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Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 1 of 12

                                    ECONOMICS & MARKETS RESEARCH
                                     AUSTRALIAN PROPERTY OUTLOOK

                              FUNDAMENTALS SOLID… BUT CAUTION LINGERS

AUGUST 2010                   ECONOMIC OVERVIEW
                              The aftershocks from the global financial crisis (GFC) continue to reverberate
INSIDE                        through financial markets with sovereign debt crises in Europe weighing
                              heavily on investor sentiment. Despite heightened market fears and weak
Economic Overview ... 2
Residential Property .. 3
                              equity markets, the economic outlook for Australia remains robust.
Office Property ......... 8   RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY
Retail Overview ........ 9
Tourist –                     With interest rates expected to rise, we expect house price growth will
Accommodation ........ 10     (temporarily) slow to low single digits in 2011. Nonetheless, in the absence of
Industrial Property      11   a major economic downturn, a critical shortage of housing will see house
                              prices and rents grind ever higher and housing affordability and availability
                              will become major social and political issues in the decade ahead.
Paul Braddick
Head of Property Research     COMMERCIAL PROPERTY
+61 3 9273 5987               Office fundamentals are set to improve from a relatively favourable starting
                              position. With the market re-calibrated to a risk averse post-GFC
Ange Montalti                 environment, we expect healthy returns as confidence restores.
Senior Economist,
Property Research             For the retail sector, despite fundamentals suggesting moderate under-
+61 3 9273 6288               valuation, investor conservatism and interest rate headwinds will see a
Ange.Montalti@anz.com         lingering ‘fear discount’ on asset prices for a little while yet.
David Cannington              Tourist accommodation has shown indications of recovery, particularly in
Economist,                    inbound business numbers, following a period of decline in both domestic and
Property Research
+61 3 9273 4274               international tourism driven by a strong A$ and the impact of the GFC.
                              Increased international trade activity and softer supply have seen industrial
Dylan Eades                   yields tighten and added upward pressure on rents. The outlook for subdued
Research Analyst,             additions to supply in the near term and continuing growth in demand for
Property Research
+61 3 9273 2708
                              industrial space should see these trends continue.
                                              HOW LOW NEW-HOME                                                         ‘FAIR’ VALUE FOR
                                            CONSTRUCTION SPENDING?                                                  COMMERCIAL PROPERTY?
                                   6     % of GDP                                                       10     %
                                                                                                                        Long-term average ‘property risk
                                                                                                                        Current ‘property risk
                                                                                                          8             Premium’
                                                                                                                    Below ‘fair value’ by:
                                   4                                                                      5                              5%



                                                             About to breach a record low                 1
                                                      with further interest rises to combat
                                   2                                                                      0
                                       59 63 67 71 75 79 83 87 91 95 99 03 07 11                                    Office              Retail        Industrial
                                   *PRP = sector yield less real risk-free benchmark rate. Long-term average is calculated over period 1985 to 2010

                              Sources: ABS, IPD, ANZ
Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 2 of 12

                                                                                                   ECONOMIC OVERVIEW

                                                     AUSTRALIA’S PROSPECTS REMAIN BRIGHT
The aftershocks from the global financial crisis (GFC)                                June. Until recently, we saw the greatest risk to
continue to reverberate through financial markets                                     growth in ongoing inflationary pressures that may
with sovereign debt crises in Europe weighing                                         have forced the RBA to ‘over’-tighten, resulting in a
heavily on investor sentiment. A concurrent                                           debt servicing crisis for highly geared households.
softening of momentum in the US and signs of                                          However, evidence of a moderation in underlying
overheating in China have severely reduced the                                        growth momentum (retail sales, sentiment, building
appetite for risk. Sovereign debt concerns and the                                    approvals, housing finance/prices) and underlying
necessary fiscal adjustments will restrict growth in                                  inflation itself in the June quarter indicate policy
much of the developed world and we expect on-                                         moves to date are successfully managing growth
going market volatility and elevated risk premia for                                  onto a more sustainable path. This provides the RBA
years to come.                                                                        with some breathing room to assess the balance
Nonetheless, we do not expect a ‘double dip’ in                                       between more cautious household and business
global growth. US policy stimuli will be removed                                      sentiment and booming mining investment and
gradually allowing a subdued, yet ongoing recovery                                    profits. Nonetheless, growth is likely to return to
and Chinese authorities are expected to successfully                                  trend (or slightly above) in 2010-11 and tightening
reduce growth to more sustainable levels between 9                                    labour supply suggests inflationary pressures will
and 10% per annum. There is every indication the                                      eventually force the RBA to lift rates further into
China slowdown is being managed very well. While                                      restrictive territory. This could see a return to the
the greatest risks lie in the European economy and                                    ‘two speed economy’ where the resource states
banking system, we believe authorities will do what                                   perform strongly and the non-resource states bear
is necessary to avoid a GFC Mark 2.                                                   the brunt of tighter policy settings.

AUSTRALIAN OUTLOOK POSITIVE                                                           DWELLING INVESTMENT

Despite heightened market fears and weak equity                                       Most forecasters expect an upswing in dwelling
markets, the Australian economic outlook remains                                      investment to be a key driver of growth in the years
healthy. Our performance during the GFC was                                           ahead. However, sharp declines in new dwelling
unparalleled and activity has since rebounded                                         approvals in recent months, if continued, imply
strongly. Part of the strength last year was directly                                 home building could detract from growth. Interest
attributable to policy stimulus that is gradually being                               rates have always been a key trigger for shifts in
removed. However, the current commodity boom                                          the dwelling cycle. The recent fall in approvals and
will maintain growth momentum in the years ahead                                      our expectation that interest rates will continue to
via stronger resource investment, production,                                         rise indicate that dwelling investment could weaken
exports and profits.                                                                  despite a clear shortage of housing that is driving
                                                                                      rents and house prices ever higher. By reducing
                                                                                      economic growth, weakening home building activity
                         Terms of trade*                                              will mitigate near term inflationary pressures.
 130   index

                                                                                      However, the ongoing imbalance in housing demand
                                                                                      and supply could create far more intractable
                                                                                      housing-related cost pressures in later years.
                                                                                      NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING

                                                                                      Non-residential building activity has been supported
                                                                                      by the Government’s $42 billion economic stimulus
 80                                                                                   plan. However, savage declines in non-residential
                                                                                      building approvals suggest that activity will weaken

                              *export price index/import price index
                                                                                      sharply as the Government programs conclude.
 60                                                                                   Combined with subdued market sentiment and tight
       01      02   03   04      05           06           07          08   09   10
                                                                                      credit access, additions to the stock of commercial
Sources: ABS, ANZ                                                                     property will be limited (a stark contrast to the early
Moreover, the labour market remains remarkably                                        1990s) and will help to support market valuations.
strong with employment up 3.3% over the year to
Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 3 of 12

                                                                             RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY

                                              SHORTAGE SET TO WORSEN
CUSP OF A GOLDEN ERA?              NOT LIKELY….                  will the industry languish but the social and
Australia’s building sector was used to having wild              economic repercussions of not providing adequate
swings in dwelling activity over the 1980s and                   accommodation will be significant. Australia is likely
1990s but thanks to relative stability in interest               to face a full blown housing crisis.
rates over much of the past decade, the traditional              …ACTIVITY IS GOING TO WEAKEN FURTHER
swings have pretty much disappeared.1 If not for                 Most forward indicators of housing construction
intervention by governments, the observed volatility             activity suggest building is likely to weaken over
of housing construction and associated risks that                2010/11. Private sector approvals have weakened
this presents to operators would have been much                  after a very short-lived upturn. This is symptomatic
reduced. We don’t have the counter-factual, so it is             of both the cyclical and structural elements. That we
difficult to know what the wash-up would have been               have a building downturn re-commencing when
without government assistance but the net lasting                dwelling expenditure as a percentage of GDP is
benefits are questionable.                                       already breaching historic lows is troublesome.
Given expectations for continued relative stability in           Dwelling completions are now expected to peak at
interest rates, the cyclical risks to housing will               just below 160,000 in 2011 before retreating to
remain subdued and secondary to the more                         150,000 in 2012. Unfortunately, this remains well
imposing structural cracks that have been until now              below our underlying housing demand estimate of
dealt a mere ‘patch–up’ job in the form of expedient             200,000 p.a., suggesting what is already a critical
or knee jerk solutions. These ‘solutions’ at best                housing shortage will deteriorate significantly
merely band-aid or mask the condition and quite                  further in the years ahead.
possibly exacerbate the affordability challenge. They                              APPROVALS HAVE TOPPED OUT
also promote more volatility by bunching demand
                                                                      Residential construction spending            Building approvals
and exposing the industry to post-policy grief. What                   $bn, 2007/08 prices
                                                                                                              Number, trend, ‘000
they don’t do and what policy should be doing is
                                                                             New dwellings
dealing with the fundamental imbalance between                   10                                   10                     Total houses

supply and demand. We need more homes. The gap                    9
between housing demand and supply has widened                                                         8
dramatically in recent years and will continue to
                                                                                                                             Total “other
widen into the foreseeable future.                                7                                                          residential”

The political, social and economic imperative to deal             6
more seriously with the structural impediments is                 5
                                                                                    Renovations              Private “other residential”
accumulating. The good news is that there does                                      and extensions    2      building
appear to be considerable mobilisation of resources
at many levels to deal with the problem. But it is                3                                   0
                                                                      91 93 95 97 99 01 02 05 07 09        00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
only at the early stages. Planning and development
systems, growth strategies (including regional and               Source: ABS
urban) and a preparedness to invest substantially in
                                                                 Combined with rising interest rates (yes, the cycle is
infrastructure to support growth are critical to
                                                                 not dead) this suggests conditions for renters and
success. Importantly, to be successful, policies also
                                                                 first home buyers will become increasingly difficult.
need to support community aspirations and they
                                                                 For builders, the combination of further interest rate
need to be co-ordinated across often conflicting
                                                                 rises, ‘headline’ dwelling price falls in June and little
stakeholders within the community.
                                                                 headway on the structural impediments spells
If we get it right, the Australian building industry is          caution. Specifically, these conditions heighten
potentially on the cusp of one of the strongest                  margin risk and reduce expected profitability. While
secular increases in activity since the 1960s. If we             there is some buffer from the run-up in prices
fail to act both swiftly and appropriately, not only             through 2009, this will not last forever. For new
                                                                 projects, a flatter price trajectory built into budgets
 Note the apparent cycle in the early part of the most recent    suggests a greater percentage of projects will fail the
decade was attributable in large part to the timing distortion   viability test.
generated by the introduction of GST. The 2009 “cycle” had
everything to do with assistance to first-home buyers.
Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 4 of 12

                                                                           RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY

While finance to the medium-density sector appears          IS THERE A HOUSE PRICE BUBBLE?
to be flowing more freely than it was 12 months ago,        International comparisons of ‘house price to income’
the demand for such funds will most probably remain         ratios have been widely used to suggest that
subdued in the atmospherics that appear to be               Australian house prices are significantly overvalued.
establishing.                                               These analyses are dangerously simplistic and
HOUSE PRICES DECELERATE                                     ignore a key component of the housing affordability
                                                            equation – interest rates.
Australian house prices rebounded strongly last year
buoyed by low interest rates, tightening supply,            The proponents of the housing ‘bubble’ story argue
relaxed    foreign    investment     rules   and   the      elevated ‘house price to income’ ratios must revert
government’s first home-owner boost. The national           to their long term historical average in order to
dwelling prices rose by 10.5% over the year to June         return housing ‘affordability’ to sustainable levels.
2010, with Melbourne prices up a relatively solid           However, as a measure of housing affordability,
16% over the same period2. However, momentum                ‘house price to income’ ratios are flawed as they
has softened in recent months following the removal         completely ignore interest rates. Ultimately, house
of the first home owner boost, a re-tightening of           purchase affordability relates to debt servicing costs
foreign investment rules and rising mortgage rates.         of which interest rates are a key driver. This not
Annualised growth in capital city house prices in the       only means that ‘house price to income’ ratios are
June quarter slowed sharply with further momentum           fundamentally flawed as a measure of housing
loss evident through the quarter3.         Importantly,     affordability but also makes intertemporal and cross
some of the near-term price weakness being                  border comparisons of these ratios next to
recorded is likely to be reflecting the unprecedented       meaningless (given varying interest rates, tax
level of pent-up trading supply (property listings)         regimes, population concentrations, quality of
flying in the face of the interest rate-induced             housing stock, market balances, lending standards
reductions in buyer demand. Lower clearance rates           etc). The predominant reason for the jump in the
support this market mismatch and would most                 ‘house price to income’ ratio is the structural (read
probably have generated more significant price falls        permanent) reduction in interest rates experienced
had the supply been ‘forced”. In the absence of a           Mortgage interest rates in Australia in the 1980s
supply-side stress, the current weakness is likely to       averaged around 14%, however, since 2000 the
prove only temporary.                                       average has been close to 7%. This fall in mortgage
                                                            interest rates has, quite reasonably, been
While we do not expect continued trend declines, we
                                                            capitalised into house prices and measured housing
do expect annual house price growth to slow to low
                                                            affordability remains broadly equivalent to average
single digits in 2011 and remain sluggish,
                                                            1980s levels.
particularly as interest rates rise further over
coming quarters. Nonetheless, in the absence of a            FALLING INTEREST RATES ‘JUSTIFY’ PRICE GAINS
major economic downturn, a critical shortage of                   Median house        Household income    Mortgage rate       House price to
                                                                      price                                                      income
housing will see house prices and rents grind ever                $'000
                                                            600                100    $'000          14   %               6   ratio
higher and housing affordability and availability will                                                                         Ratio that equates to
become major social and political issues in the             500                                      12
                                                                                 80                                            servicing
decade ahead, even with a projected slowing in                                                                                 burden

population growth. As noted above, there is no              400

panacea for this condition but temporary solutions                               60

will in all likelihood play again into the hands of         300                                                           3

volatility and do little to solve the underlying supply                          40

problem.                                                    200                                                           2

                                                            100                                                           1

                                                              0                  0                   0                    0
                                                                    85    09             85     09            85   09             85          09

                                                            Sources: ABS, RBA, ANZ
    RP-Data Rismark
 RP-Data Rismark report “all dwelling” all capital cities
prices fell 0.8% in the month of June.
Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 5 of 12

                                                                                                                     RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY

NEW SOUTH WALES                                                                                        the beginning of 2011, foreshadowing a period of
                                                                                                       stronger rental growth.
The Sydney residential property market has
recorded strong gains over the past year with                                                          VICTORIA
dwelling prices growing 10.4% in the year to June,
                                                                                                       Melbourne’s housing market has continued to
around the national average.4 There are signs
                                                                                                       outperform   with    residential   property  prices
however that price growth is easing. Private housing
                                                                                                       increasing 16% in the year to June, although house
finance approvals grew by 41% over the course of
                                                                                                       price growth has begun to cool recently. Positive
2008–09, but have declined by 12% since their peak
                                                                                                       economic conditions continue to prevail, with trend
in July 2009. Furthermore, auction clearance rates
                                                                                                       unemployment falling from 6.0% to 5.4% over the
which were at 75% during February have fallen
                                                                                                       past year. Consumer confidence and consumption
sharply to below 60% in June as the amount of
                                                                                                       have remained strong, with the Victorian economy
stock coming on to the market has increased and
                                                                                                       expected to grow by 2.5% and 3.0% over 2009-10
deteriorating housing affordability has taken some
                                                                                                       and 2010-11 respectively. This should support
of the heat out of the market. This has been a
                                                                                                       housing market activity in the years ahead.
moderating influence on dwelling price growth which
only gained a modest 0.5% over the June quarter.                                                       The number of first home buyers participating in the
                                                                                                       housing market has fallen sharply, as rising prices,
                                                                                                       interest rates and the removal of federal
         Capital city dwelling price growth over the year to June 2010                                 government stimulus measures reduce housing
    20   %                                           20   %                      * Hobart data is
                                                                                                       affordability. Investors have picked up the slack
                                                                                    only over the
                                                                                   year until May      however, with the value of investor finance
                                                                                                       approvals increasing 42% over the year to June
    15                                               15                                                2010.
                                                                                                                      INVESTORS PICK UP THE SLACK
                              All capitals average                              All capitals average
    10                                               10                                                       Victorian finance approvals: Investors vs owner

                                                                                                        3.5                                            Owner-Occupiers
    5                                                5


    0                                                0
         Sydney   Melbourne Brisbane    Perth             Adelaide   Darwin   Canberra   Hobart*

Source: RP Data/Rismark

After rising sharply following the introduction of                                                      1.0

government stimulus measures, residential building
approvals have grown by a modest 5.2% in the six                                                        0.5

months to June 2010, but remain 53% below their                                                         0.0
                                                                                                                01   02    03    04    05   06    07    08     09        10
2004 levels. By our calculation, NSW currently has a
shortage of 86,000 dwellings (forecasted to rise to                                                    Source: ABS
126,000 by the end of June 2011). This is not
                                                                                                       After running at close to 90% earlier in the year,
surprising considering the chronic under-building
                                                                                                       auction clearance rates have declined to below 60%
that has been occurring in NSW, reflecting a
                                                                                                       in June as demand softens and unusually high levels
combination of over-regulation imposing additional
                                                                                                       of stock have come on to the market. Indeed,
development costs and soft economic activity. The
                                                                                                       Melbourne’s dwelling prices have cooled with softer
influx of first home buyers into the market
                                                                                                       market activity, recording price growth of just 0.2%
temporarily relaxed pressure on the rental market
                                                                                                       over the June quarter.
with vacancies increasing marginally. Despite this,
rental vacancies currently sit at 1.25% - the lowest                                                   The tight underlying fundamentals of Melbourne’s
in Australia – and are forecast to fall to under 1% by                                                 housing market however, will continue over the
                                                                                                       medium to long term, with dwelling completions set
                                                                                                       to fall from 2012, exacerbating the chronic shortage
  All property price data in this report refers to RP Data-                                            of housing in Victoria.
Rismark hedonic price data series.
Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 6 of 12

                                                                                                  RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY

QUEENSLAND                                                                              SOUTH AUSTRALIA

The Queensland economy was hit hard by the                                              Robust economic conditions, along with low interest
economic downturn with economic growth at a                                             rates, affordable housing, population growth and
meagre 1.4% over 2008-09 - its lowest level for 18                                      government stimulus combined to push house prices
years. However, in recent times, there have been                                        up by 9.1% over the year to June 2010. While this
some causes for optimism. Despite a sharp decline                                       is just shy of the all-capital-city average over the
in business investment over 2009-10, the                                                same period, it was better than expectations for a
Queensland economy has exhibited moderate                                               market that has generally underperformed in the
economic growth, with exports and government                                            past. This recent performance together with rising
stimulus the main catalysts. Economic growth has                                        interest rates and withdrawal of government
rebounded to an estimated 3.0% for 2009-10,                                             stimulus has impacted on affordability. Although
dragging down the trend unemployment rate in the                                        investors have provided some support this has been
process from 6.0% last October to its current rate of                                   outweighed by first home buyer finance approvals
5.4%. Strengthening demand for commodities from                                         declining by 60% since May 2009. Price growth has
the Asian region should drive export growth, with                                       slowed as a consequence, recording just a 1.1%
the Queensland economy expected to grow at 3.5%                                         increase through the June quarter.
and 5.0% over 2010-11 and 2011-12 respectively.                                         After falling during the financial crises, South
   QUEENSLAND HOUSING FUNDAMENTALS TIGHT                                                Australian building approvals and starts have
                                                                                        increased by 9% and 8% respectively over the past
                 Housing market balance: Queensland
                                                                                        year, contributing to a healthy level building
                                                                                        activity. The result is that in contrast to other
                                                                                        states, South Australia is currently building enough
 100                                                                    Shortage        housing to suggest supply will actually exceed
                                                                                        underlying demand by the end of 2010 ensuring
                                                    Underlying demand
                                                                                        that South Australia will have a housing surplus. In
                                                                                        conjunction with below average economic growth,
                                 Completions                                            this should act to moderate both house price and
                                                                                        rental growth over the medium term.

                  Surplus                                                               WESTERN AUSTRALIA

 -50                                                                                    Western Australia’s economy has rebounded sharply
       86   88   90   92    94     96   98     00   02   04   06   08   10   12    14
                                                                                        over the course of 2009/10 with employment
                                                                                        growing by 3.8% and economic growth estimated to
Sources: ABS, ANZ                                                                       be 3.0% for 2009-10 up from just 0.7% in 2008-09.
Private housing finance approvals have declined by                                      Despite positive economic conditions, house prices
24% since August last year. Rising interest rates                                       have not been supported to the same degree as
and deteriorating affordability have seen first home                                    other states with Western Australia experiencing
buyers leave the market in droves, with their share                                     house price growth of only 5.1% over the year to
of the total number of home loans halving since                                         June 2010.
their peak in May 2009. Unlike Victoria however,                                        It appears that the WA residential property market
investors have remained on the sidelines, causing                                       is catching its breath after the recent commodities
an overall weakening in near-term market demand                                         led boom in which residential property prices
conditions. This has restrained price growth                                            increased 76% between December 2004 and mid-
compared to other capitals with residential property                                    2007. After recovering lost ground during 2009,
prices gaining a modest 4.5% over the year to June                                      recent interest rates rises combined with the
(compared to all capitals’ growth of 10.5%).                                            expiration of government stimulus measures have
                                                                                        conspired to reduce affordability and put the kybosh
Although private residential building approvals have
                                                                                        on price growth over the first half of 2010.
rebounded from their lows in 2008, they remain
34% below 2007 boom levels. Completions fell by                                         Over the medium term, the fundamentals of Perth’s
17.5% over the course of 2009–10 pushing the                                            property market will remain tight. Economic growth
underlying Queensland housing shortage to just shy                                      will be supported by an upsurge in business
of 40,000 dwellings.                                                                    investment with key major resource projects
Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 7 of 12

                                                                                               RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY

ramping up over the coming years, whilst strong                                      NORTHERN TERRITORY
growth in the Asian region will boost demand for                                     The Northern Territory has continued to surge
Australian commodities supporting income growth                                      ahead. Buoyed by favourable economic conditions,
and domestic economic activity. Combined with                                        housing finance approvals received a sizeable boost
strong population growth, these conditions should                                    after a raft of stimulus measures were introduced
provide support to growth in WA house prices and                                     by state and federal governments to be up 73%.
housing market activity in the years ahead.                                          Coupled with strong migration numbers, the
 BUSINESS INVESTMENT TO SUPPORT WA ECONOMY                                           Northern Territory has seen residential property
 Engineering construction: work to                     Economic growth               prices grow by 14.3% over the past year and 5.7%
           be completed                                                              to date in 2010, pointing to relatively greater
 70                                    8   %

                                                                                     resilience, although prices have slipped in the June
                                  WA                                                 quarter. Rising interest rates and deteriorating
                                       6                                             affordability have sucked some of the momentum
                                                                 Western             out of housing demand, with finance approvals
 42                                                          Australia
                                                                                     declining 29% since their peak in October last year.
                                                                                     Of more concern is the decline in private residential

            Total National
                                                                                     building approvals which will worsen the Territory’s
       (Excluding WA and
              Territories)             2
                                                                                     chronic housing undersupply and place further
                                           Australia                                 pressure on already tight housing fundamentals.
                                                                                     Rental growth continues to outperform, growing at
  0                                    0                                             just under 10%. A plethora of energy projects on
      01     03       05     07   09        08-09        09-10       10-11   11-12
                                                                                     the horizon should continue to provide impetus to
Sources: ABS, ANZ                                                                    the state economy which will boost demand for
                                                                                     housing and underpin activity in the medium term.
Tasmania’s economy remains in the doldrums with                                      AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY
private investment levels declining and household                                    Canberra’s economy remains robust with its trend
consumption remaining stagnant. The closure of                                       unemployment rate declining from 3.7% at the
manufacturing plants and the delay of key                                            beginning of the year to 3.3%. After growing by
renewable     energy   projects     have     reduced                                 61% between August and December 2009, housing
employment with the trend unemployment rate                                          finance approvals have since declined by a
rising to 6.3% from 5.0% this time last year.                                        relatively modest 8% to date in 2010, reflecting the
Economic growth is expected to shrink by 1.0% over                                   strong demand conditions.       House prices have
2009-10 and grow by just 0.5% in 2010-11 making                                      grown by 10.6% over the past year although some
Tasmania the worst performer of all the states.                                      slight decline has been recorded in the June quarter
A mild upswing in investor interest has been                                         along with other capitals.
outweighed by the decline of first-home buyers.                                      The high average median house price of $495,000 is
First-home buyer finance approvals have fallen more                                  supported by the largely professional workforce
than 62% from their peak in September 2009.                                          making Canberra’s housing market the most
Weakening demand conditions have left Hobart’s                                       affordable in the country (when we measure
property prices at a standstill with falls of 0.5%                                   affordability in terms of price as a proportion of the
recorded to date in 2010. Tasmania’s sputtering                                      city’s average household income). Consequently,
economy along with an underlying surplus of                                          recent rate rises and the removal of government
housing supply means Hobart’s housing market is                                      stimulus measures have had a smaller impact than
likely to record negligible price growth over the                                    in other capitals. The outlook for Canberra’s housing
coming    year.    The    weak    housing    market                                  supply is also improving, with private residential
fundamentals will persist, suggesting an easing in                                   building approvals doubling from their lows of 2008.
rental vacancies and moderating rental market                                        Housing starts and completions have also edged
growth over the coming years.                                                        upwards. The state government has also been
                                                                                     proactive,     releasing   over   4,000    sites    for
                                                                                     development activity over 2009-10 and in excess of
                                                                                     5,000 sites over 2010-11.
Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 8 of 12

                                                                                                  OFFICE PROPERTY

                                        SPRINGBOARD MADE OF SENTIMENT
FUNDAMENTALS WERE GOOD TO START WITH                             employment growth soaking up capacity. The
The supply-side has been a spoiler for office sector             vacancy rate is trending down, with further
conditions in past decades. Given the long lags                  tightening expected over 2011 and 2012. Average
between a “go” signal on development proposal,                   rentals of $291 per sqm for prime office space still
construction and ultimate occupancy, the balance                 compares favourably to Sydney ($385 per sqm) and
between demand and supply is very difficult to                   Brisbane ($359 per sqm) even though relativities
manage. Add the extra dynamic created when                       have restored to some degree. Stubbornly high
multiple players in the industry perceive the same               yields (PRP of over 5%) combined with low rentals
opportunity at the same time, it is little wonder the            present a double-whammy, offering considerable
office market booms and busts like few other                     upside to values. Hints of market recovery suggest
markets. Fortunately, we don’t have such a problem               this process is already underway. Brisbane’s CBD
this time around thanks largely to the GFC which                 office market fundamentals are not strong but
along with monetary policy tightening through 2008               there appears to be a topping-out in vacancies at an
stymied the supply-side considerably.                            historic high of around 11%. Short-term economic
                                                                 sluggishness in QLD suggests a long ride home for
The economic slowdown reduced net absorption but                 this market. Rentals and capital values are expected
without the traditional additional supply, vacancies             to remain subdued. Evidence of yield tightening
rose only moderately. The market feared more                     reflects a shift in broader investment benchmarks.
substantial oversupply but our projections always
                                                                                         VACANCIES TOPPING OUT
characterised the prospect as a ‘mini-cycle’ - the
national office vacancy rate lifting from an extreme                                                  CBD office vacancy rates
                                                                   30    %
low of 3% to an acceptable 8% in 2010. Signs of                                                                30    %

stability in market balance are re-emerging. Without
                                                                   25             Melbourne
a typical supply-pipeline issue, ongoing employment                                                            25             Perth

growth will see the market tighten from what is
already a healthy fundamental position.                                                                        20

Capital values fell by between 16% and 25%                         15                                          15
between late-2007 and September 2009, a far cry                                                Sydney

from the 50%+ declines in the early 1990s. From a                  10                                          10

broader investment perspective, office prices seem
low. ANZ’s measure of the office “property risk                     5                                          5

premium” (PRP) suggests prices are around 28%                                            Brisbane
below what would achieve the long-term average                      0                                          0
                                                                                                                    90   94     98      02       06   10
PRP. If we discount the impact of the early 1990s,                      90   94     98    02     06      10

under-valuation shrinks to a lower but still
significant 15%5. That prices are below this                      Sources: Property Council of Australia, ANZ
benchmark suggests reticence among investors                     “Too much supply too late” has seen Perth CBD
about future returns or a re-rating of risk is                   office market turn from acute shortage to sizeable
occurring. We believe the former is more likely.                 oversupply in just 18 months. Rentals and values
Sydney’s CBD office market vacancy rate has                      have plummeted from “penalty rate” levels at the
edged up in the first half of 2010, yet rentals have             height of the stock shortage. Recovery in the WA
steadied after an incentive-driven collapse over                 economy will limit ongoing fallout but some
2008-09. With the economy showing signs of life                  volatility is expected around a positive medium-
and new office supply being contained, vacancy                   term outlook with considerable upside. Adelaide
rates edged down. Capital values and rents have not              core office market is experiencing a softening in
shown any notable sign of improvement but are                    fundamentals. A healthy run-up in rentals even
poised to recover over the next year. Melbourne’s                through the GFC has engendered some lasting
CBD office market has improved markedly in the                   confidence in this market, reflected in tightening
last six months with better than expected                        yields and higher values (+8%oy). Sluggish
                                                                 economic prospects suggest gains will be difficult
  The PRP is gap b/w the office yield and real risk-free rate.   despite a tightening in vacancies in 2010-11.
“Fair” value equates the current PRP to its long-term average.
Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 9 of 12

                                                                                                              RETAIL PROPERTY

                                                           BACK ON COURSE
With interest rates on the rise and government                     moderate and struggle at times with some “fear
stimulus a distant memory, the retailing sector is                 discount” being maintained in valuations.
bracing itself for a tough trading environment over                The implication is that without a near-seismic positive
2010/11. Household spending growth has softened                    shift in sentiment, we are unlikely to see other than
sharply in recent quarters and its trajectory is                   moderate increases in rentals, tentative re-
expected to remain muted over this period. Despite                 compression in yields and acceptable but not
the growth slowdown, retail turnover is nonetheless                excessive     increases    in   valuations.   This    is
holding at healthy levels, 8% above the pre- GFC                   symptomatic of the very difficult set of circumstances
level. While resource states have been lagging, this               from which the sector is emerging and the generally
should prove temporary with a revival in commodity                 less volatile behaviour this market displays (vis a vis
markets likely to re-ignite spending conditions in                 other commercial sectors).
those states form 2011.
                                                                           RETAIL PROPERTY VALUES WELL SUPPORTED
From a property perspective, resilience in retail
                                                                                      Retail property risk premium                 Retail property market indicators
turnover has offered a relatively useful and benign                        4.6     %                                        400     index

operating back-drop for retailers who would have                           4.4

faced the generally prescribed CPI adjustments to                                                                           350

rentals.    Rental    affordability   has    remained
comfortable, averting a tenant-led cry for higher                          4.0                           Long-term
incentives. By the same token, we do not expect                            3.8                                              250
                                                                                                                                                 Capital value

significant constraints to higher rentals once market
conditions improve.                                                                           Property

                                                                           3.4                Risk premium
To date and true to form, the retail property sector                                                                        150
                                                                           3.2           Return of PRP to blue-
has weathered the property downturn considerably                                         dotted line implies a 5% lift                                Rentals
                                                                                         in value
better than other commercial sectors, with values                          3.0
                                                                                 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09
                                                                                                                                  86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10
dropping 11% from peak to trough and yields
                                                                   Sources: IPD, ANZ
‘softening’ by 100bp since 2007. Given the unique
circumstances confronting the listed property trust                Medium-term, the signs are encouraging. Retail
sector in recent years (heavily retail-weighted), this             vacancy rates are generally still at low levels,
sector was dealt a heavier than usual blow but                     suggesting the supply/demand fundamentals remain
maintained relative resilience.                                    intact despite an extended period of solid retail
                                                                   construction in recent years. However, with the
Encouragingly, there are signs of stability in yields,
                                                                   approvals pipeline collapsing since 2009 and
and rentals are hinting at more significant upward
                                                                   continued reticence among lenders, there is every
shifts in some markets, although generally, such
                                                                   prospect of a tightening in conditions ahead of a
adjustments have been moderate to date.
                                                                   delayed construction cycle over 2012. Market values
Investment fundamentals for retail property are also               will shift more sharply through 2011 and into 2012,
moderately supportive of further growth in values                  validating the building upswing.
and yield re-compression. More specifically, ANZ’s
                                                                                 SUPPLY PIPELINE IS ABOUT TO COLLAPSE
measure of the “retail property risk premium” (PRP)                                               Retail and wholesale building

suggests prices are presently around 5% below fair                  7000         $mn 2007/08

value.6 But history tells us markets can remain inert               6500

when various limiters are active. Today, markets are                6000

dealing with lingering and renewed uncertainties                    5500

surrounding the prospects for the major economies                   5000

and to a lesser extent, the resilience of our own                   4500
economy in the face of higher interest rates.                       4000
                                                                                                                         Value of work done

Recovery in values in the year ahead will be                        3500

  The PRP measures the gap between the retail                       2500
property yield and the real risk-free rate. “fair” value            2000
requires measured PRP to equal long-term average                                 00      01       02      03       04     05       06       07   08      09      10
PRP.                                                               Source: ABS
Australian Property Outlook / 16 August 2010 / 10 of 12

                                                                             TOURIST ACCOMMODATION

                                     DEMAND PICKING UP WHILE SUPPLY LAGS
Australia with the combined impact of the GFC and                      Tasmania reported the lowest (59%), followed by
a strong A$, indicators of tourism activity pointed                    Queensland (61%). Room occupancy rates were
to a turning point in demand for tourist                               weaker in March 2010 for the two largest tourism
accommodation in early 2010. The lagged supply                         states (NSW & Qld), while Victoria’s rate remained
response should result in tighter market conditions                    steady.
and upward pressure on property values.                                 TOURISM ACTIVITY SHOWS SIGNS OF RECOVERY
In   March    2010,     the   number    of   large
accommodation establishments (15+ rooms) in                                   Tourist accommodation (15+ rooms)
                                                                           % national room occupancy    % change p.a.
Australia was down just 0.1% from a year earlier.
                                                                        70           rate (left)                       15
Over the same period, the number of rooms these                                                         total nominal
                                                                                                       takings (right)
establishments provided was up 0.7%. These                              65                                             10
growth rates were at their slowest in 5 years, and
well below their 10 year average annual growth                          60                                                        5
rates of 1.6% (establishments) and 2.0% (rooms).
                                                                        55                                                        0
The supply of smaller accommodation (5-14
rooms) was even weaker over the year to March                           50                                                        -5
2010. The number of establishments and rooms                                                           employment (right)

provided by these smaller operators was down                            45                                                        -10
2.8% and 2.0% respectively from a year earlier.                              02   03     04    05    06    07    08    09    10

Looking forward, limited new supply is expected
                                                                       Source: ABS
over the next 12 months. Both commencements
and approvals have been slowing since end-2008                         The number of accommodation establishments
with the value (real annual dollars) of approvals                      grew in all states and territories except NSW (-1%)
and commencements in March 2010 sitting at less                        and Tasmania (-0.6%) in the year to June 2009.
than 70% of the 10 year average level.                                 The strongest growth was in the ACT (+3.7%) and
           SUPPLY PIPELINE IS STILL SOFTENING                          the NT (+6.6%).

      annual % change               $bn real, annual data              Recovery in key tourism indicators has also
  3                                                              2.5   reflected increases in international arrivals. Short-
                                    Approvals (right)
                Rooms (left)                                           term visitor arrivals to Australia have increased
  2                                                              2.0
                                                                       1.2% since December 2009. As of May 2010,
  1                                                                    monthly visitor arrivals were around 471,000 per
  0                                                                    month (12mma), compared to 465,000 per month
                                                                 1.0   (12mma) in December 2009. Of this growth,
                                       Starts (right)
                                                                       conference and business travel showed the
           Establishments (left)                                       strongest recovery to be up 6.5%. Holiday arrivals
 -3                                                              0.0   (making up about 45% of all short term arrivals)
      05         06            07           08              09         were still relatively weak in 2010, to be down 0.3%
Source: ABS                                                            from December 2009 to May 2010.
For large accommodation operators the national                         Growth prospects for the remainder of 2010 look
room occupancy rate was slightly weaker (62.9%)                        significantly better, with the global and domestic
in the quarter to March 2010, while total nominal                      economies both continuing to recover from the
takings were growing again in annual terms for                         GFC. The Tourism Forecasting Committee (TFC)
the first time since the end of 2008, to be up                         expects short-term international visitor arrivals to
2.2% in the year to March 2010.           Industry                     grow by 5.5% in 2010, after 2 years of decline.
employment was still falling to be down 1.4% in                        Domestic visitor nights should grow by a modest
the year to March 2010.                                                1.5%, after falling more than 5% pa in both 2008
Room occupancy rates (for large establishments)                        and 2009.
reflected differences in tourism activity across
states and territories. Room occupancy rates
remained highest in the ACT (79%) while
Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 11 of 12

                                                                                                               INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY

                                           INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY HAS TURNED THE CORNER
While industrial property suffered through 2009, partly                                     leading indicators of supply as non-residential
through weak import volumes and tighter access to                                           building approvals improve into second half 2010
credit, signs through the first half of 2010 show an                                        and industrial building commencements pick up
improved outlook. Reflecting renewed confidence and                                         after falling sharply throughout 2009. With
a relatively strong economic outlook, the run down of                                       expectations of subdued supply and strong growth
inventories has ended. In the year to March 2010                                            in demand over the second half of 2010 vacant
inventories were a paltry $71 million lower after being                                     stock should be taken up relatively quickly and will
$4 billion lower in 2009.                                                                   begin to put upward pressure on rents.
          INVENTORIES RUNDOWN HAS ENDED                                                     Since December 2009 both prime and secondary
                                                                                            yields have tightened moderately to be 8-8½%
  10,000       $mn, C VM, 4-qtr rolling sum
                                                                                            and 9½-10% respectively. These moves have
   8,000                                                                                    seen the premium on prime asset yields pushed
   6,000                                                                                    out to around 150-200 bps into Q2-2010 after
                                                                                            sitting at around 100 bps in the early part of 2009.
         0                                                                                    YIELDS FIRMING AND QUALITY PREMIUM HOLDING
  -2,000                                                                                                                          Industrial yields

  -4,000                                                                                                  Prime asset yields                      Prime vs secondary yields
                                                                                             10.0%                                        12%
  -6,000                                                                                              % p.a.                                       % p.a.
  -8,000                                                                                      9.5%             Melbourne
                                                                                                                                          11%               Secondary asset
              87    89   91    93    95        97    99   01   03    05     07    09
                                                                                              8.5%        Sydney       Brisbane
Sources: ABS, ANZ
Looking into 2010 a continued strengthening of                                                8.0%                                          9%

the Australian dollar and solid domestic economy                                              7.5%                                                    Prime asset
is expected to drive further growth in imports and                                            7.0%

a rebuilding in inventories over the next 12-                                                 6.5%

months that will support demand for warehousing
                                                                                              6.0%                                          6%
space. These factors are likely to provide a                                                         00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10            00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

favourable environment to promote recovery of
                                                                                            Sources: JLL, ANZ
capital values and rents.
                                                                                            Despite signs of stronger demand and tighter
                                                                                            industrial property market conditions, any return
                              Industrial building activity                                  to 2007-08 levels of rental growth and yields is
         Real $million, sa (ann rolling
                                                                                            unlikely to be repeated. While industrial property
                                                                    Value of work done
                                                                                            developers continue to be deterred in the short-
                           C ommencements                                                   term by tight lending conditions, any significant
 4,000         Approvals
                                                                                            easing of these conditions remains a risk to the
                                                                                            outlook for industrial property supply.
                                                                                            We anticipate that industrial yields will continue to
                                                                                            compress into 2010 and 2011. Expansion in supply
         00        01    02     03        04        05    06   07      08        09    10
                                                                                            of industrial property is likely to improve from
                                                                                            current levels into early-2011 although remain
Sources: ABS, ANZ
                                                                                            relatively subdued for the remainder of 2010.
For now, supply of industrial space continues to                                            While both prime and secondary industrial
slow. The value of completed projects in the year                                           property yields continue to fall, the prime asset
to March 2010 fell to $3.3 billion, the lowest level                                        premium is likely to be maintained in the short-
in more then 7 years. However, industrial                                                   term supporting opportunities for asset class price
construction is expected to improve into 2011,                                              discrimination.
following a thin 12-18 months of additions to
industrial space, as large industrial developers
have recapitalised and access to credit markets
gradually eases. This is becoming evident in the
Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 12 of 12

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Anz august market research 2010

  • 1. Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 1 of 12 ECONOMICS & MARKETS RESEARCH AUSTRALIAN PROPERTY OUTLOOK FUNDAMENTALS SOLID… BUT CAUTION LINGERS AUGUST 2010 ECONOMIC OVERVIEW The aftershocks from the global financial crisis (GFC) continue to reverberate INSIDE through financial markets with sovereign debt crises in Europe weighing heavily on investor sentiment. Despite heightened market fears and weak Economic Overview ... 2 Residential Property .. 3 equity markets, the economic outlook for Australia remains robust. Office Property ......... 8 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Retail Overview ........ 9 Tourist – With interest rates expected to rise, we expect house price growth will Accommodation ........ 10 (temporarily) slow to low single digits in 2011. Nonetheless, in the absence of Industrial Property 11 a major economic downturn, a critical shortage of housing will see house prices and rents grind ever higher and housing affordability and availability CONTRIBUTORS will become major social and political issues in the decade ahead. Paul Braddick Head of Property Research COMMERCIAL PROPERTY +61 3 9273 5987 Office fundamentals are set to improve from a relatively favourable starting Paul.Braddick@anz.com position. With the market re-calibrated to a risk averse post-GFC Ange Montalti environment, we expect healthy returns as confidence restores. Senior Economist, Property Research For the retail sector, despite fundamentals suggesting moderate under- +61 3 9273 6288 valuation, investor conservatism and interest rate headwinds will see a Ange.Montalti@anz.com lingering ‘fear discount’ on asset prices for a little while yet. David Cannington Tourist accommodation has shown indications of recovery, particularly in Economist, inbound business numbers, following a period of decline in both domestic and Property Research +61 3 9273 4274 international tourism driven by a strong A$ and the impact of the GFC. David.Cannington@anz.com Increased international trade activity and softer supply have seen industrial Dylan Eades yields tighten and added upward pressure on rents. The outlook for subdued Research Analyst, additions to supply in the near term and continuing growth in demand for Property Research +61 3 9273 2708 industrial space should see these trends continue. Dylan.Eades@anz.com HOW LOW NEW-HOME ‘FAIR’ VALUE FOR CONSTRUCTION SPENDING? COMMERCIAL PROPERTY? 6 % of GDP 10 % Long-term average ‘property risk Premium’* 9 Current ‘property risk 8 Premium’ 5 7 Below ‘fair value’ by: 8% 6 28% 4 5 5% 4 3 3 2 About to breach a record low 1 with further interest rises to combat 2 0 59 63 67 71 75 79 83 87 91 95 99 03 07 11 Office Retail Industrial *PRP = sector yield less real risk-free benchmark rate. Long-term average is calculated over period 1985 to 2010 Sources: ABS, IPD, ANZ
  • 2. Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 2 of 12 ECONOMIC OVERVIEW AUSTRALIA’S PROSPECTS REMAIN BRIGHT GLOBAL ECONOMY STILL FRAGILE The aftershocks from the global financial crisis (GFC) June. Until recently, we saw the greatest risk to continue to reverberate through financial markets growth in ongoing inflationary pressures that may with sovereign debt crises in Europe weighing have forced the RBA to ‘over’-tighten, resulting in a heavily on investor sentiment. A concurrent debt servicing crisis for highly geared households. softening of momentum in the US and signs of However, evidence of a moderation in underlying overheating in China have severely reduced the growth momentum (retail sales, sentiment, building appetite for risk. Sovereign debt concerns and the approvals, housing finance/prices) and underlying necessary fiscal adjustments will restrict growth in inflation itself in the June quarter indicate policy much of the developed world and we expect on- moves to date are successfully managing growth going market volatility and elevated risk premia for onto a more sustainable path. This provides the RBA years to come. with some breathing room to assess the balance Nonetheless, we do not expect a ‘double dip’ in between more cautious household and business global growth. US policy stimuli will be removed sentiment and booming mining investment and gradually allowing a subdued, yet ongoing recovery profits. Nonetheless, growth is likely to return to and Chinese authorities are expected to successfully trend (or slightly above) in 2010-11 and tightening reduce growth to more sustainable levels between 9 labour supply suggests inflationary pressures will and 10% per annum. There is every indication the eventually force the RBA to lift rates further into China slowdown is being managed very well. While restrictive territory. This could see a return to the the greatest risks lie in the European economy and ‘two speed economy’ where the resource states banking system, we believe authorities will do what perform strongly and the non-resource states bear is necessary to avoid a GFC Mark 2. the brunt of tighter policy settings. AUSTRALIAN OUTLOOK POSITIVE DWELLING INVESTMENT Despite heightened market fears and weak equity Most forecasters expect an upswing in dwelling markets, the Australian economic outlook remains investment to be a key driver of growth in the years healthy. Our performance during the GFC was ahead. However, sharp declines in new dwelling unparalleled and activity has since rebounded approvals in recent months, if continued, imply strongly. Part of the strength last year was directly home building could detract from growth. Interest attributable to policy stimulus that is gradually being rates have always been a key trigger for shifts in removed. However, the current commodity boom the dwelling cycle. The recent fall in approvals and will maintain growth momentum in the years ahead our expectation that interest rates will continue to via stronger resource investment, production, rise indicate that dwelling investment could weaken exports and profits. despite a clear shortage of housing that is driving rents and house prices ever higher. By reducing COMMODITY BOOM WILL BOOST GROWTH economic growth, weakening home building activity Terms of trade* will mitigate near term inflationary pressures. 130 index However, the ongoing imbalance in housing demand 120 and supply could create far more intractable 110 housing-related cost pressures in later years. NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 100 Non-residential building activity has been supported 90 by the Government’s $42 billion economic stimulus 80 plan. However, savage declines in non-residential building approvals suggest that activity will weaken 70 *export price index/import price index sharply as the Government programs conclude. 60 Combined with subdued market sentiment and tight 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 credit access, additions to the stock of commercial Sources: ABS, ANZ property will be limited (a stark contrast to the early Moreover, the labour market remains remarkably 1990s) and will help to support market valuations. strong with employment up 3.3% over the year to
  • 3. Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 3 of 12 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SHORTAGE SET TO WORSEN CUSP OF A GOLDEN ERA? NOT LIKELY…. will the industry languish but the social and Australia’s building sector was used to having wild economic repercussions of not providing adequate swings in dwelling activity over the 1980s and accommodation will be significant. Australia is likely 1990s but thanks to relative stability in interest to face a full blown housing crisis. rates over much of the past decade, the traditional …ACTIVITY IS GOING TO WEAKEN FURTHER swings have pretty much disappeared.1 If not for Most forward indicators of housing construction intervention by governments, the observed volatility activity suggest building is likely to weaken over of housing construction and associated risks that 2010/11. Private sector approvals have weakened this presents to operators would have been much after a very short-lived upturn. This is symptomatic reduced. We don’t have the counter-factual, so it is of both the cyclical and structural elements. That we difficult to know what the wash-up would have been have a building downturn re-commencing when without government assistance but the net lasting dwelling expenditure as a percentage of GDP is benefits are questionable. already breaching historic lows is troublesome. Given expectations for continued relative stability in Dwelling completions are now expected to peak at interest rates, the cyclical risks to housing will just below 160,000 in 2011 before retreating to remain subdued and secondary to the more 150,000 in 2012. Unfortunately, this remains well imposing structural cracks that have been until now below our underlying housing demand estimate of dealt a mere ‘patch–up’ job in the form of expedient 200,000 p.a., suggesting what is already a critical or knee jerk solutions. These ‘solutions’ at best housing shortage will deteriorate significantly merely band-aid or mask the condition and quite further in the years ahead. possibly exacerbate the affordability challenge. They APPROVALS HAVE TOPPED OUT also promote more volatility by bunching demand Residential construction spending Building approvals and exposing the industry to post-policy grief. What $bn, 2007/08 prices 12 Number, trend, ‘000 11 they don’t do and what policy should be doing is New dwellings dealing with the fundamental imbalance between 10 10 Total houses supply and demand. We need more homes. The gap 9 between housing demand and supply has widened 8 8 dramatically in recent years and will continue to Total “other 6 widen into the foreseeable future. 7 residential” building The political, social and economic imperative to deal 6 4 more seriously with the structural impediments is 5 Renovations Private “other residential” accumulating. The good news is that there does and extensions 2 building 4 appear to be considerable mobilisation of resources at many levels to deal with the problem. But it is 3 0 91 93 95 97 99 01 02 05 07 09 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 only at the early stages. Planning and development systems, growth strategies (including regional and Source: ABS urban) and a preparedness to invest substantially in Combined with rising interest rates (yes, the cycle is infrastructure to support growth are critical to not dead) this suggests conditions for renters and success. Importantly, to be successful, policies also first home buyers will become increasingly difficult. need to support community aspirations and they For builders, the combination of further interest rate need to be co-ordinated across often conflicting rises, ‘headline’ dwelling price falls in June and little stakeholders within the community. headway on the structural impediments spells If we get it right, the Australian building industry is caution. Specifically, these conditions heighten potentially on the cusp of one of the strongest margin risk and reduce expected profitability. While secular increases in activity since the 1960s. If we there is some buffer from the run-up in prices fail to act both swiftly and appropriately, not only through 2009, this will not last forever. For new projects, a flatter price trajectory built into budgets 1 Note the apparent cycle in the early part of the most recent suggests a greater percentage of projects will fail the decade was attributable in large part to the timing distortion viability test. generated by the introduction of GST. The 2009 “cycle” had everything to do with assistance to first-home buyers.
  • 4. Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 4 of 12 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY While finance to the medium-density sector appears IS THERE A HOUSE PRICE BUBBLE? to be flowing more freely than it was 12 months ago, International comparisons of ‘house price to income’ the demand for such funds will most probably remain ratios have been widely used to suggest that subdued in the atmospherics that appear to be Australian house prices are significantly overvalued. establishing. These analyses are dangerously simplistic and HOUSE PRICES DECELERATE ignore a key component of the housing affordability equation – interest rates. Australian house prices rebounded strongly last year buoyed by low interest rates, tightening supply, The proponents of the housing ‘bubble’ story argue relaxed foreign investment rules and the elevated ‘house price to income’ ratios must revert government’s first home-owner boost. The national to their long term historical average in order to dwelling prices rose by 10.5% over the year to June return housing ‘affordability’ to sustainable levels. 2010, with Melbourne prices up a relatively solid However, as a measure of housing affordability, 16% over the same period2. However, momentum ‘house price to income’ ratios are flawed as they has softened in recent months following the removal completely ignore interest rates. Ultimately, house of the first home owner boost, a re-tightening of purchase affordability relates to debt servicing costs foreign investment rules and rising mortgage rates. of which interest rates are a key driver. This not Annualised growth in capital city house prices in the only means that ‘house price to income’ ratios are June quarter slowed sharply with further momentum fundamentally flawed as a measure of housing loss evident through the quarter3. Importantly, affordability but also makes intertemporal and cross some of the near-term price weakness being border comparisons of these ratios next to recorded is likely to be reflecting the unprecedented meaningless (given varying interest rates, tax level of pent-up trading supply (property listings) regimes, population concentrations, quality of flying in the face of the interest rate-induced housing stock, market balances, lending standards reductions in buyer demand. Lower clearance rates etc). The predominant reason for the jump in the support this market mismatch and would most ‘house price to income’ ratio is the structural (read probably have generated more significant price falls permanent) reduction in interest rates experienced had the supply been ‘forced”. In the absence of a Mortgage interest rates in Australia in the 1980s supply-side stress, the current weakness is likely to averaged around 14%, however, since 2000 the prove only temporary. average has been close to 7%. This fall in mortgage interest rates has, quite reasonably, been While we do not expect continued trend declines, we capitalised into house prices and measured housing do expect annual house price growth to slow to low affordability remains broadly equivalent to average single digits in 2011 and remain sluggish, 1980s levels. particularly as interest rates rise further over coming quarters. Nonetheless, in the absence of a FALLING INTEREST RATES ‘JUSTIFY’ PRICE GAINS major economic downturn, a critical shortage of Median house Household income Mortgage rate House price to price income housing will see house prices and rents grind ever $'000 600 100 $'000 14 % 6 ratio higher and housing affordability and availability will Ratio that equates to 1980s become major social and political issues in the 500 12 5 average 80 servicing decade ahead, even with a projected slowing in burden population growth. As noted above, there is no 400 10 4 panacea for this condition but temporary solutions 60 8 will in all likelihood play again into the hands of 300 3 volatility and do little to solve the underlying supply 40 6 problem. 200 2 4 20 100 1 2 0 0 0 0 85 09 85 09 85 09 85 09 Sources: ABS, RBA, ANZ 2 RP-Data Rismark 3 RP-Data Rismark report “all dwelling” all capital cities prices fell 0.8% in the month of June.
  • 5. Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 5 of 12 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY NEW SOUTH WALES the beginning of 2011, foreshadowing a period of stronger rental growth. The Sydney residential property market has recorded strong gains over the past year with VICTORIA dwelling prices growing 10.4% in the year to June, Melbourne’s housing market has continued to around the national average.4 There are signs outperform with residential property prices however that price growth is easing. Private housing increasing 16% in the year to June, although house finance approvals grew by 41% over the course of price growth has begun to cool recently. Positive 2008–09, but have declined by 12% since their peak economic conditions continue to prevail, with trend in July 2009. Furthermore, auction clearance rates unemployment falling from 6.0% to 5.4% over the which were at 75% during February have fallen past year. Consumer confidence and consumption sharply to below 60% in June as the amount of have remained strong, with the Victorian economy stock coming on to the market has increased and expected to grow by 2.5% and 3.0% over 2009-10 deteriorating housing affordability has taken some and 2010-11 respectively. This should support of the heat out of the market. This has been a housing market activity in the years ahead. moderating influence on dwelling price growth which only gained a modest 0.5% over the June quarter. The number of first home buyers participating in the housing market has fallen sharply, as rising prices, DWELLING PRICES HAVE MODERATED interest rates and the removal of federal Capital city dwelling price growth over the year to June 2010 government stimulus measures reduce housing 20 % 20 % * Hobart data is affordability. Investors have picked up the slack only over the year until May however, with the value of investor finance 2010 approvals increasing 42% over the year to June 15 15 2010. INVESTORS PICK UP THE SLACK All capitals average All capitals average 10 10 Victorian finance approvals: Investors vs owner $bn 4.0 occupiers 3.5 Owner-Occupiers 5 5 3.0 2.5 0 0 Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth Adelaide Darwin Canberra Hobart* 2.0 Source: RP Data/Rismark 1.5 After rising sharply following the introduction of 1.0 Investors government stimulus measures, residential building approvals have grown by a modest 5.2% in the six 0.5 months to June 2010, but remain 53% below their 0.0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 2004 levels. By our calculation, NSW currently has a shortage of 86,000 dwellings (forecasted to rise to Source: ABS 126,000 by the end of June 2011). This is not After running at close to 90% earlier in the year, surprising considering the chronic under-building auction clearance rates have declined to below 60% that has been occurring in NSW, reflecting a in June as demand softens and unusually high levels combination of over-regulation imposing additional of stock have come on to the market. Indeed, development costs and soft economic activity. The Melbourne’s dwelling prices have cooled with softer influx of first home buyers into the market market activity, recording price growth of just 0.2% temporarily relaxed pressure on the rental market over the June quarter. with vacancies increasing marginally. Despite this, rental vacancies currently sit at 1.25% - the lowest The tight underlying fundamentals of Melbourne’s in Australia – and are forecast to fall to under 1% by housing market however, will continue over the medium to long term, with dwelling completions set to fall from 2012, exacerbating the chronic shortage 4 All property price data in this report refers to RP Data- of housing in Victoria. Rismark hedonic price data series.
  • 6. Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 6 of 12 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY QUEENSLAND SOUTH AUSTRALIA The Queensland economy was hit hard by the Robust economic conditions, along with low interest economic downturn with economic growth at a rates, affordable housing, population growth and meagre 1.4% over 2008-09 - its lowest level for 18 government stimulus combined to push house prices years. However, in recent times, there have been up by 9.1% over the year to June 2010. While this some causes for optimism. Despite a sharp decline is just shy of the all-capital-city average over the in business investment over 2009-10, the same period, it was better than expectations for a Queensland economy has exhibited moderate market that has generally underperformed in the economic growth, with exports and government past. This recent performance together with rising stimulus the main catalysts. Economic growth has interest rates and withdrawal of government rebounded to an estimated 3.0% for 2009-10, stimulus has impacted on affordability. Although dragging down the trend unemployment rate in the investors have provided some support this has been process from 6.0% last October to its current rate of outweighed by first home buyer finance approvals 5.4%. Strengthening demand for commodities from declining by 60% since May 2009. Price growth has the Asian region should drive export growth, with slowed as a consequence, recording just a 1.1% the Queensland economy expected to grow at 3.5% increase through the June quarter. and 5.0% over 2010-11 and 2011-12 respectively. After falling during the financial crises, South QUEENSLAND HOUSING FUNDAMENTALS TIGHT Australian building approvals and starts have increased by 9% and 8% respectively over the past Housing market balance: Queensland 150 ‘000 year, contributing to a healthy level building activity. The result is that in contrast to other states, South Australia is currently building enough 100 Shortage housing to suggest supply will actually exceed underlying demand by the end of 2010 ensuring Underlying demand that South Australia will have a housing surplus. In 50 conjunction with below average economic growth, Completions this should act to moderate both house price and 0 rental growth over the medium term. Surplus WESTERN AUSTRALIA -50 Western Australia’s economy has rebounded sharply 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 over the course of 2009/10 with employment growing by 3.8% and economic growth estimated to Sources: ABS, ANZ be 3.0% for 2009-10 up from just 0.7% in 2008-09. Private housing finance approvals have declined by Despite positive economic conditions, house prices 24% since August last year. Rising interest rates have not been supported to the same degree as and deteriorating affordability have seen first home other states with Western Australia experiencing buyers leave the market in droves, with their share house price growth of only 5.1% over the year to of the total number of home loans halving since June 2010. their peak in May 2009. Unlike Victoria however, It appears that the WA residential property market investors have remained on the sidelines, causing is catching its breath after the recent commodities an overall weakening in near-term market demand led boom in which residential property prices conditions. This has restrained price growth increased 76% between December 2004 and mid- compared to other capitals with residential property 2007. After recovering lost ground during 2009, prices gaining a modest 4.5% over the year to June recent interest rates rises combined with the (compared to all capitals’ growth of 10.5%). expiration of government stimulus measures have conspired to reduce affordability and put the kybosh Although private residential building approvals have on price growth over the first half of 2010. rebounded from their lows in 2008, they remain 34% below 2007 boom levels. Completions fell by Over the medium term, the fundamentals of Perth’s 17.5% over the course of 2009–10 pushing the property market will remain tight. Economic growth underlying Queensland housing shortage to just shy will be supported by an upsurge in business of 40,000 dwellings. investment with key major resource projects
  • 7. Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 7 of 12 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ramping up over the coming years, whilst strong NORTHERN TERRITORY growth in the Asian region will boost demand for The Northern Territory has continued to surge Australian commodities supporting income growth ahead. Buoyed by favourable economic conditions, and domestic economic activity. Combined with housing finance approvals received a sizeable boost strong population growth, these conditions should after a raft of stimulus measures were introduced provide support to growth in WA house prices and by state and federal governments to be up 73%. housing market activity in the years ahead. Coupled with strong migration numbers, the BUSINESS INVESTMENT TO SUPPORT WA ECONOMY Northern Territory has seen residential property Engineering construction: work to Economic growth prices grow by 14.3% over the past year and 5.7% $bn be completed to date in 2010, pointing to relatively greater 70 8 % resilience, although prices have slipped in the June 56 WA quarter. Rising interest rates and deteriorating 6 affordability have sucked some of the momentum Western out of housing demand, with finance approvals 42 Australia declining 29% since their peak in October last year. 4 Of more concern is the decline in private residential 28 Total National building approvals which will worsen the Territory’s (Excluding WA and Territories) 2 chronic housing undersupply and place further 14 Australia pressure on already tight housing fundamentals. Rental growth continues to outperform, growing at 0 0 just under 10%. A plethora of energy projects on 01 03 05 07 09 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 the horizon should continue to provide impetus to Sources: ABS, ANZ the state economy which will boost demand for housing and underpin activity in the medium term. TASMANIA Tasmania’s economy remains in the doldrums with AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY private investment levels declining and household Canberra’s economy remains robust with its trend consumption remaining stagnant. The closure of unemployment rate declining from 3.7% at the manufacturing plants and the delay of key beginning of the year to 3.3%. After growing by renewable energy projects have reduced 61% between August and December 2009, housing employment with the trend unemployment rate finance approvals have since declined by a rising to 6.3% from 5.0% this time last year. relatively modest 8% to date in 2010, reflecting the Economic growth is expected to shrink by 1.0% over strong demand conditions. House prices have 2009-10 and grow by just 0.5% in 2010-11 making grown by 10.6% over the past year although some Tasmania the worst performer of all the states. slight decline has been recorded in the June quarter A mild upswing in investor interest has been along with other capitals. outweighed by the decline of first-home buyers. The high average median house price of $495,000 is First-home buyer finance approvals have fallen more supported by the largely professional workforce than 62% from their peak in September 2009. making Canberra’s housing market the most Weakening demand conditions have left Hobart’s affordable in the country (when we measure property prices at a standstill with falls of 0.5% affordability in terms of price as a proportion of the recorded to date in 2010. Tasmania’s sputtering city’s average household income). Consequently, economy along with an underlying surplus of recent rate rises and the removal of government housing supply means Hobart’s housing market is stimulus measures have had a smaller impact than likely to record negligible price growth over the in other capitals. The outlook for Canberra’s housing coming year. The weak housing market supply is also improving, with private residential fundamentals will persist, suggesting an easing in building approvals doubling from their lows of 2008. rental vacancies and moderating rental market Housing starts and completions have also edged growth over the coming years. upwards. The state government has also been proactive, releasing over 4,000 sites for development activity over 2009-10 and in excess of 5,000 sites over 2010-11.
  • 8. Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 8 of 12 OFFICE PROPERTY SPRINGBOARD MADE OF SENTIMENT FUNDAMENTALS WERE GOOD TO START WITH employment growth soaking up capacity. The The supply-side has been a spoiler for office sector vacancy rate is trending down, with further conditions in past decades. Given the long lags tightening expected over 2011 and 2012. Average between a “go” signal on development proposal, rentals of $291 per sqm for prime office space still construction and ultimate occupancy, the balance compares favourably to Sydney ($385 per sqm) and between demand and supply is very difficult to Brisbane ($359 per sqm) even though relativities manage. Add the extra dynamic created when have restored to some degree. Stubbornly high multiple players in the industry perceive the same yields (PRP of over 5%) combined with low rentals opportunity at the same time, it is little wonder the present a double-whammy, offering considerable office market booms and busts like few other upside to values. Hints of market recovery suggest markets. Fortunately, we don’t have such a problem this process is already underway. Brisbane’s CBD this time around thanks largely to the GFC which office market fundamentals are not strong but along with monetary policy tightening through 2008 there appears to be a topping-out in vacancies at an stymied the supply-side considerably. historic high of around 11%. Short-term economic sluggishness in QLD suggests a long ride home for The economic slowdown reduced net absorption but this market. Rentals and capital values are expected without the traditional additional supply, vacancies to remain subdued. Evidence of yield tightening rose only moderately. The market feared more reflects a shift in broader investment benchmarks. substantial oversupply but our projections always VACANCIES TOPPING OUT characterised the prospect as a ‘mini-cycle’ - the national office vacancy rate lifting from an extreme CBD office vacancy rates 30 % low of 3% to an acceptable 8% in 2010. Signs of 30 % stability in market balance are re-emerging. Without 25 Melbourne a typical supply-pipeline issue, ongoing employment 25 Perth growth will see the market tighten from what is 20 already a healthy fundamental position. 20 Adelaide Capital values fell by between 16% and 25% 15 15 between late-2007 and September 2009, a far cry Sydney from the 50%+ declines in the early 1990s. From a 10 10 broader investment perspective, office prices seem low. ANZ’s measure of the office “property risk 5 5 Hobart premium” (PRP) suggests prices are around 28% Brisbane below what would achieve the long-term average 0 0 90 94 98 02 06 10 PRP. If we discount the impact of the early 1990s, 90 94 98 02 06 10 under-valuation shrinks to a lower but still significant 15%5. That prices are below this Sources: Property Council of Australia, ANZ benchmark suggests reticence among investors “Too much supply too late” has seen Perth CBD about future returns or a re-rating of risk is office market turn from acute shortage to sizeable occurring. We believe the former is more likely. oversupply in just 18 months. Rentals and values Sydney’s CBD office market vacancy rate has have plummeted from “penalty rate” levels at the edged up in the first half of 2010, yet rentals have height of the stock shortage. Recovery in the WA steadied after an incentive-driven collapse over economy will limit ongoing fallout but some 2008-09. With the economy showing signs of life volatility is expected around a positive medium- and new office supply being contained, vacancy term outlook with considerable upside. Adelaide rates edged down. Capital values and rents have not core office market is experiencing a softening in shown any notable sign of improvement but are fundamentals. A healthy run-up in rentals even poised to recover over the next year. Melbourne’s through the GFC has engendered some lasting CBD office market has improved markedly in the confidence in this market, reflected in tightening last six months with better than expected yields and higher values (+8%oy). Sluggish economic prospects suggest gains will be difficult 5 The PRP is gap b/w the office yield and real risk-free rate. despite a tightening in vacancies in 2010-11. “Fair” value equates the current PRP to its long-term average.
  • 9. Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 9 of 12 RETAIL PROPERTY BACK ON COURSE With interest rates on the rise and government moderate and struggle at times with some “fear stimulus a distant memory, the retailing sector is discount” being maintained in valuations. bracing itself for a tough trading environment over The implication is that without a near-seismic positive 2010/11. Household spending growth has softened shift in sentiment, we are unlikely to see other than sharply in recent quarters and its trajectory is moderate increases in rentals, tentative re- expected to remain muted over this period. Despite compression in yields and acceptable but not the growth slowdown, retail turnover is nonetheless excessive increases in valuations. This is holding at healthy levels, 8% above the pre- GFC symptomatic of the very difficult set of circumstances level. While resource states have been lagging, this from which the sector is emerging and the generally should prove temporary with a revival in commodity less volatile behaviour this market displays (vis a vis markets likely to re-ignite spending conditions in other commercial sectors). those states form 2011. RETAIL PROPERTY VALUES WELL SUPPORTED From a property perspective, resilience in retail Retail property risk premium Retail property market indicators turnover has offered a relatively useful and benign 4.6 % 400 index operating back-drop for retailers who would have 4.4 faced the generally prescribed CPI adjustments to 350 4.2 rentals. Rental affordability has remained 300 comfortable, averting a tenant-led cry for higher 4.0 Long-term average incentives. By the same token, we do not expect 3.8 250 Capital value significant constraints to higher rentals once market 3.6 conditions improve. Property 200 3.4 Risk premium To date and true to form, the retail property sector 150 3.2 Return of PRP to blue- has weathered the property downturn considerably dotted line implies a 5% lift Rentals in value better than other commercial sectors, with values 3.0 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 100 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 dropping 11% from peak to trough and yields Sources: IPD, ANZ ‘softening’ by 100bp since 2007. Given the unique circumstances confronting the listed property trust Medium-term, the signs are encouraging. Retail sector in recent years (heavily retail-weighted), this vacancy rates are generally still at low levels, sector was dealt a heavier than usual blow but suggesting the supply/demand fundamentals remain maintained relative resilience. intact despite an extended period of solid retail construction in recent years. However, with the Encouragingly, there are signs of stability in yields, approvals pipeline collapsing since 2009 and and rentals are hinting at more significant upward continued reticence among lenders, there is every shifts in some markets, although generally, such prospect of a tightening in conditions ahead of a adjustments have been moderate to date. delayed construction cycle over 2012. Market values Investment fundamentals for retail property are also will shift more sharply through 2011 and into 2012, moderately supportive of further growth in values validating the building upswing. and yield re-compression. More specifically, ANZ’s SUPPLY PIPELINE IS ABOUT TO COLLAPSE measure of the “retail property risk premium” (PRP) Retail and wholesale building suggests prices are presently around 5% below fair 7000 $mn 2007/08 value.6 But history tells us markets can remain inert 6500 Approvals when various limiters are active. Today, markets are 6000 dealing with lingering and renewed uncertainties 5500 surrounding the prospects for the major economies 5000 and to a lesser extent, the resilience of our own 4500 economy in the face of higher interest rates. 4000 Value of work done Recovery in values in the year ahead will be 3500 3000 6 The PRP measures the gap between the retail 2500 property yield and the real risk-free rate. “fair” value 2000 requires measured PRP to equal long-term average 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 PRP. Source: ABS
  • 10. Australian Property Outlook / 16 August 2010 / 10 of 12 TOURIST ACCOMMODATION DEMAND PICKING UP WHILE SUPPLY LAGS Australia with the combined impact of the GFC and Tasmania reported the lowest (59%), followed by a strong A$, indicators of tourism activity pointed Queensland (61%). Room occupancy rates were to a turning point in demand for tourist weaker in March 2010 for the two largest tourism accommodation in early 2010. The lagged supply states (NSW & Qld), while Victoria’s rate remained response should result in tighter market conditions steady. and upward pressure on property values. TOURISM ACTIVITY SHOWS SIGNS OF RECOVERY In March 2010, the number of large accommodation establishments (15+ rooms) in Tourist accommodation (15+ rooms) % national room occupancy % change p.a. Australia was down just 0.1% from a year earlier. 70 rate (left) 15 Over the same period, the number of rooms these total nominal takings (right) establishments provided was up 0.7%. These 65 10 growth rates were at their slowest in 5 years, and well below their 10 year average annual growth 60 5 rates of 1.6% (establishments) and 2.0% (rooms). 55 0 The supply of smaller accommodation (5-14 rooms) was even weaker over the year to March 50 -5 2010. The number of establishments and rooms employment (right) provided by these smaller operators was down 45 -10 2.8% and 2.0% respectively from a year earlier. 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Looking forward, limited new supply is expected Source: ABS over the next 12 months. Both commencements and approvals have been slowing since end-2008 The number of accommodation establishments with the value (real annual dollars) of approvals grew in all states and territories except NSW (-1%) and commencements in March 2010 sitting at less and Tasmania (-0.6%) in the year to June 2009. than 70% of the 10 year average level. The strongest growth was in the ACT (+3.7%) and SUPPLY PIPELINE IS STILL SOFTENING the NT (+6.6%). annual % change $bn real, annual data Recovery in key tourism indicators has also 3 2.5 reflected increases in international arrivals. Short- Approvals (right) Rooms (left) term visitor arrivals to Australia have increased 2 2.0 1.2% since December 2009. As of May 2010, 1 monthly visitor arrivals were around 471,000 per 1.5 0 month (12mma), compared to 465,000 per month 1.0 (12mma) in December 2009. Of this growth, -1 Starts (right) 0.5 conference and business travel showed the -2 Establishments (left) strongest recovery to be up 6.5%. Holiday arrivals -3 0.0 (making up about 45% of all short term arrivals) 05 06 07 08 09 were still relatively weak in 2010, to be down 0.3% Source: ABS from December 2009 to May 2010. For large accommodation operators the national Growth prospects for the remainder of 2010 look room occupancy rate was slightly weaker (62.9%) significantly better, with the global and domestic in the quarter to March 2010, while total nominal economies both continuing to recover from the takings were growing again in annual terms for GFC. The Tourism Forecasting Committee (TFC) the first time since the end of 2008, to be up expects short-term international visitor arrivals to 2.2% in the year to March 2010. Industry grow by 5.5% in 2010, after 2 years of decline. employment was still falling to be down 1.4% in Domestic visitor nights should grow by a modest the year to March 2010. 1.5%, after falling more than 5% pa in both 2008 Room occupancy rates (for large establishments) and 2009. reflected differences in tourism activity across states and territories. Room occupancy rates remained highest in the ACT (79%) while
  • 11. Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 11 of 12 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY HAS TURNED THE CORNER While industrial property suffered through 2009, partly leading indicators of supply as non-residential through weak import volumes and tighter access to building approvals improve into second half 2010 credit, signs through the first half of 2010 show an and industrial building commencements pick up improved outlook. Reflecting renewed confidence and after falling sharply throughout 2009. With a relatively strong economic outlook, the run down of expectations of subdued supply and strong growth inventories has ended. In the year to March 2010 in demand over the second half of 2010 vacant inventories were a paltry $71 million lower after being stock should be taken up relatively quickly and will $4 billion lower in 2009. begin to put upward pressure on rents. INVENTORIES RUNDOWN HAS ENDED Since December 2009 both prime and secondary yields have tightened moderately to be 8-8½% Inventories 10,000 $mn, C VM, 4-qtr rolling sum and 9½-10% respectively. These moves have 8,000 seen the premium on prime asset yields pushed 6,000 out to around 150-200 bps into Q2-2010 after 4,000 sitting at around 100 bps in the early part of 2009. 2,000 0 YIELDS FIRMING AND QUALITY PREMIUM HOLDING -2,000 Industrial yields -4,000 Prime asset yields Prime vs secondary yields 10.0% 12% -6,000 % p.a. % p.a. -8,000 9.5% Melbourne 11% Secondary asset -10,000 9.0% 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 10% 8.5% Sydney Brisbane Sources: ABS, ANZ Looking into 2010 a continued strengthening of 8.0% 9% the Australian dollar and solid domestic economy 7.5% Prime asset 8% is expected to drive further growth in imports and 7.0% a rebuilding in inventories over the next 12- 6.5% 7% months that will support demand for warehousing 6.0% 6% space. These factors are likely to provide a 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 favourable environment to promote recovery of Sources: JLL, ANZ capital values and rents. Despite signs of stronger demand and tighter SUPPLY REMAINS SUBDUED FOR NOW industrial property market conditions, any return Industrial building activity to 2007-08 levels of rental growth and yields is Real $million, sa (ann rolling 6,000 unlikely to be repeated. While industrial property Value of work done developers continue to be deterred in the short- 5,000 C ommencements term by tight lending conditions, any significant 4,000 Approvals easing of these conditions remains a risk to the 3,000 outlook for industrial property supply. 2,000 We anticipate that industrial yields will continue to 1,000 compress into 2010 and 2011. Expansion in supply 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 of industrial property is likely to improve from current levels into early-2011 although remain Sources: ABS, ANZ relatively subdued for the remainder of 2010. For now, supply of industrial space continues to While both prime and secondary industrial slow. The value of completed projects in the year property yields continue to fall, the prime asset to March 2010 fell to $3.3 billion, the lowest level premium is likely to be maintained in the short- in more then 7 years. However, industrial term supporting opportunities for asset class price construction is expected to improve into 2011, discrimination. following a thin 12-18 months of additions to industrial space, as large industrial developers have recapitalised and access to credit markets gradually eases. This is becoming evident in the
  • 12. Australian Property Outlook / August 2010 / 12 of 12 IMPORTANT NOTICE Australia and New Zealand Group Limited is represented in: AUSTRALIA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ANZ Securities, Inc. is a member of FINRA (www.finra.org) and registered with the SEC. ABN 11 005 357 522 277 Park Avenue, 31st Floor, New York, NY 10172, ANZ Centre Melbourne, Level 9, 833 Collins Street, Docklands Victoria 3008, Australia United States of America Telephone +61 3 9273 5555 Fax +61 3 9273 5711 Tel: +1 212 801 9160 Fax: +1 212 801 9163 UNITED KINGDOM BY: NEW ZEALAND BY: Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ANZ National Bank Limited ABN 11 005 357 522 Level 7, 1-9 Victoria Street, Wellington, New Zealand 40 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5EJ, United Kingdom Telephone +64 4 802 2000 Telephone +44 20 3229 2121 Fax +44 20 7378 2378 This document (“document”) is distributed to you in Australia and the United Kingdom by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522 (“ANZ”) and in New Zealand by ANZ National Bank Limited (“ANZ NZ”). ANZ holds an Australian Financial Services licence no. 234527 and is authorised in the UK and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (“FSA”). This document is being distributed in the United States by ANZ Securities, Inc. (“ANZ S”) (an affiliated company of ANZ), which accepts responsibility for its content. Further information on any securities referred to herein may be obtained from ANZ S upon request. Any US person(s) receiving this document and wishing to effect transactions in any securities referred to herein should contact ANZ S, not its affiliates. This document is being distributed in the United Kingdom by ANZ solely for the information of its eligible counterparties and professional clients (as defined by the FSA). It is not intended for and must not be distributed to any person who would come within the FSA definition of “retail clients”. Nothing here excludes or restricts any duty or liability to a customer which ANZ may have under the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 or under the regulatory system as defined in the Rules of the FSA. This document is issued on the basis that it is only for the information of the particular person to whom it is provided. This document may not be reproduced, distributed or published by any recipient for any purpose. This document does not take into account your personal needs and financial circumstances. Under no circumstances is this document to be used or considered as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy. In addition, from time to time ANZ, ANZ NZ, ANZ S, their affiliated companies, or their respective associates and employees may have an interest in any financial products (as defined by the Australian Corporations Act 2001), securities or other investments, directly or indirectly the subject of this document (and may receive commissions or other remuneration in relation to the sale of such financial products, securities or other investments), or may perform services for, or solicit business from, any company the subject of this document. If you have been referred to ANZ, ANZ NZ, ANZ S or their affiliated companies by any person, that person may receive a benefit in respect of any transactions effected on your behalf, details of which will be available upon request. The information herein has been obtained from, and any opinions herein are based upon, sources believed reliable. The views expressed in this document accurately reflect the author’s personal views, including those about any and all of the securities and issuers referred to herein. The author however makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the information should not be relied upon as such. All opinions and estimates herein reflect the author’s judgement on the date of this document and are subject to change without notice. No part of the author's compensation was, is or will directly or indirectly relate to specific recommendations or views expressed about any securities or issuers in this document. ANZ, ANZ NZ, ANZ S, their affiliated companies, their respective directors, officers, and employees disclaim any responsibility, and shall not be liable, for any loss, damage, claim, liability, proceedings, cost or expense (“Liability”) arising directly or indirectly (and whether in tort (including negligence), contract, equity or otherwise) out of or in connection with the contents of and/or any omissions from this communication except where a Liability is made non-excludable by legislation. Where the recipient of this publication conducts a business, the provisions of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (NZ) shall not apply.