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Thief steals MacBook, watch from office, leaves his phone number for boss: 'Contact me if...'

The burglar stole a wristwatch and an Apple MacBook but before leaving, wrote a note to the owner, leaving it under a pile of mobile phones and laptops on a desk.

June 26, 2024 / 01:37 PM IST
The thief was caught by Shanghai police trying to flee. (Representational)

The thief was caught by Shanghai police trying to flee. (Representational)

A thief in Shanghai not only stole valuables but also left behind a note advising the business owner to enhance their security measures. The incident, which took place on May 17, has been both shocking and amusing to the public.

The Shanghai police reported that the burglar, identified as Sang, scaled the outer wall of a business building to gain entry. Once inside, he stole a wristwatch and an Apple MacBook. However, before leaving, Sang wrote a note to the owner, leaving it under a pile of mobile phones and laptops on a desk.

“Dear boss,” Sang wrote, “I took a wristwatch and a laptop. You should improve your anti-theft system. I did not take all the phones and laptops, fearing it might hurt your business.” Sang even provided his contact number, writing, “Contact me if you want your laptop and phone back.”

The police quickly tracked Sang down using public surveillance footage and the phone number he had left. He was caught while attempting to flee Shanghai by train, still in possession of the stolen items.

This isn’t the first time a burglar in China has left a note after a theft. In 2022, a burglar in Chongqing stole several items, including a laptop and mobile phones, and left a note promising to return them in three days with a 1,000-yuan (Rs 11,500) "thank you fee."

The thief explained that he needed the items temporarily to secure a gambling loan, which he eventually repaid along with the stolen items. Despite the initial leniency, he was later caught committing several more thefts in the same area.

Moneycontrol News
first published: Jun 26, 2024 01:37 pm

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