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Datawarehouse Automation
Best practices and customer cases
20 september 2012

Erik Fransen
    •   BI Challenges of today
    •   BI Ability Model & DWH Automation
    •   Best practices
    •   Cases: Rotterdam & KAS BANK
    •   Q&A

2       Best practices & customer cases
Centennium BI expertisehuis
• Independent knowledge partner
• Provides clients with the right skills, at the right time and
  the right way to maximize BI results
• Consultancy, ad-interim support, project implementation
  and training services
• We take or share responsibility for the execution and
  management and support of BI and DWH projects
• We offer an extensive portfolio of courses and training
  services: www.bi-opleidingen.nl
• We provide our customers with the knowledge and
  practical insights required to be(come) self-sufficient in
  maintaining and expanding their BI-environments

3   Best practices & customer cases
What are (y)our biggest BI-challenges today?
    •   Create more business value
    •   Empower users
    •   Lower the overall cost
    •   Deliver high quality BI products
    •   Reduce complexity
    •   Organize Business Intelligence to become more

             How can DWH automation contribute?

4       Best practices & customer cases
DWH Automation – in perspective

                                        Ability to

                                       BI Ability
            Ability to                  Model        Ability to
           Implement                                  Specify

                                        Ability to
 5   Best practices & customer cases
Automation – in perspective
    • Supports your ability to execute
       – Cuts complexity and resources
    • Requires a strategy to change focus from
      coding to (data) modeling

    • You’re the solution – Automation is your

6      Best practices & customer cases
The solution?
    • Automation vs. BI Professionals or….
    • The tool is the tool, the methodology is the
      methodology, etc…
    • Team up to optimize our profession in helping
      organizations to reach ‘infinity and beyond…’


                           Methodologies         Automation tools

7      Best practices & customer cases
Back to the Challenges
    • How does DWH automation help face the
    • Directly and indirectly.

    • In short… DWH automation is great (!) if
      handled by a skilled and knowledgeable
      professional (you!)

8      Best practices & customer cases
CDM: set of best practices
    • Best practice methodology for BI and DWH automation
    • Create datawarehouse and BI products fast, with high and
      constant quality and low cost
    • CDM includes:
       – Tooling (free, open source or licensed)
       – Modeling paradigms like, DV, 3NF, DM
       – Quality control mechanism
       – Agile development
       – Knowledge partnership, training, coaching
    • Quality control mechanism: extensive checklists and
    • Knowledge transfer by training, certification and learning
9      Best practices & customer cases

                                       Knowledge Partnership

        Structure             Model          Generate     Present   Benefit


10   Best practices & customer cases
Your datawarehouse is like a diner in a 3 star


           cook            Ingredients
                                             Cook           Serve   Eat

                                       Manage the kitchen

11   Best practices & customer cases
Knowledge partnership (suppliers)
• Goal: self-supporting clients
• On-the-job coaching, learning by doing
• Training
     –   BI fundamentals
     –   Data Vault certification
     –   Dimensional modelling
     –   Tool training (partners)
• Centennium supports it’s customers by
  consultancy, assessments, projects, training and
12   Best practices & customer cases
Structure (create cookbook)
 • Establish a common vision on DWH and BI and
   the role of automation
 • Identify needs, pain, benefits, goals
 • Create a roadmap: what and how?
 • Develop teams, knowledge, new roles: prepare
   organization for automation
 • Design automation architecture
 • Create short list tools
 • Select agile approach

13   Best practices & customer cases
Model (select ingredients)
 • Information & requirements analysis
     –   Business needs like KPIs, reports, cubes
     –   Identify semantic gaps, business rules
     –   MDM, MTM, Reference data
     –   Business keys
 • Analyze & model source extraction to support
 • Model the staging, datawarehouse, data
   marts, meta layers, cubes
 • Select tool(s) for generation
     – DWH Automation tools
     – Combination of “classic” ETL tools and automation tools
 • Should fit the structure!
14   Best practices & customer cases
Generate (Cook)
 • Create system setup with respect to
   automation architecture
 • Develop test scenarios
     – Generic testing of automation process
       (completeness and correctness)
     – Test compliance to architecture
 • Generate components and objects
     – Focus on understanding data, data modeling &
       business rules, not on coding
 • Test and implement

15   Best practices & customer cases
Present (serve)
 • Deliver information products to users, fast and
   of high quality
 • Automation leverages BI self-service
     – Model and generate cubes
     – Model and generate business rules
     – Adapt quickly to changing source data and
       information needs

     – Reduced technical complexity
     – Speed up of the overall BI process

16   Best practices & customer cases
Benefit (eat)
 • The business users can focus on creating value
   adding information products
 • Constant and predictable quality
 • Short time to market
 • IT can quickly adapt to changing business
 • More time and resources for creating value-
   adding BI
 • In the end: lower cost, higher value
 • But…
17   Best practices & customer cases
Organize (manage the kitchen)
 • Automation may have high impact on existing
   datawarehouse and BI teams
     – Elimination of tools, data manipulation processes and
       people… (cutting complexity and resources)
     – Also: new roles like source analyst, data model
       specialist, automation architect are introduced
     – Resistance by traditional vendors and suppliers
 • Automation can create high business value, but not
   on it’s own
     – A knowledgeable team is essential
 • We believe in self service: organize knowledge
   transfer a.s.a.p. and coach teams to be self
18   Best practices & customer cases
 • Challenge: service team as a central and flexible point for
   management information delivery for employees and
   partners of Rotterdam
 • Structure:
     – As a knowledge partner we combined Rotterdam’s knowledge on
       Oracle eBS with DWH automation
     – Automation architecture “forces” Rotterdam to comply to the
 • Model & generate
     – DWH automation optimized for Oracle eBS
     – Reusable methods for other eBS customers
 • Benefit
     – Cuts complexity and lowers licensing & consultancy fees
     – DWH is now of strategic importance and acts as a central data hub
       for Rotterdam
     – Self service for users

19   Best practices & customer cases
• Challenge
     – Deliver integrated information instead of stovepipe data
     – Minimize development cost, maximize business value
     – Make KAS BANK self supporting as much as possible
• Structure
     – Create a shared view on datawarehousing and automation benefits and proof it
     – Data Vault Methodology, near real-time and high volume
     – Strong focus on team training and coaching of architects
• Model & generate
     –     Re-usable extraction of complex Oracle and Adabas data stores
     –     Business driven Data Vault and Dimensional models
     –     Generated data integration, data distribution, EDW code, without ETL tools
     –     Transparent and self supporting
• Benefit
     –     Significantly shorter time to market of information products
     –     100% reliability, auditability and predictability
     –     Business is eager for more
     –     Next step: introduce self-service at business level
20       Best practices & customer cases
Automation – do’s
 • Do’s
     – Define an automation vision and strategy
         • end-to-end or step-by-step
     – Take your time and involve all stakeholders
     – Explain concepts, (business) benefits and potential
     – Consider a two-step approach: pilot - project
     – Align and train the development- and maintenance

21   Best practices & customer cases
Automation –don ‘ts
 • Don’ts
     – Deviate from the Structure
     – Generate or automate the DWH as a goal, not a
       means to an end
     – Underestimate the need for presenting and
       benefiting from information…

                  The proof of the pudding is in the eating!

22   Best practices & customer cases
Experience with CDM and DWH Automation

   CDM is an evolving set of best practices
   Introducing additional modelling approaches
   We are partnering with DWH automation vendors
   Research topic: generating datawarehouse models directly from business process models

    23   Best practices & customer cases
Next data vault certification seminar:
                November 1-2, 2012 Amsterdam

                                         www. geneseeacademy.com

                                   25 october, the Hague
                          Crash Course Datawarehouse Automation

24   Best practices & customer cases

25   Best practices & customer cases
Centennium BI expertisehuis houses all the experts under one
roof, hereby offering all knowledge and expertise to address the
complex business intelligence issues facing our clients today

Facts and figures:                                Services overview:
• Founded: 1998                                   • Consultancy
• 45+ business intelligence consultants           • Projects
                                                  • Resourcing
Core values:                                      • Education
• Human Capital
• In close collaboration                          Some of our clients:
• Objective and Independent                       Woonbron, Albron, NZa, CAK, OBR, Vopak,
                                                  several Dutch
Expertise:                                        Municipalities, Aegon, Nutreco, TNO, Genz
                                                  yme, Tata
• Business intelligence
                                                  Steel, KPN, DELTA, IKEA, Accell, TomTom,
• Strategic, tactic and operational               KAS BANK, LeasePlan, Brabant Water
• Vision based on “effective BI”

Centennium BI expertisehuis
     Lange Voorhout 43
     2514 EC 's-Gravenhage
     Telefoon     070 31 20 370
     Fax          070 31 20 371
     URL          www.centennium.nl


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Best Practices: Datawarehouse Automation Conference September 20, 2012 - Amsterdam

  • 1. Datawarehouse Automation Best practices and customer cases 20 september 2012 Amsterdam Erik Fransen e.fransen@centennium.nl @erikfransen
  • 2. Agenda • BI Challenges of today • BI Ability Model & DWH Automation • Best practices • Cases: Rotterdam & KAS BANK • Q&A 2 Best practices & customer cases
  • 3. Centennium BI expertisehuis • Independent knowledge partner • Provides clients with the right skills, at the right time and the right way to maximize BI results • Consultancy, ad-interim support, project implementation and training services • We take or share responsibility for the execution and management and support of BI and DWH projects • We offer an extensive portfolio of courses and training services: www.bi-opleidingen.nl • We provide our customers with the knowledge and practical insights required to be(come) self-sufficient in maintaining and expanding their BI-environments 3 Best practices & customer cases
  • 4. What are (y)our biggest BI-challenges today? • Create more business value • Empower users • Lower the overall cost • Deliver high quality BI products • Reduce complexity • Organize Business Intelligence to become more effective How can DWH automation contribute? 4 Best practices & customer cases
  • 5. DWH Automation – in perspective DEMAND Ability to Benefit BI Ability Ability to Model Ability to Implement Specify Ability to Execute SUPPLY 5 Best practices & customer cases
  • 6. Automation – in perspective • Supports your ability to execute – Cuts complexity and resources • Requires a strategy to change focus from coding to (data) modeling But…. • You’re the solution – Automation is your instrument… 6 Best practices & customer cases
  • 7. The solution? • Automation vs. BI Professionals or…. • The tool is the tool, the methodology is the methodology, etc… • Team up to optimize our profession in helping organizations to reach ‘infinity and beyond…’ Community Professionals Methodologies Automation tools 7 Best practices & customer cases
  • 8. Back to the Challenges • How does DWH automation help face the challenges? • Directly and indirectly. • In short… DWH automation is great (!) if handled by a skilled and knowledgeable professional (you!) 8 Best practices & customer cases
  • 9. CDM: set of best practices • Best practice methodology for BI and DWH automation • Create datawarehouse and BI products fast, with high and constant quality and low cost • CDM includes: – Tooling (free, open source or licensed) – Modeling paradigms like, DV, 3NF, DM – Quality control mechanism – Agile development – Knowledge partnership, training, coaching • Quality control mechanism: extensive checklists and documentation • Knowledge transfer by training, certification and learning on-the-job 9 Best practices & customer cases
  • 10. CDM Knowledge Partnership Structure Model Generate Present Benefit Organize 10 Best practices & customer cases
  • 11. Your datawarehouse is like a diner in a 3 star restaurant… Suppliers Create Select cook Ingredients Cook Serve Eat book Manage the kitchen 11 Best practices & customer cases
  • 12. Knowledge partnership (suppliers) • Goal: self-supporting clients • On-the-job coaching, learning by doing • Training – BI fundamentals – Data Vault certification – Dimensional modelling – Tool training (partners) • Centennium supports it’s customers by (management) consultancy, assessments, projects, training and sourcing 12 Best practices & customer cases
  • 13. Structure (create cookbook) • Establish a common vision on DWH and BI and the role of automation • Identify needs, pain, benefits, goals • Create a roadmap: what and how? • Develop teams, knowledge, new roles: prepare organization for automation • Design automation architecture • Create short list tools • Select agile approach 13 Best practices & customer cases
  • 14. Model (select ingredients) • Information & requirements analysis – Business needs like KPIs, reports, cubes – Identify semantic gaps, business rules – MDM, MTM, Reference data – Business keys • Analyze & model source extraction to support automation • Model the staging, datawarehouse, data marts, meta layers, cubes • Select tool(s) for generation – DWH Automation tools – Combination of “classic” ETL tools and automation tools • Should fit the structure! 14 Best practices & customer cases
  • 15. Generate (Cook) • Create system setup with respect to automation architecture • Develop test scenarios – Generic testing of automation process (completeness and correctness) – Test compliance to architecture • Generate components and objects – Focus on understanding data, data modeling & business rules, not on coding • Test and implement 15 Best practices & customer cases
  • 16. Present (serve) • Deliver information products to users, fast and of high quality • Automation leverages BI self-service – Model and generate cubes – Model and generate business rules – Adapt quickly to changing source data and information needs – Reduced technical complexity – Speed up of the overall BI process 16 Best practices & customer cases
  • 17. Benefit (eat) • The business users can focus on creating value adding information products • Constant and predictable quality • Short time to market • IT can quickly adapt to changing business needs/focus • More time and resources for creating value- adding BI • In the end: lower cost, higher value • But… 17 Best practices & customer cases
  • 18. Organize (manage the kitchen) • Automation may have high impact on existing datawarehouse and BI teams – Elimination of tools, data manipulation processes and people… (cutting complexity and resources) – Also: new roles like source analyst, data model specialist, automation architect are introduced – Resistance by traditional vendors and suppliers • Automation can create high business value, but not on it’s own – A knowledgeable team is essential • We believe in self service: organize knowledge transfer a.s.a.p. and coach teams to be self supporting 18 Best practices & customer cases
  • 19. Rotterdam • Challenge: service team as a central and flexible point for management information delivery for employees and partners of Rotterdam • Structure: – As a knowledge partner we combined Rotterdam’s knowledge on Oracle eBS with DWH automation – Automation architecture “forces” Rotterdam to comply to the rules • Model & generate – DWH automation optimized for Oracle eBS – Reusable methods for other eBS customers • Benefit – Cuts complexity and lowers licensing & consultancy fees significantly – DWH is now of strategic importance and acts as a central data hub for Rotterdam – Self service for users 19 Best practices & customer cases
  • 20. • Challenge – Deliver integrated information instead of stovepipe data – Minimize development cost, maximize business value – Make KAS BANK self supporting as much as possible • Structure – Create a shared view on datawarehousing and automation benefits and proof it – Data Vault Methodology, near real-time and high volume – Strong focus on team training and coaching of architects • Model & generate – Re-usable extraction of complex Oracle and Adabas data stores – Business driven Data Vault and Dimensional models – Generated data integration, data distribution, EDW code, without ETL tools – Transparent and self supporting • Benefit – Significantly shorter time to market of information products – 100% reliability, auditability and predictability – Business is eager for more – Next step: introduce self-service at business level 20 Best practices & customer cases
  • 21. Automation – do’s • Do’s – Define an automation vision and strategy • end-to-end or step-by-step – Take your time and involve all stakeholders – Explain concepts, (business) benefits and potential risks – Consider a two-step approach: pilot - project – Align and train the development- and maintenance teams 21 Best practices & customer cases
  • 22. Automation –don ‘ts • Don’ts – Deviate from the Structure – Generate or automate the DWH as a goal, not a means to an end – Underestimate the need for presenting and benefiting from information… The proof of the pudding is in the eating! 22 Best practices & customer cases
  • 23. Experience with CDM and DWH Automation  CDM is an evolving set of best practices  Introducing additional modelling approaches  We are partnering with DWH automation vendors  Research topic: generating datawarehouse models directly from business process models 23 Best practices & customer cases
  • 24. Next data vault certification seminar: November 1-2, 2012 Amsterdam www.data-vault.nl www. geneseeacademy.com 25 october, the Hague Crash Course Datawarehouse Automation www.bi-opleidingen.nl 24 Best practices & customer cases
  • 25. ABOUT CENTENNIUM 25 Best practices & customer cases
  • 26. Centennium BI expertisehuis houses all the experts under one roof, hereby offering all knowledge and expertise to address the complex business intelligence issues facing our clients today Facts and figures: Services overview: • Founded: 1998 • Consultancy • 45+ business intelligence consultants • Projects • Resourcing Core values: • Education • Human Capital • In close collaboration Some of our clients: • Objective and Independent Woonbron, Albron, NZa, CAK, OBR, Vopak, several Dutch Expertise: Municipalities, Aegon, Nutreco, TNO, Genz yme, Tata • Business intelligence Steel, KPN, DELTA, IKEA, Accell, TomTom, • Strategic, tactic and operational KAS BANK, LeasePlan, Brabant Water • Vision based on “effective BI” 26
  • 27. Centennium BI expertisehuis Lange Voorhout 43 2514 EC 's-Gravenhage Telefoon 070 31 20 370 Fax 070 31 20 371 URL www.centennium.nl www.bi-opleidingen.nl www.data-vault.nl 27