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Cloud Native Data
Sid Anand (@r39132)
Cloud Data Next 2017
About Me
Work [ed | s] @
Committer &
Father of 2
Co-Chair for
Apache Airflow
What We Do!
Agari : What We Do
Agari : What We Do
Agari : What We Do
Agari : What We Do
Agari : What We Do
email md +
trust score
Agari’s Previous EP Version
Agari : What We Do
email md +
trust score
Agari’s Current EP VersionEnterprise
Agari : What We Do
Cloud Native Data Pipelines
Cloud Native Data Pipelines
Big Data Companies like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, & Google
have large teams to manage their data pipelines (100s of

Most start-ups have small teams (10s of engineers) & run in the
public cloud. Can they leverage aspects of the public cloud to
build comparable pipelines?
Cloud Native Data Pipelines
Cloud Native

Open Source
Data Pipelines seen
in Big Data companies

Design Goals
Desirable Qualities of a Resilient Data Pipeline
Desirable Qualities of a Resilient
Data Pipeline
Timeliness Cost
Desirable Qualities of a Resilient
Data Pipeline
Timeliness Cost
• Data Integrity (no loss, etc…)
• Expected data distributions
• All output within time-bound SLAs
• Minimize Operational Fatigue /
Automate Everything
• Fine-grained Monitoring & Alerting of
Correctness & Timeliness SLAs
• Quick Recoverability
• Pay-as-you-go
Quickly Recoverable
• Bugs happen!
• Bugs in Predictive Data Pipelines have a large blast radius
• Optimize for MTTR
Predictive Analytics @ Agari
Use Cases
Use Cases
Apply trust models
(message scoring)
batch + near real
Build trust models
(Enterprise Protect)
Focus of this talk
Use-Case : Message
Scoring (batch)
Batch Pipeline Architecture
Use-Case : Message Scoring
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
S3 uploads an Avro file
every 15 minutes
Use-Case : Message Scoring
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
Airflow kicks of a Spark
message scoring job
every hour (EMR)
Use-Case : Message Scoring
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
Spark job writes scored
messages and stats to
another S3 bucket
Use-Case : Message Scoring
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
This triggers SNS/SQS
messages events
Use-Case : Message Scoring
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
An Autoscale Group
(ASG) of Importers spins
up when it detects SQS
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
The importers rapidly ingest scored
messages and aggregate statistics into
the DB
Use-Case : Message Scoring
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
Users receive alerts of
untrusted emails &
can review them in
the web app
Use-Case : Message Scoring
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
S3 S3
Airflow manages the entire process
Use-Case : Message Scoring
Architectural Components
Component Role Uses Salient Features Operability Model
Data Lake
• All data stored in S3
• All processing uses S3
Scalable, Available,
• Reliable, Transactional,
Scalable, Available,
• Used for importing,
data cleansing,
business logic
Scalable, Available,
Data Science
• Aggregation
• Model Building
• Scoring
Nice programming
model at the cost of
debugging complexity
We Operate
• Coordinates all Spark
Jobs & complex flows
Lightweight, DAGs as
Code, Steep learning
We Operate
Persistence for
• Holds subset of data
needed for Web App
Rails + Postgres
‘nuff said
We Operate
Tackling Cost & Timeliness
Leveraging the AWS Cloud
Tackling Cost
Between Daily Runs During Daily Runs
When running daily, for 23 hours of a day, we didn’t
pay for instances in the ASG or EMR
Tackling Cost
Between Hourly Runs During Hourly Runs
When running daily, for 23 hours of a day, we didn’t pay for
instances in the ASG or EMR
This does not help when runs are hourly since AWS charges at
an hourly rate for EC2 instances!
Tackling Timeliness
Auto Scaling Group (ASG)
ASG - Overview
What is it?
A means to automatically scale out/in clusters to handle
variable load/traffic
A means to keep a cluster/service of a fixed size always up
ASG - Data Pipeline
CPU-based auto-scaling is
good at scaling in/out to
keep the average CPU
ASG : CPU-based
ASG : CPU-based
Premature Scale-in:
• The CPU drops to noise-levels before all messages are
• This causes scale in to occur while the last few
messages are still being committed
Scale-out: When Visible Messages > 0 (a.k.a. when queue depth > 0)
Scale-in: When Invisible Messages = 0 (a.k.a. when the last in-flight
message is ACK’d)
This causes the
ASG to grow
This causes the
ASG to shrink
ASG : Queue-based
Auto Scaling Groups
Build & Deploy
ASG - Build & Deploy
Component Role Details
Spins up Cloud Resources
• Spins up SQS, Kinesis, EC2, ASG,
ELB, etc.. and associate them
using Terraform
• A better version of Chef &
• Sets up an EC2 instance
• Agentless, idempotent, &
declarative tool to set up EC2
instances, by installing &
configuring packages, and more
• Spins up an EC2 instance
for the purposes of building
an AMI!
• Can be used with Ansible &
Terraform to bake AMIs & Launch
Auto-Scaling Groups
ASG - Build & Deploy
EC2 Step 1 : Packer spins up a temporary
EC2 node - a blank canvas!
ASG - Build & Deploy
EC2 Step 1 : Packer spins up a temporary
EC2 node - a blank canvas!
Step 2 : Packer runs an Ansible role against the
EC2 node to set it up.
ASG - Build & Deploy
Step 2 : Packer runs an Ansible role against the
EC2 node to set it up.
Step 3 : Snapshots the machine & register the
Step 1 : Packer spins up a temporary
EC2 node - a blank canvas!
ASG - Build & Deploy
Step 2 : Packer runs an Ansible role against the
EC2 node to set it up.
Step 3 : Snapshots the machine & register the
Step 4 : Terminates the EC2 instance!
Step 1 : Packer spins up a temporary
EC2 node - a blank canvas!
ASG - Build & Deploy
Step 2 : Packer runs an Ansible role against the
EC2 node to set it up.
Step 3 : Snapshots the machine & register the
Step 4 : Terminates the EC2 instance!
Step 5 : Using the AMI, Terraform spins up an
auto-scaled compute cluster (ASG)
Step 1 : Packer spins up a temporary
EC2 node - a blank canvas!
Desirable Qualities of a Resilient
Data Pipeline
Timeliness Cost
• EMR Spark
• EMR Spark
Hourly ASG
• No Cost Savings
Tackling Operability &
Leveraging Tooling
A simple way to author, configure, manage workflows
Provides visual insight into the state & performance of workflow
Integrates with our alerting and monitoring tools
Tackling Operability : Requirements
Apache Airflow
Workflow Automation & Scheduling
Airflow: Author DAGs in Python! No need to bundle many config files!
Apache Airflow - Authoring DAGs
Airflow: Visualizing a DAG
Apache Airflow - Authoring DAGs
Apache Airflow - Perf. Insights
Airflow: Gantt chart view reveals the slowest tasks for a run!
Apache Airflow - Perf. Insights
Airflow: Task Duration chart view show task completion time trends!
Airflow: …And easy to integrate with Ops tools!
Apache Airflow - Alerting
Desirable Qualities of a Resilient
Data Pipeline
Timeliness Cost
Use-Case : Message
Scoring (near-real time)
NRT Pipeline Architecture
Use-Case : Message Scoring
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
Kinesis batch put every
Use-Case : Message Scoring
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
As ASG of scorers is
scaled up to one process
per core per kinesis shard
Use-Case : Message Scoring
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
Scorers apply the trust
model and send scored
messages downstream
Use-Case : Message Scoring
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
As ASG of importers is
scaled up to rapidly
import messages
Use-Case : Message Scoring
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
Imported messages are
also consumed by the
Use-Case : Message Scoring
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
Imported messages are
also consumed by the
Quarantine Email
Stream Processing Architecture
Component Role Details Pros Operability Model
Data Lake
• All data stored in S3 via
Kinesis Firehose
Scalable, Available,
Performant, Serverless
Kinesis Messaging
• Streaming transport
modeled on Kafka
Scalable, Available,
• ASG Replacement except
for Rails Apps
Scalable, Available,
• Used for importing, data
cleansing, business logic
Scalable, Available,
Data Science
• Model Building
We Operate
Workflow Engine
• Nightly model builds +
some classic Ops cron
Lightweight, DAGs as
We Operate
Persistence for
• Holds smaller subset of
data needed for Web App
Rails + Postgres
‘nuff said
We Operate
Persistence for
• Aggregation + Search
moved from DB to ES
• Model Building queries
moved to Elasticache
Faster. more accurate for
aggregates, frees up
headroom for DB (polyglot
NRT Pipeline Architecture
Apache Avro
What is Avro?
What is Avro?
Avro is a self-describing serialization format that supports
primitive data types : int, long, boolean, float, string, bytes, etc…
complex data types : records, arrays, unions, maps, enums, etc…
many language bindings : Java, Scala, Python, Ruby, etc…
What is Avro?
Avro is a self-describing serialization format that supports
primitive data types : int, long, boolean, float, string, bytes, etc…
complex data types : records, arrays, unions, maps, enums, etc…
many language bindings : Java, Scala, Python, Ruby, etc…
The most common format for storing structured Big Data at rest in
HDFS, S3, Google Cloud Storage, etc…
Supports Schema Evolution!
Apache Avro
Why is it useful?
Why is Avro Useful?
Agari is an IoT company!
Agari Sensors, deployed at customer sites, stream data to Agari’s
Cloud SAAS
Data is sent via Kinesis!
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C Kinesis
Agari SAAS
in AWS
Why is Avro Useful?
enterprise A :
enterprise B :
enterprise C : Kinesis
Agari is an IoT company!
Agari Sensors, deployed at customer sites, stream data to Agari’s
Cloud SAAS
Data is sent via Kinesis!
At any point in time, customers run different versions of the Agari
Agari SAAS
in AWS
Why is Avro Useful?
enterprise A :
enterprise B :
enterprise C : Kinesis
Agari is an IoT company!
Agari Sensors, deployed at customer sites, stream data to
Agari’s Cloud SAAS
Data is sent via Kinesis!
At any point in time, customers run different versions of the
Agari Sensor
These Sensors might send different format versions of the
Agari SAAS
in AWS
Why is Avro Useful?
enterprise A :
enterprise B :
enterprise C : Kinesis
Agari SAAS
in AWS
Agari is an IoT company!
Agari Sensors, deployed at customer sites, stream data to
Agari’s Cloud SAAS
Data is sent via Kinesis!
At any point in time, customers run different versions of the
Agari Sensor
These Sensors might send different format versions of the
Why is Avro Useful?
enterprise A :
enterprise B :
enterprise C :
Avro allows Agari to seamlessly handle different IoT data format
Agari SAAS
in AWS
Kinesis v4
datum_reader = DatumReader( writers_schema = writers_schema,
readers_schema = readers_schema)
• Schemas are backward-compatible
Why is Avro Useful?
Agari SAAS in AWS
S1 S2 S3
s3 Spark
Avro Everywhere!
Avro is so useful, we don’t just to communicate between our
Sensors & our SAAS infrastructure
We also use it as the common data-interchange format between all
services (streaming & batch) within our AWS deployment
Why is Avro Useful?
Agari SAAS in AWS
S1 S2 S3
s3 Spark
Avro Everywhere!
Good Language Bindings :
Data Pipelines services are written in Java, Ruby, & Python
Apache Avro
By Example
{"namespace": "agari",
"type": "record",
"name": "User",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string"},
{"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]},
{"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]}
complex type (record)
Schema name : User
3 fields in the record: 1 required, 2
Avro Schema Example
{"namespace": "agari",
"type": "record",
"name": "User",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string"},
{"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]},
{"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]}
x 1,000,000,000
Avro Schema Data File Example
0.0001 %
99.999 %
{"namespace": "agari",
"type": "record",
"name": "User",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string"},
{"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]},
{"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]}
Binary Data block
Avro Schema Streaming Example
99 %
1 %
{"namespace": "agari",
"type": "record",
"name": "User",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string"},
{"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]},
{"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]}
Binary Data block
Avro Schema Streaming Example
99 %
1 %
Apache Avro
Schema Registry
Avro Schema Registry
{"namespace": "agari",
"type": "record",
"name": "User",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string"},
{"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]},
{"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]}
Producer (P)
register_schema returns a UUID
Producer (P)
Avro Schema Registry
Message Producer sends UUID +
Producer (P)
Consumer (C)
Avro Schema Registry
Producer (P)
Consumer (C)
getSchemaById (UUID)
Avro Schema Registry
Producer (P)
Consumer (C)
getSchemaById (UUID)
{"namespace": "agari",
"type": "record",
"name": "User",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string"},
{"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]},
{"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]}
Avro Schema Registry
Producer (P)
Consumer (C)
getSchemaById (UUID)
{"namespace": "agari",
"type": "record",
"name": "User",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string"},
{"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]},
{"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]}
Message Consumers
• download & cache the schema
• then decode the data
Avro Schema Registry
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
Imported messages are
also consumed by the
Avro Schema Registry
enterprise A
enterprise B
enterprise C
Imported messages are
also consumed by the
Avro Schema Registry
• Vidur Apparao
• Stephen Cattaneo
• Jon Chase
• Andrew Flury
• William Forrester
• Chris Haag
• Chris Buchanan
• Neil Chapin
• Wil Collins
• Don Spencer
• Scot Kennedy
• Natia Chachkhiani
• Patrick Cockwell
• Kevin Mandich
• Gabriel Ortiz
• Jacob Rideout
• Josh Yang
• Julian Mehnle
• Gabriel Poon
• Spencer Sun
• Nathan Bryant
None of this work would be possible without the
essential contributions of the team below

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Cloud Native Data Pipelines

  • 1. Cloud Native Data Pipelines 1 Sid Anand (@r39132) Cloud Data Next 2017
  • 2. About Me 2 Work [ed | s] @ Committer & PPMC on Father of 2 Co-Chair for Apache Airflow
  • 4. Agari : What We Do 4
  • 9. 9 Enterprise Customers email metadata apply trust models email md + trust score Agari’s Previous EP Version Agari : What We Do Batch
  • 10. Quarantine, Label, PassThrough 10 email metadata apply trust models email md + trust score Agari’s Current EP VersionEnterprise Customers Agari : What We Do Near-real time
  • 12. Cloud Native Data Pipelines 12 Big Data Companies like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, & Google have large teams to manage their data pipelines (100s of engineers) Most start-ups have small teams (10s of engineers) & run in the public cloud. Can they leverage aspects of the public cloud to build comparable pipelines?
  • 13. Cloud Native Data Pipelines 13 Cloud Native Techniques Open Source Technogies Data Pipelines seen in Big Data companies ~
  • 14. Design Goals Desirable Qualities of a Resilient Data Pipeline 14
  • 15. 15 Desirable Qualities of a Resilient Data Pipeline OperabilityCorrectness Timeliness Cost
  • 16. 16 Desirable Qualities of a Resilient Data Pipeline OperabilityCorrectness Timeliness Cost • Data Integrity (no loss, etc…) • Expected data distributions • All output within time-bound SLAs • Minimize Operational Fatigue / Automate Everything • Fine-grained Monitoring & Alerting of Correctness & Timeliness SLAs • Quick Recoverability • Pay-as-you-go
  • 17. Quickly Recoverable 17 • Bugs happen! • Bugs in Predictive Data Pipelines have a large blast radius • Optimize for MTTR
  • 18. Predictive Analytics @ Agari Use Cases 18
  • 19. Use Cases 19 Apply trust models (message scoring) batch + near real time Build trust models batch (Enterprise Protect) Focus of this talk
  • 20. Use-Case : Message Scoring (batch) Batch Pipeline Architecture 20
  • 21. Use-Case : Message Scoring 21 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C S3 S3 uploads an Avro file every 15 minutes
  • 22. Use-Case : Message Scoring 22 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C S3 Airflow kicks of a Spark message scoring job every hour (EMR)
  • 23. Use-Case : Message Scoring 23 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C S3 Spark job writes scored messages and stats to another S3 bucket S3
  • 24. Use-Case : Message Scoring 24 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C S3 This triggers SNS/SQS messages events S3 SNS SQS
  • 25. Use-Case : Message Scoring 25 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C S3 An Autoscale Group (ASG) of Importers spins up when it detects SQS messages S3 SNS SQS Importers ASG
  • 26. 26 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C S3 The importers rapidly ingest scored messages and aggregate statistics into the DB S3 SNS SQS Importers ASG DB Use-Case : Message Scoring
  • 27. 27 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C S3 Users receive alerts of untrusted emails & can review them in the web app S3 SNS SQS Importers ASG DB Use-Case : Message Scoring
  • 28. 28 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C S3 S3 SNS SQS Importers ASG DB Airflow manages the entire process Use-Case : Message Scoring
  • 29. 29 Architectural Components Component Role Uses Salient Features Operability Model Data Lake • All data stored in S3 • All processing uses S3 Scalable, Available, Performant Serverless Messaging • Reliable, Transactional, Pub/Sub Scalable, Available, Performant Serverless ASG General Processing • Used for importing, data cleansing, business logic Scalable, Available, Performant Managed Data Science Processing • Aggregation • Model Building • Scoring Nice programming model at the cost of debugging complexity We Operate Workflow Engine • Coordinates all Spark Jobs & complex flows Lightweight, DAGs as Code, Steep learning curve We Operate DB Persistence for WebApp • Holds subset of data needed for Web App Rails + Postgres ‘nuff said We Operate S3 SNS SQS
  • 30. Tackling Cost & Timeliness Leveraging the AWS Cloud 30
  • 31. Tackling Cost 31 Between Daily Runs During Daily Runs When running daily, for 23 hours of a day, we didn’t pay for instances in the ASG or EMR
  • 32. Tackling Cost 32 Between Hourly Runs During Hourly Runs When running daily, for 23 hours of a day, we didn’t pay for instances in the ASG or EMR This does not help when runs are hourly since AWS charges at an hourly rate for EC2 instances!
  • 34. ASG - Overview 34 What is it? A means to automatically scale out/in clusters to handle variable load/traffic A means to keep a cluster/service of a fixed size always up
  • 35. ASG - Data Pipeline 35 importer importer importer importer Importer ASG scaleout/in SQS DB
  • 36. 36 Sent CPU ACKd/Recvd CPU-based auto-scaling is good at scaling in/out to keep the average CPU constant ASG : CPU-based
  • 37. ASG : CPU-based 37 Sent CPU Recv Premature Scale-in Premature Scale-in: • The CPU drops to noise-levels before all messages are consumed • This causes scale in to occur while the last few messages are still being committed
  • 38. 38 Scale-out: When Visible Messages > 0 (a.k.a. when queue depth > 0) Scale-in: When Invisible Messages = 0 (a.k.a. when the last in-flight message is ACK’d) This causes the ASG to grow This causes the ASG to shrink ASG : Queue-based
  • 40. ASG - Build & Deploy 40 Component Role Details Spins up Cloud Resources • Spins up SQS, Kinesis, EC2, ASG, ELB, etc.. and associate them using Terraform • A better version of Chef & Puppet • Sets up an EC2 instance • Agentless, idempotent, & declarative tool to set up EC2 instances, by installing & configuring packages, and more • Spins up an EC2 instance for the purposes of building an AMI! • Can be used with Ansible & Terraform to bake AMIs & Launch Auto-Scaling Groups
  • 41. ASG - Build & Deploy 41 EC2 Step 1 : Packer spins up a temporary EC2 node - a blank canvas!
  • 42. EC2 ASG - Build & Deploy 42 EC2 Step 1 : Packer spins up a temporary EC2 node - a blank canvas! Step 2 : Packer runs an Ansible role against the EC2 node to set it up.
  • 43. EC2 ASG - Build & Deploy 43 EC2 Step 2 : Packer runs an Ansible role against the EC2 node to set it up. Step 3 : Snapshots the machine & register the AMI.EC2 Step 1 : Packer spins up a temporary EC2 node - a blank canvas!
  • 44. EC2 ASG - Build & Deploy 44 EC2 Step 2 : Packer runs an Ansible role against the EC2 node to set it up. Step 3 : Snapshots the machine & register the AMI.EC2 Step 4 : Terminates the EC2 instance! Step 1 : Packer spins up a temporary EC2 node - a blank canvas!
  • 45. EC2 ASG - Build & Deploy 45 EC2 Step 2 : Packer runs an Ansible role against the EC2 node to set it up. Step 3 : Snapshots the machine & register the AMI.EC2 Step 4 : Terminates the EC2 instance! Step 5 : Using the AMI, Terraform spins up an auto-scaled compute cluster (ASG) Step 1 : Packer spins up a temporary EC2 node - a blank canvas! ASG
  • 46. 46 Desirable Qualities of a Resilient Data Pipeline OperabilityCorrectness Timeliness Cost • ASG • EMR Spark Daily • ASG • EMR Spark Hourly ASG • No Cost Savings
  • 48. 48 A simple way to author, configure, manage workflows Provides visual insight into the state & performance of workflow runs Integrates with our alerting and monitoring tools Tackling Operability : Requirements
  • 50. 50 Airflow: Author DAGs in Python! No need to bundle many config files! Apache Airflow - Authoring DAGs
  • 51. 51 Airflow: Visualizing a DAG Apache Airflow - Authoring DAGs
  • 52. Apache Airflow - Perf. Insights 52 Airflow: Gantt chart view reveals the slowest tasks for a run!
  • 53. 53 Apache Airflow - Perf. Insights Airflow: Task Duration chart view show task completion time trends!
  • 54. 54 Airflow: …And easy to integrate with Ops tools! Apache Airflow - Alerting
  • 55. 55 Desirable Qualities of a Resilient Data Pipeline OperabilityCorrectness Timeliness Cost
  • 56. Use-Case : Message Scoring (near-real time) NRT Pipeline Architecture 56
  • 57. Use-Case : Message Scoring 57 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C Kinesis batch put every second K
  • 58. Use-Case : Message Scoring 58 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C K As ASG of scorers is scaled up to one process per core per kinesis shard Scorers ASG
  • 59. Use-Case : Message Scoring 59 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C K Scorers ASG Kinesis Scorers apply the trust model and send scored messages downstream
  • 60. Use-Case : Message Scoring 60 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C K Scorers ASG Kinesis Importers ASG As ASG of importers is scaled up to rapidly import messages DB
  • 61. Use-Case : Message Scoring 61 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C K Scorers ASG Kinesis Importers ASG Imported messages are also consumed by the alerter DB K Alerters ASG
  • 62. Use-Case : Message Scoring 62 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C K Scorers ASG Kinesis Importers ASG Imported messages are also consumed by the alerter DB K Alerters ASG Quarantine Email
  • 63. 63 Stream Processing Architecture Component Role Details Pros Operability Model Data Lake • All data stored in S3 via Kinesis Firehose Scalable, Available, Performant, Serverless Serverless Kinesis Messaging • Streaming transport modeled on Kafka Scalable, Available, Serverless Serverless General Processing • ASG Replacement except for Rails Apps Scalable, Available, Serverless Serverless ASG General Processing • Used for importing, data cleansing, business logic Scalable, Available, Managed Managed Data Science Processing • Model Building We Operate Workflow Engine • Nightly model builds + some classic Ops cron workloads Lightweight, DAGs as Code We Operate DB Persistence for WebApp • Holds smaller subset of data needed for Web App Rails + Postgres ‘nuff said We Operate Persistence for WebApp • Aggregation + Search moved from DB to ES • Model Building queries moved to Elasticache Redis Faster. more accurate for aggregates, frees up headroom for DB (polyglot persistence) Managed S3
  • 66. 66 What is Avro? Avro is a self-describing serialization format that supports primitive data types : int, long, boolean, float, string, bytes, etc… complex data types : records, arrays, unions, maps, enums, etc… many language bindings : Java, Scala, Python, Ruby, etc…
  • 67. 67 What is Avro? Avro is a self-describing serialization format that supports primitive data types : int, long, boolean, float, string, bytes, etc… complex data types : records, arrays, unions, maps, enums, etc… many language bindings : Java, Scala, Python, Ruby, etc… The most common format for storing structured Big Data at rest in HDFS, S3, Google Cloud Storage, etc… Supports Schema Evolution!
  • 68. Apache Avro Why is it useful? 68
  • 69. 69 Why is Avro Useful? Agari is an IoT company! Agari Sensors, deployed at customer sites, stream data to Agari’s Cloud SAAS Data is sent via Kinesis! enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C Kinesis Agari SAAS in AWS
  • 70. 70 Why is Avro Useful? enterprise A : enterprise B : enterprise C : Kinesis v1 v2 v3 Agari is an IoT company! Agari Sensors, deployed at customer sites, stream data to Agari’s Cloud SAAS Data is sent via Kinesis! At any point in time, customers run different versions of the Agari Sensor Agari SAAS in AWS
  • 71. 71 Why is Avro Useful? enterprise A : enterprise B : enterprise C : Kinesis v1 v2 v3 Agari is an IoT company! Agari Sensors, deployed at customer sites, stream data to Agari’s Cloud SAAS Data is sent via Kinesis! At any point in time, customers run different versions of the Agari Sensor These Sensors might send different format versions of the data! Agari SAAS in AWS
  • 72. 72 Why is Avro Useful? enterprise A : enterprise B : enterprise C : Kinesis v1 v2 v3 Agari SAAS in AWS v4 Agari is an IoT company! Agari Sensors, deployed at customer sites, stream data to Agari’s Cloud SAAS Data is sent via Kinesis! At any point in time, customers run different versions of the Agari Sensor These Sensors might send different format versions of the data!
  • 73. 73 Why is Avro Useful? enterprise A : enterprise B : enterprise C : v1 v2 v3 Avro allows Agari to seamlessly handle different IoT data format versions Agari SAAS in AWS Kinesis v4 datum_reader = DatumReader( writers_schema = writers_schema, readers_schema = readers_schema) Requirements: • Schemas are backward-compatible
  • 74. 74 Why is Avro Useful? Agari SAAS in AWS S1 S2 S3 s3 Spark Avro Everywhere! Avro is so useful, we don’t just to communicate between our Sensors & our SAAS infrastructure We also use it as the common data-interchange format between all services (streaming & batch) within our AWS deployment
  • 75. 75 Why is Avro Useful? Agari SAAS in AWS S1 S2 S3 s3 Spark Avro Everywhere! Good Language Bindings : Data Pipelines services are written in Java, Ruby, & Python
  • 77. 77 {"namespace": "agari", "type": "record", "name": "User", "fields": [ {"name": "name", "type": "string"}, {"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]}, {"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]} ] } complex type (record) Schema name : User 3 fields in the record: 1 required, 2 optional Avro Schema Example
  • 78. 78 {"namespace": "agari", "type": "record", "name": "User", "fields": [ {"name": "name", "type": "string"}, {"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]}, {"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]} ] } Data x 1,000,000,000 Avro Schema Data File Example Schema Data 0.0001 % 99.999 % Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data
  • 79. 79 {"namespace": "agari", "type": "record", "name": "User", "fields": [ {"name": "name", "type": "string"}, {"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]}, {"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]} ] } Binary Data block Avro Schema Streaming Example Schema Data 99 % 1 % Data
  • 80. 80 {"namespace": "agari", "type": "record", "name": "User", "fields": [ {"name": "name", "type": "string"}, {"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]}, {"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]} ] } Binary Data block Avro Schema Streaming Example Schema Data 99 % 1 % Data OVERHEAD!!
  • 82. 82 Schema Registry (Lambda) Avro Schema Registry {"namespace": "agari", "type": "record", "name": "User", "fields": [ {"name": "name", "type": "string"}, {"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]}, {"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]} ] } register_schema Message Producer (P)
  • 83. 83 Schema Registry (Lambda) register_schema returns a UUID Message Producer (P) Avro Schema Registry
  • 84. 84 Schema Registry (Lambda) Message Producer sends UUID + Message Producer (P) Data Message Consumer (C) Avro Schema Registry
  • 86. 86 Schema Registry (Lambda) Message Producer (P) Data Message Consumer (C) getSchemaById (UUID) {"namespace": "agari", "type": "record", "name": "User", "fields": [ {"name": "name", "type": "string"}, {"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]}, {"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]} ] } Avro Schema Registry
  • 87. 87 Schema Registry (Lambda) Message Producer (P) Message Consumer (C) getSchemaById (UUID) {"namespace": "agari", "type": "record", "name": "User", "fields": [ {"name": "name", "type": "string"}, {"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]}, {"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]} ] } Message Consumers • download & cache the schema • then decode the data Avro Schema Registry
  • 88. 88 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C K Scorers ASG Kinesis Importers ASG Imported messages are also consumed by the alerter DB K Alerters ASG SR SR SR Avro Schema Registry
  • 89. 89 enterprise A enterprise B enterprise C K Scorers ASG Kinesis Importers ASG Imported messages are also consumed by the alerter DB K Alerters ASG SR SR SR Avro Schema Registry
  • 90. Acknowledgments 90 • Vidur Apparao • Stephen Cattaneo • Jon Chase • Andrew Flury • William Forrester • Chris Haag • Chris Buchanan • Neil Chapin • Wil Collins • Don Spencer • Scot Kennedy • Natia Chachkhiani • Patrick Cockwell • Kevin Mandich • Gabriel Ortiz • Jacob Rideout • Josh Yang • Julian Mehnle • Gabriel Poon • Spencer Sun • Nathan Bryant None of this work would be possible without the essential contributions of the team below