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8 EnerryEfflciencyand
Cunent scenario of Nepal
U Energr Conservation and
Energr Management
g An Intnoduction to
. Outdoor Iirsulatore
9, ,Voltage Control fn Power System
g. vt.c qro I
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E fusiR Emq *e c
Et ll{.Abul Hasan Khan 1g
Er, Manoj Shama ?0
Dr. Basanta I( Gautan Q0
Er: Suraj Regmi 3?
Energy Efficiency and Current scenario of NePal
Er. MohammadAbul Hasan Khan
ISO 50001:2011 Certified Energy Manager
Er. Govinda Neupane
Energy Auditor
Background ofEnergy S cenario ofNepal
Nepal relies heavily on traditional energy resources, as no signihcant
deposits of fossil fuel are available. Nepalese use the lowest
commercial energy of around 119 kwh per capita per year. The total
energy consumption in Nepal for the year 20I4l15 was 11,232
thousand tonnes of oil equivalent. Based on the fuel type, traditional
fuel provideS0%o ofthe total energy consumption, petroleum and coal
ll%o and 3oZ respectively, which is mainly consumed by urban areas,
electricity only 3%oand renewable3Yo ofthe total energy consumption.
About 67%o of thetotal population have access to the electricity among
; which SSYohave direct access to the NEA grid whereas 9%ohave to rely
on off-grid (solar, micro hydro, wind etc.) i.e. alternative energy.
1 tfre required demand of energy in the country is increasing rapidly day
by day but lirnited source of the energy generation of Electricity is
constant.The limited source of energy creates a huge gap between
demand and supply of the energy due to which we are facing 15 hours
load sheddingper day.
N@d's Energy Consumptim by Setor (201 1/'12)
The demand power required for the existing energy scenario ofNepal
is about l3 00 Mw but the generation is able to supply only 706.g MW
of electricity which is causing a huge difference in the demand and
supply management of the electricity for the nation. The growing
concerns arise about energy consumption and its adverse
environmental impact in recent years in Nepal.
Because of long period of time required for the construction of the
power generation plants such as hydro power plants, the best and
imrnediate solution for reducing the load shedding hours in the
country is efficient utilization ofthe available energy inthe country.
The efficient utilization o{ the energy could be adopted by the
industrial as well as the residential sectors in the country. The results
of performing the energy audit in the country has shown the energy
saving potential of about l5%oinelectrical energy whereas 30Yointhe
thennal energy sector which will help to reduce the existing load
shedding by about 35%.
I ntro d ucti on to Energlt Elfr cienclt
Energy Effrciency is a very new concept from the perspective of
Nepal. Energy Efficiency is the goal ofefforts to reduce the amount of
energy required to provide products and services.For example,
insulating a home allows a building to use less heating and cooling
energy to achieve and maintain a comfortable temperature. Installing
fluorescent lights, LED lights ornatural skylights reduces the amount
of energy required to attain the same level of illumination compared
rvith using traditional incandescent light bulbs. Improvements in
enersy' efliciency are generally achieved by adopting a more efficient
tcchnology or production process or by application of commonly
acccptcd rnethods to reduce energy losses.
B e n etits ofE n erg! A udits
The direct benefits of conducting energy audits include the financial,
operational and environmental.
l. Financial benefits
Financial benefits may accrue from |ow, medium or high cost
investnrents measures and can be tealized in several ways, not
necessarily dependent on the level of investment. The benefits are as
. Reduced expenditwe on energyl e.g., by reducing consurnption
or changingtariffor fuel tYPe.
. Reduced maintenance cost; e.g., following improved utilization
ofplant and optim uationin operation.
' Saving in other costs; e.g., water charges, where demand is
. Reduced capital expenditure; e.g., where increased efficiency
avoids the need for additional plant or supply capacity.or makes
p o s s ible accurate sizing o f any replacement plant.
. More productive use of labour where measures reldase,sthfffrr
other duties; e.g., automated control systems.
. Increased productivity where working conditions are improved;
e. g., improved temperature levels, airfl ow, etc.
2. Operotionalbenertts
In addition to direct cost benefits, further benefits ean be achieved by
optirnizing the operation of a building, process or plant. Ultimately,
these may well have financial implications. The information made
available to management on energy costs and use could in itself be
found invaluable in asset planning and decision making. Measures can
also lead to improved working practices or conditions.
3. Enviro nmental benelits
Environmental benefits that arise from uslrg enerry more efficiently
' Reduction of CO2 and other emissions both from the site itself I
and upstream of energy suppliers that can be harmful to the
environment; ,
' Reduction of environmental impacts related to transmission,
delivery ortransportOfenergyi ,
' Reduction ofregional and national energy demand;
' Conservation of natural resources particularly fossil fuels and
other non-renewable fuels.
Measures can be implemented in away that improves the quality ofthe
working environment, but not necessarily reducing energy cost, as
' Comfort rnight be improved by draft-proofing, insulating the
building fabric, resetting controls, providing additional controls
or installing alternative systems. Changes in the temperature,
hurnidity or lighting levels may be desirable. Productivity can
be increased because the occupants are more satisfied with the
working environment.
' Closer control of space conditioni can be'essendial to the
effective operation of buildings or equipment and could result
in higher standards ofquality and safety.
Pro b lem ofE ner gy in Nep al
Nepal is facing complel inter-related challenges on energy: ,!
. Energypovefty
low consumption levels
traditional enerry sources like fuelwood, agro-residue
still dominates supply
In Nepal, the energy effrciency program has been started since 2010 in
the joint collaboration of Nepal and German Government through a
project based program called as Nepal Energy Effrciency Programme
OIEEP). The programme assists with the introduction of market based
energy efficiency services for the private and public sector. It also
backs the development and introduction of performance for biornass
based improved cooking stoves for rural households. Moreover, it
provides direct advice and expertise to the government for the
establishment of policy and institutional framework to foster energy
efficiency inthecountry.
An energy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis ofenergy flows,
for energy conservation in a building, process or system to reduce the
amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the
The object of energy audit is to reduce the energy consumption while
maintaining or improving human comfort, health and safety. Beyond
simply identifying the sources of energy use, an energy audit seeks to
prioritize the energy uses according to the greatest to least cost
effective opp ortunities for energy savings.
The energy audithas following steps to be follor.ved:
1. Utility analysis
' Quantify energy cost for energy utilities
' Analysethepast l2monthsutilitybills
' Interpretthe obtained data
' Make the baseline dataforthe future evaluation
2. Usage analysis
' Identify major energy consuming equipment
' Record equiprnent specification energy consumption and
operating hours
' Identiry the loads; transformerrblings, powerfactor, maximum
demand, approved load, current and voltage ratings
' Identify the potential energy saving areas before walking
3. Energy audit
' Study the workingprocess oftheplant
' Gatherinformation ofmajor enqrgy consuming equipment
' Use ofEAinstruments forrecordingthe actualdata
' Recordthe occupancy, schedulesr'ls44itt*andmaintenance
' Collect inforrnation about;the :lighting system(watts, no of
bulb s, typ e o f bulb, op erafing hoqrs, alignment)
. Collect information about the,motors, belts and drives(ratings,
typ e of drive, effi ciency, loading, op erating hours)
' Collect information about fans and pumps(ratings, speed,
e ffrci ency, and oP erating hours)
. Collect information,about the compressors(ratings, working
pressure, and oPeratinghours) ,.
' Collect information about the refrigeration system
Evaluate savings
Analyse the obtained data
Discuss options to reduce the charges for minimiztng energy
Provide enerry saying Procedures
Calculate the economic feasibility for saving energy
Residential cooking is the largest sector ofenerry use
Enerry security
vulnerability ofsupply, load shedding,
Energy access
significant share of population without access to modern
energy services
Barriers to Enerry Effi ciency in Nepal :
. Informationbalriers
. Techhicalbarriers
Lack ofskilled human resources
L ackof technolory provi ders and manufacfures
Lack of standards &iabelling
Lack oftesting facilities
- Lackofpoliticalandregulatoryframework
' Difficultiesin adoptionofnewfinancingtools
' Imprementation compliance/moniioringa"uncation
. Lack ofadequate fuf, and financing institutions
Probably, Nepar is the onry country in the world that do not harre anyenergy poricy because of which the reguration ofthe energy use in anefficient manner is lagging in th
the available energy will lead to
country which requires the d
the. counfiy. Due to the
(reonloiinnc aaa-.r--- t -(regulations, standards, reward & punishment provisions, etc.), the
the country is not used effici.rtly. Th-.'l;;is acting as rhe
:j-:i:.r:, *.- efticient and
[{} sses.
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[,ril;;;ffi; se of elecrriciry rhar
Tf..,^ ^^-^Ifwe can save one unit ofenerry at th1 utilizationlevel, it is equivalentto the generation oftwo its. ilnce, the saved enerry could be used tolight the home in extremely rural areas.

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Energy Efficiency and Current scenario of Nepal

  • 1.
  • 2. frssqil .F.u. tcztqo q tfuo.ftrfifiTfcqfr{3qtilr= ? qfiF e T6dqilfuFTEtf,rt1far€r 8 EnerryEfflciencyand Cunent scenario of Nepal U Energr Conservation and Energr Management g An Intnoduction to . Outdoor Iirsulatore 9, ,Voltage Control fn Power System ttr g. vt.c qro I qdYr trfr ilTfr 8 E fusiR Emq *e c Et ll{.Abul Hasan Khan 1g Er, Manoj Shama ?0 Dr. Basanta I( Gautan Q0 Er: Suraj Regmi 3?
  • 3. ( ( Energy Efficiency and Current scenario of NePal Er. MohammadAbul Hasan Khan ISO 50001:2011 Certified Energy Manager Er. Govinda Neupane Energy Auditor Background ofEnergy S cenario ofNepal Nepal relies heavily on traditional energy resources, as no signihcant deposits of fossil fuel are available. Nepalese use the lowest commercial energy of around 119 kwh per capita per year. The total energy consumption in Nepal for the year 20I4l15 was 11,232 thousand tonnes of oil equivalent. Based on the fuel type, traditional fuel provideS0%o ofthe total energy consumption, petroleum and coal ll%o and 3oZ respectively, which is mainly consumed by urban areas, electricity only 3%oand renewable3Yo ofthe total energy consumption. About 67%o of thetotal population have access to the electricity among ; which SSYohave direct access to the NEA grid whereas 9%ohave to rely on off-grid (solar, micro hydro, wind etc.) i.e. alternative energy. 1 tfre required demand of energy in the country is increasing rapidly day by day but lirnited source of the energy generation of Electricity is constant.The limited source of energy creates a huge gap between demand and supply of the energy due to which we are facing 15 hours load sheddingper day. eq N@d's Energy Consumptim by Setor (201 1/'12)
  • 4. The demand power required for the existing energy scenario ofNepal is about l3 00 Mw but the generation is able to supply only 706.g MW of electricity which is causing a huge difference in the demand and supply management of the electricity for the nation. The growing concerns arise about energy consumption and its adverse environmental impact in recent years in Nepal. Because of long period of time required for the construction of the power generation plants such as hydro power plants, the best and imrnediate solution for reducing the load shedding hours in the country is efficient utilization ofthe available energy inthe country. The efficient utilization o{ the energy could be adopted by the industrial as well as the residential sectors in the country. The results of performing the energy audit in the country has shown the energy saving potential of about l5%oinelectrical energy whereas 30Yointhe thennal energy sector which will help to reduce the existing load shedding by about 35%. I ntro d ucti on to Energlt Elfr cienclt Energy Effrciency is a very new concept from the perspective of Nepal. Energy Efficiency is the goal ofefforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services.For example, insulating a home allows a building to use less heating and cooling energy to achieve and maintain a comfortable temperature. Installing fluorescent lights, LED lights ornatural skylights reduces the amount of energy required to attain the same level of illumination compared rvith using traditional incandescent light bulbs. Improvements in enersy' efliciency are generally achieved by adopting a more efficient tcchnology or production process or by application of commonly acccptcd rnethods to reduce energy losses. qe
  • 5. B e n etits ofE n erg! A udits The direct benefits of conducting energy audits include the financial, operational and environmental. l. Financial benefits Financial benefits may accrue from |ow, medium or high cost investnrents measures and can be tealized in several ways, not necessarily dependent on the level of investment. The benefits are as follows: . Reduced expenditwe on energyl e.g., by reducing consurnption or changingtariffor fuel tYPe. . Reduced maintenance cost; e.g., following improved utilization ofplant and optim uationin operation. ' Saving in other costs; e.g., water charges, where demand is reduced. . Reduced capital expenditure; e.g., where increased efficiency avoids the need for additional plant or supply capacity.or makes p o s s ible accurate sizing o f any replacement plant. . More productive use of labour where measures reldase,sthfffrr other duties; e.g., automated control systems. . Increased productivity where working conditions are improved; e. g., improved temperature levels, airfl ow, etc. 2. Operotionalbenertts In addition to direct cost benefits, further benefits ean be achieved by optirnizing the operation of a building, process or plant. Ultimately, these may well have financial implications. The information made available to management on energy costs and use could in itself be found invaluable in asset planning and decision making. Measures can also lead to improved working practices or conditions. qc
  • 6. 3. Enviro nmental benelits Environmental benefits that arise from uslrg enerry more efficiently mayinclude ' Reduction of CO2 and other emissions both from the site itself I and upstream of energy suppliers that can be harmful to the I environment; , ' Reduction of environmental impacts related to transmission, delivery ortransportOfenergyi , ' Reduction ofregional and national energy demand; ' Conservation of natural resources particularly fossil fuels and other non-renewable fuels. Measures can be implemented in away that improves the quality ofthe working environment, but not necessarily reducing energy cost, as follows: ' Comfort rnight be improved by draft-proofing, insulating the building fabric, resetting controls, providing additional controls or installing alternative systems. Changes in the temperature, hurnidity or lighting levels may be desirable. Productivity can be increased because the occupants are more satisfied with the working environment. ' Closer control of space conditioni can be'essendial to the effective operation of buildings or equipment and could result in higher standards ofquality and safety. Pro b lem ofE ner gy in Nep al Nepal is facing complel inter-related challenges on energy: ,! . Energypovefty low consumption levels traditional enerry sources like fuelwood, agro-residue still dominates supply qu
  • 7. In Nepal, the energy effrciency program has been started since 2010 in the joint collaboration of Nepal and German Government through a project based program called as Nepal Energy Effrciency Programme OIEEP). The programme assists with the introduction of market based energy efficiency services for the private and public sector. It also backs the development and introduction of performance for biornass based improved cooking stoves for rural households. Moreover, it provides direct advice and expertise to the government for the establishment of policy and institutional framework to foster energy efficiency inthecountry. EnergtAudit An energy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis ofenergy flows, for energy conservation in a building, process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output(s). The object of energy audit is to reduce the energy consumption while maintaining or improving human comfort, health and safety. Beyond simply identifying the sources of energy use, an energy audit seeks to prioritize the energy uses according to the greatest to least cost effective opp ortunities for energy savings. The energy audithas following steps to be follor.ved: 1. Utility analysis ' Quantify energy cost for energy utilities ' Analysethepast l2monthsutilitybills ' Interpretthe obtained data ' Make the baseline dataforthe future evaluation 2. Usage analysis ' Identify major energy consuming equipment ' Record equiprnent specification energy consumption and operating hours Q0
  • 8. ' Identiry the loads; transformerrblings, powerfactor, maximum -i demand, approved load, current and voltage ratings ' Identify the potential energy saving areas before walking throughyourfacilitY 1 3. Energy audit ' Study the workingprocess oftheplant ' Gatherinformation ofmajor enqrgy consuming equipment ' Use ofEAinstruments forrecordingthe actualdata ' Recordthe occupancy, schedulesr'ls44itt*andmaintenance ' Collect inforrnation about;the :lighting system(watts, no of bulb s, typ e o f bulb, op erafing hoqrs, alignment) . Collect information about the,motors, belts and drives(ratings, typ e of drive, effi ciency, loading, op erating hours) ' Collect information about fans and pumps(ratings, speed, e ffrci ency, and oP erating hours) . Collect information,about the compressors(ratings, working pressure, and oPeratinghours) ,. ' Collect information about the refrigeration system Evaluate savings Analyse the obtained data Discuss options to reduce the charges for minimiztng energy consumption Provide enerry saying Procedures Calculate the economic feasibility for saving energy Residential cooking is the largest sector ofenerry use Enerry security vulnerability ofsupply, load shedding, Energy access significant share of population without access to modern energy services 4. ?q
  • 9. Barriers to Enerry Effi ciency in Nepal : . Informationbalriers . Techhicalbarriers Lack ofskilled human resources L ackof technolory provi ders and manufacfures Lack of standards &iabelling Lack oftesting facilities - Lackofpoliticalandregulatoryframework ' Difficultiesin adoptionofnewfinancingtools ' Imprementation compliance/moniioringa"uncation . Lack ofadequate fuf, and financing institutions Solution Probably, Nepar is the onry country in the world that do not harre anyenergy poricy because of which the reguration ofthe energy use in anefficient manner is lagging in th the available energy will lead to country which requires the d the. counfiy. Due to the (reonloiinnc aaa-.r--- t -(regulations, standards, reward & punishment provisions, etc.), the ff:,Hr:: the country is not used effici.rtly. Th-.'l;;is acting as rhe :j-:i:.r:, *.- efticient and [{} sses. I [{} sses. [,ril;;;ffi; se of elecrriciry rhar Tf..,^ ^^-^Ifwe can save one unit ofenerry at th1 utilizationlevel, it is equivalentto the generation oftwo its. ilnce, the saved enerry could be used tolight the home in extremely rural areas. ??