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Be Aware Webinar # 50:
Maximice su Prevención Hacia la Fuga de Información
Nueva Versión Symantec DLP v14.5
Jairo Pantoja Moncayo
Senior SE, Symantec MCLAC Region
June 8, 2016
Safe Harbor Disclaimer
This information is about pre-release software. Any
unreleased update to the product or other planned
modification is subject to ongoing evaluation by Symantec
and therefore subject to change. This information is
provided without warranty of any kind, express or
implied. Customers who purchase Symantec products
should make their purchase decision based upon features
that are currently available.
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
Symantec Enterprise Security | ESTRATEGIA DE SOLUCIONES
Protección de Amenazas
• Protección contra Amenazas Avanzadas a través de los Puntos de Control
• Forensia incluida y Remediación dentro de cada Punto de Control
• Protección Integrada para servidores Físicos, Virtuales y en la Nube
• Administración en la nube para Endpoints, Datacenter y Gateways
Plataforma Unificada de Seguridad
Colección de
Registros y
Unificada de
Incidentes y Hub
Integración en Línea
de Inteligencia
Regional e
Análisis de
Amenazas y
Protección de Información
• Protección integral para Datos e Identidades
• Cloud Security Broker para Aplicaciones en la Nube y
• Análisis de Usuarios y Comportamiento
• Cifrado y Administración de llaves en la Nube
Servicios de Ciber Seguridad
Monitoreo, Respuesta a Incidentes, Simulación, Inteligencia contra Amenazas
Copyright © 2015 Symantec Corporation
1 Panorama Actual
2 Desafíos
3 DLP v14.5
Copyright © 2014 Symantec Corporation
1 Panorama Actual
2 Desafíos
3 DLP v14.5
Copyright © 2014 Symantec Corporation
Copyright 2016, Symantec CorporationInforme sobre las Amenazas a la Seguridad en Internet 2016 - Volumen 21
Fugas de Datos 2015
Reporte ISTR v.21
Copyright 2016, Symantec CorporationInforme sobre las Amenazas a la Seguridad en Internet 2016 - Volumen 21
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Total de Registros Expuestos, 2015
Copyright 2016, Symantec CorporationInforme sobre las Amenazas a la Seguridad en Internet 2016 - Volumen 21
Megafugas 2015
Tendencias, retos y lo que está en juego
1 Panorama Actual
2 Desafíos
3 DLP v14.5
Copyright © 2014 Symantec Corporation
Seguridad de la Información y Cumplimiento
• Sudeban (Venezuela)
• Resol. JB 3066:2014 (Ecuador)
• Circular 042 SF (Colombia)
• Ley 1581 Protección de datos (Colombia) -DI
• Ley LFPDPPP (México) -DI
• Ley 19.628 Protección de datos (Chile)
Algunas Amenazas
Copyright © 2014 Symantec Corporation
Source: APT1: Exposing one of China’s Cyber Espionage Units,
Mandiant®, 2013
A corporate
black eye
1 Panorama Actual
2 Desafíos
3 DLP v14.5
Copyright © 2014 Symantec Corporation
Symantec Data Loss Prevention -Generalidades
2016 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Data Loss Prevention:
9 Años líder indiscutible del Mercado
This Magic Quadrant graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger
research note and should be evaluated in the context of the entire report. The
Gartner report is available upon request from Symantec. Gartner does not
endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in our research publications,
and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the
highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the
opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as
statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with
respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for
a particular purpose
Source: Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Data Loss
Prevention, Brian Reed, Neil Wynne 28 January
2016, Gartner, Inc.
Copyright © 2016 Symantec Corporation
¿Cómo la protejo?¿Cómo esta siendo
¿Dónde esta la
Symantec - DLP
Copyright © 2016 Symantec Corporation
Symantec - DLP
Evitar que personas maliciosas roben propiedad intelectual valiosa.
Educar y proteger a empleados.
Evitar la fuga o pérdida de datos confidenciales.
Cumplir con las leyes globales de privacidad.
Proteger su reputación.
Capacidad de Detección en DLP
Copyright © 2015 Symantec Corporation
ManagementExtending Data Protection for the Cloud
Office 365
Hard Drives
Removable Storage
Network Shares
Cloud & Web Apps
File Servers
Exchange, Lotus
Web Servers
Tecnologías en la detección de archivos
Content Matching
Indexed Document
Matching IDM
Vector Learning
Datos No Indexables
Data identifiers
Datos de Clientes / Empleados
/ Personas
Partial row matching
Precisión casi perfecta
Diseños / código fuente /
Derivative match
Precisión casi perfecta
300M+ docs por servidor 5M+ docs por servidor
Exact Data Matching
Diseños / código fuente /
Derivative match
Precisión perfecta
DLP Nueva Versión 14.5
DLP 14.5 Algunas Novedades
• Principales Características:
– Cloud Storage: Cuarentena de Incidentes en Box.
– Enforce Platform : Importar, Exportar y Clonar Políticas, Soporte de Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1,
correlacionamiento entre Incidentes en Network Prevent con un usuario final.
– Detection: Nueva tecnología de Detección: Reconocimiento de Formatos, nuevos data
– Endpoint: Monitoreo de operaciones en Box con Cloud Storage: Save As en documentos de
Office, Soporte en Windows 10 (HTTP and FTP aplicaciones de almacenamiento), Monitoreo
complete en Safari, Chrome y Firefox para endpointsMac, Monitoreo de Outlook 2011 en
endpointsMac, Monitoreo de carpetas compartidas en endpoints Mac, Clipboard (Paste) en
Mac, entre otras.
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
Nuevo Método de Detección: Form Recognition
Resúmen y Casos de Uso
• Las organizaciones nos solicitan constantemente la necesidad de proteger información
que se encuentra diligenciada a mano en formatos pre-establecidos escaneados y que
en su mayoría, contiene Información de Datos Personales.
x ej: Formatos de regístros de visitas, registros médicos, encuestas, bitácoras…
• Nueva Tecnología de reconocimiento de imágenes.
• Se pueden habilitar todas las capacidades de detección y prevención de DLP.
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
The algorithm looks
for “key-points” or
“regions” and
analyses the images
being detected
against those
previously indexed.
It is not based on
Optical Character
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
Arquitectura básica
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
Capacidades Adicionales en los Incidentes
Filled sections are highlighted.
Confidence and Fill Score results.
Additional improvements have
been made in XML Export, Web
Archive and to the Reporting and
Update API.
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
Controls to Zoom and Rotate the
Copyright © 2016 Symantec Corporation
Nuevos Identificadores de Datos (DI)
Nuevos Identificadores de Datos Disponibles
International Securities Identification Number (ISIN)
Mobile Identity Numbers - IMEI Number
Japanese My Number – Corporate
Japanese My Number - Personal
Australian Company Number Mexico CLABE Number
Australian Passport Number New Zealand Ministry of Health Number (NHI)
Australian Tax File Number South Korea Resident Registration Number
Colombian Addresses Spanish DNI ID
Colombian Cell Phone Number Ley 1581 Datos
Turkey Citizenship Number / Turkish Identification Number
Colombian Personal Identification Number Ley 1581 Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Number
Colombian Tax Identification Number Ley 1581 National Provider Identifier (NPI)
Finland National ID Number Washington State Driver’s License Number
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
Mejoras en la Manipulación de Políticas y Reglas
Resúmen y Casos de Uso
• Exportar, Importar y clonar políticas
• Dentro del mismo Enforce Server o entre diferentes Consolas Enforce
– Estrategias de Recuperación ante desastres
– Minimizar la administración
– Asistencia en la resolución de problemas disponible
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Storage, Platform and Reporting
Nuevas Opciones disponibles en la GUI
Policies are imported
one at a time.
All the existent policies can be exported. XML files are contained in a Zip file
Policies can be exported individually as an XML file
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Storage, Platform and Reporting
Prevención contra fugas en Nube Box ®
• Cloud Sync was first introduced in DLP 14.
• Improvements and new features (for Box ®)
– Identity aware protection, allowing organizations to use cloud applications through Enterprise
– Prevent upload of corporate sensitive information to personal Box account through Sync and Office
clients by applying detection policies.
– Identity based ignore filtering is applicable to Box only and not for other cloud storage applications.
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
Requirements and Prerequisites
• Below applications should be installed on endpoint
– Box Sync.
– MS office.
– Box for Office Add-in.
• Supported Versions of Office
– Office 2016 (x86, x64).
– Office 2013 (x86, x64).
– Office 2010 (x86, x64).
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
Enable Cloud Storage channel
under Configured Applications.
Accounts or domains whose
content will be ignored by DLP
Agent for Box operations.
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
Ejemplo Prevención de Fuga - Excel
When the user clicks on
Share, this windows is
displayed before
triggering the upload
operation. Quarantine location.
Box for Office ribbon.
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
Ejemplo Prevención de Fuga Office
Corporate accounts or domains
can be excluded from detection
at Agent Configuration level.
Box for Office user logged with
an enterprise account.
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
Ejemplo Prevención de Fuga - Outlook
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Storage, Platform and Reporting
43Copyright © 2016 Symantec Corporation
Notas Finales
• Mejoras Disponibles en DLP v14.5
– New Form Recognition detection technology.
– IDMv3 improving index and detection performance and extending support to Endpoint (Windows
and Mac).
– New detection rule to protect email based on the number and size of attachments.
– Endpoint Cloud Sync identity-based usability and protection.
– New international data identifiers.
– Out-of-the-Box quarantine response rule for Cloud Storage.
– New Policy Export and Import process.
– Improved IP Address to Username resolution configuration.
– Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 and 7.2 support.
Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
Thank you!
Copyright © 2016 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be
trademarks of their respective owners.
This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as advertising. All warranties relating to the information in this document, either express or implied, are disclaimed to the maximum extent allowed by
law. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Jairo Pantoja

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Be Aware Webinar Symantec-Maxímice su prevención hacia la fuga de la información

  • 1. Be Aware Webinar # 50: Maximice su Prevención Hacia la Fuga de Información Nueva Versión Symantec DLP v14.5 Jairo Pantoja Moncayo CISSP, CISM, CGEIT, CRISC, ABCP, ISO27001 LA, PCIP, AWSP, CobIT Found. Sec+ Senior SE, Symantec MCLAC Region June 8, 2016
  • 2. Safe Harbor Disclaimer This information is about pre-release software. Any unreleased update to the product or other planned modification is subject to ongoing evaluation by Symantec and therefore subject to change. This information is provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Customers who purchase Symantec products should make their purchase decision based upon features that are currently available. 2 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
  • 3. Symantec Enterprise Security | ESTRATEGIA DE SOLUCIONES 3 Protección de Amenazas ENDPOINTS DATA CENTER GATEWAYS • Protección contra Amenazas Avanzadas a través de los Puntos de Control • Forensia incluida y Remediación dentro de cada Punto de Control • Protección Integrada para servidores Físicos, Virtuales y en la Nube • Administración en la nube para Endpoints, Datacenter y Gateways Plataforma Unificada de Seguridad Colección de Registros y Telemetría Administración Unificada de Incidentes y Hub Integración en Línea de Inteligencia Procesable Evaluación comparativa Regional e Industrial Análisis de Amenazas y Comportamiento Protección de Información DATOS IDENTIDADES • Protección integral para Datos e Identidades • Cloud Security Broker para Aplicaciones en la Nube y Moviles • Análisis de Usuarios y Comportamiento • Cifrado y Administración de llaves en la Nube Users Data Apps Cloud Endpoints Gateways Data Center Servicios de Ciber Seguridad Monitoreo, Respuesta a Incidentes, Simulación, Inteligencia contra Amenazas Copyright © 2015 Symantec Corporation
  • 4. Agenda 1 Panorama Actual 2 Desafíos 3 DLP v14.5 Copyright © 2014 Symantec Corporation 4
  • 5. Agenda 1 Panorama Actual 2 Desafíos 3 DLP v14.5 Copyright © 2014 Symantec Corporation 5
  • 6. Copyright 2016, Symantec CorporationInforme sobre las Amenazas a la Seguridad en Internet 2016 - Volumen 21 Fugas de Datos 2015 Reporte ISTR v.21 6
  • 7. Copyright 2016, Symantec CorporationInforme sobre las Amenazas a la Seguridad en Internet 2016 - Volumen 21 232 93 552 348 429 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 MILLONES 7 Total de Registros Expuestos, 2015 +23% 500 +30% ESTIMADO
  • 8. Copyright 2016, Symantec CorporationInforme sobre las Amenazas a la Seguridad en Internet 2016 - Volumen 21 Megafugas 2015 8
  • 9. Tendencias, retos y lo que está en juego
  • 10. Agenda 1 Panorama Actual 2 Desafíos 3 DLP v14.5 Copyright © 2014 Symantec Corporation 10
  • 11. 11 Seguridad de la Información y Cumplimiento regulatorio….. • Sudeban (Venezuela) • Resol. JB 3066:2014 (Ecuador) • Circular 042 SF (Colombia) • Ley 1581 Protección de datos (Colombia) -DI • Ley LFPDPPP (México) -DI • Ley 19.628 Protección de datos (Chile)
  • 12. Algunas Amenazas Copyright © 2014 Symantec Corporation 12 Source: APT1: Exposing one of China’s Cyber Espionage Units, Mandiant®, 2013 A corporate black eye
  • 13. Agenda 1 Panorama Actual 2 Desafíos 3 DLP v14.5 Copyright © 2014 Symantec Corporation 13
  • 14. Symantec Data Loss Prevention -Generalidades
  • 15. 2016 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Data Loss Prevention: 9 Años líder indiscutible del Mercado This Magic Quadrant graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research note and should be evaluated in the context of the entire report. The Gartner report is available upon request from Symantec. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in our research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose Source: Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Data Loss Prevention, Brian Reed, Neil Wynne 28 January 2016, Gartner, Inc.
  • 16. Copyright © 2016 Symantec Corporation 16 DATA LOSS PREVENTION (DLP) DESCUBRIR PROTEGERMONITOREAR ¿Cómo la protejo?¿Cómo esta siendo utilizada? ¿Dónde esta la información confidencial? Symantec - DLP
  • 17. Copyright © 2016 Symantec Corporation 17 Symantec - DLP Evitar que personas maliciosas roben propiedad intelectual valiosa. Educar y proteger a empleados. Evitar la fuga o pérdida de datos confidenciales. Cumplir con las leyes globales de privacidad. Proteger su reputación.
  • 18. Capacidad de Detección en DLP Copyright © 2015 Symantec Corporation 18 Unified ManagementExtending Data Protection for the Cloud Box Office 365 iOS Android Email Web FTP IM USB Hard Drives Removable Storage Network Shares Print/Fax Cloud & Web Apps File Servers Exchange, Lotus SharePoint Databases Web Servers
  • 19. Tecnologías en la detección de archivos Described Content Matching Indexed Document Matching IDM Vector Learning Machine DATOS DESCRITO Datos No Indexables Léxicos Data identifiers DATOS ESTRUCTURADOS Datos de Clientes / Empleados / Personas Partial row matching Precisión casi perfecta DATOS NO ESTRUCTURADOS PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL Diseños / código fuente / Finanzas Derivative match Precisión casi perfecta 300M+ docs por servidor 5M+ docs por servidor Exact Data Matching DATOS NO ESTRUCTURADOS PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL Diseños / código fuente / Finanzas Derivative match Precisión perfecta
  • 21. DLP 14.5 Algunas Novedades • Principales Características: – Cloud Storage: Cuarentena de Incidentes en Box. – Enforce Platform : Importar, Exportar y Clonar Políticas, Soporte de Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1, correlacionamiento entre Incidentes en Network Prevent con un usuario final. – Detection: Nueva tecnología de Detección: Reconocimiento de Formatos, nuevos data identifiers. – Endpoint: Monitoreo de operaciones en Box con Cloud Storage: Save As en documentos de Office, Soporte en Windows 10 (HTTP and FTP aplicaciones de almacenamiento), Monitoreo complete en Safari, Chrome y Firefox para endpointsMac, Monitoreo de Outlook 2011 en endpointsMac, Monitoreo de carpetas compartidas en endpoints Mac, Clipboard (Paste) en Mac, entre otras. 21 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
  • 22. Nuevo Método de Detección: Form Recognition
  • 23. Resúmen y Casos de Uso • Las organizaciones nos solicitan constantemente la necesidad de proteger información que se encuentra diligenciada a mano en formatos pre-establecidos escaneados y que en su mayoría, contiene Información de Datos Personales. x ej: Formatos de regístros de visitas, registros médicos, encuestas, bitácoras… • Nueva Tecnología de reconocimiento de imágenes. • Se pueden habilitar todas las capacidades de detección y prevención de DLP. 23 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
  • 24. Ejemplo The algorithm looks for “key-points” or “regions” and analyses the images being detected against those previously indexed. It is not based on Optical Character Recognition. 24 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
  • 25. Arquitectura básica 25 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting Form Recognition Engine
  • 26. Capacidades Adicionales en los Incidentes Filled sections are highlighted. Confidence and Fill Score results. Additional improvements have been made in XML Export, Web Archive and to the Reporting and Update API. 26 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting Controls to Zoom and Rotate the image.
  • 28. 28 Copyright © 2016 Symantec Corporation
  • 30. Nuevos Identificadores de Datos Disponibles International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) Mobile Identity Numbers - IMEI Number Japanese My Number – Corporate Japanese My Number - Personal Australian Company Number Mexico CLABE Number Australian Passport Number New Zealand Ministry of Health Number (NHI) Australian Tax File Number South Korea Resident Registration Number Colombian Addresses Spanish DNI ID Colombian Cell Phone Number Ley 1581 Datos Personales Turkey Citizenship Number / Turkish Identification Number Colombian Personal Identification Number Ley 1581 Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Number Colombian Tax Identification Number Ley 1581 National Provider Identifier (NPI) Finland National ID Number Washington State Driver’s License Number 30 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
  • 31. Mejoras en la Manipulación de Políticas y Reglas
  • 32. Resúmen y Casos de Uso • Exportar, Importar y clonar políticas • Dentro del mismo Enforce Server o entre diferentes Consolas Enforce – Estrategias de Recuperación ante desastres – Minimizar la administración – Asistencia en la resolución de problemas disponible Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Storage, Platform and Reporting 32
  • 33. Nuevas Opciones disponibles en la GUI Policies are imported one at a time. All the existent policies can be exported. XML files are contained in a Zip file [ENFORCEHOSTNAME]-policies-DATE-TIME.ZIP. Policies can be exported individually as an XML file [ENFORCEHOSTNAME]-[POLICYNAME]-DATE-TIME.XML. Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Storage, Platform and Reporting 33
  • 34. Prevención contra fugas en Nube Box ®
  • 35. Overview • Cloud Sync was first introduced in DLP 14. • Improvements and new features (for Box ®) – Identity aware protection, allowing organizations to use cloud applications through Enterprise accounts. – Prevent upload of corporate sensitive information to personal Box account through Sync and Office clients by applying detection policies. – Identity based ignore filtering is applicable to Box only and not for other cloud storage applications. 35 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
  • 36. Requirements and Prerequisites • Below applications should be installed on endpoint – Box Sync. – MS office. – Box for Office Add-in. • Supported Versions of Office – Office 2016 (x86, x64). – Office 2013 (x86, x64). – Office 2010 (x86, x64). 36 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
  • 37. Configuración Enable Cloud Storage channel under Configured Applications. Accounts or domains whose content will be ignored by DLP Agent for Box operations. 37 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
  • 38. Ejemplo Prevención de Fuga - Excel When the user clicks on Share, this windows is displayed before triggering the upload operation. Quarantine location. Box for Office ribbon. 38 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
  • 39. Ejemplo Prevención de Fuga Office Corporate accounts or domains can be excluded from detection at Agent Configuration level. Box for Office user logged with an enterprise account. 39 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
  • 40. Ejemplo Prevención de Fuga - Outlook 40 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
  • 41. Incidentes Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Storage, Platform and Reporting 41
  • 43. 43Copyright © 2016 Symantec Corporation
  • 45. Resúmen • Mejoras Disponibles en DLP v14.5 – New Form Recognition detection technology. – IDMv3 improving index and detection performance and extending support to Endpoint (Windows and Mac). – New detection rule to protect email based on the number and size of attachments. – Endpoint Cloud Sync identity-based usability and protection. – New international data identifiers. – Out-of-the-Box quarantine response rule for Cloud Storage. – New Policy Export and Import process. – Improved IP Address to Username resolution configuration. – Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 and 7.2 support. 45 Symantec DLP 14.5 Differences Training: Detection, Storage, Platform and Reporting
  • 46. Thank you! Copyright © 2016 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as advertising. All warranties relating to the information in this document, either express or implied, are disclaimed to the maximum extent allowed by law. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Jairo Pantoja Jairo_pantoja@symantec.com