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Mergers and Acquisitions (M & A) Experiences:
An Operational Perspective
• Whether kicking the tires in the consid-
eration stage or making the right
moves after the deal is done, make
sure your mergers and acquisitions
create a beautiful, growth-oriented
team. Ensure your new firm silences
the doubters by minding these 12 op-
erational building blocks of M & A suc-
Past M & A Client Profiles:
• $3+ billion post-acute care services
• $2+ billion business services provider
• $1+ billion healthcare insurance admin-
istration services provider
• $500+ million equipment manufacturer
• $250+ million food processing firm
• $60+ million health products manufac-
turer and distributor
Catalyft’s M & A Experiences:
• 10% on operational due diligence only
• 70% on post-acquisition implementa-
tion only
• 20% on both operational due diligence
and post-acquisition Implementation
Operational Results:
• 17% reduction in employee attrition
• 25% increase in production uptime
• 25% improvement in upselling and
cross-selling activities
• 32% increase in project milestone
• 40% higher employee engagement
survey scores
Financial Results:
• 26% improvement in revenue per em-
ployee trend
• 32% reduction in recurring technology
• 10% increase in EBITDA growth
• 33% improvement in cash flow
M & A: Building Growth or Broken Dreams?
Are you sitting down? According to most academic and consult-
ing surveys over the past 10 years: 66 to 90% of mergers & acqui-
sitions (M & A) plans have failed to live up to investor and man-
agement expectations. (please see HBR, March 2011). With all
these relationships ending in disappointed grumblings of missed
opportunities, mutually hurt feelings, and perhaps, a few tears of
exasperation, M & A is not for the faint of heart or sensitive of
Whether firms are looking to leverage acquired company assets
for synergies (such as customer acquisition, cost reductions,
product development, production capacity, and distribution
channels) or grow new capabilities by acquiring novel business
models (such as higher margin products & services, innovative
technologies, and new go-to-market capabilities), the anticipated
returns have not materialized with the speed and magnitude ex-
pected by most investors.
Reflecting on our own experiences, most companies do a fantas-
tic job with financial modeling, plan their asset utilization strategy
to precision, and put in the quality time thinking about who’s go-
ing to run the firm when the dollars settle; however, M & A imple-
mentations get tripped up by missing details found in the day-to-
day execution. It’s the heavy lifting housed within the internal
workings of the new firm— taking care of customers, designing
new services, making revenue-generating products, and coordi-
nating supply chain permutations — that can make the deal a
darling or a dud.
Clients work with us to move beyond pristine models unblem-
ished by reality and get down, way down, into the details of how
their firms make money, where their fixed and variable costs will
continue, and how to ensure the right team stays on post-merger.
Context: M & A Landscapes Traversed
All of our experience with M & A resides squarely on the opera-
tional side rather than on the finance and accounting components
of the deal. There are numerous very talented, venerable firms
specializing in deal structure who can more than take care of this
end of the challenge. Instead, our clients expect us to draw upon
our operational improvement results, provide upside potential
through operational due diligence (ODD), develop a well-rounded
Assimilation Roadmap with new management, put in the heavy
lifting to ensure the new business is up and running faster and
smoother than the majority of M & A cases. We build capabilities
allowing new owners and managers to know with data-backed
certitude that their Assimilation Roadmap implementation
is paying off as expected.
Our own historical profile with M & A clients have lined up as 10%
on the ODD side only, 70% getting us heavily involved with their
post-acquisition integration needs, and 20% engaging us early for
ODD but also for post-acquisition implementations. If we’re
working on the ODD side, we’re helping our clients see the up-
side performance potential, uncovering risks emanating from the
current operating model & organizational structure, and collabo-
rating on the Assimilation Roadmap needed to leverage new re-
sources or help cultivate multiple business models now under
one roof. While most of our M & A experience has been concen-
trated in Manufacturing, Business Services, Food & Beverage and
Healthcare, we consider the forthcoming list of crucial success
levers germane to most industries. You be the judge, though.
12 M & A Focal Points: Building Blocks For Accretion
New Culture, New Team Chemistry: Where Does Every Employee
Fit? — as the old adage goes, the team dynamic changes every
time a person is added or subtracted from the team. Now, start
talking about hundreds of new team members and the permuta-
tion dynamics start to get very interesting. The new manage-
ment team will be in flux. Whether directed by investors or self-
selected, over 50% of management will move on one year after
firms are combined. (Please refer to ResearchGate, November
Merging company cultures takes immense planning and over-
communication because the new team members have their own
perspective around the motivation behind the merger, long-held
aspirations for their own personal careers, questions about their
future place within the firm, and a deep need to understand the
on-going larger contribution the team provides the market and
society they’ve taken care of up to this point. Your newly-formed
team must understand the M & A vision, what core tenets of their
former company will be untouched, how new employees fit into
the plan, and most importantly, where their own specific place is
in the new firm.
Even something as seemingly innocuous and mundane as man-
agement meetings have their own cultural imports, preparation
expectations, leadership style, cadence, and outcomes. Over-
communication of the M & A vision is of paramount importance.
Providing your nervous team with a sense of enthusiasm about
all the possibilities cannot be left to informal chats. It must be
orchestrated by your Leadership Team. Defining a shared sense
of success must be laid out initially with progression milestones
revisited along the way.
The first few weeks are crucial to ensure the in-house talent you
have so carefully cultivated all these years sees the vision,
agrees it still aligns with their own professional aspirations, and
keeps them enthusiastic about contributing their talents to the
new firm (rather than doubling their efforts finding a new home).
12 Focal Points:
Data Hierarchy &
Onboarding &
Innovation and
New Products
Cash Conversion
In the end, you want to be able to reflect on this moment and tell
the team: we did what we said we would do!
Hard-Won Customer Relationships — the fact that you’re in busi-
ness today and in a position to contemplate a better business
through M & A is a testament to your team’s demonstrated ability
to create a product or service appreciated by customers. Per-
haps, the new acquisition looks promising for their customer
base, or perhaps, for a completely new go-to-market model.
You see cross-selling and up-selling potential amongst contigu-
ous markets, complementary offerings to your current customer
and the potential to bring them into your family without adding
even a speck of angst to your customer base (current or future).
Whatever the motivation, your M & A activities must be planned
with contingencies in mind. Customers will not be as enthused
as your team is about consolidated offices, Customer Relation-
ship Management (CRM) upgrades, combined customer interac-
tion points, new logos, and shared distribution centers. They just
want the level of quality and care they have come to trust from
you to continue and would not mind a bit if the merger provided
new ways of taking care of their needs with an even higher
standards of service. As a team, you must understand the new
avenue for customer experience, the new relationship touch-
points, how to integrate CRMs for best results, and have custom-
er service contingency plans in place when customer snafus
comes to light. Make sure the bumps and disappointments don’t
generate customer flight.
Two Motivating Words: Compensation Plan — while your newly-
formed firm might now boast more robust business capabilities, a
more diverse customer base, and even better coffee options,
these positive steps will not keep the attention of your new team.
While this may bring a smile to the crowd, the nods will be fleet-
ing. The true concern floating around the room will be about an
ancient concern crossing all eras and exchange tables —
employee compensation.
Yes, most people value other aspects of their work (contribution
to society, sense of accomplishment, collegial atmosphere, intel-
lectual curiosity, etc.) beyond the money but the common de-
nominator most employees share will be compensation. Your
team has to get this right in the new firm. If folks don’t get paid
on time with expected amounts, then all well-intentioned vision
statements and the very Executives shouting them in town hall
meetings get shellacked with labels of inauthenticity and short-
sightedness. Your team must truly understand the nuances
combining compensation plans, reinforce what’s changing and
what stays the course, and understand mishandling this aspect of
your team’s livelihood will be paid by losing talent to your com-
petitors. Run the compensation models. Structure the compen-
sation plan to respect legacy commitments but forge a path to
your new, ambitious goals. Make sure the go-forward structure
is motivating the behaviors needed to take due care of your team
and your customers.
• Over 60% of post-acquisition plans
have not met expectations
• Over 50% of Managers move on
after the first year — team may face
increased vulnerability from key
relationships being severed due to
crucial employees moving on to
other opportunities
• Pre-acquisition financial models
may not match up with post-
acquisition day-to-day activities and
• Current customer base could be-
come increasingly at risk of switch-
ing during M & A transitions
• Current IT infrastructure may not
provide adequate transparency to
daily operating problems and gaps
in performance - with information
flow becoming even more complex
• Post-merger compensation struc-
tures may not be in alignment with
pre-merger expectations
• Employee onboarding and skills
training may not be aligned with the
new organization’s goals and may
not adequately incorporate individ-
ual professional aspirations after
the dust settles
• Combining organizations may cre-
ate further information breaks along
with unneeded licensing expenses
and redundant IT systems
• Inherited, archaic work flows may
not support your new post-
acquisition business model
• Aggregated pricing and products &
services portfolios may not be
aligned with new markets and ele-
vated financial expectations
• Newly-combined Supply Chain
may inject more stock-out risks
while escalating procurement,
transportation, and inventory hold-
ing costs
• Innovation pipeline may be inad-
vertently halted during the transi-
tionary period
• New Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC)
may be more complex and stub-
bornly resistant to past controls
Painful Considerations:
Data Hierarchy and Operational Metrics — your team fought hard
to corral rows of unruly data and transform it into actionable busi-
ness intelligence replete with dashboards even Rembrandt could
love. Don’t allow your decision-making lifeblood to degenerate
into a stream of suspect, mixed messages by losing connection
and flow with performance baselines, daily key performance indi-
cators, credible trendlines, and ultimately, clear translation into
your firm’s financial statements.
Your new company must provide the key metrics your Sales &
Marketing, Operations, Supply Chain, Information Technology,
and Finance & Accounting teams rely on at this point. Merger or
not, you must ensure the team has the right metrics at the right
time to get their job done. If your team is hampered with multiple
unconsolidated data sources, information — and hence, decisions
— will not flow with the timeliness and conviction your team
needs to be successful.
And getting the data sources lined up is just the beginning. Your
team needs to worry about normalization of baselines, defending
against adopting so many key performance indicators on the new
dashboards that “key” becomes lost, and ensuring your new team
knows how to interpret the numbers. The overarching data hier-
archy not only provides visibility to the day-to-day management
of the business, it also allows all stakeholders to see the week-to-
week orchestration of your M & A assimilation. What gets meas-
ured, gets managed. Garbage in, garbage out. You get the idea.
Onboarding Your Onboarding and Training Programs — getting
your new team comfortable and aligned is tough enough; and
yet, you must also think about setting up future employees for
success. Most employee surveys whole-heartedly affirm the
power of training programs, refer to an expectation of employers
helping the team to sharpen their skills, and back up the notion
that robust training programs help customers plus staff retention.
However, our experience tells us most pre-M & A training pro-
grams are already hindered with outdated content, misaligned
use of training media clanging against workforce learning needs,
and too few trainers tasked with educating too many employees.
These energy-draining missteps are exacerbated with M & A ac-
tivities because near-term priorities take hold, old programs are
neglected, and some very good people leave. With the new
company, you now must worry about updating content to new
company standards, covering past due training for a larger staff,
and figuring out how to get this done while keeping the throttle
wide open. Consider your onboarding to-do’s. A new company
calls for new procedures to be implemented, shifting roles to be
clarified, and overlapping Human Resources and Recruiting talent
from the prior firms to be re-deployed in the best manner. Train
your trainers for your customers, your team, and your firm’s on-
going evolution.
Technology Applications and Systems Proliferation — every busi-
ness benefits from thoughtful technology implementations driven
Brand Management Experience Case
A Brand Management Company
providing Graphics Services, Pre-
Press, Advertising Materials, Pack-
aging, Catalogs, and Printing Ser-
vices acquired its largest competi-
tor. Now combined, the organiza-
tion was more than 4,000 people
across 13 US locations.
The resultant set of applications
software used to build and deliver
customer products was deeply cus-
tomized and maintained by 13 pock-
ets of technical expertise using
different coding tools and products.
The combined infrastructure archi-
tecture was widely disparate. Addi-
tionally, there was no depth of ei-
ther applications or infrastructure
We were engaged to develop the
plan to reduce the risk of loss of
revenue due to technical failure and
overall cost of technology support.
We completed a skills assessment
of the technology staff at each loca-
tion, inventoried the applications
software and hardware, plus tied it
to product, client, and required sup-
port. With this information, we de-
veloped a three-phase plan that
would yield the following return on
investment (ROI) from capacity
planning and productivity improve-
• Phase 1 5.6 to 1
• Phase 2 8.2 to 1
• Phase 3 10.9 to 1
The board approved the plan and
the internal technical staff imple-
mented the plan without losing any
clients due to a technology failures.
by use cases emanating from your team. Whether your team is
utilizing internally-developed or highly-customized systems, mas-
sive big-name Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and /
or Software as a Service (SaaS) applications for specific needs,
your new firm must comb through all the options with a good, old
-fashioned cost-benefit analysis to make sure the best technolo-
gy applications stay with the new firm, employee training is con-
sistent, and inherited technology partners are vetted.
Without this analysis, we’ve seen new teams saddled with under-
performing IT systems, excessive licensing costs, and the most
painful information silos since the advent of the Pony Express.
M & A time is an excellent time to make sure your team has the
technology they need and Finance has the return on investment
they cherish.
Work Flow: Some Assembly Definitely Required — work can flow
to your teams (or remain expensively stuck in line and unloved) in
many diverse ways. Whether work assignments pop up on-
screen, arrive backed up in trucks at a shipping dock, or come
barreling down an assembly line, the architecture of the work
flow must be re-engineered to match your new business model
(or models). Irrespective of the type of work, your new team
needs to have their consolidated resources matched with evolv-
ing work volumes, tight quality standards embedded into the pro-
cess, and work flowing to the most qualified team members with
capacity to get the job done while meeting discerning customer
Our experience tells us M & A time is the best time to implement
creative destruction of past underperforming, inefficient work
flows. Floor layouts may have been inherited from days long
gone. New technology-enabled solutions may be a better fit for
your new firm than the old-time, informal work flows that limped
along just fine back in the day. Now, your business is much more
complex and your customers have unprecedented options. Care
must be taken to ensure work flow is precisely orchestrated given
your company’s more sizeable, complex configuration. Perhaps,
your team has to assign work across more regions, or maybe to a
couple more countries, or even across an unprecedented global
Now is the time to leverage newly-available, innovative software
applications to efficiently assign work, collaborate across teams,
and ensure customers and team members alike are so very hap-
py. Time to fix flows now — without breaking the one’s working
well for your team.
Products, Services, and Pricing Portfolio Scrutiny — most likely,
your team is just as enthused as you are about adding new prod-
ucts and more comprehensive services to the revenue stream —
now made possible by your new division or acquired company.
Amongst all the priorities competing for time and resources dur-
ing your transition time, your team must also make sure the newly
-infused portfolio does not have any nasty, expensive surprises
Insurance Experience Case:
A Third-Party Healthcare Insurance
Administrator acquired five smaller
companies over one year resulting in a
company that now had the ability to
offer third-party administration ser-
vices to every type of payer (employer
sponsored, government, and private
insurance) healthcare plan including
fee for service, health maintenance
organization (HMO), and preferred
provider organization (PPO),
Each company brought with it a
salesforce, an active client base, and
custom software solutions. We were
engaged to develop and implement a
plan to integrate applications, manage
the development of the integrated
solution, and transition the six compa-
nies to the integrated solution. We
worked with the technical leaders of
each of the companies to match the
functionality of current applications to
the total lifecycle of benefit plan man-
agement, then reviewed the capabili-
ties of each application as a team.
From this, we developed a future state
solution that would integrate the re-
quired functionality and a plan for im-
plementation to reduce current
maintenance, improve speed to mar-
ket, and increase plan administrator’s
capability to analyze their plan results.
The team vetted the proposed solu-
tion with all functions within the organ-
ization including sales, marketing, and
operations to ensure this solution
would meet both client and internal
With the organization aligned, we
were able to implement the integrated
solution over eighteen months with a
32% reduction in recurring technology
costs and contributing to 10% annual
growth in EBITDA in Year Two.
like cannibalized sales, redundant offerings, overpriced showpiec-
es, or underpriced superstars. You’ve always had to get the bal-
ance of supply and demand right. Now complicating matters, you
must also contend with team members looking to preserve pet
products or defend their past work efforts to carve out some
comfort in their newly transitioning employer. M & A time is the
right time to objectively analyze the go-forward portfolio and
pricing path without hidden agendas.
Culling products and services no longer in alignment with your
new vision is a must. Initiating a few tough but necessary conver-
sations with your stakeholders around pricing, go-forward prod-
ucts & services, and brand portfolios can pay off in margin growth.
Frankensteinian Supply Chain — your newly-amalgamated Supply
Chain may harbor some unwelcomed features if it does not get
the attention it needs. Nefarious, expensive surprises like un-
planned stock-outs, disappointed customers, dejected vendor
partners, and ballooning expediting costs. Perhaps, your team
must now resign themselves to the fact that some divisions have
better ways of ordering, transporting, receiving, storing, and deliv-
ering than other divisions.
M & A time is the right time to find those pockets of strength and
make isolated better practices the comprehensive backbone of
your new Supply Chain. Your new network architecture should
rise above old legacy conventions, incorporate the nuances of
daily business, and energetically support your new business
Just take a few moments and ponder all the interconnections
with other companies and relationships developed when consid-
ering modes of transportation to get your goods & services, cus-
tomers, patients, and employees in the right place to do business.
Next, add in all the relationships and opportunities involved with
procuring your organization’s goods & services. Considering all
your team’s existing Supply Chain processes and new EBITDA-
impacting opportunities alongside the multitudinous points of fail-
ure across your network can get uncomfortably complex — even
viewing from on high can be tough, right?
Supply Chain wins wars and wins new customers. This aspect of
your business has so many implications (customer expectations,
safety concerns, environmental impacts, cost of goods sold, em-
ployee frustration levels, vendor relationships). It’s a wonder any-
body gets a chance to go to sleep when contemplating a M & A
Our experience tells us technology will be a major contributor to
optimizing your new Supply Chain. However, technology is un-
questionably necessary—but not sufficient—to take care of your
customers, your team, and your financial statements. Our Supply
Chain experiences coalesce around making sure technology ap-
plications turn data into information — empowering your team to
mitigate risks, contain costs, and maximize customer euphoria.
Airline Catering Experience Case:
An international Airline Caterer had a
significant loss of revenue due to
the elimination of meals in Coach
and reduction of food service in First
Class. The company’s survival was
dependent upon reinventing itself
as not only an airline caterer but al-
so as a company who provided high
-end catering to other international
transportation services, home meal
replacement for grocery store
chains, and a variety of fresh pack-
aged sandwiches to convenience
To accomplish this, the caterer pur-
chased five specialty food compa-
nies who excelled at working with
large customers and highly-
customized recipes.
We facilitated the development of
an integrated automation infrastruc-
ture, data communications, and help
desk concept operating model. Ad-
ditionally, we implemented the tran-
sition plan, reengineered new busi-
ness processes, and managed the
comprehensive Assimilation
Roadmap without business interrup-
tion, on time and within budget.
Works Cited:
“The Big Idea: The New M & A Play-
book” by Clayton Christenson, Rich-
ard Alton, Curtis Rising, and Andrew
Waldeck, March 2011, Harvard Busi-
ness Review
“Latest Trends In Mergers and Ac-
quisitions Research: The New
Pattern of Globalization” by Iulian
Warter and Liviu Warter, November
2014, ResearchGate Net
Innovation, Intellectual Capital, and Your Next Money-Maker —
we’ve all read about (and marveled at) companies so attuned to
building in creativity and innovation, they build it in as an expecta-
tion and even designate timeslots within the weekly schedule.
However, most companies don’t offer such latitudes and must
rely on customer feedback, astute sales & marketing depart-
ments, inspired engineers, structured research and development
centers, and entrepreneurial employees to point them in the right
direction toward their next commercial success. Whatever
means your company has channeled inspiration in the past is not
as important as the way innovation occurs today— and how great
ideas will be captured and leveraged tomorrow.
Your new team needs to know how good ideas turn into commer-
cial successes. This process might have to be more formalized
than the wistfully nostalgic, simpler days when an excited em-
ployee could just walk into the founder’s office with a cocktail
napkin diagram in hand and a heady dream in mind. Your now-
larger firm may need more structure to capture innovations
across the new team. There needs to be a way for employees to
ponder “could it be otherwise?” and get their ideas scrutinized by
the team at large to see if notions and inclinations warrant a
stronger test backed up by more company resources.
Well-designed and supported Research and Development de-
partments help. Robust Sales and Operations Planning (S & OP)
processes can be a well-informed conduit from your Customers
to your Engineering & Design team. Project Management Offices
can also ensure opportunities are moving to next-steps only
when the evidence is there to justify on-going existence and fu-
ture investment. Your new organization must build in ways of al-
lowing brilliance to bubble up.
Cash Conversion Cycle Responsibilities — woe unto those who
think cash flow will just take care of itself. When companies
merge, the cash constraints just get more complex. Accounts
Payable may be paying too soon or not at all. Some Payables
policies of your old firm may not line up with your new model.
Even the means of funds transference and accounts used going
forward need to be aligned with your new Accounting team and
new partners (banks, financial transaction services, legal teams,
Private Equity partners, etc. ) going forward. Business should not
stop when Larry in Payables goes fishin’.
With any newly-formed company, Accounts Receivable may fall
back as a lower priority and not get the proper attention it de-
serves. Perhaps, your now-consolidated Receivables may be too
much for the Sales, Operations, Finance, and Accounting teams to
manage. Understanding when and where your new team should
best apply their collective energies in the pursuit of cash is imper-
ative. Our experience tells us understanding the various reasons
why Receivables are aging is of paramount importance. Next,
your team must have timely visibility of all the accounts and a
way to prioritize who needs their attention.
One World Trade Center
Suite 8500
New York, NY 10007
212 220 3897
300 North LaSalle Street
Suite 4925
Chicago, IL 60654
312 260 9907
200 South Biscayne Blvd
Suite 2790
Miami, FL 33131
305 925 8112
2-4 meetings at no cost
• Discussion of issues
• Alignment around probable causes
• Framing of analysis scope
3-6 weeks at cost
• Qualify opportunities
• Quantify anticipated results
• Initial engagement design
• Key meetings: Launch, Opportunity
Review, Solution Review, and Final
Framing of analysis scope
4-8 months
• Final engagement design
• Execution of engagement design
• Realization & measurement of results
• Ownership & sustainability
Our Way of Collaborating :
Office Locations :
101 California Street
Suite 2710
San Francisco, CA 94111
415 636 7999
20 Bay Street
11th Floor
Toronto, ON M5J 2N8
647 725 9662
Furthermore, your new organization needs to have customer rela-
tionships lined up with your new team, not only for New Sales, but
also for cash collection needs. After all, a sale is only good if your
team gets paid accordingly in the expected timeframe.
On the inventory side of matters, an integrated Sales & Operations
Planning (S & OP) capability is a must. Without it, the warehouse
could become filled with dusty, cash-laden inventory. Your new
organization needs to have the demand-sensing signals and con-
trolled processes in place to ensure customer orders turn into
cash rather than one-of-a-kind museum pieces weighing down
inventory balances. Our experience tells us your new firm must
also understand all the ways to move excess and obsolete inven-
tory along the order-to-cash continuum — from maintaining some
margin to becoming a total write-off.
Your post-M & A cash conversion cycle must be understood and
optimized. Furthermore, you must embed a cash-generating and
cash-preserving mentality into your new team rather than relying
on a handful of talented but stretched Finance & Accounting folks
to mind the cash.
Operational and Organizational Risks — woven throughout all this
M & A landscape is operational risk. In a world rife with unknown
outcomes, nervous talent, finicky customers, and merciless rivals,
the operational side of M & A needs due consideration. Most
teams we work with have a 100-day plan sketched out to help
mitigate all the inherent risks. Our collaborations ensure Manage-
ment is building momentum — every day — to exceed your plan.
To beat the odds of disappointment, an operations-based Assimi-
lation Roadmap accounting for the pitfalls is a great start. Then,
crisp, EBITDA-focused execution of your Roadmap allows your
team to breathe a little easier and turn anxiety about the near-
term into enthusiasm about the future. Going through this trying
time, your new team will appreciate an infusion of M & A experi-
ences, dedicated resources, and added agility to overcome new
wrinkles of adversity within their evolving organization.
Fortune favors data-backed decision-makers. On the operational
due diligence side, it is much easier to be a confident investor
when you’ve got operational experience at your beck and call.
On the post-acquisition integration side, Management teams must
have the confidence to overcome adversity and capitalize on new
opportunities down the road. Our M & A collaborations ensure
your new team has embedded next-level capabilities (processes,
tech-enabled tools, and training) to continue the march well be-
yond the 100-day plan and onto your next M & A opportunity.
We hope the time you’ve invested reading this experience case
provided a few points resonating with your own M & A contem-
plations. Please keep Catalyft in mind when considering a partner
to help ensure your team is ready for all the next-steps. We want
you to land firmly on the good side of the M & A odds, too.
Clients’ Historical Return On
4.8 to 1
Engagement Statistics:
Team’s Collective
Career Projects
Specialists: Years
In Consulting
Team’s Career Training
Sessions Delivered
Supply Chain
Cost Savings
Working Capital Unlocked
For Reinvestment
Productivity Increases
Team’s Historical C-Suite
Executives Roles
Subject Matter Expertise
(SME) Network

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Catalyft Mergers and Acquisitions Experiences

  • 1. 1 Mergers and Acquisitions (M & A) Experiences: An Operational Perspective Synopsis: • Whether kicking the tires in the consid- eration stage or making the right moves after the deal is done, make sure your mergers and acquisitions create a beautiful, growth-oriented team. Ensure your new firm silences the doubters by minding these 12 op- erational building blocks of M & A suc- cess Past M & A Client Profiles: • $3+ billion post-acute care services group • $2+ billion business services provider • $1+ billion healthcare insurance admin- istration services provider • $500+ million equipment manufacturer • $250+ million food processing firm • $60+ million health products manufac- turer and distributor Catalyft’s M & A Experiences: • 10% on operational due diligence only • 70% on post-acquisition implementa- tion only • 20% on both operational due diligence and post-acquisition Implementation Operational Results: • 17% reduction in employee attrition • 25% increase in production uptime • 25% improvement in upselling and cross-selling activities • 32% increase in project milestone achievement • 40% higher employee engagement survey scores Financial Results: • 26% improvement in revenue per em- ployee trend • 32% reduction in recurring technology costs • 10% increase in EBITDA growth • 33% improvement in cash flow M & A: Building Growth or Broken Dreams? Are you sitting down? According to most academic and consult- ing surveys over the past 10 years: 66 to 90% of mergers & acqui- sitions (M & A) plans have failed to live up to investor and man- agement expectations. (please see HBR, March 2011). With all these relationships ending in disappointed grumblings of missed opportunities, mutually hurt feelings, and perhaps, a few tears of exasperation, M & A is not for the faint of heart or sensitive of stomach. Whether firms are looking to leverage acquired company assets for synergies (such as customer acquisition, cost reductions, product development, production capacity, and distribution channels) or grow new capabilities by acquiring novel business models (such as higher margin products & services, innovative technologies, and new go-to-market capabilities), the anticipated returns have not materialized with the speed and magnitude ex- pected by most investors. Reflecting on our own experiences, most companies do a fantas- tic job with financial modeling, plan their asset utilization strategy to precision, and put in the quality time thinking about who’s go- ing to run the firm when the dollars settle; however, M & A imple- mentations get tripped up by missing details found in the day-to- day execution. It’s the heavy lifting housed within the internal workings of the new firm— taking care of customers, designing new services, making revenue-generating products, and coordi- nating supply chain permutations — that can make the deal a darling or a dud. Clients work with us to move beyond pristine models unblem- ished by reality and get down, way down, into the details of how their firms make money, where their fixed and variable costs will continue, and how to ensure the right team stays on post-merger. Context: M & A Landscapes Traversed All of our experience with M & A resides squarely on the opera- tional side rather than on the finance and accounting components of the deal. There are numerous very talented, venerable firms specializing in deal structure who can more than take care of this end of the challenge. Instead, our clients expect us to draw upon our operational improvement results, provide upside potential through operational due diligence (ODD), develop a well-rounded Assimilation Roadmap with new management, put in the heavy lifting to ensure the new business is up and running faster and smoother than the majority of M & A cases. We build capabilities allowing new owners and managers to know with data-backed certitude that their Assimilation Roadmap implementation MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS www.catalyft.com
  • 2. 2 is paying off as expected. Our own historical profile with M & A clients have lined up as 10% on the ODD side only, 70% getting us heavily involved with their post-acquisition integration needs, and 20% engaging us early for ODD but also for post-acquisition implementations. If we’re working on the ODD side, we’re helping our clients see the up- side performance potential, uncovering risks emanating from the current operating model & organizational structure, and collabo- rating on the Assimilation Roadmap needed to leverage new re- sources or help cultivate multiple business models now under one roof. While most of our M & A experience has been concen- trated in Manufacturing, Business Services, Food & Beverage and Healthcare, we consider the forthcoming list of crucial success levers germane to most industries. You be the judge, though. 12 M & A Focal Points: Building Blocks For Accretion New Culture, New Team Chemistry: Where Does Every Employee Fit? — as the old adage goes, the team dynamic changes every time a person is added or subtracted from the team. Now, start talking about hundreds of new team members and the permuta- tion dynamics start to get very interesting. The new manage- ment team will be in flux. Whether directed by investors or self- selected, over 50% of management will move on one year after firms are combined. (Please refer to ResearchGate, November 2014). Merging company cultures takes immense planning and over- communication because the new team members have their own perspective around the motivation behind the merger, long-held aspirations for their own personal careers, questions about their future place within the firm, and a deep need to understand the on-going larger contribution the team provides the market and society they’ve taken care of up to this point. Your newly-formed team must understand the M & A vision, what core tenets of their former company will be untouched, how new employees fit into the plan, and most importantly, where their own specific place is in the new firm. Even something as seemingly innocuous and mundane as man- agement meetings have their own cultural imports, preparation expectations, leadership style, cadence, and outcomes. Over- communication of the M & A vision is of paramount importance. Providing your nervous team with a sense of enthusiasm about all the possibilities cannot be left to informal chats. It must be orchestrated by your Leadership Team. Defining a shared sense of success must be laid out initially with progression milestones revisited along the way. The first few weeks are crucial to ensure the in-house talent you have so carefully cultivated all these years sees the vision, agrees it still aligns with their own professional aspirations, and keeps them enthusiastic about contributing their talents to the new firm (rather than doubling their efforts finding a new home). 12 Focal Points: www.catalyft.com Team Chemistry Customer Relationships Compensation Plan Data Hierarchy & Metrics Technology Applications Work Flow Portfolio Pricing Onboarding & Training Supply Chain Innovation and New Products Cash Conversion Cycle Operational Risks
  • 3. 3 In the end, you want to be able to reflect on this moment and tell the team: we did what we said we would do! Hard-Won Customer Relationships — the fact that you’re in busi- ness today and in a position to contemplate a better business through M & A is a testament to your team’s demonstrated ability to create a product or service appreciated by customers. Per- haps, the new acquisition looks promising for their customer base, or perhaps, for a completely new go-to-market model. You see cross-selling and up-selling potential amongst contigu- ous markets, complementary offerings to your current customer and the potential to bring them into your family without adding even a speck of angst to your customer base (current or future). Whatever the motivation, your M & A activities must be planned with contingencies in mind. Customers will not be as enthused as your team is about consolidated offices, Customer Relation- ship Management (CRM) upgrades, combined customer interac- tion points, new logos, and shared distribution centers. They just want the level of quality and care they have come to trust from you to continue and would not mind a bit if the merger provided new ways of taking care of their needs with an even higher standards of service. As a team, you must understand the new avenue for customer experience, the new relationship touch- points, how to integrate CRMs for best results, and have custom- er service contingency plans in place when customer snafus comes to light. Make sure the bumps and disappointments don’t generate customer flight. Two Motivating Words: Compensation Plan — while your newly- formed firm might now boast more robust business capabilities, a more diverse customer base, and even better coffee options, these positive steps will not keep the attention of your new team. While this may bring a smile to the crowd, the nods will be fleet- ing. The true concern floating around the room will be about an ancient concern crossing all eras and exchange tables — employee compensation. Yes, most people value other aspects of their work (contribution to society, sense of accomplishment, collegial atmosphere, intel- lectual curiosity, etc.) beyond the money but the common de- nominator most employees share will be compensation. Your team has to get this right in the new firm. If folks don’t get paid on time with expected amounts, then all well-intentioned vision statements and the very Executives shouting them in town hall meetings get shellacked with labels of inauthenticity and short- sightedness. Your team must truly understand the nuances combining compensation plans, reinforce what’s changing and what stays the course, and understand mishandling this aspect of your team’s livelihood will be paid by losing talent to your com- petitors. Run the compensation models. Structure the compen- sation plan to respect legacy commitments but forge a path to your new, ambitious goals. Make sure the go-forward structure is motivating the behaviors needed to take due care of your team and your customers. www.catalyft.com • Over 60% of post-acquisition plans have not met expectations • Over 50% of Managers move on after the first year — team may face increased vulnerability from key relationships being severed due to crucial employees moving on to other opportunities • Pre-acquisition financial models may not match up with post- acquisition day-to-day activities and outcomes • Current customer base could be- come increasingly at risk of switch- ing during M & A transitions • Current IT infrastructure may not provide adequate transparency to daily operating problems and gaps in performance - with information flow becoming even more complex post–acquisition • Post-merger compensation struc- tures may not be in alignment with pre-merger expectations • Employee onboarding and skills training may not be aligned with the new organization’s goals and may not adequately incorporate individ- ual professional aspirations after the dust settles • Combining organizations may cre- ate further information breaks along with unneeded licensing expenses and redundant IT systems • Inherited, archaic work flows may not support your new post- acquisition business model • Aggregated pricing and products & services portfolios may not be aligned with new markets and ele- vated financial expectations • Newly-combined Supply Chain may inject more stock-out risks while escalating procurement, transportation, and inventory hold- ing costs • Innovation pipeline may be inad- vertently halted during the transi- tionary period • New Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) may be more complex and stub- bornly resistant to past controls Painful Considerations:
  • 4. 4 Data Hierarchy and Operational Metrics — your team fought hard to corral rows of unruly data and transform it into actionable busi- ness intelligence replete with dashboards even Rembrandt could love. Don’t allow your decision-making lifeblood to degenerate into a stream of suspect, mixed messages by losing connection and flow with performance baselines, daily key performance indi- cators, credible trendlines, and ultimately, clear translation into your firm’s financial statements. Your new company must provide the key metrics your Sales & Marketing, Operations, Supply Chain, Information Technology, and Finance & Accounting teams rely on at this point. Merger or not, you must ensure the team has the right metrics at the right time to get their job done. If your team is hampered with multiple unconsolidated data sources, information — and hence, decisions — will not flow with the timeliness and conviction your team needs to be successful. And getting the data sources lined up is just the beginning. Your team needs to worry about normalization of baselines, defending against adopting so many key performance indicators on the new dashboards that “key” becomes lost, and ensuring your new team knows how to interpret the numbers. The overarching data hier- archy not only provides visibility to the day-to-day management of the business, it also allows all stakeholders to see the week-to- week orchestration of your M & A assimilation. What gets meas- ured, gets managed. Garbage in, garbage out. You get the idea. Onboarding Your Onboarding and Training Programs — getting your new team comfortable and aligned is tough enough; and yet, you must also think about setting up future employees for success. Most employee surveys whole-heartedly affirm the power of training programs, refer to an expectation of employers helping the team to sharpen their skills, and back up the notion that robust training programs help customers plus staff retention. However, our experience tells us most pre-M & A training pro- grams are already hindered with outdated content, misaligned use of training media clanging against workforce learning needs, and too few trainers tasked with educating too many employees. These energy-draining missteps are exacerbated with M & A ac- tivities because near-term priorities take hold, old programs are neglected, and some very good people leave. With the new company, you now must worry about updating content to new company standards, covering past due training for a larger staff, and figuring out how to get this done while keeping the throttle wide open. Consider your onboarding to-do’s. A new company calls for new procedures to be implemented, shifting roles to be clarified, and overlapping Human Resources and Recruiting talent from the prior firms to be re-deployed in the best manner. Train your trainers for your customers, your team, and your firm’s on- going evolution. Technology Applications and Systems Proliferation — every busi- ness benefits from thoughtful technology implementations driven Brand Management Experience Case www.catalyft.com A Brand Management Company providing Graphics Services, Pre- Press, Advertising Materials, Pack- aging, Catalogs, and Printing Ser- vices acquired its largest competi- tor. Now combined, the organiza- tion was more than 4,000 people across 13 US locations. The resultant set of applications software used to build and deliver customer products was deeply cus- tomized and maintained by 13 pock- ets of technical expertise using different coding tools and products. The combined infrastructure archi- tecture was widely disparate. Addi- tionally, there was no depth of ei- ther applications or infrastructure support. We were engaged to develop the plan to reduce the risk of loss of revenue due to technical failure and overall cost of technology support. We completed a skills assessment of the technology staff at each loca- tion, inventoried the applications software and hardware, plus tied it to product, client, and required sup- port. With this information, we de- veloped a three-phase plan that would yield the following return on investment (ROI) from capacity planning and productivity improve- ments: • Phase 1 5.6 to 1 • Phase 2 8.2 to 1 • Phase 3 10.9 to 1 The board approved the plan and the internal technical staff imple- mented the plan without losing any clients due to a technology failures.
  • 5. 5 by use cases emanating from your team. Whether your team is utilizing internally-developed or highly-customized systems, mas- sive big-name Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and / or Software as a Service (SaaS) applications for specific needs, your new firm must comb through all the options with a good, old -fashioned cost-benefit analysis to make sure the best technolo- gy applications stay with the new firm, employee training is con- sistent, and inherited technology partners are vetted. Without this analysis, we’ve seen new teams saddled with under- performing IT systems, excessive licensing costs, and the most painful information silos since the advent of the Pony Express. M & A time is an excellent time to make sure your team has the technology they need and Finance has the return on investment they cherish. Work Flow: Some Assembly Definitely Required — work can flow to your teams (or remain expensively stuck in line and unloved) in many diverse ways. Whether work assignments pop up on- screen, arrive backed up in trucks at a shipping dock, or come barreling down an assembly line, the architecture of the work flow must be re-engineered to match your new business model (or models). Irrespective of the type of work, your new team needs to have their consolidated resources matched with evolv- ing work volumes, tight quality standards embedded into the pro- cess, and work flowing to the most qualified team members with capacity to get the job done while meeting discerning customer expectations. Our experience tells us M & A time is the best time to implement creative destruction of past underperforming, inefficient work flows. Floor layouts may have been inherited from days long gone. New technology-enabled solutions may be a better fit for your new firm than the old-time, informal work flows that limped along just fine back in the day. Now, your business is much more complex and your customers have unprecedented options. Care must be taken to ensure work flow is precisely orchestrated given your company’s more sizeable, complex configuration. Perhaps, your team has to assign work across more regions, or maybe to a couple more countries, or even across an unprecedented global reach. Now is the time to leverage newly-available, innovative software applications to efficiently assign work, collaborate across teams, and ensure customers and team members alike are so very hap- py. Time to fix flows now — without breaking the one’s working well for your team. Products, Services, and Pricing Portfolio Scrutiny — most likely, your team is just as enthused as you are about adding new prod- ucts and more comprehensive services to the revenue stream — now made possible by your new division or acquired company. Amongst all the priorities competing for time and resources dur- ing your transition time, your team must also make sure the newly -infused portfolio does not have any nasty, expensive surprises Insurance Experience Case: www.catalyft.com A Third-Party Healthcare Insurance Administrator acquired five smaller companies over one year resulting in a company that now had the ability to offer third-party administration ser- vices to every type of payer (employer sponsored, government, and private insurance) healthcare plan including fee for service, health maintenance organization (HMO), and preferred provider organization (PPO), Each company brought with it a salesforce, an active client base, and custom software solutions. We were engaged to develop and implement a plan to integrate applications, manage the development of the integrated solution, and transition the six compa- nies to the integrated solution. We worked with the technical leaders of each of the companies to match the functionality of current applications to the total lifecycle of benefit plan man- agement, then reviewed the capabili- ties of each application as a team. From this, we developed a future state solution that would integrate the re- quired functionality and a plan for im- plementation to reduce current maintenance, improve speed to mar- ket, and increase plan administrator’s capability to analyze their plan results. The team vetted the proposed solu- tion with all functions within the organ- ization including sales, marketing, and operations to ensure this solution would meet both client and internal requirements. With the organization aligned, we were able to implement the integrated solution over eighteen months with a 32% reduction in recurring technology costs and contributing to 10% annual growth in EBITDA in Year Two.
  • 6. 6 like cannibalized sales, redundant offerings, overpriced showpiec- es, or underpriced superstars. You’ve always had to get the bal- ance of supply and demand right. Now complicating matters, you must also contend with team members looking to preserve pet products or defend their past work efforts to carve out some comfort in their newly transitioning employer. M & A time is the right time to objectively analyze the go-forward portfolio and pricing path without hidden agendas. Culling products and services no longer in alignment with your new vision is a must. Initiating a few tough but necessary conver- sations with your stakeholders around pricing, go-forward prod- ucts & services, and brand portfolios can pay off in margin growth. Frankensteinian Supply Chain — your newly-amalgamated Supply Chain may harbor some unwelcomed features if it does not get the attention it needs. Nefarious, expensive surprises like un- planned stock-outs, disappointed customers, dejected vendor partners, and ballooning expediting costs. Perhaps, your team must now resign themselves to the fact that some divisions have better ways of ordering, transporting, receiving, storing, and deliv- ering than other divisions. M & A time is the right time to find those pockets of strength and make isolated better practices the comprehensive backbone of your new Supply Chain. Your new network architecture should rise above old legacy conventions, incorporate the nuances of daily business, and energetically support your new business models. Just take a few moments and ponder all the interconnections with other companies and relationships developed when consid- ering modes of transportation to get your goods & services, cus- tomers, patients, and employees in the right place to do business. Next, add in all the relationships and opportunities involved with procuring your organization’s goods & services. Considering all your team’s existing Supply Chain processes and new EBITDA- impacting opportunities alongside the multitudinous points of fail- ure across your network can get uncomfortably complex — even viewing from on high can be tough, right? Supply Chain wins wars and wins new customers. This aspect of your business has so many implications (customer expectations, safety concerns, environmental impacts, cost of goods sold, em- ployee frustration levels, vendor relationships). It’s a wonder any- body gets a chance to go to sleep when contemplating a M & A move. Our experience tells us technology will be a major contributor to optimizing your new Supply Chain. However, technology is un- questionably necessary—but not sufficient—to take care of your customers, your team, and your financial statements. Our Supply Chain experiences coalesce around making sure technology ap- plications turn data into information — empowering your team to mitigate risks, contain costs, and maximize customer euphoria. www.catalyft.com Airline Catering Experience Case: An international Airline Caterer had a significant loss of revenue due to the elimination of meals in Coach and reduction of food service in First Class. The company’s survival was dependent upon reinventing itself as not only an airline caterer but al- so as a company who provided high -end catering to other international transportation services, home meal replacement for grocery store chains, and a variety of fresh pack- aged sandwiches to convenience stores. To accomplish this, the caterer pur- chased five specialty food compa- nies who excelled at working with large customers and highly- customized recipes. We facilitated the development of an integrated automation infrastruc- ture, data communications, and help desk concept operating model. Ad- ditionally, we implemented the tran- sition plan, reengineered new busi- ness processes, and managed the comprehensive Assimilation Roadmap without business interrup- tion, on time and within budget. Works Cited: “The Big Idea: The New M & A Play- book” by Clayton Christenson, Rich- ard Alton, Curtis Rising, and Andrew Waldeck, March 2011, Harvard Busi- ness Review “Latest Trends In Mergers and Ac- quisitions Research: The New Pattern of Globalization” by Iulian Warter and Liviu Warter, November 2014, ResearchGate Net
  • 7. 7 Innovation, Intellectual Capital, and Your Next Money-Maker — we’ve all read about (and marveled at) companies so attuned to building in creativity and innovation, they build it in as an expecta- tion and even designate timeslots within the weekly schedule. Excellent! However, most companies don’t offer such latitudes and must rely on customer feedback, astute sales & marketing depart- ments, inspired engineers, structured research and development centers, and entrepreneurial employees to point them in the right direction toward their next commercial success. Whatever means your company has channeled inspiration in the past is not as important as the way innovation occurs today— and how great ideas will be captured and leveraged tomorrow. Your new team needs to know how good ideas turn into commer- cial successes. This process might have to be more formalized than the wistfully nostalgic, simpler days when an excited em- ployee could just walk into the founder’s office with a cocktail napkin diagram in hand and a heady dream in mind. Your now- larger firm may need more structure to capture innovations across the new team. There needs to be a way for employees to ponder “could it be otherwise?” and get their ideas scrutinized by the team at large to see if notions and inclinations warrant a stronger test backed up by more company resources. Well-designed and supported Research and Development de- partments help. Robust Sales and Operations Planning (S & OP) processes can be a well-informed conduit from your Customers to your Engineering & Design team. Project Management Offices can also ensure opportunities are moving to next-steps only when the evidence is there to justify on-going existence and fu- ture investment. Your new organization must build in ways of al- lowing brilliance to bubble up. Cash Conversion Cycle Responsibilities — woe unto those who think cash flow will just take care of itself. When companies merge, the cash constraints just get more complex. Accounts Payable may be paying too soon or not at all. Some Payables policies of your old firm may not line up with your new model. Even the means of funds transference and accounts used going forward need to be aligned with your new Accounting team and new partners (banks, financial transaction services, legal teams, Private Equity partners, etc. ) going forward. Business should not stop when Larry in Payables goes fishin’. With any newly-formed company, Accounts Receivable may fall back as a lower priority and not get the proper attention it de- serves. Perhaps, your now-consolidated Receivables may be too much for the Sales, Operations, Finance, and Accounting teams to manage. Understanding when and where your new team should best apply their collective energies in the pursuit of cash is imper- ative. Our experience tells us understanding the various reasons why Receivables are aging is of paramount importance. Next, your team must have timely visibility of all the accounts and a way to prioritize who needs their attention. One World Trade Center Suite 8500 New York, NY 10007 212 220 3897 NYC 300 North LaSalle Street Suite 4925 Chicago, IL 60654 312 260 9907 CHIMIA 200 South Biscayne Blvd Suite 2790 Miami, FL 33131 305 925 8112 Identify 2-4 meetings at no cost • Discussion of issues • Alignment around probable causes • Framing of analysis scope . Qualify 3-6 weeks at cost • Qualify opportunities • Quantify anticipated results • Initial engagement design • Key meetings: Launch, Opportunity Review, Solution Review, and Final Framing of analysis scope . Modify 4-8 months • Final engagement design • Execution of engagement design • Realization & measurement of results • Ownership & sustainability Our Way of Collaborating : Office Locations : SFO 101 California Street Suite 2710 San Francisco, CA 94111 415 636 7999 TOR 20 Bay Street 11th Floor Toronto, ON M5J 2N8 647 725 9662 www.catalyft.com
  • 8. 8 Furthermore, your new organization needs to have customer rela- tionships lined up with your new team, not only for New Sales, but also for cash collection needs. After all, a sale is only good if your team gets paid accordingly in the expected timeframe. On the inventory side of matters, an integrated Sales & Operations Planning (S & OP) capability is a must. Without it, the warehouse could become filled with dusty, cash-laden inventory. Your new organization needs to have the demand-sensing signals and con- trolled processes in place to ensure customer orders turn into cash rather than one-of-a-kind museum pieces weighing down inventory balances. Our experience tells us your new firm must also understand all the ways to move excess and obsolete inven- tory along the order-to-cash continuum — from maintaining some margin to becoming a total write-off. Your post-M & A cash conversion cycle must be understood and optimized. Furthermore, you must embed a cash-generating and cash-preserving mentality into your new team rather than relying on a handful of talented but stretched Finance & Accounting folks to mind the cash. Operational and Organizational Risks — woven throughout all this M & A landscape is operational risk. In a world rife with unknown outcomes, nervous talent, finicky customers, and merciless rivals, the operational side of M & A needs due consideration. Most teams we work with have a 100-day plan sketched out to help mitigate all the inherent risks. Our collaborations ensure Manage- ment is building momentum — every day — to exceed your plan. To beat the odds of disappointment, an operations-based Assimi- lation Roadmap accounting for the pitfalls is a great start. Then, crisp, EBITDA-focused execution of your Roadmap allows your team to breathe a little easier and turn anxiety about the near- term into enthusiasm about the future. Going through this trying time, your new team will appreciate an infusion of M & A experi- ences, dedicated resources, and added agility to overcome new wrinkles of adversity within their evolving organization. Fortune favors data-backed decision-makers. On the operational due diligence side, it is much easier to be a confident investor when you’ve got operational experience at your beck and call. On the post-acquisition integration side, Management teams must have the confidence to overcome adversity and capitalize on new opportunities down the road. Our M & A collaborations ensure your new team has embedded next-level capabilities (processes, tech-enabled tools, and training) to continue the march well be- yond the 100-day plan and onto your next M & A opportunity. We hope the time you’ve invested reading this experience case provided a few points resonating with your own M & A contem- plations. Please keep Catalyft in mind when considering a partner to help ensure your team is ready for all the next-steps. We want you to land firmly on the good side of the M & A odds, too. www.catalyft.com Clients’ Historical Return On Investment (avg.) 4.8 to 1 Engagement Statistics: Team’s Collective Career Projects (total) 1,496 Specialists: Years In Consulting (avg.) 21 Team’s Career Training Sessions Delivered (total) 4,935 Supply Chain Cost Savings (avg.) 19% Working Capital Unlocked For Reinvestment (avg.) 21% Tech-Enabled Productivity Increases (avg.) 27% Team’s Historical C-Suite Executives Roles (total) 39 Subject Matter Expertise (SME) Network (total) 900+