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Social Informatics Data
Cyberinfrastructure for Collaborative Research in the
      Neural, Social and Behavioral Sciences

                Bennett I. Bertenthal
                 Indiana University
Infrastructure for Social and
              Behavioral Sciences
  Compare, measure and search for patterns in structured, semi-
  structured, and heterogeneous data sets.

  Integrate information over time, place, and types of data

  (1) Data interface (shared datasets & databases)
  (2) Service interface (shared tools for analysis)
  (3) Intellectual interface (shared problems & theories)
Primary Objectives

• Develop prototype of core facility for collecting multiple
  measures of time-synchronized data

• Develop integrated tools for storage, retrieval,
  annotation, and analyses of multiple data sets at
  different time scales

• Develop scripts for parallelizing code to run on grid
What is SIDGrid?
Social Informatics Data Grid
             • A general purpose architecture
               for streaming data applications
               (e.g., video, audio, time series)
             • Built on well established
               database, multimedia and web
               and grid services standards
             • Time alignment in distributed
               heterogeneous datasets
                – Software and hardware based
                – Integrated with existing laboratory
                  time stamping and registration
             • Scalable
                – Number of datasets
                – Types of data
                – Multiple end user applications

Client Side
Client Side
• Leveraging efforts for annotation and analysis of multimodal data
   – Familiarity and Interoperability
        • Elan (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, The Netherlands)
        • Talkbank (Carnegie Mellon University, US)
        • Digital Replay System (Nottingham University, UK)
   – XML, Java
   – Cross platform interoperability
• Adding SIDGrid functionality to Elan
   – Minimally intrusive
        • Avoid complicated co-development w/ELAN team
    – Browsing SIDGrid data
    – Additional data types
    – Upload / Download to SIDGrid server
66 GB 5 mov 2 wav …
368 GB 23 mov 6 wav …
 5 GB 1 mov 0 wav …
21 GB 3 mov 12 wav …
 4 GB 9 mov 1 wav …
 4 GB 4 mov 1 wav …
 1 GB 0 mov 2 wav …
945 GB 1 mov 66 wav …
 8 GB 3 mov 0 wav …
20 GB 13 mov 2 wav …
Server Side
.mov    .wav        .eaf         GB

10      0      0           45

 4     30      0           20

 2     2       1           3

12     100         9       200

 1     1       1           1

 6     2       0           12

400     0       1          1001

 0     666      1          312

 0     0       13          0.1

 0     0       0           0.0

18      4      0           66
Search and Query
                   (4,000 projects)
• Data Files
  –   Names
  –   Keywords
  –   Attributes (keyword-value)
  –   Date
  –   Type (Elan, Chat)
• Contents of Files
  – Metadata
  – Tier
  – Annotations
Server Side
• Web services
  – Query
  – Data download / upload

• Portal interface
   – Security
   – Data and metadata browsing
   – Preview
   – Tags, attributes
   – Projects
   – Groups
   – Search
   – Data transformation using grid resources
Science Gateway
What Is The TeraGrid?
                                    (circa 2006)
 75 Teraflops (trillion calculations per second)            • 16 Supercomputers - 9 different types, multiple sizes
 = 12,500 faster than all 6 billion humans on
 earth each doing one calculation per second
                                                            • World’s fastest network
                                                            • Globus Toolkit and other middleware providing single
                                                              login, application management, data movement, web
30 Gigabits per second to large sites                         services
= 20-30 times major university connections
= 30,000 times my home broadband
= 1 full length feature film per second

                         LA                                       Starlight                   Atlanta

                  SDSC                        TACC   NCSA    PU           IU   PSC                  ORNL
Scripts for Running Jobs on Grid

• Matlab (high-level language and interactive environment for peforming
   computationally intensive tasks)

• R (software environment for statistical computing and graphics)
• Praat (software for acoustic analysis)
• Free Surfer (automated tools for reconstruction of the brain’s cortical
   surface from structural MRI data)

• AFNI (programs for processing, analyzing, and displaying FMRI data)
• SUMA (adds cortical surface based functional imaging analysis to the
   AFNI suite of programs)
Advantages of Grid Computing

• Vastly expanded computing and storage
• Reduced effort as needs scale up
• Improved resource utilization; lower costs
• Facilities and models for collaboration
• Sharing of tools, data, and procedures and
• Recording, assessment and reuse of complex
Lessons Learned

• Fast prototyping vs production quality software
   – After one year of development, no product available for user
   – Optimal design vs practical design
• Public vs private website
   – Need for dissemination
   – Need for security and protection of user groups and data
• Tools for diverse user groups with varying degrees of
  technical expertise
   – Non-intuitive interface with minimal user support
       • Importance of user manuals, technical support, and FAQs
• Multiple levels of privacy and confidentiality dictated by
  type of data and informed consent
If you build it, will they come?

• Dissemination of SIDGrid
   – Website and movie
   – Invited workshops at UofC and IU
   – Pre-conference workshops
• Start-up is time consuming
   – Scale of most projects conducted by social scientists does not
     justify time to learn web services and tools
   – Added value for larger, collaborative projects requires shift in
     goals and organization of research
• Resistance to data sharing
   – Original proposal required that all data stored on SIDGrid
     servers would be publicly available
Objections to Data Sharing

•   It’s my data!
•   Protection of confidentiality and anonymity
•   Need to first establish standards for coding and analysis
•   Reporting of misleading and confusing findings
•   Raw data but not coded data should be shared
    – Annotation and coding is very time consuming and should not
      become available to others
• If availability of web and software tools were contingent
  on sharing data, most users would opt out

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Automation Student Developers Session 3: Introduction to UI Automation
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An Introduction to All Data Enterprise Integration
An Introduction to All Data Enterprise IntegrationAn Introduction to All Data Enterprise Integration
An Introduction to All Data Enterprise Integration


  • 1. Social Informatics Data Grid Cyberinfrastructure for Collaborative Research in the Neural, Social and Behavioral Sciences Bennett I. Bertenthal Indiana University bbertent@indiana.edu
  • 2. Infrastructure for Social and Behavioral Sciences Goal: Compare, measure and search for patterns in structured, semi- structured, and heterogeneous data sets. Challenge: Integrate information over time, place, and types of data Needs: (1) Data interface (shared datasets & databases) (2) Service interface (shared tools for analysis) (3) Intellectual interface (shared problems & theories)
  • 3. Primary Objectives • Develop prototype of core facility for collecting multiple measures of time-synchronized data • Develop integrated tools for storage, retrieval, annotation, and analyses of multiple data sets at different time scales • Develop scripts for parallelizing code to run on grid clusters
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  • 6. Social Informatics Data Grid • A general purpose architecture for streaming data applications (e.g., video, audio, time series) • Built on well established database, multimedia and web and grid services standards • Time alignment in distributed heterogeneous datasets – Software and hardware based – Integrated with existing laboratory time stamping and registration techniques • Scalable – Number of datasets – Types of data – Multiple end user applications
  • 9. Client Side • Leveraging efforts for annotation and analysis of multimodal data – Familiarity and Interoperability • Elan (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, The Netherlands) • Talkbank (Carnegie Mellon University, US) • Digital Replay System (Nottingham University, UK) – XML, Java – Cross platform interoperability • Adding SIDGrid functionality to Elan – Minimally intrusive • Avoid complicated co-development w/ELAN team – Browsing SIDGrid data – Additional data types – Upload / Download to SIDGrid server
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  • 11. 66 GB 5 mov 2 wav … 368 GB 23 mov 6 wav … 5 GB 1 mov 0 wav … 21 GB 3 mov 12 wav … 4 GB 9 mov 1 wav … 4 GB 4 mov 1 wav … 1 GB 0 mov 2 wav … 945 GB 1 mov 66 wav … 8 GB 3 mov 0 wav … 20 GB 13 mov 2 wav …
  • 13. .mov .wav .eaf GB 10 0 0 45 4 30 0 20 2 2 1 3 12 100 9 200 1 1 1 1 6 2 0 12 400 0 1 1001 0 666 1 312 0 0 13 0.1 0 0 0 0.0 18 4 0 66
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  • 16. Search and Query (4,000 projects) • Data Files – Names – Keywords – Attributes (keyword-value) – Date – Type (Elan, Chat) • Contents of Files – Metadata – Tier – Annotations
  • 17. Server Side • Web services – Query – Data download / upload • Portal interface – Security – Data and metadata browsing – Preview – Tags, attributes – Projects – Groups – Search – Data transformation using grid resources
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  • 21. What Is The TeraGrid? (circa 2006) 75 Teraflops (trillion calculations per second) • 16 Supercomputers - 9 different types, multiple sizes = 12,500 faster than all 6 billion humans on earth each doing one calculation per second • World’s fastest network • Globus Toolkit and other middleware providing single ANL login, application management, data movement, web 30 Gigabits per second to large sites services = 20-30 times major university connections = 30,000 times my home broadband = 1 full length feature film per second LA Starlight Atlanta SDSC TACC NCSA PU IU PSC ORNL
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  • 24. Scripts for Running Jobs on Grid • Matlab (high-level language and interactive environment for peforming computationally intensive tasks) • R (software environment for statistical computing and graphics) • Praat (software for acoustic analysis) • Free Surfer (automated tools for reconstruction of the brain’s cortical surface from structural MRI data) • AFNI (programs for processing, analyzing, and displaying FMRI data) • SUMA (adds cortical surface based functional imaging analysis to the AFNI suite of programs)
  • 25. Advantages of Grid Computing • Vastly expanded computing and storage • Reduced effort as needs scale up • Improved resource utilization; lower costs • Facilities and models for collaboration • Sharing of tools, data, and procedures and protocols • Recording, assessment and reuse of complex tasks
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  • 27. Lessons Learned • Fast prototyping vs production quality software – After one year of development, no product available for user feedback – Optimal design vs practical design • Public vs private website – Need for dissemination – Need for security and protection of user groups and data • Tools for diverse user groups with varying degrees of technical expertise – Non-intuitive interface with minimal user support • Importance of user manuals, technical support, and FAQs • Multiple levels of privacy and confidentiality dictated by type of data and informed consent
  • 28. If you build it, will they come? • Dissemination of SIDGrid – Website and movie – Invited workshops at UofC and IU – Pre-conference workshops • Start-up is time consuming – Scale of most projects conducted by social scientists does not justify time to learn web services and tools – Added value for larger, collaborative projects requires shift in goals and organization of research • Resistance to data sharing – Original proposal required that all data stored on SIDGrid servers would be publicly available
  • 29. Objections to Data Sharing • It’s my data! • Protection of confidentiality and anonymity • Need to first establish standards for coding and analysis • Reporting of misleading and confusing findings • Raw data but not coded data should be shared – Annotation and coding is very time consuming and should not become available to others • If availability of web and software tools were contingent on sharing data, most users would opt out