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QlikView: Number One in BI Customer Loyalty

                                        is #1          in:
                     Customer loyalty

                     Intention to buy more licenses

                     Query performance

   *BARC: BI Survey 9, September 2010

For more information call Dave DeBonis at 973-871-4011 or email ddebonis@jhcohn.com

QlikView: Number One in Ease of Use

                                              is #1    in:
                     Ease of use

                     Scorekeeping to KPIs

                     Dashboard Satisfaction
                     and Usage

   *Gartner: BI Platforms User Survey, 2010

For more information call Dave DeBonis at 973-871-4011 or email ddebonis@jhcohn.com

What would it mean to your bottom line if you…

Could quickly integrate disparate data sources?

Make changes to your critical reports in minutes, hours and days vs. weeks and months?

Could quickly and affordably offer visibility and analytical capability directly to business
users, empowering informed decision making and action based on insight?

                          The Power of Simplicity
                      Next Generation Business Intelligence

QlikView: Powerful, Intuitive, Easy-to-Use
  QlikView creates value in organizations through data driven
   Access & consolidates disparate data
   Search data associatively
   Summarize, visualize and analyze the data

       Consolidate                                   Visualize

Associative Search Puts Users in Control
Traditional                           Associative
Region                                              Region

                                       State                         Person


   IT Driven                            User Driven
   • Linear, pre-defined thinking       • Follows the user
   • Insights missed in hidden data     • All data, always visible
   • Months to change                   • Insight driven
   • Data-centric                       • Minutes to change

QlikView for Healthcare
   Improving the quality, safety and cost of healthcare delivery

  Finance                                                    Clinical Operations
  • Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting                        • Patient Administration & Medical Record
  • Actuals / Budget Analysis by Department                  • Clinical Care Process ‘Flow Model’
  • Revenue / Cost per Patient / Room                        • Six Sigma Analysis – Flow & Medical Errors
  • Physician Profiling                                      • Regulatory Compliance - Quality / Safety
  • Compliance Reporting – IFRS / GAAP                         (JCAHO, NCQA, Hedis, HIPAA, DRG, etc.)

Revenue Cycle                                                  Care Delivery
• A/R / Payment Collections                                    • Condition, Diagnosis & Treatment Analysis
• Contract Management & Billing                                • Evidence Based Medicine / Survivability
• Claims Administration / Denial Management                    • Prevention / Care / Aftercare Planning
• Audit and Fraud Detection                                    • Treatment & Prescription Order Tracking
• DRG / Pay-for-Performance Reporting                          • Clinical Outcome Analysis

  Supply Chain                                               Resource Planning
  • Demand Planning                                          • Equipment / Testing Scheduling
  • Procurement & Material Management         Dashboard      • Bed / Room / ER / OR / ICU Utilization
  • Inventory & Care Unit Availability                       • Clinician Shift Scheduling & Planning
  • Logistics & Fulfillment Analysis                         • Staff Planning – Retirement / Shortages
  • Supplier Quality & Performance            Reporting      • Needs Analysis, Trending, Benchmarking

A Traditional Reporting Solution looks like this...

 1.   Data sources pre-determined by IT
 2.   Data goes through ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process
 3.   Data loaded into data warehouse and modeled into cubes
 4.   Data loaded into Business Intelligence / Reporting Solution Application
 5.   Every time data changes, it goes back and forth through this process

Now let’s look at QlikView’s Patented Approach…

1. Easily consolidates multiple data sources
2. Loads all data into memory
3. Enables real-time associative search and analysis

QlikView Bypasses
the Traditional BI Stack Challenges
 Traditional BI Stack

  User Interface, Dashboards,                                                   • User Interface
  Scorecards, and Reports
                                  • Lots of tools      • One tool
                                                                                • Chart and Report
                                  • Multiple vendors   • One vendor               Engine
  OLAP, Query, and
  Reporting Tools
                                  • IT driven          • End-user driven        • Analysis Engine

  Data Marts                      • Months to change   • Minutes to change      • Data Compression

                                  • High cost          • Low cost               • Integration
  Data Warehouse

  Integration Layer (ETL)

         Unstructured                                                 Data           Unstructured
 ERP                        CRM                          ERP                                         CRM
            Data                                                    Warehouse           Data

QlikView Delivers
A Consumer Approach for Business Software
 People Love Consumer App   People Love Using QlikView
                            • Instant results
                            • Easy to use
                            • Intuitive interface
                            • Simplifies complex analysis
                            • Self service with minimal training

The QlikView Customer Experience
Findings from IDC/QlikTech Joint Survey

           BI Initiative Success and Satisfaction
           • 96% of customers are satisfied with QlikView

                      ROI (Return On Investment)
                       • 186% Return On Investment
                        • 6.5 month payback period

                             Time to Value
             44% deployed QlikView in 1 Month

             77% deployed QlikView in 3 Months

             50% reduction in information access and analysis time

             -100                       0                        100

Aberdeen: QlikView Dashboards
Outperform Best-in-Class
  QlikView rates above Best-in-Class in dashboard accuracy

    Yearly Dashboard Cost Per User                                % Driven by Line of Business User

                       $22.41                                                                    62%

                             $28.53                                                        48%

                                   $35.58                                              41%

 *Aberdeen: QlikView Customers Outperform the Best-in-Class with Dashboards, August 2010

Migration Complexity score

Source: Gartner, BI Platform
Magic Quadrant Customer
Survey conducted November
In the BI Platform Magic Quadrant
customer survey conducted
among 897 participants,
respondents were asked to rate
their migration experience on a
scale of 1 to 4; with 1 being simple
and 4 complex. The weighted
average score was calculated
based on the sum of multiplying
the score by the percentage of
respondents that selected each
score for each vendor.

For more information
call Dave DeBonis at 973-871-4011 or email ddebonis@jhcohn.com


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Improving Healthcare Delivery

  • 1. QlikView: Number One in BI Customer Loyalty is #1 in: Customer loyalty Intention to buy more licenses Query performance *BARC: BI Survey 9, September 2010 For more information call Dave DeBonis at 973-871-4011 or email ddebonis@jhcohn.com 1
  • 2. QlikView: Number One in Ease of Use is #1 in: Ease of use Scorekeeping to KPIs Dashboard Satisfaction and Usage *Gartner: BI Platforms User Survey, 2010 For more information call Dave DeBonis at 973-871-4011 or email ddebonis@jhcohn.com 2
  • 3. What would it mean to your bottom line if you… Could quickly integrate disparate data sources? Make changes to your critical reports in minutes, hours and days vs. weeks and months? Could quickly and affordably offer visibility and analytical capability directly to business users, empowering informed decision making and action based on insight? QlikView The Power of Simplicity Next Generation Business Intelligence 3
  • 4. QlikView: Powerful, Intuitive, Easy-to-Use QlikView creates value in organizations through data driven decisions:  Access & consolidates disparate data  Search data associatively  Summarize, visualize and analyze the data Associative Consolidate Visualize Search 4
  • 5. Associative Search Puts Users in Control Traditional Associative Region Region State Sales State Person Product Sales Person Product IT Driven User Driven • Linear, pre-defined thinking • Follows the user • Insights missed in hidden data • All data, always visible • Months to change • Insight driven • Data-centric • Minutes to change 5
  • 6. QlikView for Healthcare Improving the quality, safety and cost of healthcare delivery Finance Clinical Operations • Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting • Patient Administration & Medical Record • Actuals / Budget Analysis by Department • Clinical Care Process ‘Flow Model’ • Revenue / Cost per Patient / Room • Six Sigma Analysis – Flow & Medical Errors • Physician Profiling • Regulatory Compliance - Quality / Safety • Compliance Reporting – IFRS / GAAP (JCAHO, NCQA, Hedis, HIPAA, DRG, etc.) Revenue Cycle Care Delivery • A/R / Payment Collections • Condition, Diagnosis & Treatment Analysis • Contract Management & Billing • Evidence Based Medicine / Survivability • Claims Administration / Denial Management • Prevention / Care / Aftercare Planning • Audit and Fraud Detection • Treatment & Prescription Order Tracking • DRG / Pay-for-Performance Reporting • Clinical Outcome Analysis Supply Chain Resource Planning • Demand Planning • Equipment / Testing Scheduling • Procurement & Material Management Dashboard • Bed / Room / ER / OR / ICU Utilization • Inventory & Care Unit Availability • Clinician Shift Scheduling & Planning Analysis • Logistics & Fulfillment Analysis • Staff Planning – Retirement / Shortages • Supplier Quality & Performance Reporting • Needs Analysis, Trending, Benchmarking 6
  • 7. A Traditional Reporting Solution looks like this... 1. Data sources pre-determined by IT 2. Data goes through ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process 3. Data loaded into data warehouse and modeled into cubes 4. Data loaded into Business Intelligence / Reporting Solution Application 5. Every time data changes, it goes back and forth through this process 7
  • 8. Now let’s look at QlikView’s Patented Approach… 1. Easily consolidates multiple data sources 2. Loads all data into memory 3. Enables real-time associative search and analysis 8
  • 9. QlikView Bypasses the Traditional BI Stack Challenges Traditional BI Stack User Interface, Dashboards, • User Interface Scorecards, and Reports • Lots of tools • One tool • Chart and Report • Multiple vendors • One vendor Engine OLAP, Query, and Reporting Tools • IT driven • End-user driven • Analysis Engine Data Marts • Months to change • Minutes to change • Data Compression • High cost • Low cost • Integration Data Warehouse Integration Layer (ETL) Unstructured Data Unstructured ERP CRM ERP CRM Data Warehouse Data 9
  • 10. QlikView Delivers A Consumer Approach for Business Software People Love Consumer App People Love Using QlikView Experiences • Instant results • Easy to use • Intuitive interface • Simplifies complex analysis • Self service with minimal training 10
  • 11. The QlikView Customer Experience Findings from IDC/QlikTech Joint Survey BI Initiative Success and Satisfaction • 96% of customers are satisfied with QlikView ROI (Return On Investment) • 186% Return On Investment • 6.5 month payback period Time to Value 44% deployed QlikView in 1 Month 77% deployed QlikView in 3 Months 50% reduction in information access and analysis time -100 0 100 11
  • 12. Aberdeen: QlikView Dashboards Outperform Best-in-Class  QlikView rates above Best-in-Class in dashboard accuracy Yearly Dashboard Cost Per User % Driven by Line of Business User $22.41 62% $28.53 48% $35.58 41% *Aberdeen: QlikView Customers Outperform the Best-in-Class with Dashboards, August 2010 12
  • 13. Migration Complexity score Source: Gartner, BI Platform Magic Quadrant Customer Survey conducted November 2009 In the BI Platform Magic Quadrant customer survey conducted among 897 participants, respondents were asked to rate their migration experience on a scale of 1 to 4; with 1 being simple and 4 complex. The weighted average score was calculated based on the sum of multiplying the score by the percentage of respondents that selected each score for each vendor. 13
  • 14. For more information call Dave DeBonis at 973-871-4011 or email ddebonis@jhcohn.com 14