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By : Cici Salfitri (1642009)
Budgeting for Planning and
Budgets are the quantitative expressions of plans. Budgets
are used to translate the goals and strategies of an
organization into operational terms.
Control is the process of setting standards, receiving feedback on actual
performance, and taking corrective action whenever actual performance
deviates from planned per- formance. Budgets are standards, and they
are compared with actual costs and reve- nues to provide feedback.
The planning and control functions of budg- eting can benefit all organizations regard- less of size. All
organizations need to de- termine what their goals are and how best to attain those goals. This is the
planning func- tion of budgeting. In addition, organizations can compare what actually happens with
what was planned to see if the plans are un- folding as anticipated. This is the control function of
Budgeting forces managers to plan, pro- vides resource
information for decision mak- ing, sets benchmarks for control
and evalua- tion, and improves the functions of communication
and coordination.
A master budget is the collection of all individual area and activity
budgets. Operating budgets are concerned with the incomegenerating
activities of a firm. Financial budgets are concerned with the inflows and
outflows of cash and with planned capital
The sales forecast is a critical input for building the sales budget. However, it is not
necessarily equivalent to the sales budget. Upon receiving the sales forecast,
management may decide that the firm can do better than the forecast indicates.
Consequently, actions may be taken to increase the sales potential for the coming year
(e.g., increasing advertising). This adjusted forecast then becomes the sales budget.
Explain the role of a sales forecast in budgeting.
What is the difference between a sales forecast
and a sales budget? 6
What is a master budget? An operating
budget? A
financial budget?5
All budgets depend on the sales budget. Is this
true? Explain.
For a merchandising firm, the production budget is replaced by a
merchandise purchases budget. Merchandising firms also lack
direct materials and direct labor budgets. All other budgets are
essentially the same. For a service firm (for-profit), the sales
budget doubles as the production budget, and there is no finished
goods inventory budget. The rest of the budgets
have counterparts.
Yes. All budgets are founded on the sales budget. Before a production
budget can be created, it must have the planned sales. The
manufacturing budgets, in turn, depend on the production budget. The
same is true for the financial budgets since sales is a critical
input for budgets in that category.
How do master budgets differ among manufacturing,
merchandising, and service organizations?
Discuss the differences between static and flexible budgets. Why are flexible budgets superior to static
budgets for performance reporting?
A static budget is for a particular level of activity. A flexible budget is one that can be established for any level of activity.
For performance reporting, it is necessary to compare the actual costs for the actual level of activity with the budgeted
costs for the actual level of activity. A flexible budget provides the means to compute the budgeted costs for the actual
level of activity, after thefact.
Explain why mixed costs must be broken down into their fixed and variable components before a flexible budget can
be developed.
A flexible budget is based on a simple formula:
Y = F + VX, which requires knowledge
of both fixed and variable components.
Why is it important for a manager to receive frequent feedback on his or her performance?
Frequent feedback is important so that corrective
action can be taken, increasing the
likelihood of achieving budget. )
Goal congruence is important because it
means that the employees of an organization
are working toward the goals of that organization. 11
Why is goal congruence important?
Participative budgeting is a system of budgeting that allows subordinate managers a say in how the budgets are
established. Participative budgeting fosters creativity and communicates a sense of responsibility to subordinate
managers. It also creates a higher likelihood of goal congruence since managers have more of a tendency to
make the budget’s goals their own personal goals.
Top management should provide guidelines and statistical input (e.g., industrial forecasts) and should
review the budgets to minimize the possibility of budgetary slack and ensure that the budget is
compatible with the strategic objectives of the firm. Top management should also provide the
incentive and reward system associated with the budgetary system.
Agree. Individuals who are not challenged tend to lose interest and maintain
a lower level of performance. A challenging, but achievable, budget tends to
extract a higher level of performance.
By underestimating revenues and overestimating
costs, the budget is more easily
Both monetary and nonmonetary incentives are used to encourage employees of an organization to
achieve the organization’s goals. Monetary incentives appeal to the economic needs of an individual, and
nonmonetary incentives appeal to the psychological needs. Since individuals are motivated by both
economic and psychological factors, both types of incentives ought to be present in a good budgetary
Discuss the roles of monetary and
nonmonetary incentives. Do you believe that
nonmonetary incentives are needed? Why or
why not?
What is participative budgeting? Discuss
some ofits advantages.
A budget too easily achieved will lead to diminished
performance. Do you agree or disagree?
What is the role of top management in
participative budgeting?
Explain why a manager has an
incentive to build slack into the budget.
To meet budget, it is possible to take actions that reduce costs in the short run
but increase them in the long run. For example, lower priced, lower-quality
materials can besubstituted for the usual quality of materials.
Other performance measures include productivity, personnel development,
market share, and product quality. A manager would have to be rewarded for
improvements achieved in each area. A major difficulty is determining how
much weight to assign
to each performance area.
Behavioral factors can make or break a budgetary control system. It is absolutely
essential to consider the behavioral ramifications. Ignoring them can and probably
willproduce dysfunctional consequences.
Across-the-board cuts have the appearance of being fair, but they unfairly penalize good
programs. In an era of scarce resources, an
organization must decide what it wishes to emphasize and allocate resources accordingly. This
may mean the complete elimination of weak programs and the strengthening of strong
programs. To cut each program equally without considering which ones are vital to the success
of the organization is not good planning.
Explain how an activity-based budget is prepared.
Activity-based budgeting requires three steps: (1) identification of activities; (2)
estimation of activity output demands; and (3) estimation of the costs of resources
needed to provide the activity output demanded.
What is the difference between an activity flexible budget and a functional-based (traditional) flexible
Functional-based flexible budgeting relies on unit-based drivers to build cost formulas for
various cost items. Activity flexible budgeting uses activity drivers to build a cost formula
for the costs of each activity.
Budgeting for planning and controlling

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Budgeting for planning and controlling

  • 1. By : Cici Salfitri (1642009) lecturer : SANTI YOPIE,SE.,MM.,CMA.,PROJECT+.,CIBA.,BKP.,CPA Budgeting for Planning and Controlling
  • 2. Budgets are the quantitative expressions of plans. Budgets are used to translate the goals and strategies of an organization into operational terms. Control is the process of setting standards, receiving feedback on actual performance, and taking corrective action whenever actual performance deviates from planned per- formance. Budgets are standards, and they are compared with actual costs and reve- nues to provide feedback. The planning and control functions of budg- eting can benefit all organizations regard- less of size. All organizations need to de- termine what their goals are and how best to attain those goals. This is the planning func- tion of budgeting. In addition, organizations can compare what actually happens with what was planned to see if the plans are un- folding as anticipated. This is the control function of budgeting. Budgeting forces managers to plan, pro- vides resource information for decision mak- ing, sets benchmarks for control and evalua- tion, and improves the functions of communication and coordination. 1 2 3 4
  • 3. A master budget is the collection of all individual area and activity budgets. Operating budgets are concerned with the incomegenerating activities of a firm. Financial budgets are concerned with the inflows and outflows of cash and with planned capital expenditures. The sales forecast is a critical input for building the sales budget. However, it is not necessarily equivalent to the sales budget. Upon receiving the sales forecast, management may decide that the firm can do better than the forecast indicates. Consequently, actions may be taken to increase the sales potential for the coming year (e.g., increasing advertising). This adjusted forecast then becomes the sales budget. Explain the role of a sales forecast in budgeting. What is the difference between a sales forecast and a sales budget? 6 A What is a master budget? An operating budget? A financial budget?5 All budgets depend on the sales budget. Is this true? Explain. 7 For a merchandising firm, the production budget is replaced by a merchandise purchases budget. Merchandising firms also lack direct materials and direct labor budgets. All other budgets are essentially the same. For a service firm (for-profit), the sales budget doubles as the production budget, and there is no finished goods inventory budget. The rest of the budgets have counterparts. Yes. All budgets are founded on the sales budget. Before a production budget can be created, it must have the planned sales. The manufacturing budgets, in turn, depend on the production budget. The same is true for the financial budgets since sales is a critical input for budgets in that category. C How do master budgets differ among manufacturing, merchandising, and service organizations? 8
  • 4. 9 Discuss the differences between static and flexible budgets. Why are flexible budgets superior to static budgets for performance reporting? A static budget is for a particular level of activity. A flexible budget is one that can be established for any level of activity. For performance reporting, it is necessary to compare the actual costs for the actual level of activity with the budgeted costs for the actual level of activity. A flexible budget provides the means to compute the budgeted costs for the actual level of activity, after thefact. 10 Explain why mixed costs must be broken down into their fixed and variable components before a flexible budget can be developed. A flexible budget is based on a simple formula: Y = F + VX, which requires knowledge of both fixed and variable components. 12 Why is it important for a manager to receive frequent feedback on his or her performance? Frequent feedback is important so that corrective action can be taken, increasing the likelihood of achieving budget. ) Goal congruence is important because it means that the employees of an organization are working toward the goals of that organization. 11 Why is goal congruence important?
  • 5. Participative budgeting is a system of budgeting that allows subordinate managers a say in how the budgets are established. Participative budgeting fosters creativity and communicates a sense of responsibility to subordinate managers. It also creates a higher likelihood of goal congruence since managers have more of a tendency to make the budget’s goals their own personal goals. Top management should provide guidelines and statistical input (e.g., industrial forecasts) and should review the budgets to minimize the possibility of budgetary slack and ensure that the budget is compatible with the strategic objectives of the firm. Top management should also provide the incentive and reward system associated with the budgetary system. Agree. Individuals who are not challenged tend to lose interest and maintain a lower level of performance. A challenging, but achievable, budget tends to extract a higher level of performance. By underestimating revenues and overestimating costs, the budget is more easily achieved. Both monetary and nonmonetary incentives are used to encourage employees of an organization to achieve the organization’s goals. Monetary incentives appeal to the economic needs of an individual, and nonmonetary incentives appeal to the psychological needs. Since individuals are motivated by both economic and psychological factors, both types of incentives ought to be present in a good budgetary system. 14 15 16 17 Discuss the roles of monetary and nonmonetary incentives. Do you believe that nonmonetary incentives are needed? Why or why not? What is participative budgeting? Discuss some ofits advantages. A budget too easily achieved will lead to diminished performance. Do you agree or disagree? Explain. What is the role of top management in participative budgeting? Explain why a manager has an incentive to build slack into the budget. 13
  • 6. To meet budget, it is possible to take actions that reduce costs in the short run but increase them in the long run. For example, lower priced, lower-quality materials can besubstituted for the usual quality of materials. Other performance measures include productivity, personnel development, market share, and product quality. A manager would have to be rewarded for improvements achieved in each area. A major difficulty is determining how much weight to assign to each performance area. Behavioral factors can make or break a budgetary control system. It is absolutely essential to consider the behavioral ramifications. Ignoring them can and probably willproduce dysfunctional consequences. Across-the-board cuts have the appearance of being fair, but they unfairly penalize good programs. In an era of scarce resources, an organization must decide what it wishes to emphasize and allocate resources accordingly. This may mean the complete elimination of weak programs and the strengthening of strong programs. To cut each program equally without considering which ones are vital to the success of the organization is not good planning. 18 19 20 21
  • 7. 22 Explain how an activity-based budget is prepared. Activity-based budgeting requires three steps: (1) identification of activities; (2) estimation of activity output demands; and (3) estimation of the costs of resources needed to provide the activity output demanded. 23 What is the difference between an activity flexible budget and a functional-based (traditional) flexible budget? Functional-based flexible budgeting relies on unit-based drivers to build cost formulas for various cost items. Activity flexible budgeting uses activity drivers to build a cost formula for the costs of each activity.