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Drones: Present & Future
 Introduction to Drones
 Markets: Commercial, Military, Hobbyists
 Commercialization of Drones
 Future Industry of Drones
Table of Contents
• A remotely controlled flying robot.
• Drones fly autonomously through software-controlled flight plans that are embedded
in their systems, working in conjunction with GPS.
• Most often associated with the military but has many other applications.
Drones – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Search &
Drones are evolving into a more accessible tool that could eventually be put to various tasks
domestically throughout the country, from delivering groceries to revolutionizing the way farmers
manage their crops.
Drones cont.
$98 billion
12% spent on
We predict that 12% of an estimated $98 billion in
cumulative global spending on aerial drones over the
next decade will be for commercial purposes.
Other countries, like Japan and Australia, will continue
to overtake the United States in drone sales if the U.S
does not ease current restrictions.
Market Summary
The commercial use of drones will become more conventional, as
the Federal Aviation Administration gradually opens U.S. airspace,
but as of right now the use of “small technology aircraft” is still
Drones will soon begin taking on a much larger role for businesses
and some individual consumers, from delivering groceries and e-
commerce orders to revolutionizing private security and providing
urgent medical care.
Military Personnel
Commercial Users
3 Types of Drone
•55 pounds or less
•Must stay within operator‟s line of sight
•Cannot fly over 400 ft.
•More than 5 miles away from airports and air traffic
Regulations on Drones
FAA Regulations on Drones:
The United States is both the largest
producer and the most frequent user of the
aircraft in military situations. The growth of
the drone market is mostly fueled by
military organizations in the United States.
Market: Military
The United States already uses a wide range of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
systems — ranging from micro UAVs, small enough to fit in the palm of a
soldier's hand, to large UAVs, such as the Air Force's Predator drone, which is
used for both reconnaissance and air attacks.
In the past, drones have been deployed over recent conflict
zones such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Army Unmanned
Aircraft Systems contributed 3 million hours of flight time
during this endeavor, giving credibility to the drone market.
80% of those hours were logged in combat situations in Iraq
and Afghanistan, paving the way for commercial drone
markets to develop.
Market: Hobbyists
Unlike commercial drone use, drone
enthusiasts capture footage for personal
fun by attaching cameras or purchasing
drones with already built in cameras.
The FAA suggest hobbyists to take
lessons on safe operation but final rules
will define who qualifies as a hobbyists
and the necessary precautions they need
to take when flying drones.
Commercialization of Drones
Offering a wider perspective:
• Getting the perfect shot for a movie
• Transforming the way journalists record video for news coverage
• Showing off homes and surrounding neighborhoods for real estate agents who want to set
themselves apart from others
• Providing football teams with unique video angels of their practices
Solving unique challenges:
• Temporarily expanding cellphone reception at big events like the Super Bowl
• Searching dense forests or remote mountains for missing hikers
• Delivering packages for urgent medical care cases
Surveying large industry:
• Inspecting miles of remote power lines quickly or less cost
• Performing safety checks of remote railroad bridges
• Inspecting highway overpasses without shutting down lanes of
Tackling difficult jobs:
• Making search and rescue missions easier
• Helping scientists conduct research inside volcanic ash clouds,
hurricanes, tornadoes or other spots that not safe for humans.
• Assessing damage for insurance companies after natural
disasters, allowing claims to process faster.
Commercialization of Drones cont.
Unmanned aerial systems markets at $609
million in 2014 are forecasted to bring in more
than $4.8 billion dollars, worldwide by 2021.
Offering a Wider Perspective
Just recently, CNN and the FAA launched what they are calling a “research initiative.” Alongside the FAA, CNN will
explore the use of drones in newsgathering and reporting.
The FAA has also allowed six separate TV and movie companies to use drones for filming. The BBC carries its own
drone journalism team, and the CBS News featured a video in December with striking drone footage of the
Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in Ukraine, one of the world‟s nuclear disasters.
Reporters, producers and journalists everywhere could
tell you the variety of drone uses, from documenting the
aftermath of natural disasters to investigating the misuse
of federal lands. Drones have the ability to give people a
greater scope and perspective of what is happening in all
parts of the world.
Solving Unique Challenges
Most notably, Amazon announced a drone delivery, Prime Air. The delivery system is designed
to get packages into customer‟s hands in 30 minutes or less using a small UAV.
Drones could allow businesses to deliver products to
consumers without having to send or hire a driver.
Last year, a team of engineers in California launched the Burrito
Bomber. Once a user connects with the Burrito Bomber web-app
and orders a burrito, the user‟s smartphone will send their current
location to a local Burrito Bomber‟s. Burrito Bomber then uploads
the waypoint file to the drone and loads the burrito in to a custom
made Burrito Delivery Tube. The drone then flies to the user‟s
location and releases the Burrito Delivery Tube. The burrito
parachutes down to the user, and the drone flies itself home.
A Global Initiative
In a recent move, Google acquired Titan Aerospace, a firm that specializes in the production of solar and
electric unmanned aerial systems, for the purpose of high altitude and long endurance flights.
The potential sale could further Mark Zuckerburg‟s Internet.org, a global initiative, which aims to build
and launch a fleet of solar-powered drones to provide real, working Internet access to various, under
developed parts of the world.
Among these initiatives, the founding members of Internet.org hope to:
• Achieve more access to less expensive devices and broad mobile networks
• Improve the efficiency of data handling at the application
• Experiment with new business models that incentivize carriers and device
manufacturers to offer low prices.
Tackling Difficult Jobs
Although farming isn't usually associated with cutting-edge technology, agriculture industry could
reap the benefits of drone technology. Large-scale farmers might utilize aerial views from UAVs to
monitor crop growth and as a result devote attention to the crops and livestock that need it.
American farmers are missing out on a huge potential to modernize the way farming is done.
The application of drones could potentially provide $75 billion in economic growth in the American
agriculture sector.
Drone Use Outside of U.S
Africa is using drones for conservation efforts to
gather high resolution data to monitor the
distribution of species in their habitats and to aid
the anti-poaching of elephants as well as other
Australia has approved
plans to buy several
drones to patrol the
country‟s borders with
hopes of preventing illegal
Japan has been in the business of
commercial drones for more than a
decade, using its capabilities for
agricultural purposes. Farmers can
monitor crop growth and decide where
to spray pesticides based on an aerial
survey of their crops done by drones.
By selectively spraying the areas that
need attention and avoiding the areas
that do not, farmers are able to save
money and minimize environmental
Drones have created new categories of capabilities that have eclipsed gadgets as tech industry‟s center of
energy and innovation.
Consumers are paying more attention to their mobile environment and want information that is localized
and personalized just for them, especially when it comes to their mobile device.
To be successful, companies must look to connect with consumers in a targeted, relevant and valuable
way. For most mobile marketers, user engagement happening in real-time is what really matters.
In order to be truly relevant, brands must question how they can add to the experience.
In a recent effort to help some 2,500 workers feel appreciated for the work that they do, Coca Cola
has partnered with the Singapore Kindness Movement to fly drones over to workers with care
packages that included pictures of citizens holding up signs with encouraging messages attached to
Coca Cola refreshments.
The result was a delighted group of workers grateful not only for the cold drink, but for a gesture of
acknowledgment that somebody, somewhere was thinking about them.
How Singapore Used Drones To Touch Workers
Hungry boys, a creative agency in Russia launched a new campaign for noodle company, Wokker.
Wokker drew the attention of hundreds of potential customers by showcasing their newest dishes on banners
attached to drones. The drones were then launched around high-rise business buildings in Moscow during times
that people were more likely to order lunch.
Hungry Boys says it increased sales for the
company by 40%
Russia First To “Drone-vertise”
Drones Trek into the Darkness
In a particularly creative move in 2013, Paramount Pictures promoted its “Star Trek Into Darkness”
film by flying a group of drones over the River Thames in London at night. As the glowing drones
came together they formed the shape of the Stark Trek logo.
Over the past couple of years, businesses and major corporations are realizing the benefits of drone
usage, specifically in advertising.
In January of 2014, Minneapolis-based Lakemaid Beer released an ad showing off a real-life service it
created to ship beer to fishers on Minnesota‟s Lake Waconia by allowing customers to call in their
orders to a grocery store.
Drones in Advertising
DroneCast, an advertising agency that specializes in drones, provides users
with drones that can fly with banners to promote events, brands or products. In
an effort to promote BeachGlow, a concert in New Jersey, the company
partnered with the agency to film the crowd and drop glow sticks and t-shirts
using drones.
It‟s Not A Party Without A Drone!
Marketing to the right person at the right moment is crucial and technology has made this possible
in ways never imagined before.
Drones are able to reach a wide range of people in a large vicinity in just a short amount of time.
Drones Do The Impossible
Although Russia requires drones users to obtain prior permission from the country‟s Federal Air Transport Agency
to fly drones, one daring photographer managed to take a photograph of the Kremlin, Moscow‟s closely guarded
official residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
• Creative Pattern: Swarm flocks around the venue in various formations that engage the audiences
• Real-time Motion: Synchronizing the performer, Swarm brings the stage up high and right in front of
every attendee via intellectual programming metrics
• Dronie: (also known as a „sky selfie‟) a 'selfie' taken, not by a camera phone in your outstretched hand,
but by a flying drone camera.
3D user experience during events:
Swarm Drones take flight to better solutions
Future of Drones
Privacy and safety concerns still pose the risk of commercial drone flights in many markets. However
as UAVs are rolled out, gradually the benefits of drone-powered commercial applications, such as
environmental monitoring and shipping, will ultimately win public opinion over.
As drone innovation progresses they are quietly proving ways they can save taxpayers money and
help businesses serve their customers better.
Key Takeaways
• Drones have innovated capabilities of engagement by taking advantage of proximity and creating
personalized experiences.
• An increasing variety of drone uses offers solutions to unique challenges such as in the American
agriculture sector or for global initiatives to provide internet access in under developed areas of the
• Drones will change how brands interact with consumers in both advertising and events by providing
more precise targeting and real-time shareable mobile moments.
• The future of drones is set to take off as regulations become clearly defined and safety or privacy
concerns are addressed.
Drones: Present & Future

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Drones: Present & Future

  • 2.  Introduction to Drones  Markets: Commercial, Military, Hobbyists  Commercialization of Drones  Future Industry of Drones Table of Contents
  • 3.
  • 4. • A remotely controlled flying robot. • Drones fly autonomously through software-controlled flight plans that are embedded in their systems, working in conjunction with GPS. • Most often associated with the military but has many other applications. Drones – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Search & Rescue Surveillance Traffic Monitoring Weather Monitoring Firefighting
  • 5. Drones are evolving into a more accessible tool that could eventually be put to various tasks domestically throughout the country, from delivering groceries to revolutionizing the way farmers manage their crops. Drones cont. $98 billion 12% spent on commercial purposes We predict that 12% of an estimated $98 billion in cumulative global spending on aerial drones over the next decade will be for commercial purposes. Other countries, like Japan and Australia, will continue to overtake the United States in drone sales if the U.S does not ease current restrictions.
  • 6. Market Summary The commercial use of drones will become more conventional, as the Federal Aviation Administration gradually opens U.S. airspace, but as of right now the use of “small technology aircraft” is still banned. Drones will soon begin taking on a much larger role for businesses and some individual consumers, from delivering groceries and e- commerce orders to revolutionizing private security and providing urgent medical care. Military Personnel Hobbyists Commercial Users 3 Types of Drone Users
  • 7. •55 pounds or less •Must stay within operator‟s line of sight •Cannot fly over 400 ft. •More than 5 miles away from airports and air traffic Regulations on Drones FAA Regulations on Drones:
  • 8. The United States is both the largest producer and the most frequent user of the aircraft in military situations. The growth of the drone market is mostly fueled by military organizations in the United States. Market: Military The United States already uses a wide range of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems — ranging from micro UAVs, small enough to fit in the palm of a soldier's hand, to large UAVs, such as the Air Force's Predator drone, which is used for both reconnaissance and air attacks.
  • 9. In the past, drones have been deployed over recent conflict zones such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Army Unmanned Aircraft Systems contributed 3 million hours of flight time during this endeavor, giving credibility to the drone market. 80% of those hours were logged in combat situations in Iraq and Afghanistan, paving the way for commercial drone markets to develop.
  • 10. Market: Hobbyists Unlike commercial drone use, drone enthusiasts capture footage for personal fun by attaching cameras or purchasing drones with already built in cameras. The FAA suggest hobbyists to take lessons on safe operation but final rules will define who qualifies as a hobbyists and the necessary precautions they need to take when flying drones.
  • 11. Commercialization of Drones Offering a wider perspective: • Getting the perfect shot for a movie • Transforming the way journalists record video for news coverage • Showing off homes and surrounding neighborhoods for real estate agents who want to set themselves apart from others • Providing football teams with unique video angels of their practices Solving unique challenges: • Temporarily expanding cellphone reception at big events like the Super Bowl • Searching dense forests or remote mountains for missing hikers • Delivering packages for urgent medical care cases
  • 12. Surveying large industry: • Inspecting miles of remote power lines quickly or less cost • Performing safety checks of remote railroad bridges • Inspecting highway overpasses without shutting down lanes of traffic Tackling difficult jobs: • Making search and rescue missions easier • Helping scientists conduct research inside volcanic ash clouds, hurricanes, tornadoes or other spots that not safe for humans. • Assessing damage for insurance companies after natural disasters, allowing claims to process faster. Commercialization of Drones cont.
  • 13. 2014 2021 Unmanned aerial systems markets at $609 million in 2014 are forecasted to bring in more than $4.8 billion dollars, worldwide by 2021.
  • 14. Offering a Wider Perspective Just recently, CNN and the FAA launched what they are calling a “research initiative.” Alongside the FAA, CNN will explore the use of drones in newsgathering and reporting. The FAA has also allowed six separate TV and movie companies to use drones for filming. The BBC carries its own drone journalism team, and the CBS News featured a video in December with striking drone footage of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in Ukraine, one of the world‟s nuclear disasters. Reporters, producers and journalists everywhere could tell you the variety of drone uses, from documenting the aftermath of natural disasters to investigating the misuse of federal lands. Drones have the ability to give people a greater scope and perspective of what is happening in all parts of the world.
  • 15. Solving Unique Challenges Most notably, Amazon announced a drone delivery, Prime Air. The delivery system is designed to get packages into customer‟s hands in 30 minutes or less using a small UAV. Drones could allow businesses to deliver products to consumers without having to send or hire a driver.
  • 16. Last year, a team of engineers in California launched the Burrito Bomber. Once a user connects with the Burrito Bomber web-app and orders a burrito, the user‟s smartphone will send their current location to a local Burrito Bomber‟s. Burrito Bomber then uploads the waypoint file to the drone and loads the burrito in to a custom made Burrito Delivery Tube. The drone then flies to the user‟s location and releases the Burrito Delivery Tube. The burrito parachutes down to the user, and the drone flies itself home.
  • 17. A Global Initiative In a recent move, Google acquired Titan Aerospace, a firm that specializes in the production of solar and electric unmanned aerial systems, for the purpose of high altitude and long endurance flights. The potential sale could further Mark Zuckerburg‟s Internet.org, a global initiative, which aims to build and launch a fleet of solar-powered drones to provide real, working Internet access to various, under developed parts of the world. Among these initiatives, the founding members of Internet.org hope to: • Achieve more access to less expensive devices and broad mobile networks • Improve the efficiency of data handling at the application • Experiment with new business models that incentivize carriers and device manufacturers to offer low prices.
  • 18. Tackling Difficult Jobs Although farming isn't usually associated with cutting-edge technology, agriculture industry could reap the benefits of drone technology. Large-scale farmers might utilize aerial views from UAVs to monitor crop growth and as a result devote attention to the crops and livestock that need it. American farmers are missing out on a huge potential to modernize the way farming is done. The application of drones could potentially provide $75 billion in economic growth in the American agriculture sector.
  • 19. Drone Use Outside of U.S Africa is using drones for conservation efforts to gather high resolution data to monitor the distribution of species in their habitats and to aid the anti-poaching of elephants as well as other animals. Australia has approved plans to buy several drones to patrol the country‟s borders with hopes of preventing illegal immigration.
  • 20. Japan has been in the business of commercial drones for more than a decade, using its capabilities for agricultural purposes. Farmers can monitor crop growth and decide where to spray pesticides based on an aerial survey of their crops done by drones. By selectively spraying the areas that need attention and avoiding the areas that do not, farmers are able to save money and minimize environmental damage.
  • 21. Drones have created new categories of capabilities that have eclipsed gadgets as tech industry‟s center of energy and innovation. Consumers are paying more attention to their mobile environment and want information that is localized and personalized just for them, especially when it comes to their mobile device. To be successful, companies must look to connect with consumers in a targeted, relevant and valuable way. For most mobile marketers, user engagement happening in real-time is what really matters. EngagementDrones
  • 22. In order to be truly relevant, brands must question how they can add to the experience.
  • 23. In a recent effort to help some 2,500 workers feel appreciated for the work that they do, Coca Cola has partnered with the Singapore Kindness Movement to fly drones over to workers with care packages that included pictures of citizens holding up signs with encouraging messages attached to Coca Cola refreshments. The result was a delighted group of workers grateful not only for the cold drink, but for a gesture of acknowledgment that somebody, somewhere was thinking about them. How Singapore Used Drones To Touch Workers
  • 24. Hungry boys, a creative agency in Russia launched a new campaign for noodle company, Wokker. Wokker drew the attention of hundreds of potential customers by showcasing their newest dishes on banners attached to drones. The drones were then launched around high-rise business buildings in Moscow during times that people were more likely to order lunch. Hungry Boys says it increased sales for the company by 40% Russia First To “Drone-vertise”
  • 25. Drones Trek into the Darkness In a particularly creative move in 2013, Paramount Pictures promoted its “Star Trek Into Darkness” film by flying a group of drones over the River Thames in London at night. As the glowing drones came together they formed the shape of the Stark Trek logo.
  • 26. Over the past couple of years, businesses and major corporations are realizing the benefits of drone usage, specifically in advertising. In January of 2014, Minneapolis-based Lakemaid Beer released an ad showing off a real-life service it created to ship beer to fishers on Minnesota‟s Lake Waconia by allowing customers to call in their orders to a grocery store. Drones in Advertising Drones
  • 27. DroneCast, an advertising agency that specializes in drones, provides users with drones that can fly with banners to promote events, brands or products. In an effort to promote BeachGlow, a concert in New Jersey, the company partnered with the agency to film the crowd and drop glow sticks and t-shirts using drones. It‟s Not A Party Without A Drone!
  • 28. Marketing to the right person at the right moment is crucial and technology has made this possible in ways never imagined before. Drones are able to reach a wide range of people in a large vicinity in just a short amount of time. ProximityDrones
  • 29. Drones Do The Impossible Although Russia requires drones users to obtain prior permission from the country‟s Federal Air Transport Agency to fly drones, one daring photographer managed to take a photograph of the Kremlin, Moscow‟s closely guarded official residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
  • 30. • Creative Pattern: Swarm flocks around the venue in various formations that engage the audiences constantly. • Real-time Motion: Synchronizing the performer, Swarm brings the stage up high and right in front of every attendee via intellectual programming metrics • Dronie: (also known as a „sky selfie‟) a 'selfie' taken, not by a camera phone in your outstretched hand, but by a flying drone camera. 3D user experience during events: Swarm Drones take flight to better solutions
  • 31. Future of Drones Privacy and safety concerns still pose the risk of commercial drone flights in many markets. However as UAVs are rolled out, gradually the benefits of drone-powered commercial applications, such as environmental monitoring and shipping, will ultimately win public opinion over. As drone innovation progresses they are quietly proving ways they can save taxpayers money and help businesses serve their customers better.
  • 32. Key Takeaways • Drones have innovated capabilities of engagement by taking advantage of proximity and creating personalized experiences. • An increasing variety of drone uses offers solutions to unique challenges such as in the American agriculture sector or for global initiatives to provide internet access in under developed areas of the world. • Drones will change how brands interact with consumers in both advertising and events by providing more precise targeting and real-time shareable mobile moments. • The future of drones is set to take off as regulations become clearly defined and safety or privacy concerns are addressed.