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624 Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:624–630 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.060863 
Public health reviews 
Achieving polio eradication: a review of health communication 
evidence and lessons learned in India and Pakistan 
Rafael Obregón,a Ketan Chitnis,b Chris Morry,c Warren Feek,c Jeffrey Bates,d Michael Galway e & Ellyn Ogden f 
Abstract Since 1988, the world has come very close to eradicating polio through the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, in which 
communication interventions have played a consistently central role. Mass media and information dissemination approaches used 
in immunization efforts worldwide have contributed to this success. However, reaching the hardest-to-reach, the poorest, the most 
marginalized and those without access to health services has been challenging. In the last push to eradicate polio, Polio Eradication 
Initiative communication strategies have become increasingly research-driven and innovative, particularly through the introduction of 
sustained interpersonal communication and social mobilization approaches to reach unreached populations. 
This review examines polio communication efforts in India and Pakistan between the years 2000 and 2007. It shows how 
epidemiological, social and behavioural data guide communication strategies that have contributed to increased levels of polio immunity, 
particularly among underserved and hard-to-reach populations. It illustrates how evidence-based and planned communication 
strategies – such as sustained media campaigns, intensive community and social mobilization, interpersonal communication and political 
and national advocacy combined – have contributed to reducing polio incidence in these countries. Findings show that communication 
strategies have contributed on several levels by: mobilizing social networks and leaders; creating political will; increasing knowledge; 
ensuring individual and community-level demand; overcoming gender barriers and resistance to vaccination; and reaching out to the 
poorest and marginalized populations. The review concludes with observations about the added value of communication strategies in 
polio eradication efforts and implications for global and local public health communication interventions. 
Une traduction en français de ce résumé figure à la fin de l’article. Al final del artículo se facilita una traducción al español. . الترجمة العربية لهذه الخلاصة في نهاية النص الكامل لهذه المقالة 
a School of Media Arts and Studies, Ohio University, Athens, OH, United States of America (USA). 
b United Nations Children’s Fund, Bangkok, Thailand. 
c The Communication Initiative, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 
d Polio/EPI Program, United Nations Children’s Fund, New York, NY, USA. 
e The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA, USA. 
f Worldwide Polio Eradication, United States Agency for International Development, Washington, DC, USA. 
Correspondence to Rafael Obregón (e-mail: obregon@ohiou.edu). 
(Submitted: 1 November 2008 – Revised version received: 1 February 2009 – Accepted: 6 February 2009 ) 
Since 1988 the world has come very close to eradicating 
polio through the Global Polio Eradication Initiative,1 a pro-gramme 
in which communication interventions have played 
a consistently central role. This large public health initiative 
is organized by WHO, Rotary International, the US Centers 
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the United 
Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Other leading partners 
include the United States Agency for International Devel-opment 
(USAID), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 
governments of polio-affected countries, donor agencies, 
non-governmental and private sector organizations. Primar-ily 
through mass vaccination campaigns, the Initiative cut the 
number of polio cases from about 350 000 in 1988 to 1643 
by January 2009.1,2 Mass media and information dissemina-tion 
approaches used in immunization efforts worldwide have 
contributed to this success. However, polio is still endemic 
in Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan.3 Reaching the 
hardest-to-reach, the poorest and most marginalized, and 
those without access to health services remains a critical 
challenge in all four countries that have pushed eradication 
efforts to explore increasingly research-driven and innovative 
communication strategies. 
We examine polio communication efforts in India and 
Pakistan between 2000 and 2007 and show how epidemio-logical, 
social and behavioural data guided communication 
strategies that have contributed to increased levels of polio 
immunity, particularly among underserved and hard-to-reach 
populations. As efforts to eradicate polio in these two 
countries continue, the period covered in this paper saw the 
emergence of innovative use of epidemiological data and 
application of multiple known and new communication in-terventions. 
We focus on India and Pakistan because: (i) they 
have faced challenges in reaching often disparate hard-to-reach 
populations that have required more sophisticated, 
data-driven and targeted communication approaches; and 
(ii) communication approaches have been evaluated against 
surveillance and campaign data, and reviewed periodically 
by independent bodies including the Technical Advisory 
Group, the India Expert Advisory Group and technical 
communication review groups. Monitoring and evaluation 
of activities implemented in India and Pakistan have been 
expanded since 2004. 
Polio communication reviews at international, national 
and sub-national levels have supported improvements in the 
collection, analysis and use of data, contributed to a consen-sus 
building process about communication interventions and
Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:624–630 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.060863 625 
Special theme – Public health communication 
Rafael Obregón et al. Polio eradication in India and Pakistan 
inclusion of communication expertise 
in some of the polio technical advisory 
groups. These reviews provide useful 
spaces to step back periodically to re-view 
the communication programmes 
and develop recommendations to fur-ther 
strengthen polio communication 
work. We illustrate how evidence-based 
and planned communication strategies 
such as intensive interpersonal com-munication 
and social mobilization, 
media campaigns, and political and 
national advocacy combined have con-tributed 
to reducing polio incidences 
in these countries. We conclude with 
observations about the value that these 
strategies bring to addressing the chal-lenges 
faced in the final phases of polio 
eradication and its implications for 
public health communication. We 
define public health communication 
as the strategic design, application and 
evaluation of communication interven-tions 
(i.e. social mobilization, interper-sonal 
communication, mass or local 
media and advocacy) to achieve public 
health objectives.4–6 Social mobilization 
is defined as “a broad-scale movement 
to engage people’s participation in 
achieving a specific development goal 
through self-reliant efforts”,7 which of-ten 
demands the participation of differ-ent 
social actors including community 
organizations, national, local and state 
governments, professional organizations 
and media.8,9 
We conducted a review of primary and 
secondary data sources that include 
research, evaluation and technical 
reports, as well as policy, theme and 
working papers that document com-munication 
efforts for polio eradication 
in India and Pakistan. We examined 
data from randomized before and 
after reports of national and regional 
surveys, exit interviews at vaccination 
booths and other research and reviews 
commissioned by the Technical Advi-sory 
Group and India Expert Advisory 
Group. Other sources of information 
analysed include country data present-ed 
at Technical Advisory Group and 
India Expert Advisory Group meet-ings, 
polio communication reviews and 
other independent/academic research. 
Some of these reports were peer-re-viewed 
while others were not. However, 
all of them provided additional context 
about polio communication in both 
countries. We also examined reports 
on polio eradication efforts in other 
countries that are available on data-bases 
such as Medline. We support our 
findings through references of selected 
quantitative and qualitative data from 
studies conducted throughout the years 
covered in this review. 
Despite the monumental challenge of 
coordinating logistics, health workers 
and volunteers at fixed site polio booths 
and during house-to-house visits, India 
has made tremendous progress towards 
reducing the polio disease burden since 
1995. By 2005, India was immunizing 
170 million children with oral polio-myelitis 
vaccine (OPV) during National 
Immunization Days at least twice a year 
and approximately 100 million chil-dren 
multiple times a year during Sub- 
National Immunization Days.10 The 
number of children in polio endemic 
areas that received at least two doses of 
OPV increased steadily from 85% in 
1995–1996 to 96% in 2000–2001.11 
Pakistan’s Polio Eradication Initiative 
started in 1994 with implementation 
of National Immunization Days. From 
an estimated 2500–3000 cases per year, 
this number was reduced to only 156 
reported cases of wild polio in 1998. 
Despite peaks in 1999 and 2003, there 
has been a consistently downward trend 
until 2007 (Fig. 1). 
The use of mass immunization 
campaigns in the Initiative’s early 
years and the annual decline in polio 
cases led many to the expectation that 
polio eradication was imminent.12,13 
However, India suffered setbacks when 
the number of cases increased from 
268 in 2001 to 1600 in 2002 (Fig. 2) 
and from 66 in 2005 to 873 in 2007. 
Eighty percent of the cases were con-centrated 
in Uttar Pradesh, where polio 
disproportionately affected the poorest, 
hardest-to-reach underserved commu-nities. 
Pakistan experienced increases 
in 2003 and 2006 and a small number 
of polio cases continued to be reported 
in high-risk areas suggesting the need 
to intensify activities to reach the most 
underserved and marginalized popula-tions 
to interrupt transmission. 
Typically, polio cases in India were 
among children aged less than two 
years (75%) who lived in mostly poor 
Muslim communities, lacked access 
to basic sanitary services, were often 
missed in OPV rounds, and thus were 
more likely to receive fewer doses.11 The 
question was why these children were 
consistently missed. While most parents 
were aware of the need for polio drops 
to protect their children, many did not 
understand the rationale for repeated 
rounds.14 Misconceptions about OPV 
and suspicions about motivations behind 
the campaign emerged, especially in 
the light of other visible problems (i.e. 
understaffed clinics, poor roads, other 
diseases). Misconceptions included: 
OPV caused illness in children, was 
ineffective, caused infertility and was 
part of a plan to curb growth of Mus-lims 
and scheduled Hindu castes.15,16 
Misconceptions resulted in resistance 
to polio vaccination among significant 
numbers of caregivers. Pakistan faced 
similar challenges and its limited reach 
to children in underserved areas led to 
resistance towards vaccinators who were 
not members of some communities, 
especially all-male vaccinator teams, as 
well as barriers towards women’s in-volvement 
in the Polio Eradication Ini-tiative. 
Caregivers reported being tired 
of repeated rounds and questioned the 
OPV’s efficacy, a situation exacerbated 
by news coverage accusing the Initiative 
of using a substandard vaccine.17 Pas-sive 
resistance emerged where families 
did not actively resist OPV but did not 
take action to immunize their children. 
Note that resistance to polio vaccina-tion 
is not unique to India and Pakistan. 
In Nigeria, for instance, there has been 
intense resistance to polio campaigns 
for similar reasons. 
One of the most difficult chal-lenges 
for India and Pakistan has been 
reaching underserved populations 
where immunity is too low to stop 
circulation of wild poliovirus, espe-cially 
in environments conducive to its 
spread. Reaching and engaging under-served 
populations has become a turn-ing 
point in the Initiative’s communica-tion 
strategy as information alone is not 
sufficient to encourage behaviour and 
social change in these populations that 
would lead to acceptance of OPV.11,18,19 
Therefore, the twofold communication 
challenge has been to: (i) engage and 
convince caregivers in hard-to-reach 
areas of the benefits of vaccinating their 
children, and (ii) ensure that caregivers 
whose children have received OPV are 
motivated to continue vaccinating their 
626 Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:624–630 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.060863 
Special theme – Public health communication 
Polio eradication in India and Pakistan Rafael Obregón et al. 
Fig. 1. Wild polio cases in Pakistan, 1998–2007 
Source: Global Polio Eradication Initiative.1 
Number of cases 
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 
Fig. 2. Wild polio cases in India, 2000–2007 
Source: Global Polio Eradication Initiative.1 
Number of cases 
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 
Social mobilization 
While widespread mass media cam-paigns 
continue to ensure national 
visibility and public awareness of the 
Initiative, augmentation of interper-sonal 
communication and social mo-bilization 
interventions have become 
crucial to reach unreached populations. 
In India, these strategies relying on 
cadres of trained health workers and 
communicators have been intensified 
to address the context in which the 
wild poliovirus thrives. In coordina-tion 
with local health authorities, a 
social mobilization network involved 
coordinators working at different lev-els: 
the sub-district, block (covering 
about 100 villages) and community 
(village) mobilization coordinators. 
They teamed up with vaccination teams 
for routine follow-up of families. Ac-tivities 
included planned, intensive and 
repeated interpersonal communication 
in selected sites using house-to-house 
visits as well as systematic and sustained 
mobilization of community and reli-gious 
leaders and influencers (e.g. local 
doctors, Imams).11 
Several evaluations and stud-ies 
show how these activities have 
contributed to the Initiative’s efforts. 
Communities where social mobilization 
activities are conducted are consistently 
less likely to refuse OPV, more likely 
to attend booths and more likely to 
report positive attitudes towards OPV 
and higher perception of polio risk, 
compared with families in communi-ties 
without these activities, hence 
contributing to lower incidence. In 
four high-risk districts of Uttar Pradesh 
where social mobilization activities 
were conducted, the number of wild 
poliovirus cases dropped from 116 to 
49 and there was a significant increase 
in booth coverage between 50 and 57%, 
compared with 19–35% at district 
level.11 A one-year longitudinal study 
in 13 districts of Uttar Pradesh dem-onstrated 
that booth coverage was 8 to 
12% higher in areas with a community 
mobilization coordinator than in areas 
without one. Other evaluations found 
a statistically significant difference (P < 
0.05) in families’ positive attitudes and 
behaviours towards OPV.5,6 An evalu-ation 
of the role of community mobi-lization 
coordinators in Uttar Pradesh 
pointed to a 20% increase among fami-lies 
who reported that interaction with 
community mobilization coordinators 
influenced their intention to vaccinate 
their children.20 Social mobilization 
raised community perceptions of polio 
risk for an unvaccinated child from 76 
to 87.4%.10 Researchers at JN Medi-cal 
College in Uttar Pradesh studied 
the impact of follow-up interpersonal 
communication and social mobiliza-tion 
activities with resistant families in 
five high-risk urban areas and found 
that 49.76% of 1025 resistant families 
accepted OPV after the first follow-up 
visit. After a second follow-up visit, a 
total of 79.32% of resistant families 
had accepted OPV for their children.8 
In Pakistan, attitudinal changes 
were reported in districts with intensive 
social mobilization, where 93% of re-spondents 
agreed that polio is a serious 
health problem compared with 83% 
in districts without these activities. In 
communities where this was intensi-fied, 
95% of respondents believed that 
OPV was safe for children, compared 
with 88% in districts without.21 The 
use of programme and research data 
enabled Pakistan’s Polio Eradication 
Initiative to revise its communication 
strategy to focus on messages for specific 
audiences and adapt behaviour-change 
goals towards improving OPV accep-tance. 
A 2005 evaluation22 found that 
while mass media campaigns were ef-fective 
in sustaining peoples’ interest in 
polio (98% of respondents knew about 
the campaign; 55% said they discussed 
OPV with other community members), 
findings underlined the need to target 
women, often the primary decision-makers 
on child health, through on-going 
interpersonal communication by 
trained female health workers. While 
men remained important opinion 
leaders and information gatekeepers, 
female caregivers played a primary role 
in the decision-making regarding im-munization 
of their children in 55% of 
Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:624–630 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.060863 627 
Special theme – Public health communication 
Rafael Obregón et al. Polio eradication in India and Pakistan 
The communication strategy re-focused 
on reaching women through 
interpersonal communication with an 
emphasis on OPV safety and efficacy 
and its benefits to children. Trained fe-male 
health workers spearheaded inten-sified 
efforts as communication support 
persons. They communicated directly 
with female caregivers or indirectly 
through females in the community, 
with support from male community 
and religious leaders. The female teams 
were effective in influencing caregivers 
shown by reports of improvements in 
attitudes towards OPV and percep-tions 
of risk of polio in target areas. 
A 2005 UNICEF study in high-risk 
and four low-risk areas (categorized 
by poor campaign indicators and/or 
poor coverage; n = 2143 households) 
showed that in districts with intensive 
social mobilization (n = 808 house-holds), 
78% of respondents reported 
that OPV protected their children 
from polio, compared with 71% in 
areas without these activities (n = 1335 
households) caregivers.22 
Engaging influencers 
The challenge of reaching underserved 
and hard-to-reach populations in In-dia, 
which included high proportions 
of Muslim families, led to a focused 
strategy aimed at “areas with families 
at high-risk of wild poliovirus infection 
and … poor access to health, sanitation, 
and other basic services”.15 Influential 
Muslim training institutions (such as 
Aligarh Muslim University and Jamia 
Milla Islamia) and religious and com-munity 
leaders were engaged in build-ing 
public confidence and credibility 
in the Polio Eradication Initiative, im-proving 
coverage in underserved com-munities, 
providing support at district 
and settlement levels and countering 
resistance to polio vaccination in Uttar 
In 2004, Muslim religious (2697) 
and community (1892) leaders were 
asked to participate in the polio cam-paign, 
resulting in 77% and 79%, re-spectively, 
of these leaders supporting 
the programme’s efforts to convince 
resistant caregivers. They succeeded in 
87% of cases in their coverage area, 
reaching 100% in some districts. This 
was a critical contribution to the re-duction 
of the immunity gap among 
Muslim and Hindu children in Uttar 
Pradesh’s western region. The num-ber 
of Muslim children who had not 
received at least two polio drops was 
reduced from 5% in 2002 to nearly 
0% in 2004.15 Engagement of reli-gious 
leaders to counter refusals due 
to religious reasons or misperceptions 
has yielded similar results in Pakistan’s 
north-west frontier province. Data 
from 2007 show that, after involving 
religious leaders in polio eradication 
activities, coverage of children in fami-lies 
refusing due to religious reasons 
increased from 13% in August to 17% 
in October, and coverage of families re-fusing 
due to misconceptions increased 
from 37% to 50% in the same period.23 
When properly engaged, religious and 
community leaders become strong 
community allies to eradicate polio. 
Role of media and advocacy 
Data support claims of the contri-bution 
of mass and folk media and 
advocacy to increased awareness and 
booth attendance. In India, large-scale 
mass media campaigns involving movie 
and cricket stars and political figures 
focused on dispelling rumours about 
OPV and encouraging caregivers to 
bring their children to vaccination 
booths. A 2003 evaluation showed that 
nearly 92% of 9370 respondents cited 
television and radio spots as “very influ-ential” 
or “influential” in their decision 
to take children to vaccination booths, 
while “9 out of 10 respondents … said 
they had come to the booth largely due 
to … the TV and radio spots”.12 Entry 
and exit polls following exposure to 
messages on local media among 2552 
randomly selected respondents showed 
a 60% increase in awareness of the next 
National Immunization Day’s date 
and a 20% increased intention to get 
their children immunized at the booth. 
Puppet/theatre shows, video vans and 
other folk media activities held in more 
than 3500 villages in Uttar Pradesh, 
contributed to a 20% increase in booth 
attendance.10,20 Data from 2004–2005 
showed that 68% of respondents ex-posed 
to polio radio and television spots 
reported taking their children to the 
booth for vaccination, compared with 
only 44% among those not exposed to 
the advertising (Fig. 3).10 
Advocacy efforts have focused on 
mobilizing professional associations 
and enlisting their support for polio 
eradication activities, particularly dur-ing 
National Immunization Days. 
Political endorsement and support of 
professional associations include the 
Indian Academy of Paediatricians, 
whose members have encouraged care-givers 
to vaccinate their children and 
have used their own clinics as polio 
booths during National Immunization 
Days. In Uttar Pradesh, this led to the 
“full-scale involvement of partners 
and communities … who contributed 
to an increase in the number of chil-dren 
vaccinated from 30.48 million to 
33.96 million and an increase in the 
total number of children vaccinated at 
booths from 8.77 million to 14.7 mil-lion 
over the same period”.11 
Fig. 3. Exposure to polio radio and television advertising and polio immunization 
rates, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2004–2005 
Exposed to advertising 
Not exposed to advertising 
628 Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:624–630 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.060863 
Special theme – Public health communication 
Polio eradication in India and Pakistan Rafael Obregón et al. 
Value added to the initiative 
Strategic and synergistic communica-tion 
efforts that integrate social mo-bilization, 
interpersonal communica-tion, 
gender- and culturally-sensitive 
interventions, mass/folk media and 
political advocacy have contributed to 
the Initiative’s progress and to access 
unreached populations in challenging 
socio-economic environments. Prin-ciples 
underpinning communication 
strategies in India and Pakistan include: 
i) use of epidemiological, social and 
behavioural data to assess social/indi-vidual 
constraints, such as knowledge 
gaps and resistance, to develop effec-tive 
interventions to reach underserved 
groups; (ii) development of innovative 
and intensive interpersonal commu-nication/ 
social mobilization strategies; 
and (iii) engagement of community 
and religious leaders.18 Evidence of im-pact 
of communication interventions, 
including vaccine-related interventions, 
has been discussed widely.4,5,24,25 
Lessons from the added-value of 
polio communication may contribute 
to other public health communication 
programmes, particularly those trying to 
reach out to the marginalized and poor. 
They include: 
• implementation of communication 
interventions based on routine mon-itoring 
of epidemiological, social 
and behavioural data on affected 
• intensive use of interpersonal com-munication 
and social mobilization 
at different levels to maximize reach, 
effectiveness and efficiency; 
• mobilization of community leaders, 
communication and relationship-building, 
engaging families and care-givers 
who question repeated polio 
• involving religious leaders as spokes-persons 
and using faith-based folk 
media (i.e. mosque announcements) 
to reach community members; 
• working with trained communica-tion 
outreach workers as part of a 
house-to-house strategy to reach 
children missed during National Im-munization 
• advocacy with intensive grassroots 
mobilization to reach and commu-nicate 
with marginalized communi-ties; 
• addressing social/gender norms to 
improve interpersonal communica-tion 
and increasing access to hard-to 
reach groups. 
Historically, communication for po-lio 
eradication relied on information 
dissemination about health services, 
primarily through mass media, aimed 
at increasing demand for vaccines, 
especially in areas with a good health 
infrastructure and high routine im-munization 
rates (i.e. Latin America). 
Polio eradication in India and Pakistan 
has raised new challenges that demand 
communication interventions that are 
responsive to the evolving nature of the 
epidemic and the social context of the 
children they hope to immunize. Both 
countries have implemented proven 
strategies and developed innovative 
approaches to reach and immunize 
children in hard-to-reach areas. Epide-miological, 
social and behavioural data 
have informed multiple communica-tion 
interventions and culturally-sen-sitive 
approaches. These include setting 
a national agenda for polio eradication, 
creating demand for OPV, increasing 
booth attendance during National Im-munization 
Days, pushing for universal 
coverage through mobilization of local 
partnerships and networks, and over-coming 
pockets of resistance to vacci-nation 
among caregivers in unreached 
and underserved areas. 
Despite setbacks in their polio 
eradication efforts, India26 and Paki-stan 
have made remarkable progress 
in lowering the burden of polio. Com-munication 
strategies have contributed 
to such progress on several levels by: 
mobilizing social networks and lead-ers, 
creating political will, increasing 
knowledge and changing attitudes, 
ensuring individual and community-level 
demand, overcoming gender 
barriers and resistance to vaccination, 
and, above all, reaching out to the 
poorest and the most marginalized. 
They should continue to play a central 
role in the final push to eradicate polio. 
This review documents the value 
and crucial contribution of carefully 
planned and closely monitored com-munication 
in building widespread 
support and understanding, as well as 
accessing unreached populations and 
overcoming resistance. There is no vac-cine 
against resistance or refusals that 
are rooted in social-cultural, religious 
and political contexts. No supply chain 
can overcome issues of gender-based 
decision-making in households. Medical 
approaches alone cannot address certain 
community concerns (i.e. why OPV is 
brought to their door when many other 
services are not available). These chal-lenges 
demand effective communication 
action. Lessons learned by the Global Po-lio 
Eradication Initiative may contribute 
to global public health efforts as we look 
for innovations to address even more 
challenging objectives outlined in the 
United Nation’s Millennium Develop-ment 
Goals. ■ 
We thank Christie Billingslie, pro-gramme 
officer, JSI Research and Train-ing 
Institute; Ellen Coates, director, 
CORE Group Polio Project; Michael 
Favin, senior programme officer, Im-munization 
BASICS; Kiyuri Naicker, 
polio coordinator, The Communica-tion 
Initiative; Lora Shimp, polio pro-gramme 
officer, John Snow Inc.; and 
Prof. Silvio Waisbord, School of Media 
and Public Affairs, George Washington 
University for their comments to 
earlier versions of this paper. We also 
thank Ohio University graduate stu-dents 
Rukhsana Ahmed and Giovanna 
Monteverde for their support in the 
preparation of the first draft of this 
Rafael Obregón is also an affiliated 
faculty member of the Department of 
Social Communication, Universidad 
del Norte, Colombia. 
Funding: Rafael Obregón received 
funding from The Communication 
Competing interests: Jeffrey Bates, Ellyn 
Ogden and Ketan Chitnis are affili-ated 
with institutions that support the 
Global Polio Eradication Initiative. At 
the time of writing, Ketan Chitnis was 
affiliated with a different institution.
Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:624–630 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.060863 629 
Special theme – Public health communication 
Rafael Obregón et al. Polio eradication in India and Pakistan 
Eradication complète de la poliomyélite : revue des données de communication dans le domaine sanitaire et 
leçons acquises en Inde et au Pakistan 
Depuis 1988, le monde s’est beaucoup rapproché de l’éradication 
de la polio grâce à l’Initiative mondiale pour l’éradication de 
la poliomyélite, dans laquelle les interventions en matière de 
communication jouent invariablement un rôle central. Les 
approches utilisant les mass médias pour diffuser des informations 
appliquées dans le cadre des efforts de vaccination partout dans 
le monde ont participé à ce succès. Cependant, les personnes les 
plus difficiles à atteindre, les plus pauvres, les plus marginalisées 
et celles ne pouvant accéder aux services de santé ont posé de 
grandes difficultés. Dans cette dernière offensive pour vaincre la 
polio, les stratégies de communication de l’Initiative mondiale pour 
l’éradication de la poliomyélite sont de plus en plus innovantes et 
portées par la recherche, notamment avec l’introduction d’approches 
de communication interpersonnelle durable et de mobilisation sociale 
pour atteindre les populations encore non desservies. 
La revue examine les efforts de communication concernant 
la polio entrepris en Inde et au Pakistan entre 2000 et 2007. 
Elle montre comment les données épidémiologiques, sociales 
et comportementales guident les stratégies de communication 
contribuant à accroître les niveaux d’immunité contre cette 
maladie, en particulier parmi les populations non desservies et 
difficiles à atteindre. Elle illustre la façon dont des stratégies 
de communication étayées par des données factuelles et 
planifiées - telles que les compagnes prolongées utilisant les 
médias, la mobilisation communautaire et sociale intensive, la 
communication interpersonnelle et la sensibilisation politique et 
nationale - ont participé globalement à réduire l’incidence de la 
polio dans ces pays. Les résultats montrent que les stratégies de 
communication ont apporté une contribution à plusieurs niveaux 
en mobilisant les réseaux et les leaders sociaux – en créant une 
volonté politique, en élargissant les connaissances – en garantissant 
une demande au niveau individuel et communautaire et en permettant 
de surmonter les obstacles liés à l’appartenance sexuelle et la 
résistance à la vaccination, ainsi que d’atteindre les populations 
pauvres et marginalisées. La revue conclut avec des observations 
sur la valeur ajoutée des stratégies de communication dans le 
cadre des efforts d’éradication de la polio et sur leurs implications 
pour les interventions mondiales et locales de communication en 
santé publique. 
Gracias a los esfuerzos desplegados desde 1988 a través de la 
Iniciativa de Erradicación Mundial de la Poliomielitis, el mundo 
está a punto de erradicar esta enfermedad. En esa empresa las 
intervenciones de comunicación han sido siempre decisivas, y 
las tácticas de recurso a los medios de difusión y divulgación 
de información empleadas en las actividades de inmunización 
en todo el mundo han contribuido a ese éxito. Sin embargo, ha 
habido dificultades para llegar a las poblaciones más remotas, 
más pobres y más marginadas y a las personas sin acceso 
a los servicios de salud. En la última acometida para erradicar 
la enfermedad, las estrategias de comunicación de la Iniciativa 
de Erradicación de la Poliomielitis se han visto cada vez más 
impulsadas por las investigaciones y han tenido un carácter 
crecientemente innovador, gracias sobre todo a la introducción 
de mecanismos sostenidos de comunicación interpersonal y 
movilización social para llegar a las poblaciones que quedaban 
fuera del alcance. 
En esta revisión se analizan los esfuerzos de comunicación 
contra la poliomielitis desplegados en la India y el Pakistán entre 
2000 y 2007. Se explica cómo los datos epidemiológicos, sociales 
Erradicación de la poliomielitis: análisis de la evidencia sobre la comunicación sanitaria y enseñanzas 
extraídas en la India y el Pakistán 
y comportamentales orientan las estrategias de comunicación 
que han contribuido a aumentar los niveles de inmunidad contra 
esa enfermedad, sobre todo entre poblaciones subatendidas y de 
difícil acceso, y se describe el proceso por el que unas estrategias 
de comunicación basadas en la evidencia y planificadas en 
consecuencia -como una combinación de campañas sostenidas 
en los medios, una movilización comunitaria y social intensiva, 
fórmulas de comunicación interpersonal, y medidas políticas 
y de promoción a nivel nacional- han contribuido a reducir 
la incidencia de poliomielitis en esos países. Los resultados 
indican que las estrategias de comunicación han contribuido en 
distintos niveles a: movilizar a las redes y los líderes sociales; 
generar voluntad política; ampliar los conocimientos; garantizar la 
demanda individual y comunitaria; superar las barreras de género 
y la resistencia a la vacunación; y dar alcance a las poblaciones 
más pobres y marginadas. El análisis concluye con diversas 
observaciones sobre el valor añadido de las estrategias de 
comunicación en las actividades de erradicación de la poliomielitis 
y sus implicaciones para las intervenciones mundiales y locales 
de comunicación en materia de salud pública. 
تحقيق استئصال شلل الأطفال: مراجعة للبينات حول التواصل الصحي وللدروس المستفادة من الهند وباكستان 
منذ عام 1988 ، أصبح العالم قريباً جداً من استئصال شلل الأطفال من خلال 
المبادرة العالمية لاستئصال شلل الأطفال؛ والتي أدّت فيها التدخلات التواصلية 
دوراً محورياً على نحوٍ مستمر، وقد ساهمت في هذا النجاح وسائل الإعلام 
وأساليب نشر المعلومات المستخدمة في الجهود التمنيعية في شتى أرجاء 
العالم، إلا أن الصعوبات تمثلت في الناس الذين يصعب الوصول إليهم، والأشد 
فقراً، والأكثر تهميشا، والذين لا تتاح لهم الخدمات الصحية. وفي سياق الدفعة 
الأخيرة لتحقيق استئصال شلل الأطفال، أصبحت استراتيجيات التواصل في 
المبادرة العالمية لاستئصال شلل الأطفال أكثر طواعية للبحوث وأكثر ابتكاراً، 
ولاسيَّما من خلال إدخال التواصل المستمر بين الأشخاص وأساليب استنهاض 
المجتمع للوصول إلى السكان الذين يتعذر الوصول إليهم. وتتفحص هذه
630 Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:624–630 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.060863 
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المراجعة الجهود المبذولة في التواصل حول شلل الأطفال في الهند وفي 
باكستان في المدة بين عامي 2000 و 2007 ، وتوضح كيف قادت المعطيات 
السلوكية والاجتماعية والوبائية استراتيجيات التواصل التي ساهمت في ازدياد 
مستويات المناعة ضد شلل الأطفال، ولاسيما بين السكان المحرومين من 
الخدمات والذين يصعب الوصول إليهم. 
كما توضح المراجعة كيف ساهمت الاستراتيجيات المسندة بالبيِّنات 
والمخطَّط لها حول التواصل، مثل الحملات الإعلامية المستديمة، واستنهاض 
المجتمعات العامة والمحلية، والتواصل بين الأشخاص، وضم حملات الدعوة 
السياسية والوطنية معاً، في إنقاص معدلات وقوع شلل الأطفال في هذين 
وتبين النتائج والموجودات أن استراتيجيات التواصل قد ساهمت على 
مستويات مختلفة في: استنهاض الشبكات الاجتماعية والقيادات، وخلق 
الإرادة السياسية، وزيادة المعارف، وضمان الطلب على المستوى المجتمعي 
ولدى الأفراد، والتغلب على عوائق الجندر ومقاومة التلقيح الوصول إلى الناس 
الأشد فقراً، وكذلك الوصول إلى السكان المهمشين. وتختـتم المراجعة بملاحظة 
ما لاستراتيجيات التواصل من قيمة مضافة في الجهود المبذولة لاستئصال شلل 
الأطفال وتأثيراتها على التدخلات الخاصة بالتواصل في الصحة العمومية على 
المستوى العالمي والمحلي.

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Achieving polio eradication a review of helth communication evidence and lessons learned in india and pakistan

  • 1. 624 Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:624–630 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.060863 Public health reviews Achieving polio eradication: a review of health communication evidence and lessons learned in India and Pakistan Rafael Obregón,a Ketan Chitnis,b Chris Morry,c Warren Feek,c Jeffrey Bates,d Michael Galway e & Ellyn Ogden f Abstract Since 1988, the world has come very close to eradicating polio through the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, in which communication interventions have played a consistently central role. Mass media and information dissemination approaches used in immunization efforts worldwide have contributed to this success. However, reaching the hardest-to-reach, the poorest, the most marginalized and those without access to health services has been challenging. In the last push to eradicate polio, Polio Eradication Initiative communication strategies have become increasingly research-driven and innovative, particularly through the introduction of sustained interpersonal communication and social mobilization approaches to reach unreached populations. This review examines polio communication efforts in India and Pakistan between the years 2000 and 2007. It shows how epidemiological, social and behavioural data guide communication strategies that have contributed to increased levels of polio immunity, particularly among underserved and hard-to-reach populations. It illustrates how evidence-based and planned communication strategies – such as sustained media campaigns, intensive community and social mobilization, interpersonal communication and political and national advocacy combined – have contributed to reducing polio incidence in these countries. Findings show that communication strategies have contributed on several levels by: mobilizing social networks and leaders; creating political will; increasing knowledge; ensuring individual and community-level demand; overcoming gender barriers and resistance to vaccination; and reaching out to the poorest and marginalized populations. The review concludes with observations about the added value of communication strategies in polio eradication efforts and implications for global and local public health communication interventions. Une traduction en français de ce résumé figure à la fin de l’article. Al final del artículo se facilita una traducción al español. . الترجمة العربية لهذه الخلاصة في نهاية النص الكامل لهذه المقالة a School of Media Arts and Studies, Ohio University, Athens, OH, United States of America (USA). b United Nations Children’s Fund, Bangkok, Thailand. c The Communication Initiative, Vancouver, BC, Canada. d Polio/EPI Program, United Nations Children’s Fund, New York, NY, USA. e The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA, USA. f Worldwide Polio Eradication, United States Agency for International Development, Washington, DC, USA. Correspondence to Rafael Obregón (e-mail: obregon@ohiou.edu). (Submitted: 1 November 2008 – Revised version received: 1 February 2009 – Accepted: 6 February 2009 ) Introduction Since 1988 the world has come very close to eradicating polio through the Global Polio Eradication Initiative,1 a pro-gramme in which communication interventions have played a consistently central role. This large public health initiative is organized by WHO, Rotary International, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Other leading partners include the United States Agency for International Devel-opment (USAID), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, governments of polio-affected countries, donor agencies, non-governmental and private sector organizations. Primar-ily through mass vaccination campaigns, the Initiative cut the number of polio cases from about 350 000 in 1988 to 1643 by January 2009.1,2 Mass media and information dissemina-tion approaches used in immunization efforts worldwide have contributed to this success. However, polio is still endemic in Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan.3 Reaching the hardest-to-reach, the poorest and most marginalized, and those without access to health services remains a critical challenge in all four countries that have pushed eradication efforts to explore increasingly research-driven and innovative communication strategies. We examine polio communication efforts in India and Pakistan between 2000 and 2007 and show how epidemio-logical, social and behavioural data guided communication strategies that have contributed to increased levels of polio immunity, particularly among underserved and hard-to-reach populations. As efforts to eradicate polio in these two countries continue, the period covered in this paper saw the emergence of innovative use of epidemiological data and application of multiple known and new communication in-terventions. We focus on India and Pakistan because: (i) they have faced challenges in reaching often disparate hard-to-reach populations that have required more sophisticated, data-driven and targeted communication approaches; and (ii) communication approaches have been evaluated against surveillance and campaign data, and reviewed periodically by independent bodies including the Technical Advisory Group, the India Expert Advisory Group and technical communication review groups. Monitoring and evaluation of activities implemented in India and Pakistan have been expanded since 2004. Polio communication reviews at international, national and sub-national levels have supported improvements in the collection, analysis and use of data, contributed to a consen-sus building process about communication interventions and
  • 2. Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:624–630 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.060863 625 Special theme – Public health communication Rafael Obregón et al. Polio eradication in India and Pakistan inclusion of communication expertise in some of the polio technical advisory groups. These reviews provide useful spaces to step back periodically to re-view the communication programmes and develop recommendations to fur-ther strengthen polio communication work. We illustrate how evidence-based and planned communication strategies such as intensive interpersonal com-munication and social mobilization, media campaigns, and political and national advocacy combined have con-tributed to reducing polio incidences in these countries. We conclude with observations about the value that these strategies bring to addressing the chal-lenges faced in the final phases of polio eradication and its implications for public health communication. We define public health communication as the strategic design, application and evaluation of communication interven-tions (i.e. social mobilization, interper-sonal communication, mass or local media and advocacy) to achieve public health objectives.4–6 Social mobilization is defined as “a broad-scale movement to engage people’s participation in achieving a specific development goal through self-reliant efforts”,7 which of-ten demands the participation of differ-ent social actors including community organizations, national, local and state governments, professional organizations and media.8,9 Method We conducted a review of primary and secondary data sources that include research, evaluation and technical reports, as well as policy, theme and working papers that document com-munication efforts for polio eradication in India and Pakistan. We examined data from randomized before and after reports of national and regional surveys, exit interviews at vaccination booths and other research and reviews commissioned by the Technical Advi-sory Group and India Expert Advisory Group. Other sources of information analysed include country data present-ed at Technical Advisory Group and India Expert Advisory Group meet-ings, polio communication reviews and other independent/academic research. Some of these reports were peer-re-viewed while others were not. However, all of them provided additional context about polio communication in both countries. We also examined reports on polio eradication efforts in other countries that are available on data-bases such as Medline. We support our findings through references of selected quantitative and qualitative data from studies conducted throughout the years covered in this review. Challenges Despite the monumental challenge of coordinating logistics, health workers and volunteers at fixed site polio booths and during house-to-house visits, India has made tremendous progress towards reducing the polio disease burden since 1995. By 2005, India was immunizing 170 million children with oral polio-myelitis vaccine (OPV) during National Immunization Days at least twice a year and approximately 100 million chil-dren multiple times a year during Sub- National Immunization Days.10 The number of children in polio endemic areas that received at least two doses of OPV increased steadily from 85% in 1995–1996 to 96% in 2000–2001.11 Pakistan’s Polio Eradication Initiative started in 1994 with implementation of National Immunization Days. From an estimated 2500–3000 cases per year, this number was reduced to only 156 reported cases of wild polio in 1998. Despite peaks in 1999 and 2003, there has been a consistently downward trend until 2007 (Fig. 1). The use of mass immunization campaigns in the Initiative’s early years and the annual decline in polio cases led many to the expectation that polio eradication was imminent.12,13 However, India suffered setbacks when the number of cases increased from 268 in 2001 to 1600 in 2002 (Fig. 2) and from 66 in 2005 to 873 in 2007. Eighty percent of the cases were con-centrated in Uttar Pradesh, where polio disproportionately affected the poorest, hardest-to-reach underserved commu-nities. Pakistan experienced increases in 2003 and 2006 and a small number of polio cases continued to be reported in high-risk areas suggesting the need to intensify activities to reach the most underserved and marginalized popula-tions to interrupt transmission. Typically, polio cases in India were among children aged less than two years (75%) who lived in mostly poor Muslim communities, lacked access to basic sanitary services, were often missed in OPV rounds, and thus were more likely to receive fewer doses.11 The question was why these children were consistently missed. While most parents were aware of the need for polio drops to protect their children, many did not understand the rationale for repeated rounds.14 Misconceptions about OPV and suspicions about motivations behind the campaign emerged, especially in the light of other visible problems (i.e. understaffed clinics, poor roads, other diseases). Misconceptions included: OPV caused illness in children, was ineffective, caused infertility and was part of a plan to curb growth of Mus-lims and scheduled Hindu castes.15,16 Misconceptions resulted in resistance to polio vaccination among significant numbers of caregivers. Pakistan faced similar challenges and its limited reach to children in underserved areas led to resistance towards vaccinators who were not members of some communities, especially all-male vaccinator teams, as well as barriers towards women’s in-volvement in the Polio Eradication Ini-tiative. Caregivers reported being tired of repeated rounds and questioned the OPV’s efficacy, a situation exacerbated by news coverage accusing the Initiative of using a substandard vaccine.17 Pas-sive resistance emerged where families did not actively resist OPV but did not take action to immunize their children. Note that resistance to polio vaccina-tion is not unique to India and Pakistan. In Nigeria, for instance, there has been intense resistance to polio campaigns for similar reasons. One of the most difficult chal-lenges for India and Pakistan has been reaching underserved populations where immunity is too low to stop circulation of wild poliovirus, espe-cially in environments conducive to its spread. Reaching and engaging under-served populations has become a turn-ing point in the Initiative’s communica-tion strategy as information alone is not sufficient to encourage behaviour and social change in these populations that would lead to acceptance of OPV.11,18,19 Therefore, the twofold communication challenge has been to: (i) engage and convince caregivers in hard-to-reach areas of the benefits of vaccinating their children, and (ii) ensure that caregivers whose children have received OPV are motivated to continue vaccinating their children.
  • 3. 626 Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:624–630 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.060863 Special theme – Public health communication Polio eradication in India and Pakistan Rafael Obregón et al. Fig. 1. Wild polio cases in Pakistan, 1998–2007 Source: Global Polio Eradication Initiative.1 0 Number of cases 1998 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 156 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Year 324 199 119 90 103 53 28 40 32 Fig. 2. Wild polio cases in India, 2000–2007 Source: Global Polio Eradication Initiative.1 0 Number of cases 2000 1800 265 Year 268 1600 225 134 66 676 873 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Social mobilization While widespread mass media cam-paigns continue to ensure national visibility and public awareness of the Initiative, augmentation of interper-sonal communication and social mo-bilization interventions have become crucial to reach unreached populations. In India, these strategies relying on cadres of trained health workers and communicators have been intensified to address the context in which the wild poliovirus thrives. In coordina-tion with local health authorities, a social mobilization network involved coordinators working at different lev-els: the sub-district, block (covering about 100 villages) and community (village) mobilization coordinators. They teamed up with vaccination teams for routine follow-up of families. Ac-tivities included planned, intensive and repeated interpersonal communication in selected sites using house-to-house visits as well as systematic and sustained mobilization of community and reli-gious leaders and influencers (e.g. local doctors, Imams).11 Several evaluations and stud-ies show how these activities have contributed to the Initiative’s efforts. Communities where social mobilization activities are conducted are consistently less likely to refuse OPV, more likely to attend booths and more likely to report positive attitudes towards OPV and higher perception of polio risk, compared with families in communi-ties without these activities, hence contributing to lower incidence. In four high-risk districts of Uttar Pradesh where social mobilization activities were conducted, the number of wild poliovirus cases dropped from 116 to 49 and there was a significant increase in booth coverage between 50 and 57%, compared with 19–35% at district level.11 A one-year longitudinal study in 13 districts of Uttar Pradesh dem-onstrated that booth coverage was 8 to 12% higher in areas with a community mobilization coordinator than in areas without one. Other evaluations found a statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) in families’ positive attitudes and behaviours towards OPV.5,6 An evalu-ation of the role of community mobi-lization coordinators in Uttar Pradesh pointed to a 20% increase among fami-lies who reported that interaction with community mobilization coordinators influenced their intention to vaccinate their children.20 Social mobilization raised community perceptions of polio risk for an unvaccinated child from 76 to 87.4%.10 Researchers at JN Medi-cal College in Uttar Pradesh studied the impact of follow-up interpersonal communication and social mobiliza-tion activities with resistant families in five high-risk urban areas and found that 49.76% of 1025 resistant families accepted OPV after the first follow-up visit. After a second follow-up visit, a total of 79.32% of resistant families had accepted OPV for their children.8 In Pakistan, attitudinal changes were reported in districts with intensive social mobilization, where 93% of re-spondents agreed that polio is a serious health problem compared with 83% in districts without these activities. In communities where this was intensi-fied, 95% of respondents believed that OPV was safe for children, compared with 88% in districts without.21 The use of programme and research data enabled Pakistan’s Polio Eradication Initiative to revise its communication strategy to focus on messages for specific audiences and adapt behaviour-change goals towards improving OPV accep-tance. A 2005 evaluation22 found that while mass media campaigns were ef-fective in sustaining peoples’ interest in polio (98% of respondents knew about the campaign; 55% said they discussed OPV with other community members), findings underlined the need to target women, often the primary decision-makers on child health, through on-going interpersonal communication by trained female health workers. While men remained important opinion leaders and information gatekeepers, female caregivers played a primary role in the decision-making regarding im-munization of their children in 55% of households.22
  • 4. Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:624–630 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.060863 627 Special theme – Public health communication Rafael Obregón et al. Polio eradication in India and Pakistan The communication strategy re-focused on reaching women through interpersonal communication with an emphasis on OPV safety and efficacy and its benefits to children. Trained fe-male health workers spearheaded inten-sified efforts as communication support persons. They communicated directly with female caregivers or indirectly through females in the community, with support from male community and religious leaders. The female teams were effective in influencing caregivers shown by reports of improvements in attitudes towards OPV and percep-tions of risk of polio in target areas. A 2005 UNICEF study in high-risk and four low-risk areas (categorized by poor campaign indicators and/or poor coverage; n = 2143 households) showed that in districts with intensive social mobilization (n = 808 house-holds), 78% of respondents reported that OPV protected their children from polio, compared with 71% in areas without these activities (n = 1335 households) caregivers.22 Engaging influencers The challenge of reaching underserved and hard-to-reach populations in In-dia, which included high proportions of Muslim families, led to a focused strategy aimed at “areas with families at high-risk of wild poliovirus infection and … poor access to health, sanitation, and other basic services”.15 Influential Muslim training institutions (such as Aligarh Muslim University and Jamia Milla Islamia) and religious and com-munity leaders were engaged in build-ing public confidence and credibility in the Polio Eradication Initiative, im-proving coverage in underserved com-munities, providing support at district and settlement levels and countering resistance to polio vaccination in Uttar Pradesh. In 2004, Muslim religious (2697) and community (1892) leaders were asked to participate in the polio cam-paign, resulting in 77% and 79%, re-spectively, of these leaders supporting the programme’s efforts to convince resistant caregivers. They succeeded in 87% of cases in their coverage area, reaching 100% in some districts. This was a critical contribution to the re-duction of the immunity gap among Muslim and Hindu children in Uttar Pradesh’s western region. The num-ber of Muslim children who had not received at least two polio drops was reduced from 5% in 2002 to nearly 0% in 2004.15 Engagement of reli-gious leaders to counter refusals due to religious reasons or misperceptions has yielded similar results in Pakistan’s north-west frontier province. Data from 2007 show that, after involving religious leaders in polio eradication activities, coverage of children in fami-lies refusing due to religious reasons increased from 13% in August to 17% in October, and coverage of families re-fusing due to misconceptions increased from 37% to 50% in the same period.23 When properly engaged, religious and community leaders become strong community allies to eradicate polio. Role of media and advocacy Data support claims of the contri-bution of mass and folk media and advocacy to increased awareness and booth attendance. In India, large-scale mass media campaigns involving movie and cricket stars and political figures focused on dispelling rumours about OPV and encouraging caregivers to bring their children to vaccination booths. A 2003 evaluation showed that nearly 92% of 9370 respondents cited television and radio spots as “very influ-ential” or “influential” in their decision to take children to vaccination booths, while “9 out of 10 respondents … said they had come to the booth largely due to … the TV and radio spots”.12 Entry and exit polls following exposure to messages on local media among 2552 randomly selected respondents showed a 60% increase in awareness of the next National Immunization Day’s date and a 20% increased intention to get their children immunized at the booth. Puppet/theatre shows, video vans and other folk media activities held in more than 3500 villages in Uttar Pradesh, contributed to a 20% increase in booth attendance.10,20 Data from 2004–2005 showed that 68% of respondents ex-posed to polio radio and television spots reported taking their children to the booth for vaccination, compared with only 44% among those not exposed to the advertising (Fig. 3).10 Advocacy efforts have focused on mobilizing professional associations and enlisting their support for polio eradication activities, particularly dur-ing National Immunization Days. Political endorsement and support of professional associations include the Indian Academy of Paediatricians, whose members have encouraged care-givers to vaccinate their children and have used their own clinics as polio booths during National Immunization Days. In Uttar Pradesh, this led to the “full-scale involvement of partners and communities … who contributed to an increase in the number of chil-dren vaccinated from 30.48 million to 33.96 million and an increase in the total number of children vaccinated at booths from 8.77 million to 14.7 mil-lion over the same period”.11 Fig. 3. Exposure to polio radio and television advertising and polio immunization rates, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2004–2005 0 80 Percentage Exposed to advertising Immunized at booth 10 70 60 50 40 30 20 Not exposed to advertising 68 44 Immunized at home 27 47 Not immunized 5 9
  • 5. 628 Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:624–630 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.060863 Special theme – Public health communication Polio eradication in India and Pakistan Rafael Obregón et al. Value added to the initiative Strategic and synergistic communica-tion efforts that integrate social mo-bilization, interpersonal communica-tion, gender- and culturally-sensitive interventions, mass/folk media and political advocacy have contributed to the Initiative’s progress and to access unreached populations in challenging socio-economic environments. Prin-ciples underpinning communication strategies in India and Pakistan include: i) use of epidemiological, social and behavioural data to assess social/indi-vidual constraints, such as knowledge gaps and resistance, to develop effec-tive interventions to reach underserved groups; (ii) development of innovative and intensive interpersonal commu-nication/ social mobilization strategies; and (iii) engagement of community and religious leaders.18 Evidence of im-pact of communication interventions, including vaccine-related interventions, has been discussed widely.4,5,24,25 Lessons from the added-value of polio communication may contribute to other public health communication programmes, particularly those trying to reach out to the marginalized and poor. They include: • implementation of communication interventions based on routine mon-itoring of epidemiological, social and behavioural data on affected populations; • intensive use of interpersonal com-munication and social mobilization at different levels to maximize reach, effectiveness and efficiency; • mobilization of community leaders, communication and relationship-building, engaging families and care-givers who question repeated polio vaccination; • involving religious leaders as spokes-persons and using faith-based folk media (i.e. mosque announcements) to reach community members; • working with trained communica-tion outreach workers as part of a house-to-house strategy to reach children missed during National Im-munization Days; • advocacy with intensive grassroots mobilization to reach and commu-nicate with marginalized communi-ties; and • addressing social/gender norms to improve interpersonal communica-tion and increasing access to hard-to reach groups. Conclusion Historically, communication for po-lio eradication relied on information dissemination about health services, primarily through mass media, aimed at increasing demand for vaccines, especially in areas with a good health infrastructure and high routine im-munization rates (i.e. Latin America). Polio eradication in India and Pakistan has raised new challenges that demand communication interventions that are responsive to the evolving nature of the epidemic and the social context of the children they hope to immunize. Both countries have implemented proven strategies and developed innovative approaches to reach and immunize children in hard-to-reach areas. Epide-miological, social and behavioural data have informed multiple communica-tion interventions and culturally-sen-sitive approaches. These include setting a national agenda for polio eradication, creating demand for OPV, increasing booth attendance during National Im-munization Days, pushing for universal coverage through mobilization of local partnerships and networks, and over-coming pockets of resistance to vacci-nation among caregivers in unreached and underserved areas. Despite setbacks in their polio eradication efforts, India26 and Paki-stan have made remarkable progress in lowering the burden of polio. Com-munication strategies have contributed to such progress on several levels by: mobilizing social networks and lead-ers, creating political will, increasing knowledge and changing attitudes, ensuring individual and community-level demand, overcoming gender barriers and resistance to vaccination, and, above all, reaching out to the poorest and the most marginalized. They should continue to play a central role in the final push to eradicate polio. This review documents the value and crucial contribution of carefully planned and closely monitored com-munication in building widespread support and understanding, as well as accessing unreached populations and overcoming resistance. There is no vac-cine against resistance or refusals that are rooted in social-cultural, religious and political contexts. No supply chain can overcome issues of gender-based decision-making in households. Medical approaches alone cannot address certain community concerns (i.e. why OPV is brought to their door when many other services are not available). These chal-lenges demand effective communication action. Lessons learned by the Global Po-lio Eradication Initiative may contribute to global public health efforts as we look for innovations to address even more challenging objectives outlined in the United Nation’s Millennium Develop-ment Goals. ■ Acknowledgements We thank Christie Billingslie, pro-gramme officer, JSI Research and Train-ing Institute; Ellen Coates, director, CORE Group Polio Project; Michael Favin, senior programme officer, Im-munization BASICS; Kiyuri Naicker, polio coordinator, The Communica-tion Initiative; Lora Shimp, polio pro-gramme officer, John Snow Inc.; and Prof. Silvio Waisbord, School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University for their comments to earlier versions of this paper. We also thank Ohio University graduate stu-dents Rukhsana Ahmed and Giovanna Monteverde for their support in the preparation of the first draft of this paper. Rafael Obregón is also an affiliated faculty member of the Department of Social Communication, Universidad del Norte, Colombia. Funding: Rafael Obregón received funding from The Communication Initiative. Competing interests: Jeffrey Bates, Ellyn Ogden and Ketan Chitnis are affili-ated with institutions that support the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. At the time of writing, Ketan Chitnis was affiliated with a different institution.
  • 6. Bull World Health Organ 2009;87:624–630 | doi:10.2471/BLT.08.060863 629 Special theme – Public health communication Rafael Obregón et al. Polio eradication in India and Pakistan Résumé Eradication complète de la poliomyélite : revue des données de communication dans le domaine sanitaire et leçons acquises en Inde et au Pakistan Depuis 1988, le monde s’est beaucoup rapproché de l’éradication de la polio grâce à l’Initiative mondiale pour l’éradication de la poliomyélite, dans laquelle les interventions en matière de communication jouent invariablement un rôle central. Les approches utilisant les mass médias pour diffuser des informations appliquées dans le cadre des efforts de vaccination partout dans le monde ont participé à ce succès. Cependant, les personnes les plus difficiles à atteindre, les plus pauvres, les plus marginalisées et celles ne pouvant accéder aux services de santé ont posé de grandes difficultés. Dans cette dernière offensive pour vaincre la polio, les stratégies de communication de l’Initiative mondiale pour l’éradication de la poliomyélite sont de plus en plus innovantes et portées par la recherche, notamment avec l’introduction d’approches de communication interpersonnelle durable et de mobilisation sociale pour atteindre les populations encore non desservies. La revue examine les efforts de communication concernant la polio entrepris en Inde et au Pakistan entre 2000 et 2007. Elle montre comment les données épidémiologiques, sociales et comportementales guident les stratégies de communication contribuant à accroître les niveaux d’immunité contre cette maladie, en particulier parmi les populations non desservies et difficiles à atteindre. Elle illustre la façon dont des stratégies de communication étayées par des données factuelles et planifiées - telles que les compagnes prolongées utilisant les médias, la mobilisation communautaire et sociale intensive, la communication interpersonnelle et la sensibilisation politique et nationale - ont participé globalement à réduire l’incidence de la polio dans ces pays. Les résultats montrent que les stratégies de communication ont apporté une contribution à plusieurs niveaux en mobilisant les réseaux et les leaders sociaux – en créant une volonté politique, en élargissant les connaissances – en garantissant une demande au niveau individuel et communautaire et en permettant de surmonter les obstacles liés à l’appartenance sexuelle et la résistance à la vaccination, ainsi que d’atteindre les populations pauvres et marginalisées. La revue conclut avec des observations sur la valeur ajoutée des stratégies de communication dans le cadre des efforts d’éradication de la polio et sur leurs implications pour les interventions mondiales et locales de communication en santé publique. Gracias a los esfuerzos desplegados desde 1988 a través de la Iniciativa de Erradicación Mundial de la Poliomielitis, el mundo está a punto de erradicar esta enfermedad. En esa empresa las intervenciones de comunicación han sido siempre decisivas, y las tácticas de recurso a los medios de difusión y divulgación de información empleadas en las actividades de inmunización en todo el mundo han contribuido a ese éxito. Sin embargo, ha habido dificultades para llegar a las poblaciones más remotas, más pobres y más marginadas y a las personas sin acceso a los servicios de salud. En la última acometida para erradicar la enfermedad, las estrategias de comunicación de la Iniciativa de Erradicación de la Poliomielitis se han visto cada vez más impulsadas por las investigaciones y han tenido un carácter crecientemente innovador, gracias sobre todo a la introducción de mecanismos sostenidos de comunicación interpersonal y movilización social para llegar a las poblaciones que quedaban fuera del alcance. En esta revisión se analizan los esfuerzos de comunicación contra la poliomielitis desplegados en la India y el Pakistán entre 2000 y 2007. Se explica cómo los datos epidemiológicos, sociales Resumen Erradicación de la poliomielitis: análisis de la evidencia sobre la comunicación sanitaria y enseñanzas extraídas en la India y el Pakistán y comportamentales orientan las estrategias de comunicación que han contribuido a aumentar los niveles de inmunidad contra esa enfermedad, sobre todo entre poblaciones subatendidas y de difícil acceso, y se describe el proceso por el que unas estrategias de comunicación basadas en la evidencia y planificadas en consecuencia -como una combinación de campañas sostenidas en los medios, una movilización comunitaria y social intensiva, fórmulas de comunicación interpersonal, y medidas políticas y de promoción a nivel nacional- han contribuido a reducir la incidencia de poliomielitis en esos países. Los resultados indican que las estrategias de comunicación han contribuido en distintos niveles a: movilizar a las redes y los líderes sociales; generar voluntad política; ampliar los conocimientos; garantizar la demanda individual y comunitaria; superar las barreras de género y la resistencia a la vacunación; y dar alcance a las poblaciones más pobres y marginadas. El análisis concluye con diversas observaciones sobre el valor añadido de las estrategias de comunicación en las actividades de erradicación de la poliomielitis y sus implicaciones para las intervenciones mundiales y locales de comunicación en materia de salud pública. ملخص تحقيق استئصال شلل الأطفال: مراجعة للبينات حول التواصل الصحي وللدروس المستفادة من الهند وباكستان منذ عام 1988 ، أصبح العالم قريباً جداً من استئصال شلل الأطفال من خلال المبادرة العالمية لاستئصال شلل الأطفال؛ والتي أدّت فيها التدخلات التواصلية دوراً محورياً على نحوٍ مستمر، وقد ساهمت في هذا النجاح وسائل الإعلام وأساليب نشر المعلومات المستخدمة في الجهود التمنيعية في شتى أرجاء العالم، إلا أن الصعوبات تمثلت في الناس الذين يصعب الوصول إليهم، والأشد فقراً، والأكثر تهميشا، والذين لا تتاح لهم الخدمات الصحية. وفي سياق الدفعة الأخيرة لتحقيق استئصال شلل الأطفال، أصبحت استراتيجيات التواصل في المبادرة العالمية لاستئصال شلل الأطفال أكثر طواعية للبحوث وأكثر ابتكاراً، ولاسيَّما من خلال إدخال التواصل المستمر بين الأشخاص وأساليب استنهاض المجتمع للوصول إلى السكان الذين يتعذر الوصول إليهم. وتتفحص هذه
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Vaccine 2007; 25:6431-6. المراجعة الجهود المبذولة في التواصل حول شلل الأطفال في الهند وفي باكستان في المدة بين عامي 2000 و 2007 ، وتوضح كيف قادت المعطيات السلوكية والاجتماعية والوبائية استراتيجيات التواصل التي ساهمت في ازدياد مستويات المناعة ضد شلل الأطفال، ولاسيما بين السكان المحرومين من الخدمات والذين يصعب الوصول إليهم. كما توضح المراجعة كيف ساهمت الاستراتيجيات المسندة بالبيِّنات والمخطَّط لها حول التواصل، مثل الحملات الإعلامية المستديمة، واستنهاض المجتمعات العامة والمحلية، والتواصل بين الأشخاص، وضم حملات الدعوة السياسية والوطنية معاً، في إنقاص معدلات وقوع شلل الأطفال في هذين البلدين. وتبين النتائج والموجودات أن استراتيجيات التواصل قد ساهمت على مستويات مختلفة في: استنهاض الشبكات الاجتماعية والقيادات، وخلق الإرادة السياسية، وزيادة المعارف، وضمان الطلب على المستوى المجتمعي ولدى الأفراد، والتغلب على عوائق الجندر ومقاومة التلقيح الوصول إلى الناس الأشد فقراً، وكذلك الوصول إلى السكان المهمشين. وتختـتم المراجعة بملاحظة ما لاستراتيجيات التواصل من قيمة مضافة في الجهود المبذولة لاستئصال شلل الأطفال وتأثيراتها على التدخلات الخاصة بالتواصل في الصحة العمومية على المستوى العالمي والمحلي.