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Big Data
                           Industry Report 2011

             1         Executive Overview

             2         Market Drivers & Industry Dynamics

             3         Market Segments & Product Requirements

             4         Market Forecast & Market Shares

             5         Enabling Technology Trends & Standards

             6         Competitive Products & Positioning

             7         Major Suppliers & Supplier Strategies

             8         Channels of Distribution

             9         Recommendations (For Vendors, End-Users, Investors)

           10          Methodology, Resources & Appendices

0 BD ‐ TOC  Summary                             1/4 
Big Data Industry Report Outline
Big Data: New Opportunities for Enterprises
Business and IT leaders now face significant opportunities and challenges with big data — that is data
sets that are so large they are difficult to store, manage and analyze. The report delineates the existing
operational challenges businesses face and how enterprise IT leaders can harness the deeper insights
provided by Big Data to manage complex operational problems and empowering businesses in
knowledgeable decision-making to get the competitive advantage for their companies. It lays out the
rapidly evolving big data business and technology ecosystem - different big data technologies from
Hadoop and emerging NoSQL derivatives to cloud-based collaboration tools.
Harnessing the Competitive Advantages of Big Data
Although Hadoop initially has been used by large web companies such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook for
applications such as search engines, but its potential is much, much more. This report details what
Hadoop is (and isn’t), brings into focus the key technologies and their interplay, provides a perspectives
on different players, who’s doing what to productize them and how they fit into the ecosystem. It profiles
the growing number of companies — from startups like MapR to Cloudera, the present leader in the
space leveraging Hadoop plus 52 others – both announced and in stealth, to the strategies being
adopted by Relational Database/Data Warehousing/ Business Intelligence/Data Integration incumbents
like Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, SAP, Teradata, SAS, Microstrategy etc. to embrace the emerging
technologies while new Big Data Infrastructure entrants the likes of EMC, NetApp, Cisco, Dell, Fujitsu,
HP, Adobe and scores of others planning new products to address this space. . It charts out the SWOT
analysis of both leaders and new suppliers as well as their competitive positioning and strategies.

The report outlines how the market opportunities in Big Data are crystallizing to pick up serious steam
while taking into account the challenges still hindering widespread adoption and where potential users
can expect the market to go. It presents a 5 year market forecast 2010-15, market shares of leaders,
likely M& A scenarios and examines go-to-market plans of leaders to provide big data solutions for
several vertical industries such as financial services, healthcare and media. Finally it provides
recommendation for vendors, channel players, end users and investors for timely play to leverage the
opportunities presented by the emerging big data markets.

            T A B L E                   O F            C O N T E N T S
1. Executive Summary
     The Rise of Big Data: Drivers, Adoption Status & Futures
     Big Data: Sizing Market Opportunities & Challenges
     Growing Importance of Big Data and Need for Hadoop
     The Need for and Special Requirements of Hadoop
     Hadoop Technologies, Players and Industry Issues
     Suppliers: Leaders and Followers

2. Market Drivers & Industry Dynamics
     Market Drivers & Inhibitors of NoSQL/Hadoop
     Comparisons: Hadoop/NoSQL vs. SQL/RDBMS
     Predictive, actionable intelligence – key to new growth markets
     User Requirements and needed architectures
     New Business Models empowering operational efficiency and revenue growth
     Hadoop Economics vs Legacy SQL by Dataset sizes/TeraSorts…
     NoSQL consolidations and acquisitions in market’s next phase
     Merging Hadoop innovations into Nextgen DBMS
     Empowerment of Business and Public-Sector Value

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Outlook: New Technologies, Emergent Opportunities and Market Sizing.
3. Market Segments & Product Requirements
     Existing DBMS Markets by Segments
     - Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence & Analytics, Data Integration & MDM
     - Capabilities of Existing Solutions
     - Market Sizing and Growth by Segments
     - Market shares by Segment
     SQL vs NoSQL Market Segments
     Killer Applications benefitting most from Hadoop
     Hadoop now a full-fledged market
     Big-data-as-a-Service, Analytics databases
     Hadoop Usage Profiles
     - Companies using Hadoop & State of Deployment (Research vs. Production)
     - Applications Targeted
     - Deployment Size, Average Cluster Size, I/O Utilization
     - Hardware Deployed (Servers/cores, Storage, Networks, Management Tools)
     - Performance Bottlenecks (Cluster Inter-nodal Latency, Storage Size, SSDs, Network I/O BW)
     - High Availability/SPOF in HDFS, HA in NameNodes
     - Role of Requirements for Snapshots, Mirroring, Full Random RW File System
     Big Data by Industry
     - Requirements by Industry – Financial Services, HealthCare, Retail, Govt., Media, Travel, Web 2.0 etc
     - Adoption by Verticals – Financial Services, Health Care, Retail, Govt, Media, Travel, Web 2.0 etc.
4. Market Forecast & Market Shares
     Market Forecast by Market Segment 2011-15 (SQL vs NoSQL)
     Market Forecast by Technology Infrastructure (HW- Servers, Storage, Networking Equipments)
     Market Forecast by SW Infrastructures (Distributions, Tools)

     Hadoop based HW Equipments Shipments by Units, ASP, Revenues
      (Servers, Storage, Networking Equipments)
     Hadoop based HW Equipments Shipments by Region
        (North America, EUMEA, APAC, ROW)
     WW Spending Forecast by Content (Creation and Production)
     WW Spending by Content Tools (Content Management, Aggregation and Delivery Tools)

5. Enabling Technologies & Standards
     Relational Database Management Systems
     Modified RDBMS architecture for EDW supporting Data Analytics
     Comparing Hadoop/NoSQL vs. SQL/RDBMS
     Defining Big Data: New Data Types & Complexity, Roaring Data Volumes & Velocity
     How it works: Hadoop/HDFS and MapReduce,
     Open-Source Options: Apache Hadoop and Others
     In-database Analytics
     Collaboration: Corralling Big Data for Results
     Big Data Limitations
     Hadoop Distributions, Tools and Products
     The Distributions
     - Apache Hadoop,
     - Cloudera’s Distribution for Apache Hadoop (CDH)
     - IBM Distribution of Apache Hadoop
     - DataStax Brisk
     - Hadoop Stack
        - HDFS (Distributed File system), MapReduce (Job Scheduling), HBase (Realtime Query), Pig (Data
           Flow), Hive (Batch SQL), Sqoop (Data Import), Avro (Serialization), HiPAL, Zookeeper
           (Coordination), Chukwa (Displaying Monitoring Analyzing Logs), Cassandra, Eucalyptus etc.
        - ISVs Supporting Hadoop
     Standards & Standards Organizations

0 BD ‐ TOC  Summary                                          3/4 
Emerging Standard Bodies & Progress
     Open Source & Apache Standards
     Proprietary Offerings

6. Competitive Products & Positioning
     Big Data: Value Chain and Delivery Formats
     Big Data: Birth of a new Ecosystem
     - Big-data use cases proliferate
     - NoSQL finds its role
     - Big data, small power bills
     - Storage still matters
     Hadoop Distributions, Tools & Products
     Impact of Hadoop NoSQL on Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Others

7. Major Suppliers & Supplier Strategies
     All 106 Companies in BigData Marketplace
     Big Data based Products/Tools/Services Offerings
     Existing & Emergent Enterprise Market Leaders now targeting Hadoop – Enterprise
          (IBM, SAP, HP, Oracle, Teradata, Informatica, Vertica, Versant …)
          (EMC, Dell, NetApp, Cisco….)
           - SW Stack (Analytics platform, Business Intelligence, Data Integration)
          - Hardware stack
          Customer Base
          Delivery Model
          SWOT Analysis (Strengths & Weaknesses …)
     Hadoop Startups – Company Profiles
          (Cloudera, DataStax, KArmasphere, MapR, Aster Data, MarkLogic, Platform, Quest SW, Pervasive
          SW, Pentaho, 10Gen, 1010Data, Hypertable, Tableau ….)
     Internet Market Leaders targeting Hadoop – Web
          (Yahoo!, Google, AWS, FaceBook, eBay, Zynga…),

8. Routes-To-Market /Channels of Distribution
     Present Go-to-Market Models
     Pricing Structures by Direct, OEM, Indirect Channels

9. Recommendations
     Recommendations specifically for Vendors (Incumbents and Emergents)
     Recommendations for Channel - System Integrators, VARs and Distributors
     Recommendations for End Users in Major Industries impacted by Big Data
     Recommendations for Investors (Investment Bankers & Venture Capital)

10. Methodology, Resources & Appendices
     Resources & References
     Financial Analysts Reports
     Survey/Interviews with VCs, Investment Bankers
     Surveys/Interviews with major companies - Incumbents and Start-Ups

0 BD ‐ TOC  Summary                                         4/4 

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Big Data Overview

  • 1. Big Data Industry Report 2011 1 Executive Overview 2 Market Drivers & Industry Dynamics 3 Market Segments & Product Requirements 4 Market Forecast & Market Shares 5 Enabling Technology Trends & Standards 6 Competitive Products & Positioning 7 Major Suppliers & Supplier Strategies 8 Channels of Distribution 9 Recommendations (For Vendors, End-Users, Investors) 10 Methodology, Resources & Appendices 0 BD ‐ TOC  Summary  1/4 
  • 2. Big Data Industry Report Outline Big Data: New Opportunities for Enterprises Business and IT leaders now face significant opportunities and challenges with big data — that is data sets that are so large they are difficult to store, manage and analyze. The report delineates the existing operational challenges businesses face and how enterprise IT leaders can harness the deeper insights provided by Big Data to manage complex operational problems and empowering businesses in knowledgeable decision-making to get the competitive advantage for their companies. It lays out the rapidly evolving big data business and technology ecosystem - different big data technologies from Hadoop and emerging NoSQL derivatives to cloud-based collaboration tools. Harnessing the Competitive Advantages of Big Data Although Hadoop initially has been used by large web companies such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook for applications such as search engines, but its potential is much, much more. This report details what Hadoop is (and isn’t), brings into focus the key technologies and their interplay, provides a perspectives on different players, who’s doing what to productize them and how they fit into the ecosystem. It profiles the growing number of companies — from startups like MapR to Cloudera, the present leader in the space leveraging Hadoop plus 52 others – both announced and in stealth, to the strategies being adopted by Relational Database/Data Warehousing/ Business Intelligence/Data Integration incumbents like Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, SAP, Teradata, SAS, Microstrategy etc. to embrace the emerging technologies while new Big Data Infrastructure entrants the likes of EMC, NetApp, Cisco, Dell, Fujitsu, HP, Adobe and scores of others planning new products to address this space. . It charts out the SWOT analysis of both leaders and new suppliers as well as their competitive positioning and strategies. The report outlines how the market opportunities in Big Data are crystallizing to pick up serious steam while taking into account the challenges still hindering widespread adoption and where potential users can expect the market to go. It presents a 5 year market forecast 2010-15, market shares of leaders, likely M& A scenarios and examines go-to-market plans of leaders to provide big data solutions for several vertical industries such as financial services, healthcare and media. Finally it provides recommendation for vendors, channel players, end users and investors for timely play to leverage the opportunities presented by the emerging big data markets. T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S 1. Executive Summary The Rise of Big Data: Drivers, Adoption Status & Futures Big Data: Sizing Market Opportunities & Challenges Growing Importance of Big Data and Need for Hadoop The Need for and Special Requirements of Hadoop Hadoop Technologies, Players and Industry Issues Suppliers: Leaders and Followers 2. Market Drivers & Industry Dynamics Market Drivers & Inhibitors of NoSQL/Hadoop Comparisons: Hadoop/NoSQL vs. SQL/RDBMS Predictive, actionable intelligence – key to new growth markets User Requirements and needed architectures New Business Models empowering operational efficiency and revenue growth Hadoop Economics vs Legacy SQL by Dataset sizes/TeraSorts… NoSQL consolidations and acquisitions in market’s next phase Merging Hadoop innovations into Nextgen DBMS Empowerment of Business and Public-Sector Value 0 BD ‐ TOC  Summary  2/4 
  • 3. Outlook: New Technologies, Emergent Opportunities and Market Sizing. 3. Market Segments & Product Requirements Existing DBMS Markets by Segments - Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence & Analytics, Data Integration & MDM - Capabilities of Existing Solutions - Market Sizing and Growth by Segments - Market shares by Segment SQL vs NoSQL Market Segments Killer Applications benefitting most from Hadoop Hadoop now a full-fledged market Big-data-as-a-Service, Analytics databases Hadoop Usage Profiles - Companies using Hadoop & State of Deployment (Research vs. Production) - Applications Targeted - Deployment Size, Average Cluster Size, I/O Utilization - Hardware Deployed (Servers/cores, Storage, Networks, Management Tools) - Performance Bottlenecks (Cluster Inter-nodal Latency, Storage Size, SSDs, Network I/O BW) - High Availability/SPOF in HDFS, HA in NameNodes - Role of Requirements for Snapshots, Mirroring, Full Random RW File System Big Data by Industry - Requirements by Industry – Financial Services, HealthCare, Retail, Govt., Media, Travel, Web 2.0 etc - Adoption by Verticals – Financial Services, Health Care, Retail, Govt, Media, Travel, Web 2.0 etc. - 4. Market Forecast & Market Shares Market Forecast by Market Segment 2011-15 (SQL vs NoSQL) Market Forecast by Technology Infrastructure (HW- Servers, Storage, Networking Equipments) Market Forecast by SW Infrastructures (Distributions, Tools) Hadoop based HW Equipments Shipments by Units, ASP, Revenues (Servers, Storage, Networking Equipments) Hadoop based HW Equipments Shipments by Region (North America, EUMEA, APAC, ROW) WW Spending Forecast by Content (Creation and Production) WW Spending by Content Tools (Content Management, Aggregation and Delivery Tools) 5. Enabling Technologies & Standards Relational Database Management Systems Modified RDBMS architecture for EDW supporting Data Analytics Comparing Hadoop/NoSQL vs. SQL/RDBMS Defining Big Data: New Data Types & Complexity, Roaring Data Volumes & Velocity How it works: Hadoop/HDFS and MapReduce, Open-Source Options: Apache Hadoop and Others In-database Analytics Visualization Collaboration: Corralling Big Data for Results Big Data Limitations Hadoop Distributions, Tools and Products The Distributions - Apache Hadoop, - Cloudera’s Distribution for Apache Hadoop (CDH) - IBM Distribution of Apache Hadoop - DataStax Brisk - Hadoop Stack - HDFS (Distributed File system), MapReduce (Job Scheduling), HBase (Realtime Query), Pig (Data Flow), Hive (Batch SQL), Sqoop (Data Import), Avro (Serialization), HiPAL, Zookeeper (Coordination), Chukwa (Displaying Monitoring Analyzing Logs), Cassandra, Eucalyptus etc. - ISVs Supporting Hadoop Standards & Standards Organizations 0 BD ‐ TOC  Summary  3/4 
  • 4. Emerging Standard Bodies & Progress Open Source & Apache Standards Proprietary Offerings Benchmarks 6. Competitive Products & Positioning Big Data: Value Chain and Delivery Formats Big Data: Birth of a new Ecosystem - Big-data use cases proliferate - NoSQL finds its role - Big data, small power bills - Storage still matters Hadoop Distributions, Tools & Products Impact of Hadoop NoSQL on Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Others 7. Major Suppliers & Supplier Strategies All 106 Companies in BigData Marketplace Big Data based Products/Tools/Services Offerings Existing & Emergent Enterprise Market Leaders now targeting Hadoop – Enterprise (IBM, SAP, HP, Oracle, Teradata, Informatica, Vertica, Versant …) (EMC, Dell, NetApp, Cisco….) Overview Management Technology Products - SW Stack (Analytics platform, Business Intelligence, Data Integration) - Hardware stack Customer Base Delivery Model SWOT Analysis (Strengths & Weaknesses …) Hadoop Startups – Company Profiles (Cloudera, DataStax, KArmasphere, MapR, Aster Data, MarkLogic, Platform, Quest SW, Pervasive SW, Pentaho, 10Gen, 1010Data, Hypertable, Tableau ….) Internet Market Leaders targeting Hadoop – Web (Yahoo!, Google, AWS, FaceBook, eBay, Zynga…), 8. Routes-To-Market /Channels of Distribution Present Go-to-Market Models Pricing Structures by Direct, OEM, Indirect Channels 9. Recommendations Recommendations specifically for Vendors (Incumbents and Emergents) Recommendations for Channel - System Integrators, VARs and Distributors Recommendations for End Users in Major Industries impacted by Big Data Recommendations for Investors (Investment Bankers & Venture Capital) 10. Methodology, Resources & Appendices Methodology Resources & References Financial Analysts Reports Survey/Interviews with VCs, Investment Bankers Surveys/Interviews with major companies - Incumbents and Start-Ups Appendices 0 BD ‐ TOC  Summary  4/4 