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Uncover The Gold: A Business Case Study
for Best Practices in Lead Management
Business Insight You Can Use

       Executive Summary
       In the beginning, someone raises a hand and says Yes—tell me more. From that
       moment on, a company becomes engaged in one of the most critical functions that
       impacts sales success: lead management.

       It's an intricate, complex process spanning both marketing and sales professionals.
       In order to make sure leads are properly targeted, distributed, tracked and acted upon,
       companies need a unified system that makes the entire process more visible and
       collaborative. From initial marketing campaign planning right through lead qualification,
       this paper explores how one Pivotal customer—the LCD Products Group of Sharp
       Electronics—has invested in marketing automation technology to ensure that their
       marketing and sales teams more efficiently recognize and act swiftly on the most
       profitable opportunities.

       Change is sweeping through marketing organizations everywhere. Expectations
       are rising—give us more, better quality leads, more quickly—while budgets and
       headcounts shrink. The mandate of doing more with less has never been more
       apparent, and pressure is increasing for marketing teams to draw a direct line drawn
       between their activities and the bottom line. The good news for marketing professionals
       is that lead management technology, one of the key tools that demonstrates marketing
       value in the charts and statistics that executives demand, is now widely available.
       It's no longer merely the "Fortunate 500" who can afford to buy and implement this
       powerful capability, and have marketing teams that are intensely, quantitatively
       accountable. As lead management strategies—and the processes and technologies
       that bring them to life—come within the reach of mid-sized and smaller businesses, the
       value proposition and timeliness of these tools are becoming irresistible to those who
       need to prove their worth.

       Over the next few pages you will learn how lead management best practices and
       technology have transformed how a division of Sharp Electronics generates, distributes
       and manages leads for better sales success. We'll also examine why more companies
       are joining the trend, raising the lead management bar to sharpen how they identify
       and win new opportunities.
Marketing Today                                                  Enter Lead Management
Traditionally, marketers have been 'ideas' people,               It is not just the idea of lead quantity that has come under
experimenting with creative ways to generate leads and           scrutiny. It's lead quality.
create awareness. For some time, it was accepted that
the benefit of marketing would be soft and qualitative           Rather than asking how many leads were generated,
in nature—we know half of our marketing activities are           executives are asking for conversion rates, or what
useful—we just don't know which half. We know marketing          proportion of leads resulted in closed opportunities.
is necessary, we just don't know how good we are at              Answering this question means analyzing the entire lead
it. Until today, ROI-based reporting had long been an            lifecycle—from how the lead was generated to how the
inexact science. But as our collective understanding and         lead was distributed to sales and what happened once
visibility improves, what we see alarms us. Leading market       it got there. Teams are accountable to show investment
research firms have recently released studies suggesting         return and solid performance at every step, and over
that the vast majority of all sales leads—up to 70%—are          time, to show quantifiable improvement. As executives
never acted upon because they don't reach the right              ask tough questions, lead management technology gives
person at the right time.                                        marketers the visibility and the answers they need to
                                                                 consistently show they're on the right track.
This is a sobering reality for marketers everywhere.
                                                                 Lead management is the process of rapidly and
                                                                 effectively creating, nurturing, distributing and analyzing
Operational Account Ability                                      leads. The ultimate goal? To increase the likelihood that a
                                                                 lead will convert to a qualified opportunity and then a new,
Has Arrived                                                      satisfied customer. To implement a lead management
The ultimate goal of any marketing department is to              strategy, marketing and sales must work closely together.
generate qualified leads for sales, who then converts them
                                                                 For best results, a lead management system must
into customers. The rate at which deals close is the final
                                                                 converge the right people, processes and information
yard stick by which every marketing investment should
                                                                 at various stages:
be measured—but it's not easy. In the past, the ability
to track the cause and effect of marketing campaigns             • Identifying hot leads and automatically route to direct
has been very elusive, resulting in no ability to clearly          sales or channel partners
determine true ROI for marketing initiatives.
                                                                 • Actively engaging the remaining leads and nurture them
And the pressure is on. In a recent report, Boston-based           through the pipeline to eventual sale
research firm Aberdeen Group revealed that marketing
departments are just now being held to demonstrate the           • Tracking leads to closure and evaluate the ROI of
same level of quantitative value as other departments.             marketing campaigns
"The era of operational accountability has arrived," states
the report. "Coupled with the maturation and growing             • Integrating the external channel including value added
effectiveness of marketing technologies, [a] focus on              resellers (VARs), other resellers and strategic partners
quantifiable performance promises to accelerate                  • Integrating offline qualification resources such as
a measurable shift of an organization's marketing                  call centers
spend away from traditional media-based advertising
processes and towards technology-centric, interactive            Let's examine the marketing process of one Pivotal
marketing services.1                                             customer—Sharp Electronics' LCD Products Group. We'll
                                                                 look at how the above lead management milestones were
Marketers are now judged by the same criteria as other           met both before and after they implemented marketing
line-of-business managers and executives. They are               automation technology, and see how this new tool
held accountable for their spending, their headcounts            transformed their marketing model for more successful,
and their contribution. "The time has come to automate           more visible results.
a broader collection of enterprise wide marketing
processes," suggests the report. "Fortunately, the               Sharp Electronics' LCD Products Group, based in New
necessary supporting technology is now available to              Jersey, began using marketing automation in June
enable marketers to streamline traditionally manual              00. According to Fred Krazeise, Director of Strategic
processes and to better target communications to                 Marketing at Sharp's LCD Products Group, his company
appropriate audiences.                                          began to look at its lead management planning,
                                                                 execution, distribution, nurturing and several years
                                                                 ago. It was part of a marketing approach focused on
                                                                 helping Sharp VARs and channel partners win and keep
                                                                 customers for life.

1 From What Works: Best Practices in Marketing Technologies, Aberdeen Group, February 003

                                                                                                  CDC MarketFirst | Business Paper
Defining Lead Management
Before we move into the story at Sharp, let's examine the five key stages of lead management. For better or worse, sales
success and the ability to demonstrate ROI is directly impacted by how effective marketing teams are at the following:

Lead Management: Closing the Loop with Marketing and Sales

1. Lead Planning  Generation                                     3. Distribute Leads
This stage consists of planning the entire campaign—              Lead distribution consists of ensuring leads reach the
determining lists, developing messaging, selecting the            right person at the right time.
medium, setting the timing, planning the marketing
project, then specifying lead qualification and distribution      There are many distribution systems—according to
mechanism with Sales.                                             territory, product, lead source, level of urgency, or new
                                                                  vs. existing customers. They can also be escalated if, for
                                                                  example, they have a short timeframe to make a decision,
. Qualify Leads                                                  or a ready-approved budget, or if they have a particular
In this stage, leads are qualified, scored and processed          urgency or a high value associated with them.
according to pre-determined criteria.
                                                                  With the right technology infrastructure, companies
Typical lead process points and 'flags' are defined,              can automate the distribution of leads according to
including qualification questions and process, distribution       predetermined criteria. This removes the burden from
rules, lead scoring (specific definitions of A, B and C-level     support staff, and ensures that leads really do reach the
leads), components and duration of the sales cycle, how           right person at the right time.
to deal with atypical or out-of-profile leads, and ownership
of each stage of the process.
                                                                  4. Nurture Leads
Once lead qualification criteria are determined, they can         Lead nurturing allows companies to remain in touch with
be automated. For example, surveys can pose questions             longer term leads until the lead is ready to be advanced
like, Does this prospect have a budget in place for a            into the sales cycle.When the lead is closer to making a
product like ours?                                               purchase, it can be passed on to sales.

When this information is known, the lead can be passed            Nurturing—the process of progressing a lead from an
to sales as a 'hot' lead requiring rapid follow-up, or a 'cold'   'unqualified' to a 'qualified' state worthy of devoting your
lead requiring further nurturing and communication.               marketing resources—is an often neglected step in the
                                                                  lead management process.

                                                                                                    CDC MarketFirst | Business Paper   3
5. Measure and Evaluate Programs                                 management—teams need to go beyond meeting lead
                                                                 quotas, and focus on what it will take to close the loop
The last stage of lead management is to close the loop           and foster sales success.
on results. Post-campaign analysis and reporting is the
key to demonstrating success, or perhaps identifying             Leads feed into the top of the sales funnel as a result
how a marketing approach could be improved. By going             of marketing campaigns. Then, they are distributed to
through a detailed planning process at the outset, teams         pre-sales professionals for qualification, and finally to the
are clear as to what is to be measured at each step, and         sales team for closing. Only once a lead has moved far
have visibility into how similar campaigns have performed.       down the funnel do sales professionals begin working to
When the ROI and cost per lead from each campaign                close the most qualified leads. However, many companies
is accurately reported, patterns can be identified which         have holes in their sales funnel, through which leads and
help marketing teams to do more often what is proven             opportunities can slip and be lost.
to work well.
                                                                 It is an expensive endeavor to move a lead through the
                                                                 funnel and into sales. By the time a sales rep is assigned
Step One:                                                        to engage with a prospect, that prospect needs to be
                                                                 deeply qualified.
Lead Planning and Generation
Planning a successful campaign begins with a strong              If a 'cool' lead is sent through prematurely, valuable
sense of what has and hasn't worked in the past with             sales resources can be wasted. Smart lead planning and
a particular audience. It also starts with lining up the         tracking ensures that the most thoroughly qualified leads
necessary resources and processes to handle the leads            are given the green light to move forward, and also helps
when they come in. This is at the heart of today's lead          marketing to advance the most profitable leads at the
                                                                 optimal moment.

                                               The Solution: Integration

In the illustration above, the funnel on the left shows a        a particular audience. It also starts with lining up the
traditional sales and marketing organization. The funnel         necessary resources and processes to handle the leads
on the right shows an organization with automated lead           when they come in. This is at the heart of today’s lead
management. As you can see, a lead management                    management — teams need to go beyond meeting lead
system works on the front-end to target, sort, qualify and       quotas, and focus on what it will take to close the loop
flag leads properly, which makes for a smarter and more          and foster sales success.
cost-efficient sales cycle engagement. The lead spends
more time being engaged by lower cost marketing                  Leads feed into the top of the sales funnel as a result
programs and qualification initiatives and is only passed        of marketing campaigns. Then, they are distributed to
to sales when the likelihood of closing is at its greatest.      pre-sales professionals for qualification, and finally to the
This allows sales to maximize their return by only               sales team for closing. Only once a lead has moved far
interacting with qualified leads.                                down the funnel do sales professionals begin working to
                                                                 close the most qualified leads. However, many companies
Planning a successful campaign begins with a strong              have holes in their sales funnel, through which leads and
sense of what has and hasn’t worked in the past with             opportunities can slip and be lost.

                                                                                                  CDC MarketFirst | Business Paper   4
It is an expensive endeavor to move a lead through                  “At Sharp Electronics we are using CDC MarketFirst to
              the funnel and into sales. By the time a sales rep is               further differentiate ourselves from other manufacturers
              assigned to engage with a prospect, that prospect needs             in a highly competitive environment,” he says. “It gives
              to be deeply qualified. If a ‘cool’ lead is sent through            us the ability to take the Sharp LCD product message
                                            prematurely, valuable sales           direct to end users and create awareness, preference
                                            resources can be wasted.              and demand for our products throughout our dealer
Since deploying                             Smart lead planning and               network — an essential strategy to building long-term
CDC MarketFirst,                            tracking ensures that the most        relationships.We began to see results within three weeks
                                            thoroughly qualified leads            of using CDC MarketFirst. Now that I have it, I can’t live
Sharp has enjoyed:                          are given the green light to          without it.”
• An increase in the number of sales        move forward, and also helps
   leads from 6,500 in the whole of         marketing to advance the
   001 to more than 8,000 in the first
   seven months of the system’s use
                                            most profitable leads at the          Step Two: Lead Qualification
                                            optimal moment.                       The LCD Product Group at Sharp began using CDC
•   85% reduction in cost per lead
    — from $388 per lead in 001 to $58
                                                                                  MarketFirst in June 00 after a three-week deployment.
                                              In the illustration above, the
    per lead in 00                                                              The product’s powerful yet intuitive campaign
                                              funnel on the left shows
                                                                                  management capabilities enable Sharp to manage
• The ability to make new dealer or           a traditional sales and
                                                                                  one-to-one, direct campaigns allowing the company to
  territory changes in minutes, instead       marketing organization. The
  of days                                                                         drive dynamic, personalized, and relevant information to
                                              funnel on the right shows an
                                                                                  prospects and customers. With the system’s ease-of-use
• The fact that call center script            organization with automated
                                                                                  and flexibility, marketers can quickly make changes
  changes can be made in less than            lead management. As you
                                                                                  to the system, such as adding surveys to outbound
  a day, rather than taking weeks             can see, a lead management
                                                                                  telemarketing campaigns.
                                              system works on the front-end
                                              to target, sort, qualify and flag   Far too often, marketing teams focus on generating large
               leads properly, which makes for a smarter and more cost-           numbers of leads, but fail when it comes to qualifying
               efficient sales cycle engagement. The lead spends more             those leads. By making effective use of marketing
               time being engaged by lower cost marketing programs                automation tools, together with an appropriate lead
               and qualification initiatives and is only passed to sales          management strategy and process, it is possible to bridge
               when the likelihood of closing is at its greatest. This allows     the gap between quantity and quality.
               sales to maximize their return by only interacting with
               qualified leads.                                                   The ideal result is a high number of qualified leads that
                                                                                  are likely to convert into sales. Leads will be uneven
               To bring a lead management system like this to life, sales         or of indeterminate quality if the strategy, process and
               and marketing teams need to work together to create a              technology used in qualifying them is inadequate. An
               lead processing plan. Together, they should define:                unqualified lead will distract sales representatives with
               • Qualification questions and processes                            low-value leads, while high-value leads languish at the
                                                                                  bottom of the pile getting cold. ‘Raw’ leads can also
               • Lead distribution rules                                          distract the additional resources, especially if you use a
               • Lead scoring: specific definitions of A, B and C-level           live person to call into a lead that has a high chance of
                 leads                                                            being cold or non-pursuable.
               • Components and duration of the sales cycle                       With proper lead qualification, leads are captured,
               • How to manage atypical leads or out-of-profile leads             collected and consolidated. Then they’re enriched with
                                                                                  any existing data the company may hold about the
               • Ownership of each stage of the process
                                                                                  prospect (Marketing automation solutions can help amass
               Once the lead process is defined, marketing automation             progressive profile data and large amounts of behavioral
               powers both the planning and execution of campaigns.               data in activity logs, surveys, and other vehicles).
               This technology streamlines workflow planning and
               resource allocation, provides the infrastructure to execute        Finally, leads must by qualified and prioritized — either
               campaigns rapidly and make changes dynamically, and                manually or in an automated fashion according to
               to test campaigns in real-time.                                    predetermined business rules. Lead prioritization —
                                                                                  or “scoring” — will determine how leads are distributed.
               Fred Krazeise, Director of Strategic Marketing at Sharp’s
               LCD Products Group, worked with his sales team to                  Lead qualification, since it triggers which path a lead
               identify the best lead process. Then, he employed the              takes (whether the lead is passed to sales, moved into
               CDC MarketFirst technology to give his marketers the               a longer-term nurture campaign, or dropped), is critical
               tools they needed to make it happen.                               to sales success. It’s all about timing, and being able to
                                                                                  identify when a lead is ready to buy. In the early stages

                                                                                                                   CDC MarketFirst | Business Paper   5
of reviewing its lead handling and management process,          received, what happened to them? Were they even
               Sharp surveyed the buying history of a representative           followed up? Sharp discovered that 58% of leads sent to
               sample of prospects, and they made a fascinating                dealers and VARs were never followed-up.
               discovery. Of the prospects tagged as “cold” leads, 58%
                                            of them actually did make          The problem with manual lead distribution is clear.
                                            a purchase of a Sharp LCD          Different processes are always required for different
With CDC MarketFirst,                       product within six months          channels; however, and that with manual processes there
                                            of making contact with             was not only technology failure but lack of coordination
Sharp has experienced:                                                         and integration. Moving to a marketing automation
                                            Sharp. The consequences
• 1000% increase in the number of           of this mistake were huge —        solution helped the company to re-engineer the process
  qualified leads                                                              on the strength of the technology, eliminating many of
                                            consider all the opportunities
• an 85% decrease in cost-per-lead.         that were lost. The only reason    the manual elements and providing a framework for
                                            prospects made a purchase is       co-ordination and integration. They gained visibility into
                                            because they took the initiative   marketing’s impact on the end result: closed deals.
               to engage with the company, rather than the company
                                                                               In addition to giving Sharp powerful campaign
               being proactive at the right time. The question for Sharp
                                                                               management capabilities, CDC MarketFirst also
               was then, “how much revenue did we let slip through, by
                                                                               enables the company to significantly improve its lead
               not reaching out to prospects that needed us?”
                                                                               management processes and enhance support of its
                                                                               distribution network. In fact, by using CDC MarketFirst, the
              Step Three: Distribute Leads                                     company has completely realigned the manner in which
                                                                               sales leads are captured, ranked and distributed to its
              Time is of the essence when a customer is ready to buy.          resellers. In less than three weeks of using the solution,
              Any delay may mean losing a sale. After all this effort, can     Sharp generated, qualified and distributed 96 percent
              companies afford not to distribute leads effectively?            of the entire previous year’s leads to its top dealers and
                                                                               resellers. They have also achieved a 100 percent follow-
              Lead distribution is more than simply e-mailing or faxing
                                                                               up on those leads, giving them an unprecedented lead
              leads off to sales teams or channel partners. Lead
                                                                               conversion rate, which means more business for everyone
              distribution consists of routing leads to the appropriate
                                                                               involved, and better, faster service to end customers.
              member of the sales team — or channel partner — based
              on predetermined rules. Not only to the right person
                                            — but at the right time.           Step Four: Nurture Leads
Now that it uses CDC                      The distribution process             Not everyone is ready to buy the first time they hear about
MarketFirst, Sharp found:                 should include venues for the        a product or service. Many are only in the early stages of
                                          sales team to interact with          the purchase process when they enquire — and they can
• more than 90% follow-up rates on
  leads, up from 4%                      those who have assigned the          be passed over by sales teams eager to pick only ‘low
                                          leads to them. They may need         hanging fruit’ prospects who appear to want to buy quickly.
• 96% of the entire previous year’s       further information or lead
  leads were distributed to top dealers                                        The best lead management practice is to nurture leads
                                          enrichment. Likewise, they are
  and resellers within three weeks of                                          over time by segmenting them by product, service
  using the solution                      contributing back by entering
                                          new insights, prospect               and purchase readiness, targeting them with further
                                          interactions and deal status         communication relating very specifically to their interest
              into the company’s customer relationship management              — and then tracking their responses and promoting
              (CRM) system. Then, both marketing and sales teams               them to a higher level of sales opportunity at the
              should be able to track the progress of leads as they            appropriate time. Throughout this nurturing process, all
              progress through the sales cycle.                                communication with the prospect should again be held
                                                                               in the CRM solution. Marketing automation enables this
              For Sharp, moving forward meant taking a hard look               critical business function that supports, encourages and
              at how the company had been distributing its leads               assists the creation of business processes and strategies
              — and what might be done to distribute them more                 around nurturing and developing customers.
              effectively. Leads were manually distributed to dealers
              by fax, depending upon their ranking. This was not the           As the Sharp Electronics example clearly illustrates (58%
              most effective distribution mechanism. Technology could          of leads flagged as ‘cold’ bought on their own initiative
              — and often did, fail — with fax machines running out of         within six months), a cool lead today may be a hot lead
              paper, transmissions getting lost or buried under others,        tomorrow. Leads such as these require a longer-term
              or transmissions getting stuck in the fax machine’s              relationship — just because a customer doesn’t want to
              memory buffer. But even worse, there was no clear                buy right away, it doesn’t mean they don’t want to buy
              view into what was happening on the other end of the             at all.With automation, customers can be nurtured in
              fax machine. Even if leads were successfully faxed and           a cost-effective manner. And nurturing a cool lead to
                                                                               a hot lead is less expensive than working from scratch.

                                                                                                                CDC MarketFirst | Business Paper   6
With CDC MarketFirst, Sharp has experienced an
               unprecedented lead conversion rate of the leads that were
                                                                                      Step Five:
               considered cold in the beginning due, in part, to long-term            Measure  Evaluate Programs
               customer nurturing and development.
                                                                                      In a recent report, Gartner estimates that “enterprises
               “Before marketing automation, we typically qualified leads             routinely spend 10 percent to 30 percent of their revenue
               by telephone. That’s how we would get information from                 on marketing and sales activities, without being able to
               most dealers about the resolution or nurturing of a lead,”             demonstrate a positive return on investment from those
               says Krazeise. “Now, we qualify leads electronically and               investments.
               by further telephone conversations.
                                                                                      A lead management program provides a way for
             We have a separate campaign that we run within CDC                       companies to measure and see that ROI — and learn
             MarketFirst that automatically sends out follow-up e-mails               what’s working, and what isn’t. Analysis feeds backs into
             to nurture prospects. All of our literature requests, for                planning for the next marketing campaign, and the whole
             example, are now fulfilled automatically. People don’t                   cycle starts again — smarter.
                                          have to walk down to the
                                          mailroom. Now they send                     With marketing automation, all of the data required
With CDC MarketFirst,                     out product information                     to conduct that analysis is collected in real-time while
Sharp enjoys:                             electronically through CDC                  campaigns are underway. As leads are qualified, as
                                          MarketFirst, much more easily,              they are distributed, and as sales are booked. Rather
• 75% reduction in literature fulfillment
  expense                                 conveniently, and                           than relying on data that comes in a long time after the
                                          cost-effectively.”                          fact — or is highly subjective — management, sales,
• 5% reduction in advertising                                                        marketing, finance and call center operations can quickly
                                              For lower-priority leads                see what is happening within marketing and sales cycle
•   nearly 100% follow-up on leads,           and prospects, marketing                at any point in time — and feed back what they learn into
    giving it an unprecedented                automation gives Sharp and              strategic and business process improvements.
    conversion rate
                                              its channel partners easy-to-
                                              use programs for nurturing              CDC MarketFirst’s powerful and intuitive campaign
               campaigns that will keep prospective customers engaged                 management capabilities enable Sharp to manage
               and informed. Keeping track of all leads, whatever their               one-to-one, direct campaigns allowing the company to
               current interest level, is an integral part of Sharp’s overall         drive dynamic, personalized, and relevant information to
               plan to manage each lead throughout the customer                       prospects and customers.
               lifecycle and maximize sales opportunities.
                                                                                      In addition to giving Sharp powerful campaign
               CDC MarketFirst has also helped Sharp reduce literature                management capabilities, CDC MarketFirst also enables
               fulfillment expenses by 75 percent by giving the company               the company to significantly improve its lead management
               the tools to quickly and electronically respond to customer            processes and enhance support of its distribution
               requests for product collateral. Fulfillment requests can              network. In fact, by using CDC MarketFirst, the company
               either be generated in the call center via agents, or by               has completely realigned the manner in which sales leads
               customers or prospects on the website. Once the request                are captured, ranked and distributed to its resellers.
               is submitted, CDC MarketFirst automatically fulfills the
                                                                                      Previously, Sharp would send out a lead to its dealer
               literature order and sends out a personalized e-mail
                                                                                      network, but was slow to receive any feedback on what
               with the appropriate PDF, ensuring a consistent brand
                                                                                      happened to that lead. Since deploying MarketFirst, the
               experience in process.
                                                                                      company now has several mechanisms in place so that
                                                                                      their dealers can make requests and provide feedback to
                                                                                      Sharp immediately using the web, e-mail and call center.
                                                                                      This has allowed Sharp to be more nimble in responding
                                                                                      to its dealer’s needs.

               2 From Gartner, Inc.: “Lead Management and Reporting”: Claudio Marcus, October 3, 2002

                                                                                                                      CDC MarketFirst | Business Paper   7
                Companies that follow lead management best practices
                powered by marketing automation can expect to increase
                their return on every lead generated. By managing the
                process from the first stages of planning through the
                qualification, distribution and nurturing process, marketing
                teams gather meaningful data on what works, and
                                              what needs improvement.
                                              This continuous process
Results Recap: Marketing                      of planning, execution and
Automation at Sharp                           evaluation ensures that ROI
                                              is maximized on marketing
                                              activities and prospects
• 1000% increase in the number of             are engaged right up to the
   qualified leads                            purchase decision.
•   More than 90% follow-up rates on
    leads, up from 4%                           Implementing lead
•   Nearly 100% follow-up on leads,
                                                 management best practices
    giving it an unprecedented lead              through marketing automation
    conversion rate, which means                 reduces the cost of marketing,
    more business for everyone                   fills the sales pipeline faster
    involved, and better, faster service         with better quality leads, and
    to end customers                             grows revenue. So every
•   85% reduction in cost per lead               marketing organization can
    — from $388 per lead in 001 to $58          finally discover the real gold
    per lead in 00                             amongst their leads.
•   An increase in the number of sales
    leads from 6,500 in the whole of
    001 to more than 8,000 in the first
    seven months of the system’s use
•   An unprecedented lead conversion
    rate of the leads that were
    considered cold in the beginning
    due, in part, to long-term customer
    nurturing and development
•   96% of the entire previous years
    leads were distributed to its top
    dealers and resellers in less than
    three weeks of using the solution
•   The ability to make new dealer or
    territory changes in minutes, instead
    of days
•   The fact that call center script
    changes can be made in less than
    a day, rather than taking weeks
•   8% reduction in advertising
•   75% reduction in literature
    fulfillment expenses

                For more information, please visit www.marketfirst.com or call +1 877-748-6825.
                Copyright © CDC Software 007. All rights reserved.
                The CDC Software logo and CDC MarketFirst logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of CDC Software.

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Uncover the gold

  • 1. BUSINESS PAPER Uncover The Gold: A Business Case Study for Best Practices in Lead Management Business Insight You Can Use Executive Summary In the beginning, someone raises a hand and says Yes—tell me more. From that moment on, a company becomes engaged in one of the most critical functions that impacts sales success: lead management. It's an intricate, complex process spanning both marketing and sales professionals. In order to make sure leads are properly targeted, distributed, tracked and acted upon, companies need a unified system that makes the entire process more visible and collaborative. From initial marketing campaign planning right through lead qualification, this paper explores how one Pivotal customer—the LCD Products Group of Sharp Electronics—has invested in marketing automation technology to ensure that their marketing and sales teams more efficiently recognize and act swiftly on the most profitable opportunities. Change is sweeping through marketing organizations everywhere. Expectations are rising—give us more, better quality leads, more quickly—while budgets and headcounts shrink. The mandate of doing more with less has never been more apparent, and pressure is increasing for marketing teams to draw a direct line drawn between their activities and the bottom line. The good news for marketing professionals is that lead management technology, one of the key tools that demonstrates marketing value in the charts and statistics that executives demand, is now widely available. It's no longer merely the "Fortunate 500" who can afford to buy and implement this powerful capability, and have marketing teams that are intensely, quantitatively accountable. As lead management strategies—and the processes and technologies that bring them to life—come within the reach of mid-sized and smaller businesses, the value proposition and timeliness of these tools are becoming irresistible to those who need to prove their worth. Over the next few pages you will learn how lead management best practices and technology have transformed how a division of Sharp Electronics generates, distributes and manages leads for better sales success. We'll also examine why more companies are joining the trend, raising the lead management bar to sharpen how they identify and win new opportunities.
  • 2. Marketing Today Enter Lead Management Traditionally, marketers have been 'ideas' people, It is not just the idea of lead quantity that has come under experimenting with creative ways to generate leads and scrutiny. It's lead quality. create awareness. For some time, it was accepted that the benefit of marketing would be soft and qualitative Rather than asking how many leads were generated, in nature—we know half of our marketing activities are executives are asking for conversion rates, or what useful—we just don't know which half. We know marketing proportion of leads resulted in closed opportunities. is necessary, we just don't know how good we are at Answering this question means analyzing the entire lead it. Until today, ROI-based reporting had long been an lifecycle—from how the lead was generated to how the inexact science. But as our collective understanding and lead was distributed to sales and what happened once visibility improves, what we see alarms us. Leading market it got there. Teams are accountable to show investment research firms have recently released studies suggesting return and solid performance at every step, and over that the vast majority of all sales leads—up to 70%—are time, to show quantifiable improvement. As executives never acted upon because they don't reach the right ask tough questions, lead management technology gives person at the right time. marketers the visibility and the answers they need to consistently show they're on the right track. This is a sobering reality for marketers everywhere. Lead management is the process of rapidly and effectively creating, nurturing, distributing and analyzing Operational Account Ability leads. The ultimate goal? To increase the likelihood that a lead will convert to a qualified opportunity and then a new, Has Arrived satisfied customer. To implement a lead management The ultimate goal of any marketing department is to strategy, marketing and sales must work closely together. generate qualified leads for sales, who then converts them For best results, a lead management system must into customers. The rate at which deals close is the final converge the right people, processes and information yard stick by which every marketing investment should at various stages: be measured—but it's not easy. In the past, the ability to track the cause and effect of marketing campaigns • Identifying hot leads and automatically route to direct has been very elusive, resulting in no ability to clearly sales or channel partners determine true ROI for marketing initiatives. • Actively engaging the remaining leads and nurture them And the pressure is on. In a recent report, Boston-based through the pipeline to eventual sale research firm Aberdeen Group revealed that marketing departments are just now being held to demonstrate the • Tracking leads to closure and evaluate the ROI of same level of quantitative value as other departments. marketing campaigns "The era of operational accountability has arrived," states the report. "Coupled with the maturation and growing • Integrating the external channel including value added effectiveness of marketing technologies, [a] focus on resellers (VARs), other resellers and strategic partners quantifiable performance promises to accelerate • Integrating offline qualification resources such as a measurable shift of an organization's marketing call centers spend away from traditional media-based advertising processes and towards technology-centric, interactive Let's examine the marketing process of one Pivotal marketing services.1 customer—Sharp Electronics' LCD Products Group. We'll look at how the above lead management milestones were Marketers are now judged by the same criteria as other met both before and after they implemented marketing line-of-business managers and executives. They are automation technology, and see how this new tool held accountable for their spending, their headcounts transformed their marketing model for more successful, and their contribution. "The time has come to automate more visible results. a broader collection of enterprise wide marketing processes," suggests the report. "Fortunately, the Sharp Electronics' LCD Products Group, based in New necessary supporting technology is now available to Jersey, began using marketing automation in June enable marketers to streamline traditionally manual 00. According to Fred Krazeise, Director of Strategic processes and to better target communications to Marketing at Sharp's LCD Products Group, his company appropriate audiences. began to look at its lead management planning, execution, distribution, nurturing and several years ago. It was part of a marketing approach focused on helping Sharp VARs and channel partners win and keep customers for life. 1 From What Works: Best Practices in Marketing Technologies, Aberdeen Group, February 003 CDC MarketFirst | Business Paper
  • 3. Defining Lead Management Before we move into the story at Sharp, let's examine the five key stages of lead management. For better or worse, sales success and the ability to demonstrate ROI is directly impacted by how effective marketing teams are at the following: Lead Management: Closing the Loop with Marketing and Sales 1. Lead Planning Generation 3. Distribute Leads This stage consists of planning the entire campaign— Lead distribution consists of ensuring leads reach the determining lists, developing messaging, selecting the right person at the right time. medium, setting the timing, planning the marketing project, then specifying lead qualification and distribution There are many distribution systems—according to mechanism with Sales. territory, product, lead source, level of urgency, or new vs. existing customers. They can also be escalated if, for example, they have a short timeframe to make a decision, . Qualify Leads or a ready-approved budget, or if they have a particular In this stage, leads are qualified, scored and processed urgency or a high value associated with them. according to pre-determined criteria. With the right technology infrastructure, companies Typical lead process points and 'flags' are defined, can automate the distribution of leads according to including qualification questions and process, distribution predetermined criteria. This removes the burden from rules, lead scoring (specific definitions of A, B and C-level support staff, and ensures that leads really do reach the leads), components and duration of the sales cycle, how right person at the right time. to deal with atypical or out-of-profile leads, and ownership of each stage of the process. 4. Nurture Leads Once lead qualification criteria are determined, they can Lead nurturing allows companies to remain in touch with be automated. For example, surveys can pose questions longer term leads until the lead is ready to be advanced like, Does this prospect have a budget in place for a into the sales cycle.When the lead is closer to making a product like ours? purchase, it can be passed on to sales. When this information is known, the lead can be passed Nurturing—the process of progressing a lead from an to sales as a 'hot' lead requiring rapid follow-up, or a 'cold' 'unqualified' to a 'qualified' state worthy of devoting your lead requiring further nurturing and communication. marketing resources—is an often neglected step in the lead management process. CDC MarketFirst | Business Paper 3
  • 4. 5. Measure and Evaluate Programs management—teams need to go beyond meeting lead quotas, and focus on what it will take to close the loop The last stage of lead management is to close the loop and foster sales success. on results. Post-campaign analysis and reporting is the key to demonstrating success, or perhaps identifying Leads feed into the top of the sales funnel as a result how a marketing approach could be improved. By going of marketing campaigns. Then, they are distributed to through a detailed planning process at the outset, teams pre-sales professionals for qualification, and finally to the are clear as to what is to be measured at each step, and sales team for closing. Only once a lead has moved far have visibility into how similar campaigns have performed. down the funnel do sales professionals begin working to When the ROI and cost per lead from each campaign close the most qualified leads. However, many companies is accurately reported, patterns can be identified which have holes in their sales funnel, through which leads and help marketing teams to do more often what is proven opportunities can slip and be lost. to work well. It is an expensive endeavor to move a lead through the funnel and into sales. By the time a sales rep is assigned Step One: to engage with a prospect, that prospect needs to be deeply qualified. Lead Planning and Generation Planning a successful campaign begins with a strong If a 'cool' lead is sent through prematurely, valuable sense of what has and hasn't worked in the past with sales resources can be wasted. Smart lead planning and a particular audience. It also starts with lining up the tracking ensures that the most thoroughly qualified leads necessary resources and processes to handle the leads are given the green light to move forward, and also helps when they come in. This is at the heart of today's lead marketing to advance the most profitable leads at the optimal moment. The Solution: Integration In the illustration above, the funnel on the left shows a a particular audience. It also starts with lining up the traditional sales and marketing organization. The funnel necessary resources and processes to handle the leads on the right shows an organization with automated lead when they come in. This is at the heart of today’s lead management. As you can see, a lead management management — teams need to go beyond meeting lead system works on the front-end to target, sort, qualify and quotas, and focus on what it will take to close the loop flag leads properly, which makes for a smarter and more and foster sales success. cost-efficient sales cycle engagement. The lead spends more time being engaged by lower cost marketing Leads feed into the top of the sales funnel as a result programs and qualification initiatives and is only passed of marketing campaigns. Then, they are distributed to to sales when the likelihood of closing is at its greatest. pre-sales professionals for qualification, and finally to the This allows sales to maximize their return by only sales team for closing. Only once a lead has moved far interacting with qualified leads. down the funnel do sales professionals begin working to close the most qualified leads. However, many companies Planning a successful campaign begins with a strong have holes in their sales funnel, through which leads and sense of what has and hasn’t worked in the past with opportunities can slip and be lost. CDC MarketFirst | Business Paper 4
  • 5. It is an expensive endeavor to move a lead through “At Sharp Electronics we are using CDC MarketFirst to the funnel and into sales. By the time a sales rep is further differentiate ourselves from other manufacturers assigned to engage with a prospect, that prospect needs in a highly competitive environment,” he says. “It gives to be deeply qualified. If a ‘cool’ lead is sent through us the ability to take the Sharp LCD product message prematurely, valuable sales direct to end users and create awareness, preference resources can be wasted. and demand for our products throughout our dealer Since deploying Smart lead planning and network — an essential strategy to building long-term CDC MarketFirst, tracking ensures that the most relationships.We began to see results within three weeks thoroughly qualified leads of using CDC MarketFirst. Now that I have it, I can’t live Sharp has enjoyed: are given the green light to without it.” • An increase in the number of sales move forward, and also helps leads from 6,500 in the whole of marketing to advance the 001 to more than 8,000 in the first seven months of the system’s use most profitable leads at the Step Two: Lead Qualification optimal moment. The LCD Product Group at Sharp began using CDC • 85% reduction in cost per lead — from $388 per lead in 001 to $58 MarketFirst in June 00 after a three-week deployment. In the illustration above, the per lead in 00 The product’s powerful yet intuitive campaign funnel on the left shows management capabilities enable Sharp to manage • The ability to make new dealer or a traditional sales and one-to-one, direct campaigns allowing the company to territory changes in minutes, instead marketing organization. The of days drive dynamic, personalized, and relevant information to funnel on the right shows an prospects and customers. With the system’s ease-of-use • The fact that call center script organization with automated and flexibility, marketers can quickly make changes changes can be made in less than lead management. As you to the system, such as adding surveys to outbound a day, rather than taking weeks can see, a lead management telemarketing campaigns. system works on the front-end to target, sort, qualify and flag Far too often, marketing teams focus on generating large leads properly, which makes for a smarter and more cost- numbers of leads, but fail when it comes to qualifying efficient sales cycle engagement. The lead spends more those leads. By making effective use of marketing time being engaged by lower cost marketing programs automation tools, together with an appropriate lead and qualification initiatives and is only passed to sales management strategy and process, it is possible to bridge when the likelihood of closing is at its greatest. This allows the gap between quantity and quality. sales to maximize their return by only interacting with qualified leads. The ideal result is a high number of qualified leads that are likely to convert into sales. Leads will be uneven To bring a lead management system like this to life, sales or of indeterminate quality if the strategy, process and and marketing teams need to work together to create a technology used in qualifying them is inadequate. An lead processing plan. Together, they should define: unqualified lead will distract sales representatives with • Qualification questions and processes low-value leads, while high-value leads languish at the bottom of the pile getting cold. ‘Raw’ leads can also • Lead distribution rules distract the additional resources, especially if you use a • Lead scoring: specific definitions of A, B and C-level live person to call into a lead that has a high chance of leads being cold or non-pursuable. • Components and duration of the sales cycle With proper lead qualification, leads are captured, • How to manage atypical leads or out-of-profile leads collected and consolidated. Then they’re enriched with any existing data the company may hold about the • Ownership of each stage of the process prospect (Marketing automation solutions can help amass Once the lead process is defined, marketing automation progressive profile data and large amounts of behavioral powers both the planning and execution of campaigns. data in activity logs, surveys, and other vehicles). This technology streamlines workflow planning and resource allocation, provides the infrastructure to execute Finally, leads must by qualified and prioritized — either campaigns rapidly and make changes dynamically, and manually or in an automated fashion according to to test campaigns in real-time. predetermined business rules. Lead prioritization — or “scoring” — will determine how leads are distributed. Fred Krazeise, Director of Strategic Marketing at Sharp’s LCD Products Group, worked with his sales team to Lead qualification, since it triggers which path a lead identify the best lead process. Then, he employed the takes (whether the lead is passed to sales, moved into CDC MarketFirst technology to give his marketers the a longer-term nurture campaign, or dropped), is critical tools they needed to make it happen. to sales success. It’s all about timing, and being able to identify when a lead is ready to buy. In the early stages CDC MarketFirst | Business Paper 5
  • 6. of reviewing its lead handling and management process, received, what happened to them? Were they even Sharp surveyed the buying history of a representative followed up? Sharp discovered that 58% of leads sent to sample of prospects, and they made a fascinating dealers and VARs were never followed-up. discovery. Of the prospects tagged as “cold” leads, 58% of them actually did make The problem with manual lead distribution is clear. a purchase of a Sharp LCD Different processes are always required for different With CDC MarketFirst, product within six months channels; however, and that with manual processes there of making contact with was not only technology failure but lack of coordination Sharp has experienced: and integration. Moving to a marketing automation Sharp. The consequences • 1000% increase in the number of of this mistake were huge — solution helped the company to re-engineer the process qualified leads on the strength of the technology, eliminating many of consider all the opportunities • an 85% decrease in cost-per-lead. that were lost. The only reason the manual elements and providing a framework for prospects made a purchase is co-ordination and integration. They gained visibility into because they took the initiative marketing’s impact on the end result: closed deals. to engage with the company, rather than the company In addition to giving Sharp powerful campaign being proactive at the right time. The question for Sharp management capabilities, CDC MarketFirst also was then, “how much revenue did we let slip through, by enables the company to significantly improve its lead not reaching out to prospects that needed us?” management processes and enhance support of its distribution network. In fact, by using CDC MarketFirst, the Step Three: Distribute Leads company has completely realigned the manner in which sales leads are captured, ranked and distributed to its Time is of the essence when a customer is ready to buy. resellers. In less than three weeks of using the solution, Any delay may mean losing a sale. After all this effort, can Sharp generated, qualified and distributed 96 percent companies afford not to distribute leads effectively? of the entire previous year’s leads to its top dealers and resellers. They have also achieved a 100 percent follow- Lead distribution is more than simply e-mailing or faxing up on those leads, giving them an unprecedented lead leads off to sales teams or channel partners. Lead conversion rate, which means more business for everyone distribution consists of routing leads to the appropriate involved, and better, faster service to end customers. member of the sales team — or channel partner — based on predetermined rules. Not only to the right person — but at the right time. Step Four: Nurture Leads Now that it uses CDC The distribution process Not everyone is ready to buy the first time they hear about MarketFirst, Sharp found: should include venues for the a product or service. Many are only in the early stages of sales team to interact with the purchase process when they enquire — and they can • more than 90% follow-up rates on leads, up from 4% those who have assigned the be passed over by sales teams eager to pick only ‘low leads to them. They may need hanging fruit’ prospects who appear to want to buy quickly. • 96% of the entire previous year’s further information or lead leads were distributed to top dealers The best lead management practice is to nurture leads enrichment. Likewise, they are and resellers within three weeks of over time by segmenting them by product, service using the solution contributing back by entering new insights, prospect and purchase readiness, targeting them with further interactions and deal status communication relating very specifically to their interest into the company’s customer relationship management — and then tracking their responses and promoting (CRM) system. Then, both marketing and sales teams them to a higher level of sales opportunity at the should be able to track the progress of leads as they appropriate time. Throughout this nurturing process, all progress through the sales cycle. communication with the prospect should again be held in the CRM solution. Marketing automation enables this For Sharp, moving forward meant taking a hard look critical business function that supports, encourages and at how the company had been distributing its leads assists the creation of business processes and strategies — and what might be done to distribute them more around nurturing and developing customers. effectively. Leads were manually distributed to dealers by fax, depending upon their ranking. This was not the As the Sharp Electronics example clearly illustrates (58% most effective distribution mechanism. Technology could of leads flagged as ‘cold’ bought on their own initiative — and often did, fail — with fax machines running out of within six months), a cool lead today may be a hot lead paper, transmissions getting lost or buried under others, tomorrow. Leads such as these require a longer-term or transmissions getting stuck in the fax machine’s relationship — just because a customer doesn’t want to memory buffer. But even worse, there was no clear buy right away, it doesn’t mean they don’t want to buy view into what was happening on the other end of the at all.With automation, customers can be nurtured in fax machine. Even if leads were successfully faxed and a cost-effective manner. And nurturing a cool lead to a hot lead is less expensive than working from scratch. CDC MarketFirst | Business Paper 6
  • 7. With CDC MarketFirst, Sharp has experienced an unprecedented lead conversion rate of the leads that were Step Five: considered cold in the beginning due, in part, to long-term Measure Evaluate Programs customer nurturing and development. In a recent report, Gartner estimates that “enterprises “Before marketing automation, we typically qualified leads routinely spend 10 percent to 30 percent of their revenue by telephone. That’s how we would get information from on marketing and sales activities, without being able to most dealers about the resolution or nurturing of a lead,” demonstrate a positive return on investment from those says Krazeise. “Now, we qualify leads electronically and investments. by further telephone conversations. A lead management program provides a way for We have a separate campaign that we run within CDC companies to measure and see that ROI — and learn MarketFirst that automatically sends out follow-up e-mails what’s working, and what isn’t. Analysis feeds backs into to nurture prospects. All of our literature requests, for planning for the next marketing campaign, and the whole example, are now fulfilled automatically. People don’t cycle starts again — smarter. have to walk down to the mailroom. Now they send With marketing automation, all of the data required With CDC MarketFirst, out product information to conduct that analysis is collected in real-time while Sharp enjoys: electronically through CDC campaigns are underway. As leads are qualified, as MarketFirst, much more easily, they are distributed, and as sales are booked. Rather • 75% reduction in literature fulfillment expense conveniently, and than relying on data that comes in a long time after the cost-effectively.” fact — or is highly subjective — management, sales, • 5% reduction in advertising marketing, finance and call center operations can quickly expenses For lower-priority leads see what is happening within marketing and sales cycle • nearly 100% follow-up on leads, and prospects, marketing at any point in time — and feed back what they learn into giving it an unprecedented automation gives Sharp and strategic and business process improvements. conversion rate its channel partners easy-to- use programs for nurturing CDC MarketFirst’s powerful and intuitive campaign campaigns that will keep prospective customers engaged management capabilities enable Sharp to manage and informed. Keeping track of all leads, whatever their one-to-one, direct campaigns allowing the company to current interest level, is an integral part of Sharp’s overall drive dynamic, personalized, and relevant information to plan to manage each lead throughout the customer prospects and customers. lifecycle and maximize sales opportunities. In addition to giving Sharp powerful campaign CDC MarketFirst has also helped Sharp reduce literature management capabilities, CDC MarketFirst also enables fulfillment expenses by 75 percent by giving the company the company to significantly improve its lead management the tools to quickly and electronically respond to customer processes and enhance support of its distribution requests for product collateral. Fulfillment requests can network. In fact, by using CDC MarketFirst, the company either be generated in the call center via agents, or by has completely realigned the manner in which sales leads customers or prospects on the website. Once the request are captured, ranked and distributed to its resellers. is submitted, CDC MarketFirst automatically fulfills the Previously, Sharp would send out a lead to its dealer literature order and sends out a personalized e-mail network, but was slow to receive any feedback on what with the appropriate PDF, ensuring a consistent brand happened to that lead. Since deploying MarketFirst, the experience in process. company now has several mechanisms in place so that their dealers can make requests and provide feedback to Sharp immediately using the web, e-mail and call center. This has allowed Sharp to be more nimble in responding to its dealer’s needs. 2 From Gartner, Inc.: “Lead Management and Reporting”: Claudio Marcus, October 3, 2002 CDC MarketFirst | Business Paper 7
  • 8. Conclusion Companies that follow lead management best practices powered by marketing automation can expect to increase their return on every lead generated. By managing the process from the first stages of planning through the qualification, distribution and nurturing process, marketing teams gather meaningful data on what works, and what needs improvement. This continuous process Results Recap: Marketing of planning, execution and Automation at Sharp evaluation ensures that ROI is maximized on marketing Electronics activities and prospects • 1000% increase in the number of are engaged right up to the qualified leads purchase decision. • More than 90% follow-up rates on leads, up from 4% Implementing lead • Nearly 100% follow-up on leads, management best practices giving it an unprecedented lead through marketing automation conversion rate, which means reduces the cost of marketing, more business for everyone fills the sales pipeline faster involved, and better, faster service with better quality leads, and to end customers grows revenue. So every • 85% reduction in cost per lead marketing organization can — from $388 per lead in 001 to $58 finally discover the real gold per lead in 00 amongst their leads. • An increase in the number of sales leads from 6,500 in the whole of 001 to more than 8,000 in the first seven months of the system’s use • An unprecedented lead conversion rate of the leads that were considered cold in the beginning due, in part, to long-term customer nurturing and development • 96% of the entire previous years leads were distributed to its top dealers and resellers in less than three weeks of using the solution • The ability to make new dealer or territory changes in minutes, instead of days • The fact that call center script changes can be made in less than a day, rather than taking weeks • 8% reduction in advertising expenses • 75% reduction in literature fulfillment expenses For more information, please visit www.marketfirst.com or call +1 877-748-6825. Copyright © CDC Software 007. All rights reserved. The CDC Software logo and CDC MarketFirst logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of CDC Software.