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Doing business in
the United States
A guide to the key
tax issues
Foreword i
I. Federal tax issues 1
	 A.	 Taxes on corporate income 1
	 B.	 Other federal taxes 2
	 C.	 US trade or business 5
	 D.	 Effectively connected income 5
	 E.	 Branch income 6
	 F.	 Permanent establishment (PE) 6
	 G.	 Group taxation 7
	 H.	Transfer pricing 7
	 I.	 Thin capitalization 8
	 J.	 Controlled foreign companies (CFCs) 8
	 K.	 S corporations 9
	 L.	 Determining income 9
	 M.	Corporate deductions 13
	 N.	 Credits and incentives 20
	 O.	Anti-inversion developments 23
	 P.	 Administrative issues 26
II. State and local tax issues 40
	 A.	 Activities that could subject a foreign entity to state tax 40
	 B.	 Dividing up taxable income among the states: multistate apportionment 41
	 C.	 Tax filings include more than just the in-state entity: combined, water’s 	
	 edge, and worldwide filing methodologies, and ‘tax havens’
	 D.	 Adjustments to federal taxable income 43
	 E.	 Treatment of foreign-source income 44
	 F.	 States with transfer pricing adjustment power 44
	 G.	 Indirect tax considerations 45
	 H.	Local taxation 46
	 I.	 Credits and incentives: state and local 46
III. US tax treaties 48
IV. Transfer pricing 50
V. The OECD’s BEPS project 53
	 A.	 OECD BEPS Action Plan 53
	 B.	 Increased risk of double taxation 53
	 C.	 Departing from consensus-building OECD model 54
	 D.	 Moving away from arm’s-length transfer pricing standards 54
	 E.	 Dispute resolution difficulties 54
	 F.	 Increased risk of unilateral actions 55
VI. Individual tax issues 56
	 A.	 Personal income tax rates 56
	 B.	 Alternative minimum tax (AMT) 57
	 C.	 State and local income taxes 58
	 D.	 Residence 58
	 E.	 Other taxes 59
	 F.	 Income determination 61
	 G.	 Foreign tax relief and tax treaties 67
	 H.	Other tax credits and incentives 67
	 I.	 Tax administration 68
	 J.	 Other issues 70
VII. Healthcare 72
VIII. Financing US operations 73
	 A.	 Debt vs. equity 73
	 B.	 Cash pooling 76
IX. Setting up a US tax department 77
How can PwC help? 78
Appendix A: Summary of US tax treaty benefits 79
Appendix B: List of countries with which the United States has
entered into social security totalization agreements
Contents (continued)
For the first time in five years, more global business leaders rate the United States as
their most important market for overseas investment and growth ahead of all others,
including China’s, in PwC’s 18th Annual Global CEO Survey.
Key measures of US economic health are improving; for example, PwC projects
US gross domestic product growth of 3.2% this year. As the US recovery gains
momentum, challenges remain.
Global CEOs said the number-one government priority should be an internationally
competitive and efficient tax system. More than half of global CEOs surveyed stated
that they do not believe that government are changing tax systems to reflect how
multinationals operate today. Over-regulation and increasing tax burdens topped the
list of threats to business growth and prospects.
The United States has a complex system of federal, state, and local levels of taxation
that significantly affects business decisions and business operations. Current debates
regarding tax policy and reform and ever-evolving legislative activity combine
to create a challenging environment for companies doing business in the United
States—but also unique opportunities.
I fully appreciate these particular challenges and opportunities, having spent most
of my career in senior tax executive roles in non-US companies with substantial
US operations. It is often frustrating, but always rewarding, to navigate through
the confusion and complexity, and identify the critical insights that will enhance
business performance and effectively manage risk.
This guide is intended to leverage PwC’s extensive experience in regard to US
operations of foreign businesses to provide a broad understanding of the basic tax
implications of business operations in the United States, as well as to offer helpful
observations, regarding the tax consequences for foreign companies.
I believe you will find it a useful guide through the many challenges
and opportunities.
Yours sincerely
Joel Walters
US Inbound Tax Leader
+1 (646) 471-7881
A guide to the key tax issues | i
A guide to the key tax issues | 1
A. Taxes on corporate income
1. Corporate income tax
US taxation of income earned by non-US persons depends on whether the income
has a nexus with the United States and the level and extent of the non-US person’s
presence in the United States. A foreign corporation engaged in a US trade or
business is taxed at regular US corporate tax rates, but only on income from US
sources that is effectively connected with that business, and at 30% on US-source
income not effectively connected with that business. By contrast, US-resident
corporations are taxed based on their worldwide income.
The US corporate income tax (CIT) rate is based on a progressive rate schedule;
however, an alternative minimum tax provides for a flat rate with fewer deductions.
2015 taxable income US corporate income tax
Over ($) But not over ($) Pay ($) +% on
Of the amount
over ($)
0 50,000 0 15 0
50,000 75,000 7,500 25 50,000
75,000 100,000 13,750 34 75,000
100,000 335,000 22,250 39 100,000
335,000 10,000,000 113,900 34 335,000
10,000,000 15,000,000 3,400,000 35 10,000,000
15,000,000 18,333,333 5,150,000 38 15,000,000
18,333,333 35 0
The 39% tax rate applies to taxable income between $100,000 and $335,000 to
eliminate the benefit of the 15% and 25% rates, and the 38% tax rate applies to
taxable income between $15,000,000 and $18,333,333 to eliminate the benefit
of the 34% rate. Special rules apply to personal service corporations and personal
holding companies.
2. Alternative minimum tax (AMT)
An AMT is imposed on corporations other than S corporations and small C
corporations (generally those not having three-year average annual gross receipts
exceeding $7.5 million). The tax is 20% of alternative minimum taxable income
(AMTI) in excess of a $40,000 exemption amount (subject to a phase-out). AMTI
is computed by adjusting the corporation’s regular taxable income by specified
adjustments and ‘tax preference’ items. Tax preference or adjustment items could
arise, for example, if a corporation has substantial accelerated depreciation,
percentage depletion, intangible drilling costs, or non-taxable income.
I. Federal tax issues
2 | Doing business in the United States
3. Gross transportation income taxes
Foreign corporations and nonresident alien individuals are subject to a yearly 4%
tax on their US-source gross transportation income that is not effectively connected
with a US trade or business. Transportation income is any income derived from, or in
connection with,
1.	the use (or hiring or leasing) of any vessel or aircraft, or
2.	the performance of services directly related to the use of any vessel or aircraft.
B. Other federal taxes
1. Sales taxes
The US does not impose a federal sales tax or value-added tax (VAT).
Inbound insight: The United States is one of the few countries that does not have a
federal indirect sales tax or VAT/Goods and Services Tax. This deviation from the global
norm requires additional communication and business performance analysis for senior
management of non-US parent companies, who are more familiar with doing business in
territories with a VAT/GST system. Inbound companies should be made aware that in the
United States indirect taxes are levied at the state and local levels, consisting of more than
13,000 jurisdictions.
2. Customs duties and import tariffs
All goods imported into the United States are subject to customs entry and are
dutiable or duty-free in accordance with their classification under the applicable
items in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States. The classification
also identifies eligibility for special programs and free-trade agreement preferential
duty rates.
When goods are dutiable, ad valorem, specific, or compound duty rates may be
assessed. An ad valorem rate, the type most often applied, is a percentage of the
value of the merchandise, such as 7% ad valorem. A specific rate is a specified
amount per unit of measure (weight or quantity), such as 6.8 cents per dozen. A
compound rate is a combination of both an ad valorem rate and a specific rate, such
as 0.8 cents per kilo plus 8% ad valorem. US Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
requires that the value of the goods be properly declared regardless of the dutiable
status of the merchandise.
Payment of duty becomes due at the time an entry is filed with CBP. The obligation
for payment is on the person or firm in whose name the entry is filed, the importer of
record. The importer of record has a legal obligation to exercise reasonable care in all
aspects of its importing activity.
I. Federal tax issues
A guide to the key tax issues | 3
Inbound insight: This area can be overlooked by foreign businesses not familiar with
the US rules. Opportunities can arise through careful consideration of the application of
intercompany transfer prices and other aspects of the duty obligation.
3. Excise taxes
The US government imposes excise taxes on a wide range of goods and activities,
including gasoline and diesel fuel used for transportation, air travel, manufacturing
of specified goods, and indoor tanning services. A new fee on health plans under the
Affordable Care Act (ACA), called the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
(PCORI) fee, is reported and paid as an excise tax as well.
The excise tax rates are as varied as the goods and activities on which they are levied.
For example, the excise imposed on indoor tanning services is 10% of the amount
paid for the services, while the excise imposed on the sale of coal mined in the
United States is the lower of $1.10 per ton or 4.4% of the sale price.
4. Stamp taxes
There is no federal-level stamp tax. However, state and local governments frequently
impose stamp taxes at the time of officially recording a real estate or other
transaction. The state or local sales tax on real estate may be a stamp tax on the
documents recording the transfer of the real estate.
5. Capital gain taxes
The corporate tax rate on long-term capital gains currently is the same as the tax
rates applicable to a corporation’s ordinary income. (By contrast, individuals may
be subject to a lower rate on long-term capital gain than on short-term capital gain.)
Thus, the maximum corporate rate is 35%, excluding the additional phase-out rates.
However, differences may arise where AMT is imposed.
6. Accumulated earnings tax
Corporations (other than S corporations, domestic and foreign personal holding
companies, corporations exempt from tax under Subchapter F of the Internal
Revenue Code, and passive foreign investment companies) accumulating earnings
and profits for the purpose of avoiding shareholder personal income tax are subject
to a penalty tax in addition to any other tax that may be applicable. The accumulated
earnings tax equals 15% of ‘accumulated taxable income.’ Generally, accumulated
taxable income is the excess of taxable income with certain adjustments, including
a deduction for regular income taxes, over the dividends paid deduction and the
accumulated earnings credit. Note that a corporation can justify the accumulation of
income, and avoid tax, based on its reasonable business needs.
I. Federal tax issues
4 | Doing business in the United States
7. Personal holding company tax
US corporations and certain foreign corporations that receive substantial ‘passive
income’ and are ‘closely held’ may be subject to personal holding company tax. The
personal holding company tax, which is levied in addition to the regular tax, is 20%
of undistributed personal holding company income.
8. Payroll taxes affecting employers
All payments for employment within the United States are wages subject to (1)
federal income tax withholding, (2) Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)
taxes (i.e., social security and Medicare), and (3) the Federal Unemployment (FUTA)
tax, unless an exception applies. For employees sent to the United States by their
foreign employer, there is a de minimis exception for amounts less than $3,000 and
visits of less than 90 days; also, certain treaty provisions may eliminate the need to
withhold income taxes (but generally not the need to report).
Similarly, foreign employers usually rely on treaty relief for workers employed in
the United States with respect to social security and Medicare taxes. If such relief
is not available, the foreign employer must pay and withhold social security taxes
equal to 6.2% of wages for the employer and 6.2% for the employee, up to $118,500
of wages in 2015, and Medicare taxes equal to 1.45% for the employer and 1.45%
for the employee. Note: There is no cap on wages subject to Medicare taxes. The
employer also must withhold an additional 0.9-percent Medicare tax on wages above
$200,000. The FUTA tax is between 0.6 and 6.0% (depending on credits for state
unemployment taxes) on the first $7,000 of wages paid to an employee.
A foreign employer generally must file quarterly and annual employment tax returns
and annual wage statements (Forms W-2) in its name and employer identification
number unless such statements are filed by a properly authorized third party.
Inbound insight: Corporate officers traveling to the United States for only a short
period of time may generate employment tax liabilities because their earnings are wages
for FICA and FUTA purposes and US-source income (including a portion of equity and
deferred compensation granted in the foreign country) for wage withholding purposes.
9. Environmental tax
Importers, manufacturers, and sellers of petroleum or other ozone-depleting
chemicals (ODC) are subject to an environmental tax calculated per weight of the
ODC used in the manufacture of the product. The tax is determined under an exact
or table method provided in the instructions to Form 6627. If the weight cannot be
determined, the tax is 1% of the entry value of the product.
I. Federal tax issues
A guide to the key tax issues | 5
C. US trade or business
Generally, a foreign corporation engaged in a US trade or business is taxed at regular
US corporate tax rates on income from US sources that is effectively connected
with that business and at 30% on US-source income not effectively connected with
that business.
There is no definition in the tax statute of a trade or business within the United
States—instead, that concept has been developed mainly by the IRS and court
decisions through a facts-and-circumstances analysis. The foreign corporation needs
to consider the nature and extent of its economic activities in the United States, either
directly or through its agents. The following have been considered by the courts and/
or the IRS:
•	 The business must have a profit motive.
•	 Activities generally must be ‘considerable, continuous, and regular.’
•	 Ministerial, clerical, or collection-related activities generally are not sufficiently
profit-oriented to constitute a US trade or business.
•	 Isolated activities generally do not rise to the level of a trade or business.
•	 An agent’s activities in the United States may result in a US trade or business.
D. Effectively connected income
If a non-US person has a US trade or business, the question arises as to what income
is ‘effectively connected’ to such US trade or business. All US-source active income
earned by a non-US person is treated as effectively connected. Passive-type income
and gain from the sale of capital assets are treated as effectively connected to a non-
US person’s US trade or business only if a connection with the US trade or business
exists. Such a connection exists if the passive-type income or capital gain is derived
from assets used in the US trade or business (the asset use test) or the activities
conducted in the US trade or business are a material factor in the production of the
passive-type income or capital gain (the business activities test).
Certain types of foreign-source income generated through a US office can be
effectively connected income. These include:
•	 rents or royalties for use of property outside the United States that are derived
in the active conduct of a US trade or business
•	 foreign-source dividends or interest derived in active conduct of banking
business in the United States, or received by a corporation the principal
business of which is trading in stocks or securities for its own account
•	 gain from the sale outside the United States of inventory property and property
held for sale to customers, unless the property is sold for use outside the United
States and a non-US office materially participates in the sale.
I. Federal tax issues
6 | Doing business in the United States
E. Branch income
Tax rates on branch profits are the same as on corporate profits. US tax law also
imposes a 30% branch profits tax in addition to US corporate-level income taxes on a
foreign corporation’s US branch earnings and profits for the year they are effectively
connected with a US business. The taxable base for the branch profits tax is
increased (decreased) by any decrease (increase) in the US net equity of the branch.
The branch profits tax on profits may be reduced or eliminated entirely if a relevant
treaty so provides. The purpose of the branch profits tax is to treat US operations
of foreign corporations in much the same manner as US corporations owned by
foreign persons.
With certain exceptions, a 30% (or lower treaty rate) branch profits tax is imposed
on interest payments by the US branch to foreign lenders. In addition, the tax applies
if the amount of interest deducted by the branch on its US tax return exceeds the
amount of interest actually paid during the year.
F. Permanent establishment (PE)
Multinational entities, such as corporations and partnerships, face a variety of tax
systems in the countries where they operate. To reduce or eliminate double taxation
between countries, promote cross-border trading, and alleviate the burden of
administration and enforcement of tax laws, countries typically enter into income
tax treaties outlining how parties to the treaty (contracting states) will be taxed on
income earned in each contracting state.
Income tax treaties contain an article describing whether the activities of an
enterprise rise to a level of a PE in a contracting state. The existence of a PE is
important because it gives the contracting state the right to tax the enterprise’s
income attributable to the PE. This includes income from carrying on a business in
the contracting state and passive income, such as interest, dividends, and royalties.
A PE generally means:
1.	there is a fixed place of business through which the business of an enterprise
is wholly or partly carried on, or
2.	an agent acting on behalf of the enterprise has and habitually exercises the
authority to conclude contracts binding on the enterprise.
For further discussion of US tax treaties, see section III below.
Inbound insight: In certain circumstances, foreign businesses can consider making
protective filings with the IRS related to their exposure to taxation in the United States.
This option should be analyzed carefully to determine the circumstances in which it should
be considered.
I. Federal tax issues
A guide to the key tax issues | 7
G. Group taxation
An affiliated group of US ‘includible’ corporations, consisting of a parent and
subsidiaries directly or indirectly 80% owned, generally may offset the profits of one
affiliate against the losses of another affiliate within the group by electing to file a
consolidated federal income tax return.
A foreign incorporated subsidiary may not be consolidated into the US group,
except for certain Mexican and Canadian incorporated entities. A partnership may
not be included in a consolidated return, even if it is 100% owned by members
of an affiliated group, since a partnership is not a corporation. However, a
member’s earnings that flow through from a partnership are included as part of the
consolidated group’s taxable income or loss.
Filing on a consolidated (combined) basis is also allowed (or may be required or
prohibited) under the tax laws of certain states.
Sales, dividends, and other transactions between corporations that are members of
the same group generally are deferred or eliminated until such time as a transaction
occurs with a non-member of the group. Losses incurred on the sale of members of
the group are disallowed under certain circumstances.
H. Transfer pricing
Transfer pricing regulations govern how related entities set internal prices for
the transfers of goods, intangible assets, services, and loans in both domestic and
international contexts. The regulations are designed to prevent tax avoidance among
related entities and place a controlled taxpayer on par with an uncontrolled taxpayer
by requiring inter-company prices to meet the arm’s-length standard.
The arm’s-length standard is met if the results of a controlled transaction are
consistent with results that would have been realized if uncontrolled taxpayers had
engaged in a similar transaction under similar circumstances. If a company is not in
compliance with the arm’s-length standard, the IRS may adjust taxable income and
tax payable in the United States. After a transfer pricing adjustment, a multinational
company may face potential double tax, paying tax on the same income in two
countries. If the related party to the adjustment is in a country that has a tax treaty
with the US, multinational companies may request ‘competent authority’ relief from
double taxation and there may be arbitration provisions.
To avoid potential transfer pricing penalties, US taxpayers may prepare
contemporaneous transfer pricing documentation. A protective approach available
to companies may be to obtain an advance pricing agreement (APA) with the IRS,
unilaterally, or with the IRS and another tax authority, bilaterally, covering inter-
company pricing.
I. Federal tax issues
8 | Doing business in the United States
Inbound insight: The IRS currently is devoting more resources to auditing inbound
companies, with a specific focus on intangible and financing transactions. These
developments place an increased emphasis on inbound companies to demonstrate results
consistent with the arm’s-length standard. They also serve as a reminder for an inbound
company to revisit its intercompany pricing policies and intercompany agreements to
ensure that those policies and the terms of those agreements are consistent with how the
company actually operates its business in the United States.
I. Thin capitalization
Thin capitalization rules may apply to disallow interest payments related to ‘excess’
debt and to recharacterize such payments as dividends. In addition, the taxpayer’s
interest expense deduction can be limited and suspended if more than 50% of the
adjusted taxable income of a corporation (with similar rules for a corporate partner in
a partnership) is sheltered by interest paid to a related party (or paid to a third party
but guaranteed by the related party) that is not subject to US tax on the income.
Inbound insight: Use of debt to finance US operations continues to be recognized as
part of an acceptable capital structure. However, the amount of debt used and the cost
of that debt to the US business in the case of intercompany debt can be subject to careful
scrutiny, so a thorough analysis to support the decisions made should be performed.
J. Controlled foreign companies (CFCs)
Under the Subpart F regime of the Internal Revenue Code, a CFC is any foreign
corporation with respect to which US shareholders (defined below) own more
than 50% of either the voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote or the
total value of all classes of the corporation’s stock on any day during the foreign
corporation’s tax year. For these purposes, a US shareholder is any US person owning
(directly, indirectly through foreign intermediaries, or constructively) 10 percent or
more of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote of a
foreign corporation.
Inbound insight: The acquisition of a US business by a foreign acquirer can result
in both foreign ownership above the US business and CFCs underneath the US business.
Particular care should be taken in dealing with the complex issues that can arise in
this circumstance.
I. Federal tax issues
A guide to the key tax issues | 9
K. S corporations
Corporations with 100 or fewer shareholders, none of whom may be corporations,
that meet certain other requirements may elect to be taxed under Subchapter S of
the Internal Revenue Code and thus are known as S corporations. S corporations are
taxed in a manner similar, but not identical, to partnerships. That is, all tax items,
such as income and deductions, flow through to the owners of the entity. Thus, S
corporations generally are not subject to US federal income tax at the corporate level.
Inbound insight: Only US citizens or residents may be shareholders of an S
corporation. As a result of this requirement and the requirement that S corporation
shareholders cannot be corporations or partnerships, S corporations generally are not a
form of business organization available to be selected by inbound companies.
L. Determining income
1. Inventory valuation
Inventories generally are stated at the lower of cost or market on a first-in, first-out
(FIFO) basis. Last-in, first-out (LIFO) may be elected for tax purposes on a cost basis
only and generally requires book and tax conformity.
The tax law requires capitalization for tax purposes of several costs allocable to
the manufacturing process that frequently are expensed as current operating
costs for financial reporting (e.g., the excess of tax depreciation over financial
statement depreciation).
2. Capital gains
Gains or losses on the sale or exchange of capital assets held for more than 12 months
are treated as long-term capital gains or losses. Gains or losses on the sale or exchange
of capital assets held for 12 months or less are treated as short-term capital gains
or losses. The excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss is
considered net capital gain.
For corporations, capital losses are allowed only as an offset to capital gains.
(Noncorporate taxpayers can deduct up to $3,000 against ordinary income in a tax
year.) An excess of capital losses over capital gains in a tax year may be carried back
three years and carried forward five years to be used against (offset) capital gains.
For dispositions of personal property and certain nonresidential real property used in
a trade or business, net gains are first taxable as ordinary income to the extent of the
previously allowed or allowable depreciation or amortization deductions, with any
remainder generally treated as capital gain. For other trade or business real property,
net gains generally are taxed as ordinary income to the extent that the depreciation or
cost recovery claimed exceeds the straight-line amount, with any remainder treated
as capital gain.
I. Federal tax issues
10 | Doing business in the United States
An exception to capital gain treatment exists to the extent that losses on business
assets were recognized in prior years. A net loss from the sale of business assets is
treated as an ordinary loss. Future gains, however, will be treated as ordinary income
to the extent of such losses recognized in the five immediately preceding years.
3. Dividend income
A US corporation generally may deduct 70% of dividends received from other US
corporations in determining taxable income. The dividends-received deduction
(DRD) is increased from 70% to 80% if the recipient of the dividend distribution
owns at least 20% but less than 80% of the distributing corporation. Generally,
dividend payments between US corporations that are members of the same affiliated
group are deferred or eliminated until a transaction with a third party occurs. With
minor exceptions, a US corporation may not deduct any amount of dividends it
receives from a foreign corporation.
4. Stock dividends
A US corporation can distribute a tax-free dividend of common stock proportionately
to all common stock shareholders. If the right to elect cash is given, all distributions
to all shareholders are taxable as dividend income whether cash or stock is taken.
There are exceptions to these rules, and extreme caution must be observed before
making such distributions.
5. Interest income
Interest income generally is includible in the determination of taxable income.
6. Rental income
Rental income generally is includible in the determination of taxable income.
7. Royalty income
Royalty income generally is includible in the determination of taxable income.
8. Partnership income
The income (loss) of a partnership passes through to its partners, so that the
partnership itself is not subject to tax. Thus, each partner generally accounts for its
distributive share of the partnership’s taxable income.
9. Foreign income (Subpart F income) of US taxpayers
a.	 In general
Generally, a US corporation is taxed on its worldwide income, including foreign
branch income earned and foreign dividends when received. Double taxation is
avoided by means of foreign tax credits; alternatively, a deduction may be claimed
for actual foreign taxes that are paid.
I. Federal tax issues
A guide to the key tax issues | 11
b.	 Subpart F rules
In the case of CFCs, certain types of undistributed income are taxed currently to
certain US shareholders (Subpart F income). More specifically, in situations in which
a foreign corporation is a CFC for an uninterrupted period of 30 days or more during
any tax year, every US shareholder owning at year end 10 percent or greater of the
total combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote of such a foreign
corporation (US shareholder) must include in gross income its pro rata share of the
Subpart F income earned by the CFC, regardless of whether the income is distributed
to the US shareholders.
With certain exceptions, Subpart F income generally includes passive income and
other income that is readily movable from one taxing jurisdiction to another (i.e.,
income that is separated from the activities that produced the value in the goods or
services generating the income). In particular, Subpart F income includes insurance
income, foreign base company income, and certain income relating to international
boycotts and other violations of public policy.
There are several subcategories of foreign base company income, the most
common of which are foreign personal holding company income (FPHCI), foreign
base company sales income (FBCSI), and foreign base company services income
(FBCSvI). FPHCI is passive income (e.g., dividends, interest, royalties, capital
gains, etc.). FBCSI and FBCSvI are sales and services income earned in cross-border
related-person transactions. There are a number of common exceptions that may
apply to exclude certain income from the definition of Subpart F income, including
exceptions relating to highly taxed income, certain payments between related
parties, and active business operations.
In situations in which the US shareholder is a domestic corporation, the domestic
corporate shareholder may claim a foreign tax credit for such Subpart F inclusions
pursuant to a mechanism similar to indirect FTCs discussed below. Furthermore,
certain rules track the E&P of a CFC that have been included in the income of US
shareholders as Subpart F income to ensure that such amounts (known as previously
taxed income or PTI) are not taxed again when they are actually distributed to the
US shareholders.
c.		 PFIC rules
Income derived with respect to passive foreign investment companies (PFICs) also
is subject to special rules designed to eliminate the benefits of deferral. A PFIC
is defined as any foreign corporation if, for the tax year, 75% or more of its gross
income is passive (the ‘income test’) or at least 50% of its assets produce, or are held
for the production of, passive income (the ‘asset test’).
PFIC status is determined on an annual basis. However, the PFIC ‘taint’ in some
cases may continue throughout a shareholder’s holding period even after the foreign
corporation ceases to qualify as a PFIC unless the shareholder makes a special
election (as discussed below). Certain US shareholders of a CFC may be exempt from
the PFIC rules with respect to that CFC.
I. Federal tax issues
12 | Doing business in the United States
There are three regimes under the PFIC rules: (i) the excess distribution regime,
which is the default regime; (ii) the qualified electing fund (QEF) regime; and
(iii) the mark-to-market regime. The latter two regimes are elective and cause the
US shareholder in the PFIC to be either taxed currently on its proportionate share
of the PFIC’s ordinary earnings and capital gains each year (the QEF regime) or
taxed annually on the increase in value, if any, of the PFIC stock (the mark-to-
market regime).
If the US shareholder does not make either a QEF or mark-to-market election, the
US shareholder is subject to taxation under the default excess distribution regime.
Under this regime, ‘excess distributions’ are subject to special tax and interest charge
rules. If a PFIC makes an actual distribution, the distribution generally will be
treated as an excess distribution to the extent it exceeds 125% of the average of the
distributions made with respect to the stock over the three immediately preceding
years. Furthermore, gains on dispositions of PFIC stock generally are treated as
excess distributions.
The excess distribution is allocated ratably to each day in the US shareholder’s
holding period. Any amount allocated to a prior tax year in the holding period in
which the foreign corporation qualified as a PFIC (a ‘prior PFIC year’) is subject to
tax at the highest marginal tax rate in effect for that year. All other amounts are
included in income currently as ordinary income.
The special tax amounts for prior PFIC years also are subject to an interest charge,
which is designed to eliminate the benefit of the tax deferral that arises out of having
an overseas investment for which no current US income taxes are paid. Finally,
PFICs can be owned indirectly through other entities, including other PFICs, under
ownership attribution rules.
If the US shareholder does not make either the QEF or mark-to-market election for
the first year of ownership and desires to make such an election in a later year in
order to escape the excess distribution regime, such shareholder generally must
also ‘purge’ the PFIC taint from the prior portion of its holding period (and pay any
applicable tax and interest) or seek relief to file the relevant election retroactively as
of the beginning of its holding period.
Inbound insight: Given the different tax consequences under each regime, it is
important that a US investor in a foreign corporation timely and accurately identify
whether the foreign corporation is a PFIC to timely determine whether one of the elections
should be made.
I. Federal tax issues
A guide to the key tax issues | 13
10. Dispositions of interests in US real property (FIRPTA)
In general, under the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980 (FIRPTA),
gain or loss from the disposition by a foreign person of a US real property interest
(USRPI) is treated as if the gain or loss were effectively connected to the conduct of
a US trade or business and, accordingly, is subject to US income tax under normal
graduated tax rates.
A USRPI includes any interest, other than an interest solely as creditor, in real
property (including an interest in a mine, well, or other natural deposit) located
in the United States or the US Virgin Islands. The term ‘real property’ includes:
(1) land and unsevered natural products of the land; (2) improvements; and (3)
personal property associated with the use of real property. In addition to a direct
interest in US real property, a USRPI includes an interest in a domestic corporation
if, at any time during the shorter of (1) the period after June 18, 1980, during which
the taxpayer held the interest or (2) the five-year period ending on the date of the
disposition of the interest in the corporation, the domestic corporation was a US real
property holding company (USRPHC).
In general, a domestic corporation is a USRPHC if the fair market value of its USRPIs
equals or exceeds 50% of the fair market value of (1) its USRPIs, (2) its interests in
real property located outside the United States, plus (3) any other of its assets that
are used or held for use in a trade or business.
Inbound insight: The FIRPTA rules presume that an interest in a domestic corporation
(other than an interest solely as a creditor) is a USRPI and therefore is subject to tax
upon disposition unless, prior to the disposition of shares in the corporation, the
shareholder requests a statement from the corporation that its shares are not USRPIs and
the corporation provides the requested statement on a timely basis. If the presumption
is not rebutted, the disposition is subject to the FIRPTA rules regarding reporting
and withholding.
M. Corporate deductions
1. Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation deductions are allowances that may be taken for capital outlays for
tangible property. For property placed in service after 1986, capital costs must be
recovered by using the modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) method.
Depending on the type of tangible property, the general cost recovery periods are 3,
5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 27.5, and 39 years (31.5 years for property placed in service before
May 13, 1993). The cost recovery methods and periods are the same for both new
and used property. Most tangible personal property falls in the three-, five-, or seven-
year class.
Property placed in the three-, five-, seven-, or 10- year class is depreciated by first
applying the 200% declining-balance method and then switching to the straight-line
method when use of the straight-line method maximizes the depreciation deduction.
I. Federal tax issues
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Property in the 15- or 20-year class is depreciated by using the 150% declining-
balance method and later switching to the straight-line method. An election may be
made to use the alternative depreciation system (basically, the straight-line method
over prescribed lives).
Residential rental property generally is depreciated by the straight-line method over
27.5 years. Nonresidential real property is depreciated by the straight-line method
over 39 years (31.5 years for property placed in service before May 13, 1993).
An election to use the straight-line method over the regular recovery period or a
longer recovery period also is available. Alternatively, taxpayers may elect to use the
150% declining-balance method over the regular recovery period for all property
other than real property. The 150% declining-balance method is required for
AMT purposes.
For most tangible personal and real property placed in service in the United States
after 1980 but before January 1, 1987, capital costs were recovered using the
accelerated cost recovery system (ACRS), which applied accelerated methods of cost
recovery over periods specified by statute. The general ACRS recovery periods were
3, 5, 10, 15, 18, and 19 years.
Special rules apply to automobiles and certain other ‘listed’ property. Accelerated
depreciation deductions can be claimed only if the automobile is used 50% or more
for qualified business use as defined in related regulations. Further, for automobiles
placed in service after 1986, the allowable yearly depreciation deduction cannot
exceed specific dollar limitations.
Separate methods and periods of cost recovery are specified by statute for certain
tangible personal and real property used outside the United States.
Rapid amortization may be allowable for certain pollution control facilities.
Tax depreciation is not required to conform to book depreciation. Tax depreciation
generally is subject to recapture on the sale or disposition of certain property, to the
extent of gain, which is subject to tax as ordinary income.
The cost of most intangible assets generally is capitalized and amortizable ratably
over 15 years.
Inbound insight: Companies with a large amount of fixed assets can benefit from
careful analysis of current depreciation methods for regular tax, AMT, and E&P
purposes. Proper classification of assets and the application of the correct recovery
periods can have a substantial impact on current-year taxable income and E&P.
2. Section 179 deduction
Corporations can elect to expense, up to a statutory amount per year, the cost of
certain eligible property used in the active conduct of a trade or business, subject to
a taxable income limitation and to a phase-out of the deduction. This is commonly
referred to as the Section 179 deduction.
I. Federal tax issues
A guide to the key tax issues | 15
Tax cuts enacted in 2003 temporarily increased the maximum dollar amount that
may be deducted under Section 179 from $25,000 to $100,000 and also increased
the phase-out amount from $200,000 to $400,000. These amounts have been further
modified and extended several times on a temporary basis, increasing to a high of
$500,000 and $2 million, respectively, for tax years beginning in 2010 through 2014,
before reverting to the permanent amounts of $25,000 and $200,000, respectively,
for tax years beginning in 2015 and thereafter.
3. Bonus depreciation
A 50% special first-year depreciation allowance (i.e., bonus depreciation) applies
(unless an election out is made) for new MACRS property with a recovery period
of 20 years or less, certain computer software, water utility property, and certain
leasehold improvements acquired after December 31, 2007. The special allowance
applies for regular income tax and AMT purposes. No AMT adjustment is made if the
special allowance is used. The special allowance does not apply to property that must
be depreciated using the alternative depreciation system or to ‘listed property’ not
used predominantly for business. The special allowance reduces basis before regular
depreciation is figured.Claiming bonus depreciation on automobiles may affect the first-
year depreciation limits on such automobiles.
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, signed into law on January 2, 2013 (ATRA),
extended bonus depreciation through December 31, 2013 (December 31, 2014, for long-
production-period property (LPPP) and certain aircraft). This provision had been set
to expire on December 31, 2010 (December 31, 2011, for LPPP and certain aircraft), as
extended by the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010.
ATRA did not extend 100% bonus depreciation, which expired at the end of 2011.
ATRA extended for one year, to tax years beginning in 2013, the provision allowing a
corporation to elect to accelerate AMT credits in lieu of bonus depreciation.
Congress passed a ‘tax extender’ package on December 16, 2014, that extended 50%
bonus depreciation through the end of 2014. Bonus depreciation for certain longer-
production-period property and certain aircraft was extended through the end of 2015.
Inbound insight: Due to the numerous changes in the law related to depreciation
deductions, a review of prior years and a forecast of future years should be
completed regularly.
4. Depletion
For natural resource properties other than timber and certain oil and gas properties,
depletion may be computed on a cost or a percentage basis.
Cost depletion is a method of depletion applied to exhaustible natural resources,
including timber, which is based on the adjusted basis of the property. Each year,
the adjusted basis of the property is reduced, but not below zero, by the amount of
depletion calculated for that year. The current-year cost depletion deduction is based
on an estimate of the number of units that make up the deposit and the number of
units extracted and sold during the year.
I. Federal tax issues
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Percentage depletion is a method of depletion applied to most minerals and
geothermal deposits, and, to a more limited extent, oil and gas. Percentage depletion
is deductible at rates varying from 5% to 22% of gross income, depending on
the mineral and certain other conditions. Percentage depletion may be deducted
even after the total depletion deductions have exceeded the cost basis. However,
percentage depletion is limited to 50% (100% for oil and gas properties) of taxable
income from the property (computed without allowance for depletion). Generally,
percentage depletion is not available for oil or gas wells. However, exceptions exist
for natural gas from geopressurized brine and for independent producers of oil
and gas.
5. Goodwill
The cost of goodwill generally is capitalized and amortizable ratably over 15 years.
6. Start-up expenses
Generally, start-up expenditures must be amortized over a 15-year period; however,
certain taxpayers may elect to deduct some expenses in the tax year in which the
trade or business begins.
7. US manufacturing deduction
Over the last several decades, the United States enacted various tax incentive
systems to encourage exports, including the foreign sales corporation (FSC) and
extraterritorial income (ETI) regimes, both of which were repealed as a result of
World Trade Organization (WTO) rulings that the FSC and ETI regimes constituted
prohibited subsidies of US goods. In response, the United States enacted the American
Jobs Creation Act of 2004, which introduced a phase-out repeal of ETI and introduced
the domestic production activities deduction under Section 199.
Under Section 199, taxpayers are generally allowed a 9% deduction for qualified
production activities (QPA) income (subject to a taxable income limitation). The
deduction is available to all taxpayers actively engaged in QPA. For corporate
taxpayers, the deduction generally will mean a federal income tax rate of 31.85% on
QPA income. Importantly, the deduction also applies in calculating the AMT.
There is a limit on the amount of the deduction equal to 50% of W-2 wages allocable
to domestic production gross receipts (DPGR) (subject to a specific effective date). The
deduction is generally not allowed for taxpayers that incur a loss from their production
activities or have an overall loss (including a carryover loss) from all activities.
A taxpayer’s QPA income is calculated using the following formula: DPGR less the
sum of cost of goods sold allocable to such receipts and other expenses, losses, or
deductions that are properly allocable to such receipts.
I. Federal tax issues
A guide to the key tax issues | 17
Inbound insight: The Section 199 deduction applies to a variety of US domestic
production activities, including the production of tangible personal property, qualified
films, the construction of real property, and the development of computer software.
Because the Section 199 deduction is a permanent deduction, any overlooked deductions
can be claimed on an amended federal income tax return.
8. Bad debt
Bad debt resulting from a trade or business may be deducted in the year the
debt becomes worthless. Determining the date the debt becomes worthless may
present difficulty.
9. Charitable contributions
Deductions for allowable charitable contributions may not exceed 10% of a
corporation’s taxable income computed without regard to certain deductions,
including charitable contributions themselves. Deductions for contributions
so limited may be carried over to the five succeeding years, subject to the 10%
limitation annually.
10. Employee benefit plans (retirement plans and expenses)
The Internal Revenue Code provides incentives for employers to provide retirement
benefits to workers, including employee pension, profit-sharing, and stock bonus
plans. The employer is allowed a current deduction for contributions made to fund the
retirement benefits and pay expenses; the employees’ tax liability is deferred until the
benefits are paid.
These programs are subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
(ERISA), which governs eligibility, vesting, spousal rights, fiduciary duties, reporting
and disclosure, and other related issues, as well as to the extensive requirements for
tax qualification under the Internal Revenue Code. Qualified retirement plans must not
discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees, and are subject to additional
rules regarding eligibility, vesting, benefit accrual, funding, spousal rights, and
fiduciary duties.
For-profit, non-government employers generally have two types of available plans.
The first category is the defined benefit plan under which employees earn a right to
a retirement benefit based on their years of service and compensation and/or other
factors, payable beginning at their retirement and generally continuing for life. The
employer contributes on an on-going basis to cover the amount of retirement income
owed to employees under the plan. Any investment gains or losses will not affect the
amount of benefits paid to participants but will affect the amount an employer must
contribute to cover its obligation.
The second category is the defined contribution plan, including the commonly offered
‘401(k) plan’ and profit-sharing plans, under which employees’ benefits are based
on the value of their individual accounts. The employer’s contributions (if any) are
allocated among the separate accounts of participating employees. Investment gains
I. Federal tax issues
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or losses and the history of contributions will affect the value of a participant’s account
at retirement but will not affect an employer’s contributions since the employer is
not obligated to ensure any specified level of benefit in the plan. A 401(k) plan also
provides employees a pre-tax means of saving for their own retirement, and permits
the employer to match these contributions.
Non-profit employers, including charities and government entities, may offer similar
retirement plans, although some different requirements apply. Small employers and
self-employed individuals also have similar options available but may be subject to
different requirements.
Inbound insight: The rules applicable to employee benefit plans, in terms of application
to both a US business and its employees, can create particular complexity for businesses with
non-US parent companies. This is often due to the interaction between the employee benefit
plans at the parent company and the US business, as well as the movement of employees into
and out of the US for varying periods of time.
11. Fines and penalties
No deduction generally is allowed for fines or penalties paid to the government for
violation of any law.
12. Bribes, kickbacks, and illegal payments
An amount paid, directly or indirectly, to any person that is a bribe, kickback, or
other illegal payment is not deductible.
13. Taxes
State and municipal taxes are deductible expenses for federal income tax purposes.
14. Research or experimental expenditures
Corporations can elect under Section 174 to expense all research or experimental
(R&E) expenditures that are paid or incurred during the tax year or to defer the
expenses for 60 months. Taxpayers also can make a special election under Section
59(e) to amortize their research expenditures over 120 months. A portion of the
research expenditures may qualify for a research tax credit that is described in
section N.5 below.
The IRS in July 2014 finalized regulations under Section 174 that are considered
taxpayer favorable. The final regulations address several issues related to whether
the subsequent sale or use of tangible property created through research is
deductible, clarify the depreciable property rule, clarify that integration testing
could qualify as an R&E expense, provide a definition of ‘pilot model,’ and introduce
the ‘shrink-back’ rule concept to the Section 174 context.
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A guide to the key tax issues | 19
15. Other significant items
•	 No deduction generally is allowed for a contingent liability until such liability
is fixed and determinable.
•	 Costs incurred for entertainment must meet strict tests to be deductible. The
deduction for business meal and entertainment expenses generally is 50%
of the expenses incurred. There are also limitations on the deductibility of
international and domestic business travel expenses.
•	 Royalty payments, circulation costs, mine exploration, and development costs,
and other miscellaneous costs of carrying on a business are deductible, subject
to certain conditions and limits.
16. Net operating losses (NOLs)
An NOL is generated when business deductions exceed gross income in a particular
tax year. An NOL may be carried back to offset past income and possibly obtain a
refund or carried forward to offset future income. Generally, a loss may be carried
back two years and, if not fully used, carried forward 20 years.
Special rules regarding NOLs may apply (1) to specified liability losses or (2) if a
taxpayer is located in a qualified disaster area.
Complex rules may limit the use of NOLs after reorganization or other change in
corporate ownership. Generally, if the ownership of more than 50% in value of the
stock of a loss corporation changes, a limit is placed on the amount of future income
that may be offset by losses carried forward.
17. Payments to foreign affiliates
A US corporation generally may claim a deduction for royalties, management service
fees, and interest charges paid to foreign affiliates, to the extent the amounts are
actually paid and are not in excess of what it would pay an unrelated entity (i.e., are
at arm’s length). US withholding on these payments may be required.
18. Premium payments to captive insurance companies
A US corporation generally may claim a deduction for insurance premiums paid,
even though the insurance is purchased from an affiliated insurance company
(captive insurance company). To be treated as insurance for tax purposes, the
insurance arrangement has to involve the transfer of insurance risk, result in
adequate risk distribution, and meet commonly accepted notions of insurance under
US tax principles. If the captive insurance company is domiciled outside the United
States, the premium payments would be subject to an excise tax of 4% on direct
premiums (other than for life insurance) and 1% on life insurance and reinsurance
premiums. However, the excise tax may be exempt under a tax treaty. Insurance
premiums are not subject to withholding taxes (other than under FATCA; see
discussion below).
I. Federal tax issues
20 | Doing business in the United States
N. Credits and incentives
1. Temporary credits and incentives extended
Numerous temporary tax provisions that had expired at the end of 2013 were
renewed retroactively to January 1, 2014, and extended through December 31,
2014, as part of the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014. As of this printing, these
provisions have not been renewed for 2015. Congress may pass legislation renewing
and extending (retroactively to January 1, 2015) at least some of these provisions
later in 2015.
The general business incentives that were renewed and extended by the Tax Increase
Prevention Act of 2014 include the following:
•	 increased Section 179 expensing
limit of $500,000 with a $2 million
phase-out threshold and expanded
definition of Section 179 property
•	 research credit
•	 subpart F exception for active
financing income
•	 look-through treatment of
payments between related CFCs
under the foreign personal holding
company rules
•	 15-year straight-line cost
recovery for qualified leasehold
improvements, restaurant
buildings and improvements, and
retail improvements
•	 seven-year recovery period for
motor sports entertainment
•	 work opportunity tax credit
•	 wage credit for employers of
active-duty military members
•	 railroad track maintenance credit
•	 special expensing rules for
qualified film and television
•	 new markets tax credit
•	 mine rescue team training credit
•	 expensing of advanced mine safety
•	 enhanced charitable deduction for
contributions of food property
•	 treatment of some dividends of
regulated investment companies
•	 RICs considered qualified
investment entities under FIRPTA
•	 special rules for qualified small
business stock
•	 reduction in S corporation
recognition period for built-in
gains tax.
2. Foreign tax credit (FTC)
Generally, in any year, a taxpayer can choose whether to take as a credit (subject
to limitation) or as a deduction foreign income, war profits, and excess profit taxes
paid or accrued during the tax year to any foreign country or US possession. An
FTC reduces US income tax liability dollar for dollar, while a deduction reduces US
income tax liability at the marginal rate of the taxpayer.
For taxpayers with an NOL for the year, the FTC is of no value in such year. However,
a benefit might be received either in an earlier year (through a refund of previously
paid taxes) or a later year (through a reduction of future taxes). Note also that a
taxpayer has the ability to switch from credit to deduction (or from deduction to
credit) at any time in a 10-year period commencing when the foreign taxes were paid
or accrued. Generally, an FTC may be carried back one year and, if not fully used,
carried forward 10 years.
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A guide to the key tax issues | 21
The FTC goes beyond direct taxes to include foreign taxes paid ‘in lieu of’ a tax on
income, war profits, or excess profits that otherwise generally would be imposed.
It also includes deemed-paid (indirect) taxes paid for certain US corporate
shareholders of non-portfolio foreign corporations when actual or deemed dividends
are received. The FTC system has numerous limitations to mitigate potential abuses
of the credit by the taxpayer.
3. General business credit
Various business credits are available to provide special incentives for the
achievement of certain economic objectives. In general, these credits are combined
into one ‘general business credit’ for purposes of determining each credit’s allowance
limitation for the tax year. The general business credit that may be used for a tax year
is limited to a tax-based amount. In general, the current year’s credit that cannot be
used in a given year because of the credit’s allowance limitation may be carried back
to the tax year preceding the current year and carried forward to each of the 20 years
following the current year.
In general, the current-year business credit is a combination of the following
credits (as of this writing, some of these credits have expired, but may be renewed
retroactively by Congress):
•	 investment credit
•	 work opportunity credit
•	 alcohol fuels credit
•	 research credit
•	 low-income housing credit
•	 enhanced oil recovery credit
•	 disabled access credit for certain
eligible small businesses
•	 renewable electricity production
•	 empowerment zone
employment credit
•	 Indian employment credit
•	 employer social security credit
•	 orphan drug credit
•	 new markets tax credit
•	 small employer pension
plan startup cost credit for
eligible employers
•	 employer-provided child
care credit
•	 railroad track maintenance credit
•	 biodiesel fuels credit
•	 low sulfur diesel fuel
production credit
•	 marginal oil and gas well
production credit
•	 distilled spirits credit
•	 advanced nuclear power facility
production credit
•	 non-conventional source
production credit
•	 new energy-efficient home credit
•	 energy-efficient appliance credit
•	 a portion of the alternative motor
vehicle credit
•	 a portion of the alternative fuel
vehicle refueling property credit
•	 Hurricane Katrina housing credit
•	 Hurricane Katrina employee
retention credit
•	 Hurricane Rita employee
retention credit
I. Federal tax issues
22 | Doing business in the United States
•	 Hurricane Wilma employee
retention credit
•	 mine rescue team training credit
•	 agricultural chemicals security
credit for eligible businesses
•	 differential wage payment credit
•	 carbon dioxide sequestration credit
•	 a portion of the new qualified
plug-in electric drive motor vehicle
credit for vehicles that will vary
based on the date of purchase
•	 small employer health
insurance credit
4. Employment credits
A ‘work opportunity tax credit’ is available for employment of certain targeted
groups of individuals who are viewed as difficult to employ. ‘Creditable’ wages
generally are the first $6,000 of wages paid to each qualified employee for the year.
The credit is 40% of creditable wages, for a maximum credit of $2,400. The Tax
Increase Prevention Act extended this credit through 2014.
5. Research credit
The research tax credit under Section 41 is available for companies that
make qualified research expenditures to develop new or improved products,
manufacturing processes, or software in the United States. The credit was enacted in
1981 on a temporary basis to help increase research spending in the United States.
Since then the research credit has been extended about 16 times, most recently as
part of the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014, retroactive to January 1, 2014, and is
available with respect to qualified research expenses (QREs) incurred before January
1, 2015.
The research credit generally is computed by calculating current-year QREs over a
base. The base is calculated using either the regular research credit (RRC) method
or the alternative simplified credit (ASC) method. Under the RRC method, the credit
equals 20% of QREs for the tax year over a base amount established by the taxpayer
in 1984–1988 or by another method for companies that began operations after
that period.
The ASC equals 14%—for the 2009 tax year and thereafter—of QREs over 50%
of the average annual QREs in the three immediately preceding tax years. If the
taxpayer has no QREs in any of the three preceding tax years, the ASC may be 6%
of the tax year’s QREs. Under final regulations issued in February 2015, the ASC
may be claimed on an amended return for a tax year ending after February 27,
2015—provided the taxpayer has not previously claimed research credits for such
year—as well as on the taxpayer’s original return for such year. Taxpayers using
the RRC also may take a 20% credit for incremental payments made to qualified
organizations for basic research. For tax years ending after August 8, 2005,
taxpayers also may take the Energy Research Consortium Credit, which provides a
20% credit for expenditures on qualified energy research undertaken by an energy
research consortium.
The deduction for R&E expenditures (see section I.M.14 above) must be reduced by
the entire amount of the credit unless an election is made to reduce the amount of
the credit.
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A guide to the key tax issues | 23
Inbound insight: The application of the research credit rules when a US business is
compensated for its R&E costs by a foreign parent or other foreign related party often
is misunderstood.
The rules provide that in determining a taxpayer’s research tax credit, all members of the
same controlled group of corporations should be treated as a single taxpayer. Companies
often net the reimbursement against their current QREs, resulting in lost opportunities
to utilize available credits. This area should be reviewed closely if US entities are being
reimbursed by related foreign entities for any potentially qualified activities.
In light of the final regulations under Section 174, taxpayers should evaluate their QREs to
determine the possible impact of the new rules regarding pilot models, integration testing,
and ‘shrinkback.’
Congress may extend the credit, retroactively to January 1, 2015, by legislation enacted
before the end of 2015.
6. Inbound investment incentives
There generally are no specific incentives related to inbound investment at the
federal level, other than certain portfolio debt and bank deposit exceptions. The
portfolio debt exception enables nonresidents and foreign corporations to invest
in certain obligations (which must meet certain statutory requirements to qualify
as ‘portfolio debt’) in the United States without being subject to US income (or
withholding) tax on the interest income.
7. Qualified private activity bonds
Interest income received on certain qualified private activity bonds generally is
exempt from federal income tax. This enables a business enterprise to issue the
bonds at a lower interest rate.
O. Anti-inversion developments
Most US inbound companies are no doubt aware of recent US developments
regarding so-called ‘inversions.’ Both the executive and legislative branches of the US
government have begun to focus more sharply on these transactions.
On the administrative front, Treasury and the IRS on September 22, 2014, issued
Notice 2014-52 (the Notice), addressing certain cross-border business combination
transactions, termed ‘inversions’ in the Notice.
The Notice announces the intention to issue regulations under five Internal Revenue
Code sections, and it takes a two-pronged approach. First, it addresses the treatment
of cross-border business combination transactions themselves under Sections 7874
and 367.
I. Federal tax issues
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Second, the Notice addresses post-transaction steps that taxpayers may undertake
with respect to US-owned foreign subsidiaries, under Sections 304(b)(5)(B), 956(e),
and 7701(l), making it more difficult to access foreign earnings without incurring
added US tax.
The Notice’s guidance generally applies only to business combination transactions
completed on or after September 22, 2014, except for the Section 304 provision,
which applies to all stock acquisitions completed on or after September 22, 2014,
that meet the Section 304 criteria. The Notice indicates that future guidance in this
area will apply the prospectively from the date of issuance, and only to groups that
completed their business combination transactions on or after September 22, 2014.
The Notice does not address limitations on deducting intercompany interest expense
under Section 163(j). However, the Notice invites comments on those issues and
indicates that Treasury and the IRS expect to issue additional guidance to further
limit cross-border business combinations viewed as ‘inversion’ transactions, as
well as the US federal income tax consequences of post-transaction arrangements.
The Notice also signals that Treasury is reviewing its tax treaty policy regarding
‘inverted’ groups.
Notice 2014-52 is major administrative guidance that announces Treasury and
the IRS’s intention to issue regulations setting forth new rules that will apply in
the ‘inversion’ context, as well as one rule that applies more broadly to certain
restructuring transactions undertaken within a foreign-parented group. The rules
announced are very complex and are intended to expand the scope of Section 7874,
so that more types of business combinations will qualify as an ‘inversion,’ as well as
eliminate, for a period of 10 years, the tax benefits of certain transactions commonly
undertaken once an inversion has occurred.
Notice 2014-52 reflects the Administration’s stated views that certain US-to-foreign
transactions should be curtailed now to prevent losses to the US tax base while talks
regarding corporate tax reform continue. Although Treasury has publicly stated that
legislative action is needed with respect to inversions, it has been exploring the scope
of its administrative authority to address such transactions. In this regard, Treasury
and the IRS base their authority for the future regulations announced in Notice
2014-52 on several different Code provisions. Some of the rules announced provide
surprising US tax consequences.
Companies and tax practitioners considering any acquisition of a US business entity
by a foreign business entity, as well as certain inbound restructuring transactions,
will need to carefully consider the full scope of these new rules, and the possible
adverse US consequences arising from their application. In the meantime, the
Administration and certain members of Congress are expected to continue to
discuss potential legislation in this area, while other members point to the need for
comprehensive US tax reform.
On the legislative front, in early January 2015, several Congressional Democrats
re-introduced bills proposed in prior years to curb perceived abuses involving cross-
border mergers and the use of low-tax foreign jurisdictions.
I. Federal tax issues
A guide to the key tax issues | 25
House Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) and
member Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) introduced the Stop Corporate Inversions Act of 2015
(H.R. 415). Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI)
introduced a companion Senate bill (S. 198) (together, the Levin/Durbin bills).
Rep. Levin introduced essentially the same bill under the same name in 2014 (H.R.
4679). The Levin/Durbin bills would apply Section 7874 to treat a foreign company
as a US company (for US federal income tax purposes) where there is greater than
50% continuity of ownership by the predecessor US company’s shareholders—rather
than the current 80%. The bills also would treat a foreign company as a US company
if both (1) its management and control and (2) significant business operations
remain in the United States, while it does not have substantial business activities
in its country of incorporation. The Levin/Durbin bills are similar to an Obama
Administration proposal in its FY 2016 Budget.
Rep. Doggett also introduced the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act (H.R. 297), and Sen.
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) introduced a companion bill (S. 174) (together, the
Doggett/Whitehouse bills). These bills are essentially the same legislation that
former Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) offered under the same name in 2013 (S. 1533). The
Doggett/Whitehouse bills propose Section 7874 modifications similar to the Levin/
Durbin bills but have a wider scope. Their provisions would, among other things,
tighten foreign financial reporting requirements further, repeal check-the-box entity
classification rules, treat certain foreign corporations managed and controlled in the
United States as US corporations, and echo previous proposals addressing ‘excess’ IP-
related income of CFCs, intangibles transfers, and interest expense deductibility.
A bill introduced on April 14, 2015, by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) — The Corporate
Tax Dodging Prevention Act of 2015 — would enact several changes to the Code
that are intended to prevent corporations from sheltering profits in ‘tax havens’
like Bermuda and the Cayman Islands and to eliminate tax breaks for companies
that ‘ship’ jobs and factories overseas. The Joint Committee on Taxation staff has
estimated in the past that similar provisions would raise more than $590 billion in
revenue over a decade.
Additional inversion-related bills might be introduced later this year. Potentially
affected taxpayers should continue to monitor this developing issue.
The legislative prospects of the bills mentioned above introduced by Democrats are
uncertain, especially given Republican control of both chambers of Congress and the
uncertain outlook for tax reform. However, if some features of the bills were enacted
as part of any legislative vehicle, they would have a significant adverse impact,
including possible unintended consequences. Although there is little that is new in
the 2015 bills, companies that would be affected by these proposals should remain
vigilant about the possibility that one or more of these ‘anti-abuse’ proposals might
be used as revenue-raising provisions to help offset the cost of unrelated legislation.
This possibility may be particularly important if Congress delays consideration of
corporate tax reform until later years.
I. Federal tax issues
26 | Doing business in the United States
P. Administrative issues
1. Withholding
a. Withholding on payments to non-US persons
Under US domestic tax laws, a foreign person generally is subject to 30% US tax on
its US-source income (other than capital gains) that is not effectively connected with
a US trade or business. Persons making US-source payments (‘withholding agents’),
such as US-source interest, dividends, and royalties, to foreign persons generally
must withhold 30% of the payment amount as tax withheld at source. In other
situations, withholding agents may apply a lower rate of withholding if the payee is
eligible for a reduced rate under a tax treaty or by operation of the US tax laws (e.g.,
portfolio interest exemption). See the latest edition of IRS Publication 515.
The United States has entered into various income tax treaties with countries in
order to avoid double taxation of income and to prevent tax evasion. See Appendix
A below or the latest edition of IRS Publication 901 for a summary of the benefits
resulting from these treaties. See also the discussion of tax treaties in section
III below.
The ability to apply a reduced rate depends on whether the withholding agent
receives valid documentation evidencing the foreign payee’s eligibility for a lower
rate of withholding. Valid documentation includes documentation provided using
Form W-8. Since there are various Forms W-8, the payee must determine which one
is the correct form to be completed.
Form W-8BEN, Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax
Withholding, is the most commonly used Form W-8. That version is used to establish
that the payee is not a US person and is the beneficial owner of the income related to
which the Form W-8BEN is being provided. Form W-8BEN also can be used to claim
a reduced rate of withholding based upon an applicable income tax treaty. Note:
Form W-8BEN is used only by individuals. Entities use Form W-8BEN-E.
Form W-8BEN-E, Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax
Withholding and Reporting (Entities). Among other purposes (e.g., FATCA), this form
is used to establish that the payee is not a US person and is the beneficial owner of
the income related to which the Form W-8BEN-E is being provided. Form W-8BEN-E
also can be used to claim a reduced rate of withholding based upon an applicable
income tax treaty. Note: Form W-8BEN-E is used only by entities. Individuals use
Form W-8BEN.
In addition to Form W-8BEN or Form W-8BEN-E, other forms that can be provided by
a foreign payee to reduce or eliminate withholding are:
I. Federal tax issues
A guide to the key tax issues | 27
•	 Form W-8ECI, Certificate of Foreign Person’s Claim That Income Is Effectively
Connected With the Conduct of a Trade or Business in the United States, is
provided by a non-US entity or individual that is engaged in a US trade or
business and has income that is effectively connected with such US trade or
•	 Form W-8EXP, Certificate of Foreign Government or Other Foreign Organization
for United States Tax Withholding & Reporting, is provided by non-US
governments or non-US tax-exempt organizations.
•	 Form W-8IMY, Certificate of Foreign Intermediary, Foreign Flow Through
Entity, or Certain US Branches for United States Tax Withholding & Reporting,
is provided by a non-US flow-through entity (e.g., partnership) that is
not engaged in a US trade or business. Form W-8IMY generally must be
accompanied by Forms W-8 and/or Form W-9 for the beneficial owners and a
withholding statement that allocates the income to the beneficial owners.
Treaty claims made by nonresident alien individuals who provide independent
personal services in the US are made on Form 8233, Exemption from Withholding
on Compensation for Independent (and Certain Dependent) Personal Services of a
Nonresident Alien Individual, instead of on Form W-8BEN.
Forms W-8BEN, W-8BEN-E, W-8ECI, and W-8EXP generally are valid for three years
from the date the form is signed. New forms are required prior to the expiration
of three years if there is a change in the information disclosed by the payee on the
forms. For some purposes (not applicable if treaty benefits are claimed), the forms
can remain valid indefinitely absent a change in circumstances. Form W-8IMY is
valid indefinitely unless there is a change in the information disclosed by the payee
on the forms. Form 8233 is valid for only one year.
b. Withholding on payments to US persons
All US and non-US entities are responsible for information reporting and backup
withholding for payments made to US non-exempt recipients, including US
individuals, partnerships, and LLCs. Backup withholding at the current rate of 28%
is required if the US non-exempt recipient fails to provide a taxpayer identification
number (TIN) in the proper manner prior to payment or if the payor is instructed to
backup withhold by the IRS.
Payments made to US exempt recipients are not subject to reporting or backup
withholding and such recipients are not required to provide a TIN. Exempt recipients
include governments (federal, state, and local), tax-exempt organizations under IRC
Section 501(a), individual retirement plans, international organizations, foreign
central banks of issue, and most corporations and financial institutions.
Payments made to US non-exempt recipients for dividends, gross proceeds, interest,
compensation for services, rents, royalties, prizes, awards, and litigation awards,
among others, must be reported. A proper TIN should be obtained from all US payees
to avoid backup withholding. A TIN is best obtained by receiving a valid Form W-9,
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certificate, from US payees, including
exempt recipients. The IRS’s TIN Matching Program also can be utilized to verify
names or TINs with IRS records to ensure accuracy.
I. Federal tax issues
28 | Doing business in the United States
Inbound insight: The US reporting and withholding rules apply whether payments are
made to related or unrelated parties. This means that the appropriate Form W-8 or W-9
must be provided to a company making a payment to a related party. Note that a non-US
company (e.g., one that has custody of the funds made to a non-US beneficial owner) may
also be a withholding agent.
Non-US companies that are controlled by US persons or that earn more than a certain
amount of US-source income are classified as US payors. As a result, these companies must
report all reportable payments made to a US non-exempt recipient. Also, if the US non-
exempt recipient fails to provide its TIN in the proper manner, backup withholding must be
imposed and remitted to the IRS.
2. Information reporting
a. Reporting payments to non-US persons
Any taxes withheld on payments made to foreign payees must be reported to the
IRS on Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for US Source Income of Foreign
Persons. Form 1042 must be filed with the IRS on or before March 15 following the
calendar year in which the income subject to reporting was paid, unless an extension
of time to file is obtained. Form 1042 must be filed if a Form 1042-S is filed (see
below), even if there is no withholding on the payment.
A withholding agent must file with the IRS and furnish to each foreign payee Form
1042-S, Foreign Person’s US Source Income Subject to Withholding. Form 1042-S is the
information return used by withholding agents to report US-source payments paid to
foreign payees. Form 1042-S must be filed with the IRS and furnished to the foreign
payee on or before March 15 following the calendar year in which the income subject
to reporting was paid, unless an extension is obtained. Form 1042-S is required
whether or not withholding on the payments has occurred.
b. Reporting payments to US persons
A US entity engaged in a trade or business that during the calendar year makes
payments to a US non-exempt payee totaling $600 or more must report the amount
of the payments on Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income. Payments subject to
Form 1099-MISC reporting include compensation for services (other than wages
paid to employees), rents, royalties, commissions, gains, and certain types of
interest. US payers are responsible for reporting the payment whether made by cash,
check, or wire transfer. Amounts paid by payment card (including debt, credit, and
procurement) are not subject to Form 1099-MISC reporting by the payor.
Form 1099-MISC must be furnished to payees no later than January 31 of the year
subsequent to the year of payment and must be filed with the IRS by February 28 of
the year following the payment. Requests to extend these dates may be made, but
extensions are not automatic.
I. Federal tax issues
A guide to the key tax issues | 29
If the payor is required to file 250 or more Forms 1099-MISC, it must file the forms
electronically with the IRS by use of the Filing Information Returns Electronically
(FIRE) system. If Forms 1099-MISC are filed electronically, the due date for filing
with the IRS is extended from February 28 to March 31.
The payor also must file Form 945, Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax, to
report any backup withholding. Form 945 must be filed with the IRS by January 31
of the year succeeding the year of payments.
FATCA, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, was enacted in 2010 to prevent
and detect offshore tax evasion. While the name may imply that FATCA is directed at
financial institutions, many global companies outside the financial services industry
may be affected if they have entities in their worldwide network falling under the
purview of FATCA, or have operational areas that make or receive payments subject
FATCA added chapter 4 (Sections 1471–1474) to the Internal Revenue Code. FATCA
requires many foreign financial institutions (FFIs) to enter into agreements with
the IRS under which they undertake procedures to identify which of their accounts
are held by US persons and annually report information regarding such accounts to
the IRS. An FFI that has entered into such an agreement is known as a ‘participating
FFI.’ In addition, some nonfinancial foreign entities (NFFEs) are required to report
information regarding any direct or indirect US owners to withholding agents.
Non-compliance with FATCA triggers a 30% withholding tax on US-source fixed
or determinable, annual, or periodical (FDAP) payments (and, beginning in 2017,
on gross proceeds from the disposition of debt or equity securities issued by US
persons). However, IRS regulations provide for many exceptions, such as categories
of FFIs or NFFEs that are eligible for lightened compliance obligations.
The withholding provisions of FATCA began in July 2014. Compliance with FATCA
may require changes to existing systems and processes across business units and
regions, the renewal of policies and day-to-day practices, and new tasks such as
registering with the IRS.
Inbound insight: Many non-US companies with business operations in the United
States have non-US companies engaged in activities such as holding shares, financing, and
treasury or insurance operations. These activities require a careful review of the companies
throughout the corporate group to determine the appropriate application of the FATCA rules.
I. Federal tax issues
30 | Doing business in the United States
i.	 FATCA compliance obligations
FATCA imposes registration, due diligence reviews, information reporting,
and tax withholding obligations on entities that qualify as foreign financial
institutions (FFIs). Legal entities with FFI characteristics must determine
whether they are, in fact, FFIs and, if so, whether they are required to register
with the IRS.
Multinational corporations (MNCs) should examine their treasury centers,
retirement funds, and holding companies, to name a few examples, to determine
whether they meet the definition of an FFI. Properly identifying the FATCA
status of each entity in a large organization is expected to take significant time
and effort, because the final FATCA regulations impose several different income
and asset tests at both the entity level and the global organization level.
Regardless of FATCA status, obligations are imposed on payors of US-source
FDAP income, which include many MNCs. These companies must have processes
and procedures in place to identify and categorize non-US payees for FATCA
purposes, report, and potentially apply 30% withholding tax to avoid being
liable for the withholding tax and potential penalties. Even if a foreign entity is
not an FFI, FATCA still requires the recipient of a US-source payment to establish
its FATCA status with appropriate documentation including, for certain types of
NFFEs information regarding US persons that own (directly or indirectly) more
than 10% of the NFFE.
ii.	 FATCA exemptions
There are several important exemptions from FATCA to the withholding of
tax on US-source FDAP payments. For example, FATCA withholding should
not apply when the payee provides to the withholding agent appropriate
documentation demonstrating that the payee is not subject to withholding (i.e.,
the entity documents its FATCA status and provides all required information
to the withholding agent, and that status is not ‘nonparticipating FFI’). Even
though withholding under FATCA does not apply in that case, reporting still
is required. The withholding agent also must evaluate whether reporting and
withholding apply under the information reporting rules discussed in the
previous section.
Treasury regulations provide a number of categories of FFIs that may be treated
as deemed-compliant with FATCA or as ‘exempt beneficial owners.’ These
categories of FFIs have characteristics that are considered to present a lower risk
of use for tax evasion and accordingly do not have to enter into an FFI agreement
with the IRS (though they may still have to register) and generally will not be
required to perform the same due diligence and reporting that participating FFIs
are required to perform.
NFFEs that either have no substantial US owners or that properly identify these
owners to withholding agents should not be subject to withholding, nor should
NFFEs that are deemed by the IRS to represent a low risk of US tax evasion, such
as publicly traded companies and their affiliates, and those engaged in active
trades or businesses. A withholdable payment to a documented US entity is not
subject to the 30% tax, but reporting applies.
I. Federal tax issues
A guide to the key tax issues | 31
iii.	 Actions to comply with FATCA
MNCs need a FATCA compliance program to ensure that all necessary FATCA
classifications, documentation, monitoring, and reporting are undertaken. This
process should be documented in a series of policies and procedures ensuring
that the process has controls that can be replicated and tested. Further, the
program, which should highlight changes in business practices that may
be necessary for FATCA compliance, would be intended to inform senior
management that all areas of the organization have been reviewed according
to requirements.
iv.	 The impact of IGAs
To mitigate certain foreign legal impediments to FATCA compliance,
intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) have been negotiated between the US
Treasury and other governments. Under certain IGAs, known as Model 1 IGAs,
information will be exchanged directly between the IRS and the foreign taxing
authority. This obligates entities in IGA jurisdictions to report information to
their government that may not have been required or permitted in the past.
Other IGAs, known as Model 2 IGAs, provide that local governments will direct
FFIs resident in the jurisdiction to report to the IRS.
Assessing FATCA’s impact requires identifying whether an IGA may apply to
the entity at issue. Provisions in the final regulations or any IGA that provide
more favorable results may be utilized. The IRS and Treasury have focused
on negotiating consistent requirements in each IGA, but there are noticeable
differences in the agreements signed to date. For an MNC, this will require
an analysis of the applicable FATCA rules across all jurisdictions in which
it operates.
v.	 Companies with FFIs in their groups
FATCA imposes the most significant obligations on FFIs. Companies engaged
in nonfinancial businesses may think that few or none of their foreign entities
constitute an FFI. However, the definition of an FFI is broad and includes more
types of entities than one might expect.
Although the rules provide various exceptions, the following are types of entities
that may be FFIs:
•	 Non-US retirement funds and foundations—Non-US retirement funds whose
gross income is primarily attributable to investing, reinvesting, or trading in
financial assets and are professionally managed by another entity are classified
as investment entities and therefore are FFIs. However, certain retirement funds
entitled to receive benefits under a tax treaty are examples of retirement funds
that are treated as ‘exempt beneficial owners’ and therefore not required to
enter into FFI agreements with the IRS.
•	 Treasury centers, holding companies, and captive finance companies—
These types of entities are specifically identified in the definition of an FFI.
However, if such entities satisfy certain requirements and are part of a
nonfinancial group of companies, they may be excepted from being FFIs.
Among the activities relevant in assessing whether a legal entity is treated as
an FFI are:
I. Federal tax issues
32 | Doing business in the United States
-- cash pooling
-- securitization and factoring activities
-- hedging activities (including whether hedges are entered into with
affiliates or with ‘customers’)
-- customer financing operations
-- offshore cash deployment and investment strategies
-- In-house bank and external credit or ‘banking’-type operations.
•	 Special-purpose entities and banking-type subsidiaries—Although
frequently utilized to access lower-cost sources of funding for operations or
acquisitions, the mix of activities in which these entities are engaged and how
income is derived may cause them to fall within the FFI definition.
•	 Captive insurance companies—Generally, captive insurance companies
may not be deemed FFIs for FATCA purposes because they do not have
any cash value or annuity contracts. However, such captives still should
evaluate their business operations to determine if they fall within another
category of FFI. These other categories may include depository institutions,
custodial institutions, investment entities, and certain holding companies and
treasury centers.
When an MNC determines that it has entities within its global structure that are
FFIs, the MNC should determine if such entities may qualify for an exception from
FFI status. One of the primary exceptions covers holding companies and treasury
centers that are part of a group that is determined to be ‘nonfinancial. The status of
‘nonfinancial’ is based on the ratios of active vs. passive income and assets, as well as
the income generated by FFIs within the group.
If an entity is an FFI, the MNC has to determine whether the FFI must become a
participating FFI (or a reporting FFI under an IGA), or if it qualifies for deemed-
compliant or exempt beneficial owner status. If the entity does not qualify for such
status, it must properly register with the IRS. To avoid the 30% withholding tax on
US-source payments it receives, each FFI must use the IRS’s online FATCA portal to
execute an FFI agreement, confirm its due diligence, and receive a new identification
number, the Global Intermediary Identification Number, or GIIN.
vi.	 Companies that make US-source cross-border payments
FATCA withholding and reporting generally applies when a multinational
business makes a withholdable payment (i.e., a payment of US-source FDAP
income, and, beginning in 2017, gross proceeds from the disposition of debt and
equity securities issued by US persons). From a practical perspective, a large
range of payors can be affected—just about any multinational business that
makes payments falling within this definition will be affected by FATCA. As a
result, global organizations should focus their efforts on payment details such as:
•	 which legal entity or department is authorizing the payment
•	 which legal entity or department is making the payment
•	 the recipient of the payment
I. Federal tax issues
A guide to the key tax issues | 33
•	 documentation of the recipient
•	 source (and US federal income tax sourcing) of the payment
•	 the character of the payment.
Inbound insight: Accuracy of payment details is imperative when dealing with FATCA.
Multinationals with outbound payments from the United States should ensure that
internal governance of the cross-border payments is sound and that payments are reflective
of any transfer pricing arrangements in place.
vii.	 Expansive definition of a withholdable payment
The term ‘withholdable payment’ generally refers to the gross amount of US-
source FDAP income, and can include other types of US-source income not
otherwise subject to withholding under Chapter 3 of the IRC. For example,
beginning in 2017, gross proceeds from the sale of certain property are included
in the definition.
Treasury functions, accounts payable departments, and other areas of a global
organization may make many withholdable payments. The following are a
few common examples of third-party or intercompany payments that may be
included in the definition:
•	 interest and dividends
•	 bank and custodial fees
•	 advisory and broker fees
associated with merger and
acquisition activity
•	 insurance or reinsurance
premiums paid for insuring US risk
•	 gross proceeds from derivatives,
swaps, and other hedging
arrangements, typically performed
by the treasury function.
Certain nonfinancial payments are not treated as withholdable payments under
FATCA. However, some of these payments (such as payments for services, rents,
and royalties) remain subject to existing information reporting and withholding
requirements. Certain obligations in existence on July 1, 2014, are considered
‘grandfathered’ and are not subject to FATCA withholding.
viii.	Obligation to identify payees and remit tax
As a core concept of FATCA, payors of a withholdable payment must ask,
‘who is the payee?’ and ‘is the payment FATCA compliant?’ IRS forms, such as
the W-8BEN and W-8IMY, enable payees and intermediaries to certify both
their FATCA statuses and information relevant to Chapter 3. In addition, the
regulations that harmonize the FATCA requirements with the existing Chapter 3
withholding requirements have altered the way in which documentation can be
used and have also modified the way in which other types of information can be
used to facilitate proper withholding and reporting.
I. Federal tax issues
34 | Doing business in the United States
I. Federal tax issues
Payors will need to ensure that their counterparties are FATCA compliant
and exempt from withholding. For example, if the withholding agent receives
sufficient documentation, such as a global intermediary identification number
(GIIN) from an FFI and a valid Form W-8, withholding is not required (although
reporting still must be completed).
ix.	 Companies that are receiving US-source payments
Entities within a group that receive withholdable payments may be subject
to 30% FATCA withholding if they cannot provide proper documentation.
These may include an NFFE located outside of the United States, which may be
treated as a ‘passive NFFE’ and subject to FATCA withholding if it fails to timely
and properly identify itself to its withholding agent and provide information
regarding its ownership.
x.	 The cost of noncompliance
Businesses that do not adhere to the new obligations under FATCA may face
a variety of consequences, with possible loss of 30% of the value of specific
payments being of foremost concern. Consistent with other US information
reporting regimes, a payor that fails to deduct and remit FATCA withholding
when required will be liable for 100% of the amount not withheld as well as
related interest and penalties.
3. Filing requirements
a. Tax period
US corporate taxpayers are taxed on an annual basis. Corporate taxpayers may
choose a tax year that is different from the calendar year. New corporations may use
a short tax year for their first tax period, and corporations changing tax years also
may use a short tax year.
b. Tax returns
The US tax system is based on the principle of self-assessment. A corporate taxpayer
must file an annual tax return (generally Form 1120) by the 15th day of the
third month following the close of its tax year. A taxpayer can obtain a six-month
extension to file its tax return, provided it timely and properly files Form 7004 and
deposits the full amount of any tax due. Failure to timely file may result in penalties.
A guide to the key tax issues | 35
I. Federal tax issues
4. Important tax return due dates for businesses
Form No. Title Purpose Due date
W-2 Wage and Tax
Employers must
provide employees with
statements regarding
total compensation
and amounts withheld
during year.
Must be sent to
employees on or
before January 31,
with copies to the
Social Security
1099 series Various Information returns to be
provided to recipients
of dividends and
distributions, interest
income, non-employee
income, etc.
Must be sent on or
before January 31.
1120 series,
including 1120S
(for S corporations)
US Corporation
Income Tax Return
Income tax returns for
domestic corporations
or foreign corporations
with US offices.
March 15 (Form
7004 may be
filed to obtain an
automatic six-month
filing extension)
Schedule K-1 Partner’s Share
of Income,
Credits, etc.
Information returns to
be provided to partners
by partnerships.
March 15
1065 US Return of
Information returns to
be filed by partnerships.
April 15 (Form 7004
may be filed to
obtain an automatic
State income
tax returns
Various Income tax returns
for states where
corporation carries on
Varies, often April 15
5. Payment of tax
A taxpayer’s tax liability generally must be prepaid throughout the year in four equal
estimated payments and fully paid by the date the tax return is initially due for that
year. For calendar-year corporations, the four estimated payments are due by the
15th days of April, June, September, and December. For fiscal-year corporations, the
four estimated payments are due by the 15th days of the fourth, sixth, ninth, and
12th month of the tax year. Generally, no extensions to pay are allowed. Failure to
pay the tax by the due dates can result in estimated tax and late payment penalties
and interest charges.
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PWC Doing-business-in-the-us-2015

  • 1. Doing business in the United States A guide to the key tax issues 2015 www.pwc.com
  • 2.
  • 3. Contents Foreword i I. Federal tax issues 1 A. Taxes on corporate income 1 B. Other federal taxes 2 C. US trade or business 5 D. Effectively connected income 5 E. Branch income 6 F. Permanent establishment (PE) 6 G. Group taxation 7 H. Transfer pricing 7 I. Thin capitalization 8 J. Controlled foreign companies (CFCs) 8 K. S corporations 9 L. Determining income 9 M. Corporate deductions 13 N. Credits and incentives 20 O. Anti-inversion developments 23 P. Administrative issues 26 II. State and local tax issues 40 A. Activities that could subject a foreign entity to state tax 40 B. Dividing up taxable income among the states: multistate apportionment 41 C. Tax filings include more than just the in-state entity: combined, water’s edge, and worldwide filing methodologies, and ‘tax havens’ 42 D. Adjustments to federal taxable income 43 E. Treatment of foreign-source income 44 F. States with transfer pricing adjustment power 44 G. Indirect tax considerations 45 H. Local taxation 46 I. Credits and incentives: state and local 46
  • 4. III. US tax treaties 48 IV. Transfer pricing 50 V. The OECD’s BEPS project 53 A. OECD BEPS Action Plan 53 B. Increased risk of double taxation 53 C. Departing from consensus-building OECD model 54 D. Moving away from arm’s-length transfer pricing standards 54 E. Dispute resolution difficulties 54 F. Increased risk of unilateral actions 55 VI. Individual tax issues 56 A. Personal income tax rates 56 B. Alternative minimum tax (AMT) 57 C. State and local income taxes 58 D. Residence 58 E. Other taxes 59 F. Income determination 61 G. Foreign tax relief and tax treaties 67 H. Other tax credits and incentives 67 I. Tax administration 68 J. Other issues 70 VII. Healthcare 72 VIII. Financing US operations 73 A. Debt vs. equity 73 B. Cash pooling 76 IX. Setting up a US tax department 77 How can PwC help? 78 Appendix A: Summary of US tax treaty benefits 79 Appendix B: List of countries with which the United States has entered into social security totalization agreements 84 Contents (continued)
  • 5. For the first time in five years, more global business leaders rate the United States as their most important market for overseas investment and growth ahead of all others, including China’s, in PwC’s 18th Annual Global CEO Survey. Key measures of US economic health are improving; for example, PwC projects US gross domestic product growth of 3.2% this year. As the US recovery gains momentum, challenges remain. Global CEOs said the number-one government priority should be an internationally competitive and efficient tax system. More than half of global CEOs surveyed stated that they do not believe that government are changing tax systems to reflect how multinationals operate today. Over-regulation and increasing tax burdens topped the list of threats to business growth and prospects. The United States has a complex system of federal, state, and local levels of taxation that significantly affects business decisions and business operations. Current debates regarding tax policy and reform and ever-evolving legislative activity combine to create a challenging environment for companies doing business in the United States—but also unique opportunities. I fully appreciate these particular challenges and opportunities, having spent most of my career in senior tax executive roles in non-US companies with substantial US operations. It is often frustrating, but always rewarding, to navigate through the confusion and complexity, and identify the critical insights that will enhance business performance and effectively manage risk. This guide is intended to leverage PwC’s extensive experience in regard to US operations of foreign businesses to provide a broad understanding of the basic tax implications of business operations in the United States, as well as to offer helpful observations, regarding the tax consequences for foreign companies. I believe you will find it a useful guide through the many challenges and opportunities. Yours sincerely Joel Walters US Inbound Tax Leader joel.walters@us.pwc.com +1 (646) 471-7881 Foreword A guide to the key tax issues | i
  • 6.
  • 7. A guide to the key tax issues | 1 A. Taxes on corporate income 1. Corporate income tax US taxation of income earned by non-US persons depends on whether the income has a nexus with the United States and the level and extent of the non-US person’s presence in the United States. A foreign corporation engaged in a US trade or business is taxed at regular US corporate tax rates, but only on income from US sources that is effectively connected with that business, and at 30% on US-source income not effectively connected with that business. By contrast, US-resident corporations are taxed based on their worldwide income. The US corporate income tax (CIT) rate is based on a progressive rate schedule; however, an alternative minimum tax provides for a flat rate with fewer deductions. 2015 taxable income US corporate income tax Over ($) But not over ($) Pay ($) +% on excess Of the amount over ($) 0 50,000 0 15 0 50,000 75,000 7,500 25 50,000 75,000 100,000 13,750 34 75,000 100,000 335,000 22,250 39 100,000 335,000 10,000,000 113,900 34 335,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 3,400,000 35 10,000,000 15,000,000 18,333,333 5,150,000 38 15,000,000 18,333,333 35 0 The 39% tax rate applies to taxable income between $100,000 and $335,000 to eliminate the benefit of the 15% and 25% rates, and the 38% tax rate applies to taxable income between $15,000,000 and $18,333,333 to eliminate the benefit of the 34% rate. Special rules apply to personal service corporations and personal holding companies. 2. Alternative minimum tax (AMT) An AMT is imposed on corporations other than S corporations and small C corporations (generally those not having three-year average annual gross receipts exceeding $7.5 million). The tax is 20% of alternative minimum taxable income (AMTI) in excess of a $40,000 exemption amount (subject to a phase-out). AMTI is computed by adjusting the corporation’s regular taxable income by specified adjustments and ‘tax preference’ items. Tax preference or adjustment items could arise, for example, if a corporation has substantial accelerated depreciation, percentage depletion, intangible drilling costs, or non-taxable income. I. Federal tax issues
  • 8. 2 | Doing business in the United States 3. Gross transportation income taxes Foreign corporations and nonresident alien individuals are subject to a yearly 4% tax on their US-source gross transportation income that is not effectively connected with a US trade or business. Transportation income is any income derived from, or in connection with, 1. the use (or hiring or leasing) of any vessel or aircraft, or 2. the performance of services directly related to the use of any vessel or aircraft. B. Other federal taxes 1. Sales taxes The US does not impose a federal sales tax or value-added tax (VAT). Inbound insight: The United States is one of the few countries that does not have a federal indirect sales tax or VAT/Goods and Services Tax. This deviation from the global norm requires additional communication and business performance analysis for senior management of non-US parent companies, who are more familiar with doing business in territories with a VAT/GST system. Inbound companies should be made aware that in the United States indirect taxes are levied at the state and local levels, consisting of more than 13,000 jurisdictions. 2. Customs duties and import tariffs All goods imported into the United States are subject to customs entry and are dutiable or duty-free in accordance with their classification under the applicable items in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States. The classification also identifies eligibility for special programs and free-trade agreement preferential duty rates. When goods are dutiable, ad valorem, specific, or compound duty rates may be assessed. An ad valorem rate, the type most often applied, is a percentage of the value of the merchandise, such as 7% ad valorem. A specific rate is a specified amount per unit of measure (weight or quantity), such as 6.8 cents per dozen. A compound rate is a combination of both an ad valorem rate and a specific rate, such as 0.8 cents per kilo plus 8% ad valorem. US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) requires that the value of the goods be properly declared regardless of the dutiable status of the merchandise. Payment of duty becomes due at the time an entry is filed with CBP. The obligation for payment is on the person or firm in whose name the entry is filed, the importer of record. The importer of record has a legal obligation to exercise reasonable care in all aspects of its importing activity. I. Federal tax issues
  • 9. A guide to the key tax issues | 3 Inbound insight: This area can be overlooked by foreign businesses not familiar with the US rules. Opportunities can arise through careful consideration of the application of intercompany transfer prices and other aspects of the duty obligation. 3. Excise taxes The US government imposes excise taxes on a wide range of goods and activities, including gasoline and diesel fuel used for transportation, air travel, manufacturing of specified goods, and indoor tanning services. A new fee on health plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), called the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fee, is reported and paid as an excise tax as well. The excise tax rates are as varied as the goods and activities on which they are levied. For example, the excise imposed on indoor tanning services is 10% of the amount paid for the services, while the excise imposed on the sale of coal mined in the United States is the lower of $1.10 per ton or 4.4% of the sale price. 4. Stamp taxes There is no federal-level stamp tax. However, state and local governments frequently impose stamp taxes at the time of officially recording a real estate or other transaction. The state or local sales tax on real estate may be a stamp tax on the documents recording the transfer of the real estate. 5. Capital gain taxes The corporate tax rate on long-term capital gains currently is the same as the tax rates applicable to a corporation’s ordinary income. (By contrast, individuals may be subject to a lower rate on long-term capital gain than on short-term capital gain.) Thus, the maximum corporate rate is 35%, excluding the additional phase-out rates. However, differences may arise where AMT is imposed. 6. Accumulated earnings tax Corporations (other than S corporations, domestic and foreign personal holding companies, corporations exempt from tax under Subchapter F of the Internal Revenue Code, and passive foreign investment companies) accumulating earnings and profits for the purpose of avoiding shareholder personal income tax are subject to a penalty tax in addition to any other tax that may be applicable. The accumulated earnings tax equals 15% of ‘accumulated taxable income.’ Generally, accumulated taxable income is the excess of taxable income with certain adjustments, including a deduction for regular income taxes, over the dividends paid deduction and the accumulated earnings credit. Note that a corporation can justify the accumulation of income, and avoid tax, based on its reasonable business needs. I. Federal tax issues
  • 10. 4 | Doing business in the United States 7. Personal holding company tax US corporations and certain foreign corporations that receive substantial ‘passive income’ and are ‘closely held’ may be subject to personal holding company tax. The personal holding company tax, which is levied in addition to the regular tax, is 20% of undistributed personal holding company income. 8. Payroll taxes affecting employers All payments for employment within the United States are wages subject to (1) federal income tax withholding, (2) Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) taxes (i.e., social security and Medicare), and (3) the Federal Unemployment (FUTA) tax, unless an exception applies. For employees sent to the United States by their foreign employer, there is a de minimis exception for amounts less than $3,000 and visits of less than 90 days; also, certain treaty provisions may eliminate the need to withhold income taxes (but generally not the need to report). Similarly, foreign employers usually rely on treaty relief for workers employed in the United States with respect to social security and Medicare taxes. If such relief is not available, the foreign employer must pay and withhold social security taxes equal to 6.2% of wages for the employer and 6.2% for the employee, up to $118,500 of wages in 2015, and Medicare taxes equal to 1.45% for the employer and 1.45% for the employee. Note: There is no cap on wages subject to Medicare taxes. The employer also must withhold an additional 0.9-percent Medicare tax on wages above $200,000. The FUTA tax is between 0.6 and 6.0% (depending on credits for state unemployment taxes) on the first $7,000 of wages paid to an employee. A foreign employer generally must file quarterly and annual employment tax returns and annual wage statements (Forms W-2) in its name and employer identification number unless such statements are filed by a properly authorized third party. Inbound insight: Corporate officers traveling to the United States for only a short period of time may generate employment tax liabilities because their earnings are wages for FICA and FUTA purposes and US-source income (including a portion of equity and deferred compensation granted in the foreign country) for wage withholding purposes. 9. Environmental tax Importers, manufacturers, and sellers of petroleum or other ozone-depleting chemicals (ODC) are subject to an environmental tax calculated per weight of the ODC used in the manufacture of the product. The tax is determined under an exact or table method provided in the instructions to Form 6627. If the weight cannot be determined, the tax is 1% of the entry value of the product. I. Federal tax issues
  • 11. A guide to the key tax issues | 5 C. US trade or business Generally, a foreign corporation engaged in a US trade or business is taxed at regular US corporate tax rates on income from US sources that is effectively connected with that business and at 30% on US-source income not effectively connected with that business. There is no definition in the tax statute of a trade or business within the United States—instead, that concept has been developed mainly by the IRS and court decisions through a facts-and-circumstances analysis. The foreign corporation needs to consider the nature and extent of its economic activities in the United States, either directly or through its agents. The following have been considered by the courts and/ or the IRS: • The business must have a profit motive. • Activities generally must be ‘considerable, continuous, and regular.’ • Ministerial, clerical, or collection-related activities generally are not sufficiently profit-oriented to constitute a US trade or business. • Isolated activities generally do not rise to the level of a trade or business. • An agent’s activities in the United States may result in a US trade or business. D. Effectively connected income If a non-US person has a US trade or business, the question arises as to what income is ‘effectively connected’ to such US trade or business. All US-source active income earned by a non-US person is treated as effectively connected. Passive-type income and gain from the sale of capital assets are treated as effectively connected to a non- US person’s US trade or business only if a connection with the US trade or business exists. Such a connection exists if the passive-type income or capital gain is derived from assets used in the US trade or business (the asset use test) or the activities conducted in the US trade or business are a material factor in the production of the passive-type income or capital gain (the business activities test). Certain types of foreign-source income generated through a US office can be effectively connected income. These include: • rents or royalties for use of property outside the United States that are derived in the active conduct of a US trade or business • foreign-source dividends or interest derived in active conduct of banking business in the United States, or received by a corporation the principal business of which is trading in stocks or securities for its own account • gain from the sale outside the United States of inventory property and property held for sale to customers, unless the property is sold for use outside the United States and a non-US office materially participates in the sale. I. Federal tax issues
  • 12. 6 | Doing business in the United States E. Branch income Tax rates on branch profits are the same as on corporate profits. US tax law also imposes a 30% branch profits tax in addition to US corporate-level income taxes on a foreign corporation’s US branch earnings and profits for the year they are effectively connected with a US business. The taxable base for the branch profits tax is increased (decreased) by any decrease (increase) in the US net equity of the branch. The branch profits tax on profits may be reduced or eliminated entirely if a relevant treaty so provides. The purpose of the branch profits tax is to treat US operations of foreign corporations in much the same manner as US corporations owned by foreign persons. With certain exceptions, a 30% (or lower treaty rate) branch profits tax is imposed on interest payments by the US branch to foreign lenders. In addition, the tax applies if the amount of interest deducted by the branch on its US tax return exceeds the amount of interest actually paid during the year. F. Permanent establishment (PE) Multinational entities, such as corporations and partnerships, face a variety of tax systems in the countries where they operate. To reduce or eliminate double taxation between countries, promote cross-border trading, and alleviate the burden of administration and enforcement of tax laws, countries typically enter into income tax treaties outlining how parties to the treaty (contracting states) will be taxed on income earned in each contracting state. Income tax treaties contain an article describing whether the activities of an enterprise rise to a level of a PE in a contracting state. The existence of a PE is important because it gives the contracting state the right to tax the enterprise’s income attributable to the PE. This includes income from carrying on a business in the contracting state and passive income, such as interest, dividends, and royalties. A PE generally means: 1. there is a fixed place of business through which the business of an enterprise is wholly or partly carried on, or 2. an agent acting on behalf of the enterprise has and habitually exercises the authority to conclude contracts binding on the enterprise. For further discussion of US tax treaties, see section III below. Inbound insight: In certain circumstances, foreign businesses can consider making protective filings with the IRS related to their exposure to taxation in the United States. This option should be analyzed carefully to determine the circumstances in which it should be considered. I. Federal tax issues
  • 13. A guide to the key tax issues | 7 G. Group taxation An affiliated group of US ‘includible’ corporations, consisting of a parent and subsidiaries directly or indirectly 80% owned, generally may offset the profits of one affiliate against the losses of another affiliate within the group by electing to file a consolidated federal income tax return. A foreign incorporated subsidiary may not be consolidated into the US group, except for certain Mexican and Canadian incorporated entities. A partnership may not be included in a consolidated return, even if it is 100% owned by members of an affiliated group, since a partnership is not a corporation. However, a member’s earnings that flow through from a partnership are included as part of the consolidated group’s taxable income or loss. Filing on a consolidated (combined) basis is also allowed (or may be required or prohibited) under the tax laws of certain states. Sales, dividends, and other transactions between corporations that are members of the same group generally are deferred or eliminated until such time as a transaction occurs with a non-member of the group. Losses incurred on the sale of members of the group are disallowed under certain circumstances. H. Transfer pricing Transfer pricing regulations govern how related entities set internal prices for the transfers of goods, intangible assets, services, and loans in both domestic and international contexts. The regulations are designed to prevent tax avoidance among related entities and place a controlled taxpayer on par with an uncontrolled taxpayer by requiring inter-company prices to meet the arm’s-length standard. The arm’s-length standard is met if the results of a controlled transaction are consistent with results that would have been realized if uncontrolled taxpayers had engaged in a similar transaction under similar circumstances. If a company is not in compliance with the arm’s-length standard, the IRS may adjust taxable income and tax payable in the United States. After a transfer pricing adjustment, a multinational company may face potential double tax, paying tax on the same income in two countries. If the related party to the adjustment is in a country that has a tax treaty with the US, multinational companies may request ‘competent authority’ relief from double taxation and there may be arbitration provisions. To avoid potential transfer pricing penalties, US taxpayers may prepare contemporaneous transfer pricing documentation. A protective approach available to companies may be to obtain an advance pricing agreement (APA) with the IRS, unilaterally, or with the IRS and another tax authority, bilaterally, covering inter- company pricing. I. Federal tax issues
  • 14. 8 | Doing business in the United States Inbound insight: The IRS currently is devoting more resources to auditing inbound companies, with a specific focus on intangible and financing transactions. These developments place an increased emphasis on inbound companies to demonstrate results consistent with the arm’s-length standard. They also serve as a reminder for an inbound company to revisit its intercompany pricing policies and intercompany agreements to ensure that those policies and the terms of those agreements are consistent with how the company actually operates its business in the United States. I. Thin capitalization Thin capitalization rules may apply to disallow interest payments related to ‘excess’ debt and to recharacterize such payments as dividends. In addition, the taxpayer’s interest expense deduction can be limited and suspended if more than 50% of the adjusted taxable income of a corporation (with similar rules for a corporate partner in a partnership) is sheltered by interest paid to a related party (or paid to a third party but guaranteed by the related party) that is not subject to US tax on the income. Inbound insight: Use of debt to finance US operations continues to be recognized as part of an acceptable capital structure. However, the amount of debt used and the cost of that debt to the US business in the case of intercompany debt can be subject to careful scrutiny, so a thorough analysis to support the decisions made should be performed. J. Controlled foreign companies (CFCs) Under the Subpart F regime of the Internal Revenue Code, a CFC is any foreign corporation with respect to which US shareholders (defined below) own more than 50% of either the voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote or the total value of all classes of the corporation’s stock on any day during the foreign corporation’s tax year. For these purposes, a US shareholder is any US person owning (directly, indirectly through foreign intermediaries, or constructively) 10 percent or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote of a foreign corporation. Inbound insight: The acquisition of a US business by a foreign acquirer can result in both foreign ownership above the US business and CFCs underneath the US business. Particular care should be taken in dealing with the complex issues that can arise in this circumstance. I. Federal tax issues
  • 15. A guide to the key tax issues | 9 K. S corporations Corporations with 100 or fewer shareholders, none of whom may be corporations, that meet certain other requirements may elect to be taxed under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code and thus are known as S corporations. S corporations are taxed in a manner similar, but not identical, to partnerships. That is, all tax items, such as income and deductions, flow through to the owners of the entity. Thus, S corporations generally are not subject to US federal income tax at the corporate level. Inbound insight: Only US citizens or residents may be shareholders of an S corporation. As a result of this requirement and the requirement that S corporation shareholders cannot be corporations or partnerships, S corporations generally are not a form of business organization available to be selected by inbound companies. L. Determining income 1. Inventory valuation Inventories generally are stated at the lower of cost or market on a first-in, first-out (FIFO) basis. Last-in, first-out (LIFO) may be elected for tax purposes on a cost basis only and generally requires book and tax conformity. The tax law requires capitalization for tax purposes of several costs allocable to the manufacturing process that frequently are expensed as current operating costs for financial reporting (e.g., the excess of tax depreciation over financial statement depreciation). 2. Capital gains Gains or losses on the sale or exchange of capital assets held for more than 12 months are treated as long-term capital gains or losses. Gains or losses on the sale or exchange of capital assets held for 12 months or less are treated as short-term capital gains or losses. The excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital loss is considered net capital gain. For corporations, capital losses are allowed only as an offset to capital gains. (Noncorporate taxpayers can deduct up to $3,000 against ordinary income in a tax year.) An excess of capital losses over capital gains in a tax year may be carried back three years and carried forward five years to be used against (offset) capital gains. For dispositions of personal property and certain nonresidential real property used in a trade or business, net gains are first taxable as ordinary income to the extent of the previously allowed or allowable depreciation or amortization deductions, with any remainder generally treated as capital gain. For other trade or business real property, net gains generally are taxed as ordinary income to the extent that the depreciation or cost recovery claimed exceeds the straight-line amount, with any remainder treated as capital gain. I. Federal tax issues
  • 16. 10 | Doing business in the United States An exception to capital gain treatment exists to the extent that losses on business assets were recognized in prior years. A net loss from the sale of business assets is treated as an ordinary loss. Future gains, however, will be treated as ordinary income to the extent of such losses recognized in the five immediately preceding years. 3. Dividend income A US corporation generally may deduct 70% of dividends received from other US corporations in determining taxable income. The dividends-received deduction (DRD) is increased from 70% to 80% if the recipient of the dividend distribution owns at least 20% but less than 80% of the distributing corporation. Generally, dividend payments between US corporations that are members of the same affiliated group are deferred or eliminated until a transaction with a third party occurs. With minor exceptions, a US corporation may not deduct any amount of dividends it receives from a foreign corporation. 4. Stock dividends A US corporation can distribute a tax-free dividend of common stock proportionately to all common stock shareholders. If the right to elect cash is given, all distributions to all shareholders are taxable as dividend income whether cash or stock is taken. There are exceptions to these rules, and extreme caution must be observed before making such distributions. 5. Interest income Interest income generally is includible in the determination of taxable income. 6. Rental income Rental income generally is includible in the determination of taxable income. 7. Royalty income Royalty income generally is includible in the determination of taxable income. 8. Partnership income The income (loss) of a partnership passes through to its partners, so that the partnership itself is not subject to tax. Thus, each partner generally accounts for its distributive share of the partnership’s taxable income. 9. Foreign income (Subpart F income) of US taxpayers a. In general Generally, a US corporation is taxed on its worldwide income, including foreign branch income earned and foreign dividends when received. Double taxation is avoided by means of foreign tax credits; alternatively, a deduction may be claimed for actual foreign taxes that are paid. I. Federal tax issues
  • 17. A guide to the key tax issues | 11 b. Subpart F rules In the case of CFCs, certain types of undistributed income are taxed currently to certain US shareholders (Subpart F income). More specifically, in situations in which a foreign corporation is a CFC for an uninterrupted period of 30 days or more during any tax year, every US shareholder owning at year end 10 percent or greater of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote of such a foreign corporation (US shareholder) must include in gross income its pro rata share of the Subpart F income earned by the CFC, regardless of whether the income is distributed to the US shareholders. With certain exceptions, Subpart F income generally includes passive income and other income that is readily movable from one taxing jurisdiction to another (i.e., income that is separated from the activities that produced the value in the goods or services generating the income). In particular, Subpart F income includes insurance income, foreign base company income, and certain income relating to international boycotts and other violations of public policy. There are several subcategories of foreign base company income, the most common of which are foreign personal holding company income (FPHCI), foreign base company sales income (FBCSI), and foreign base company services income (FBCSvI). FPHCI is passive income (e.g., dividends, interest, royalties, capital gains, etc.). FBCSI and FBCSvI are sales and services income earned in cross-border related-person transactions. There are a number of common exceptions that may apply to exclude certain income from the definition of Subpart F income, including exceptions relating to highly taxed income, certain payments between related parties, and active business operations. In situations in which the US shareholder is a domestic corporation, the domestic corporate shareholder may claim a foreign tax credit for such Subpart F inclusions pursuant to a mechanism similar to indirect FTCs discussed below. Furthermore, certain rules track the E&P of a CFC that have been included in the income of US shareholders as Subpart F income to ensure that such amounts (known as previously taxed income or PTI) are not taxed again when they are actually distributed to the US shareholders. c. PFIC rules Income derived with respect to passive foreign investment companies (PFICs) also is subject to special rules designed to eliminate the benefits of deferral. A PFIC is defined as any foreign corporation if, for the tax year, 75% or more of its gross income is passive (the ‘income test’) or at least 50% of its assets produce, or are held for the production of, passive income (the ‘asset test’). PFIC status is determined on an annual basis. However, the PFIC ‘taint’ in some cases may continue throughout a shareholder’s holding period even after the foreign corporation ceases to qualify as a PFIC unless the shareholder makes a special election (as discussed below). Certain US shareholders of a CFC may be exempt from the PFIC rules with respect to that CFC. I. Federal tax issues
  • 18. 12 | Doing business in the United States There are three regimes under the PFIC rules: (i) the excess distribution regime, which is the default regime; (ii) the qualified electing fund (QEF) regime; and (iii) the mark-to-market regime. The latter two regimes are elective and cause the US shareholder in the PFIC to be either taxed currently on its proportionate share of the PFIC’s ordinary earnings and capital gains each year (the QEF regime) or taxed annually on the increase in value, if any, of the PFIC stock (the mark-to- market regime). If the US shareholder does not make either a QEF or mark-to-market election, the US shareholder is subject to taxation under the default excess distribution regime. Under this regime, ‘excess distributions’ are subject to special tax and interest charge rules. If a PFIC makes an actual distribution, the distribution generally will be treated as an excess distribution to the extent it exceeds 125% of the average of the distributions made with respect to the stock over the three immediately preceding years. Furthermore, gains on dispositions of PFIC stock generally are treated as excess distributions. The excess distribution is allocated ratably to each day in the US shareholder’s holding period. Any amount allocated to a prior tax year in the holding period in which the foreign corporation qualified as a PFIC (a ‘prior PFIC year’) is subject to tax at the highest marginal tax rate in effect for that year. All other amounts are included in income currently as ordinary income. The special tax amounts for prior PFIC years also are subject to an interest charge, which is designed to eliminate the benefit of the tax deferral that arises out of having an overseas investment for which no current US income taxes are paid. Finally, PFICs can be owned indirectly through other entities, including other PFICs, under ownership attribution rules. If the US shareholder does not make either the QEF or mark-to-market election for the first year of ownership and desires to make such an election in a later year in order to escape the excess distribution regime, such shareholder generally must also ‘purge’ the PFIC taint from the prior portion of its holding period (and pay any applicable tax and interest) or seek relief to file the relevant election retroactively as of the beginning of its holding period. Inbound insight: Given the different tax consequences under each regime, it is important that a US investor in a foreign corporation timely and accurately identify whether the foreign corporation is a PFIC to timely determine whether one of the elections should be made. I. Federal tax issues
  • 19. A guide to the key tax issues | 13 10. Dispositions of interests in US real property (FIRPTA) In general, under the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980 (FIRPTA), gain or loss from the disposition by a foreign person of a US real property interest (USRPI) is treated as if the gain or loss were effectively connected to the conduct of a US trade or business and, accordingly, is subject to US income tax under normal graduated tax rates. A USRPI includes any interest, other than an interest solely as creditor, in real property (including an interest in a mine, well, or other natural deposit) located in the United States or the US Virgin Islands. The term ‘real property’ includes: (1) land and unsevered natural products of the land; (2) improvements; and (3) personal property associated with the use of real property. In addition to a direct interest in US real property, a USRPI includes an interest in a domestic corporation if, at any time during the shorter of (1) the period after June 18, 1980, during which the taxpayer held the interest or (2) the five-year period ending on the date of the disposition of the interest in the corporation, the domestic corporation was a US real property holding company (USRPHC). In general, a domestic corporation is a USRPHC if the fair market value of its USRPIs equals or exceeds 50% of the fair market value of (1) its USRPIs, (2) its interests in real property located outside the United States, plus (3) any other of its assets that are used or held for use in a trade or business. Inbound insight: The FIRPTA rules presume that an interest in a domestic corporation (other than an interest solely as a creditor) is a USRPI and therefore is subject to tax upon disposition unless, prior to the disposition of shares in the corporation, the shareholder requests a statement from the corporation that its shares are not USRPIs and the corporation provides the requested statement on a timely basis. If the presumption is not rebutted, the disposition is subject to the FIRPTA rules regarding reporting and withholding. M. Corporate deductions 1. Depreciation and amortization Depreciation deductions are allowances that may be taken for capital outlays for tangible property. For property placed in service after 1986, capital costs must be recovered by using the modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) method. Depending on the type of tangible property, the general cost recovery periods are 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 27.5, and 39 years (31.5 years for property placed in service before May 13, 1993). The cost recovery methods and periods are the same for both new and used property. Most tangible personal property falls in the three-, five-, or seven- year class. Property placed in the three-, five-, seven-, or 10- year class is depreciated by first applying the 200% declining-balance method and then switching to the straight-line method when use of the straight-line method maximizes the depreciation deduction. I. Federal tax issues
  • 20. 14 | Doing business in the United States Property in the 15- or 20-year class is depreciated by using the 150% declining- balance method and later switching to the straight-line method. An election may be made to use the alternative depreciation system (basically, the straight-line method over prescribed lives). Residential rental property generally is depreciated by the straight-line method over 27.5 years. Nonresidential real property is depreciated by the straight-line method over 39 years (31.5 years for property placed in service before May 13, 1993). An election to use the straight-line method over the regular recovery period or a longer recovery period also is available. Alternatively, taxpayers may elect to use the 150% declining-balance method over the regular recovery period for all property other than real property. The 150% declining-balance method is required for AMT purposes. For most tangible personal and real property placed in service in the United States after 1980 but before January 1, 1987, capital costs were recovered using the accelerated cost recovery system (ACRS), which applied accelerated methods of cost recovery over periods specified by statute. The general ACRS recovery periods were 3, 5, 10, 15, 18, and 19 years. Special rules apply to automobiles and certain other ‘listed’ property. Accelerated depreciation deductions can be claimed only if the automobile is used 50% or more for qualified business use as defined in related regulations. Further, for automobiles placed in service after 1986, the allowable yearly depreciation deduction cannot exceed specific dollar limitations. Separate methods and periods of cost recovery are specified by statute for certain tangible personal and real property used outside the United States. Rapid amortization may be allowable for certain pollution control facilities. Tax depreciation is not required to conform to book depreciation. Tax depreciation generally is subject to recapture on the sale or disposition of certain property, to the extent of gain, which is subject to tax as ordinary income. The cost of most intangible assets generally is capitalized and amortizable ratably over 15 years. Inbound insight: Companies with a large amount of fixed assets can benefit from careful analysis of current depreciation methods for regular tax, AMT, and E&P purposes. Proper classification of assets and the application of the correct recovery periods can have a substantial impact on current-year taxable income and E&P. 2. Section 179 deduction Corporations can elect to expense, up to a statutory amount per year, the cost of certain eligible property used in the active conduct of a trade or business, subject to a taxable income limitation and to a phase-out of the deduction. This is commonly referred to as the Section 179 deduction. I. Federal tax issues
  • 21. A guide to the key tax issues | 15 Tax cuts enacted in 2003 temporarily increased the maximum dollar amount that may be deducted under Section 179 from $25,000 to $100,000 and also increased the phase-out amount from $200,000 to $400,000. These amounts have been further modified and extended several times on a temporary basis, increasing to a high of $500,000 and $2 million, respectively, for tax years beginning in 2010 through 2014, before reverting to the permanent amounts of $25,000 and $200,000, respectively, for tax years beginning in 2015 and thereafter. 3. Bonus depreciation A 50% special first-year depreciation allowance (i.e., bonus depreciation) applies (unless an election out is made) for new MACRS property with a recovery period of 20 years or less, certain computer software, water utility property, and certain leasehold improvements acquired after December 31, 2007. The special allowance applies for regular income tax and AMT purposes. No AMT adjustment is made if the special allowance is used. The special allowance does not apply to property that must be depreciated using the alternative depreciation system or to ‘listed property’ not used predominantly for business. The special allowance reduces basis before regular depreciation is figured.Claiming bonus depreciation on automobiles may affect the first- year depreciation limits on such automobiles. The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, signed into law on January 2, 2013 (ATRA), extended bonus depreciation through December 31, 2013 (December 31, 2014, for long- production-period property (LPPP) and certain aircraft). This provision had been set to expire on December 31, 2010 (December 31, 2011, for LPPP and certain aircraft), as extended by the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010. ATRA did not extend 100% bonus depreciation, which expired at the end of 2011. ATRA extended for one year, to tax years beginning in 2013, the provision allowing a corporation to elect to accelerate AMT credits in lieu of bonus depreciation. Congress passed a ‘tax extender’ package on December 16, 2014, that extended 50% bonus depreciation through the end of 2014. Bonus depreciation for certain longer- production-period property and certain aircraft was extended through the end of 2015. Inbound insight: Due to the numerous changes in the law related to depreciation deductions, a review of prior years and a forecast of future years should be completed regularly. 4. Depletion For natural resource properties other than timber and certain oil and gas properties, depletion may be computed on a cost or a percentage basis. Cost depletion is a method of depletion applied to exhaustible natural resources, including timber, which is based on the adjusted basis of the property. Each year, the adjusted basis of the property is reduced, but not below zero, by the amount of depletion calculated for that year. The current-year cost depletion deduction is based on an estimate of the number of units that make up the deposit and the number of units extracted and sold during the year. I. Federal tax issues
  • 22. 16 | Doing business in the United States Percentage depletion is a method of depletion applied to most minerals and geothermal deposits, and, to a more limited extent, oil and gas. Percentage depletion is deductible at rates varying from 5% to 22% of gross income, depending on the mineral and certain other conditions. Percentage depletion may be deducted even after the total depletion deductions have exceeded the cost basis. However, percentage depletion is limited to 50% (100% for oil and gas properties) of taxable income from the property (computed without allowance for depletion). Generally, percentage depletion is not available for oil or gas wells. However, exceptions exist for natural gas from geopressurized brine and for independent producers of oil and gas. 5. Goodwill The cost of goodwill generally is capitalized and amortizable ratably over 15 years. 6. Start-up expenses Generally, start-up expenditures must be amortized over a 15-year period; however, certain taxpayers may elect to deduct some expenses in the tax year in which the trade or business begins. 7. US manufacturing deduction Over the last several decades, the United States enacted various tax incentive systems to encourage exports, including the foreign sales corporation (FSC) and extraterritorial income (ETI) regimes, both of which were repealed as a result of World Trade Organization (WTO) rulings that the FSC and ETI regimes constituted prohibited subsidies of US goods. In response, the United States enacted the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, which introduced a phase-out repeal of ETI and introduced the domestic production activities deduction under Section 199. Under Section 199, taxpayers are generally allowed a 9% deduction for qualified production activities (QPA) income (subject to a taxable income limitation). The deduction is available to all taxpayers actively engaged in QPA. For corporate taxpayers, the deduction generally will mean a federal income tax rate of 31.85% on QPA income. Importantly, the deduction also applies in calculating the AMT. There is a limit on the amount of the deduction equal to 50% of W-2 wages allocable to domestic production gross receipts (DPGR) (subject to a specific effective date). The deduction is generally not allowed for taxpayers that incur a loss from their production activities or have an overall loss (including a carryover loss) from all activities. A taxpayer’s QPA income is calculated using the following formula: DPGR less the sum of cost of goods sold allocable to such receipts and other expenses, losses, or deductions that are properly allocable to such receipts. I. Federal tax issues
  • 23. A guide to the key tax issues | 17 Inbound insight: The Section 199 deduction applies to a variety of US domestic production activities, including the production of tangible personal property, qualified films, the construction of real property, and the development of computer software. Because the Section 199 deduction is a permanent deduction, any overlooked deductions can be claimed on an amended federal income tax return. 8. Bad debt Bad debt resulting from a trade or business may be deducted in the year the debt becomes worthless. Determining the date the debt becomes worthless may present difficulty. 9. Charitable contributions Deductions for allowable charitable contributions may not exceed 10% of a corporation’s taxable income computed without regard to certain deductions, including charitable contributions themselves. Deductions for contributions so limited may be carried over to the five succeeding years, subject to the 10% limitation annually. 10. Employee benefit plans (retirement plans and expenses) The Internal Revenue Code provides incentives for employers to provide retirement benefits to workers, including employee pension, profit-sharing, and stock bonus plans. The employer is allowed a current deduction for contributions made to fund the retirement benefits and pay expenses; the employees’ tax liability is deferred until the benefits are paid. These programs are subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), which governs eligibility, vesting, spousal rights, fiduciary duties, reporting and disclosure, and other related issues, as well as to the extensive requirements for tax qualification under the Internal Revenue Code. Qualified retirement plans must not discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees, and are subject to additional rules regarding eligibility, vesting, benefit accrual, funding, spousal rights, and fiduciary duties. For-profit, non-government employers generally have two types of available plans. The first category is the defined benefit plan under which employees earn a right to a retirement benefit based on their years of service and compensation and/or other factors, payable beginning at their retirement and generally continuing for life. The employer contributes on an on-going basis to cover the amount of retirement income owed to employees under the plan. Any investment gains or losses will not affect the amount of benefits paid to participants but will affect the amount an employer must contribute to cover its obligation. The second category is the defined contribution plan, including the commonly offered ‘401(k) plan’ and profit-sharing plans, under which employees’ benefits are based on the value of their individual accounts. The employer’s contributions (if any) are allocated among the separate accounts of participating employees. Investment gains I. Federal tax issues
  • 24. 18 | Doing business in the United States or losses and the history of contributions will affect the value of a participant’s account at retirement but will not affect an employer’s contributions since the employer is not obligated to ensure any specified level of benefit in the plan. A 401(k) plan also provides employees a pre-tax means of saving for their own retirement, and permits the employer to match these contributions. Non-profit employers, including charities and government entities, may offer similar retirement plans, although some different requirements apply. Small employers and self-employed individuals also have similar options available but may be subject to different requirements. Inbound insight: The rules applicable to employee benefit plans, in terms of application to both a US business and its employees, can create particular complexity for businesses with non-US parent companies. This is often due to the interaction between the employee benefit plans at the parent company and the US business, as well as the movement of employees into and out of the US for varying periods of time. 11. Fines and penalties No deduction generally is allowed for fines or penalties paid to the government for violation of any law. 12. Bribes, kickbacks, and illegal payments An amount paid, directly or indirectly, to any person that is a bribe, kickback, or other illegal payment is not deductible. 13. Taxes State and municipal taxes are deductible expenses for federal income tax purposes. 14. Research or experimental expenditures Corporations can elect under Section 174 to expense all research or experimental (R&E) expenditures that are paid or incurred during the tax year or to defer the expenses for 60 months. Taxpayers also can make a special election under Section 59(e) to amortize their research expenditures over 120 months. A portion of the research expenditures may qualify for a research tax credit that is described in section N.5 below. The IRS in July 2014 finalized regulations under Section 174 that are considered taxpayer favorable. The final regulations address several issues related to whether the subsequent sale or use of tangible property created through research is deductible, clarify the depreciable property rule, clarify that integration testing could qualify as an R&E expense, provide a definition of ‘pilot model,’ and introduce the ‘shrink-back’ rule concept to the Section 174 context. I. Federal tax issues
  • 25. A guide to the key tax issues | 19 15. Other significant items • No deduction generally is allowed for a contingent liability until such liability is fixed and determinable. • Costs incurred for entertainment must meet strict tests to be deductible. The deduction for business meal and entertainment expenses generally is 50% of the expenses incurred. There are also limitations on the deductibility of international and domestic business travel expenses. • Royalty payments, circulation costs, mine exploration, and development costs, and other miscellaneous costs of carrying on a business are deductible, subject to certain conditions and limits. 16. Net operating losses (NOLs) An NOL is generated when business deductions exceed gross income in a particular tax year. An NOL may be carried back to offset past income and possibly obtain a refund or carried forward to offset future income. Generally, a loss may be carried back two years and, if not fully used, carried forward 20 years. Special rules regarding NOLs may apply (1) to specified liability losses or (2) if a taxpayer is located in a qualified disaster area. Complex rules may limit the use of NOLs after reorganization or other change in corporate ownership. Generally, if the ownership of more than 50% in value of the stock of a loss corporation changes, a limit is placed on the amount of future income that may be offset by losses carried forward. 17. Payments to foreign affiliates A US corporation generally may claim a deduction for royalties, management service fees, and interest charges paid to foreign affiliates, to the extent the amounts are actually paid and are not in excess of what it would pay an unrelated entity (i.e., are at arm’s length). US withholding on these payments may be required. 18. Premium payments to captive insurance companies A US corporation generally may claim a deduction for insurance premiums paid, even though the insurance is purchased from an affiliated insurance company (captive insurance company). To be treated as insurance for tax purposes, the insurance arrangement has to involve the transfer of insurance risk, result in adequate risk distribution, and meet commonly accepted notions of insurance under US tax principles. If the captive insurance company is domiciled outside the United States, the premium payments would be subject to an excise tax of 4% on direct premiums (other than for life insurance) and 1% on life insurance and reinsurance premiums. However, the excise tax may be exempt under a tax treaty. Insurance premiums are not subject to withholding taxes (other than under FATCA; see discussion below). I. Federal tax issues
  • 26. 20 | Doing business in the United States N. Credits and incentives 1. Temporary credits and incentives extended Numerous temporary tax provisions that had expired at the end of 2013 were renewed retroactively to January 1, 2014, and extended through December 31, 2014, as part of the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014. As of this printing, these provisions have not been renewed for 2015. Congress may pass legislation renewing and extending (retroactively to January 1, 2015) at least some of these provisions later in 2015. The general business incentives that were renewed and extended by the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014 include the following: • increased Section 179 expensing limit of $500,000 with a $2 million phase-out threshold and expanded definition of Section 179 property • research credit • subpart F exception for active financing income • look-through treatment of payments between related CFCs under the foreign personal holding company rules • 15-year straight-line cost recovery for qualified leasehold improvements, restaurant buildings and improvements, and retail improvements • seven-year recovery period for motor sports entertainment complexes • work opportunity tax credit • wage credit for employers of active-duty military members • railroad track maintenance credit • special expensing rules for qualified film and television productions • new markets tax credit • mine rescue team training credit • expensing of advanced mine safety equipment • enhanced charitable deduction for contributions of food property • treatment of some dividends of regulated investment companies (RICs) • RICs considered qualified investment entities under FIRPTA • special rules for qualified small business stock • reduction in S corporation recognition period for built-in gains tax. 2. Foreign tax credit (FTC) Generally, in any year, a taxpayer can choose whether to take as a credit (subject to limitation) or as a deduction foreign income, war profits, and excess profit taxes paid or accrued during the tax year to any foreign country or US possession. An FTC reduces US income tax liability dollar for dollar, while a deduction reduces US income tax liability at the marginal rate of the taxpayer. For taxpayers with an NOL for the year, the FTC is of no value in such year. However, a benefit might be received either in an earlier year (through a refund of previously paid taxes) or a later year (through a reduction of future taxes). Note also that a taxpayer has the ability to switch from credit to deduction (or from deduction to credit) at any time in a 10-year period commencing when the foreign taxes were paid or accrued. Generally, an FTC may be carried back one year and, if not fully used, carried forward 10 years. I. Federal tax issues
  • 27. A guide to the key tax issues | 21 The FTC goes beyond direct taxes to include foreign taxes paid ‘in lieu of’ a tax on income, war profits, or excess profits that otherwise generally would be imposed. It also includes deemed-paid (indirect) taxes paid for certain US corporate shareholders of non-portfolio foreign corporations when actual or deemed dividends are received. The FTC system has numerous limitations to mitigate potential abuses of the credit by the taxpayer. 3. General business credit Various business credits are available to provide special incentives for the achievement of certain economic objectives. In general, these credits are combined into one ‘general business credit’ for purposes of determining each credit’s allowance limitation for the tax year. The general business credit that may be used for a tax year is limited to a tax-based amount. In general, the current year’s credit that cannot be used in a given year because of the credit’s allowance limitation may be carried back to the tax year preceding the current year and carried forward to each of the 20 years following the current year. In general, the current-year business credit is a combination of the following credits (as of this writing, some of these credits have expired, but may be renewed retroactively by Congress): • investment credit • work opportunity credit • alcohol fuels credit • research credit • low-income housing credit • enhanced oil recovery credit • disabled access credit for certain eligible small businesses • renewable electricity production credit • empowerment zone employment credit • Indian employment credit • employer social security credit • orphan drug credit • new markets tax credit • small employer pension plan startup cost credit for eligible employers • employer-provided child care credit • railroad track maintenance credit • biodiesel fuels credit • low sulfur diesel fuel production credit • marginal oil and gas well production credit • distilled spirits credit • advanced nuclear power facility production credit • non-conventional source production credit • new energy-efficient home credit • energy-efficient appliance credit • a portion of the alternative motor vehicle credit • a portion of the alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit • Hurricane Katrina housing credit • Hurricane Katrina employee retention credit • Hurricane Rita employee retention credit I. Federal tax issues
  • 28. 22 | Doing business in the United States • Hurricane Wilma employee retention credit • mine rescue team training credit • agricultural chemicals security credit for eligible businesses • differential wage payment credit • carbon dioxide sequestration credit • a portion of the new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle credit for vehicles that will vary based on the date of purchase • small employer health insurance credit 4. Employment credits A ‘work opportunity tax credit’ is available for employment of certain targeted groups of individuals who are viewed as difficult to employ. ‘Creditable’ wages generally are the first $6,000 of wages paid to each qualified employee for the year. The credit is 40% of creditable wages, for a maximum credit of $2,400. The Tax Increase Prevention Act extended this credit through 2014. 5. Research credit The research tax credit under Section 41 is available for companies that make qualified research expenditures to develop new or improved products, manufacturing processes, or software in the United States. The credit was enacted in 1981 on a temporary basis to help increase research spending in the United States. Since then the research credit has been extended about 16 times, most recently as part of the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014, retroactive to January 1, 2014, and is available with respect to qualified research expenses (QREs) incurred before January 1, 2015. The research credit generally is computed by calculating current-year QREs over a base. The base is calculated using either the regular research credit (RRC) method or the alternative simplified credit (ASC) method. Under the RRC method, the credit equals 20% of QREs for the tax year over a base amount established by the taxpayer in 1984–1988 or by another method for companies that began operations after that period. The ASC equals 14%—for the 2009 tax year and thereafter—of QREs over 50% of the average annual QREs in the three immediately preceding tax years. If the taxpayer has no QREs in any of the three preceding tax years, the ASC may be 6% of the tax year’s QREs. Under final regulations issued in February 2015, the ASC may be claimed on an amended return for a tax year ending after February 27, 2015—provided the taxpayer has not previously claimed research credits for such year—as well as on the taxpayer’s original return for such year. Taxpayers using the RRC also may take a 20% credit for incremental payments made to qualified organizations for basic research. For tax years ending after August 8, 2005, taxpayers also may take the Energy Research Consortium Credit, which provides a 20% credit for expenditures on qualified energy research undertaken by an energy research consortium. The deduction for R&E expenditures (see section I.M.14 above) must be reduced by the entire amount of the credit unless an election is made to reduce the amount of the credit. I. Federal tax issues
  • 29. A guide to the key tax issues | 23 Inbound insight: The application of the research credit rules when a US business is compensated for its R&E costs by a foreign parent or other foreign related party often is misunderstood. The rules provide that in determining a taxpayer’s research tax credit, all members of the same controlled group of corporations should be treated as a single taxpayer. Companies often net the reimbursement against their current QREs, resulting in lost opportunities to utilize available credits. This area should be reviewed closely if US entities are being reimbursed by related foreign entities for any potentially qualified activities. In light of the final regulations under Section 174, taxpayers should evaluate their QREs to determine the possible impact of the new rules regarding pilot models, integration testing, and ‘shrinkback.’ Congress may extend the credit, retroactively to January 1, 2015, by legislation enacted before the end of 2015. 6. Inbound investment incentives There generally are no specific incentives related to inbound investment at the federal level, other than certain portfolio debt and bank deposit exceptions. The portfolio debt exception enables nonresidents and foreign corporations to invest in certain obligations (which must meet certain statutory requirements to qualify as ‘portfolio debt’) in the United States without being subject to US income (or withholding) tax on the interest income. 7. Qualified private activity bonds Interest income received on certain qualified private activity bonds generally is exempt from federal income tax. This enables a business enterprise to issue the bonds at a lower interest rate. O. Anti-inversion developments Most US inbound companies are no doubt aware of recent US developments regarding so-called ‘inversions.’ Both the executive and legislative branches of the US government have begun to focus more sharply on these transactions. On the administrative front, Treasury and the IRS on September 22, 2014, issued Notice 2014-52 (the Notice), addressing certain cross-border business combination transactions, termed ‘inversions’ in the Notice. The Notice announces the intention to issue regulations under five Internal Revenue Code sections, and it takes a two-pronged approach. First, it addresses the treatment of cross-border business combination transactions themselves under Sections 7874 and 367. I. Federal tax issues
  • 30. 24 | Doing business in the United States Second, the Notice addresses post-transaction steps that taxpayers may undertake with respect to US-owned foreign subsidiaries, under Sections 304(b)(5)(B), 956(e), and 7701(l), making it more difficult to access foreign earnings without incurring added US tax. The Notice’s guidance generally applies only to business combination transactions completed on or after September 22, 2014, except for the Section 304 provision, which applies to all stock acquisitions completed on or after September 22, 2014, that meet the Section 304 criteria. The Notice indicates that future guidance in this area will apply the prospectively from the date of issuance, and only to groups that completed their business combination transactions on or after September 22, 2014. The Notice does not address limitations on deducting intercompany interest expense under Section 163(j). However, the Notice invites comments on those issues and indicates that Treasury and the IRS expect to issue additional guidance to further limit cross-border business combinations viewed as ‘inversion’ transactions, as well as the US federal income tax consequences of post-transaction arrangements. The Notice also signals that Treasury is reviewing its tax treaty policy regarding ‘inverted’ groups. Notice 2014-52 is major administrative guidance that announces Treasury and the IRS’s intention to issue regulations setting forth new rules that will apply in the ‘inversion’ context, as well as one rule that applies more broadly to certain restructuring transactions undertaken within a foreign-parented group. The rules announced are very complex and are intended to expand the scope of Section 7874, so that more types of business combinations will qualify as an ‘inversion,’ as well as eliminate, for a period of 10 years, the tax benefits of certain transactions commonly undertaken once an inversion has occurred. Notice 2014-52 reflects the Administration’s stated views that certain US-to-foreign transactions should be curtailed now to prevent losses to the US tax base while talks regarding corporate tax reform continue. Although Treasury has publicly stated that legislative action is needed with respect to inversions, it has been exploring the scope of its administrative authority to address such transactions. In this regard, Treasury and the IRS base their authority for the future regulations announced in Notice 2014-52 on several different Code provisions. Some of the rules announced provide surprising US tax consequences. Companies and tax practitioners considering any acquisition of a US business entity by a foreign business entity, as well as certain inbound restructuring transactions, will need to carefully consider the full scope of these new rules, and the possible adverse US consequences arising from their application. In the meantime, the Administration and certain members of Congress are expected to continue to discuss potential legislation in this area, while other members point to the need for comprehensive US tax reform. On the legislative front, in early January 2015, several Congressional Democrats re-introduced bills proposed in prior years to curb perceived abuses involving cross- border mergers and the use of low-tax foreign jurisdictions. I. Federal tax issues
  • 31. A guide to the key tax issues | 25 House Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) and member Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) introduced the Stop Corporate Inversions Act of 2015 (H.R. 415). Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) introduced a companion Senate bill (S. 198) (together, the Levin/Durbin bills). Rep. Levin introduced essentially the same bill under the same name in 2014 (H.R. 4679). The Levin/Durbin bills would apply Section 7874 to treat a foreign company as a US company (for US federal income tax purposes) where there is greater than 50% continuity of ownership by the predecessor US company’s shareholders—rather than the current 80%. The bills also would treat a foreign company as a US company if both (1) its management and control and (2) significant business operations remain in the United States, while it does not have substantial business activities in its country of incorporation. The Levin/Durbin bills are similar to an Obama Administration proposal in its FY 2016 Budget. Rep. Doggett also introduced the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act (H.R. 297), and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) introduced a companion bill (S. 174) (together, the Doggett/Whitehouse bills). These bills are essentially the same legislation that former Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) offered under the same name in 2013 (S. 1533). The Doggett/Whitehouse bills propose Section 7874 modifications similar to the Levin/ Durbin bills but have a wider scope. Their provisions would, among other things, tighten foreign financial reporting requirements further, repeal check-the-box entity classification rules, treat certain foreign corporations managed and controlled in the United States as US corporations, and echo previous proposals addressing ‘excess’ IP- related income of CFCs, intangibles transfers, and interest expense deductibility. A bill introduced on April 14, 2015, by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) — The Corporate Tax Dodging Prevention Act of 2015 — would enact several changes to the Code that are intended to prevent corporations from sheltering profits in ‘tax havens’ like Bermuda and the Cayman Islands and to eliminate tax breaks for companies that ‘ship’ jobs and factories overseas. The Joint Committee on Taxation staff has estimated in the past that similar provisions would raise more than $590 billion in revenue over a decade. Additional inversion-related bills might be introduced later this year. Potentially affected taxpayers should continue to monitor this developing issue. The legislative prospects of the bills mentioned above introduced by Democrats are uncertain, especially given Republican control of both chambers of Congress and the uncertain outlook for tax reform. However, if some features of the bills were enacted as part of any legislative vehicle, they would have a significant adverse impact, including possible unintended consequences. Although there is little that is new in the 2015 bills, companies that would be affected by these proposals should remain vigilant about the possibility that one or more of these ‘anti-abuse’ proposals might be used as revenue-raising provisions to help offset the cost of unrelated legislation. This possibility may be particularly important if Congress delays consideration of corporate tax reform until later years. I. Federal tax issues
  • 32. 26 | Doing business in the United States P. Administrative issues 1. Withholding a. Withholding on payments to non-US persons Under US domestic tax laws, a foreign person generally is subject to 30% US tax on its US-source income (other than capital gains) that is not effectively connected with a US trade or business. Persons making US-source payments (‘withholding agents’), such as US-source interest, dividends, and royalties, to foreign persons generally must withhold 30% of the payment amount as tax withheld at source. In other situations, withholding agents may apply a lower rate of withholding if the payee is eligible for a reduced rate under a tax treaty or by operation of the US tax laws (e.g., portfolio interest exemption). See the latest edition of IRS Publication 515. The United States has entered into various income tax treaties with countries in order to avoid double taxation of income and to prevent tax evasion. See Appendix A below or the latest edition of IRS Publication 901 for a summary of the benefits resulting from these treaties. See also the discussion of tax treaties in section III below. The ability to apply a reduced rate depends on whether the withholding agent receives valid documentation evidencing the foreign payee’s eligibility for a lower rate of withholding. Valid documentation includes documentation provided using Form W-8. Since there are various Forms W-8, the payee must determine which one is the correct form to be completed. Form W-8BEN, Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding, is the most commonly used Form W-8. That version is used to establish that the payee is not a US person and is the beneficial owner of the income related to which the Form W-8BEN is being provided. Form W-8BEN also can be used to claim a reduced rate of withholding based upon an applicable income tax treaty. Note: Form W-8BEN is used only by individuals. Entities use Form W-8BEN-E. Form W-8BEN-E, Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Entities). Among other purposes (e.g., FATCA), this form is used to establish that the payee is not a US person and is the beneficial owner of the income related to which the Form W-8BEN-E is being provided. Form W-8BEN-E also can be used to claim a reduced rate of withholding based upon an applicable income tax treaty. Note: Form W-8BEN-E is used only by entities. Individuals use Form W-8BEN. In addition to Form W-8BEN or Form W-8BEN-E, other forms that can be provided by a foreign payee to reduce or eliminate withholding are: I. Federal tax issues
  • 33. A guide to the key tax issues | 27 • Form W-8ECI, Certificate of Foreign Person’s Claim That Income Is Effectively Connected With the Conduct of a Trade or Business in the United States, is provided by a non-US entity or individual that is engaged in a US trade or business and has income that is effectively connected with such US trade or business. • Form W-8EXP, Certificate of Foreign Government or Other Foreign Organization for United States Tax Withholding & Reporting, is provided by non-US governments or non-US tax-exempt organizations. • Form W-8IMY, Certificate of Foreign Intermediary, Foreign Flow Through Entity, or Certain US Branches for United States Tax Withholding & Reporting, is provided by a non-US flow-through entity (e.g., partnership) that is not engaged in a US trade or business. Form W-8IMY generally must be accompanied by Forms W-8 and/or Form W-9 for the beneficial owners and a withholding statement that allocates the income to the beneficial owners. Treaty claims made by nonresident alien individuals who provide independent personal services in the US are made on Form 8233, Exemption from Withholding on Compensation for Independent (and Certain Dependent) Personal Services of a Nonresident Alien Individual, instead of on Form W-8BEN. Forms W-8BEN, W-8BEN-E, W-8ECI, and W-8EXP generally are valid for three years from the date the form is signed. New forms are required prior to the expiration of three years if there is a change in the information disclosed by the payee on the forms. For some purposes (not applicable if treaty benefits are claimed), the forms can remain valid indefinitely absent a change in circumstances. Form W-8IMY is valid indefinitely unless there is a change in the information disclosed by the payee on the forms. Form 8233 is valid for only one year. b. Withholding on payments to US persons All US and non-US entities are responsible for information reporting and backup withholding for payments made to US non-exempt recipients, including US individuals, partnerships, and LLCs. Backup withholding at the current rate of 28% is required if the US non-exempt recipient fails to provide a taxpayer identification number (TIN) in the proper manner prior to payment or if the payor is instructed to backup withhold by the IRS. Payments made to US exempt recipients are not subject to reporting or backup withholding and such recipients are not required to provide a TIN. Exempt recipients include governments (federal, state, and local), tax-exempt organizations under IRC Section 501(a), individual retirement plans, international organizations, foreign central banks of issue, and most corporations and financial institutions. Payments made to US non-exempt recipients for dividends, gross proceeds, interest, compensation for services, rents, royalties, prizes, awards, and litigation awards, among others, must be reported. A proper TIN should be obtained from all US payees to avoid backup withholding. A TIN is best obtained by receiving a valid Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certificate, from US payees, including exempt recipients. The IRS’s TIN Matching Program also can be utilized to verify names or TINs with IRS records to ensure accuracy. I. Federal tax issues
  • 34. 28 | Doing business in the United States Inbound insight: The US reporting and withholding rules apply whether payments are made to related or unrelated parties. This means that the appropriate Form W-8 or W-9 must be provided to a company making a payment to a related party. Note that a non-US company (e.g., one that has custody of the funds made to a non-US beneficial owner) may also be a withholding agent. Non-US companies that are controlled by US persons or that earn more than a certain amount of US-source income are classified as US payors. As a result, these companies must report all reportable payments made to a US non-exempt recipient. Also, if the US non- exempt recipient fails to provide its TIN in the proper manner, backup withholding must be imposed and remitted to the IRS. 2. Information reporting a. Reporting payments to non-US persons Any taxes withheld on payments made to foreign payees must be reported to the IRS on Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for US Source Income of Foreign Persons. Form 1042 must be filed with the IRS on or before March 15 following the calendar year in which the income subject to reporting was paid, unless an extension of time to file is obtained. Form 1042 must be filed if a Form 1042-S is filed (see below), even if there is no withholding on the payment. A withholding agent must file with the IRS and furnish to each foreign payee Form 1042-S, Foreign Person’s US Source Income Subject to Withholding. Form 1042-S is the information return used by withholding agents to report US-source payments paid to foreign payees. Form 1042-S must be filed with the IRS and furnished to the foreign payee on or before March 15 following the calendar year in which the income subject to reporting was paid, unless an extension is obtained. Form 1042-S is required whether or not withholding on the payments has occurred. b. Reporting payments to US persons A US entity engaged in a trade or business that during the calendar year makes payments to a US non-exempt payee totaling $600 or more must report the amount of the payments on Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income. Payments subject to Form 1099-MISC reporting include compensation for services (other than wages paid to employees), rents, royalties, commissions, gains, and certain types of interest. US payers are responsible for reporting the payment whether made by cash, check, or wire transfer. Amounts paid by payment card (including debt, credit, and procurement) are not subject to Form 1099-MISC reporting by the payor. Form 1099-MISC must be furnished to payees no later than January 31 of the year subsequent to the year of payment and must be filed with the IRS by February 28 of the year following the payment. Requests to extend these dates may be made, but extensions are not automatic. I. Federal tax issues
  • 35. A guide to the key tax issues | 29 If the payor is required to file 250 or more Forms 1099-MISC, it must file the forms electronically with the IRS by use of the Filing Information Returns Electronically (FIRE) system. If Forms 1099-MISC are filed electronically, the due date for filing with the IRS is extended from February 28 to March 31. The payor also must file Form 945, Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax, to report any backup withholding. Form 945 must be filed with the IRS by January 31 of the year succeeding the year of payments. c. FATCA FATCA, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, was enacted in 2010 to prevent and detect offshore tax evasion. While the name may imply that FATCA is directed at financial institutions, many global companies outside the financial services industry may be affected if they have entities in their worldwide network falling under the purview of FATCA, or have operational areas that make or receive payments subject to FATCA. FATCA added chapter 4 (Sections 1471–1474) to the Internal Revenue Code. FATCA requires many foreign financial institutions (FFIs) to enter into agreements with the IRS under which they undertake procedures to identify which of their accounts are held by US persons and annually report information regarding such accounts to the IRS. An FFI that has entered into such an agreement is known as a ‘participating FFI.’ In addition, some nonfinancial foreign entities (NFFEs) are required to report information regarding any direct or indirect US owners to withholding agents. Non-compliance with FATCA triggers a 30% withholding tax on US-source fixed or determinable, annual, or periodical (FDAP) payments (and, beginning in 2017, on gross proceeds from the disposition of debt or equity securities issued by US persons). However, IRS regulations provide for many exceptions, such as categories of FFIs or NFFEs that are eligible for lightened compliance obligations. The withholding provisions of FATCA began in July 2014. Compliance with FATCA may require changes to existing systems and processes across business units and regions, the renewal of policies and day-to-day practices, and new tasks such as registering with the IRS. Inbound insight: Many non-US companies with business operations in the United States have non-US companies engaged in activities such as holding shares, financing, and treasury or insurance operations. These activities require a careful review of the companies throughout the corporate group to determine the appropriate application of the FATCA rules. I. Federal tax issues
  • 36. 30 | Doing business in the United States i. FATCA compliance obligations FATCA imposes registration, due diligence reviews, information reporting, and tax withholding obligations on entities that qualify as foreign financial institutions (FFIs). Legal entities with FFI characteristics must determine whether they are, in fact, FFIs and, if so, whether they are required to register with the IRS. Multinational corporations (MNCs) should examine their treasury centers, retirement funds, and holding companies, to name a few examples, to determine whether they meet the definition of an FFI. Properly identifying the FATCA status of each entity in a large organization is expected to take significant time and effort, because the final FATCA regulations impose several different income and asset tests at both the entity level and the global organization level. Regardless of FATCA status, obligations are imposed on payors of US-source FDAP income, which include many MNCs. These companies must have processes and procedures in place to identify and categorize non-US payees for FATCA purposes, report, and potentially apply 30% withholding tax to avoid being liable for the withholding tax and potential penalties. Even if a foreign entity is not an FFI, FATCA still requires the recipient of a US-source payment to establish its FATCA status with appropriate documentation including, for certain types of NFFEs information regarding US persons that own (directly or indirectly) more than 10% of the NFFE. ii. FATCA exemptions There are several important exemptions from FATCA to the withholding of tax on US-source FDAP payments. For example, FATCA withholding should not apply when the payee provides to the withholding agent appropriate documentation demonstrating that the payee is not subject to withholding (i.e., the entity documents its FATCA status and provides all required information to the withholding agent, and that status is not ‘nonparticipating FFI’). Even though withholding under FATCA does not apply in that case, reporting still is required. The withholding agent also must evaluate whether reporting and withholding apply under the information reporting rules discussed in the previous section. Treasury regulations provide a number of categories of FFIs that may be treated as deemed-compliant with FATCA or as ‘exempt beneficial owners.’ These categories of FFIs have characteristics that are considered to present a lower risk of use for tax evasion and accordingly do not have to enter into an FFI agreement with the IRS (though they may still have to register) and generally will not be required to perform the same due diligence and reporting that participating FFIs are required to perform. NFFEs that either have no substantial US owners or that properly identify these owners to withholding agents should not be subject to withholding, nor should NFFEs that are deemed by the IRS to represent a low risk of US tax evasion, such as publicly traded companies and their affiliates, and those engaged in active trades or businesses. A withholdable payment to a documented US entity is not subject to the 30% tax, but reporting applies. I. Federal tax issues
  • 37. A guide to the key tax issues | 31 iii. Actions to comply with FATCA MNCs need a FATCA compliance program to ensure that all necessary FATCA classifications, documentation, monitoring, and reporting are undertaken. This process should be documented in a series of policies and procedures ensuring that the process has controls that can be replicated and tested. Further, the program, which should highlight changes in business practices that may be necessary for FATCA compliance, would be intended to inform senior management that all areas of the organization have been reviewed according to requirements. iv. The impact of IGAs To mitigate certain foreign legal impediments to FATCA compliance, intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) have been negotiated between the US Treasury and other governments. Under certain IGAs, known as Model 1 IGAs, information will be exchanged directly between the IRS and the foreign taxing authority. This obligates entities in IGA jurisdictions to report information to their government that may not have been required or permitted in the past. Other IGAs, known as Model 2 IGAs, provide that local governments will direct FFIs resident in the jurisdiction to report to the IRS. Assessing FATCA’s impact requires identifying whether an IGA may apply to the entity at issue. Provisions in the final regulations or any IGA that provide more favorable results may be utilized. The IRS and Treasury have focused on negotiating consistent requirements in each IGA, but there are noticeable differences in the agreements signed to date. For an MNC, this will require an analysis of the applicable FATCA rules across all jurisdictions in which it operates. v. Companies with FFIs in their groups FATCA imposes the most significant obligations on FFIs. Companies engaged in nonfinancial businesses may think that few or none of their foreign entities constitute an FFI. However, the definition of an FFI is broad and includes more types of entities than one might expect. Although the rules provide various exceptions, the following are types of entities that may be FFIs: • Non-US retirement funds and foundations—Non-US retirement funds whose gross income is primarily attributable to investing, reinvesting, or trading in financial assets and are professionally managed by another entity are classified as investment entities and therefore are FFIs. However, certain retirement funds entitled to receive benefits under a tax treaty are examples of retirement funds that are treated as ‘exempt beneficial owners’ and therefore not required to enter into FFI agreements with the IRS. • Treasury centers, holding companies, and captive finance companies— These types of entities are specifically identified in the definition of an FFI. However, if such entities satisfy certain requirements and are part of a nonfinancial group of companies, they may be excepted from being FFIs. Among the activities relevant in assessing whether a legal entity is treated as an FFI are: I. Federal tax issues
  • 38. 32 | Doing business in the United States -- cash pooling -- securitization and factoring activities -- hedging activities (including whether hedges are entered into with affiliates or with ‘customers’) -- customer financing operations -- offshore cash deployment and investment strategies -- In-house bank and external credit or ‘banking’-type operations. • Special-purpose entities and banking-type subsidiaries—Although frequently utilized to access lower-cost sources of funding for operations or acquisitions, the mix of activities in which these entities are engaged and how income is derived may cause them to fall within the FFI definition. • Captive insurance companies—Generally, captive insurance companies may not be deemed FFIs for FATCA purposes because they do not have any cash value or annuity contracts. However, such captives still should evaluate their business operations to determine if they fall within another category of FFI. These other categories may include depository institutions, custodial institutions, investment entities, and certain holding companies and treasury centers. When an MNC determines that it has entities within its global structure that are FFIs, the MNC should determine if such entities may qualify for an exception from FFI status. One of the primary exceptions covers holding companies and treasury centers that are part of a group that is determined to be ‘nonfinancial. The status of ‘nonfinancial’ is based on the ratios of active vs. passive income and assets, as well as the income generated by FFIs within the group. If an entity is an FFI, the MNC has to determine whether the FFI must become a participating FFI (or a reporting FFI under an IGA), or if it qualifies for deemed- compliant or exempt beneficial owner status. If the entity does not qualify for such status, it must properly register with the IRS. To avoid the 30% withholding tax on US-source payments it receives, each FFI must use the IRS’s online FATCA portal to execute an FFI agreement, confirm its due diligence, and receive a new identification number, the Global Intermediary Identification Number, or GIIN. vi. Companies that make US-source cross-border payments FATCA withholding and reporting generally applies when a multinational business makes a withholdable payment (i.e., a payment of US-source FDAP income, and, beginning in 2017, gross proceeds from the disposition of debt and equity securities issued by US persons). From a practical perspective, a large range of payors can be affected—just about any multinational business that makes payments falling within this definition will be affected by FATCA. As a result, global organizations should focus their efforts on payment details such as: • which legal entity or department is authorizing the payment • which legal entity or department is making the payment • the recipient of the payment I. Federal tax issues
  • 39. A guide to the key tax issues | 33 • documentation of the recipient • source (and US federal income tax sourcing) of the payment • the character of the payment. Inbound insight: Accuracy of payment details is imperative when dealing with FATCA. Multinationals with outbound payments from the United States should ensure that internal governance of the cross-border payments is sound and that payments are reflective of any transfer pricing arrangements in place. vii. Expansive definition of a withholdable payment The term ‘withholdable payment’ generally refers to the gross amount of US- source FDAP income, and can include other types of US-source income not otherwise subject to withholding under Chapter 3 of the IRC. For example, beginning in 2017, gross proceeds from the sale of certain property are included in the definition. Treasury functions, accounts payable departments, and other areas of a global organization may make many withholdable payments. The following are a few common examples of third-party or intercompany payments that may be included in the definition: • interest and dividends • bank and custodial fees • advisory and broker fees associated with merger and acquisition activity • insurance or reinsurance premiums paid for insuring US risk • gross proceeds from derivatives, swaps, and other hedging arrangements, typically performed by the treasury function. Certain nonfinancial payments are not treated as withholdable payments under FATCA. However, some of these payments (such as payments for services, rents, and royalties) remain subject to existing information reporting and withholding requirements. Certain obligations in existence on July 1, 2014, are considered ‘grandfathered’ and are not subject to FATCA withholding. viii. Obligation to identify payees and remit tax As a core concept of FATCA, payors of a withholdable payment must ask, ‘who is the payee?’ and ‘is the payment FATCA compliant?’ IRS forms, such as the W-8BEN and W-8IMY, enable payees and intermediaries to certify both their FATCA statuses and information relevant to Chapter 3. In addition, the regulations that harmonize the FATCA requirements with the existing Chapter 3 withholding requirements have altered the way in which documentation can be used and have also modified the way in which other types of information can be used to facilitate proper withholding and reporting. I. Federal tax issues
  • 40. 34 | Doing business in the United States I. Federal tax issues Payors will need to ensure that their counterparties are FATCA compliant and exempt from withholding. For example, if the withholding agent receives sufficient documentation, such as a global intermediary identification number (GIIN) from an FFI and a valid Form W-8, withholding is not required (although reporting still must be completed). ix. Companies that are receiving US-source payments Entities within a group that receive withholdable payments may be subject to 30% FATCA withholding if they cannot provide proper documentation. These may include an NFFE located outside of the United States, which may be treated as a ‘passive NFFE’ and subject to FATCA withholding if it fails to timely and properly identify itself to its withholding agent and provide information regarding its ownership. x. The cost of noncompliance Businesses that do not adhere to the new obligations under FATCA may face a variety of consequences, with possible loss of 30% of the value of specific payments being of foremost concern. Consistent with other US information reporting regimes, a payor that fails to deduct and remit FATCA withholding when required will be liable for 100% of the amount not withheld as well as related interest and penalties. 3. Filing requirements a. Tax period US corporate taxpayers are taxed on an annual basis. Corporate taxpayers may choose a tax year that is different from the calendar year. New corporations may use a short tax year for their first tax period, and corporations changing tax years also may use a short tax year. b. Tax returns The US tax system is based on the principle of self-assessment. A corporate taxpayer must file an annual tax return (generally Form 1120) by the 15th day of the third month following the close of its tax year. A taxpayer can obtain a six-month extension to file its tax return, provided it timely and properly files Form 7004 and deposits the full amount of any tax due. Failure to timely file may result in penalties.
  • 41. A guide to the key tax issues | 35 I. Federal tax issues 4. Important tax return due dates for businesses Form No. Title Purpose Due date W-2 Wage and Tax Statement Employers must provide employees with statements regarding total compensation and amounts withheld during year. Must be sent to employees on or before January 31, with copies to the Social Security Administration. 1099 series Various Information returns to be provided to recipients of dividends and distributions, interest income, non-employee compensation, miscellaneous income, etc. Must be sent on or before January 31. 1120 series, including 1120S (for S corporations) US Corporation Income Tax Return Income tax returns for domestic corporations or foreign corporations with US offices. March 15 (Form 7004 may be filed to obtain an automatic six-month filing extension) Schedule K-1 Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. Information returns to be provided to partners by partnerships. March 15 1065 US Return of Partnership Income Information returns to be filed by partnerships. April 15 (Form 7004 may be filed to obtain an automatic five-month extension) State income tax returns Various Income tax returns for states where corporation carries on trade/business. Varies, often April 15 5. Payment of tax A taxpayer’s tax liability generally must be prepaid throughout the year in four equal estimated payments and fully paid by the date the tax return is initially due for that year. For calendar-year corporations, the four estimated payments are due by the 15th days of April, June, September, and December. For fiscal-year corporations, the four estimated payments are due by the 15th days of the fourth, sixth, ninth, and 12th month of the tax year. Generally, no extensions to pay are allowed. Failure to pay the tax by the due dates can result in estimated tax and late payment penalties and interest charges.