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Bridge InventoryBridge Inventory
U i GISU i GISUsing GISUsing GIS
City of New Haven CTCity of New Haven CTCity of New Haven, CTCity of New Haven, CT
Mehmet Secilmis, GISP
Environmental Engineer/GIS Specialist
Parsippany, NJ
(973) 576 9640(973) 576-9640
 CityCity ofof NewNew HavenHaven neededneeded engineeringengineering servicesservicesyy g gg g
forfor anan inventoryinventory andand assessmentassessment ofof bridgesbridges
locatedlocated withinwithin thethe citycity limitslimits toto developdevelop aa
programprogram toto aidaid thethe CityCity inin managingmanaging itsits bridgebridgeprogramprogram toto aidaid thethe CityCity inin managingmanaging itsits bridgebridge
infrastructureinfrastructure resourcesresources..
 TheThe CityCity waswas openopen toto usingusing newnew technology,technology, yetyet
notnot 100100 percentpercent suresure ofof whatwhat thethe resultsresults wouldwould
Data CollectionData Collection
 TheThe projectproject includedincluded anan inventoryinventory andand
assessmentassessment ofof allall bridgesbridges inin NewNew HavenHaven whichwhich thethe
citycity eithereither ownedowned oror waswas responsibleresponsible forfor
maintenance,maintenance, andand thethe developmentdevelopment ofof aa programprogram
toto aidaid thethe CityCity inin managingmanaging itsits infrastructureinfrastructuretoto aidaid thethe CityCity inin managingmanaging itsits infrastructureinfrastructure
 ThisThis requiredrequired coordinationcoordination withwith thethe ConnecticutConnecticut
DepartmentDepartment ofof TransportationTransportation andand RailroadsRailroads toto
determinedetermine ownershipownership detailsdetails.. HistoricalHistorical inspectioninspectiondeterminedetermine ownershipownership detailsdetails.. HistoricalHistorical inspectioninspection
reportsreports werewere reviewedreviewed priorprior toto schedulingscheduling sitesite
Site VisitsSite Visits
 TheThe intentintent ofof thethe sitesite visitvisit waswas toto performperform aa visualvisual
inspectioninspection ofof thethe variousvarious bridgebridge elementselements toto
assessassess thethe conditioncondition..
SiteSite visitsvisits includedincluded photophoto documentationdocumentation andand SiteSite visitsvisits includedincluded photophoto documentationdocumentation andand
visualvisual conditioncondition inspectioninspection..
 BridgeBridge locationlocation coordinatescoordinates werewere collectedcollected withwith
GPSGPS unitsunits andand confirmedconfirmed withwith aerialaerial photosphotos..
Typical Site PhotosTypical Site Photos
Typical Site Photos (Cont’d)Typical Site Photos (Cont’d)
TwoTwo--Page Bridge Summary ReportPage Bridge Summary Report
BriefBrief descriptiondescription ofof thethe bridgebridge
KK l til tiKeyKey mapmap locationlocation
GeneralGeneral conditioncondition assessment/evaluationassessment/evaluation
RecommendationsRecommendations forfor maintenance/repairs/replacementmaintenance/repairs/replacementeco e dat o seco e dat o s oo a te a ce/ epa s/ ep ace e ta te a ce/ epa s/ ep ace e t
CostCost estimateestimate forfor replacement/rehabilitationreplacement/rehabilitation
PotentialPotential fundingfunding sourcessources andand grantsgrants
Bridge Summary Report (Cont’d)Bridge Summary Report (Cont’d)
Quarterly Bridge ReportQuarterly Bridge Report
Bridge Inventory DatabaseBridge Inventory Database
Site No.
B id ID (BIN)
Org. Const. Date (year)
Bridge ID (BIN)
Route Carrying
Route Crossing
Major. Rehab. Date (year)
Prev. Insp. Date
Prev. Inspected by
Moveable Bridge
Over Waterway
Over Railroad
Prev. Inspected by
Condition of Bridge ‐Description
Condition of Bridge ‐ Rating (1‐9)Over Railroad
Over Roadway
Over 20 Feet
Condition of Bridge  Rating (1 9)
El ti (ft)Owned by
Maintenance Agency
Inspection Agency
Elevation (ft)
Photos Link (or ID)
Summary Report Linkp g y
Bridge Type
y p
Follow‐Up Flags
Prioritization of Bridge ConditionsPrioritization of Bridge Conditions
Bridge Locations on Aerial PhotoBridge Locations on Aerial Photo
Incorporating with Survey DataIncorporating with Survey Data
City of New Haven Inventory and Assessment “in action” showing how the program
lines the various pieces of information required to provide the City of New Haven a
thorough bridge evaluation.
 GISGIS (Geographic(Geographic InformationInformation System)System) waswas usedused toto
store,store, manipulatemanipulate andand analyzeanalyze thethe datadata collectedcollected forfor
thethe inventoryinventory andand assessmentassessmentthethe inventoryinventory andand assessmentassessment..
 ArcGISArcGIS waswas utilizedutilized toto assessassess andand analyzeanalyze thethe fieldfield
datadata collectedcollected atat eacheach bridgebridge.. GISGIS integratedintegrated andand
l dl d hh dd ( l d( l d llinterinter--relatedrelated geographicgeographic datadata (including(including locations,locations,
landland use,use, municipalmunicipal boundaries,boundaries, naturalnatural resourceresource
datadata andand aerialaerial photos)photos) withwith databasedatabase informationinformation..p )p )
 UsersUsers viewview andand analyzeanalyze thethe interinter--relatedrelated datadata inin aa
wayway thatthat wouldwould bebe impossibleimpossible byby studyingstudying standstand--
alonealone mapsmaps andand spreadsheetsspreadsheetsalonealone mapsmaps andand spreadsheetsspreadsheets..
 StatisticalStatistical datadata waswas collected,collected, evaluated,evaluated, andand
presentedpresented whichwhich illustratedillustrated howhow thethe CityCity ofof NewNew
H ’H ’ b idb id i fi f h dh d hhHaven’sHaven’s bridgebridge infrastructureinfrastructure matchedmatched upup toto otherother
peerpeer citiescities inin thethe statestate..
 DeliveringDelivering thethe reportreport andand recommendationsrecommendations inin aagg pp
GISGIS “digital“digital map”map” formatformat enabledenabled thethe CityCity toto clickclick
throughthrough toto digitaldigital photographyphotography andand accessaccess thethe
keykey datadata forfor eacheach bridgebridgekeykey datadata forfor eacheach bridgebridge..
 QuarterlyQuarterly reportsreports areare filledfilled outout byby thethe EngineeringEngineering
ff hh ff hh dd fl dfl d b db dDepartmentDepartment forfor eacheach ofof thethe redred flaggedflagged bridgesbridges inin
thethe initialinitial evaluationevaluation.. ThisThis innovativeinnovative processprocess
keepskeeps thethe Mayor’sMayor’s officeoffice upup--toto--datedate onon thethe statestatepp yy pp
ofof thesethese bridges,bridges, andand makesmakes thethe inventoryinventory aa
“living“living document”document”..
 OpenOpen communicationcommunication combinedcombined withwith thethe City’sCity’spp yy
willingnesswillingness toto bebe forwardforward thinkingthinking resultedresulted inin thethe
useuse ofof technologytechnology toto generategenerate aa ‘live’‘live’ finalfinal
documentdocument thatthat willwill notnot onlyonly assistassist themthem inindocumentdocument thatthat willwill notnot onlyonly assistassist themthem inin
maintainingmaintaining theirtheir bridgebridge programprogram butbut willwill alsoalso
allowallow aa tietie--inin toto futurefuture transportationtransportation projectsprojects..
 AsAs notednoted byby CityCity Engineer,Engineer, RichardRichard Miller,Miller, PE,PE, ““……itit
isis viewedviewed asas aa usefuluseful tooltool forfor thethe CityCity toto ensureensureisis viewedviewed asas aa usefuluseful tooltool forfor thethe CityCity toto ensureensure
thesethese criticalcritical bridgesbridges areare managedmanaged inin aa forwardforward
thinkingthinking andand plannedplanned efforteffort toto ensureensure safesafe andand
reliablereliable transportationtransportation linkagelinkage overover timetime..””
Bridge Inventory Using GIS

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Bridge Inventory Using GIS

  • 1. Bridge InventoryBridge Inventory U i GISU i GISUsing GISUsing GIS City of New Haven CTCity of New Haven CTCity of New Haven, CTCity of New Haven, CT Mehmet Secilmis, GISP Environmental Engineer/GIS Specialist Dewberry Parsippany, NJ msecilmis@dewberry.com (973) 576 9640(973) 576-9640
  • 2. IntroductionIntroduction  CityCity ofof NewNew HavenHaven neededneeded engineeringengineering servicesservicesyy g gg g forfor anan inventoryinventory andand assessmentassessment ofof bridgesbridges locatedlocated withinwithin thethe citycity limitslimits toto developdevelop aa programprogram toto aidaid thethe CityCity inin managingmanaging itsits bridgebridgeprogramprogram toto aidaid thethe CityCity inin managingmanaging itsits bridgebridge infrastructureinfrastructure resourcesresources..  TheThe CityCity waswas openopen toto usingusing newnew technology,technology, yetyet notnot 100100 percentpercent suresure ofof whatwhat thethe resultsresults wouldwould offerofferofferoffer..
  • 3. Data CollectionData Collection  TheThe projectproject includedincluded anan inventoryinventory andand assessmentassessment ofof allall bridgesbridges inin NewNew HavenHaven whichwhich thethe citycity eithereither ownedowned oror waswas responsibleresponsible forfor maintenance,maintenance, andand thethe developmentdevelopment ofof aa programprogram toto aidaid thethe CityCity inin managingmanaging itsits infrastructureinfrastructuretoto aidaid thethe CityCity inin managingmanaging itsits infrastructureinfrastructure resourcesresources..  ThisThis requiredrequired coordinationcoordination withwith thethe ConnecticutConnecticut DepartmentDepartment ofof TransportationTransportation andand RailroadsRailroads toto determinedetermine ownershipownership detailsdetails.. HistoricalHistorical inspectioninspectiondeterminedetermine ownershipownership detailsdetails.. HistoricalHistorical inspectioninspection reportsreports werewere reviewedreviewed priorprior toto schedulingscheduling sitesite visitsvisits..
  • 4. Site VisitsSite Visits  TheThe intentintent ofof thethe sitesite visitvisit waswas toto performperform aa visualvisual inspectioninspection ofof thethe variousvarious bridgebridge elementselements toto assessassess thethe conditioncondition.. SiteSite visitsvisits includedincluded photophoto documentationdocumentation andand SiteSite visitsvisits includedincluded photophoto documentationdocumentation andand visualvisual conditioncondition inspectioninspection..  BridgeBridge locationlocation coordinatescoordinates werewere collectedcollected withwith GPSGPS unitsunits andand confirmedconfirmed withwith aerialaerial photosphotos..
  • 6. Typical Site Photos (Cont’d)Typical Site Photos (Cont’d)
  • 7. TwoTwo--Page Bridge Summary ReportPage Bridge Summary Report BriefBrief descriptiondescription ofof thethe bridgebridge KK l til tiKeyKey mapmap locationlocation AgeAge PhotographPhotographPhotographPhotograph GeneralGeneral conditioncondition assessment/evaluationassessment/evaluation RecommendationsRecommendations forfor maintenance/repairs/replacementmaintenance/repairs/replacementeco e dat o seco e dat o s oo a te a ce/ epa s/ ep ace e ta te a ce/ epa s/ ep ace e t CostCost estimateestimate forfor replacement/rehabilitationreplacement/rehabilitation PotentialPotential fundingfunding sourcessources andand grantsgrants
  • 8. Bridge Summary Report (Cont’d)Bridge Summary Report (Cont’d)
  • 10. Bridge Inventory DatabaseBridge Inventory Database Site No. B id ID (BIN) Org. Const. Date (year) Bridge ID (BIN) Route Carrying Route Crossing Major. Rehab. Date (year) Prev. Insp. Date Prev. Inspected by Moveable Bridge Over Waterway Over Railroad Prev. Inspected by Condition of Bridge ‐Description Condition of Bridge ‐ Rating (1‐9)Over Railroad Over Roadway Over 20 Feet Condition of Bridge  Rating (1 9) X Y El ti (ft)Owned by Maintenance Agency Inspection Agency Elevation (ft) Photos Link (or ID) Summary Report Linkp g y Bridge Type y p Follow‐Up Flags
  • 11. Prioritization of Bridge ConditionsPrioritization of Bridge Conditions
  • 12. Bridge Locations on Aerial PhotoBridge Locations on Aerial Photo
  • 13. Incorporating with Survey DataIncorporating with Survey Data
  • 14. City of New Haven Inventory and Assessment “in action” showing how the program lines the various pieces of information required to provide the City of New Haven a thorough bridge evaluation.
  • 15. ConclusionsConclusions  GISGIS (Geographic(Geographic InformationInformation System)System) waswas usedused toto store,store, manipulatemanipulate andand analyzeanalyze thethe datadata collectedcollected forfor thethe inventoryinventory andand assessmentassessmentthethe inventoryinventory andand assessmentassessment..  ArcGISArcGIS waswas utilizedutilized toto assessassess andand analyzeanalyze thethe fieldfield datadata collectedcollected atat eacheach bridgebridge.. GISGIS integratedintegrated andand l dl d hh dd ( l d( l d llinterinter--relatedrelated geographicgeographic datadata (including(including locations,locations, landland use,use, municipalmunicipal boundaries,boundaries, naturalnatural resourceresource datadata andand aerialaerial photos)photos) withwith databasedatabase informationinformation..p )p )  UsersUsers viewview andand analyzeanalyze thethe interinter--relatedrelated datadata inin aa wayway thatthat wouldwould bebe impossibleimpossible byby studyingstudying standstand-- alonealone mapsmaps andand spreadsheetsspreadsheetsalonealone mapsmaps andand spreadsheetsspreadsheets..  StatisticalStatistical datadata waswas collected,collected, evaluated,evaluated, andand presentedpresented whichwhich illustratedillustrated howhow thethe CityCity ofof NewNew H ’H ’ b idb id i fi f h dh d hhHaven’sHaven’s bridgebridge infrastructureinfrastructure matchedmatched upup toto otherother peerpeer citiescities inin thethe statestate..
  • 16. ConclusionsConclusions  DeliveringDelivering thethe reportreport andand recommendationsrecommendations inin aagg pp GISGIS “digital“digital map”map” formatformat enabledenabled thethe CityCity toto clickclick throughthrough toto digitaldigital photographyphotography andand accessaccess thethe keykey datadata forfor eacheach bridgebridgekeykey datadata forfor eacheach bridgebridge..  QuarterlyQuarterly reportsreports areare filledfilled outout byby thethe EngineeringEngineering ff hh ff hh dd fl dfl d b db dDepartmentDepartment forfor eacheach ofof thethe redred flaggedflagged bridgesbridges inin thethe initialinitial evaluationevaluation.. ThisThis innovativeinnovative processprocess keepskeeps thethe Mayor’sMayor’s officeoffice upup--toto--datedate onon thethe statestatepp yy pp ofof thesethese bridges,bridges, andand makesmakes thethe inventoryinventory aa “living“living document”document”..
  • 17. ConclusionsConclusions  OpenOpen communicationcommunication combinedcombined withwith thethe City’sCity’spp yy willingnesswillingness toto bebe forwardforward thinkingthinking resultedresulted inin thethe useuse ofof technologytechnology toto generategenerate aa ‘live’‘live’ finalfinal documentdocument thatthat willwill notnot onlyonly assistassist themthem inindocumentdocument thatthat willwill notnot onlyonly assistassist themthem inin maintainingmaintaining theirtheir bridgebridge programprogram butbut willwill alsoalso allowallow aa tietie--inin toto futurefuture transportationtransportation projectsprojects..  AsAs notednoted byby CityCity Engineer,Engineer, RichardRichard Miller,Miller, PE,PE, ““……itit isis viewedviewed asas aa usefuluseful tooltool forfor thethe CityCity toto ensureensureisis viewedviewed asas aa usefuluseful tooltool forfor thethe CityCity toto ensureensure thesethese criticalcritical bridgesbridges areare managedmanaged inin aa forwardforward thinkingthinking andand plannedplanned efforteffort toto ensureensure safesafe andand reliablereliable transportationtransportation linkagelinkage overover timetime..””