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Using Predictive Analysis for optimizing Energy Management Systems
By: Smart Energy Practice, NEC Technologies India Limited
1. Introduction
“Green Energy is key to our future”, the
quote is loud and clear. We need to realize
the fact that our future existence depends
upon how we use renewable energy
resources with greater efficiency. We need
to create a self-sustained intelligent system
that can take smart decision automatically
for optimum use of energy resource
Power industry has taken many initiatives in
this direction by deploying standalone
solutions covering either solar, wind or
battery storage energy. However an
integrated solution having self-intelligence
and decision making capability is still lacking.
This has been mainly due to limited
technology usage and / or non-lucrative
business models.
This paper discusses the use of ‘Predictive
Analysis’ integrated with Energy
Management System which opens up many
new potential possibilities. System uses
mathematical analytical algorithms based on
machine learning of direct factors i.e. energy
resources data and in-direct factors like
environment impacting the energy
resources and creates energy usage patterns
and provides relevant data models. Based on
the Geo specific data model analytics, a
business logic is build and applied for
automatic selection of input energy resource
(like main Grid, Dry cell Battery, Solar Photo
Voltaic and Diesel fuel), when system should
be charging battery, how the operational
cost is optimized, carbon footprint reduction
This concept is explained by taking relevant
use case in Telecom industry for optimizing
cost of Telecom Towers (i.e. Base
Transmitting System) wherein migration
from a hybrid-source solution (i.e. Grid and
Diesel) to multi-source (i.e. Grid, Lithium Ion
/ Lead Acid Batteries, Solar, Diesel) with EMS
controller being remotely updated with
appropriate business logic based on machine
2. Need for green initiatives
The ongoing rise in the cost of diesel fuel and
other energy sources has resulted in
expenditure increase for service providers
and consumers. The global trend in reducing
our carbon footprint has also necessitated a
shift towards the development and adoption
of green initiatives.
It is very clear that fossil fuel reserves are
finite. Every year we currently consume the
equivalent of over 12 billion tonnes of oil in
fossil fuels. Crude oil reserves are consuming
at the rate of 4 billion tonnes a year [1]
. If we
carry on at this rate without any increase for
our growing population or aspirations, our
known oil deposits will be gone by 2050. This
data shows cost pressure will increase on
Page 2 of 10
every sector where fuel is used as primary
resource of energy.
Fig 1.0 Energy reserve vs yearly consumption -
From a regulatory point of view, clean-
energy technologies are well supported by
the Indian Government’s reform and subsidy
policies like RAPDRP, JnNURM to improve
power supply condition in Generation-
Transmission-Distribution sectors and
promote renewable energies.
3. Current Limitation in Telecom
Indian telecom industry is largest consumer
of diesel consumption, estimated at more
than 2.5billion liters a year. This translates to
yearly energy expense of approx. Rs 6500 Cr.
This corresponding to approx. 5.2Million
tonnes of CO2 emission which is nearly 2-3%
of total India Green House Emission (GHG).
To overcome the dependency on Diesel,
many initiatives were undertaken by
Government of India wherein Telecom
Regulatory Authority India (TRAI) released in
2011 the Green Telecommunications [2]
guidelines followed by its mandate in 2013
that requires telecom companies to use
renewable sources of energy to power at
least 50% of rural telecom towers and 20%
of urban telecom towers by 2015. By 2020,
the telecom companies have to convert 75%
of rural towers and 33% of urban towers to
run on hybrid power. The MNRE’s 2013
mandate to convert a minimum of 50,000
towers to solar photovoltaic technology
starting was another step towards ensuring
compliance for the adoption of clean energy
However, power availability is still a major
challenge for telecom towers -
 In Rural areas conventional grid power
not available and more than one lakh
villages still remain to be electrified
 Wherever grid supply is available power,
quality is poor and erratic with power cut
of 12 hours a day
 Poor power quality mainly due to
o Supply interruption
o Sudden change in voltage
o Under voltage/over voltage
o Voltage fluctuation
Due to above limitation, telecom operators
necessarily invest in providing back up
options via -
 DG Set
o Transportation, storage, pilferage,
high cost of diesel pose major
hurdles in operating DG sets.
o Causes pollution (environmental &
o Operator depend heavily on diesel
generator to power BTS towers.
 Inverter-Battery Systems
o Low voltage and intermittent supply
of electricity renders inverter-battery
Page 3 of 10
ineffective and battery doesn’t get
fully charged due to unreliable
supply of grid power.
 Solar PV / Wind Kit
o Subsidy from MNRE is only 30% on
hardware. Getting the subsidy itself
is a long process.
o Additionally, PV panel needs to be
cleaned daily for maximum output.
o Currently weather information is not
considered for optimizing the PV
As a result, telecom operators continue to
rely on expensive, environmentally-
unfriendly diesel fuel to keep their towers
From a technology point of view, currently
installed BTS Energy Management System
(EMS) controller performs priority based
switch over between available energy source
i.e. Grid / Diesel / PV/ Battery.
This simple priority based switchover can be
made more intelligent based on business
logic being function of Static inputs (Fuel
Cost) Vs Dynamic inputs (Power Outage,
Weather Information, Temperature etc…)
and Actual Value (Power, Diesel level,
Battery charge etc…) Vs Predicted Value
(Power Outage prediction, schedule for
battery charging, PV output etc….).
A Typical Green BTS with multiple energy
sources is shown below in Fig. 2.0
Fig 2.0 Green BTS Architecture
Power Grid
Diesel GeneratorLead Acid
Power Grid
Diesel Generator
Li-Ion Battery
Solar PV
Existing Base Transmitting Station GREEN Base Transmitting Station
Page 4 of 10
This combination of various inputs and using
the same effectively can help reduce the
dependency on diesel and CO2 emission.
4. Role of EMS, Renewable and
Predictive Analysis
A typical EMS system played a great role
with Lithium/Acid battery and renewal
energy sources to select the appropriate
resource to provide electricity to BTS towers.
The important questions are that given the
past power consumption and outage data,
 Can we forecast power outage
 Can we provide insight into potential
cost savings along with uses of different
energy sources?
 Can the system independently decide,
on real time basis, which energy source
to use and in which proportion?
Though traditional EMS system with
renewable energy integration perform such
optimization but there still exist a huge gap
between Planned Vs Actual figures.
E.g.: Considering a remote BTS site at Mewa
Village, Meerut having following details:
 Avg. power outage: 10hrs daily.
 Before renewable energy integration
o Energy Sources
 Grid
 DG
o DG Run Hours : 10 - 15hrs
 Post renewable energy integration-
o Energy Sources
 Grid
 Solar PV kit
 LiB Batteries
 DG
Now, telecom tower operator shall plan for
reducing the DGRH to a minimum during
outage and normal operations. Tentative
planned run hours -
Energy Source Planned Run Hours
DG <5hrs
Solar 5-6hrs
Battery 7-9hrs
However, during the actual day the above
figures are meet only up to 40-50%. This is
because the optimization planned was based
only on historical reports and real time data.
This is where data prediction can help in
achieving the planned energy source
optimization to its maximum capability by
collaborating data across two time lines –
Past + Present and predict Future events.
Fig 3.0 Predictive Analysis Framework
A Smart EMS system can be designed to
increase the optimization from 40-50% to
80-90% with help of big data predictive
analysis engine.
Page 5 of 10
has developed Heterogeneous
Mixture Learning technology for predictive
analytics for data where multiple patterns
exist and representation of data with single
equation is difficult to interpret. A new
analysis techniques has been used that
automate trial-and-error processes that
analysts have traditionally had to perform
manually in order to discover patterns in
analyzed data, namely "partitioning data"
based on conditions such as day of the week
or weather and "combining factors" that are
important in making forecasts. This enables
super-large-scale demand forecasting (for
example, sales forecasts by store and
product, energy demand forecasts, etc.) on
millions of analysis targets, something which
has been limited by conventional manual
Previously, data analysts possessing
advanced expertise had to manually perform
the processes of partitioning data and
combining factors. For instance, when
forecasting sales in a retail business, an
analyst would have to repeatedly perform
the data partitioning process based on
conditions such as day of the week and
weather, in addition to carrying out
statistical analysis of sales trends in different
store locations. Moreover, when
investigating how an important factor
combined with a certain product can
influence the sales of other types of
products, an analyst would have to form and
evaluate hypotheses for each product in
advance. Please refer Fig 4.0.
Figure 4.0 Traditional partitioning
Automation of these data partitioning and
factor combination processes, has enabled
data analysis combining a wide array of
conditions where manual analysis ran into
limitations, such as forecasting the sales of
several million types of products in the
distribution field, or forecasting energy
demand. Please refer Fig.4.1 and 4.2
Page 6 of 10
Figure 4.1 Manual to Automated Prediction
Figure 4.2 Heterogeneous Mixture Data Prediction
By simultaneously searching for multiple
patterns hidden in large volumes of data
(formulas represented by combinations of
multiple factors) and the conditions that
establish those patterns, the optimal
conditions for partitioning data can be
quickly identified from among vast
quantities of conditions.
The system automatically identifies the
optimum factor combinations needed for
prediction and forecasting from among a
large volume of candidate factors extracted
from data subject to analysis as an interim
step in the process described in above.
Applying the machine learning to our current
Telecom Tower EMS Use Case, we have
come up with two levels of implementation:
Level 1:
1. Collects direct and indirect energy
related data from sensors and transmit
to EMS Server
2. Performs Machine learning and develop
mathematical prediction model and
keeps refining automatically
3. Builds business logic based on the model
to enable EMS controller to take run time
decisions for selecting combination of
energy resource in optimum way
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Level 2:
Further EMS system can group multiple sites
in same geographical area to build
collaborative model which will give generic
prediction model and can apply for new site
at that geo location
A green BTS EMS System is deployed with
following units (refer fig 4.3):
1. Sensors units – Data collection from
direct energy resources like Diesel, Grid,
PV, Wind etc.
2. EMS Controller – Brain of BTS, Controls
EMS system & execute business logic
3. EMS Server – Store raw data of direct
and indirect energy resources of BTS site.
Input the raw data to Analytics Engine
get the refined model and update EMS
controller and business logic for better
4. Analytics Engine - Machine learning and
develop mathematical prediction model
based on the direct and indirect energy
Fig 4.3 Typical EMS Architecture
Recent research by NEC in hetero mixture
machine learning technologies have shown
that, give past data it is possible to discover
periodic patterns, and consequently predict
the outage points and duration of power
outages for a BTS station.
During the training phase, past data about
power consumption and outages is given to
HME algorithm. Also, additional features like
weather data, temperature can be given to
capture seasonal or weekly trends. The HME
engine creates a model consisting of mixture
of individual regression lines. Even non-
linear relationships are approximated by
piecewise linear models.
The statistical model, then can applied as
software service which can give forecasts for
power outages. Initial research suggests that
accuracy of up to 95% is possible for next 1
Hr forecast.
Page 8 of 10
Similar to the hourly outage prediction, we
can use the prediction engine to predict the
 Load profiling of different energy
Fig 5.0 Predictive Load Profiling
 Diesel cost and GHG emission saving
 System breakdown etc…
Prediction engines uses the following
parameters for data modelling -
Table 1.0 Prediction Engine Inputs
5. Use case
BSNL, an Indian telecom operator, and
NEDO, Japan’s technology firm, are
conducting joint discussions on utilizing solar
energy for telecom network.
Chief officials of both organizations held a
talk on the possibilities of substituting
conventional energy with solar
resources. This initiative comes after a
directive from the Prime Minister to initiate
efforts on Carbon reduction. [6]
As described in section 4, Level 1 (EMS
deployment and data collection) started in
S.No. Input Data Parameters
Parameters -
Direct, Dynamic
State Of Charge
Discharge Energy
Charge Energy
Sensor - Indirect,
Solar Sensor -
Direct, Dynamic
Solar radition W/m²
Diesel Sensor -
Direct, Dynamic
Fuel level
Cooling Unit
Power Sensor -
Direct, Dynamic
Power - R, Y, B
Current - R, Y, B
Voltage - R, Y, B
Power Factor
Grid Power -
Direct, Dynamic
Power - R, Y, B
Current - R, Y, B
Voltage - R, Y, B
Power Factor
Information -
Indirect, Dynamic
Grid Cost - Direct,
Cost per kWh
Diesel Fuel Cost -
Direct, Static
Cost per litre
Page 9 of 10
various site in India. Some snapshots are
given below of one of the site:
Fig 6.0 Site Installation Pictures
From a cost benefits perspective, already it
is proven that usage of renewable energy
source (Solar, Battery) reduces the
dependency on diesel and greenhouse gases
as shown below from a published report [7]
Fig 7.0 Reduced Diesel Consumption
It is expected that by usage of Predictive
Analysis (HME) the gross savings shall be
further increased in terms of less diesel
usage and GHG emissions.
Currently work is in progress for 20 BTS sites
in India and cost saving results a/c Predictive
Analysis shall be published post completion.
6. Benefits
Few of the benefits of this predictive analysis
can be listed as below –
 Early warning system helps in better
planning and response of service
 Higher uptime (99.9%) and compliance
to Service Level Agreement (SLA)
 Improved revenue cash flow due to
intelligent switchover between
available energy sources
o Reduced diesel consumption
o More carbon credits
o Usage of efficient Lithium Ion
battery with better performance
over traditional lead acid battery
 Flexibility to add more renewable
Page 10 of 10
7. Summary
Globally, predictive analysis is already been
used across different industry segments like:
 Smart Healthcare
 Homeland Security
 Traffic Control
 Retail
 Trading Analytics
 Online e-commerce
 Telecom etc…
In developed countries Smart Grid arena the
focus is on big data mining and predictive
analysis to provide useful data to utilities to
improve service efficiency and cash-flow.
Indian Smart Grid activities current focus is
on reliable data acquisition via different
open communication technologies. Once
data flow gets stabilized, the focus would
automatically shift on big data mining in line
with developed countries.
Hence it is imperative that we start exploring
how available predictive analysis framework
can be extended to green Initiatives like
Smart Buildings, Energy Storage Systems,
AMI, Smart Metering, Demand Response
8. References
9. Authors
 Mr. Sanjay K : Associate General Manager –
Tech. and Solutions, NEC Technologies India
BU Head – Network Embedded Application
 Mr. Aditya Kumar: Senior Technical
Specialist NEC Technologies India Limited
Smart Energy, Advance Metering
Infrastructure, EMS – ABT, Open Access,
Energy Storage System, Public Safety &
 Mr. Amit Kumar Sahu: Senior Technical
Specialist, NEC Technologies India Limited
Industrial Automation & Machine Vision,
Image processing, biometrics, IoT &
Distributed frameworks

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  • 1. Page 1 of 10 Using Predictive Analysis for optimizing Energy Management Systems By: Smart Energy Practice, NEC Technologies India Limited 1. Introduction “Green Energy is key to our future”, the quote is loud and clear. We need to realize the fact that our future existence depends upon how we use renewable energy resources with greater efficiency. We need to create a self-sustained intelligent system that can take smart decision automatically for optimum use of energy resource available. Power industry has taken many initiatives in this direction by deploying standalone solutions covering either solar, wind or battery storage energy. However an integrated solution having self-intelligence and decision making capability is still lacking. This has been mainly due to limited technology usage and / or non-lucrative business models. This paper discusses the use of ‘Predictive Analysis’ integrated with Energy Management System which opens up many new potential possibilities. System uses mathematical analytical algorithms based on machine learning of direct factors i.e. energy resources data and in-direct factors like environment impacting the energy resources and creates energy usage patterns and provides relevant data models. Based on the Geo specific data model analytics, a business logic is build and applied for automatic selection of input energy resource (like main Grid, Dry cell Battery, Solar Photo Voltaic and Diesel fuel), when system should be charging battery, how the operational cost is optimized, carbon footprint reduction etc… This concept is explained by taking relevant use case in Telecom industry for optimizing cost of Telecom Towers (i.e. Base Transmitting System) wherein migration from a hybrid-source solution (i.e. Grid and Diesel) to multi-source (i.e. Grid, Lithium Ion / Lead Acid Batteries, Solar, Diesel) with EMS controller being remotely updated with appropriate business logic based on machine learning. 2. Need for green initiatives The ongoing rise in the cost of diesel fuel and other energy sources has resulted in expenditure increase for service providers and consumers. The global trend in reducing our carbon footprint has also necessitated a shift towards the development and adoption of green initiatives. It is very clear that fossil fuel reserves are finite. Every year we currently consume the equivalent of over 12 billion tonnes of oil in fossil fuels. Crude oil reserves are consuming at the rate of 4 billion tonnes a year [1] . If we carry on at this rate without any increase for our growing population or aspirations, our known oil deposits will be gone by 2050. This data shows cost pressure will increase on
  • 2. Page 2 of 10 every sector where fuel is used as primary resource of energy. Fig 1.0 Energy reserve vs yearly consumption - Graph From a regulatory point of view, clean- energy technologies are well supported by the Indian Government’s reform and subsidy policies like RAPDRP, JnNURM to improve power supply condition in Generation- Transmission-Distribution sectors and promote renewable energies. 3. Current Limitation in Telecom Industry Indian telecom industry is largest consumer of diesel consumption, estimated at more than 2.5billion liters a year. This translates to yearly energy expense of approx. Rs 6500 Cr. This corresponding to approx. 5.2Million tonnes of CO2 emission which is nearly 2-3% of total India Green House Emission (GHG). To overcome the dependency on Diesel, many initiatives were undertaken by Government of India wherein Telecom Regulatory Authority India (TRAI) released in 2011 the Green Telecommunications [2] guidelines followed by its mandate in 2013 [3] that requires telecom companies to use renewable sources of energy to power at least 50% of rural telecom towers and 20% of urban telecom towers by 2015. By 2020, the telecom companies have to convert 75% of rural towers and 33% of urban towers to run on hybrid power. The MNRE’s 2013 mandate to convert a minimum of 50,000 towers to solar photovoltaic technology starting was another step towards ensuring compliance for the adoption of clean energy [4] . However, power availability is still a major challenge for telecom towers -  In Rural areas conventional grid power not available and more than one lakh villages still remain to be electrified  Wherever grid supply is available power, quality is poor and erratic with power cut of 12 hours a day  Poor power quality mainly due to o Supply interruption o Sudden change in voltage o Under voltage/over voltage o Voltage fluctuation Due to above limitation, telecom operators necessarily invest in providing back up options via -  DG Set o Transportation, storage, pilferage, high cost of diesel pose major hurdles in operating DG sets. o Causes pollution (environmental & noise) o Operator depend heavily on diesel generator to power BTS towers.  Inverter-Battery Systems o Low voltage and intermittent supply of electricity renders inverter-battery
  • 3. Page 3 of 10 ineffective and battery doesn’t get fully charged due to unreliable supply of grid power.  Solar PV / Wind Kit o Subsidy from MNRE is only 30% on hardware. Getting the subsidy itself is a long process. o Additionally, PV panel needs to be cleaned daily for maximum output. o Currently weather information is not considered for optimizing the PV output. As a result, telecom operators continue to rely on expensive, environmentally- unfriendly diesel fuel to keep their towers running. From a technology point of view, currently installed BTS Energy Management System (EMS) controller performs priority based switch over between available energy source i.e. Grid / Diesel / PV/ Battery. This simple priority based switchover can be made more intelligent based on business logic being function of Static inputs (Fuel Cost) Vs Dynamic inputs (Power Outage, Weather Information, Temperature etc…) and Actual Value (Power, Diesel level, Battery charge etc…) Vs Predicted Value (Power Outage prediction, schedule for battery charging, PV output etc….). A Typical Green BTS with multiple energy sources is shown below in Fig. 2.0 Fig 2.0 Green BTS Architecture Rectifier Power Grid Diesel GeneratorLead Acid Battery BTS Backup DC AC DC AC Rectifier Power Grid Diesel Generator BTS Charge/ Discharge DC AC DC AC Li-Ion Battery Solar PV MPPT EMSCOntroller Existing Base Transmitting Station GREEN Base Transmitting Station
  • 4. Page 4 of 10 This combination of various inputs and using the same effectively can help reduce the dependency on diesel and CO2 emission. 4. Role of EMS, Renewable and Predictive Analysis A typical EMS system played a great role with Lithium/Acid battery and renewal energy sources to select the appropriate resource to provide electricity to BTS towers. The important questions are that given the past power consumption and outage data,  Can we forecast power outage accurately?  Can we provide insight into potential cost savings along with uses of different energy sources?  Can the system independently decide, on real time basis, which energy source to use and in which proportion? Though traditional EMS system with renewable energy integration perform such optimization but there still exist a huge gap between Planned Vs Actual figures. E.g.: Considering a remote BTS site at Mewa Village, Meerut having following details:  Avg. power outage: 10hrs daily.  Before renewable energy integration o Energy Sources  Grid  DG o DG Run Hours : 10 - 15hrs  Post renewable energy integration- o Energy Sources  Grid  Solar PV kit  LiB Batteries  DG Now, telecom tower operator shall plan for reducing the DGRH to a minimum during outage and normal operations. Tentative planned run hours - Energy Source Planned Run Hours DG <5hrs Solar 5-6hrs Battery 7-9hrs However, during the actual day the above figures are meet only up to 40-50%. This is because the optimization planned was based only on historical reports and real time data. This is where data prediction can help in achieving the planned energy source optimization to its maximum capability by collaborating data across two time lines – Past + Present and predict Future events. Fig 3.0 Predictive Analysis Framework A Smart EMS system can be designed to increase the optimization from 40-50% to 80-90% with help of big data predictive analysis engine.
  • 5. Page 5 of 10 NEC[5] has developed Heterogeneous Mixture Learning technology for predictive analytics for data where multiple patterns exist and representation of data with single equation is difficult to interpret. A new analysis techniques has been used that automate trial-and-error processes that analysts have traditionally had to perform manually in order to discover patterns in analyzed data, namely "partitioning data" based on conditions such as day of the week or weather and "combining factors" that are important in making forecasts. This enables super-large-scale demand forecasting (for example, sales forecasts by store and product, energy demand forecasts, etc.) on millions of analysis targets, something which has been limited by conventional manual techniques. Previously, data analysts possessing advanced expertise had to manually perform the processes of partitioning data and combining factors. For instance, when forecasting sales in a retail business, an analyst would have to repeatedly perform the data partitioning process based on conditions such as day of the week and weather, in addition to carrying out statistical analysis of sales trends in different store locations. Moreover, when investigating how an important factor combined with a certain product can influence the sales of other types of products, an analyst would have to form and evaluate hypotheses for each product in advance. Please refer Fig 4.0. Figure 4.0 Traditional partitioning Automation of these data partitioning and factor combination processes, has enabled data analysis combining a wide array of conditions where manual analysis ran into limitations, such as forecasting the sales of several million types of products in the distribution field, or forecasting energy demand. Please refer Fig.4.1 and 4.2
  • 6. Page 6 of 10 Figure 4.1 Manual to Automated Prediction Figure 4.2 Heterogeneous Mixture Data Prediction By simultaneously searching for multiple patterns hidden in large volumes of data (formulas represented by combinations of multiple factors) and the conditions that establish those patterns, the optimal conditions for partitioning data can be quickly identified from among vast quantities of conditions. The system automatically identifies the optimum factor combinations needed for prediction and forecasting from among a large volume of candidate factors extracted from data subject to analysis as an interim step in the process described in above. Applying the machine learning to our current Telecom Tower EMS Use Case, we have come up with two levels of implementation: Level 1: 1. Collects direct and indirect energy related data from sensors and transmit to EMS Server 2. Performs Machine learning and develop mathematical prediction model and keeps refining automatically 3. Builds business logic based on the model to enable EMS controller to take run time decisions for selecting combination of energy resource in optimum way
  • 7. Page 7 of 10 Level 2: Further EMS system can group multiple sites in same geographical area to build collaborative model which will give generic prediction model and can apply for new site at that geo location A green BTS EMS System is deployed with following units (refer fig 4.3): 1. Sensors units – Data collection from direct energy resources like Diesel, Grid, PV, Wind etc. 2. EMS Controller – Brain of BTS, Controls EMS system & execute business logic 3. EMS Server – Store raw data of direct and indirect energy resources of BTS site. Input the raw data to Analytics Engine get the refined model and update EMS controller and business logic for better optimization. 4. Analytics Engine - Machine learning and develop mathematical prediction model based on the direct and indirect energy resources Fig 4.3 Typical EMS Architecture Recent research by NEC in hetero mixture machine learning technologies have shown that, give past data it is possible to discover periodic patterns, and consequently predict the outage points and duration of power outages for a BTS station. During the training phase, past data about power consumption and outages is given to HME algorithm. Also, additional features like weather data, temperature can be given to capture seasonal or weekly trends. The HME engine creates a model consisting of mixture of individual regression lines. Even non- linear relationships are approximated by piecewise linear models. The statistical model, then can applied as software service which can give forecasts for power outages. Initial research suggests that accuracy of up to 95% is possible for next 1 Hr forecast.
  • 8. Page 8 of 10 Similar to the hourly outage prediction, we can use the prediction engine to predict the  Load profiling of different energy inputs Fig 5.0 Predictive Load Profiling  Diesel cost and GHG emission saving  System breakdown etc… Prediction engines uses the following parameters for data modelling - Table 1.0 Prediction Engine Inputs 5. Use case BSNL, an Indian telecom operator, and NEDO, Japan’s technology firm, are conducting joint discussions on utilizing solar energy for telecom network. Chief officials of both organizations held a talk on the possibilities of substituting conventional energy with solar resources. This initiative comes after a directive from the Prime Minister to initiate efforts on Carbon reduction. [6] As described in section 4, Level 1 (EMS deployment and data collection) started in S.No. Input Data Parameters 1 Battery Parameters - Direct, Dynamic Status State Of Charge Power Voltage Current Discharge Energy Charge Energy 2 Temperature Sensor - Indirect, Dynamic Temp 3 Solar Sensor - Direct, Dynamic Solar radition W/m² 4 Diesel Sensor - Direct, Dynamic Fuel level 5 Cooling Unit Power Sensor - Direct, Dynamic Power - R, Y, B Current - R, Y, B Voltage - R, Y, B Power Factor 6 Grid Power - Direct, Dynamic Power - R, Y, B Current - R, Y, B Voltage - R, Y, B Power Factor 7 Weather Information - Indirect, Dynamic 8 Grid Cost - Direct, Static Cost per kWh 9 Diesel Fuel Cost - Direct, Static Cost per litre
  • 9. Page 9 of 10 various site in India. Some snapshots are given below of one of the site: Fig 6.0 Site Installation Pictures From a cost benefits perspective, already it is proven that usage of renewable energy source (Solar, Battery) reduces the dependency on diesel and greenhouse gases as shown below from a published report [7] Fig 7.0 Reduced Diesel Consumption It is expected that by usage of Predictive Analysis (HME) the gross savings shall be further increased in terms of less diesel usage and GHG emissions. Currently work is in progress for 20 BTS sites in India and cost saving results a/c Predictive Analysis shall be published post completion. 6. Benefits Few of the benefits of this predictive analysis can be listed as below –  Early warning system helps in better planning and response of service provider  Higher uptime (99.9%) and compliance to Service Level Agreement (SLA)  Improved revenue cash flow due to intelligent switchover between available energy sources o Reduced diesel consumption o More carbon credits o Usage of efficient Lithium Ion battery with better performance over traditional lead acid battery  Flexibility to add more renewable solutions
  • 10. Page 10 of 10 7. Summary Globally, predictive analysis is already been used across different industry segments like:  Smart Healthcare  Homeland Security  Traffic Control  Retail  Trading Analytics  Online e-commerce  Telecom etc… In developed countries Smart Grid arena the focus is on big data mining and predictive analysis to provide useful data to utilities to improve service efficiency and cash-flow. Indian Smart Grid activities current focus is on reliable data acquisition via different open communication technologies. Once data flow gets stabilized, the focus would automatically shift on big data mining in line with developed countries. Hence it is imperative that we start exploring how available predictive analysis framework can be extended to green Initiatives like Smart Buildings, Energy Storage Systems, AMI, Smart Metering, Demand Response etc. 8. References [1] HTTPS://WWW.CIA.GOV/LIBRARY/PUBLICATIONS/THE- WORLD-FACTBOOK/GEOS/XX.HTML [2] http://www.trai.gov.in/WriteReadData/Reco mmendation/Documents/Green_Telecom- 12.04.2011.pdf [3] http://www.igovernment.in/news/36171/tel ecom-towers-powered-renewable-energy [4] http://www.energynext.in/at-least-50000- mobile-towers-should-switch-to-solar-mnre/ [5]HTTP://WWW.NEC.COM/EN/PRESS/201406/GLOBAL_2 0140619_01.HTML [6]HTTP://WWW.GREENTECHLEAD.COM/2014/06/19/BSN L-NEDO-TALKS-ADOPTING-SOLAR-ENERGY-TELECOM- SECTOR-14565 [7]HTTP://WWW.BHARTI-INFRATEL.COM/CPS- PORTAL/WEB/PDF/INFRATEL-WHITEPAPER- GREENTOWERSP7.PDF 9. Authors  Mr. Sanjay K : Associate General Manager – Tech. and Solutions, NEC Technologies India Limited BU Head – Network Embedded Application Division  Mr. Aditya Kumar: Senior Technical Specialist NEC Technologies India Limited Smart Energy, Advance Metering Infrastructure, EMS – ABT, Open Access, Energy Storage System, Public Safety & Surveillance  Mr. Amit Kumar Sahu: Senior Technical Specialist, NEC Technologies India Limited Industrial Automation & Machine Vision, Image processing, biometrics, IoT & Distributed frameworks