Sr. Presidente Hernández en los dos primeros años de su primer mandato, año 2014 y 2015, éstos fueron los dos últimos años de mi carrera militar. El año 2017 el Sr. Presidente Hernández me nombró como Viceministro de Defensa. En los 4 años de su segundo mandato el Sr. Presidente me nombró como Ministro de Defensa. Durante mi vida como soldado profesional durante 38 años antes de ser nombrado Jefe de Estado Mayor Conjunto, fueron años de servicio apegado a principios y valores y sobre todo un hombre temeroso de Dios, esta currícula sirvió para que el Sr. Presidente Hernandez me seleccionara para ser el Jefe de Estado Mayor Conjunto. En el año 2014 se recibió un país en materia de seguridad como el país más violento del mundo con 86.5 homicidios por cada cien mil habitantes, razón por la cual se tomó la decisión de que Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras apoyara a la Policía Nacional; cuando hicimos el estudio del por qué este fenómeno, comprobamos que el 80% de estos homicidios eran generados o impulsados por el paso de la droga por nuestro país, ya que por Honduras se decía que pasaba entre el 60% al 80% que iba para USA. Era una situación sumamente compleja y difícil para un gobernante, se ocupaba de un Presidente de valor pero sobre todo comprometido con su pueblo y eso fue lo que me inspiró a mí para ser parte del equipo de trabajo del Presidente Hernández. Había que tomar decisiones para poder hacer frente a esta situación tan difícil; para eso se hicieron acciones como: - Se elaboró el Plan Morazán - Se creó FUSINA (Fuerza Nacional de Seguridad Institucional Nacional) - Se creó la Policía Militar del Orden Público (PMOP) JOH Sent.0045 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 46 of 115
  • 47. General (R) Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya 2 Pero hay que destacar que siempre contamos con la ayuda/colaboración del Comando Sur y en especial el General Kelly y el Almirante Faller entre otros, ellos fueron nuestros mejores aliados, trabajando fuerte en el escudo marítimo. Al final de los dos períodos de gobierno del Presidente Hernández nos sentimos sumamente satisfechos de lo que se había logrado con el liderazgo y una férrea decisión política del Presidente Hernández, resultados tan objetivos y medibles como: - Haber reducido los homicidios de 86.5 a 38 por cada cien mil habitantes, refrendado o confirmado por el Observatorio de la Violencia de la Universidad Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH) y la Policía Nacional de Honduras - Haber reducido el paso de la droga por nuestro país del 60% a 80% y al 4%, refrendado o confirmado por “Joint Interagency Task Force (JIIATF) South” Estos fueron nuestros sueños al inicio de nuestra gestión. Antes de aceptar los cargos que me asignó el Sr. Presidente Hernández pude ver en el Presidente Hernández un hombre de decisión y valor cuando en el año 2013 como Presidente del Congreso Nacional aprobó la Ley de Extradición, fue un evento sin precedentes, ya que se te tenía conocimiento de vinculación con el narcotráfico de algunos diputados, la Ley de Extradición la aprobó el Congreso Nacional a puerta cerrada. Tengo presente en mi mente que cuando iniciamos nuestra gestión como Jefe de Estado Mayor Conjunto, con mucha escasez de recursos y con muchas condiciones adversas en una reunión de trabajo, el Sr. Presidente me expresó “son ellos o el Estado” refiriéndose a los narcotraficantes. Siempre las directrices que él dio fueron apegadas a la Ley. Por todo lo antes expresado y con todo el respeto que usted se merece Sr. Juez Kevin Castel, yo me resisto a creer que el Sr. Presidente Hernández haya cometido los delitos que a él se le acusó. Con todo el respeto para usted. General (R) Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya n todo el respeto para usted. l (R) F d S ti Di JOH Sent.0046 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 47 of 115
  • 48. General (R) Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya Tegucigalpa, Honduras, CA April 25, 2024 Honorable Mr. Judge of the Southern District of NY Mr. Kevin Castel Your Office I am General Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya in Retired status, I was appointed as Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces of Honduras (highest military authority) by Mr. President Hernandez in the first two years of his first term, 2014 and 2015, these were the last two years of my military career. In 2017, Mr. President Hernandez appointed me as Vice Minister of Defense. In the 4 years of his second term, Mr. President appointed me as Minister of Defense. During my 38 years as a professional soldier before being appointed Joint Chief of Staff, I was attached to principles and values and above all a God-fearing man. This curriculum served for Mr. President Hernandez to select me to be the Joint Chief of Staff. In 2014 the country was received in terms of security as the most violent country in the world with 86.5 homicides per hundred thousand inhabitants, which is why the decision was made that the Armed Forces of Honduras would support the National Police; when we made the study of why this phenomenon, we found that 80% of these homicides were generated or driven by the passage of drugs through our country, since it was said that between 60% to 80% went through Honduras to the USA. It was an extremely complex and difficult situation for a president, it required a courageous President, but above all committed to his people and that is what inspired me to be part of President Hernandez's work team. Decisions had to be made to be able to face this difficult situation; for that reason, actions were taken such as: - The Morazán Plan was elaborated. - FUSINA (National Force for National Institutional Security) was created. - The Military Police of Public Order (PMOP) was created. JOH Sent.0047 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 48 of 115
  • 49. General (R) Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya But it must be emphasized that we always had the help/collaboration of the Southern Command and especially General Kelly and Admiral Faller among others, they were our best allies, working hard on the maritime shield. At the end of President Hernandez's two terms in office we felt extremely satisfied with what had been achieved with the leadership and strong political decisions of President Hernandez, results as objective and measurable as: - Having reduced homicides from 86.5 to 38 per hundred thousand inhabitants, endorsed or confirmed by the Observatory of Violence of the Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH) and the National Police of Honduras. - To have reduced the passage of drugs through our country from 60% to 80% and to 4%, endorsed or confirmed by the “Joint Interagency Task Force (JIIATF) South”. These were our dreams at the beginning of our administration. Before accepting the positions assigned to me by President Hernandez I could see in President Hernandez a man of decision and courage when in 2013 as President of the National Congress he approved the Extradition Law, it was an unprecedented event, since it was known that some congressmen were linked to drug trafficking, the Extradition Law was approved by the National Congress behind closed doors. I keep in mind that when I started my term as Joint Chief of Staff, with very scarce resources and with many adverse conditions in a work meeting, Mr. President told me, “it is them or the State” referring to the drug traffickers. The directions he gave were always in accordance with the Law. For all of the above and with all the respect you deserve Mr. Judge Kevin Castel, I refuse to believe that Mr. President Hernandez has committed the crimes he was accused of. With all due respect to you. General (R) Fredy Santiago Diaz Zelaya JOH Sent.0048 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 49 of 115
  • 50. Honorable Kevin Castel United States District Judge Southern District of New York My name is Gladis Abigail Oseguera; I’m 31 years old. I was born and raised in Honduras, and reside in New Jersey since 2011, where I first came as an international student to pursue Structural Engineering. I’ve been working for consulting firms in New York City for the past 7 years, where I currently manage Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvement Projects for the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA). My father is Honduran Armed Forces Brigadier General Willy Joel Oseguera Rodas. I first met Juan Orlando Hernandez around 2010 when I applied to merit-based scholarships/financing programs known as EDUCREDITO, which was one of the government’s programs he continued to support as President of the National Congress of Honduras. I also knew Juan Orlando’s oldest daughter and son, as we attended the same high school in Tegucigalpa. As he later became President of Honduras, I heard more about Juan Orlando as my father held key positions in the Honduran Army as his career progressed. I knew Juan Orlando was working relentlessly, especially in matters of safety and security. I would occasionally greet Juan Orlando at the Westin Hotel’s entrance in NYC during the United Nations General Assembly every year, or at any public event we happened to cross paths. He was always very respectful and would greet me with a smile. During my last interaction with Juan Orlando prior to his arrest, we spoke about infrastructure improvements in Honduras; he met my husband that day, and we spoke about ways we could contribute back to our country as engineers. During the 8 years Juan Orlando was President of Honduras, I saw my father and many others work tirelessly to combat narcotraƯicking and organized crime. I many times feared for the well-being and safety of my father, as he led frontal eƯorts to combat the largest criminal organizations in Honduras and the region; I many times cried for the lives of the soldiers and policemen that were lost during special operations. Juan Orlando created/promoted several laws and then created several special defense and security units to combat drug traƯicking, to control extortion, to combat MS-13 and Pandilla 18. He created/promoted the National Anti-Gang Force (FENAMP), the National Extortion Force (FNA), the Military Police of Public Order (PMOP), the National Inter-Agency Security Force (FUSINA), among others.Every citizen in Honduras knew this and could attest to howthe streets were gradually becoming safer. Juan Orlando was working closely with the United States in these eƯorts, which were publicly recognized and known to everyone in the region. I personally attended several public events where either General John Kelly from the Southern Command, or any other US Representative, would speak about the joint eƯorts and praise Juan Orlando for all the initiatives he had undertaken. It was clear to everyone that Juan Orlando was leading and directing eƯorts completely opposite of what he is being convicted for, and that the United States considered him an ally in this fight. I have never been fond of any political party or politician. Juan Orlando was no exception. I many times criticized decisions he made and how he handled several topics as President. I would criticize some of his speeches as he would come oƯ as arrogant; I would question why he would name JOH Sent.0049 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 50 of 115
  • 51. specific people in his cabinet. He certainly made many mistakes; in my opinion, seeking reelection being one of them. Nevertheless, in defense and security matters, even though it was not a perfect fight, I’ve always thought it was a genuine one. I remember having lunch with my family in Tegucigalpa during one of my visits, when the news came out about Juan Orlando being requested for extradition by the US on drug and gun traƯicking charges. We were speechless. To the people who risked their lives combating narcotraƯicking, and families like mine, who could speak to everything that had been done, it felt like a slap in the face. Juan Orlando being extradited represented a win for all the criminals who had been put in jail, to all the drug dealers and gang members who had taken innocent lives away; it was their happiest day; and far from taking forward steps, Honduras as a nation, has just lost years of hard work and advancement. Several years ago, I met his sister, Aixa, back in Gracias, Lempira, where they’re originally from. She would greet me with a piece of hand-made bread at the family hotel she managed. Aixa was never involved in politics, neither was their mother, Doña Elvira. I recallspeaking to Aixa’s daughters as they were pursuing their studies abroad and thought of themselves as collateral damage. It was extremely unfortunate and unfair to see Aixa and several others in his family basically homeless, following Juan Orlando’s extradition. It has been an extenuating journey for his family, as their lives have been irrevocably changed, and the ways they can help Juan Orlando have been extremely limited. Juan Orlando was publicly exposed during his arrest, and so was his family. Their properties were seized, and their bank accounts were frozen, limiting their resources to aƯord his legal defense. Just prior to his trial, a GoFundMe account was created to help pay his legal fees. Within hours, hundreds of people had shown support to Juan Orlando and his family through this platform. Unfortunately, Jorge Bar Levy succeeded in getting the account suspended and all the funds raised did not reach their purpose, resulting in Juan Orlando not being able to aƯord an eƯective defense. This has been such an impactful case; it has done so much damage not only to his inner circle, but to Honduras as a society. The media has played such an immense role in this case, as Juan Orlando cannot publicly deny or disprove what is being said and many simply take it as true. There have been so many lies, and so many made-up stories, it’s aggravating. Juan Orlando being in prison has given the opposing political party, currently in government, to use him and his family as a trophy, and justify their mistakes based on his administration; it has also given them an opportunity to retaliate against people who worked alongside Juan Orlando. Being incarcerated abroad, not having the opportunity to see your loved ones, and not having the chance to speak up to deny or disprove things that are not true, is devastating. His family’s US visitor visas were revoked at the start of this process. It has been shattering for Juan Orlando to not see his daughters and son, grandchildren, wife, mother, siblings. I personally think he did not have an eƯective defense and he was at many times at a disadvantage, which severely impacted his preparedness for trial. Juan Orlando never thought he could be in this situation; I know this process has humbled him. He has deposited his faith in God since the beginning, and truth be told, that’s the only reason why he’s still sane to this day. JOH Sent.0050 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 51 of 115
  • 52. I was at the SDNY Court during Juan Orlando’s trial, alongside my father who testified. It was an extremely stressful experience for us as a family, as we were basically at the center of controversy of an entire region. This case has impacted my family, as Juan Orlando’s conviction represents all those years of my father’s hard work were for nothing. My father has been one of the very few who have spoken up, as many others fear political persecution from the current government. My father has made sure the more than 7,000 men he led during those years are confident and well-aware that he never received, nor he gave, an illegal order to anyone, and that the lives lost were not in vain. I recognize Juan Orlando is far from perfect, but I personally believe he is not guilty of what he is being convicted for based on the evidence presented during trial. I trust God and His ways and believe the Justice System will only be fair. I know that at the end of this process, Juan Orlando will be a diƯerent man and will view life diƯerently. I know he will treasure his close ones and live a grateful life. I write this letter in support of Juan Orlando Hernandez, his family, and the work that was done during all those years to make Honduras a safer place. I sincerely thank you for your time and consideration to this letter. Best, Gladis Abigail Oseguera JOH Sent.0051 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 52 of 115
  • 53. JOH Sent.0052 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 53 of 115
  • 54. Honorable Judge Castel: My name is Gloria Carmen Guevara Ardon, Christian, mother, wife, and a citizen defender of life, of family and also fair causes, for which I feel a deep contempt for injustice in all its manifestations. Never in my almost 60 years of life, have I seen a president of my country that fought head on, fearlessly with determination against malicious forces, such as organized crime, and criminal structures, as Juan Orlando did, violent deaths, the terrible extorsion, kidnapping, drug trafficking and high levels of unsafety decreased significantly. From his positions in public administration he created and promoted tough laws to punish and strip, leaving these criminals with no economic power. His compromise to Honduras was noticeable and admirable, his country vision did things that no one ever did, a simple man, smart, of strong personality and a genuine leadership, sensitive with charisma, loved by many and hated by few. As a result of the events that previously took place and that we are all aware of, a campaign of disrepute and slander was born against the president. However, when he was detained and later on extradited, we could not believe it, an unbelievably painful moment for his family and friends. Recently subjected to a trial. Which to my judgment and to the one of many Hondurans was not a fair one, to the contrary, a very unequal trial. As a friend of the family, and neighbor for many years, I can say that I know them well, we went to the same school, my kids played with their kids, that in his case he is not perfect, as every human being, he will have had weaknesses, but never to the level indicated. What is clear is that he fought a spiritual war in nature and revenge was not long in coming from the enemy. Honorable Judge Castel, I appeal to your mercy as an upright man, who believes in doing things right, but at the same time compassionate, merciful to the situation of a man who is a father, husband, grandfather who longs to return home soon and enjoy the wonderful and warm environment that is family. Respectfully, Gloria Carmen Guevara Ardon ID 130819640006 JOH Sent.0053 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 54 of 115
  •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ent.0054 Case 1:15-cr-00379-PKC Document 800-1 Filed 06/21/24 Page 55 of 115