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June 2013
 Data Science Lead @ Think Big
 Product/Brand Obsessive
 Teacher
 Occasional Engineer
• High level exploration of the
• skills, tools, and techniques
• needed to achieve early success
• and to help you build
• your data science practice.
 Understand our organizational needs for data science
 Infrastructure: Technological tools and platforms.
 Talent: Staff hired and trained.
 Capabilities: Data science techniques utilized.
Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time
Scripting MapReduce
Basic Modeling PhD Math
Visualization Clustering Categorization
Text Analysis
 Boxed Solutions: Mahout & Platform
 Toolkits: RHadoop, Scikit, etc.
 You will need toolkits to solve unique problems
 but smart techniques make that easier.
 Boxed solutions are limited
 but can be a good source of early velocity.
 Gigabytes from Stackoverflow
 Questions from users
 With metadata
 Users have reputations
 Questions open or closed
 Follow along
 Thinking about your data
 To learn in a
 Familiar context and
 Plan
Presenter Audience
Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time
Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math
Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
select count(1) as total
, sum(has_code)
, avg(body_count)
, stddev_samp(body_count)
, corr(reputation,
histogram_numeric(body_count, 10)
from questions
Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time
Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math
Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
Patterns through Hive Patterns through Tableau
 Summaries of unstructured
 Time-since metrics
select transform(…)
using ‘python …’
 Clustering: Browsing cohorts
/bin/mahout canopy
Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time
Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math
Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
SQL Windowing Cross-Record Features
• Sample (don’t parallelize)
• Naturally parallel
• Random Forests
• Estimators and Ensembles
• Bootstrapping
• Localizing
• Advanced Parallelization
• Linear models with SGD
• Neural networks
Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time
Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math
Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
 Single R model
 run many times
 over samples
 and aggregated
m <- C5.0(status ~ …)
Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time
Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math
Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
Mapper 1:
Define n reducer keys
Send any record to reducer I with
probability p
Reducer 1:
Key: Id of sample
Value: List of records
Perform analysis over records
Reducer 2:
Key: One
Value: List of models
Aggregate the models (e.g. average)
Bagging a Model
Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time
Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math
Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
 We’ve created a structured model
 to flag questions that won’t be closed
 using Big Data.
 But we haven’t used unstructured data.
Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time
Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math
Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
• Is “the big dog” really different from “dog is big?”
• How about “I like eggs but hate tofu” and “I hate eggs but like tofu?”
• Language has lexical and syntactical features
• Different techniques leverage these in different ways
 Bag of Words: Structure doesn’t matter
 n-gram: Structure matters (but not that much)
 Feature Extraction: BACON! BACON! BACON!
Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time
Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math
Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
 Similar to Hadoop’s Word
 Create counts for
token/category pairs
 Use counts to calculate
Information Gain
MR Job 1:
Calculate information gain (IG) for all
MR Job 2:
Select tokens with largest IG.
Create structured data for record, tokens:
question #4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1
MR Job 3:
Build a classifier over the newly structured
data (prior slides)
Information Gain
Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time
Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math
Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
 We’ve created two models
 One structured,
 one unstructured.
 But they don’t work together.
Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time
Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math
Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
 Join many models together
 By using their output
 As input to ensemble model.
 Best when models perform
 Exploit differences with
 Like interaction effects.
Mapper 1:
Load multiple models
Score the models per record and output
Reducer 1:
Key: Id of record
Value: List of model outputs
Join model outputs to make new records
MR Job 2:
Build a model over the output data as if it
was raw data.
 We’ve created two models:
 one structured,
 one unstructured
 and have ensembled them
 to create a single, powerful model
 and solve a practical business problem.
Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time
Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math
Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
 This required simple infrastructure
 a blend of analysis and scripting skills
 an understanding of BIG data science techniques
 but not a team of PhDs or a billion dollars.
Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time
Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math
Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis

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Big data-science-oanyc

  • 2. CONFIDENTIAL | 2 linkedin.com/in/danmallinger/ @danmallinger www.thinkbiganalytics.com  Data Science Lead @ Think Big  Product/Brand Obsessive  Teacher  Occasional Engineer
  • 3. CONFIDENTIAL | 3 TODAY • High level exploration of the • skills, tools, and techniques • needed to achieve early success • and to help you build • your data science practice.
  • 4. CONFIDENTIAL | 4  Understand our organizational needs for data science  Infrastructure: Technological tools and platforms.  Talent: Staff hired and trained.  Capabilities: Data science techniques utilized. INFRASTRUCTURE, TALENT, & CAPABILITIES Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time Scripting MapReduce Data Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Models Text Analysis
  • 5. CONFIDENTIAL | 5  Boxed Solutions: Mahout & Platform  Toolkits: RHadoop, Scikit, etc.  You will need toolkits to solve unique problems  but smart techniques make that easier.  Boxed solutions are limited  but can be a good source of early velocity. ANALYTICS TOOLS
  • 6. CONFIDENTIAL | 6  Gigabytes from Stackoverflow  Questions from users  With metadata  Users have reputations  Questions open or closed  Follow along  Thinking about your data  To learn in a  Familiar context and  Plan DATA Presenter Audience Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
  • 7. CONFIDENTIAL | 7 select count(1) as total , sum(has_code) , avg(body_count) , stddev_samp(body_count) , corr(reputation, owner_questions) , histogram_numeric(body_count, 10) from questions ; STEP 1: EXPLORE Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis Patterns through Hive Patterns through Tableau
  • 8. CONFIDENTIAL | 8  Summaries of unstructured data  Time-since metrics select transform(…) using ‘python …’  Clustering: Browsing cohorts /bin/mahout canopy STEP 2: FEATURE BUILDING Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis SQL Windowing Cross-Record Features
  • 9. CONFIDENTIAL | 9 • Sample (don’t parallelize) • Naturally parallel • SVD • Random Forests • Estimators and Ensembles • Bootstrapping • Localizing • Advanced Parallelization • Linear models with SGD • Neural networks PARALLEL MODELS IN HADOOP Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
  • 10. CONFIDENTIAL | 10  Single R model  run many times  over samples  and aggregated m <- C5.0(status ~ …) STEP 3: STRUCTURED MODEL (BAGGING) Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis Mapper 1: Define n reducer keys Send any record to reducer I with probability p Reducer 1: Key: Id of sample Value: List of records Perform analysis over records Reducer 2: Key: One Value: List of models Aggregate the models (e.g. average) Bagging a Model
  • 11. CONFIDENTIAL | 11 WHERE ARE WE? Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis  We’ve created a structured model  to flag questions that won’t be closed  using Big Data.  But we haven’t used unstructured data.
  • 12. CONFIDENTIAL | 12 TEXT ANALYSIS Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis • Is “the big dog” really different from “dog is big?” • How about “I like eggs but hate tofu” and “I hate eggs but like tofu?” • Language has lexical and syntactical features • Different techniques leverage these in different ways  Bag of Words: Structure doesn’t matter  n-gram: Structure matters (but not that much)  Feature Extraction: BACON! BACON! BACON!
  • 13. CONFIDENTIAL | 13 STEP 4: UNSTRUCTURED MODEL Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis  Similar to Hadoop’s Word Count  Create counts for token/category pairs  Use counts to calculate Information Gain MR Job 1: Calculate information gain (IG) for all tokens. MR Job 2: Select tokens with largest IG. Create structured data for record, tokens: question #4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 MR Job 3: Build a classifier over the newly structured data (prior slides) Information Gain
  • 14. CONFIDENTIAL | 14 WHERE ARE WE? Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis  We’ve created two models  One structured,  one unstructured.  But they don’t work together.
  • 15. CONFIDENTIAL | 15 STEP 5: ENSEMBLE MODEL Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis  Join many models together  By using their output  As input to ensemble model.  Best when models perform differently  Exploit differences with nonlinearities  Like interaction effects. Ensembling Mapper 1: Load multiple models Score the models per record and output Reducer 1: Key: Id of record Value: List of model outputs Join model outputs to make new records MR Job 2: Build a model over the output data as if it was raw data.
  • 16. CONFIDENTIAL | 16  We’ve created two models:  one structured,  one unstructured  and have ensembled them  to create a single, powerful model  and solve a practical business problem. WHERE ARE WE? Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis
  • 17. CONFIDENTIAL | 17  This required simple infrastructure  a blend of analysis and scripting skills  an understanding of BIG data science techniques  but not a team of PhDs or a billion dollars. HOW DID WE GET HERE? Hadoop NoSQL Analytics SQL/MPP Real Time Scripting MapReduce Exploration Basic Modeling PhD Math Visualization Clustering Categorization Continuous Text Analysis