

20 years of the best sci-fi series of the century: why you should watch it as soon as possible

Battlestar Galactica celebrates two decades, and it's stronger than ever

20 years of the best sci-fi series of the century: why you should watch it as soon as possible
Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

  • Updated:

During the last decade, science fiction has made an unparalleled qualitative leap that is being reflected both in movies, as Dennis Villeneuve demonstrates with his recent Dune, and in TV series, which have been streaming on platforms like Apple TV+ or Netflix. However, there’s a series that may be above them all, which just turned 20 years old and reigns in the sci-fi world: Battlestar Galactica.

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Currently available on the streaming platform SkyShowtime, Battlestar Galactica dates back to 2004, although it’s actually based on a 1978 series that, at the time, was the most expensive TV fiction production in history. Additionally, there are several movies that complement this universe that many geeks have become immersed in. But what makes Battlestar Galactica so special? And above all, why should you watch it as soon as possible?

The secrets behind Battlestar Galactica

Produced by Ronald D. Moore, Battlestar Galactica is a science-fiction series that stands out for its complex and multi-faceted plot, as well as for its deeply developed protagonists and stories that captivate you from beginning to end.

The story follows the survivors of the so-called Twelve Colonies of Kobol, who flee after an attack by their enemies, the Cylons, seeking the legendary planet Earth. But what could be a simple adventure soon becomes something much more complex. Throughout their odyssey, the series explores themes such as politics, religion, ethics, and survival, keeping viewers captivated and wanting to know more at every moment.

In addition to its solid narrative and character development, Battlestar Galactica stands out for its high production quality. The special effects were impressive in their day, and even today they are well preserved, especially thanks to an exceptional soundtrack that accompanies it all. Now, thanks to SkyShowtime, you have a great opportunity to experience anew a series that’ll never go out of style.

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Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

Cultural journalist specialized in film, series, comics, video games, and everything your parents tried to keep you away from during your childhood. Also an aspiring film director, screenwriter, and professional troublemaker.

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