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A Forrester Consulting 
Thought Leadership Paper 
Commissioned By Accenture 
September 2014 
CPG Marketers Plan To 
Seize The Digital 
Disruption Opportunity 
A Guide To CPG Consumer 
Engagement In A Digital World
Table Of Contents 
Executive Summary ....................................................................................... 1 
Digital Capabilities Disrupt CPG Marketing ................................................. 2 
CPG Marketing Has Started Its Digital Transformation With 
Increased Use Of Online Channels ............................................................... 3 
CPG Marketing Identifies Barriers To Overcome To Achieve Digital 
Transformation Benefits ................................................................................ 4 
CPG Marketing Leaders Anticipate Huge Digital Transformation 
Benefits ........................................................................................................... 6 
Accelerate Your Analog To Digital Transformation ..................................... 8 
Appendix A: Methodology ............................................................................. 9 
Appendix B: Demographics .......................................................................... 9 
Appendix C: Endnotes ................................................................................. 11 
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Executive Summary 
Global consumer packaged goods (CPG) firms face a world 
in which their accumulated brand value is threatened by the 
relative decline of the importance of mature markets 
serviced by “modern trade.” These firms are faced with 
relative decline in Europe and American markets, pressure 
to accelerate new product introductions (NPIs), and 
competitors’ exploitation of direct-to-consumer marketing 
and fulfillment. CPG brands need to transform from the 
analog marketing and sales model that served them so well 
in developing and consolidating modern trade to a new 
combination of direct marketing, digitally enabled product 
innovation, and multichannel selling. Direct-to-consumer 
initiatives will help them improve margins and loyalty, 
accelerate NPI, fully service the vast developing market 
opportunity, and more effectively win and serve a new wave 
of digital consumers in developed markets. 
In May 2014, Accenture commissioned Forrester Consulting 
to evaluate the opportunity for CPG marketing leaders to 
market and sell directly to consumers. Forrester developed 
a quantitative survey to test the assertion that brands 
cannot deliver a relevant, effective consumer experience 
without also leveraging digital channels. They will have to 
engage consumers in a dialogue, serve up customized 
content and offers, and blur the distinction between 
marketing, sales, service, supply chain, and R&D in order to 
become consistently relevant and earn consumer loyalty. 
Results from in-depth surveys with 35 CPG marketing 
leaders at the C-level or VP level, and with 95 at the brand 
manager level, show that marketers are keenly aware of the 
threats and opportunities offered by digital transformation. 
While they have begun their transformation and anticipate 
accelerated innovation, along with increases in both 
consumer lifetime value and average order value (AOV), 
they perceive local cultural, legislation, and logistical 
barriers to the digital transformation of consumer 
Forrester’s study yielded four key findings: 
› CPG marketing professionals anticipate significant 
investment in digital marketing, multichannel integration, 
and digitally enabled innovation to target global consumer 
market segments, increasing consumer lifetime value and 
the number of “blockbuster” products. 
› CPG marketing professionals expect proportionately more 
growth in sales through their own digital channels than 
through those of eRetailers. 
› CPG marketing professionals believe that digital 
transformation faces challenges from local legislation and 
from limited digital support for new product introduction. 
› Marketing and sales do not agree about impediments to 
direct-to-consumer selling. Marketing does not see the 
lack of internal integration across key functions or 
departments as an issue in the same way that sales does. 
Digital engagement complements the 
traditional sales channel, media, and trade 
spend, enabling firms to market directly to 
consumers, engaging them in their chosen 
channels, shortening the time and path to 
purchase, and simplifying fulfillment and 
consumer service.
Digital Capabilities Disrupt CPG 
Data from the study showed that C-level marketing leaders 
and CPG brand managers are acutely aware of changes in 
the commercial environment that present both opportunities 
and challenges related to digital transformation. We asked 
them about the factors that favor adoption of digital 
channels for increased consumer engagement and loyalty: 
› Accelerated new product introduction. CPGs 
participating in our study had a median of 90 product lines 
that are currently being brought to market, and more than 
half said that more than 10% of these were introduced in 
the past year. Two-thirds of our survey respondents, 66%, 
expect the rate of new product introduction to accelerate 
› Anticipated restructuring of marketing to global 
market segment focus. As savvy marketers, our 
respondents recognize that the relative importance of 
country/regional segmentation will decline in the face of 
new consumers from developing markets swelling the 
ranks of digitally addressable global market segments 
with (some) common behaviors, values, and brand 
attitudes (see Figure 1). 
› Anticipated changes in channel mix. Respondents 
recognize that the vast bulk of sales today are still through 
retailers and distributors (see Figure 2). They anticipate 
the continued importance of trade spend, estimating that it 
accounts for more than 27% of promotional funds now, 
with two-thirds expecting a significant increase in the next 
five years across all channels. Particularly, they expect to 
increase their trade spend through digital channels, as 
they expect proportionately more growth in sales through 
their own digital channels than through those of 
eRetailers. Seventy-five percentage of CPG marketers 
believe that eRetailers sales account for 6% or more of 
revenue today, with 85% of CPG marketers expecting 
eRetailers sales to account for 6% or more revenue in the 
next 5 years. While 60% of CPG marketers believe that 
sales from their own digital channels account for 6% or 
more of revenue today, with 86% expecting sales from 
their own digital channels to account for 6% or more 
revenue in the next 5 years. 
CPG Marketing Anticipates A Shift To Global Market Segments 
“Please indicate how your firm is organized 
to market to consumers.” 
“How do you expect your marketing organization to 
change in the next five years?” 
Major account 
Global market segment 
Some categories are 
organized regionally and 
some globally 
Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations 
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014 
Marketing will be organized 
by major account 
Marketing will be 
organized by country 
Marketing will be 
organized by region 
Marketing will be organized 
by global market segment 
Marketing will be 
organized by matrix 
Marketing will organize some 
categories regionally and 
some globally
Marketing Leaders Expect Most Sales In Traditional Channels 
Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations 
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014 
CPG Marketing Has Started Its 
Digital Transformation With 
Increased Use Of Online Channels 
Our survey respondents agreed that adopting digital direct-to- 
consumer marketing and sales offered attractive 
advantages. They have already started to invest more in 
digital marketing, selling directly through digital channels 
and measuring the impact of early direct-to-consumer digital 
initiatives. Brand managers and heads of marketing told us 
› More and more marketing spend will be committed to 
digital channels. Surveyed marketers reported that 28% 
of marketing spend is now devoted to digital channels and 
media. None of the respondents in our survey expected to 
decrease the digital share of marketing funds, and 66% 
expected to significantly increase investment in digital 
› Most brand managers sell through digital channels. 
Forty-three percent of brand managers declared that 
between 6% and 10% of global revenues are attributed to 
their brand, with 37% claiming 11% to 50% of their 
brand’s revenue is through digital channels (both their 
own online channel and through eRetailers). Furthermore, 
brand managers, in contrast to marketing leaders, believe 
that in five years’ time revenues from their own 
eCommerce or eRetailers will exceed revenues from 
sales in stores. 
› Heads of marketing anticipate an increase in sales 
through both their own online channel and eRetailers. 
Of heads of marketing surveyed, 46% have 11% or more 
of sales through eRetailers and 54% expect these digital 
partners to account for 11% or more of revenue in five 
years’ time. While only 37% claim that 11% or more of 
their revenues are from their own digital channels today, 
49% expect that 11% or more of their revenues will be 
from their own digital channels in five years’ time. 
› Personal social networks are the most adopted and 
actionable social medium. Most heads of marketing 
(83%) claimed to use personal social networks and 
corporate blogs as marketing tools (see Figure 3), with 
microblogging sites as a close second. Twenty-five of the 
29 firms that use Facebook think that it is the most 
actionable social media insight, with a further 21 firms that 
use corporate blogs finding them to generate actionable 
“What proportion of your global gross revenue is 
through brick-and-mortar retailer websites 
or eRetailers’ Internet channels? 
“What proportion of your global gross revenue is 
through brick-and-mortar retailers 
or distributors?” 
Less than 1% 
2% to 5% 
6% to 10% 
11% or more 
Less than 1% 
2% to 5% 
6% to 10% 
11% or more 
Next five years 
Next five years
“Which of the following social assets are currently in 
use anywhere in your organization for marketing/ 
consumer engagement?” 
Personal social networks 83% 
Corporate blog 83% 
Microblog 80% 
Public community 29% 
Listening platform 20% 
Ratings/reviews 17% 
Private community 14% 
Ideation site 14% 
“For each of the following social assets you use, how 
actionable are the insights from each social asset?” 
(Respondents who answered “extremely actionable”) 
Personal social networks 
(N = 29) 86% 
Microblog (N = 28) 79% 
Corporate blog (N = 29) 72% 
› Consumers in traditional channels promise highest 
lifetime value. Brand managers offered estimates of the 
lifetime value of consumers buying through the brand’s 
own online channel, through online partners, or through 
the best performing conventional channel such as a 
broker or retailer. As expected, given the heavy emphasis 
on trade funds, brand managers believe that consumers 
shopping through traditional retail promise higher lifetime 
value. The lifetime value of consumers in CPG firms’ own 
digital channels is the next most important and higher 
than consumers in eRetailers’ channels (see Figure 4). 
“What is the estimated lifetime value of a consumer 
by channel?” 
Own online channel 
Partner online channel 
Own mobile channel 
Best performingretail 
distributor/broker channel 
CPG Marketing Identifies Barriers To 
Overcome To Achieve Digital 
Transformation Benefits 
Marketing executives and brand managers are acutely 
aware of the threats and opportunities of digital disruption 
for their brands and markets and have started to shift their 
focus to digital channels, digital media, and direct-to-consumer 
selling. They anticipate further benefits from 
further investment but also perceive barriers to overcome. 
Our survey respondents identified barriers to digital 
transformation in terms of: 
› Limited adoption of digital technologies in new 
product introduction. Surveyed marketers reported a 
mixed level of digital technology adoption, with 91% using 
virtual designs during the “ideation” phase of new product 
introduction but only 23% sharing digital product images 
online with retail distribution partners (see Figure 5). 
Personal Social Networks Are The Most Adopted, 
Most Actionable Social Medium 
Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations 
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on 
behalf of Accenture, May 2014 
CPG eCommerce Platforms Offer Greater 
Consumer Lifetime Value Than eRetailers 
Base: 95 brand manager marketing decision-makers at global CPG 
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on 
behalf of Accenture, May 2014
“How much of the ideation-to-launch process 
is digitized today?” 
We use virtual product 
design during ideation 
to mock up products 
We simulate physical 
characteristics 51% 
We bring consumers into 
virtual stores to look at virtual 
products on virtual shelves 
We digitally assist the 
package prototyping 
We digitally assist recipe and 
formulation trials 37% 
We share digital images 
with retail partners online 
› Local cultural, legislation, and logistical challenges. 
Of our respondents, 94% agreed or strongly agreed that 
local culture presents a challenge to CPG brands selling 
directly to consumers through online channels (see Figure 
6). Ninety-one percent agreed or strongly agreed that 
local privacy and consumer promotion legislation 
challenges the adoption of digital direct-to-consumer 
“What do you see as the main obstacles to digital 
transformation of direct-to-consumer engagement, 
digital consumer sales, and directly facilitating 
a purchase in one to two clicks?” 
Strongly agree Agree 
Cultural attitude to online 
purchasing makes selling directly 
through digital channels 
Local privacy and direct-to-consumer 
promotion legislation 
makes selling directly to 
consumers through digital 
channels challenging 
Logistical challenges to selling 
directly to consumers through 
digital channels 
Restrictions around selling online 
in certain markets is an obstacle 
to selling directly to consumers 
through digital channels 
› Path-to-purchase contextual challenges. Our survey 
respondents strongly agreed that their internal 
organizations’ sales, marketing, and consumer service 
functions are highly integrated with common goals and 
well-aligned measures of performance (see Figure 7). 
However, in a parallel survey of account managers and 
VPs of sales, Forrester found that sales leaders believe 
more strongly than marketing leaders that responding to 
the threats and opportunities of digital disruption requires 
greater organizational integration across functions.1 
› Less than half (49%) of CPG marketing leaders strongly 
agreed that content and offers are sensitive to a 
consumer’s current social context. In order to meet 
consumers’ expectations and rise above the competition, 
brands need to orchestrate consumer intelligence, custom 
content, and multichannel touchpoints to deliver the 
shortest, simplest, and most compelling path to purchase. 
Limited Digitization Of Current NPI Processes 
Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations 
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on 
behalf of Accenture, May 2014 
Local Cultural, Legislation, And Logistical 
Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations 
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on 
behalf of Accenture, May 2014
“How well integrated are your consumer 
experiences today?” 
(Respondents who answered “strongly agree”) 
Our internal organization is highly 
integrated across marketing, 
sales, and consumer service 
Our products encourage or 
require digital interactions 
We collect and analyze consumer 
behavior across channels to 
inform our digital relationship 
We provide a consistent 
consumer experience across 
multiple touchpoints/channels 
We provide a personalized 
consumer experience 
Our digital relationship is 
sensitive to physical context 
Our digital relationship is 
sensitive to social context 
CPG Marketing Leaders Anticipate 
Huge Digital Transformation 
Our respondents showed acute awareness of digital 
disruption in CPG markets. They described their aspirations 
to undertake wholesale transformation of the processes that 
they use to bring to market and sell their products and 
services and described in detail the barriers they must 
overcome. They told us that they expect to reap the benefits 
of digital transformation to: 
› Accelerate innovation. A significant majority (89%) of 
heads of marketing strongly agreed that digital direct-to-consumer 
engagement, enabling brands to directly 
facilitate purchases and introduce/retire product lines 
more quickly, would increase the rate of innovation (see 
Figure 8). 
› Boost consumer lifetime value. Most CPG heads of 
marketing (77%) believe that digital transformation will 
boost consumer lifetime value. 
› Lift average order value. Almost three-quarters of heads 
of marketing (74%) believe that direct-to-consumer 
initiatives will increase average order value, using digital 
channels to upsell consumers with whom the brand 
develops a relationship. 
“How strongly would you agree or disagree with 
each of the following statements? If my organization 
could directly facilitate a purchase with consumers 
and introduce/retire products more 
quickly, it would . . . ” 
(Respondents who answered “strongly agree”) 
Improve rate of innovation 
Increase consumer 
lifetime value 
Increase average 
order value 
Increase consumer brand 
› Increase wallet share. Most CPG heads of marketing 
(77%) believe that digital transformation will offer the 
opportunity to engage consumers in a mutually productive 
dialogue, enabling brands to cross-sell and meet 
additional needs of consumers they already serve (see 
Figure 9). They believe the transition from analog 
marketing and sales to direct-to-consumer digital 
channels will deliver the degree of consumer intimacy 
required to deliver consistently relevant experiences 
across channels, increasing margin and loyalty. 
› Deliver more blockbuster new products. Almost three-quarters 
(74%) of CPG heads of marketing expect to use 
digital store simulations to test new product impact on 
consumers (see Figure 10). More than two-thirds (69%) 
expect to accelerate new packaging development with 
The Integration Challenge Is External (Context) Not 
Internal (Organization) 
Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations 
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on 
behalf of Accenture, May 2014 
Digital Transformation Offers Revenue And Margin 
Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations 
Note: Please note that the remaining percentage of respondents 
disagreed with the statements above. 
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on 
behalf of Accenture, May 2014
digital technologies, reducing innovation risk and 
increasing the likelihood of successful new product 
Digital Transformation Offers Accelerated 
Innovation, Increased Share Of Wallet 
“To what extent do you agree with the following 
statements regarding the main benefits 
to your firm of increasing the proportion 
of sales through a digital channel?” 
(Respondents who answered “strongly agree”) 
Increasing sales through digital 
channels will increase wallet share 
Digital engagement will increase 
the rate of innovation 
Selling to consumers through digital 
channels will attract consumers 
from other brands 
Selling through digital channels will 
increase the rate of new 
consumer acquisition 
Shifting some sales to digital 
channels will increase revenue and 
margin and reduce selling and 
operating expenses 
Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations 
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on 
behalf of Accenture, May 2014 
Digital Will Deliver Blockbusters 
“To what extent do you agree with the following 
statements about how much of the ideation-to-launch 
process will be ‘digitized’ in five years’ time?” 
(Respondents who answered “strongly agree”) 
We will bring consumers into virtual 
stores to look at virtual products 
on virtual shelves 
We will digitally assist the 
package prototyping process 69% 
We share digital images with 
retail partners online 
We will use virtual product design 
during ideation to mock 
up products 
We will digitally assist recipe 
and formulation trials 57% 
We will simulate physical 
Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations 
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on 
behalf of Accenture, May 2014
Accelerate Your Analog To Digital Transformation 
Forrester’s survey of marketing executives in CPG enterprises showed that marketing leaders sense that market 
drivers — such as globalization, consumer demand for customization, emerging market growth, and anytime/anywhere 
shopping — are prompting a shift from the importance of managing modern trade and selling through traditional retail 
chains toward more digital consumer engagement and selling. In order to increase consumer relevance and loyalty, 
CPG marketing leaders should evolve from analog marketing and sales to digital consumer engagement by: 
› Shortening the path to purchase. Consumer brands need to re-engineer processes to minimize the jump from 
browsing, enabling buying in one to two clicks. Perhaps start by helping them buy online or on a mobile device 
and collect in-store, or use online eCoupons to drive consumers to stores. Or drive consumer engagement that 
encourages the right channels for each interaction — for example, web, chat, and email for consumer care 
services, rather than using a call center. Increasingly, brand managers will participate in forums and social media 
to engage in a dialogue and help consumers solve their own problems and find new applications for brands. 
› Stepping up to consumers’ personalization expectations. Consumers expect the brands with which they do 
business to provide a consumer’s own device with contextually relevant content, based on the consumer’s 
(mobile) location, most recent interactions, and sentiments. Marketing leaders need to capitalize on opportunities 
to engage in personalized, context-aware interactions in real time before their audiences lose interest and tune 
them out. In particular, firms should take account of insights from consumer behavior across channels and across 
business functions like consumer service, NPI, and in-store merchandizing. 
› Adapting marketing, sales, and fulfillment channels to align with consumer behavior. Consumers demand 
the ability to shop at any time in any place using a device of their choice. Consumers are becoming increasingly 
impatient and value near instantaneous fulfillment. They expect consistent pricing across channels and a choice 
of delivery options, including prompt home delivery or a choice of pickup location. This is challenging CPG 
manufacturers that have fragmented channel-specific organizations, metrics, and application portfolios. 
› Building support for direct-to-consumer marketing and selling throughout the wider enterprise. The 
business case for direct-to-consumer marketing and selling investments rests on increasing revenues and 
margins. Recruit enthusiastic sponsors including brand managers and account directors who have revenue and 
margin targets and are responsible for achieving the business case. Direct-to-consumer marketing and selling 
rely on the vital collaboration of all the partners in the value chain — retailers, distributors, and logistics specialists 
— but will also expose enterprise data and place incremental pressure on the IT infrastructure, so early 
recruitment of senior IT leadership is essential to a successful outcome.
Appendix A: Methodology 
In this study, Forrester surveyed a total of 35 heads of marketing at VP or CMO level and 95 brand managers with 
responsibility for marketing and digital marketing strategy in CPG firms around the world. Our survey respondents were 
drawn mostly from firms with headquarters predominately in the US and the UK, as well as the firms in China, Germany, 
Canada, Australia, and Malaysia, with most of them operating in between five and nine countries. The study began in April 
2014 and was completed in May 2014. 
Appendix B: Demographics 
Survey Demographics — Marketing Leaders 
“Where are the headquarters of your 
company located?” 
“In how many countries do you currently operate?” 
Between five and nine countries 
Between 10 and 19 countries 
20 countries or more 
“For the past financial year, which of the following 
most closely describes your company’s 
Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations 
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014 
total annual revenue?” 
$5 billion to $19 billion 
$20 billion to $49 billion 
$50 billion or more
Survey Demographics — Brand Managers 
“Where are the headquarters of your 
company located?” 
“For the past financial year, which of the following 
most closely describes your company’s 
total annual revenue?” 
“In how many countries do you currently operate in?” 
Between five and nine countries 48% 
Between 10 and 19 countries 24% 
20 countries or more 27% 
$4.9 billion or less 17% 
$5 billion to $19 billion 33% 
$20 billion to $49 billion 18% 
$50 billion or more 33% 
Base: 95 brand manager decision-makers at global CPG organizations 
Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014
Appendix C: Endnotes 
1 Forrester surveyed 56 heads of sales at VP or CSO level and 75 account directors with responsibility for sales strategy and 
execution in global CPG manufacturers around the world. Our survey respondents were from firms with headquarters in the 
US, the UK, Canada, China, and Germany, with most of them operating in between five and nine countries. The study began 
in April 2014 and was completed in May 2014.

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Forrester: CPG Consumer Engagement in a Digital World

  • 1. A Forrester Consulting Thought Leadership Paper Commissioned By Accenture September 2014 CPG Marketers Plan To Seize The Digital Disruption Opportunity A Guide To CPG Consumer Engagement In A Digital World
  • 2. Table Of Contents Executive Summary ....................................................................................... 1 Digital Capabilities Disrupt CPG Marketing ................................................. 2 CPG Marketing Has Started Its Digital Transformation With Increased Use Of Online Channels ............................................................... 3 CPG Marketing Identifies Barriers To Overcome To Achieve Digital Transformation Benefits ................................................................................ 4 CPG Marketing Leaders Anticipate Huge Digital Transformation Benefits ........................................................................................................... 6 Accelerate Your Analog To Digital Transformation ..................................... 8 Appendix A: Methodology ............................................................................. 9 Appendix B: Demographics .......................................................................... 9 Appendix C: Endnotes ................................................................................. 11 ABOUT FORRESTER CONSULTING Forrester Consulting provides independent and objective research-based consulting to help leaders succeed in their organizations. Ranging in scope from a short strategy session to custom projects, Forrester’s Consulting services connect you directly with research analysts who apply expert insight to your specific business challenges. For more information, visit forrester.com/consulting. © 2014, Forrester Research, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited. Information is based on best available resources. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change. Forrester®, Technographics®, Forrester Wave, RoleView, TechRadar, and Total Economic Impact are trademarks of Forrester Research, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. For additional information, go to www.forrester.com. [1-MXXYP8]
  • 3. 1 Executive Summary Global consumer packaged goods (CPG) firms face a world in which their accumulated brand value is threatened by the relative decline of the importance of mature markets serviced by “modern trade.” These firms are faced with relative decline in Europe and American markets, pressure to accelerate new product introductions (NPIs), and competitors’ exploitation of direct-to-consumer marketing and fulfillment. CPG brands need to transform from the analog marketing and sales model that served them so well in developing and consolidating modern trade to a new combination of direct marketing, digitally enabled product innovation, and multichannel selling. Direct-to-consumer initiatives will help them improve margins and loyalty, accelerate NPI, fully service the vast developing market opportunity, and more effectively win and serve a new wave of digital consumers in developed markets. In May 2014, Accenture commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate the opportunity for CPG marketing leaders to market and sell directly to consumers. Forrester developed a quantitative survey to test the assertion that brands cannot deliver a relevant, effective consumer experience without also leveraging digital channels. They will have to engage consumers in a dialogue, serve up customized content and offers, and blur the distinction between marketing, sales, service, supply chain, and R&D in order to become consistently relevant and earn consumer loyalty. Results from in-depth surveys with 35 CPG marketing leaders at the C-level or VP level, and with 95 at the brand manager level, show that marketers are keenly aware of the threats and opportunities offered by digital transformation. While they have begun their transformation and anticipate accelerated innovation, along with increases in both consumer lifetime value and average order value (AOV), they perceive local cultural, legislation, and logistical barriers to the digital transformation of consumer engagement. KEY FINDINGS Forrester’s study yielded four key findings: › CPG marketing professionals anticipate significant investment in digital marketing, multichannel integration, and digitally enabled innovation to target global consumer market segments, increasing consumer lifetime value and the number of “blockbuster” products. › CPG marketing professionals expect proportionately more growth in sales through their own digital channels than through those of eRetailers. › CPG marketing professionals believe that digital transformation faces challenges from local legislation and from limited digital support for new product introduction. › Marketing and sales do not agree about impediments to direct-to-consumer selling. Marketing does not see the lack of internal integration across key functions or departments as an issue in the same way that sales does. Digital engagement complements the traditional sales channel, media, and trade spend, enabling firms to market directly to consumers, engaging them in their chosen channels, shortening the time and path to purchase, and simplifying fulfillment and consumer service.
  • 4. 2 Digital Capabilities Disrupt CPG Marketing Data from the study showed that C-level marketing leaders and CPG brand managers are acutely aware of changes in the commercial environment that present both opportunities and challenges related to digital transformation. We asked them about the factors that favor adoption of digital channels for increased consumer engagement and loyalty: › Accelerated new product introduction. CPGs participating in our study had a median of 90 product lines that are currently being brought to market, and more than half said that more than 10% of these were introduced in the past year. Two-thirds of our survey respondents, 66%, expect the rate of new product introduction to accelerate significantly. › Anticipated restructuring of marketing to global market segment focus. As savvy marketers, our respondents recognize that the relative importance of country/regional segmentation will decline in the face of new consumers from developing markets swelling the ranks of digitally addressable global market segments with (some) common behaviors, values, and brand attitudes (see Figure 1). › Anticipated changes in channel mix. Respondents recognize that the vast bulk of sales today are still through retailers and distributors (see Figure 2). They anticipate the continued importance of trade spend, estimating that it accounts for more than 27% of promotional funds now, with two-thirds expecting a significant increase in the next five years across all channels. Particularly, they expect to increase their trade spend through digital channels, as they expect proportionately more growth in sales through their own digital channels than through those of eRetailers. Seventy-five percentage of CPG marketers believe that eRetailers sales account for 6% or more of revenue today, with 85% of CPG marketers expecting eRetailers sales to account for 6% or more revenue in the next 5 years. While 60% of CPG marketers believe that sales from their own digital channels account for 6% or more of revenue today, with 86% expecting sales from their own digital channels to account for 6% or more revenue in the next 5 years. FIGURE 1 CPG Marketing Anticipates A Shift To Global Market Segments “Please indicate how your firm is organized to market to consumers.” “How do you expect your marketing organization to change in the next five years?” 14% 29% 17% 9% 3% 23% Major account Country Region Global market segment Matrix Some categories are organized regionally and some globally Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014 29% 11% 9% 43% 0% 9% Marketing will be organized by major account Marketing will be organized by country Marketing will be organized by region Marketing will be organized by global market segment Marketing will be organized by matrix Marketing will organize some categories regionally and some globally
  • 5. 3 FIGURE 2 Marketing Leaders Expect Most Sales In Traditional Channels Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014 CPG Marketing Has Started Its Digital Transformation With Increased Use Of Online Channels Our survey respondents agreed that adopting digital direct-to- consumer marketing and sales offered attractive advantages. They have already started to invest more in digital marketing, selling directly through digital channels and measuring the impact of early direct-to-consumer digital initiatives. Brand managers and heads of marketing told us that: › More and more marketing spend will be committed to digital channels. Surveyed marketers reported that 28% of marketing spend is now devoted to digital channels and media. None of the respondents in our survey expected to decrease the digital share of marketing funds, and 66% expected to significantly increase investment in digital marketing. › Most brand managers sell through digital channels. Forty-three percent of brand managers declared that between 6% and 10% of global revenues are attributed to their brand, with 37% claiming 11% to 50% of their brand’s revenue is through digital channels (both their own online channel and through eRetailers). Furthermore, brand managers, in contrast to marketing leaders, believe that in five years’ time revenues from their own eCommerce or eRetailers will exceed revenues from sales in stores. › Heads of marketing anticipate an increase in sales through both their own online channel and eRetailers. Of heads of marketing surveyed, 46% have 11% or more of sales through eRetailers and 54% expect these digital partners to account for 11% or more of revenue in five years’ time. While only 37% claim that 11% or more of their revenues are from their own digital channels today, 49% expect that 11% or more of their revenues will be from their own digital channels in five years’ time. › Personal social networks are the most adopted and actionable social medium. Most heads of marketing (83%) claimed to use personal social networks and corporate blogs as marketing tools (see Figure 3), with microblogging sites as a close second. Twenty-five of the 29 firms that use Facebook think that it is the most actionable social media insight, with a further 21 firms that use corporate blogs finding them to generate actionable insight. “What proportion of your global gross revenue is through brick-and-mortar retailer websites or eRetailers’ Internet channels? “What proportion of your global gross revenue is through brick-and-mortar retailers or distributors?” 3% 0% 23% 29% 46% 3% 0% 11% 31% 54% None Less than 1% 2% to 5% 6% to 10% 11% or more 3% 3% 14% 26% 54% 3% 0% 3% 26% 69% None Less than 1% 2% to 5% 6% to 10% 11% or more Today Next five years Today Next five years
  • 6. 4 “Which of the following social assets are currently in use anywhere in your organization for marketing/ consumer engagement?” Personal social networks 83% Corporate blog 83% Microblog 80% Public community 29% Listening platform 20% Ratings/reviews 17% Private community 14% Ideation site 14% “For each of the following social assets you use, how actionable are the insights from each social asset?” (Respondents who answered “extremely actionable”) Personal social networks (N = 29) 86% Microblog (N = 28) 79% Corporate blog (N = 29) 72% › Consumers in traditional channels promise highest lifetime value. Brand managers offered estimates of the lifetime value of consumers buying through the brand’s own online channel, through online partners, or through the best performing conventional channel such as a broker or retailer. As expected, given the heavy emphasis on trade funds, brand managers believe that consumers shopping through traditional retail promise higher lifetime value. The lifetime value of consumers in CPG firms’ own digital channels is the next most important and higher than consumers in eRetailers’ channels (see Figure 4). “What is the estimated lifetime value of a consumer by channel?” $5,690.26 $4,841.25 $4,052.41 $7,495.61 Own online channel Partner online channel Own mobile channel Best performingretail distributor/broker channel CPG Marketing Identifies Barriers To Overcome To Achieve Digital Transformation Benefits Marketing executives and brand managers are acutely aware of the threats and opportunities of digital disruption for their brands and markets and have started to shift their focus to digital channels, digital media, and direct-to-consumer selling. They anticipate further benefits from further investment but also perceive barriers to overcome. Our survey respondents identified barriers to digital transformation in terms of: › Limited adoption of digital technologies in new product introduction. Surveyed marketers reported a mixed level of digital technology adoption, with 91% using virtual designs during the “ideation” phase of new product introduction but only 23% sharing digital product images online with retail distribution partners (see Figure 5). FIGURE 3 Personal Social Networks Are The Most Adopted, Most Actionable Social Medium Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014 FIGURE 4 CPG eCommerce Platforms Offer Greater Consumer Lifetime Value Than eRetailers Base: 95 brand manager marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014
  • 7. 5 “How much of the ideation-to-launch process is digitized today?” We use virtual product design during ideation to mock up products 91% We simulate physical characteristics 51% We bring consumers into virtual stores to look at virtual products on virtual shelves 49% We digitally assist the package prototyping process 46% We digitally assist recipe and formulation trials 37% We share digital images with retail partners online 23% › Local cultural, legislation, and logistical challenges. Of our respondents, 94% agreed or strongly agreed that local culture presents a challenge to CPG brands selling directly to consumers through online channels (see Figure 6). Ninety-one percent agreed or strongly agreed that local privacy and consumer promotion legislation challenges the adoption of digital direct-to-consumer initiatives. “What do you see as the main obstacles to digital transformation of direct-to-consumer engagement, digital consumer sales, and directly facilitating a purchase in one to two clicks?” 60% 57% 57% 57% 34% 34% 31% 29% Strongly agree Agree Cultural attitude to online purchasing makes selling directly through digital channels challenging Local privacy and direct-to-consumer promotion legislation makes selling directly to consumers through digital channels challenging Logistical challenges to selling directly to consumers through digital channels Restrictions around selling online in certain markets is an obstacle to selling directly to consumers through digital channels › Path-to-purchase contextual challenges. Our survey respondents strongly agreed that their internal organizations’ sales, marketing, and consumer service functions are highly integrated with common goals and well-aligned measures of performance (see Figure 7). However, in a parallel survey of account managers and VPs of sales, Forrester found that sales leaders believe more strongly than marketing leaders that responding to the threats and opportunities of digital disruption requires greater organizational integration across functions.1 › Less than half (49%) of CPG marketing leaders strongly agreed that content and offers are sensitive to a consumer’s current social context. In order to meet consumers’ expectations and rise above the competition, brands need to orchestrate consumer intelligence, custom content, and multichannel touchpoints to deliver the shortest, simplest, and most compelling path to purchase. FIGURE 5 Limited Digitization Of Current NPI Processes Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014 FIGURE 6 Local Cultural, Legislation, And Logistical Challenges Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014
  • 8. 6 “How well integrated are your consumer experiences today?” (Respondents who answered “strongly agree”) Our internal organization is highly integrated across marketing, sales, and consumer service 66% Our products encourage or require digital interactions 63% We collect and analyze consumer behavior across channels to inform our digital relationship 63% We provide a consistent consumer experience across multiple touchpoints/channels 57% We provide a personalized consumer experience 57% Our digital relationship is sensitive to physical context 51% Our digital relationship is sensitive to social context 49% CPG Marketing Leaders Anticipate Huge Digital Transformation Benefits Our respondents showed acute awareness of digital disruption in CPG markets. They described their aspirations to undertake wholesale transformation of the processes that they use to bring to market and sell their products and services and described in detail the barriers they must overcome. They told us that they expect to reap the benefits of digital transformation to: › Accelerate innovation. A significant majority (89%) of heads of marketing strongly agreed that digital direct-to-consumer engagement, enabling brands to directly facilitate purchases and introduce/retire product lines more quickly, would increase the rate of innovation (see Figure 8). › Boost consumer lifetime value. Most CPG heads of marketing (77%) believe that digital transformation will boost consumer lifetime value. › Lift average order value. Almost three-quarters of heads of marketing (74%) believe that direct-to-consumer initiatives will increase average order value, using digital channels to upsell consumers with whom the brand develops a relationship. “How strongly would you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? If my organization could directly facilitate a purchase with consumers and introduce/retire products more quickly, it would . . . ” (Respondents who answered “strongly agree”) 89% 77% 74% 71% Improve rate of innovation Increase consumer lifetime value Increase average order value Increase consumer brand engagement › Increase wallet share. Most CPG heads of marketing (77%) believe that digital transformation will offer the opportunity to engage consumers in a mutually productive dialogue, enabling brands to cross-sell and meet additional needs of consumers they already serve (see Figure 9). They believe the transition from analog marketing and sales to direct-to-consumer digital channels will deliver the degree of consumer intimacy required to deliver consistently relevant experiences across channels, increasing margin and loyalty. › Deliver more blockbuster new products. Almost three-quarters (74%) of CPG heads of marketing expect to use digital store simulations to test new product impact on consumers (see Figure 10). More than two-thirds (69%) expect to accelerate new packaging development with FIGURE 7 The Integration Challenge Is External (Context) Not Internal (Organization) Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014 FIGURE 8 Digital Transformation Offers Revenue And Margin Growth Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations Note: Please note that the remaining percentage of respondents disagreed with the statements above. Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014
  • 9. 7 digital technologies, reducing innovation risk and increasing the likelihood of successful new product introductions. FIGURE 9 Digital Transformation Offers Accelerated Innovation, Increased Share Of Wallet “To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding the main benefits to your firm of increasing the proportion of sales through a digital channel?” (Respondents who answered “strongly agree”) 77% 71% 66% 66% 66% Increasing sales through digital channels will increase wallet share Digital engagement will increase the rate of innovation Selling to consumers through digital channels will attract consumers from other brands Selling through digital channels will increase the rate of new consumer acquisition Shifting some sales to digital channels will increase revenue and margin and reduce selling and operating expenses Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014 FIGURE 10 Digital Will Deliver Blockbusters “To what extent do you agree with the following statements about how much of the ideation-to-launch process will be ‘digitized’ in five years’ time?” (Respondents who answered “strongly agree”) We will bring consumers into virtual stores to look at virtual products on virtual shelves 74% We will digitally assist the package prototyping process 69% 63% We share digital images with retail partners online We will use virtual product design during ideation to mock up products 60% We will digitally assist recipe and formulation trials 57% We will simulate physical characteristics 49% Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014
  • 10. 8 Accelerate Your Analog To Digital Transformation Forrester’s survey of marketing executives in CPG enterprises showed that marketing leaders sense that market drivers — such as globalization, consumer demand for customization, emerging market growth, and anytime/anywhere shopping — are prompting a shift from the importance of managing modern trade and selling through traditional retail chains toward more digital consumer engagement and selling. In order to increase consumer relevance and loyalty, CPG marketing leaders should evolve from analog marketing and sales to digital consumer engagement by: › Shortening the path to purchase. Consumer brands need to re-engineer processes to minimize the jump from browsing, enabling buying in one to two clicks. Perhaps start by helping them buy online or on a mobile device and collect in-store, or use online eCoupons to drive consumers to stores. Or drive consumer engagement that encourages the right channels for each interaction — for example, web, chat, and email for consumer care services, rather than using a call center. Increasingly, brand managers will participate in forums and social media to engage in a dialogue and help consumers solve their own problems and find new applications for brands. › Stepping up to consumers’ personalization expectations. Consumers expect the brands with which they do business to provide a consumer’s own device with contextually relevant content, based on the consumer’s (mobile) location, most recent interactions, and sentiments. Marketing leaders need to capitalize on opportunities to engage in personalized, context-aware interactions in real time before their audiences lose interest and tune them out. In particular, firms should take account of insights from consumer behavior across channels and across business functions like consumer service, NPI, and in-store merchandizing. › Adapting marketing, sales, and fulfillment channels to align with consumer behavior. Consumers demand the ability to shop at any time in any place using a device of their choice. Consumers are becoming increasingly impatient and value near instantaneous fulfillment. They expect consistent pricing across channels and a choice of delivery options, including prompt home delivery or a choice of pickup location. This is challenging CPG manufacturers that have fragmented channel-specific organizations, metrics, and application portfolios. › Building support for direct-to-consumer marketing and selling throughout the wider enterprise. The business case for direct-to-consumer marketing and selling investments rests on increasing revenues and margins. Recruit enthusiastic sponsors including brand managers and account directors who have revenue and margin targets and are responsible for achieving the business case. Direct-to-consumer marketing and selling rely on the vital collaboration of all the partners in the value chain — retailers, distributors, and logistics specialists — but will also expose enterprise data and place incremental pressure on the IT infrastructure, so early recruitment of senior IT leadership is essential to a successful outcome.
  • 11. 9 Appendix A: Methodology In this study, Forrester surveyed a total of 35 heads of marketing at VP or CMO level and 95 brand managers with responsibility for marketing and digital marketing strategy in CPG firms around the world. Our survey respondents were drawn mostly from firms with headquarters predominately in the US and the UK, as well as the firms in China, Germany, Canada, Australia, and Malaysia, with most of them operating in between five and nine countries. The study began in April 2014 and was completed in May 2014. Appendix B: Demographics FIGURE 11 Survey Demographics — Marketing Leaders “Where are the headquarters of your company located?” 43% 34% 23% US UK China “In how many countries do you currently operate?” 40% 37% 23% Between five and nine countries Between 10 and 19 countries 20 countries or more “For the past financial year, which of the following most closely describes your company’s Base: 35 marketing decision-makers at global CPG organizations Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014 total annual revenue?” 23% 40% 37% $5 billion to $19 billion $20 billion to $49 billion $50 billion or more
  • 12. 10 FIGURE 12 Survey Demographics — Brand Managers “Where are the headquarters of your company located?” “For the past financial year, which of the following most closely describes your company’s total annual revenue?” 58% 18% 13% 5% 4% 1% 1% US UK China Australia Germany Malaysia Canada “In how many countries do you currently operate in?” Between five and nine countries 48% Between 10 and 19 countries 24% 20 countries or more 27% $4.9 billion or less 17% $5 billion to $19 billion 33% $20 billion to $49 billion 18% $50 billion or more 33% Base: 95 brand manager decision-makers at global CPG organizations Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Accenture, May 2014
  • 13. 11 Appendix C: Endnotes 1 Forrester surveyed 56 heads of sales at VP or CSO level and 75 account directors with responsibility for sales strategy and execution in global CPG manufacturers around the world. Our survey respondents were from firms with headquarters in the US, the UK, Canada, China, and Germany, with most of them operating in between five and nine countries. The study began in April 2014 and was completed in May 2014.