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© 2014 MapR Techno©lo g2i0e1s4 MapR Technologies 1 
Hadoop and NoSQL Joining Forces
© 2014 MapR Technologies 2 
Big Data, Hadoop, and NoSQL 
The In-Hadoop Advantage 
NoSQL-on-Hadoop in Action 
Other In-Hadoop Examples 
Integrating with SQL
Big Data is Overwhelming Traditional Systems 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 3 
• Mission-critical reliability 
• Transaction guarantees 
• Deep security 
• Real-time performance 
• Backup and recovery 
• Interactive SQL 
• Rich analytics 
• Workload management 
• Data governance 
• Backup and recovery 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 4 
Scaling on Traditional Technologies 
Data volume, velocity 
Scale up to bigger, faster machines 
Data variety 
Extensive data modeling and ETL 
Low High
Data volume, velocity 
Low High 
Data variety 
Low High 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 5 
Scaling on Newer Technologies 
Scale out with commodity hardware 
Use the right tool for unstructured, 
multi-structured, semi-structured, 
non-relational data
Hadoop and NoSQL Relieve the Pressure from Enterprise Systems 
Keys for Production Success 
1 Reliability and DR 
3 High performance 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 6 
• Data staging 
• Archive 
• Data transformation 
• Data exploration 
• Streaming, 
2 Interoperability 
Supports operations 
and analytics 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 7 
You Already Know; 
• NoSQL is a class of databases that specialize in: 
– Scale-out on commodity servers – no application-level sharding 
– Flexible data models – no fixed schema required 
• Hadoop is a distributed platform designed for: 
– Storing/processing huge volumes of data cost-effectively 
– Spreading work across many servers (“divide and conquer”) 
Before we continue, let’s take a quick look back;
Google’s operational data store (BigTable) has enabled multiple revolutions 
within the company: 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 8 
What Would (Did) Google Do? 
Web index is batch 
Web index is real-time 
The transition from 
batch to real-time 
The explosion in 
operational applications 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 9 
Operations Vs. Analytics 
Operations (Databases) 
• Real-time 
• Reads/writes/updates 
• Current/recent data 
• Updated regularly 
• Fast inserts/updates 
• Large volumes of data 
Analytics (Hadoop) 
• Batch 
• Reports/Computations 
• Historical data 
• Generally non-volatile 
• Fast retrievals 
• Even larger volumes of data 
But is the data different?
© 2014 MapR Technologies 10 
application server 
application server 
Handling Multiple Workloads 
Analytics Operational 
Data exploration 
Operational NoSQL 
Batch import/export 
Customer 360 
Churn analysis 
(predictive analytics)
© 2014 MapR Technologies 11 
application server 
optimization and 
Data exploration 
Customer 360 
Churn analysis 
(predictive analytics) 
• Single cluster 
•High performance, low latency 
• Large-scale analytics 
• Enterprise-grade HA/DR 
•Unified file and table administration 
Real-time ad 
Real-Time and Operational 
application server 
In-Hadoop Databases
© 2014 MapR Technologies 12 
Separate Clusters Versus Single Cluster 
Separate Hadoop and Database 
• Delays analyzing live data 
• Network traffic 
– Heavy bandwidth usage 
– Heavy cleanup upon error 
• Complexity 
– Higher maintenance, risk of error 
– More HA/DR administration 
– Risk to SLAs 
• Unnecessarily duplicated 
Consolidated Deployment 
• Real-time analysis/computation 
• Data locality 
– Reduced bandwidth utilization 
– Efficient divide-and-conquer analysis 
• Architectural simplicity 
– Lower risk of error 
– Lower administrative overhead 
• No unnecessary data/hardware 
duplication (except for HA/DR)
Databases on Direct Attached Storage (DAS) 
• Fast local file access 
• Lower cost vs. SAN/NAS 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 13
Databases on Networked Storage (SAN/NAS) 
• Snapshot/backup 
• Easy capacity expansion 
• Disaster recovery 
• Improved disk utilization 
• Seamless maintenance 
• Reliable 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 14
© 2014 MapR Technologies 15 
Databases on Hadoop (“In-Hadoop”) 
• Benefits of DAS 
• Reduced complexity vs. 
• Lower operational cost 
• Faster local file access 
• Easy capacity expansion 
• Dynamic storage utilization 
Lambda Architecture (lambda-architecture.net) 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 16 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 17 
Enterprise Data Hub Architecture 
Load more data 
Enrich data in Hadoop Analyze 
Offload / Enrich / 
MapR Control System (MCS) 
Hadoop User Experience (HUE) 
Batch Processing 
MR, YARN, Hive, Pig, etc. 
Interactive Querying 
Drill, Impala, Presto, etc. 
HBase other data stores 
MapR Data Platform 
MapR-DB Tables 
Customer data, network 
security event data 
Anomaly detection on 
large volumes of security 
event data, analytics on 
customer data to enable 
incremental sales 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 18
Industry data analysis, 
SaaS-based reporting 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 19 
Sales performance 
management data 
combined with fast 
responsiveness SaaS-delivered 
Customer profile data, 
customer behavior data 
Analytics on customer 
behavior for better 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 20 
Telecommunications Company
© 2014 MapR Technologies 21 
MapR Overview 
Top Ranked 
The Power of the Open Source Community 
& Data 
& Access 
Flume Knox* Falcon* 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 22 
NoSQL & 
MapR Data Platform 
ML, Graph 
v1 & v2 
Sqoop Sentry* Oozie ZooKeeper 
MapR-DB MapR-FS 
* Certification/support planned for 2014
MapR-DB: Powerful NoSQL Integrated with Hadoop 
Benefit Features 
High Performance Over 1 million ops/sec with 10 nodes, in-memory processing 
Continuous Low Latency No I/O storms, no compaction delays 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 
24x7 Applications 
Instant recovery, online schema modification, snapshots, 
Consistency Strong data consistency, row-level ACID transactions 
Simplified Database 
No processes to manage, automated splits, self-tuning 
High Scalability 1 trillion tables, trillions of rows, millions of columns 
Low TCO Files and tables on one platform, more work with fewer nodes 
MapR-DB (in MapR Enterprise Database Edition) 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 24 
 NoSQL Table-Style Store 
 Apache HBase API 
 In-Hadoop Database 
Other Distros 
Fast, scalable, reliable. 
HBase API, in-memory option, Hadoop integration.
© 2014 MapR Technologies 
Consistent, Low Read Latency 
--- MapR-DB Read Latency --- Other’s Read Latency
© 2014 MapR Technologies 26 
Other In-Hadoop Database Technologies 
• Databases in Hadoop 
– Apache HBase 
– Apache Accumulo 
– Splice Machine 
– MarkLogic 
• Data Warehouses on Hadoop 
– HP Vertica 
– Pivotal HAWQ
© 2014 MapR Technologies 27 
What Other Trends? 
• SQL query engines 
– Apache Drill 
– Impala 
– Presto 
– Etc. 
• In-memory processing 
– GridGain 
– Apache Spark 
– HAMRTech
SQL Query Engines for Hadoop and NoSQL Together 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 28 
• Pioneering Data Agility for Hadoop 
• Apache open source project 
• Scale-out execution engine for low-latency queries 
• Unified SQL-based API for analytics  operational applications 
© 2014 MapR Technologies 29 
Vibrant Community 
40+ contributors 
150+ years of experience building 
databases and distributed systems
© 2014 MapR Technologies 30 
Q  A 
Engage with us! 
@mapr maprtech 

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Hadoop and NoSQL joining forces by Dale Kim of MapR

  • 1. © 2014 MapR Techno©lo g2i0e1s4 MapR Technologies 1 Hadoop and NoSQL Joining Forces
  • 2. © 2014 MapR Technologies 2 Topics Big Data, Hadoop, and NoSQL The In-Hadoop Advantage NoSQL-on-Hadoop in Action Other In-Hadoop Examples Integrating with SQL
  • 3. Big Data is Overwhelming Traditional Systems © 2014 MapR Technologies 3 • Mission-critical reliability • Transaction guarantees • Deep security • Real-time performance • Backup and recovery • Interactive SQL • Rich analytics • Workload management • Data governance • Backup and recovery ENTERPRISE USERS Enterprise Data Architecture OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS OUTSIDE SOURCES
  • 4. High © 2014 MapR Technologies 4 Scaling on Traditional Technologies Data volume, velocity Scale up to bigger, faster machines Data variety Extensive data modeling and ETL Low Low High
  • 5. Data volume, velocity Low High NoSQL NoSQL NoSQL Data variety Low High © 2014 MapR Technologies 5 Scaling on Newer Technologies Scale out with commodity hardware Use the right tool for unstructured, multi-structured, semi-structured, non-relational data
  • 6. Hadoop and NoSQL Relieve the Pressure from Enterprise Systems Keys for Production Success 1 Reliability and DR 3 High performance © 2014 MapR Technologies 6 OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS ENTERPRISE USERS • Data staging • Archive • Data transformation • Data exploration • Streaming, interactions 2 Interoperability 4 Supports operations and analytics + NoSQL
  • 7. © 2014 MapR Technologies 7 You Already Know; • NoSQL is a class of databases that specialize in: – Scale-out on commodity servers – no application-level sharding – Flexible data models – no fixed schema required • Hadoop is a distributed platform designed for: – Storing/processing huge volumes of data cost-effectively – Spreading work across many servers (“divide and conquer”) Before we continue, let’s take a quick look back;
  • 8. Google’s operational data store (BigTable) has enabled multiple revolutions within the company: © 2014 MapR Technologies 8 What Would (Did) Google Do? 2003 GFS 2004 Web index is batch (GFS/MapReduce) 2010 Web index is real-time (BigTable) The transition from batch to real-time 2004 MapReduce 2006 BigTable The explosion in operational applications (1) (2)
  • 9. © 2014 MapR Technologies 9 Operations Vs. Analytics Operations (Databases) • Real-time • Reads/writes/updates • Current/recent data • Updated regularly • Fast inserts/updates • Large volumes of data Analytics (Hadoop) • Batch • Reports/Computations • Historical data • Generally non-volatile • Fast retrievals • Even larger volumes of data But is the data different?
  • 10. © 2014 MapR Technologies 10 Mobile application server Web application server Handling Multiple Workloads Analytics Operational Hadoop Data exploration (SQL) Operational NoSQL DBMS Batch import/export Customer 360 dashboard Churn analysis (predictive analytics)
  • 11. © 2014 MapR Technologies 11 Mobile application server Product/service optimization and personalization Data exploration (SQL) Customer 360 dashboard Churn analysis (predictive analytics) • Single cluster •High performance, low latency • Large-scale analytics • Enterprise-grade HA/DR •Unified file and table administration Real-time ad targeting Real-Time and Operational Actionable Analytics Web application server In-Hadoop Databases
  • 12. © 2014 MapR Technologies 12 Separate Clusters Versus Single Cluster Separate Hadoop and Database • Delays analyzing live data • Network traffic – Heavy bandwidth usage – Heavy cleanup upon error • Complexity – Higher maintenance, risk of error – More HA/DR administration – Risk to SLAs • Unnecessarily duplicated resources Consolidated Deployment • Real-time analysis/computation • Data locality – Reduced bandwidth utilization – Efficient divide-and-conquer analysis • Architectural simplicity – Lower risk of error – Lower administrative overhead • No unnecessary data/hardware duplication (except for HA/DR)
  • 13. Databases on Direct Attached Storage (DAS) Advantages • Fast local file access • Lower cost vs. SAN/NAS © 2014 MapR Technologies 13
  • 14. Databases on Networked Storage (SAN/NAS) Advantages • Snapshot/backup • Easy capacity expansion • Disaster recovery • Improved disk utilization • Seamless maintenance • Reliable © 2014 MapR Technologies 14
  • 15. © 2014 MapR Technologies 15 Databases on Hadoop (“In-Hadoop”) Advantages • Benefits of DAS • Reduced complexity vs. SAN • Lower operational cost • Faster local file access • Easy capacity expansion • Dynamic storage utilization Hadoop
  • 17. © 2014 MapR Technologies 17 Enterprise Data Hub Architecture Load more data sources Enrich data in Hadoop Analyze Offload / Enrich / Reload RELATIONAL, SAAS, MAINFRAME DOCUMENTS, EMAILS BLOGS, TWEETS, LINK DATA LOG FILES, CLICKSTREAMS MapR Control System (MCS) Hadoop User Experience (HUE) Batch Processing MR, YARN, Hive, Pig, etc. Interactive Querying Drill, Impala, Presto, etc. HBase other data stores MapR Data Platform MapR-DB Tables MAPR DISTRIBUTION INCLUDING HADOOP BI REPORTS AND APPLICATIONS High speed streaming DATA MARTS DATA WAREHOUSE PARSE, PROFILE, ETL LOAD REPLICATE, CDC STREAMING CLEANSE, MATCH LOAD
  • 18. Customer data, network security event data Anomaly detection on large volumes of security event data, analytics on customer data to enable incremental sales © 2014 MapR Technologies 18
  • 19. Industry data analysis, SaaS-based reporting © 2014 MapR Technologies 19 Advertising Automation Cloud Buyers Cloud Sales performance management data combined with fast responsiveness SaaS-delivered reports
  • 20. Customer profile data, customer behavior data Analytics on customer behavior for better recommendations © 2014 MapR Technologies 20 Telecommunications Company
  • 21. © 2014 MapR Technologies 21 MapR Overview BIG DATA BEST PRODUCT BUSINESS IMPACT Hadoop Top Ranked Production Success
  • 22. The Power of the Open Source Community Provisioning & coordination Savannah* Workflow & Data Governance Data Integration & Access Hue HttpFS Flume Knox* Falcon* © 2014 MapR Technologies 22 MMaannaaggeemmeenntt APACHE HADOOP AND OSS ECOSYSTEM Streaming Storm* NoSQL & Search Solr MapR Data Platform Security SQL Drill* Shark Impala YARN Batch Spark Cascading Pig Spark Streaming HBase Juju ML, Graph GraphX MLLib Mahout MapReduce v1 & v2 EXECUTION ENGINES DATA GOVERNANCE AND OPERATIONS Tez* Accumulo* Hive Sqoop Sentry* Oozie ZooKeeper MapR-DB MapR-FS * Certification/support planned for 2014
  • 23. MapR-DB: Powerful NoSQL Integrated with Hadoop Benefit Features High Performance Over 1 million ops/sec with 10 nodes, in-memory processing Continuous Low Latency No I/O storms, no compaction delays © 2014 MapR Technologies 24x7 Applications Instant recovery, online schema modification, snapshots, mirroring Consistency Strong data consistency, row-level ACID transactions Simplified Database Administration No processes to manage, automated splits, self-tuning High Scalability 1 trillion tables, trillions of rows, millions of columns Low TCO Files and tables on one platform, more work with fewer nodes Performance Reliability Easy Administration
  • 24. MapR-DB (in MapR Enterprise Database Edition) © 2014 MapR Technologies 24 MapR-DB NoSQL Table-Style Store Apache HBase API In-Hadoop Database HBase JVM HDFS JVM ext3/ext4 Disks Other Distros Tables/Files Disks MapR Fast, scalable, reliable. HBase API, in-memory option, Hadoop integration.
  • 25. © 2014 MapR Technologies Consistent, Low Read Latency --- MapR-DB Read Latency --- Other’s Read Latency
  • 26. © 2014 MapR Technologies 26 Other In-Hadoop Database Technologies • Databases in Hadoop – Apache HBase – Apache Accumulo – Splice Machine – MarkLogic • Data Warehouses on Hadoop – HP Vertica – Pivotal HAWQ
  • 27. © 2014 MapR Technologies 27 What Other Trends? • SQL query engines – Apache Drill – Impala – Presto – Etc. • In-memory processing – GridGain – Apache Spark – HAMRTech
  • 28. SQL Query Engines for Hadoop and NoSQL Together © 2014 MapR Technologies 28 Impala
  • 29. • Pioneering Data Agility for Hadoop • Apache open source project • Scale-out execution engine for low-latency queries • Unified SQL-based API for analytics operational applications © 2014 MapR Technologies 29 APACHE DRILL Vibrant Community 40+ contributors 150+ years of experience building databases and distributed systems
  • 30. © 2014 MapR Technologies 30 Q A Engage with us! @mapr maprtech dalekim@mapr.com MapR maprtech mapr-technologies