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Artificial Intelligence
Ahmed Elassal
Senior Presales Consultant
Definition of
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is
a branch of computer science dealing with the
simulation of intelligent behavior in computers.
the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent
human behavior
T H E W A Y W E W O R K ?
Smarter email marketing
has one of the highest return-on-
investment (ROI) at $38 for every $1
Expand your team with
a chatbot
it’s like having an employee working 24/7
Reduce repetitive, mundane
AI can handle mundane and repetitive tasks across the organization,
freeing up people in HR, IT, marketing, and more to exercise creativity,
solve complex problems, and focus on getting impactful work done.
transforming productivity
While AI is transforming the workplace in many
different ways across every industry, it’s impacting
productivity most of all.
S m a r t e r E m a i l M a r k e t i n g
If you have a Cosmetics store, the best way to collect customer email
addresses is at the point of purchase using a POS system. If you’re
exclusively an online retailer, you’ll capture their email address when they
land on your site or when they check out.
Modern POS systems and ecommerce platforms will have integration with
an email marketing platform like MailChimp. You can sync your physical
and online customer list with MailChimp to create segmented email lists
by dividing it up into smaller groups, for instance by location or purchase
Segmenting email lists will help you create customized email campaigns
that better serve your customers. For example, if you’re hosting a special
event at your store, it doesn’t make sense to send an email to customers
out of state.
You can (and should) also take it a step further with automation. Email
automation allows you to create emails that automatically send when
triggered by a subscriber’s activity, inactivity, or a specific date like an
anniversary. The triggers are essentially AI at work in the background. If a
subscriber takes a certain action, a programmed (or machine-learned)
response is triggered, and so on down the line until the customer
(hopefully) converts to a sale.
How AI has transformed
ChatBots into useful tools for
healthcare industry
Reduced Patient Self-Diagnosis
One area where chatbots are primed to help the health industry is with patient
self-diagnosis. Physicians across the board have struggled with patients, who,
after reading a few articles on websites like WebMD, believe they can make
their own diagnosis.
It is true that those sites can be useful to help people get a basic idea of what
could be ailing them. However, some patients may be under the impression
that they can establish a definitive diagnosis for themselves instead of seeking
medical care. This, unfortunately, is not the case. Luckily, chatbots can be
helpful here.
Chatbots can help patients make sense of their symptoms when paired with
natural language processing and adaptable learning algorithms. They can
also help them more accurately determine whether they need a trip to the
doctor’s office or hospital. Rather than a list of symptoms, a chatbot offers
something more akin to analysis.
• A 99% improvement in response times: Cutting resolution from 38 hours
to 5.4 minutes for most Tier 1 inquiries
• A drop in per-query cost from $15-$200 (human agents) to $1 (virtual
• A virtual agent that answers and resolves an average of 30,000+
customer support queries per month
• A virtual agent that recognizes 40+ distinct use cases to quickly resolve
simple requests
R e d u c e r e p e t i t i v e , m u n d a n e
t a s k s
AI allows modern knowledge workers to focus on the most engaging
parts of their jobs, while making their companies more productive and
Repetitive tasks
Carried out 50-60
times a day
AI is transforming the hiring process
Filling open positions is often time-consuming, expensive, and frustrating.
It’s one of the areas where AI is already making a huge impact. HR departments,
recruiters, and hiring managers are taking advantage of many different types of AI-
powered tools to improve the hiring process for everyone involved:
T e x t i o : uses AI to help recruiters and hiring managers write more compelling
job descriptions. It uses data it’s collected from the company’s former job postings—as
well as similar postings from other companies—to suggest changes to wording,
formatting, and content that will generate more applications and interest from job-
M o n t a g e : uses AI to let candidates schedule their own interviews with all
necessary people. This lets recruiters focus on more important tasks and allows
candidates to look for a time that works best for them—and reschedule their
interviews if needed.
A I i s t r a n s f o r m i n g b u s i n e s s
d a t a a n d a n a l y t i c s
It’s hard to run a competitive business today without data. But
even massive amounts of data are useless without a way to
transform that data into valuable insights. That’s typically why
you’d want to hire a data scientist—which just happens to be
one of the most difficult roles to fill.
AI helps companies make use of their data even without a
data scientist on staff.
D o m o
centralizes all company data on the cloud. It consolidates data
from a variety of sources so that it’s available to everyone in a
central, searchable source. AI capabilities allow Domo’s
customers to identify important changes and patterns in the
data and even predict key business metrics
After adding Domo, Zillow was able to schedule these reports
so that billing now takes just three hours to run without any
manual intervention–a 90% reduction in time.
Z i l l o w g i v e s i t s d a t a a h o m e w i t h D o m o .
• C h a l l e n g e : E n d - o f - t h e - m o n t h i n v o i c i n g
r e p o r t i n g p r o c e s s w a s i n e f f i c i e n t a n d
e x c e s s i v e l y c o m p l i c a t e d .
• S o l u t i o n : A d d i n g D o m o t o s c h e d u l e
r e p o r t s t o r u n w i t h n o m a n u a l
i n t e r v e n t i o n n e e d e d .
• I m p a c t : B i l l i n g p r o c e s s w a s s i m p l i f i e d
a n d t i m e r e d u c e d b y 9 0 % .

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Lee Barnes - Path to Becoming an Effective Test Automation Engineer.pdf

Ai presentation

  • 1. Artificial Intelligence AUTOMATE REPETITIVE WORK & FREE UP YOUR BUSINESS Ahmed Elassal Senior Presales Consultant
  • 2. Definition of Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers. Or the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior
  • 3. H O W I S A I A F F E C T I N G T H E W A Y W E W O R K ? Smarter email marketing has one of the highest return-on- investment (ROI) at $38 for every $1 spent. Expand your team with a chatbot it’s like having an employee working 24/7 Reduce repetitive, mundane tasks AI can handle mundane and repetitive tasks across the organization, freeing up people in HR, IT, marketing, and more to exercise creativity, solve complex problems, and focus on getting impactful work done. otherwise transforming productivity While AI is transforming the workplace in many different ways across every industry, it’s impacting productivity most of all.
  • 4. A I S m a r t e r E m a i l M a r k e t i n g If you have a Cosmetics store, the best way to collect customer email addresses is at the point of purchase using a POS system. If you’re exclusively an online retailer, you’ll capture their email address when they land on your site or when they check out. Modern POS systems and ecommerce platforms will have integration with an email marketing platform like MailChimp. You can sync your physical and online customer list with MailChimp to create segmented email lists by dividing it up into smaller groups, for instance by location or purchase frequency. Segmenting email lists will help you create customized email campaigns that better serve your customers. For example, if you’re hosting a special event at your store, it doesn’t make sense to send an email to customers out of state. You can (and should) also take it a step further with automation. Email automation allows you to create emails that automatically send when triggered by a subscriber’s activity, inactivity, or a specific date like an anniversary. The triggers are essentially AI at work in the background. If a subscriber takes a certain action, a programmed (or machine-learned) response is triggered, and so on down the line until the customer (hopefully) converts to a sale.
  • 5. How AI has transformed ChatBots into useful tools for healthcare industry F O C U S O N O N L Y J O B S H U M A N S C A N D O Reduced Patient Self-Diagnosis One area where chatbots are primed to help the health industry is with patient self-diagnosis. Physicians across the board have struggled with patients, who, after reading a few articles on websites like WebMD, believe they can make their own diagnosis. It is true that those sites can be useful to help people get a basic idea of what could be ailing them. However, some patients may be under the impression that they can establish a definitive diagnosis for themselves instead of seeking medical care. This, unfortunately, is not the case. Luckily, chatbots can be helpful here. Chatbots can help patients make sense of their symptoms when paired with natural language processing and adaptable learning algorithms. They can also help them more accurately determine whether they need a trip to the doctor’s office or hospital. Rather than a list of symptoms, a chatbot offers something more akin to analysis. • A 99% improvement in response times: Cutting resolution from 38 hours to 5.4 minutes for most Tier 1 inquiries • A drop in per-query cost from $15-$200 (human agents) to $1 (virtual agents) • A virtual agent that answers and resolves an average of 30,000+ customer support queries per month • A virtual agent that recognizes 40+ distinct use cases to quickly resolve simple requests
  • 6. R e d u c e r e p e t i t i v e , m u n d a n e t a s k s AI allows modern knowledge workers to focus on the most engaging parts of their jobs, while making their companies more productive and effective. Repetitive tasks Carried out 50-60 times a day AI is transforming the hiring process Filling open positions is often time-consuming, expensive, and frustrating. It’s one of the areas where AI is already making a huge impact. HR departments, recruiters, and hiring managers are taking advantage of many different types of AI- powered tools to improve the hiring process for everyone involved: T e x t i o : uses AI to help recruiters and hiring managers write more compelling job descriptions. It uses data it’s collected from the company’s former job postings—as well as similar postings from other companies—to suggest changes to wording, formatting, and content that will generate more applications and interest from job- seekers. M o n t a g e : uses AI to let candidates schedule their own interviews with all necessary people. This lets recruiters focus on more important tasks and allows candidates to look for a time that works best for them—and reschedule their interviews if needed.
  • 7. A I i s t r a n s f o r m i n g b u s i n e s s d a t a a n d a n a l y t i c s It’s hard to run a competitive business today without data. But even massive amounts of data are useless without a way to transform that data into valuable insights. That’s typically why you’d want to hire a data scientist—which just happens to be one of the most difficult roles to fill. AI helps companies make use of their data even without a data scientist on staff. D o m o centralizes all company data on the cloud. It consolidates data from a variety of sources so that it’s available to everyone in a central, searchable source. AI capabilities allow Domo’s customers to identify important changes and patterns in the data and even predict key business metrics After adding Domo, Zillow was able to schedule these reports so that billing now takes just three hours to run without any manual intervention–a 90% reduction in time. Z i l l o w g i v e s i t s d a t a a h o m e w i t h D o m o . • C h a l l e n g e : E n d - o f - t h e - m o n t h i n v o i c i n g r e p o r t i n g p r o c e s s w a s i n e f f i c i e n t a n d e x c e s s i v e l y c o m p l i c a t e d . • S o l u t i o n : A d d i n g D o m o t o s c h e d u l e r e p o r t s t o r u n w i t h n o m a n u a l i n t e r v e n t i o n n e e d e d . • I m p a c t : B i l l i n g p r o c e s s w a s s i m p l i f i e d a n d t i m e r e d u c e d b y 9 0 % .