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How to Run
an SEO Audit
A 9-step guide for increasing
your organic traffic
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Table Of Contents
Crawling and Indexing
Identify Possible
Indexing Problems
Check Your On-Page
Monitor Your Rankings
Update Status Codes
and Link Forwarding
Evaluate Your Content
Technique, Scripts,
and Coding
Optimize Site
Architecture and
Internal Links
Click on any of the sections to navigate
right to it.
Introduction 3
Search-engine optimization (SEO) is an important, baseline
component of every online marketing measure. After all, a
website can only be successful and receive a large volume of
qualified traffic if it is visible on Google and other search engine
results and listed high in the rankings.
To ensure that a website meets all requirements for high
visibility on search-engine results pages (SERPs), a regular
SEO audit is indispensable. Auditing your website provides
the necessary optimization measures to achieve sustainable
success on SERPs and increase your website traffic.
In this ebook, we’ll teach you all of the relevant steps needed
to conduct a thorough SEO audit.
Introduction 4
Why should I conduct an SEO audit?
One of the biggest mistakes that webmasters, marketers,
and SEOs can make is to consider SEO a static measure.
Continuity and website improvements over time character-
ize a successful SEO strategy.
Buyer behavior is subject to constant change, which means
marketers and SEOs have to change their methods in line
with with how buyers search on the internet.
For example, a few years ago, it still was common to
search for websites and products exclusively on your
desktop or notebook at home. Today, more than half of all
users in industrialized countries use their smartphones and
other mobile devices to search for relevant information or
products online. Because of this, modern website should
be optimized for mobile devices (mobile optimization). This
is the only way to ensure that mobile users also have a
positive user experience.
Another example of how user demands transform SEO
practices is loading speed. Just 10 years ago, users had to
be patient when they loaded a website because connec-
tion speeds with modems were slower, with waiting times
up to several seconds until the page fully loaded. A study
found that more than 40 percent of users leave a website
if it takes more than three seconds to load.
Search engines, especially Google, have evolved tre-
mendously over the past decade. These changes happen
not only because of user demands, but also because
Google’s technology has evolved to be able to under-
stand complex search queries and deliver relevant search
results.It is no longer enough to achieve good rankings
for content by stuffing keywords in the page meta-data.
40 percent of users leave a
website if it takes more than
three seconds to load.
Introduction 5
Today, search engines evaluate content as well as the technical
characteristics of your website. Google uses various algorithms
to determine the relevance and quality of a website in relation
to a search query.
These algorithms are continuously improving. Hundreds of
“Google Updates” take place annually, with algorithms adapted
or completely revamped.
Today, Google even uses artificial intelligence to answer search
queries that have never been made before with RankBrain. At
the same time, voice search and digital assistants are further
developing web searches that place new demands on websites
and their operators. What Google expects from webmasters
and SEO managers is defined in the so-called “Google
Webmaster Guidelines.”
What does all of this mean for marketers? Increasing user
demands and evolving search engine quality make it necessary
for you to continuously adapt and improve your websites and
SEO quality. To find out what you need to work on, you should
regularly conduct an SEO audit.
Introduction 6
Who needs to conduct SEO audits?
An SEO audit is a daily task for SEO service providers and agencies.
In-house SEOs should also conduct audits at regular intervals to check
the health status of corporate websites. At the same time, SEO audits
at agencies serve to document the progress of website projects for
clients. In addition, an SEO audit is important in determining possible
SEO measures when making initial contact with customers.
This ebook is intended not only for professionals who need valuable
support in their work practices, but also for SEO beginners who want
to familiarize themselves with the topic of website optimization.
The SEO Audit Guide will give you insights into the world of SEO
Anyone who is professionally involved in
optimizing websites or is responsible for a
commercial website should be able to carry
out an SEO audit.
Introduction 7
How long does an SEO audit take?
It would be pointless to state that “an SEO audit takes x or
y hours.” After all, no two websites are alike, and individual
requirements, both technical and content-related, are different.
Depending on your website’s size, the type of tools you use,
and your experience, the time it takes to complete an SEO audit
If only individual aspects of a new URL need to be checked, the
audit can be done in a few minutes, but if you need to review a
large website project with several thousand subpages, an SEO
audit can take several days.
Which tools should I use?
Various tools are used in an SEO audit to help you analyze indi-
vidual aspects while also taking some work off your shoulders,
saving you time, and allowing you to function more efficiently.
However, even if you work with such tools during an SEO audit,
the process still requires your attention regularly. Regardless
of the tools used, you should also access the page “manually”
with your desktop PC, notebook, smartphone, or tablet and click
on different pages to get a firsthand perspective on the user
experience when accessing your website.
An SEO audit takes as long as is necessary
to complete. Be careful not to allow too
little time for an SEO audit. After all, your
work should uncover possible mistakes
or optimization potentials that can have
a lasting impact on the website’s traffic
Introduction 8
The following tools can help you with an audit:
Google Analytics: With Google Analytics, you get important insights
regarding traffic and user behavior on your website, and if necessary, you
can track individual events to measure the site’s performance. In addition,
the tool can be linked with data from Google Search Console and Google
AdWords, providing you with additional insights into how your website
treats visitors. Google Analytics is free and offers extensive analysis
options for your SEO audit.
Important: Please observe
the applicable data-protection
regulations of the GDPR
before implementation!
Introduction 9
Google Search Console: The free Google Search
Console (GSC) is essential for any web project. The
tool’s data comes directly from Google and can help you
in many ways, e.g., with a ranking analysis. In addition,
you will gain important insights into your website’s
health, as well as information about web crawling or
indexing errors. In addition, you can use the GSC to
send URLs to the Google index or devalue links using
the “Disavow tool.” Thus, the GSC offers great benefits
beyond an SEO audit.
Google Search: Before you ask yourself why Google
Search is an SEO tool, there are several possible uses:
For example, you can use the site query to check how
many of your pages are in the index. The cache display,
on the other hand, tells you when Googlebot last
crawled one of your URLs.
Introduction 10
Ryte: With Ryte, you can perform extensive On-Page analyses of your
website, even with the free version. Many reports can also be saved
directly as PDF files. You can also create custom filters to perform your
SEO audits efficiently.
Introduction 11
With a few clicks, you can turn your Chrome browser into an SEO-analysis machine.
These plug-ins offer first clues for your SEO audits:
You now know which tools can support your SEO audit and what the audit’s goals are,
so let’s take the first step in your auditing process.
Google Lighthouse Plug-In for
Chrome: Google Lighthouse crawls
current URLs and provides you
with many starting points for On-
Page optimization. You can install
the Google Chrome extension for
Google Tag Assistant: Google Tag
Assistant is also a handy plugin
that lets you check whether Google
tracking codes are implemented
and whether they are functioning
SEO META in 1-Click Plug-in for
Chrome: This handy extension
for Chrome allows you to get the
central information about metadata
and heading structures of a URL
in one click. It also checks whether
the robots.txt or Sitemap.xml is
Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 12
Step 1: Crawling and
You can create a beautiful website and fill it with inter-
esting and useful content, but if the pages have not been
crawled and indexed by Google, no one will find it in the
Search engines like Google have a large index in which
information about domains and individual URLs is stored.
As soon as a user makes a search query, the search engine
compares its index with the query. Algorithms are used to
determine the quality and relevance of the indexed pages.
The search results are listed in order of importance based
on algorithmic judgments (rankings).
To get your website URLs into the Google index, the
Googlebot must crawl your page. Googlebot is a computer
program (web crawler) that continuously searches the
Internet. The web crawler visits websites and follows the
links/URLs. Once a URL has been crawled, Googlebot
stores relevant information, including an image of the
page, in the Google index. Thus, the page is then officially
Googlebot has a limited budget for crawling URLs on
your domain (crawl budget). Accordingly, the Googlebot
never can crawl all your URLs during its visit. How much
crawl budget is available depends on various factors,
such as the topicality of your content or the number of
incoming links. However, you can make crawling easier
for Googlebot in a few easy steps to get the most out of
your crawl budget.
Your website must be crawled and
indexed by Googlebot to ensure that your
URLs are part of Google SERP rankings.
Thus, you should do everything you can to
ensure that the Googlebot can crawl and
index your URLs easily.
Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 13
Site query with Google
With the help of a”site query,” you can check to
see whether a certain URL is even in the Google
index. To do this, enter the URL in the Google
search bar and type “info:” or “site:” in front of
it. By clicking on the magnifying glass, Google will
show you whether your URL is indexed.
If the desired URL is not indexed, check your
internal links to ensure that the site even has
internal links to the url,in the first place, then send
the URL directly to the Google index. You can
do this by clicking “Google Index” in the Google
Search Console, then “Google-like retrieval.”
Retrieve the URL, then click “send to Google
Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 14
Check robots.txt
Robots.txt is a small text file retrieved by Googlebot and other bots before crawling your site. Robots.txt contains instructions for
bots, allowing you to control crawling directly while excluding certain areas. However, it is recommended to let Googlebot crawl as
much as possible on your site to index the content in the best possible way.
Robots.txt Audit Checklist
Check to make sure the Robots.txt is in the root directory of
your domain: www.exampledomain.com/robots.txt
Areas that should not be crawled are excluded with the
“Disallow” function, so take a good look at the disallow
instructions to make sure it’s accurate for your website or to
make sure there aren’t any pages that aren’t being indexed
that should be.
If you are unsure, robots.txt should not contain any
User-agent: * Disallow: /
Is there a link to your XML Sitemap in robots.txt?
If you want to check your existing robots.txt, GSC’s robots.txt-Tes-
ter is a good choice. You can find it in the “Crawling” section.
Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 15
Control XML-Sitemap
An XML Sitemap informs Google about all of your
website’s existing URLs with a machine-readable file that
contains information about URLs, updates, and optional
priorities. Creating an XML Sitemap is possible with most
CMS platforms, but there are also special tools to help
you create a unique one. As soon as the file is created,
it is stored in the root of the domain and in the Google
Search Console. Google can then access the data and
check it when necessary.
Sitemap Audit Checklist:
Is the XML sitemap file stored in your
correct directory?
Does the file contain all URLs in the
correct form?
Are all of your most important URLs
Is the file up to date?
You can check your XML Sitemap with the
Google Search Console.
Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 16
The GSC not only shows you whether the sitemap is
working correctly, but also gives you an overview of the
URLs that are available and indexed in the sitemap.
What you can do:
In the event of errors in the sitemap: Correct the
errors with a sitemap tool, update the file, then
upload it again.
If URLs are missing: Check the configuration of your
sitemap tool, add the missing URLs, then update the
file on your server.
If no sitemap is available: If you have not yet creat-
ed and uploaded a sitemap, you should definitely do
so, as it makes crawling easier for Google.
An XML-Sitemap does not guarantee that the URLs it contains
are all crawled and indexed. Depending on the size and scope of
the link to your project, it may take several months for all URLs to
be indexed. The sitemap merely tells the Googlebot which URLs
are available on your site.
Statements in robots.txt only prevent certain directories from
being crawled, but indexing does not prevent entry into the file.
Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 17
Check URLs with Google Analytics
Errors on websites and problems with usability are noticeable in user behavior. To check how your users navigate your website,
you can manage individual URLs with Google Analytics, which shows you central interaction data such as bounce rates, average
time spent on your site, and site traffic. You can find the report in the section: “Behavior” > “Site content” > “All pages.”
Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 18
Audit Checklist:
If your homepage is displayed first when you enter
the brand name, this is a good sign.
If the matching subpages are displayed in the first
position for the combination brand + search term,
this is also good.
If the search results are different when entering
the “Brand,” this may indicate possible Google
penalties or errors in content or directory creation.
Is there a URL “cannibalization,” in which the
same content can be found on several URLs?
Is your homepage not linked page-wide with the
“Home,” “Start,” or “Homepage” buttons?
Are there any inbound, faulty links that could lead
to downgrading individual subpages?
Search for your own brand in search engines:
To see how well Google recognizes your site as a brand, you should use Google to search for the domain name. Also, use the
brand to find keywords related to your site.
Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 19
How old is the Google cache of my URLs?
The Googlebot can crawl and index many pages daily,
but with several billion URLs on the internet, it is very
likely that the indexed content is not always up to date.
You can check when your URLs were last indexed using a
simple method. To do this, first perform a site query with
the desired URL, then click on the small green triangle at
the end of the green URL, then “In cache.”
What to do if the cache is very old:
If the cache date is very old, and it is a very important
subpage, e.g., a category page for your online shops that
has ranked well in search results, you should let Google
crawl the page directly again.
Use the GSC to send the URL directly to the Google
index. You also can do this, for example, after you change
or optimize important content. We already explained how
this works in the “Site query with Google” section.
Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 20
Mobile-Friendly Check: Can mobile users
access my site?
We already pointed out in the introduction how important
it is that your website be easily accessible through
smartphones or other mobile devices without restrictions
because on average, more than 50 percent of online users
are now mobile. Thus, part of your SEO audit requires
checking your website’s mobile-friendliness.
Again, Google offers a free tool. With the “ Mobile-
Friendly Test,” you can quickly check whether your URL is
optimized for mobile devices.
If your website is registered in the GSC, you can check
the old version in the section “Search queries” >
“Usability” on mobile devices for mobile-friendliness
Use a responsive web design that automatically
adapts to the screen size of the device you are
Check whether you may need to change fonts or
button sizes.
Step 2: Identify Possible Indexing Problems 21
Identify Possible Indexing
Problems with indexing can lead to URLs not getting into
the Google index and, thus, not getting ranked on SERPs.
Scripts or faulty links can play a vital role in such woes.
Check JavaScript and CSS
Too many JavaScript files can hinder the construction of a
website. In this case, the Googlebot cannot crawl the page
completely and, thus, cannot index it correctly. The same
applies to faulty CSS files, which can lead to problems
when rendering the website, for example.
Find orphan URLs
Orphan pages are not connected to the rest of the website
via internal links and crawlers cannot reach these URLs
to index them. Such “orphan pages” arise after structural
changes are made to a website when links or navigation
menus are changed. Orphan pages can be found in the
sitemap, but without special software, like Ryte Website
Success, they are usually very difficult to find.
Get a list of all orphan URLs.
Add internal links on your site that refer to these
Check internal links and menus for errors.
Add these pages to the XML Sitemap.
Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 22
Check Your On-Page
The On-Page check is one of the most important components
of your SEO audit. This way, you can check both your content
and the presence of duplicate content.
Low-hanging fruit: Check your page titles
Title tags are probably the easiest on-page elements to
optimize. They are used to rank relevant elements on your
website, so special attention should be paid to them.
With your tool set, you have several options to check page
Ryte: Ryte Website Success allows you to check the
presence and length of page titles quickly.
Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 23
SEO META in 1-Click Plug-In for Chrome: If you want to
display the page title of a single page, this plug-in is enough
for now. For example, it is useful for an SEO audit that is
only intended for one URL.
Google Search Console: This Google tool can show you
duplicate, missing, or overly short meta descriptions. To do
this, click “Display in search,” then “HTML improvements.”
The incorrect page titles can be downloaded directly as an
Excel spreadsheet.
Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 24
Check meta-descriptions
Although the meta-description is not relevant for ranking,
it can positively influence the click rate in SERPs. Google
can use meta-descriptions for snippets in the SERPs.
Thus, this meta element is one of the first components of
your website that a user sees during a web search.
What is important:
Does each URL have an individual meta
Have I exhausted the maximum length
of over 250 characters per description?
Does the meta-description contain the
central keyword of the target page?
Does the meta-description contain a
call to action?
Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 25
Tools to help you control the meta-description:
Ryte: The Website Success module shows you existing
meta-descriptions and can identify short or missing
description texts.
Google Search Console: Like with the title, the GSC lets
you search for URLs with duplicate or overly short meta
descriptions. You also can find the report in Ryte under
“HTML Improvements.“
Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 26
Check headline structure, especially the H1
With the help of headlines, you can tailor your URLs’ con-
tent for users and search engines alike. Users can capture
content better and faster using headlines, and the same
applies to Google headlines which are created in content
as H-tags. The H1 heading is particularly important. It is
the central heading of the target page and should only be
used once on each URL.
What is important:
Is there only one H1 heading?
Have the H-tags been inserted in chronologically
descending order?
Are H-tags used exclusively for formatting
headlines, but not for formatting other layout
Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 27
ALT attributes: What is displayed without a
ALT attributes are displayed if a browser cannot display
images for technical reasons. For example, screen readers
for the blind use these texts. Therefore, ALT attributes are an
important element of your website in terms of accessibility
and alternative displaying of images. In addition, the texts
of ALT attributes strengthen the keyword focus of a target
Thus, check whether all graphics on your pages use ALT
What is important:
Are there URLs without ALT attributes?
Does the ALT attribute contain a relevant
Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 28
Check URLs: Length, structure, and coding
Length, structure, and letters in the URL can help users
share URLs or enter them into a browser easily. Erroneous
URLs can lead to an accumulation of error pages and nega-
tively affect the user experience.
For this reason, you should take a closer look at your URLs.
In principle, Google also can read longer URLs, with over
1,000 characters, but for usability, it makes sense to keep
URLs as short as possible.
What is important:
Are my URLs as short as possible?
Do I use talking URLs?
Do I avoid session IDs?
Are there any special characters in my URLs?
Is the encoding of my URLs correct?
Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 29
Check loading times
Nothing can interfere more when surfing the web than a
website that loads very slowly. This is also not a good sign
for Google and for shop operators; very millisecond more
loading time means a loss in sales. That makes it all the
more important that your website has the appropriate load-
ing speed.
The loading time of a web page should be kept to a mini-
mum and can be influenced by many factors.
What is important:
Check if loading times of important pages are too
How long is the time “Time to first byte”?
Are large CSS/JS/HTML files compressed?
Are image sizes optimized?
Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 30
Canonical Tags: Are they used correctly?
With the help of canonical tags, you can show Google that
there is an “original page” for the same content on different
URLs. Google then uses the canonical URL for indexing
and ignores the other one. This prevents duplicate content.
However, if the canonical tag is implemented incorrectly,
duplicate content remains and cannibalizes your site in
What is important:
Does the canonical tag point to itself?
Does the canonical tag contain an absolute
URL, not a relative URL?
Is only one canonical tag implemented per
Does the canonical tag point to a page tagged
with noindex or redirect?
Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 31
Pagination: Are the tags implemented correctly?
Pagination can be used to tell Google that a series of
pages will follow. Google pays particular attention to the
first page of this series. The HTML tags “rel=next” and
“rel=prev” are used for this.
What is important:
Does “rel=prev” or “rel=next” point to a
page with noindex?
Does the canonical tag always refer to the
page itself when paginating?
STEP 4: Monitor Your Rankings 32
Monitor Your Rankings
Using the rankings of your page in Google search re-
sults, you can control the success, as well as the errors,
of your optimization measures. Thus, strong ranking
losses can indicate technical errors or inadequate
To be vigilant for possible errors, it is important to check
your rankings, which particularly depend on changes.
Therefore, you should always look at your URLs’ rank-
ings regularly.
Monitoring SERP rankings
To control SERP rankings, you can use both the GSC
and Ryte Search Success, which uses 100% real Google
What is important:
Were there major ranking fluctuations within
three months?
Are there significant ranking losses compared
with last year?
Did you make any changes to your website
before the ranking losses? If so, which ones?
Were links to your website set up before the
ranking changes?
Has content been removed or added?
STEP 5: Evaluate Your Content 33
Evaluate Your Content
Content plays a central role in how your website is ranked in search results.
It should be unique and provide added value for your site’s users.
Check the relationship between content and advertising
If your website contains ads, you should ensure that they do not take up a
disproportionate amount of space, which can lead to lower Google rankings.
In the GSC you can check whether the balance between your non-ad con-
tent and ad content on your website is reasonable. Use the Ads-to-Content
Ratio function in the GSC’s “Web Tools” section.
What is important:
If you have too many ad
blocks on your site, you
should reduce them.
Make sure your ads add
value for your users.
Check whether the section
“above the fold” can be
read without advertising.
STEP 5: Evaluate Your Content 34
Control keyword focus
The keyword focus ensures that all relevant content elements are
aligned with the central keyword of the target page, which forms
the page’s thematic focus.
What is important:
Does the page title contain the main keyword?
Does the H1 heading contain the main keyword?
Can the central keyword be found in the
Is there a main keyword in the body text?
Are synonyms of the main keyword used in the
Do ALT tags contain the main keyword?
Did you use the main keyword in the URL?
Do you have any instances of keyword cannibalization?
STEP 5: Evaluate Your Content 35
Check individual pages for duplicate content
Duplicate content always exists when the same content is accessible
under different URLs. Duplicate content can mean that search engines
can no longer determine exactly which URL in your domain is more
relevant, which can lead to keyword cannibalism in SERPs. Google
then must weigh your URLs and decide which one best fits the re-
spective request. This means that a less-important URL could receive
high priority, and users could end up looking at a page that does not
contain the information they are supposed to see.
What is important:
Set up 301 redirects to avoid duplicate content when
browsing your site with or without www.
Add noindex and nofollow to pages that only offer thin
content or nearly duplicate content.
Use pagination to show Google that this is a list of
Use the canonical tag to link Google to the canonical
page for the same content.
STEP 5: Evaluate Your Content 36
What is important:
TF*IDF analysis is only an orientation for content opti-
mization. Your text can follow the curve, but should be
well-structured, easy to read and offer added value.
With the help of the TF*IDF analysis, you can determine
possible missing terms that strengthen your target page’s
topic relevance.
Content is not just text. When optimizing content, pay
attention to appealing and thematically suitable images,
videos, information graphics, etc.
Perform a TF*IDF analysis of individual pages
The goal of any content optimization should be to create
the best, most unique content on your topic with the
greatest added value for your website’s users. A TF*IDF
analysis can help you easily create value-adding content
for your website.
TF*IDF is a formula that determines the relative frequen-
cy of a word within a document. A TF*IDF analysis helps
you determine whether your target page contains the
key terms related to the focus keyword. The result of a
TF*IDF analysis can be used to determine the quality
of the written content from the perspective of a search
With Ryte Content Success, you can perform a TF*IDF
analysis on any URL.
STEP 6: Optimize Site Architecture and Internal Links 37
Optimize Your Site Architecture and Internal Links
Web-page architecture and internal links are important for the “blood circulation” of your website. This ensures that the link juice
is distributed evenly on the website.
How many links should there be on my URL?
The more internal links you find on a page, the less the link force that a single link can distribute to other URLs on your page.
Additionally, a large number of internal links on a page makes Googlebot crawl the page even deeper, using up the crawl budget
Check the horizontal and vertical link structure
To ensure that the link force is optimally distributed across all your website’s directories and pages, internal links should be set
systematically, e.g., based on menus or content. For Google, the relevance of a subpage also can be strengthened by ensuring that
as many internal links as possible always refer to it with the same link text.
Vertical link structure:
Is the home page linked to all important
category pages?
Are there links from product pages to the
thematically relevant category pages?
Horizontal link structure:
Are there links from category pages to other
relevant category pages?
Are there links from product pages to other
thematically suitable product pages?
STEP 6: Optimize Site Architecture and Internal Links 38
Check internal links in footer and content
By linking your subpages to the same link text, you ensure that
the relevance of these target pages for Google is strengthened.
In your SEO audit, you should check the internal links in the
footer and content.
What is important:
Do links from the content refer to other topic-rel-
evant subpages?
Are the same link texts always used for internal
links to the same subpages?
Are the anchor texts in the footer correct?
Are there larger link blocks instead of meaningful
and user-friendly navigation?
Update Status Codes and
Link Forwarding
Correct status codes and working redirects lead to a better user
Perform a URL status-code check
When a client makes a request to a server, the server should
output the status code “200 OK.” If the page is no longer
available, the status code is “404 not found.” You can easily
find the status codes of your pages with an SEO software, like
Ryte. Go to the Status Code report in Ryte to get an overview of
all of the status codes on your site.
What is important:
Is a correct error page displayed for status code
Are there current server errors (5xx codes)?
Do most of your URLs deliver a status code of
“200 OK”?
STEP 7: Update Status Codes and Link Forwarding 39
STEP 7: Update Status Codes and Link Forwarding 40
Are redirects required?
If a website can be accessed both with “www” and
without “www,” duplicate content exists, i.e., the same
content can be accessed with different URLs. To avoid
duplicate content in this case, you should set up a 301
redirect that redirects from one URL version to the desired
one. For this purpose, an entry can be made in the
htaccess file, which forces the server to forward the URL.
What is important:
Is your website accessible with “www,” as
well as without “www”?
Can you access your website with both
“https” and “http”?
Are all 301 redirects working?
If 301 redirects already have been set on your site, you
should check them during the SEO audit to ensure they
work correctly, i.e., that users will see the correct page
when a URL is redirected. At the same time, forwarding
is important for Google because it gives the search en-
gine the URL it wants, then indexes it. In addition, page
rank is forwarded from the “old” URL to the “new” URL
with 301 redirects. Redirects are best found with an SEO
software like Ryte. Ryte shows you all of your redirects in
the “Redirects” report.
What is important:
Are there any forwarding chains?
Are the 301 redirects working?
Is the page redirected to the correct one?
STEP 8: Technique, Scripts, and Coding 41
Technique, Scripts, and
Scripts and technology can directly influence your website’s
performance. For example, too many scripts can reduce load
speed. It is also possible that when using the “wrong” technol-
ogy, some users may not be able to access your entire site.
Where and how is JavaScript integrated?
With the help of JavaScript (JS), your website’s functionality
can be increased enormously. At the same time, the scripts are
mostly used for tracking user behavior. Check where Java code
is implemented and if it works at all during the SEO audit.
You can use the GSC to access individual pages on your
website. The tool shows you whether problems occur
when rendering the page and whether JS files are affect-
ing page structure or loading.
What is important:
Is JavaScript used for content output?
Where are the JS files? At the beginning
or end of the source code?
Do JavaScripts prevent pages from
STEP 8: Technique, Scripts, and Coding 42
Do I use iframes, and if so, where?
With iframes, you can load content from other websites
onto your website. For example, YouTube videos are often
integrated via iframe.
Are there Flash elements?
Animated web content can be created with the help of
Flash. However, Adobe will stop supporting Flash at the
end of 2020. Since 2016, the Flash plug-in is no longer
integrated into Google Chrome by default, as it often has
led to security problems. Thus, you always should consider
whether you want to continue using Flash.
What is important (iframes):
Is content integrated via iframe?
What content is delivered via iframe?
Are the iframes used really necessary, and
do they offer the user added value?
What is important (Flash):
Is Flash only used for individual elements
or for the entire website?
Do Flash elements hinder the
performance of the site?
Can Flash content be implemented with
other technical solutions?
STEP 9: Internationalization 43
When websites are designed for international visitors
in different languages or for different countries, some
special aspects need to be considered to ensure that
Google indexes the content correctly and assigns it to the
respective nation/language.
Are there country- or language-specific URLs?
URLs should be aligned with country- or -language specif-
ic URLs to accommodate other languages/countries. For
example, language/country versions can be clarified by
using directories named with nations’ abbreviations. The
URL’s language also should change. You can do these
exams “by hand,” usually without any special tools.
What to Audit:
Does the URL language also change
when you select a different language
Are menus translated?
Have the country versions been stored in
the GSC?
Have currencies or units been adjusted to
the respective country?
STEP 9: Internationalization 44
Are hreflang tags implemented correctly?
Hreflang tags help Google correctly assign your website to a
country and/or language. For the assignment to work smoothly,
hreflang and rel=alternate must be integrated correctly.
With the GSC, you can check whether Google correctly assigns
the target country or the language of your website. To do this,
click on the tool in the section “Search queries ->International
What is important:
Are the hreflang tags implemented correctly?
Do the pages have an rel=alternate reference?
Are the language/country codes correct?
Are language versions forwarded correctly?
An SEO audit consists of many small steps that provide a thorough profile of your website’s health. The more detailed your report
is, the better individual optimization measures can be derived from it.
Therefore, take enough time for your SEO audit. In addition, perform page checks at regular intervals. This is the only way to
determine whether your website has made progress or whether there is a need for further action.
Want a little more help with your SEO audit? HubSpot and Ryte have solutions for you:
HubSpot SEO & Content
Strategy Tool
Build your authority in search with tools that help you
plan your SEO strategy, optimize your content, and
measure real return on investment.
HubSpot’s SEO tools are integrated with all our content
tools so you never miss an optimization opportunity.
The Ryte Suite
Make your SEO audit faster and easier with Ryte.
Ryte Website Success scans your website and provides
a list of the errors that are hurting your organic traffic
and usability. Check each factor in this audit in just a
few minutes.
Best part? It’s free!
Find my errors for free
Get Started Using HubSpot SEO Tools
Conclusion 45

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How to Run an SEO Audit by yourself at home.pdf

  • 1. How to Run an SEO Audit A 9-step guide for increasing your organic traffic <!doctype html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <title>The Ryte way to your <meta http-equiv=”content-type” <meta name=”robots” content <meta property=”og:image” <meta property=”og:type” c <meta property=”og:url” co <link rel=”canonical” href= <link rel=”shortcut icon” </head> <body
  • 2. 2 Table Of Contents STEP 1: Crawling and Indexing STEP 2: Identify Possible Indexing Problems STEP 3: Check Your On-Page Elements STEP 4: Monitor Your Rankings STEP 7: Update Status Codes and Link Forwarding STEP 5: Evaluate Your Content STEP 8: Technique, Scripts, and Coding STEP 6: Optimize Site Architecture and Internal Links STEP 9: Internationalization TIP: Click on any of the sections to navigate right to it.
  • 3. Introduction 3 Search-engine optimization (SEO) is an important, baseline component of every online marketing measure. After all, a website can only be successful and receive a large volume of qualified traffic if it is visible on Google and other search engine results and listed high in the rankings. To ensure that a website meets all requirements for high visibility on search-engine results pages (SERPs), a regular SEO audit is indispensable. Auditing your website provides the necessary optimization measures to achieve sustainable success on SERPs and increase your website traffic. In this ebook, we’ll teach you all of the relevant steps needed to conduct a thorough SEO audit. Introduction
  • 4. Introduction 4 Why should I conduct an SEO audit? One of the biggest mistakes that webmasters, marketers, and SEOs can make is to consider SEO a static measure. Continuity and website improvements over time character- ize a successful SEO strategy. Buyer behavior is subject to constant change, which means marketers and SEOs have to change their methods in line with with how buyers search on the internet. For example, a few years ago, it still was common to search for websites and products exclusively on your desktop or notebook at home. Today, more than half of all users in industrialized countries use their smartphones and other mobile devices to search for relevant information or products online. Because of this, modern website should be optimized for mobile devices (mobile optimization). This is the only way to ensure that mobile users also have a positive user experience. Another example of how user demands transform SEO practices is loading speed. Just 10 years ago, users had to be patient when they loaded a website because connec- tion speeds with modems were slower, with waiting times up to several seconds until the page fully loaded. A study found that more than 40 percent of users leave a website if it takes more than three seconds to load. Search engines, especially Google, have evolved tre- mendously over the past decade. These changes happen not only because of user demands, but also because Google’s technology has evolved to be able to under- stand complex search queries and deliver relevant search results.It is no longer enough to achieve good rankings for content by stuffing keywords in the page meta-data. 40 percent of users leave a website if it takes more than three seconds to load.
  • 5. Introduction 5 Today, search engines evaluate content as well as the technical characteristics of your website. Google uses various algorithms to determine the relevance and quality of a website in relation to a search query. These algorithms are continuously improving. Hundreds of “Google Updates” take place annually, with algorithms adapted or completely revamped. Today, Google even uses artificial intelligence to answer search queries that have never been made before with RankBrain. At the same time, voice search and digital assistants are further developing web searches that place new demands on websites and their operators. What Google expects from webmasters and SEO managers is defined in the so-called “Google Webmaster Guidelines.” What does all of this mean for marketers? Increasing user demands and evolving search engine quality make it necessary for you to continuously adapt and improve your websites and SEO quality. To find out what you need to work on, you should regularly conduct an SEO audit.
  • 6. Introduction 6 Who needs to conduct SEO audits? An SEO audit is a daily task for SEO service providers and agencies. In-house SEOs should also conduct audits at regular intervals to check the health status of corporate websites. At the same time, SEO audits at agencies serve to document the progress of website projects for clients. In addition, an SEO audit is important in determining possible SEO measures when making initial contact with customers. This ebook is intended not only for professionals who need valuable support in their work practices, but also for SEO beginners who want to familiarize themselves with the topic of website optimization. The SEO Audit Guide will give you insights into the world of SEO professionals. Anyone who is professionally involved in optimizing websites or is responsible for a commercial website should be able to carry out an SEO audit.
  • 7. Introduction 7 How long does an SEO audit take? It would be pointless to state that “an SEO audit takes x or y hours.” After all, no two websites are alike, and individual requirements, both technical and content-related, are different. Depending on your website’s size, the type of tools you use, and your experience, the time it takes to complete an SEO audit varies. If only individual aspects of a new URL need to be checked, the audit can be done in a few minutes, but if you need to review a large website project with several thousand subpages, an SEO audit can take several days. Which tools should I use? Various tools are used in an SEO audit to help you analyze indi- vidual aspects while also taking some work off your shoulders, saving you time, and allowing you to function more efficiently. However, even if you work with such tools during an SEO audit, the process still requires your attention regularly. Regardless of the tools used, you should also access the page “manually” with your desktop PC, notebook, smartphone, or tablet and click on different pages to get a firsthand perspective on the user experience when accessing your website. An SEO audit takes as long as is necessary to complete. Be careful not to allow too little time for an SEO audit. After all, your work should uncover possible mistakes or optimization potentials that can have a lasting impact on the website’s traffic success.
  • 8. Introduction 8 The following tools can help you with an audit: Google Analytics: With Google Analytics, you get important insights regarding traffic and user behavior on your website, and if necessary, you can track individual events to measure the site’s performance. In addition, the tool can be linked with data from Google Search Console and Google AdWords, providing you with additional insights into how your website treats visitors. Google Analytics is free and offers extensive analysis options for your SEO audit. Important: Please observe the applicable data-protection regulations of the GDPR before implementation!
  • 9. Introduction 9 Google Search Console: The free Google Search Console (GSC) is essential for any web project. The tool’s data comes directly from Google and can help you in many ways, e.g., with a ranking analysis. In addition, you will gain important insights into your website’s health, as well as information about web crawling or indexing errors. In addition, you can use the GSC to send URLs to the Google index or devalue links using the “Disavow tool.” Thus, the GSC offers great benefits beyond an SEO audit. Google Search: Before you ask yourself why Google Search is an SEO tool, there are several possible uses: For example, you can use the site query to check how many of your pages are in the index. The cache display, on the other hand, tells you when Googlebot last crawled one of your URLs.
  • 10. Introduction 10 Ryte: With Ryte, you can perform extensive On-Page analyses of your website, even with the free version. Many reports can also be saved directly as PDF files. You can also create custom filters to perform your SEO audits efficiently.
  • 11. Introduction 11 Plugins With a few clicks, you can turn your Chrome browser into an SEO-analysis machine. These plug-ins offer first clues for your SEO audits: You now know which tools can support your SEO audit and what the audit’s goals are, so let’s take the first step in your auditing process. Google Lighthouse Plug-In for Chrome: Google Lighthouse crawls current URLs and provides you with many starting points for On- Page optimization. You can install the Google Chrome extension for free. Google Tag Assistant: Google Tag Assistant is also a handy plugin that lets you check whether Google tracking codes are implemented and whether they are functioning properly. SEO META in 1-Click Plug-in for Chrome: This handy extension for Chrome allows you to get the central information about metadata and heading structures of a URL in one click. It also checks whether the robots.txt or Sitemap.xml is implemented.
  • 12. Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 12 Step 1: Crawling and Indexing You can create a beautiful website and fill it with inter- esting and useful content, but if the pages have not been crawled and indexed by Google, no one will find it in the SERPs. Search engines like Google have a large index in which information about domains and individual URLs is stored. As soon as a user makes a search query, the search engine compares its index with the query. Algorithms are used to determine the quality and relevance of the indexed pages. The search results are listed in order of importance based on algorithmic judgments (rankings). To get your website URLs into the Google index, the Googlebot must crawl your page. Googlebot is a computer program (web crawler) that continuously searches the Internet. The web crawler visits websites and follows the links/URLs. Once a URL has been crawled, Googlebot stores relevant information, including an image of the page, in the Google index. Thus, the page is then officially “indexed.” Googlebot has a limited budget for crawling URLs on your domain (crawl budget). Accordingly, the Googlebot never can crawl all your URLs during its visit. How much crawl budget is available depends on various factors, such as the topicality of your content or the number of incoming links. However, you can make crawling easier for Googlebot in a few easy steps to get the most out of your crawl budget. Your website must be crawled and indexed by Googlebot to ensure that your URLs are part of Google SERP rankings. Thus, you should do everything you can to ensure that the Googlebot can crawl and index your URLs easily.
  • 13. Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 13 Site query with Google With the help of a”site query,” you can check to see whether a certain URL is even in the Google index. To do this, enter the URL in the Google search bar and type “info:” or “site:” in front of it. By clicking on the magnifying glass, Google will show you whether your URL is indexed. If the desired URL is not indexed, check your internal links to ensure that the site even has internal links to the url,in the first place, then send the URL directly to the Google index. You can do this by clicking “Google Index” in the Google Search Console, then “Google-like retrieval.” Retrieve the URL, then click “send to Google Index.”
  • 14. Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 14 Check robots.txt Robots.txt is a small text file retrieved by Googlebot and other bots before crawling your site. Robots.txt contains instructions for bots, allowing you to control crawling directly while excluding certain areas. However, it is recommended to let Googlebot crawl as much as possible on your site to index the content in the best possible way. Robots.txt Audit Checklist Check to make sure the Robots.txt is in the root directory of your domain: www.exampledomain.com/robots.txt Areas that should not be crawled are excluded with the “Disallow” function, so take a good look at the disallow instructions to make sure it’s accurate for your website or to make sure there aren’t any pages that aren’t being indexed that should be. If you are unsure, robots.txt should not contain any restrictions: User-agent: * Disallow: / Is there a link to your XML Sitemap in robots.txt? If you want to check your existing robots.txt, GSC’s robots.txt-Tes- ter is a good choice. You can find it in the “Crawling” section.
  • 15. Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 15 Control XML-Sitemap An XML Sitemap informs Google about all of your website’s existing URLs with a machine-readable file that contains information about URLs, updates, and optional priorities. Creating an XML Sitemap is possible with most CMS platforms, but there are also special tools to help you create a unique one. As soon as the file is created, it is stored in the root of the domain and in the Google Search Console. Google can then access the data and check it when necessary. Sitemap Audit Checklist: Is the XML sitemap file stored in your correct directory? Does the file contain all URLs in the correct form? Are all of your most important URLs included? Is the file up to date? You can check your XML Sitemap with the Google Search Console.
  • 16. Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 16 The GSC not only shows you whether the sitemap is working correctly, but also gives you an overview of the URLs that are available and indexed in the sitemap. What you can do: In the event of errors in the sitemap: Correct the errors with a sitemap tool, update the file, then upload it again. If URLs are missing: Check the configuration of your sitemap tool, add the missing URLs, then update the file on your server. If no sitemap is available: If you have not yet creat- ed and uploaded a sitemap, you should definitely do so, as it makes crawling easier for Google. An XML-Sitemap does not guarantee that the URLs it contains are all crawled and indexed. Depending on the size and scope of the link to your project, it may take several months for all URLs to be indexed. The sitemap merely tells the Googlebot which URLs are available on your site. Statements in robots.txt only prevent certain directories from being crawled, but indexing does not prevent entry into the file.
  • 17. Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 17 Check URLs with Google Analytics Errors on websites and problems with usability are noticeable in user behavior. To check how your users navigate your website, you can manage individual URLs with Google Analytics, which shows you central interaction data such as bounce rates, average time spent on your site, and site traffic. You can find the report in the section: “Behavior” > “Site content” > “All pages.”
  • 18. Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 18 Audit Checklist: If your homepage is displayed first when you enter the brand name, this is a good sign. If the matching subpages are displayed in the first position for the combination brand + search term, this is also good. If the search results are different when entering the “Brand,” this may indicate possible Google penalties or errors in content or directory creation. Troubleshooting: Is there a URL “cannibalization,” in which the same content can be found on several URLs? Is your homepage not linked page-wide with the “Home,” “Start,” or “Homepage” buttons? Are there any inbound, faulty links that could lead to downgrading individual subpages? Search for your own brand in search engines: To see how well Google recognizes your site as a brand, you should use Google to search for the domain name. Also, use the brand to find keywords related to your site.
  • 19. Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 19 How old is the Google cache of my URLs? The Googlebot can crawl and index many pages daily, but with several billion URLs on the internet, it is very likely that the indexed content is not always up to date. You can check when your URLs were last indexed using a simple method. To do this, first perform a site query with the desired URL, then click on the small green triangle at the end of the green URL, then “In cache.” What to do if the cache is very old: If the cache date is very old, and it is a very important subpage, e.g., a category page for your online shops that has ranked well in search results, you should let Google crawl the page directly again. Use the GSC to send the URL directly to the Google index. You also can do this, for example, after you change or optimize important content. We already explained how this works in the “Site query with Google” section.
  • 20. Step 1: Crawling and Indexing 20 Mobile-Friendly Check: Can mobile users access my site? We already pointed out in the introduction how important it is that your website be easily accessible through smartphones or other mobile devices without restrictions because on average, more than 50 percent of online users are now mobile. Thus, part of your SEO audit requires checking your website’s mobile-friendliness. Again, Google offers a free tool. With the “ Mobile- Friendly Test,” you can quickly check whether your URL is optimized for mobile devices. If your website is registered in the GSC, you can check the old version in the section “Search queries” > “Usability” on mobile devices for mobile-friendliness errors. Troubleshooting: Use a responsive web design that automatically adapts to the screen size of the device you are using. Check whether you may need to change fonts or button sizes.
  • 21. Step 2: Identify Possible Indexing Problems 21 Identify Possible Indexing Problems Problems with indexing can lead to URLs not getting into the Google index and, thus, not getting ranked on SERPs. Scripts or faulty links can play a vital role in such woes. Check JavaScript and CSS Too many JavaScript files can hinder the construction of a website. In this case, the Googlebot cannot crawl the page completely and, thus, cannot index it correctly. The same applies to faulty CSS files, which can lead to problems when rendering the website, for example. Find orphan URLs Orphan pages are not connected to the rest of the website via internal links and crawlers cannot reach these URLs to index them. Such “orphan pages” arise after structural changes are made to a website when links or navigation menus are changed. Orphan pages can be found in the sitemap, but without special software, like Ryte Website Success, they are usually very difficult to find. Troubleshooting: Get a list of all orphan URLs. Add internal links on your site that refer to these pages. Check internal links and menus for errors. Add these pages to the XML Sitemap.
  • 22. Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 22 Check Your On-Page Elements The On-Page check is one of the most important components of your SEO audit. This way, you can check both your content and the presence of duplicate content. Low-hanging fruit: Check your page titles Title tags are probably the easiest on-page elements to optimize. They are used to rank relevant elements on your website, so special attention should be paid to them. With your tool set, you have several options to check page titles. Ryte: Ryte Website Success allows you to check the presence and length of page titles quickly.
  • 23. Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 23 SEO META in 1-Click Plug-In for Chrome: If you want to display the page title of a single page, this plug-in is enough for now. For example, it is useful for an SEO audit that is only intended for one URL. Google Search Console: This Google tool can show you duplicate, missing, or overly short meta descriptions. To do this, click “Display in search,” then “HTML improvements.” The incorrect page titles can be downloaded directly as an Excel spreadsheet.
  • 24. Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 24 Check meta-descriptions Although the meta-description is not relevant for ranking, it can positively influence the click rate in SERPs. Google can use meta-descriptions for snippets in the SERPs. Thus, this meta element is one of the first components of your website that a user sees during a web search. What is important: Does each URL have an individual meta description? Have I exhausted the maximum length of over 250 characters per description? Does the meta-description contain the central keyword of the target page? Does the meta-description contain a call to action?
  • 25. Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 25 Tools to help you control the meta-description: Ryte: The Website Success module shows you existing meta-descriptions and can identify short or missing description texts. Google Search Console: Like with the title, the GSC lets you search for URLs with duplicate or overly short meta descriptions. You also can find the report in Ryte under “HTML Improvements.“
  • 26. Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 26 Check headline structure, especially the H1 tags With the help of headlines, you can tailor your URLs’ con- tent for users and search engines alike. Users can capture content better and faster using headlines, and the same applies to Google headlines which are created in content as H-tags. The H1 heading is particularly important. It is the central heading of the target page and should only be used once on each URL. What is important: Is there only one H1 heading? Have the H-tags been inserted in chronologically descending order? Are H-tags used exclusively for formatting headlines, but not for formatting other layout elements?
  • 27. Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 27 ALT attributes: What is displayed without a picture? ALT attributes are displayed if a browser cannot display images for technical reasons. For example, screen readers for the blind use these texts. Therefore, ALT attributes are an important element of your website in terms of accessibility and alternative displaying of images. In addition, the texts of ALT attributes strengthen the keyword focus of a target page. Thus, check whether all graphics on your pages use ALT attributes. What is important: Are there URLs without ALT attributes? Does the ALT attribute contain a relevant keyword?
  • 28. Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 28 Check URLs: Length, structure, and coding Length, structure, and letters in the URL can help users share URLs or enter them into a browser easily. Erroneous URLs can lead to an accumulation of error pages and nega- tively affect the user experience. For this reason, you should take a closer look at your URLs. In principle, Google also can read longer URLs, with over 1,000 characters, but for usability, it makes sense to keep URLs as short as possible. What is important: Are my URLs as short as possible? Do I use talking URLs? Do I avoid session IDs? Are there any special characters in my URLs? Is the encoding of my URLs correct?
  • 29. Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 29 Check loading times Nothing can interfere more when surfing the web than a website that loads very slowly. This is also not a good sign for Google and for shop operators; very millisecond more loading time means a loss in sales. That makes it all the more important that your website has the appropriate load- ing speed. The loading time of a web page should be kept to a mini- mum and can be influenced by many factors. What is important: Check if loading times of important pages are too long How long is the time “Time to first byte”? Are large CSS/JS/HTML files compressed? Are image sizes optimized?
  • 30. Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 30 Canonical Tags: Are they used correctly? With the help of canonical tags, you can show Google that there is an “original page” for the same content on different URLs. Google then uses the canonical URL for indexing and ignores the other one. This prevents duplicate content. However, if the canonical tag is implemented incorrectly, duplicate content remains and cannibalizes your site in SERPs. What is important: Does the canonical tag point to itself? Does the canonical tag contain an absolute URL, not a relative URL? Is only one canonical tag implemented per URL? Does the canonical tag point to a page tagged with noindex or redirect?
  • 31. Step 3: Check Your On-Page Elements 31 Pagination: Are the tags implemented correctly? Pagination can be used to tell Google that a series of pages will follow. Google pays particular attention to the first page of this series. The HTML tags “rel=next” and “rel=prev” are used for this. What is important: Does “rel=prev” or “rel=next” point to a page with noindex? Does the canonical tag always refer to the page itself when paginating?
  • 32. STEP 4: Monitor Your Rankings 32 Monitor Your Rankings Using the rankings of your page in Google search re- sults, you can control the success, as well as the errors, of your optimization measures. Thus, strong ranking losses can indicate technical errors or inadequate content. To be vigilant for possible errors, it is important to check your rankings, which particularly depend on changes. Therefore, you should always look at your URLs’ rank- ings regularly. Monitoring SERP rankings To control SERP rankings, you can use both the GSC and Ryte Search Success, which uses 100% real Google data. What is important: Were there major ranking fluctuations within three months? Are there significant ranking losses compared with last year? Did you make any changes to your website before the ranking losses? If so, which ones? Were links to your website set up before the ranking changes? Has content been removed or added?
  • 33. STEP 5: Evaluate Your Content 33 Evaluate Your Content Content plays a central role in how your website is ranked in search results. It should be unique and provide added value for your site’s users. Check the relationship between content and advertising If your website contains ads, you should ensure that they do not take up a disproportionate amount of space, which can lead to lower Google rankings. In the GSC you can check whether the balance between your non-ad con- tent and ad content on your website is reasonable. Use the Ads-to-Content Ratio function in the GSC’s “Web Tools” section. What is important: If you have too many ad blocks on your site, you should reduce them. Make sure your ads add value for your users. Check whether the section “above the fold” can be read without advertising.
  • 34. STEP 5: Evaluate Your Content 34 Control keyword focus The keyword focus ensures that all relevant content elements are aligned with the central keyword of the target page, which forms the page’s thematic focus. What is important: Does the page title contain the main keyword? Does the H1 heading contain the main keyword? Can the central keyword be found in the meta-description? Is there a main keyword in the body text? Are synonyms of the main keyword used in the subheadlines? Do ALT tags contain the main keyword? Did you use the main keyword in the URL? Do you have any instances of keyword cannibalization?
  • 35. STEP 5: Evaluate Your Content 35 Check individual pages for duplicate content Duplicate content always exists when the same content is accessible under different URLs. Duplicate content can mean that search engines can no longer determine exactly which URL in your domain is more relevant, which can lead to keyword cannibalism in SERPs. Google then must weigh your URLs and decide which one best fits the re- spective request. This means that a less-important URL could receive high priority, and users could end up looking at a page that does not contain the information they are supposed to see. What is important: Set up 301 redirects to avoid duplicate content when browsing your site with or without www. Add noindex and nofollow to pages that only offer thin content or nearly duplicate content. Use pagination to show Google that this is a list of pages. Use the canonical tag to link Google to the canonical page for the same content.
  • 36. STEP 5: Evaluate Your Content 36 What is important: TF*IDF analysis is only an orientation for content opti- mization. Your text can follow the curve, but should be well-structured, easy to read and offer added value. With the help of the TF*IDF analysis, you can determine possible missing terms that strengthen your target page’s topic relevance. Content is not just text. When optimizing content, pay attention to appealing and thematically suitable images, videos, information graphics, etc. Perform a TF*IDF analysis of individual pages The goal of any content optimization should be to create the best, most unique content on your topic with the greatest added value for your website’s users. A TF*IDF analysis can help you easily create value-adding content for your website. TF*IDF is a formula that determines the relative frequen- cy of a word within a document. A TF*IDF analysis helps you determine whether your target page contains the key terms related to the focus keyword. The result of a TF*IDF analysis can be used to determine the quality of the written content from the perspective of a search engine. With Ryte Content Success, you can perform a TF*IDF analysis on any URL.
  • 37. STEP 6: Optimize Site Architecture and Internal Links 37 Optimize Your Site Architecture and Internal Links Web-page architecture and internal links are important for the “blood circulation” of your website. This ensures that the link juice is distributed evenly on the website. How many links should there be on my URL? The more internal links you find on a page, the less the link force that a single link can distribute to other URLs on your page. Additionally, a large number of internal links on a page makes Googlebot crawl the page even deeper, using up the crawl budget faster. Check the horizontal and vertical link structure To ensure that the link force is optimally distributed across all your website’s directories and pages, internal links should be set systematically, e.g., based on menus or content. For Google, the relevance of a subpage also can be strengthened by ensuring that as many internal links as possible always refer to it with the same link text. Vertical link structure: Is the home page linked to all important category pages? Are there links from product pages to the thematically relevant category pages? Horizontal link structure: Are there links from category pages to other relevant category pages? Are there links from product pages to other thematically suitable product pages?
  • 38. STEP 6: Optimize Site Architecture and Internal Links 38 Check internal links in footer and content By linking your subpages to the same link text, you ensure that the relevance of these target pages for Google is strengthened. In your SEO audit, you should check the internal links in the footer and content. What is important: Do links from the content refer to other topic-rel- evant subpages? Are the same link texts always used for internal links to the same subpages? Are the anchor texts in the footer correct? Are there larger link blocks instead of meaningful and user-friendly navigation?
  • 39. Update Status Codes and Link Forwarding Correct status codes and working redirects lead to a better user experience. Perform a URL status-code check When a client makes a request to a server, the server should output the status code “200 OK.” If the page is no longer available, the status code is “404 not found.” You can easily find the status codes of your pages with an SEO software, like Ryte. Go to the Status Code report in Ryte to get an overview of all of the status codes on your site. What is important: Is a correct error page displayed for status code “404”? Are there current server errors (5xx codes)? Do most of your URLs deliver a status code of “200 OK”? STEP 7: Update Status Codes and Link Forwarding 39
  • 40. STEP 7: Update Status Codes and Link Forwarding 40 Are redirects required? If a website can be accessed both with “www” and without “www,” duplicate content exists, i.e., the same content can be accessed with different URLs. To avoid duplicate content in this case, you should set up a 301 redirect that redirects from one URL version to the desired one. For this purpose, an entry can be made in the htaccess file, which forces the server to forward the URL. What is important: Is your website accessible with “www,” as well as without “www”? Can you access your website with both “https” and “http”? Are all 301 redirects working? If 301 redirects already have been set on your site, you should check them during the SEO audit to ensure they work correctly, i.e., that users will see the correct page when a URL is redirected. At the same time, forwarding is important for Google because it gives the search en- gine the URL it wants, then indexes it. In addition, page rank is forwarded from the “old” URL to the “new” URL with 301 redirects. Redirects are best found with an SEO software like Ryte. Ryte shows you all of your redirects in the “Redirects” report. What is important: Are there any forwarding chains? Are the 301 redirects working? Is the page redirected to the correct one?
  • 41. STEP 8: Technique, Scripts, and Coding 41 Technique, Scripts, and Coding Scripts and technology can directly influence your website’s performance. For example, too many scripts can reduce load speed. It is also possible that when using the “wrong” technol- ogy, some users may not be able to access your entire site. Where and how is JavaScript integrated? With the help of JavaScript (JS), your website’s functionality can be increased enormously. At the same time, the scripts are mostly used for tracking user behavior. Check where Java code is implemented and if it works at all during the SEO audit. You can use the GSC to access individual pages on your website. The tool shows you whether problems occur when rendering the page and whether JS files are affect- ing page structure or loading. What is important: Is JavaScript used for content output? Where are the JS files? At the beginning or end of the source code? Do JavaScripts prevent pages from loading?
  • 42. STEP 8: Technique, Scripts, and Coding 42 Do I use iframes, and if so, where? With iframes, you can load content from other websites onto your website. For example, YouTube videos are often integrated via iframe. Are there Flash elements? Animated web content can be created with the help of Flash. However, Adobe will stop supporting Flash at the end of 2020. Since 2016, the Flash plug-in is no longer integrated into Google Chrome by default, as it often has led to security problems. Thus, you always should consider whether you want to continue using Flash. What is important (iframes): Is content integrated via iframe? What content is delivered via iframe? Are the iframes used really necessary, and do they offer the user added value? What is important (Flash): Is Flash only used for individual elements or for the entire website? Do Flash elements hinder the performance of the site? Can Flash content be implemented with other technical solutions?
  • 43. STEP 9: Internationalization 43 Internationalization When websites are designed for international visitors in different languages or for different countries, some special aspects need to be considered to ensure that Google indexes the content correctly and assigns it to the respective nation/language. Are there country- or language-specific URLs? URLs should be aligned with country- or -language specif- ic URLs to accommodate other languages/countries. For example, language/country versions can be clarified by using directories named with nations’ abbreviations. The URL’s language also should change. You can do these exams “by hand,” usually without any special tools. What to Audit: Does the URL language also change when you select a different language version? Are menus translated? Have the country versions been stored in the GSC? Have currencies or units been adjusted to the respective country?
  • 44. STEP 9: Internationalization 44 Are hreflang tags implemented correctly? Hreflang tags help Google correctly assign your website to a country and/or language. For the assignment to work smoothly, hreflang and rel=alternate must be integrated correctly. With the GSC, you can check whether Google correctly assigns the target country or the language of your website. To do this, click on the tool in the section “Search queries ->International alignment.” What is important: Are the hreflang tags implemented correctly? Do the pages have an rel=alternate reference? Are the language/country codes correct? Are language versions forwarded correctly?
  • 45. An SEO audit consists of many small steps that provide a thorough profile of your website’s health. The more detailed your report is, the better individual optimization measures can be derived from it. Therefore, take enough time for your SEO audit. In addition, perform page checks at regular intervals. This is the only way to determine whether your website has made progress or whether there is a need for further action. Want a little more help with your SEO audit? HubSpot and Ryte have solutions for you: HubSpot SEO & Content Strategy Tool Build your authority in search with tools that help you plan your SEO strategy, optimize your content, and measure real return on investment. HubSpot’s SEO tools are integrated with all our content tools so you never miss an optimization opportunity. The Ryte Suite Make your SEO audit faster and easier with Ryte. Ryte Website Success scans your website and provides a list of the errors that are hurting your organic traffic and usability. Check each factor in this audit in just a few minutes. Best part? It’s free! Find my errors for free Get Started Using HubSpot SEO Tools Conclusion 45