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Website	Performance	Report
2,728 -27.35%
1,859 -27.81%
68.15 -0.65%
40.69 -5.26%
00:02:51 3.00%
822 -18.98%
Visitor	Sessions
Sessions Past	Sessions
1.	Aug 3.	Aug 5.	Aug 7.	Aug 9.	Aug 11.	Aug 13.	Aug 15.	Aug 17.	Aug 19.	Aug 21.	Aug 23.	Aug 25.	Aug
2.	May 4.	May 6.	May 8.	May 10.	May 12.	May 14.	May 16.	May 18.	May 20.	May 22.	May 24.	May 26.	May 28.	May 30.	May1.	Jun
Page	Views
Page	Views
Unique	Page	Views
Page	Views Unique	Page	Views
1.	Aug 3.	Aug 5.	Aug 7.	Aug 9.	Aug 11.	Aug 13.	Aug 15.	Aug 17.	Aug 19.	Aug 21.	Aug 23.	Aug 25.	Aug
Session	Duration
Avg	Session	Duration(Seconds)
Bounce	rate	(%)
Avg	Session	Duration(Seconds) Bounce	rate	(%)
1.	Aug 3.	Aug 5.	Aug 7.	Aug 9.	Aug 11.	Aug 13.	Aug 15.	Aug 17.	Aug 19.	Aug 21.	Aug 23.	Aug 25.	Aug
Organic	Sessions
Sessions Organic	searches
1.	Aug 3.	Aug 5.	Aug 7.	Aug 9.	Aug 11.	Aug 13.	Aug 15.	Aug 17.	Aug 19.	Aug 21.	Aug 23.	Aug
Traffic	Sources
Sessions Past	Sessions
organic cpc (none) referral
organic cpc (none) referral
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 848
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 872
%	change -2.75%
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 539
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 0
%	change 100.00%
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 418
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 285
%	change 46.67%
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 177
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 199
%	change -11.06%
Traffic	Sources	-	Year	on	Year
Sessions Past	Sessions
organic cpc (none) referral
organic cpc (none) referral
Traffic	Sources/Mediums
Users New	Users Bounce	rate	(%) Avg	Session	Duration(Seconds)
google	/	organic 600 494 24.00 00:03:55
google	/	cpc 455 428 58.63 00:01:16
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bing	/	organic 41 30 18.37 00:03:22
techcrunch.com/	referral 23 23 15.38 00:03:13
entrepreneur.com/	referral 20 16 34.78 00:02:24
yahoo	/	organic 17 13 42.86 00:01:21
www.inc.com/	referral 12 9 21.43 00:02:19
User	Browsers
Internet	Explorer Chrome Safari Firefox Android	Browser Edge
Users	Devices	-	Year	on	Year
Users Bounce	rate	(%) Avg	Time	on	Page(Seconds) Exit	Rate
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 1,105 32.82 00:00:44 17.38
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 750 28.87 00:00:55 17.02
%	change 47.33% 13.68% -20.00% 0.36%
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 219 57.51 00:00:32 32.00
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 81 42.22 00:00:23 22.84
%	change 170.37% 36.22% 39.00% 9.16%
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 163 54.76 00:00:28 27.13
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 80 40.52 00:00:57 24.84
%	change 103.75% 35.14% -51.00% 2.29%
Traffic	Source	by	City
Users New	Users Avg	Session	Duration(Seconds) Bounce	rate	(%) Page	Views
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 495 441 00:03:37 40.15 4,206
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 254 211 00:05:08 32.73 2,851
%	change 94.88% 109.00% -30.00% 22.67% 47.53%
Los	Angeles
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 271 249 00:02:00 43.34 1,478
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 105 95 00:03:53 23.62 1,056
%	change 158.10% 162.11% -49.00% 83.49% 39.96%
San	Francisco
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 259 231 00:02:10 38.05 1,353
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 175 151 00:03:46 25.76 1,434
%	change 48.00% 52.98% -43.00% 47.71% -5.65%
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 91 82 00:03:00 32.73 678
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 84 78 00:03:17 23.76 630
%	change 8.33% 5.13% -9.00% 37.75% 7.62%
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 88 79 00:02:12 35.24 587
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 34 29 00:02:48 9.76 215
%	change 158.82% 172.41% -22.00% 261.07% 173.02%
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 27 24 00:01:19 37.93 101
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 0 0 0 0.00 0
%	change 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Traffic	Source	by	Country
Users New	Users Avg	Session	Duration(Seconds) Bounce	rate	(%) Page	Views
United	States
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 1,406 1,264 00:02:58 38.24 10,000
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 759 655 00:04:27 27.27 7,166
%	change 85.24% 92.98% -34.00% 40.23% 39.55%
United	Kingdom
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 15 15 00:01:24 26.67 33
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 15 15 00:01:31 33.33 46
%	change 0.00% 0.00% -8.00% -19.98% -28.26%
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 14 13 00:03:39 26.67 67
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 32 31 00:02:12 57.58 111
%	change -56.25% -58.06% 65.00% -53.68% -39.64%
New	Zealand
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 6 5 00:04:28 66.67 29
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 0 0 0 0.00 0
%	change 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 4 4 00:00:45 50.00 18
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 0 0 0 0.00 0
%	change 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
South	Africa
Aug	01	'15	-	Aug	24	'15 3 3 00:00:17 25.00 9
Aug	01	'14	-	Aug	24	'14 0 0 0 0.00 0
%	change 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Top	Landing	Pages
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/index.php 932 578 62.02 29.72 6 00:04:03 481
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/products/product.php?id=34 59 53 89.83 42.37 4 00:01:58 3
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Search	Queries
Users Organic	searches Bounce	rate	(%) Page	Views Avg	Session	Duration(Seconds) Total	Session	Duration
DVD	Players 1,051 666 31.05 8,564 00:03:34 14:04:53
Bluray	Players 1 0 45.71 162 00:06:20 03:42:06
3D	TVs 7 0 42.86 56 00:03:58 00:27:46
Microwave 6 0 50.00 20 00:00:15 00:01:33
LED	TVs 5 0 16.67 25 00:02:32 00:15:15
Refrigerator 3 0 75.00 6 00:00:04 00:00:16
Coffee	Maker 4 0 50.00 7 00:00:31 00:02:04
Air	Wash 4 0 100.00 4 00:00:00 00:00:00
LED	lamps 4 0 75.00 8 00:00:26 00:01:44
Vacuum	cleaner 1 0 75.00 11 00:01:01 00:04:06
Campaign	Performance
(not	set) Felton	Industries	-	Search	Network
Sessions New	Users %	New	Sessions Bounce	rate	(%) Page	Views/Session Avg	Session	Duration(Seconds) Organic	searches
Big	Electronics 1,443 914 63.34 31.05 5 00:03:34 666
Big	Electronics	-	Search	Network 539 428 79.41 58.63 3 00:01:16 0
Page	Flow
1.	 a
2.	 b
3.	 c
4.	 d
5.	 e

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