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Experts on
Flawless Campaign
How To Fight Chaos and Nail Your Deliverables
Marketing professionals are under significant pressure to execute flawless campaigns within progressively
shorter time frames. However, ensuring proper internal alignment and efficient collaboration can be
challenging to say the least. With competitors racing to get their campaigns to market first, how can marketing
leaders scale their campaigns and launch them on accelerated schedules without compromising on quality?
With generous support from Workfront, we asked seven marketing experts for their secret to helping their
internal and external team members be nimble, deliver high-quality work, and launch on time.
Many of the marketing leaders with whom we spoke emphasized the importance of investing time and
resources in ensuring internal alignment before a campaign begins in earnest, recognizing that it can be a
heavy lift but is often well worth the effort. Others pointed out that transparency and the strategic use of data
can help create exactly this sort of alignment, getting everyone on the same page—from external partners
to executive leadership. Centralized systems and automation can assist with creating transparency and
facilitating collaboration at scale, giving stakeholders the tools they need to carry out their responsibilities for a
The essays in this eBook offer practical strategies, advice, and examples that highlight different approaches
to executing flawless campaigns in a high-pressure environment. Along the way, they explain how marketing
leaders can achieve the necessary alignment and agility to nimbly navigate any roadblocks that could result
in costly delays and make sure that their campaigns hit their deadlines. Anyone who needs to execute
exceptional campaigns consistently will benefit from the wisdom these experienced marketing professionals
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All the best,
David Rogelberg
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Brand Manager, Global Public
pg. 15
IBM Corporation
Sr Marketing Campaign Manager
pg. 24
Global Campaign Manager
pg. 21
Manager, Digital Strategy
pg. 6
Senior Manager, Global Marketing
Campaigns & Programs
pg. 12
Campaign Manager, WW
Marketing and Communications,
Data Center Group
pg. 9
Global Campaign Manager
pg. 18
“One of the biggest mistakes I see is that strategy
work is completely siloed from execution.”
Give Your Campaign Stakeholders the Right Resources,
and Success Will Follow
Beatriz Fernandez knows that transparency and openness are essential
to executing a flawless campaign. “It’s important to include every single
department that’s going to be part of your campaign,” she says. “One of
the biggest mistakes I see is that strategy work is completely siloed from
execution. For example, you’ve built a beautiful campaign in a place where you
haven’t even tapped into execution, so your stakeholders won’t be able to tell
you what’s realistically possible and what isn’t.” If you involve everyone early
in the process and eliminate that silo, however, these stakeholders will feel a
certain ownership of the project and be more motivated to help it succeed.
One smart way to do this is to create a centralized system that helps
your stakeholders integrate their campaign deliverables into their existing
departmental workflows. “A ticketing system brings in a project manager
who can help you with the timelines,” Fernandez says. “For example, if you’re
working with the creative team, those timelines are important for those team
members.” By providing teams with an easier way to manage their work, you
can go a long way toward ensuring that your campaign launches on time and
as planned.
Beatriz Fernandez is a digital strategist
focused on behavioral marketing in the
B2B sector. A former panelist during
the 2016 New York Social Media Week
and New York Brand Innovator’s Luxury
eCommerce Summit, she was also
one of the founding 15 high-potential
influencers for Hyatt’s Global Activation
Council. Beatriz currently leads digital
strategy efforts for Genesys, specializing
in cross-team integrated marketing
Beatriz Fernandez, Genesys,
Manager, Digital Strategy
“The same is also important with marketing operations, a team that’s numbers
driven and often overloaded with requests,” she adds. “Establish a ticketing system,
and define the specific departments that are going to be taking advantage of that
ticketing system.” Working backwards from the live date you have in mind, you can
factor in the time the marketing operations team needs to accomplish their tasks.
From there, you can submit tickets in line with your desired time frame. “If you
know that John needs a lead time of eight weeks to do something, for example, you
need to submit the ticket by this date and in this way,” she says. However, you only
gain this visibility by including all stakeholders in the planning phase.
Creating a centralized document that all stakeholders can access is another good
way to streamline collaboration and ensure transparency. “That document can
include deadlines you check off so that you’re also creating visibility, not only for
the people at your level who are helping you with that campaign but above you in
the organization, as well,” she says. In this way, it’s easier to “manage up” because
leadership can better understand what’s actually happening within the campaign.
“If they have visibility from the beginning, then you’re already answering the
questions they’re going to ask,” she explains.
“If you put in the work before you ask people to do
something or to execute on your part, it makes it so
much simpler for them.”
As a marketing leader whose position focuses on account-based marketing,
Fernandez has found this approach especially effective. “I’m a visual person, but I
also have the ability to see things from an analytical perspective. I realized quickly
that to get people pumped and excited about a campaign, I needed to break it
down so that someone looking at a slide or a document can understand the
messaging and the digital or marketing ecosystem we’re working with,” she says.
This ecosystem, as Fernandez describes it, is key to helping all your stakeholders
understand the campaign strategy and their role in executing it. “The ecosystem
basically means breaking down every channel you’re going to use and explaining
it fully, as if it were the first time anybody was actually seeing that channel or
being exposed to the definition of that channel. It doesn’t have to be long—it could
just be one or two slides—but it helps put everybody in tune with what’s going on.
Then, everybody is able to understand the document at the same level,” she says.
Providing these detailed resources up front is a lot of work, Fernandez
acknowledges, but well worth the effort. “If you put in the work before you ask
people to do something or to execute on your part, it makes it so much simpler
for them.” When you meet your stakeholders where they are and give them
the tools they need, your campaign is far more likely to meet or even exceed
Beatriz Fernandez, Genesys,
Manager, Digital Strategy
To make sure your campaigns
are executed flawlessly time
and time again, you must
break down any silos between
strategy and execution.
When you provide
stakeholders with the
resources they need to carry
out their tasks, your campaign
is far more likely to succeed.
Key Points
“It’s your job to not be in a silo of creativity, to make
sure that you get the right resources and experts to
help guide you to success.”
To Flawlessly Execute Campaigns, You Must Break
Down Silos
In DeShelia Spann’s experience, a flawless campaign requires careful
alignment within your internal organization. “When I say alignment, I mean not
just the marketing team’s executing that campaign but also the product teams
and your senior leadership. You need to make sure that everyone is bought
into the goals and objectives of your campaign. They must also be on the
same page about how you’ll measure success,” she says. Wrap all these core
elements up in a strong marketing brief that you refer back to whenever you
need to. This brief helps you stay true to your goal for the campaign.
Spann also places a priority on collaboration when planning and executing
her campaigns. “Collaboration is essential when you want to create high
quality. When you’re working on a campaign, you want to make sure you’re
transparent and collaborative from start to launch. This approach helps you
be more agile in how you deliver your campaign,” she says. This way, when
you receive new information that necessitates a shift in messaging or your
creative approach, you can quickly adapt to that and come up with an agile
way to execute.
DeShelia Spann is a marketing strategist
with over 20 years of experience leading
global campaigns, developing lead
generating content, and building social
media programs for B2B organizations.
Her innovative approach to solving
complex marketing challenges has
delivered powerful results and garnered
her peers’ respect. DeShelia’s unique
background in technology, healthcare,
education, and consumer marketing
provides a great blend of industry
knowledge and skills.
DeShelia Spann, Lenovo, Campaign
Manager, WW Marketing and
Communications, Data Center Group
It’s also important to avoid creating a silo or allowing one to develop when working
on a campaign. “Though your marketing organization creates the message and
delivers it to your customers and your prospects, you need the support and
the partnership of all key stakeholders within the business. If that means that
you’re working with product marketing teams or solution teams, then you need
to understand what problem the product solves for your customers. It’s your job
to not be in a silo of creativity, to make sure that you get the right resources and
experts to help guide you to success,” she says.
Creating an open feedback loop in which you share the process by which your
marketing team has executed a campaign can also be valuable since it helps
your stakeholders understand how you work and why you made certain choices.
Spann has done this when partnering with agencies to develop new content, for
example. “When we’re bringing content to life our product or solution teams had a
part in, we may say, ‘So here’s a final draft eBook we’ve created. Here’s the latest
infographic or customer success story. We brought it to life based on what you
shared and your knowledge of our customers. How does this resonate with you?
Does it clearly articulate the value of what our solutions offer?’ We drive a lot of the
execution and the timing on campaigns, but we also want to make sure that we’re
transparent about how we create the content leveraging the knowledge of our
“When you show that you’re collaborative with
various teams and stakeholders, they become
champions for your campaign.”
When you bring stakeholders into the fold, you may be surprised at how well
they respond. “When you show that you’re collaborative with various teams and
stakeholders, they become champions for your campaign,” she says. “They want
to see the marketing organization succeed, and they want to see the company
succeed. So they are invested in providing you with the right information, the
right resources, the right data, and the right insights. When you open that silo and
facilitate give and take, it enables you to build a stronger foundation, and execute
on something that’s driven through a customer-first lens,” she says. “It also helps
when having conversations with other stakeholders to be able to go in and say,
‘We worked collaboratively amongst various teams and this is what we collectively
came together with as the approach,’ because it shows them that you haven’t
created a silo as a marketing team but instead worked with your subject matter
experts and your internal partners to put together the best marketing plan.”
DeShelia Spann, Lenovo,
Campaign Manager, WW Marketing and
Communications, Data Center Group
Strong internal alignment
within an organization
around goals, objectives,
and measurement is critical
to executing a flawless
Effective collaboration
helps you create a high
quality campaign and
create champions within the
organization that are invested
in seeing it succeed.
Key Points
“As we look at the strategy for a campaign, we must
balance our collective traditional best practices with
allowing room for new innovations.”
Flawless Campaigns Rely on Clarity, Collaboration, and
According to Iris Polit, three Cs form the bedrock of any successful campaign:
clarity, collaboration, and communication. With these building blocks in place,
marketing teams can align themselves toward a common strategy, keeping
their North Star in full view as they complete their tasks. Marketers can also be
more nimble, incorporating best practices while encouraging innovation. With
the better visibility they gain into a campaign as it’s underway, marketers have a
much greater chance of ensuring flawless execution.
“Any campaign needs to start with clarity,” Polit says. “You need a team kickoff
to discuss what the goals are, who your target audiences are, and have a clear
idea of what you’re trying to accomplish with the campaign,” she says. Once the
team has a clear understanding of its campaign strategy, it must collaborate to
make meaningful progress. In Polit’s view, effective collaboration begins with
welcoming a range of voices into early conversations about campaign strategy.
“As we look at the strategy for a campaign, we must balance our collective
traditional best practices with allowing room for new innovations,” she explains.
With VMware since 2013, currently, Iris
drives marketing strategy, programs,
and content for Education Services.
During the last two decades, she has
held various marketing roles in IT and in
the non-profit sector. Iris also regularly
writes and speaks about brain hacking
and personal branding. She is co-author
of the best-selling book, Mastering the
Art of Success, and has been featured
on ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox.
Iris Polit, VMware,
Senior Manager, Global Marketing
Campaigns & Programs
This is especially true when it comes to collaboration. Marketing teams should
create a strategy and an execution plan that incorporate diverse stakeholder voices
from the beginning, including voices of dissent. Effective collaboration creates the
alignment necessary for a successful campaign. It also helps prevent potential
disruptions later in the timeline. “This way, it’s not a week before we’re supposed to
launch when somebody jumps in and says, ‘Oh, have we considered this point?,’” she
Finally, Polit advises marketing teams to maintain consistent communication
throughout the life of the campaign. “I think that’s true both for us internally as
well as externally. It’s important to set and sometimes reset expectations with
stakeholders and send out regular updates for the internal team and for the external
stakeholders to share progress, any hiccups, and how things are moving forward,”
she says. “Also it’s really important that communication incorporates two basic
tools. They’re pretty common-sense tools, but common sense isn’t always common
practice. Use calendaring and a checklist as part of those communications so that
you have quick snapshots of where you are from one update to the next.”
According to Polit, such visibility is crucial to campaign success. “We each have
our own siloed functions within marketing. If we remain siloed, that’s when that
visibility becomes murkier. Again, that’s when we really need to rely on the third C:
“The more we can automate the process, the easier
it is.”
communication. We need to pay attention to how we’re sharing regular updates,
how we collaborate as a team, and how we’re sharing progress so that we’re able to
catch all that information,” she says.
One way marketing leaders can increase the effectiveness of their communication
is through automation. “The more we can automate the process, the easier it is.
Whichever tool you end up using for your communication and collaboration, the
more you can automate that process, the easier it becomes to share those progress
updates,” Polit says. “It’s imperative that the right tools be in place. Anyone who
has ever tried to pull together stakeholder updates on a complex campaign will
tell you how painful it can be when that process is manual. So, the more you use
collaboration and communication tools that enable you to pull that update quickly,
the easier it is,” she adds.
Marketers are under more pressure than ever to execute campaigns within tight
time frames. Tending to these three critical components—clarity, collaboration, and
communication—will help them execute on strategy, operate with greater agility,
and gain the necessary visibility to execute their campaigns flawlessly even in a
demanding environment. What’s more, automated tools can help accelerate the
processes involved in planning and launching campaigns, empowering marketers to
accomplish their goals in less time.
Clarity, collaboration, and
communication are essential
for flawless campaign
When collaborating with
stakeholders, it’s wise to
consult a diverse range of
voices—even dissenting
voices—early in the campaign
planning process.
Iris Polit, VMware,
Senior Manager, Global Marketing
Campaigns & Programs
Key Points
“With that type of fluidity, lockstep integration of thought
and an agreed-upon set of shared objectives become a
real possibility.”
Flawless Campaign Execution Requires Alignment, Focus,
and Automation
Jon Moore believes that flawless campaign execution comes down to
three things: internal alignment, focus, and automation. “When you can gain
alignment and improve core coordination among different parts of the business,
you’ll be exponentially more successful,” he says. “Sales has always been our
number-one internal customer. We’re trying to help build the pipeline that’s
going to empower them to hit their revenue objectives quarter over quarter,
month over month. We’ve found that there will be siloed conversations in which
varying groups set a direction, but there aren’t a lot of conversations to ensure
agreement on all those objectives so that you can put into action a campaign
that results in wins for everyone across the board,” he adds. For this reason,
Moore says, “From my perspective, alignment really begins at the top.”
Ideally, organizations should aim to achieve not just alignment but true
integration—an approach, similar to the agile development methodology, in
which marketing motions are developed, and then iterated. “You can infuse that
agility into your delivery model, which helps safeguard your campaign against
any potential derailments. If any element of the campaign fails to unfold the
way it did in your head when you were envisioning it, you’ll still be able to revisit
Jon Moore has 15+ years of B2B,
B2C, and B2G marketing experience
in the digital philanthropy and cloud
computing industries. In his current
role as Brand Manager, Jon partners
with executive stakeholders to develop
the brand awareness strategy for
Salesforce’s Global Public Sector
Business Unit (GPS). Beyond his full-
time role, Jon serves as Regional
Co-Chair for the Black Organization
for Leadership and Development at
Salesforce (BOLDforce).
Jon Moore, Salesforce,
Brand Manager, Global Public Sector
the plan with input from sales, from your solution engineers, from your product
marketing team, and from all the stakeholders to ensure that you’re incrementally
delivering on expectations. With that type of fluidity, lockstep integration of thought
and an agreed-upon set of shared objectives become a real possibility,” he explains.
Moore also sees focus as essential to flawless campaign execution. “I’ve seen too
many campaigns limp through their launch or partially execute because of the sheer
scope of the vision or the breadth of the talent available on the team. You don’t want
to find your team spinning in circles trying to determine where to land because you
tried to do all the things that could be done rather than focusing on the things that
should be done,” he says. For this reason, he relies on two strategic resources to
achieve this focus: data and the strength of his marketing organization.
“To the extent possible, every decision should be anchored in data,” Moore says. “I
don’t ever want to put my team or myself in the position where we’re taking on the
burden of trying to justify taking any action that our numbers don’t substantiate.
Those can be hard decisions to make if you’re venturing into areas of practice where
you haven’t been able to determine what those hard measures are, but I do think it’s
necessary to lean into data as much as possible. That way, you can gain the type
of customer insights you need to key in on the right messaging, select the right
distribution channels, and invest in the right types of content,” he explains.
“Automation frees your team to think more
strategically and lean into their core competencies
with confidence.”
When tapping the strengths of your marketing organization, Moore advises, “Find
those common patterns that come to bear on the way your marketing team
executes, and then augment them. Wherever holes or shortcomings exist, fill
them with new hires or outside help so that you have a more rounded team. In the
meantime, deliver on what you can with flawless execution, and ensure, based
on the data, that those things move the needle for your internal and external
customers,” he advises.
Automation can also empower you to flawlessly execute a campaign, particularly
when it comes to engaging your external partners. “External team members or
partners are vital to the success of any campaign. These resources are most
impactful when there is some degree of automation in the way they engage with
your internal team,” Moore says. “My optimal collaborations have been when internal
and external resources come together in such a way that there’s some existing
depth of knowledge with the external team that doesn’t require knowledge of the
peculiarities of your market or the profiles of your personas,” he adds. “Automation
frees your team to think more strategically and lean into their core competencies
with confidence. That will save you time and money in the long run because you can
be far more efficient. Automation is a key ingredient that makes all our efforts sing.”
Jon Moore, Salesforce,
Brand Manager, Global Public Sector
Alignment, focus, and
automation are essential to
flawless campaign execution.
Strategic use of data, whenever
possible, can help you achieve
the necessary focus to execute
a campaign successfully.
Key Points
“A scalable approach increases your team’s ability to
To Execute Flawless Campaigns, Pursue Continuous
Katy Moses knows that marketers can struggle to strike a balance between
delivering highly personalized and relevant messaging to their customers
while getting to market quickly. “It’s not always easy to focus on how to get
personal and relevant messaging to your customer without getting lost in
the details that take too long to be first to market. The key is knowing your
customer well while making sure you’re hitting on your strategic priorities. In
some cases, being relevant means going with the vertical approach rather
than an individual personalized approach,” she says. Striking this balance while
juggling multiple priorities under tight deadlines can be a challenge. “I think
one challenge for marketers is that they have so many different solutions or
products they’re trying to cover. I look at it as a real estate map that needs
to reflect your (solution or product) priorities, your potential revenue to the
business, and relevance to the customer. Aligning those things helps,” she
says. In addition to that, “A scalable approach increases your team’s ability to
execute,” she advises.
Experienced Global Campaign Manager
with a BS in Business, and strong
expertise in the tech industry and
continuous improvement. She has held
roles focused on business development,
market research, sales, analytics,
go-to-market and business strategy in
both B2C and B2B markets. Katy’s an
active collaborator with the ability to
bring teams together in an organization
to deliver proven go-to-market plans,
execution and results.
Katy Moses, CommScope, Global
Campaign Manager
Moses builds her team’s capacity to scale through a series of continuous
improvements. “Sometimes, you see that systems or processes you’re using aren’t
effective. They’re not efficient, and they’re killing your time to market. It’s important
not get hung up on those things but instead to identify them and communicate
them to your leadership teams,” she says. If you decide that you need a new
system, tool, or process, then do your due diligence in selecting and implementing
the right one.
On one occasion, when Moses experienced a challenge like this, a centralized
solution helped her team address and overcome it. “We had this content that
aligned with our business priorities and customer needs, but then we lost
visibility,” she says. “We created a central location that multiple execution teams
could access. By creating a central repository, we created efficiency, visibility
and a nice answer to our challenge,” she adds. In addition to providing the
visibility Moses and her team sought, this centralized solution helped them more
effectively demonstrate the value of their marketing campaigns and the strong
internal collaboration that made them possible. “We were able to not only capture
everything that was happening across all the various teams and marketing
channels, but then come together as a team and share the results with the rest of
the business. We could carry it from that initial strategy and customer approach
“We created a central location that multiple
execution teams could access.”
standpoint through to execution and say, ‘Here are all the ways we’re carrying
that message out to market and most importantly here are the results.’ They
were able to see marketing’s teamwork and value to the business, which I think
is critical. Sometimes, what we miss most often in marketing is true relevance
to business and sales teams, but this time, we were able to show relevance and
bridge any previous disconnect we had.” Moses believes that marketers can apply
a similar approach to metrics and the digital tools used to analyze them. “All the
tools being used in today’s digital environment can be overwhelming and daunting
from a marketing perspective. Finding a starting point, drawing a line in the sand,
and creating benchmarks— sharing where you are in your digital process—are
important,” she says, emphasizing that finding the right metrics and tools can also
be thought of as a journey of continuous improvement. In this way, you can build
on initial successes and make steady, consistent progress toward the future state
of marketing excellence you’re trying to reach.
Katy Moses, CommScope,
Global Campaign Manager
Inefficient processes or
systems can hurt your ability
to get to market quickly.
By pursuing continuous
improvement, you can create
the capacity needed to scale
your marketing operations.
Key Points
“As tools and processes become automated and
people move toward digital platforms, the pace of
getting things launched or put out into the universe is
definitely a lot faster.”
To Execute a Flawless Campaign, Get a Strong Head Start
Mabelle Ashe believes that to stay nimble and deliver high-quality work on
time, you must get a strong head start right out of the gate. “Make sure that
all the stakeholders agree early on what the campaign strategy, tactics, and
direction are going to be. Get their buy-in on the particular resources or content
you’re going to use for the campaigns. Also, start pulling together materials
to formulate content and support the campaigns throughout the year as early
in the process as you can,” she advises. Rather than avoiding potential issues
looming on the horizon, she recommends tackling them right away. Otherwise,
she says, “You’ll find as you move along that things get even further delayed
than you anticipated.”
With marketers under greater pressure than ever to execute flawless campaigns
in shorter time frames, it’s important to address any challenges that may arise
proactively. “As tools and processes become automated and people move
toward digital platforms, the pace of getting things launched or put out into the
universe is definitely a lot faster. That means we’re under pressure to deliver a
faster turnaround from our end,” she says. Smart digital tools can accelerate
certain processes, such as uploading ads or campaign materials. That said,
content creation and approval still consume a considerable amount of time and
Mabelle is currently the Global
Campaign Manager at Sartorius
heading the CAR-T and Biologics
segment campaigns. Mabelle has over
25 years of experience in life sciences,
first as a cancer researcher and then
transitioned to Marketing. With that
experience, Mabelle has extensive
expertise in developing marketing
campaigns to effectively penetrate
the advanced therapies market
through engaging content creation,
robust demand generation, and highly
targeted channel strategies.
Mabelle Ashe, PhD, Sartorius, Global
Campaign Manager
effort on the back end. As a result, says Ashe, “The bulk of the work is really put on
us campaign managers and our teams to generate content in a timely fashion. And
that requires a lot of organization within our teams.”
To stay on track, it’s important to be clear on your priorities, have alignment
within the organization as to what those priorities are, and cultivate the kinds of
positive working relationships with your partners that can come in handy when
miscommunications or potential problems arise. It also helps to have effective
project management tools to help you gain full visibility into your projects and
keep tabs on how they’re progressing. “We’ve tackled this challenge using a project
management tool that gives the entire team involved in a project visibility into the
active tasks and their owners within that project,” she says. “This approach helps
streamline collaboration among teams. If things are delayed, you know who the
responsible party is, and the record of communication is visible to the entire team.
We also get a centralized place for all the information and files associated with the
In Ashe’s experience, technology can give your team the visibility it needs to keep
its projects on track. It can also facilitate open lines of communication, which
are critical to success. “Just using traditional email or phone calls or meetings
“You need to use available technologies to maintain
open communication with all your stakeholders at
all times.”
is limiting,” she says. “You need to use available technologies to maintain open
communication with all your stakeholders at all times. Product managers are busy:
They’re pulled in a million different directions. The same is true for your digital team
and your graphics team. That’s why you should take advantage of every opportunity
to communicate with them. That’s how you keep your projects at the forefront of
their minds and meet your timelines in this fast-paced world,” she says.
Mabelle Ashe, PhD, Sartorius,
Global Campaign Manager
Getting an early start on
your campaign will help you
confront potential challenges
before they affect your ability
to execute on schedule.
Take advantage of
technologies that can help you
gain visibility into the progress
of your projects and maintain
open lines of communication
with stakeholders.
Key Points
“We’ve implemented an agile working environment in
which we do a daily stand up that includes the main
action item owners.”
Use an Agile Approach to Execute Campaigns at Scale
In Todd Bloom’s view, an agile approach can help marketing leaders ensure
that campaigns stay on track and achieve their goals. “We’ve implemented an
agile working environment in which we conduct a bi-weekly retrospective that
includes all team members from all disciplines. We also do a daily stand up that
has the main participants attend where go through the stories, status of action
items, and blockers. The meetings keep everybody on topic and on time, and
they make sure that what they’re working on is being fulfilled. If there are any
blockers, we need to handle them immediately. “But really, the top thing from
my perspective is understanding how long it takes to get a good campaign to
market, knowing what each team member’s role is, and understanding how
those team members are working toward executing on their particular tasks.
From there, it’s about working backward from the time we need to be in-market
to get it done,” he says.
This holistic approach delivers better results in the long run, but it does require
a fair amount of upfront work, especially when it comes to collaborating
effectively with stakeholders spanning several professional disciplines. “In my
company, many different disciplines are involved: product marketing, content,
RLM, our executive team, operations, paid media, offering management —
Todd Bloom is a Sr Marketing
Campaign Manager who manages
complex marketing campaigns from
strategy planning to execution. He
handles the day to day management
of marketing campaigns including:
Strategic planning, digital marketing,
event marketing, webinar creation,
virtual event management, email
marketing, RLM and managing
outbound/inbound telemarketing
channels. He has been in the
Todd Bloom, IBM Corporation,
Sr Marketing Campaign Manager
there’s a whole slew of people,” he explains. Making sure that all these subject matter
experts are on the same page requires considerable time, especially in a high-
pressure environment that involves multiple campaigns and compact schedules.
“We have messaging tools within the company that really help with that. We can ask
questions on the fly through messaging tools and get answers right away versus
having to get on a call and really talk through it,” he says.
According to Bloom, the speed and scale at which marketing leaders are expected
to create and launch successful campaigns have only increased in recent years. “It’s
become exponentially more difficult over the past few years. I’ve been a campaign
manager for the last 10 years. Before that, I was a project manager, which is similar
to our campaign manager, except that we have more duties than a project manager.
I’m finding that we’re really busy right now compared with how we were in the past,”
he explains. Accordingly, he tries to find efficiencies that can streamline his work and
enable his team to accomplish more within a shorter time.
For example, Bloom’s team uses a variety of tools to gain visibility into campaigns
and monitor their progress. “We’ve got all kinds of tools that we use internally. We
use a project management tool to manage our projects. We also have a market
“We’ve made a lot of strides over the past couple
of years by integrating the different marketing tools
into one main tool.”
asset management tool in which we store all the assets, and then post them on the
website. So, we have many internal tools that help us keep track of where we are and
how we’re going to get to the end game,” he says.
Using multiple tools to manage individual components of a marketing program
can present challenges, however. “We had a lot of people going into multiple
applications, typing in the same stuff over and over again. Many people were doing
the same things in different tools. That really wasn’t efficient,” he says. To overcome
that obstacle and increase efficiency, his organization made a concerted effort to
integrate several of those tools to have one source of truth to our marketing. “We’ve
made a lot of strides over the past couple of years by integrating the different
marketing tools into one main tool. It kind of branches out into the other tools that
we use, and it gives us the visibility we need,” he explains. By steadily optimizing
campaign processes and systems in this way, Bloom and his colleagues are able to
remain agile as the number of projects increases and deadlines shrink, scaling their
ability to deliver high-performing campaigns on time and on schedule.
Todd Bloom, IBM Corporation,
Sr Marketing Campaign Manager
The speed and scale at which
marketing leaders are expected
to create and launch successful
campaigns have exponentially
increased in recent years.
To execute flawless campaigns
as deadlines shrink and the
number of projects increases,
create an agile working
environment, and seek
opportunities to optimize
Key Points
To effectively and efficiently orchestrate flawless campaigns and content that stand out from the competition and achieve measurable
results, marketers must continuously anticipate change and prioritize the right work.
With a centralized work management solution that integrates their entire martech stack, marketing departments can have a complete
view of their work and how it aligns with company strategy, determine which work to prioritize, and know when to pivot campaigns and
content when the unexpected happens. Using their favorite creative tools and collaborating from anywhere — in one platform — they can
quickly deliver high-value work that positively impacts business outcomes.
To learn more about how enterprise work management enables
marketers to deliver consistent results in an inconsistent market, visit
For more information on sponsoring a Mighty Guide
or sharing your insights in a Mighty Guide visit
www.workfront.com www.mightyguides.com

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Workfront: 7 Experts on Flawless Campaign Execution

  • 1. Sponsored by Experts on Flawless Campaign Execution How To Fight Chaos and Nail Your Deliverables 7
  • 2. INTRODUCTION Marketing professionals are under significant pressure to execute flawless campaigns within progressively shorter time frames. However, ensuring proper internal alignment and efficient collaboration can be challenging to say the least. With competitors racing to get their campaigns to market first, how can marketing leaders scale their campaigns and launch them on accelerated schedules without compromising on quality? With generous support from Workfront, we asked seven marketing experts for their secret to helping their internal and external team members be nimble, deliver high-quality work, and launch on time. Many of the marketing leaders with whom we spoke emphasized the importance of investing time and resources in ensuring internal alignment before a campaign begins in earnest, recognizing that it can be a heavy lift but is often well worth the effort. Others pointed out that transparency and the strategic use of data can help create exactly this sort of alignment, getting everyone on the same page—from external partners to executive leadership. Centralized systems and automation can assist with creating transparency and facilitating collaboration at scale, giving stakeholders the tools they need to carry out their responsibilities for a campaign. The essays in this eBook offer practical strategies, advice, and examples that highlight different approaches to executing flawless campaigns in a high-pressure environment. Along the way, they explain how marketing leaders can achieve the necessary alignment and agility to nimbly navigate any roadblocks that could result in costly delays and make sure that their campaigns hit their deadlines. Anyone who needs to execute exceptional campaigns consistently will benefit from the wisdom these experienced marketing professionals share. © 2020 Mighty Guides, Inc. I 9920 Moorings Drive I Jacksonville, Florida 32257 I 516-840-0244 I www.mightyguides.com Mighty Guides make you stronger. These authoritative and diverse guides provide a full view of a topic. They help you explore, compare, and contrast a variety of viewpoints so that you can determine what will work best for you. Reading a Mighty Guide is kind of like having your own team of experts. Each heartfelt and sincere piece of advice in this guide sits right next to the contributor’s name, biography, and links so that you can learn more about their work. This background information gives you the proper context for each expert’s independent perspective. Credible advice from top experts helps you make strong decisions. Strong decisions make you mighty. All the best, David Rogelberg Editor 2
  • 3. Workfront is the platform for enterprise work management. Workfront was founded to help people, teams, and companies get work done. Today, more than 3,000 organizations and 10 out of 10 of the world’s top brands use it every single day. Whether you’re designing new products, driving technology transformation, or creating global marketing campaigns, your teams have one central system of record for managing work, sharing ideas, managing complex processes and the ability to do their best work. ABOUT OUR SPONSOR 3
  • 4.
  • 5. JON MOORE Salesforce Brand Manager, Global Public Sector pg. 15 MEET OUR EXPERTS TODD BLOOM IBM Corporation Sr Marketing Campaign Manager pg. 24 MABELLE ASHE, PHD Sartorius Global Campaign Manager pg. 21 BEATRIZ FERNANDEZ Genesys Manager, Digital Strategy pg. 6 IRIS POLIT VMware Senior Manager, Global Marketing Campaigns & Programs pg. 12 DESHELIA SPANN Lenovo Campaign Manager, WW Marketing and Communications, Data Center Group pg. 9 KATY MOSES CommScope Global Campaign Manager pg. 18
  • 6. “One of the biggest mistakes I see is that strategy work is completely siloed from execution.” Give Your Campaign Stakeholders the Right Resources, and Success Will Follow Beatriz Fernandez knows that transparency and openness are essential to executing a flawless campaign. “It’s important to include every single department that’s going to be part of your campaign,” she says. “One of the biggest mistakes I see is that strategy work is completely siloed from execution. For example, you’ve built a beautiful campaign in a place where you haven’t even tapped into execution, so your stakeholders won’t be able to tell you what’s realistically possible and what isn’t.” If you involve everyone early in the process and eliminate that silo, however, these stakeholders will feel a certain ownership of the project and be more motivated to help it succeed. One smart way to do this is to create a centralized system that helps your stakeholders integrate their campaign deliverables into their existing departmental workflows. “A ticketing system brings in a project manager who can help you with the timelines,” Fernandez says. “For example, if you’re working with the creative team, those timelines are important for those team members.” By providing teams with an easier way to manage their work, you can go a long way toward ensuring that your campaign launches on time and as planned. Beatriz Fernandez is a digital strategist focused on behavioral marketing in the B2B sector. A former panelist during the 2016 New York Social Media Week and New York Brand Innovator’s Luxury eCommerce Summit, she was also one of the founding 15 high-potential influencers for Hyatt’s Global Activation Council. Beatriz currently leads digital strategy efforts for Genesys, specializing in cross-team integrated marketing strategies. Beatriz Fernandez, Genesys, Manager, Digital Strategy 6
  • 7. “The same is also important with marketing operations, a team that’s numbers driven and often overloaded with requests,” she adds. “Establish a ticketing system, and define the specific departments that are going to be taking advantage of that ticketing system.” Working backwards from the live date you have in mind, you can factor in the time the marketing operations team needs to accomplish their tasks. From there, you can submit tickets in line with your desired time frame. “If you know that John needs a lead time of eight weeks to do something, for example, you need to submit the ticket by this date and in this way,” she says. However, you only gain this visibility by including all stakeholders in the planning phase. Creating a centralized document that all stakeholders can access is another good way to streamline collaboration and ensure transparency. “That document can include deadlines you check off so that you’re also creating visibility, not only for the people at your level who are helping you with that campaign but above you in the organization, as well,” she says. In this way, it’s easier to “manage up” because leadership can better understand what’s actually happening within the campaign. “If they have visibility from the beginning, then you’re already answering the questions they’re going to ask,” she explains. “If you put in the work before you ask people to do something or to execute on your part, it makes it so much simpler for them.” 7
  • 8. As a marketing leader whose position focuses on account-based marketing, Fernandez has found this approach especially effective. “I’m a visual person, but I also have the ability to see things from an analytical perspective. I realized quickly that to get people pumped and excited about a campaign, I needed to break it down so that someone looking at a slide or a document can understand the messaging and the digital or marketing ecosystem we’re working with,” she says. This ecosystem, as Fernandez describes it, is key to helping all your stakeholders understand the campaign strategy and their role in executing it. “The ecosystem basically means breaking down every channel you’re going to use and explaining it fully, as if it were the first time anybody was actually seeing that channel or being exposed to the definition of that channel. It doesn’t have to be long—it could just be one or two slides—but it helps put everybody in tune with what’s going on. Then, everybody is able to understand the document at the same level,” she says. Providing these detailed resources up front is a lot of work, Fernandez acknowledges, but well worth the effort. “If you put in the work before you ask people to do something or to execute on your part, it makes it so much simpler for them.” When you meet your stakeholders where they are and give them the tools they need, your campaign is far more likely to meet or even exceed expectations. 88 Beatriz Fernandez, Genesys, Manager, Digital Strategy 1 2 To make sure your campaigns are executed flawlessly time and time again, you must break down any silos between strategy and execution. When you provide stakeholders with the resources they need to carry out their tasks, your campaign is far more likely to succeed. Key Points
  • 9. 9 “It’s your job to not be in a silo of creativity, to make sure that you get the right resources and experts to help guide you to success.” To Flawlessly Execute Campaigns, You Must Break Down Silos In DeShelia Spann’s experience, a flawless campaign requires careful alignment within your internal organization. “When I say alignment, I mean not just the marketing team’s executing that campaign but also the product teams and your senior leadership. You need to make sure that everyone is bought into the goals and objectives of your campaign. They must also be on the same page about how you’ll measure success,” she says. Wrap all these core elements up in a strong marketing brief that you refer back to whenever you need to. This brief helps you stay true to your goal for the campaign. Spann also places a priority on collaboration when planning and executing her campaigns. “Collaboration is essential when you want to create high quality. When you’re working on a campaign, you want to make sure you’re transparent and collaborative from start to launch. This approach helps you be more agile in how you deliver your campaign,” she says. This way, when you receive new information that necessitates a shift in messaging or your creative approach, you can quickly adapt to that and come up with an agile way to execute. DeShelia Spann is a marketing strategist with over 20 years of experience leading global campaigns, developing lead generating content, and building social media programs for B2B organizations. Her innovative approach to solving complex marketing challenges has delivered powerful results and garnered her peers’ respect. DeShelia’s unique background in technology, healthcare, education, and consumer marketing provides a great blend of industry knowledge and skills. DeShelia Spann, Lenovo, Campaign Manager, WW Marketing and Communications, Data Center Group 9
  • 10. 10 It’s also important to avoid creating a silo or allowing one to develop when working on a campaign. “Though your marketing organization creates the message and delivers it to your customers and your prospects, you need the support and the partnership of all key stakeholders within the business. If that means that you’re working with product marketing teams or solution teams, then you need to understand what problem the product solves for your customers. It’s your job to not be in a silo of creativity, to make sure that you get the right resources and experts to help guide you to success,” she says. Creating an open feedback loop in which you share the process by which your marketing team has executed a campaign can also be valuable since it helps your stakeholders understand how you work and why you made certain choices. Spann has done this when partnering with agencies to develop new content, for example. “When we’re bringing content to life our product or solution teams had a part in, we may say, ‘So here’s a final draft eBook we’ve created. Here’s the latest infographic or customer success story. We brought it to life based on what you shared and your knowledge of our customers. How does this resonate with you? Does it clearly articulate the value of what our solutions offer?’ We drive a lot of the execution and the timing on campaigns, but we also want to make sure that we’re transparent about how we create the content leveraging the knowledge of our experts.” 10 “When you show that you’re collaborative with various teams and stakeholders, they become champions for your campaign.”
  • 11. When you bring stakeholders into the fold, you may be surprised at how well they respond. “When you show that you’re collaborative with various teams and stakeholders, they become champions for your campaign,” she says. “They want to see the marketing organization succeed, and they want to see the company succeed. So they are invested in providing you with the right information, the right resources, the right data, and the right insights. When you open that silo and facilitate give and take, it enables you to build a stronger foundation, and execute on something that’s driven through a customer-first lens,” she says. “It also helps when having conversations with other stakeholders to be able to go in and say, ‘We worked collaboratively amongst various teams and this is what we collectively came together with as the approach,’ because it shows them that you haven’t created a silo as a marketing team but instead worked with your subject matter experts and your internal partners to put together the best marketing plan.” 11 DeShelia Spann, Lenovo, Campaign Manager, WW Marketing and Communications, Data Center Group 1 2 Strong internal alignment within an organization around goals, objectives, and measurement is critical to executing a flawless campaign. Effective collaboration helps you create a high quality campaign and create champions within the organization that are invested in seeing it succeed. Key Points
  • 12. 12 “As we look at the strategy for a campaign, we must balance our collective traditional best practices with allowing room for new innovations.” Flawless Campaigns Rely on Clarity, Collaboration, and Communication According to Iris Polit, three Cs form the bedrock of any successful campaign: clarity, collaboration, and communication. With these building blocks in place, marketing teams can align themselves toward a common strategy, keeping their North Star in full view as they complete their tasks. Marketers can also be more nimble, incorporating best practices while encouraging innovation. With the better visibility they gain into a campaign as it’s underway, marketers have a much greater chance of ensuring flawless execution. “Any campaign needs to start with clarity,” Polit says. “You need a team kickoff to discuss what the goals are, who your target audiences are, and have a clear idea of what you’re trying to accomplish with the campaign,” she says. Once the team has a clear understanding of its campaign strategy, it must collaborate to make meaningful progress. In Polit’s view, effective collaboration begins with welcoming a range of voices into early conversations about campaign strategy. “As we look at the strategy for a campaign, we must balance our collective traditional best practices with allowing room for new innovations,” she explains. With VMware since 2013, currently, Iris drives marketing strategy, programs, and content for Education Services. During the last two decades, she has held various marketing roles in IT and in the non-profit sector. Iris also regularly writes and speaks about brain hacking and personal branding. She is co-author of the best-selling book, Mastering the Art of Success, and has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox. Iris Polit, VMware, Senior Manager, Global Marketing Campaigns & Programs 12
  • 13. This is especially true when it comes to collaboration. Marketing teams should create a strategy and an execution plan that incorporate diverse stakeholder voices from the beginning, including voices of dissent. Effective collaboration creates the alignment necessary for a successful campaign. It also helps prevent potential disruptions later in the timeline. “This way, it’s not a week before we’re supposed to launch when somebody jumps in and says, ‘Oh, have we considered this point?,’” she adds. Finally, Polit advises marketing teams to maintain consistent communication throughout the life of the campaign. “I think that’s true both for us internally as well as externally. It’s important to set and sometimes reset expectations with stakeholders and send out regular updates for the internal team and for the external stakeholders to share progress, any hiccups, and how things are moving forward,” she says. “Also it’s really important that communication incorporates two basic tools. They’re pretty common-sense tools, but common sense isn’t always common practice. Use calendaring and a checklist as part of those communications so that you have quick snapshots of where you are from one update to the next.” According to Polit, such visibility is crucial to campaign success. “We each have our own siloed functions within marketing. If we remain siloed, that’s when that visibility becomes murkier. Again, that’s when we really need to rely on the third C: 13 “The more we can automate the process, the easier it is.”
  • 14. 14 communication. We need to pay attention to how we’re sharing regular updates, how we collaborate as a team, and how we’re sharing progress so that we’re able to catch all that information,” she says. One way marketing leaders can increase the effectiveness of their communication is through automation. “The more we can automate the process, the easier it is. Whichever tool you end up using for your communication and collaboration, the more you can automate that process, the easier it becomes to share those progress updates,” Polit says. “It’s imperative that the right tools be in place. Anyone who has ever tried to pull together stakeholder updates on a complex campaign will tell you how painful it can be when that process is manual. So, the more you use collaboration and communication tools that enable you to pull that update quickly, the easier it is,” she adds. Marketers are under more pressure than ever to execute campaigns within tight time frames. Tending to these three critical components—clarity, collaboration, and communication—will help them execute on strategy, operate with greater agility, and gain the necessary visibility to execute their campaigns flawlessly even in a demanding environment. What’s more, automated tools can help accelerate the processes involved in planning and launching campaigns, empowering marketers to accomplish their goals in less time. Clarity, collaboration, and communication are essential for flawless campaign execution. When collaborating with stakeholders, it’s wise to consult a diverse range of voices—even dissenting voices—early in the campaign planning process. Iris Polit, VMware, Senior Manager, Global Marketing Campaigns & Programs 1 2 14 Key Points
  • 15. 15 “With that type of fluidity, lockstep integration of thought and an agreed-upon set of shared objectives become a real possibility.” Flawless Campaign Execution Requires Alignment, Focus, and Automation Jon Moore believes that flawless campaign execution comes down to three things: internal alignment, focus, and automation. “When you can gain alignment and improve core coordination among different parts of the business, you’ll be exponentially more successful,” he says. “Sales has always been our number-one internal customer. We’re trying to help build the pipeline that’s going to empower them to hit their revenue objectives quarter over quarter, month over month. We’ve found that there will be siloed conversations in which varying groups set a direction, but there aren’t a lot of conversations to ensure agreement on all those objectives so that you can put into action a campaign that results in wins for everyone across the board,” he adds. For this reason, Moore says, “From my perspective, alignment really begins at the top.” Ideally, organizations should aim to achieve not just alignment but true integration—an approach, similar to the agile development methodology, in which marketing motions are developed, and then iterated. “You can infuse that agility into your delivery model, which helps safeguard your campaign against any potential derailments. If any element of the campaign fails to unfold the way it did in your head when you were envisioning it, you’ll still be able to revisit Jon Moore has 15+ years of B2B, B2C, and B2G marketing experience in the digital philanthropy and cloud computing industries. In his current role as Brand Manager, Jon partners with executive stakeholders to develop the brand awareness strategy for Salesforce’s Global Public Sector Business Unit (GPS). Beyond his full- time role, Jon serves as Regional Co-Chair for the Black Organization for Leadership and Development at Salesforce (BOLDforce). Jon Moore, Salesforce, Brand Manager, Global Public Sector 15
  • 16. 16 the plan with input from sales, from your solution engineers, from your product marketing team, and from all the stakeholders to ensure that you’re incrementally delivering on expectations. With that type of fluidity, lockstep integration of thought and an agreed-upon set of shared objectives become a real possibility,” he explains. Moore also sees focus as essential to flawless campaign execution. “I’ve seen too many campaigns limp through their launch or partially execute because of the sheer scope of the vision or the breadth of the talent available on the team. You don’t want to find your team spinning in circles trying to determine where to land because you tried to do all the things that could be done rather than focusing on the things that should be done,” he says. For this reason, he relies on two strategic resources to achieve this focus: data and the strength of his marketing organization. “To the extent possible, every decision should be anchored in data,” Moore says. “I don’t ever want to put my team or myself in the position where we’re taking on the burden of trying to justify taking any action that our numbers don’t substantiate. Those can be hard decisions to make if you’re venturing into areas of practice where you haven’t been able to determine what those hard measures are, but I do think it’s necessary to lean into data as much as possible. That way, you can gain the type of customer insights you need to key in on the right messaging, select the right distribution channels, and invest in the right types of content,” he explains. 16 “Automation frees your team to think more strategically and lean into their core competencies with confidence.”
  • 17. When tapping the strengths of your marketing organization, Moore advises, “Find those common patterns that come to bear on the way your marketing team executes, and then augment them. Wherever holes or shortcomings exist, fill them with new hires or outside help so that you have a more rounded team. In the meantime, deliver on what you can with flawless execution, and ensure, based on the data, that those things move the needle for your internal and external customers,” he advises. Automation can also empower you to flawlessly execute a campaign, particularly when it comes to engaging your external partners. “External team members or partners are vital to the success of any campaign. These resources are most impactful when there is some degree of automation in the way they engage with your internal team,” Moore says. “My optimal collaborations have been when internal and external resources come together in such a way that there’s some existing depth of knowledge with the external team that doesn’t require knowledge of the peculiarities of your market or the profiles of your personas,” he adds. “Automation frees your team to think more strategically and lean into their core competencies with confidence. That will save you time and money in the long run because you can be far more efficient. Automation is a key ingredient that makes all our efforts sing.” 17 Jon Moore, Salesforce, Brand Manager, Global Public Sector Alignment, focus, and automation are essential to flawless campaign execution. Strategic use of data, whenever possible, can help you achieve the necessary focus to execute a campaign successfully. 1 2 Key Points
  • 18. 18 “A scalable approach increases your team’s ability to execute.” To Execute Flawless Campaigns, Pursue Continuous Improvement Katy Moses knows that marketers can struggle to strike a balance between delivering highly personalized and relevant messaging to their customers while getting to market quickly. “It’s not always easy to focus on how to get personal and relevant messaging to your customer without getting lost in the details that take too long to be first to market. The key is knowing your customer well while making sure you’re hitting on your strategic priorities. In some cases, being relevant means going with the vertical approach rather than an individual personalized approach,” she says. Striking this balance while juggling multiple priorities under tight deadlines can be a challenge. “I think one challenge for marketers is that they have so many different solutions or products they’re trying to cover. I look at it as a real estate map that needs to reflect your (solution or product) priorities, your potential revenue to the business, and relevance to the customer. Aligning those things helps,” she says. In addition to that, “A scalable approach increases your team’s ability to execute,” she advises. Experienced Global Campaign Manager with a BS in Business, and strong expertise in the tech industry and continuous improvement. She has held roles focused on business development, market research, sales, analytics, go-to-market and business strategy in both B2C and B2B markets. Katy’s an active collaborator with the ability to bring teams together in an organization to deliver proven go-to-market plans, execution and results. Katy Moses, CommScope, Global Campaign Manager 18
  • 19. 19 Moses builds her team’s capacity to scale through a series of continuous improvements. “Sometimes, you see that systems or processes you’re using aren’t effective. They’re not efficient, and they’re killing your time to market. It’s important not get hung up on those things but instead to identify them and communicate them to your leadership teams,” she says. If you decide that you need a new system, tool, or process, then do your due diligence in selecting and implementing the right one. On one occasion, when Moses experienced a challenge like this, a centralized solution helped her team address and overcome it. “We had this content that aligned with our business priorities and customer needs, but then we lost visibility,” she says. “We created a central location that multiple execution teams could access. By creating a central repository, we created efficiency, visibility and a nice answer to our challenge,” she adds. In addition to providing the visibility Moses and her team sought, this centralized solution helped them more effectively demonstrate the value of their marketing campaigns and the strong internal collaboration that made them possible. “We were able to not only capture everything that was happening across all the various teams and marketing channels, but then come together as a team and share the results with the rest of the business. We could carry it from that initial strategy and customer approach 19 “We created a central location that multiple execution teams could access.”
  • 20. standpoint through to execution and say, ‘Here are all the ways we’re carrying that message out to market and most importantly here are the results.’ They were able to see marketing’s teamwork and value to the business, which I think is critical. Sometimes, what we miss most often in marketing is true relevance to business and sales teams, but this time, we were able to show relevance and bridge any previous disconnect we had.” Moses believes that marketers can apply a similar approach to metrics and the digital tools used to analyze them. “All the tools being used in today’s digital environment can be overwhelming and daunting from a marketing perspective. Finding a starting point, drawing a line in the sand, and creating benchmarks— sharing where you are in your digital process—are important,” she says, emphasizing that finding the right metrics and tools can also be thought of as a journey of continuous improvement. In this way, you can build on initial successes and make steady, consistent progress toward the future state of marketing excellence you’re trying to reach. 20 Katy Moses, CommScope, Global Campaign Manager Inefficient processes or systems can hurt your ability to get to market quickly. By pursuing continuous improvement, you can create the capacity needed to scale your marketing operations. 1 2 Key Points
  • 21. 21 “As tools and processes become automated and people move toward digital platforms, the pace of getting things launched or put out into the universe is definitely a lot faster.” To Execute a Flawless Campaign, Get a Strong Head Start Mabelle Ashe believes that to stay nimble and deliver high-quality work on time, you must get a strong head start right out of the gate. “Make sure that all the stakeholders agree early on what the campaign strategy, tactics, and direction are going to be. Get their buy-in on the particular resources or content you’re going to use for the campaigns. Also, start pulling together materials to formulate content and support the campaigns throughout the year as early in the process as you can,” she advises. Rather than avoiding potential issues looming on the horizon, she recommends tackling them right away. Otherwise, she says, “You’ll find as you move along that things get even further delayed than you anticipated.” With marketers under greater pressure than ever to execute flawless campaigns in shorter time frames, it’s important to address any challenges that may arise proactively. “As tools and processes become automated and people move toward digital platforms, the pace of getting things launched or put out into the universe is definitely a lot faster. That means we’re under pressure to deliver a faster turnaround from our end,” she says. Smart digital tools can accelerate certain processes, such as uploading ads or campaign materials. That said, content creation and approval still consume a considerable amount of time and Mabelle is currently the Global Campaign Manager at Sartorius heading the CAR-T and Biologics segment campaigns. Mabelle has over 25 years of experience in life sciences, first as a cancer researcher and then transitioned to Marketing. With that experience, Mabelle has extensive expertise in developing marketing campaigns to effectively penetrate the advanced therapies market through engaging content creation, robust demand generation, and highly targeted channel strategies. Mabelle Ashe, PhD, Sartorius, Global Campaign Manager 21
  • 22. 22 effort on the back end. As a result, says Ashe, “The bulk of the work is really put on us campaign managers and our teams to generate content in a timely fashion. And that requires a lot of organization within our teams.” To stay on track, it’s important to be clear on your priorities, have alignment within the organization as to what those priorities are, and cultivate the kinds of positive working relationships with your partners that can come in handy when miscommunications or potential problems arise. It also helps to have effective project management tools to help you gain full visibility into your projects and keep tabs on how they’re progressing. “We’ve tackled this challenge using a project management tool that gives the entire team involved in a project visibility into the active tasks and their owners within that project,” she says. “This approach helps streamline collaboration among teams. If things are delayed, you know who the responsible party is, and the record of communication is visible to the entire team. We also get a centralized place for all the information and files associated with the project.” In Ashe’s experience, technology can give your team the visibility it needs to keep its projects on track. It can also facilitate open lines of communication, which are critical to success. “Just using traditional email or phone calls or meetings 22 “You need to use available technologies to maintain open communication with all your stakeholders at all times.”
  • 23. is limiting,” she says. “You need to use available technologies to maintain open communication with all your stakeholders at all times. Product managers are busy: They’re pulled in a million different directions. The same is true for your digital team and your graphics team. That’s why you should take advantage of every opportunity to communicate with them. That’s how you keep your projects at the forefront of their minds and meet your timelines in this fast-paced world,” she says. 23 Mabelle Ashe, PhD, Sartorius, Global Campaign Manager Getting an early start on your campaign will help you confront potential challenges before they affect your ability to execute on schedule. Take advantage of technologies that can help you gain visibility into the progress of your projects and maintain open lines of communication with stakeholders. 1 2 Key Points
  • 24. 24 “We’ve implemented an agile working environment in which we do a daily stand up that includes the main action item owners.” Use an Agile Approach to Execute Campaigns at Scale In Todd Bloom’s view, an agile approach can help marketing leaders ensure that campaigns stay on track and achieve their goals. “We’ve implemented an agile working environment in which we conduct a bi-weekly retrospective that includes all team members from all disciplines. We also do a daily stand up that has the main participants attend where go through the stories, status of action items, and blockers. The meetings keep everybody on topic and on time, and they make sure that what they’re working on is being fulfilled. If there are any blockers, we need to handle them immediately. “But really, the top thing from my perspective is understanding how long it takes to get a good campaign to market, knowing what each team member’s role is, and understanding how those team members are working toward executing on their particular tasks. From there, it’s about working backward from the time we need to be in-market to get it done,” he says. This holistic approach delivers better results in the long run, but it does require a fair amount of upfront work, especially when it comes to collaborating effectively with stakeholders spanning several professional disciplines. “In my company, many different disciplines are involved: product marketing, content, RLM, our executive team, operations, paid media, offering management — Todd Bloom is a Sr Marketing Campaign Manager who manages complex marketing campaigns from strategy planning to execution. He handles the day to day management of marketing campaigns including: Strategic planning, digital marketing, event marketing, webinar creation, virtual event management, email marketing, RLM and managing outbound/inbound telemarketing channels. He has been in the Campaign. Todd Bloom, IBM Corporation, Sr Marketing Campaign Manager 24
  • 25. 25 there’s a whole slew of people,” he explains. Making sure that all these subject matter experts are on the same page requires considerable time, especially in a high- pressure environment that involves multiple campaigns and compact schedules. “We have messaging tools within the company that really help with that. We can ask questions on the fly through messaging tools and get answers right away versus having to get on a call and really talk through it,” he says. According to Bloom, the speed and scale at which marketing leaders are expected to create and launch successful campaigns have only increased in recent years. “It’s become exponentially more difficult over the past few years. I’ve been a campaign manager for the last 10 years. Before that, I was a project manager, which is similar to our campaign manager, except that we have more duties than a project manager. I’m finding that we’re really busy right now compared with how we were in the past,” he explains. Accordingly, he tries to find efficiencies that can streamline his work and enable his team to accomplish more within a shorter time. For example, Bloom’s team uses a variety of tools to gain visibility into campaigns and monitor their progress. “We’ve got all kinds of tools that we use internally. We use a project management tool to manage our projects. We also have a market 25 “We’ve made a lot of strides over the past couple of years by integrating the different marketing tools into one main tool.”
  • 26. asset management tool in which we store all the assets, and then post them on the website. So, we have many internal tools that help us keep track of where we are and how we’re going to get to the end game,” he says. Using multiple tools to manage individual components of a marketing program can present challenges, however. “We had a lot of people going into multiple applications, typing in the same stuff over and over again. Many people were doing the same things in different tools. That really wasn’t efficient,” he says. To overcome that obstacle and increase efficiency, his organization made a concerted effort to integrate several of those tools to have one source of truth to our marketing. “We’ve made a lot of strides over the past couple of years by integrating the different marketing tools into one main tool. It kind of branches out into the other tools that we use, and it gives us the visibility we need,” he explains. By steadily optimizing campaign processes and systems in this way, Bloom and his colleagues are able to remain agile as the number of projects increases and deadlines shrink, scaling their ability to deliver high-performing campaigns on time and on schedule. 26 Todd Bloom, IBM Corporation, Sr Marketing Campaign Manager The speed and scale at which marketing leaders are expected to create and launch successful campaigns have exponentially increased in recent years. To execute flawless campaigns as deadlines shrink and the number of projects increases, create an agile working environment, and seek opportunities to optimize workflows. 1 2 Key Points
  • 27.
  • 28. To effectively and efficiently orchestrate flawless campaigns and content that stand out from the competition and achieve measurable results, marketers must continuously anticipate change and prioritize the right work. With a centralized work management solution that integrates their entire martech stack, marketing departments can have a complete view of their work and how it aligns with company strategy, determine which work to prioritize, and know when to pivot campaigns and content when the unexpected happens. Using their favorite creative tools and collaborating from anywhere — in one platform — they can quickly deliver high-value work that positively impacts business outcomes. To learn more about how enterprise work management enables marketers to deliver consistent results in an inconsistent market, visit For more information on sponsoring a Mighty Guide or sharing your insights in a Mighty Guide visit www.workfront.com www.mightyguides.com CONCLUSION