pwc insurance pricewaterhousecoopers top issues pwc report 2016 accounting fasb health new health economy financial reporting analytics healthcare digital tax deals data business global regulatory finance technology accounting and reporting providers health research institute payers hri sec revenue recognition infrastructure talent risk management affordable care act virtual care telemedicine telehealth pharmaceutical and life sciences behavioral health aca health insurance exchanges behind the numbers pharmacy benefit managers pbm medical cost trend lease accounting business models insurtech artificial intelligence cyber threat ceo survey apec apec 2015 navigate risk & regulatory complexity accelerate digital & technology impact case study m&a regulations analytics framework united states analytics operating model shareholder value cfos health services tech companies cfo us big data retirement ifrs telecom internet of things semiconductor technology ipos global ipos workforce strategy not-for-profit shareholder activism activism economy risk emerging markets partnerships modernization compliance dol fiduciary rule erm transformation insurance deals insights report blockchain financial instruments internal audit data analytics analytic app data consulting data mining business intelligence predictive big decisions data analysis data-driven data lake hadoop enterprise architecture apache fintech commerical insurance loyalty programs user experience privacy cybersecurity guidance information sharing ics capital management international capital standard change managment financial services insurers acounting asc 842 leasing standard quarter close margin settlement variation collateral hedge business performance ecommerce cmo digital technology digital marketing customer experience digital technologies innovate innovations environment group insurance management growth outsourcing underwriting commercial aging tax reform mrm m&a insights business model controllers and senior financial executives accounting hot topics pwc global ceo survey davos wef16 comment letter trends entertainment & media megadeal activity housing sustainability asian pacific eonomy primary care models consumer physician new entrants quality value primary care it security cloud transform human capital oracle human resources management hr transfer pricing requirements around the world international tax global tax transfer pricing international transfer pricing policies world tax auto acquisition ​ automotive outlook to 2025 oxford economics transport complexity volume data-driven companies digitization data sources mexico indonesia malaysia china vietnam environmental risk corruption supply chain risk value chain transformation philippines effective operating models brazil russia india global operating flexible operating model cios vie finance directors business unit finance and tax leadership consolidation primary beneficiary other financial reporting functions controllers equity method variable interest entity financial executives accountable care organization fee for service alternative payment models revenue cycle bundled payment multi-service operators telecoms cto chief marketing officer succession plan strategic planning cio coo cro chief strategy officer human capital executive team organization board of directors ceo chairman audit committee pcaob mortgage claims mortgage federal housing fha mortgage services pwc us ceo survey health insurance consumer preferences market research experience radar leadership recruiting hiring acquisitions megadeals mergers and acquisitions analytic apps information management golden age revrec pwc followers on social media channels investors interviewed as part of the report fund managers investors disclosure cloud computing communications industry millenials nextgen capital projects transportation value for money department of transportation healthcare new entrants life sciences industry virtual healthcare fitness industry consumer health system public health healthcare in developing nations global healthcare market wellness industry healthcare innovation pharmaceutical industry female board members director's survey corporate directors boards gender male and female power power and utility defense litigation patent hft high frequency trading iot people people analytics trends rev rec revenue iasb reporting in brief nfp state-owned enterprises billing payments innovation business entity pov non-profit wifi comms internet 4g communications review satellite lte communications shareholder executive executive summary womeninleadership tech ceos ceos technology industry high-tech innovators telehealth licensure telehealth grants telehealth grants telehealth licensure telehealth licensure telehealth grants new therapies patient engagement fda investments airline industry emerging markets channel strategies emerging markets partnership channel growth markets channel strategies growth markets partners channel strategy growth markets local partner growth markets partnership growth markets distribution profitability emerging markets partners emerging markets distribution growth markets channels distribution strategy emerging markets channels
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