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Manage in the Cloud: 
Prepare to be Future Ready 
By Sandra Wiley, COO, Senior Consultant, Shareholder, Boomer Consulting Inc.
The Market Perspectives Survey 
In a recent survey of over 400 firm professionals, we discovered 
key insights into how firm leaders are using technology to 
create and support management initiatives that help their firms 
achieve the success they want today as well as ensure their firm 
is future-ready. The survey included firms of all sizes (See Figure 
1) and had an impressive 87% of the responses coming from the 
partners in those firms. To set the stage more completely for 
our findings, the firms that replied have an average practice that 
is 51% tax, 24% audit, 12% consulting and 11% other projects. 
Additionally, the average tax practice has a higher number of 
business returns than personal returns. As you consider this 
profile, it is typical of many professional services firms today. 
Last, as we explore the foundational connection between 
overall firm management and technology, it is important to 
note that when asked who is your technology leader at the firm, 
the majority — 57% — said it was a partner. (See Figure 2) 
FIGURE 1: Based on annual revenue, how large is your firm? FIGURE 2: Who is your technology leader at your firm? 
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 
IT Director 
Managing a professional services firm is hard work. Firm leaders must juggle marketing, business development, client 
service, staff recruiting, development and retention to a successful outcome for everyone involved. There is one thing that 
firm leaders must feel comfortable with that links all of these firm management initiatives together — technology. 
Less than 
$2 million 
More than 
$35 million 
The Technology Imperative 
Technology is far beyond an “outlier” objective today. It is a 
very important part of any progressive firm’s strategic plan. It 
is a discussion item in almost every meeting within the firm, 
including partner meetings, process meetings and emerging leader 
initiatives. In a recent Emerging Leader Track Workshop at the 
Boomer Technology Circle Summit (August 2014), technology 
was one of 5 areas that 20 future leaders said was imperative 
to the firm of the future. Within our survey, we identified two 
common areas that support the fact that technology is truly an 
imperative management strategy for firms today. As mentioned 
above, with 51% of firms involved in the area of tax, tax workflow 
is a natural connection. A substantial number of firms in the 
survey — 76% — opened 3 or more different software solutions 
during their tax workflow process. (See Figure 3) Additionally, when 
asked if the firm needed to change the name of a client in their 
systems, how many databases would they need to change, the 
number was a sizeable 94% at 2 or more databases. (See Figure 3) 
We will migrate from multiple [systems] to a single database 
for client information which will allow us to all but eliminate 
conflicting client demographic data. In our current software 
environment, each application maintains its own client database 
and changes are time consuming to make the corrections in all 
applications. CCH Axcess will reduce the time needed to establish 
and maintain our client database. 
— Bradley D. McKinney, CPA, 
Partner, Raich Ende Malter & Co., LLP 
Deciding to use technology to manage the firm can create 
challenges and concerns for firm leaders. One of the most 
effective and efficient ways to truly use technology to manage 
the firm is to move to cloud-based solutions and create a 
strategic advantage. The number of firms in the survey that 
believe cloud-based solutions are a part of their future strategy 
is 51%. This is a strong testament to the direction our profession 
is headed. When asked why they would implement cloud-based 
solutions, the feedback included: (See Figure 4) 
1. Ease of Access — Being able to quickly and effectively access 
data when and where it is easiest for the individual. 
2. Technology Best Practices — Firms who are well-read 
understand that the cloud is where development is happening. 
3. Disaster Recovery — Protecting client data is imperative 
for leaders. 
4. Processes and Workflow — Determining a succinct and efficient 
process for workflow. 
5. Security — Ensuring client data is safe and backups are consistent. 
6. Growth in the Firm — Growth is promoted by a technology 
system that is scalable. 
7. Education and Training — Ease of learning to use the system, 
and everyone using that system in the same way. 
Challenges and concerns are simply the catalyst for finding 
solutions that will propel us to a new level of thinking. Great 
managers know that the solutions to the challenges are what 
sets them apart and gives them a competitive advantage. 
FIGURE 3: Number of Software Solutions and Databases 
The #1 reason our firm is moving to the cloud with solutions such as CCH Axcess™ is fewer maintenance issues. By relying on the cloud 
providers to maintain the required updates and provide excellent security, we are free to focus on what we do best, which is provide our 
clients with excellent accounting and consulting services. In addition, we are relieved from the need to maintain in-house servers which 
required on-site maintenance and routine upgrades. 
— Rachel Godwin, CPA, CGMA, MAcc, 
Principal, Hartmann, Blackmon & Kilgore P.C. 
FIGURE 4: What are the top three reasons for implementing cloud-based 
solutions in your firm? 
Best Practices 
Disaster Recovery 
Ease of Access 
Positioning for M & A 
Processes & Workflow 
Right People on the Bus 
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 
In your typical 
tax workflow, 
how many 
solutions do 
you open? 
When a business 
client has a 
change in their 
company name, 
how many 
do you have 
to update? 
5 or more 
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
Taking the First Step 
“Change” and “new” are not words that our profession gravitates 
to naturally. We have a tendency to move slowly and cautiously. 
Therefore, when we asked our survey participants who have 
actually moved to CCH Axcess what benefits they are seeing 
today, it was not a surprise when 41% said it is too early to tell 
what the benefits to moving to the cloud are for them. However, 
it is encouraging to see that 40% said that it has created new 
efficiencies, 37% have streamlined processes and 27% say it 
has helped increase communication and interaction. Note: 
Participants could choose multiple answers. (See Figure 5) 
The first and most important solution is a written technology 
plan that sets the stage for the focus of the firm. While overall 
technology initiatives will be included in the firm’s strategic plan, 
technology should have a separate detailed plan that includes 
hardware, software, training, vendor and technology personnel 
objectives and costs. Technology should be managed just like 
any other area of the firm. Moving to the cloud should be a 
driver within that plan. The survey points out that the firms that 
had a written technology plan also saw significant increase in 
billable hours, creating new efficiencies, attracting and retaining 
new talent, streamlining processes and communications. A 
technology plan will help drive change, but a mindset shift is 
also needed to ensure a positive change for the firm. Everyone in 
the firm who is working on management initiatives should look 
for cloud-based solutions that will drive integration and propel 
the firm to a higher level of efficiency. Consider the following: 
Marketing Develop your firm’s brand by improving your digital 
interactions with clients and prospects through 
technologies like portals, branded correspondence and 
electronic signatures. 
CCH Axcess™ Portal 
CCH Axcess™ Tax 
CCH® eSign 
Business Development Give your staff more time to engage in business 
development activities by reducing the amount 
of time they spend on data entry and handling paper files. 
CCH Axcess — Common Core Database 
CCH Axcess™ Document 
ProSystem fx® Scan with AutoFlow Technology™ 
Client Service Improve your clients’ experiences by being more 
responsive and evolving your firm to meet their increasing 
needs and expectations. 
CCH Axcess Document 
CCH Axcess™ app 
Staff Recruiting and 
Attract young staff and retain existing staff by paying 
attention to work-life balance. 
CCH Axcess app 
Staff Development Help staff keep their technology experience up to date 
by using future-ready technologies. 
CCH Axcess Document 
CCH Axcess Tax 
CCH eSign 
Increased billable hours Created new efficiencies Attracted and 
retained talent 
Streamlined processes Increased communication 
and interaction with clients 
Too early to 
measure results 
FIGURE 5: Which of the following benefits of cloud technology has your firm realized? 
Technology Plan 
No Technology Plan 
CCH Axcess Portal enhances our reputation with clients, and they end up thinking that we’re bigger than we are. Portal makes me look 
cutting edge, like their bank and their financial advisor, because they can get to their tax returns and financial statements faster, easier 
and securely. In fact, every time we turn someone onto Portal, we get fewer phone calls, which translates into increased efficiencies and 
a more professional image for the firm. 
— Kim Fichera, 
Fichera & Company CPAs
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©2014 CCH Incorporated and/or its affiliates. 
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For More Information 
800-PFX-9998 (800-739-9998) 
Meeting and Managing Expectations 
Along with the direct link of technology to various management 
concerns in the firm, it is no surprise that talent management is at 
the top of the list for firms of all sizes in the profession. Emerging 
talent is fearless when considering cloud-based solutions, and 
they have high expectations for the firms at which they work. 
As emerging talent expectations grow, so does the demand for 
remote capabilities with over 70% saying this is very important or 
extremely important. The cloud allows this strategy to happen in 
a much faster and more efficient way, with the outcome being a 
happier and much more engaged emerging workforce. This next 
generation workforce is not only asking for work when and where 
they want to but also require a strong culture built on education and 
training. Coupled with the statistic on remote capabilities is 66% 
saying that they believe education and training is extremely or very 
important to the success of cloud-based initiatives. (See Figure 6) 
As we stated in the beginning, managing a professional services firm is certainly a challenge, but it is a challenge 
that can become easier with a firm mindset and strategy change that includes cloud-based solutions. This exciting 
change is only made stronger as 80% of the firms say that it is important for their firm to be future ready. 
The question is, are you ready? 
FIGURE 6: Firm Values 
How important are remote 
capabilities for you and your clients? 
How important is education 
and training to the success of 
your cloud-based systems? 
How important is it for your 
firm to remain future ready? 
Not at all important 
Very unimportant 
Neither important nor unimportant 
Very important 
Extremely important 
CCH Axcess also adds many conveniences, which help to enhance 
our work-life balance. For example, by using the CCH Axcess 
app, we can release a return to the IRS anywhere and anytime. 
It also provides us access to the common core database from a 
smartphone so that we have 24/7 access to client files, phone 
numbers or email addresses. So, we don’t have to be in the office 
to still get work done. 
— Kenneth A. Peworchik, CPA, 
Kenneth A. Peworchik, CPAs

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Manage in the Cloud: Prepare to be Future Ready

  • 1. Manage in the Cloud: Prepare to be Future Ready By Sandra Wiley, COO, Senior Consultant, Shareholder, Boomer Consulting Inc.
  • 2. The Market Perspectives Survey In a recent survey of over 400 firm professionals, we discovered key insights into how firm leaders are using technology to create and support management initiatives that help their firms achieve the success they want today as well as ensure their firm is future-ready. The survey included firms of all sizes (See Figure 1) and had an impressive 87% of the responses coming from the partners in those firms. To set the stage more completely for our findings, the firms that replied have an average practice that is 51% tax, 24% audit, 12% consulting and 11% other projects. Additionally, the average tax practice has a higher number of business returns than personal returns. As you consider this profile, it is typical of many professional services firms today. Last, as we explore the foundational connection between overall firm management and technology, it is important to note that when asked who is your technology leader at the firm, the majority — 57% — said it was a partner. (See Figure 2) FIGURE 1: Based on annual revenue, how large is your firm? FIGURE 2: Who is your technology leader at your firm? 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Managing Partner/CEO CIO IT Director Firm Administrator Partners Committee Other Introduction Managing a professional services firm is hard work. Firm leaders must juggle marketing, business development, client service, staff recruiting, development and retention to a successful outcome for everyone involved. There is one thing that firm leaders must feel comfortable with that links all of these firm management initiatives together — technology. 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Less than $2 million $2–$10 million $10–$35 million More than $35 million Unsure
  • 3. The Technology Imperative Technology is far beyond an “outlier” objective today. It is a very important part of any progressive firm’s strategic plan. It is a discussion item in almost every meeting within the firm, including partner meetings, process meetings and emerging leader initiatives. In a recent Emerging Leader Track Workshop at the Boomer Technology Circle Summit (August 2014), technology was one of 5 areas that 20 future leaders said was imperative to the firm of the future. Within our survey, we identified two common areas that support the fact that technology is truly an imperative management strategy for firms today. As mentioned above, with 51% of firms involved in the area of tax, tax workflow is a natural connection. A substantial number of firms in the survey — 76% — opened 3 or more different software solutions during their tax workflow process. (See Figure 3) Additionally, when asked if the firm needed to change the name of a client in their systems, how many databases would they need to change, the number was a sizeable 94% at 2 or more databases. (See Figure 3) We will migrate from multiple [systems] to a single database for client information which will allow us to all but eliminate conflicting client demographic data. In our current software environment, each application maintains its own client database and changes are time consuming to make the corrections in all applications. CCH Axcess will reduce the time needed to establish and maintain our client database. — Bradley D. McKinney, CPA, Partner, Raich Ende Malter & Co., LLP Deciding to use technology to manage the firm can create challenges and concerns for firm leaders. One of the most effective and efficient ways to truly use technology to manage the firm is to move to cloud-based solutions and create a strategic advantage. The number of firms in the survey that believe cloud-based solutions are a part of their future strategy is 51%. This is a strong testament to the direction our profession is headed. When asked why they would implement cloud-based solutions, the feedback included: (See Figure 4) 1. Ease of Access — Being able to quickly and effectively access data when and where it is easiest for the individual. 2. Technology Best Practices — Firms who are well-read understand that the cloud is where development is happening. 3. Disaster Recovery — Protecting client data is imperative for leaders. 4. Processes and Workflow — Determining a succinct and efficient process for workflow. 5. Security — Ensuring client data is safe and backups are consistent. 6. Growth in the Firm — Growth is promoted by a technology system that is scalable. 7. Education and Training — Ease of learning to use the system, and everyone using that system in the same way. Challenges and concerns are simply the catalyst for finding solutions that will propel us to a new level of thinking. Great managers know that the solutions to the challenges are what sets them apart and gives them a competitive advantage. FIGURE 3: Number of Software Solutions and Databases The #1 reason our firm is moving to the cloud with solutions such as CCH Axcess™ is fewer maintenance issues. By relying on the cloud providers to maintain the required updates and provide excellent security, we are free to focus on what we do best, which is provide our clients with excellent accounting and consulting services. In addition, we are relieved from the need to maintain in-house servers which required on-site maintenance and routine upgrades. — Rachel Godwin, CPA, CGMA, MAcc, Principal, Hartmann, Blackmon & Kilgore P.C. FIGURE 4: What are the top three reasons for implementing cloud-based solutions in your firm? Technology Best Practices Security Disaster Recovery Ease of Access Integration Positioning for M & A Processes & Workflow Transparency Right People on the Bus 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% In your typical tax workflow, how many different software solutions do you open? When a business client has a change in their company name, how many databases do you have to update? 1 2 3 4 5 or more Unsure 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
  • 4. Taking the First Step “Change” and “new” are not words that our profession gravitates to naturally. We have a tendency to move slowly and cautiously. Therefore, when we asked our survey participants who have actually moved to CCH Axcess what benefits they are seeing today, it was not a surprise when 41% said it is too early to tell what the benefits to moving to the cloud are for them. However, it is encouraging to see that 40% said that it has created new efficiencies, 37% have streamlined processes and 27% say it has helped increase communication and interaction. Note: Participants could choose multiple answers. (See Figure 5) The first and most important solution is a written technology plan that sets the stage for the focus of the firm. While overall technology initiatives will be included in the firm’s strategic plan, technology should have a separate detailed plan that includes hardware, software, training, vendor and technology personnel objectives and costs. Technology should be managed just like any other area of the firm. Moving to the cloud should be a driver within that plan. The survey points out that the firms that had a written technology plan also saw significant increase in billable hours, creating new efficiencies, attracting and retaining new talent, streamlining processes and communications. A technology plan will help drive change, but a mindset shift is also needed to ensure a positive change for the firm. Everyone in the firm who is working on management initiatives should look for cloud-based solutions that will drive integration and propel the firm to a higher level of efficiency. Consider the following: FIRM MANAGEMENT GOAL STRATEGY POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Marketing Develop your firm’s brand by improving your digital interactions with clients and prospects through technologies like portals, branded correspondence and electronic signatures. CCH Axcess™ Portal CCH Axcess™ Tax CCH® eSign Business Development Give your staff more time to engage in business development activities by reducing the amount of time they spend on data entry and handling paper files. CCH Axcess — Common Core Database CCH Axcess™ Document ProSystem fx® Scan with AutoFlow Technology™ Client Service Improve your clients’ experiences by being more responsive and evolving your firm to meet their increasing needs and expectations. CCH Axcess Document CCH Axcess™ app Staff Recruiting and Retention Attract young staff and retain existing staff by paying attention to work-life balance. CCH Axcess app Staff Development Help staff keep their technology experience up to date by using future-ready technologies. CCH Axcess Document CCH Axcess Tax CCH eSign Increased billable hours Created new efficiencies Attracted and retained talent Streamlined processes Increased communication and interaction with clients Too early to measure results FIGURE 5: Which of the following benefits of cloud technology has your firm realized? Overall Technology Plan No Technology Plan 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CCH Axcess Portal enhances our reputation with clients, and they end up thinking that we’re bigger than we are. Portal makes me look cutting edge, like their bank and their financial advisor, because they can get to their tax returns and financial statements faster, easier and securely. In fact, every time we turn someone onto Portal, we get fewer phone calls, which translates into increased efficiencies and a more professional image for the firm. — Kim Fichera, Fichera & Company CPAs
  • 5. All trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. ©2014 CCH Incorporated and/or its affiliates. 9/14 2013-0506-24 Join us on at CCHGroup.com/Social All rights reserved. For More Information CCHGroup.com/Axcess 800-PFX-9998 (800-739-9998) Meeting and Managing Expectations Along with the direct link of technology to various management concerns in the firm, it is no surprise that talent management is at the top of the list for firms of all sizes in the profession. Emerging talent is fearless when considering cloud-based solutions, and they have high expectations for the firms at which they work. As emerging talent expectations grow, so does the demand for remote capabilities with over 70% saying this is very important or extremely important. The cloud allows this strategy to happen in a much faster and more efficient way, with the outcome being a happier and much more engaged emerging workforce. This next generation workforce is not only asking for work when and where they want to but also require a strong culture built on education and training. Coupled with the statistic on remote capabilities is 66% saying that they believe education and training is extremely or very important to the success of cloud-based initiatives. (See Figure 6) As we stated in the beginning, managing a professional services firm is certainly a challenge, but it is a challenge that can become easier with a firm mindset and strategy change that includes cloud-based solutions. This exciting change is only made stronger as 80% of the firms say that it is important for their firm to be future ready. The question is, are you ready? FIGURE 6: Firm Values How important are remote capabilities for you and your clients? How important is education and training to the success of your cloud-based systems? How important is it for your firm to remain future ready? Not at all important Very unimportant Neither important nor unimportant Very important Extremely important 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CCH Axcess also adds many conveniences, which help to enhance our work-life balance. For example, by using the CCH Axcess app, we can release a return to the IRS anywhere and anytime. It also provides us access to the common core database from a smartphone so that we have 24/7 access to client files, phone numbers or email addresses. So, we don’t have to be in the office to still get work done. — Kenneth A. Peworchik, CPA, Kenneth A. Peworchik, CPAs