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Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging
Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
September 30, 2016
Mad*Pow Webinar
Dan Berlin
Vice President, Experience Research
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Today’s Talk
• Moderating qualitative research
• Voice components
• Your psychologist voice
• Non-verbal communication
• Voice mindfulness
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Hi! I’m Dan Berlin
• BA in Psychology from Brandeis U.
• Seven years of tech support
• Participant in a usability study and discovered the world of UX
• Quit my job
• Did a 2.5 year program at Bentley U. to get an MBA and MS in
Human Factors in Information Design
• Have been doing UX research for eight years
• Vice President of Experience Research at Mad*Pow
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Best Practices Typically Deal with Artifacts & Methodology
• Preparation, documentation, & technique
• Asking non-leading questions
• Types of questions to elicit different data
• Participant activities
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Very Little Research About How to Carry Your Voice
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Julian Treasure: How To Speak So That People Want to Listen
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Be Mindful of WHAT You Say
• Seven deadly sins of talking:
• Negativity
• Gossip
• Judging
• Complaining
• Excuses
• Lying
• Dogmatism
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Be Mindful of WHAT You Say
• Speak with:
• Honesty
• Authenticity
• Integrity
• Love
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Be Mindful of HOW You Talk
• Pace – how fast you talk
• Power – where your voice is coming from
• Volume – loudness
• Timbre – warmth or smoothness
• Emphasis – putting stress on key words or syllables
• Pause – where you stop for emphasis
• Depth – pitch
• Inflection – the ups and downs of your sentences
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Controlling Your Voice – The Easy Answers
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Voice Components of the Psychologist Voice
• Pace – even, calm pace
• Power – talk from your belly, not your mouth/head
• Volume – audible, but not too loud
• Timbre – warm and soothing
• Emphasis – ensure to stress the important words
• Pause – stop to emphasize key points
• Depth – where you are comfortable, to a point
• Inflection – not monotone
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Non-Verbal Communication
Source: Mehrabian, A. (1981) Silent messages: Implicit
communication of emotions and attitudes. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Non-Verbal Communication
• Posture – slouching indicates disinterest
• Facial expressions – appropriately responsive
• Distance – optimum conversational distance
• Voice tone – conversational tone
• Body movements – convey interest by squarely facing the
participant and leaning in where appropriate
• Mannerisms – distracting mannerisms may convey
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Learning From The Stereotypical 1950’s Psychotherapist
• Listen to listen and understand
• Asking “Why” multiple times without using the word “why”
• Turn questions back onto participants
• Confirm that you understood them correctly
• Keep quiet – keep the participant talking
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Convey That There Are No Wrong Answers
• Never sound disappointed in an answer
• Always be interested in what they have to say
• Convey that the participant is the expert
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Practice Voice Mindfulness
• “Mindfulness” = active attention on the here and now
• “Voice mindfulness” = active attention about how you
convey your words
• Tough to transcend unconscious behavior
• Warm up your voice
• Practice, practice, practice
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Psychologist Voice = Voice Mindfulness
Use your psychologist voice to exhibit voice mindfulness
Be mindful of your voice so that you put participants at ease
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
- The Sound of Silence, Simon & Garfunkel
Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research
Thank You!
Dan Berlin
VP, Experience Research

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Your "Psychologist Voice": Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research

  • 1. 1 PREPARED BY Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research September 30, 2016 Mad*Pow Webinar Dan Berlin Vice President, Experience Research Mad*Pow dberlin@madpow.net @banderlin
  • 2. 2 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Today’s Talk • Moderating qualitative research • Voice components • Your psychologist voice • Non-verbal communication • Voice mindfulness
  • 3. 3 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Hi! I’m Dan Berlin • BA in Psychology from Brandeis U. • Seven years of tech support • Participant in a usability study and discovered the world of UX • Quit my job • Did a 2.5 year program at Bentley U. to get an MBA and MS in Human Factors in Information Design • Have been doing UX research for eight years • Vice President of Experience Research at Mad*Pow
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Best Practices Typically Deal with Artifacts & Methodology • Preparation, documentation, & technique • Asking non-leading questions • Types of questions to elicit different data • Participant activities
  • 7. 7 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Very Little Research About How to Carry Your Voice
  • 8. 8 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Julian Treasure: How To Speak So That People Want to Listen
  • 9. 9 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Be Mindful of WHAT You Say • Seven deadly sins of talking: • Negativity • Gossip • Judging • Complaining • Excuses • Lying • Dogmatism
  • 10. 10 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Be Mindful of WHAT You Say • Speak with: • Honesty • Authenticity • Integrity • Love
  • 11. 11 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Be Mindful of HOW You Talk • Pace – how fast you talk • Power – where your voice is coming from • Volume – loudness • Timbre – warmth or smoothness • Emphasis – putting stress on key words or syllables • Pause – where you stop for emphasis • Depth – pitch • Inflection – the ups and downs of your sentences
  • 12. 12 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Controlling Your Voice – The Easy Answers
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 14 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Voice Components of the Psychologist Voice • Pace – even, calm pace • Power – talk from your belly, not your mouth/head • Volume – audible, but not too loud • Timbre – warm and soothing • Emphasis – ensure to stress the important words • Pause – stop to emphasize key points • Depth – where you are comfortable, to a point • Inflection – not monotone
  • 15. 15 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Non-Verbal Communication Source: Mehrabian, A. (1981) Silent messages: Implicit communication of emotions and attitudes. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • 16. 16 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Non-Verbal Communication • Posture – slouching indicates disinterest • Facial expressions – appropriately responsive • Distance – optimum conversational distance • Voice tone – conversational tone • Body movements – convey interest by squarely facing the participant and leaning in where appropriate • Mannerisms – distracting mannerisms may convey disinterest
  • 17. 17
  • 18. 18 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Learning From The Stereotypical 1950’s Psychotherapist • Listen to listen and understand • Asking “Why” multiple times without using the word “why” • Turn questions back onto participants • Confirm that you understood them correctly • Keep quiet – keep the participant talking
  • 19. 19 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Convey That There Are No Wrong Answers • Never sound disappointed in an answer • Always be interested in what they have to say • Convey that the participant is the expert
  • 20. 20
  • 21. 21 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Practice Voice Mindfulness • “Mindfulness” = active attention on the here and now • “Voice mindfulness” = active attention about how you convey your words • Tough to transcend unconscious behavior • Warm up your voice • Practice, practice, practice
  • 22. 22 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Psychologist Voice = Voice Mindfulness Use your psychologist voice to exhibit voice mindfulness Be mindful of your voice so that you put participants at ease People talking without speaking People hearing without listening - The Sound of Silence, Simon & Garfunkel
  • 23. 23 Your "Psychologist Voice”: Leveraging Voice Mindfulness for UX Research Thank You! Questions? Dan Berlin VP, Experience Research Mad*Pow dberlin@madpow.net @banderlin

Editor's Notes

  1. Want to get the best possible information from participants – time is expensive and precious We want them to be relaxed, comfortable, and ready to share their innermost thoughts and dreams A relaxed participant will be honest and provide useful data A tense participant will be hard to control and distant
  2. Match the participant’s tone and pace Can be unnatural If done incorrectly, participants may think the moderator is mocking them Just be yourself As previously mentioned, we don’t any enough attention to how we speak “Yourself” may be a booming, intimidating voice, or a meek voice that does not command authority
  3. Dr. Serkin story
  4. NVC is typically involuntary – harder to control NVC sets the stage for the subsequent words
  5. Not to say you have to be a stereotypical 1950’s psychiatrist – overly even-toned Can still show emotion, and you should Convey that you empathize with the participant Don’t have to be their friend, but still a confidant
  6. Everyday conversations = listen to respond and interject Tell me how you feel about that; tell me more about that; what is your reaction to this Have participants answer their own questions before answering them Just to confirm, you feel X because of Y, is that correct? Is there another way to put it? Awkward silences are okay – participant may feel compelled to fill it with words
  7. This is also useful outside of the lab setting Can be used for difficult conversations We talk all day long without thinking of how we are delivering our words We let our emotions guide our voice – for better or for worse Calm contentious situations with a calm voice Calm yourself down for an important interview or meeting an important person